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Acknowledgement | would lke to express my special thanks of gratitude to my English teacher, Ms, Priyanka ‘Sikri as well as-our principal Mrs. Sangeeta Bhatia, who gave me this golden opportunity to do this wonderlul project on the topic Mather Language’, which also helped me in doing a lot of research of work and | came to know about opinions of ifferent people on mother language, ‘Secondly, | would also like to thank my family and ‘tlonds who: helped mo in finalizing this project within the time limit. CERTIFICATE This is to cortify that Jonifor Baro of XIVD_ of Dolhi Public School , Duiiajan has comploted his/nor practical file under my supervision. She has completed the practical work independently and has shown utmost sincerity in completion of this file. | certify that this practical fla is up to my expectations and as per guidelines issued by C.B.S.E. Ms. Jenifer Baro. ‘Subject teacher Principal External examiner Action Plan ‘The entire project has been fulfilled following different steps and consultations with teachers, experts and peers and with reference to print and visual media. The project aims at achieving a clear understanding of the present scenario of diminishing the importance of mother tongue in our life, For the project, I read and critically evaluated our lesson “The Last Lesson” and took out the theme of “Mother Language”. I made a questionnaire using google form, and sent it to my friends and family through WhatsApp and Instagram, and collected their opinions about the topie. Along with that, { have acquired a good proficiency in general English speaking and methods of interacting with people. For the project, I carried out several researches especially the Education Policy of India that suggests the importance of mother tongue learning and communication to know about the steps we have to take to protect our own regional language. Then I analysed the data collected from the questionnaire and came up to a conclusion. HOW OUR Cael HERITAGE home de SHAPES OUR Toe STORY Inn talk ia a in lai un e understands rat ae into his: head: [ If you talk to him in his language, that goes into his heart. INTRODUCTION Soe ee Re ae eee ee ee oe Pees acetate ge a eee eC ean) leamt by a human at an early age for the desire lo express themselves to olhers, The mother language is an essential aspect in one's upbringing as it shapes the way they perceive the world and the way one expresses themselves to others. Babies tend to imitate wnat they see-oF hear. Infants are fast leamers as they acquire their mother language by imitating their parents, It is easier for children to lear languages in thele growing years than in comparison to adults leaming a new language. Having a strong grip an one's mother language also helps in creating a strong foundatian for learning additional languages. To suffice human’s social created. The extremely, our thoughts and phenomenon that is learnt by a human at themselves to others, The mother language is an essential aspect in one’s upbringing as it, way they perceive the world and the way one what they see or hear. Infé n languages Its learning a new language. f learning languages ath ferring the different structure SOE UC NURS SCnCe UT) eet Re etn antec Semone. Ne cutter person might be able to gonverse in multiple languages, but if they are spoken to in their mother language, then a sense of familiarity prevails over them. One’s mother language ig a very potent tool that heli in advancing the learning skill in people. Children Qevelop the skill of communication by conversing with their parents in their nati¥e language. And this skill of,gommunication becomes Pee OR snS Tee Coca e Coe een tert oe Learning in school plays an important role in accentuatinigthe use of mother EOE OMAR ao Reena) WeSC RCS Ota oa eetesnr enn eee mene sk keira onan) developing their terminology and concepts. Thus, children are able to follow eater ee Reus CcsinCSSMAosn st Reet ie son tcc language for discussing matters a developing their terminology and instructions and can learn effortle Questionnaire Report on Questionnaire Inference ‘As per the opinions of different poople, | have inferred and noted some points as follows: ° © As per question 2, 3 and 4, we can see thal 54% of tne people want to speak their mother language, but with family, 649% people always and 29 percent most ofthe time speak in their mother language, showing that families support speaking of mothor language. On the other hand, only 10% people speak thoi mether language in thoir officesischoolsiete. showing that English has avertaken all cther languages as a world formal language. We also see that 18% never and 13% occasionally speak their mother language inthe professional space, which is a great ‘concem. After futher research, | found that these 31% people are moaly children and teenagers, which shows thatthe current older genorations sil have affection for theit mother language, whereas the present generation is shifiing more towards English, ‘The above inforenca shows that there is huge amount of sociatal pressure on us to show ourselves as good than we actualy are in front of tne society. And, trom question &, we get that 44% of people face societal pressure, because of which they have to speck English, even i they wish to speak their mother language. Due to this, many ‘of us cannot express curselves properly and cannot be oursolves, Question § shows that most of us aro not inferior ta conversa in their mathe: language, but 18% co, rather we should d9 proud of speaking aur mether language even on international television, to which 82% of people aurees to as per question 6. From question 9, we get that when people are thinking or apeaking completely emeticnelly, then their tue se reflects and 54% of people chose their mother language, which clearly tls Ls that even if we speak English in professional spaces, we wil originally be, wno we really are, ‘And, question 10 tell us hat 82% of people are very strongly connected to their mother language. We can clearly see that since a digital boom hes taken place, everyone is being shified to ‘online work/eerning which leads to further ignorance of eur mater language. Majcrty of the people agree to this as we can see in question 11. ‘According to question 12, one half of the people think thatthe status oftheir mother language is appropriate in their country, while the other haifthirks opposite. But regardless, 85% of all ppooplo think that we should proservo our mothor language, as por quostion 13. CONCLUSION In conclusion, | observed that it is too late that we take certain fruitful steps to protect our own mother languages. For that we have to protect our own mother language from now. For that we have to take certain steps like the suggestions in the NEP 2020 compulsory primary education in one's mother language, providing even complex science and technological texts in one's own language. People should not be inferior to converse in their mother language, our mother language is our pride. 16 Student Reflections © WHAT HAPPENED: For the project I read the story and it's critical analysis, and interviewed some of my friends & family and asked about the various opinions about mother language and I inferred all of the results. © SO WHAT: This help me to understand the theme of the story and can correlate it with real life situations. It also provides me with opportunity to interact in target language with peers. This type of exposure will enrich our listening and speaking ability. © AND NOW WHAT: I prepared a detailed report of the study and findings and get ready in record for a viva Application and Future Scope From all this data, we can conclude that people have different opinions when asked about their mother language. Most of them love their mother language, some of them doesn’t. Some of them fear that their mother language is not being respected to the extent it should be, and it is important to conserve mother language. Some steps can be taken to preserve our mother language; teaching and learning in mother language, using digital and social media outlets in mother language and insisting on speaking our mother language. ‘This data can be utilized to know about the opinion of people on mother language in a country, and take certain steps to preserve it, 17 Bibliography ° Youtube eReference project °NCERT Flamingo book Class XII Google forms

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