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Reflection Questions;

1. What’s the message this documentary is trying to portray? Do you agree or disagree with
the message and why?
Yes I agree with this documentary bc it talks about they need rules and wealth.

2. The documentary explains the concept of a ‘True Democracy’, do you believe that
America is classified as a true democracy? Why or why not

True democracy is a form of democracy which decides policy of initiatves and elected.

3. What's something talked about within the documentary about American society that you
find unjust?
That the public must be in there place i’m wondering what they mean by that and how the
public would have to get into there place what are they doing wrong by i don’t know
what they mean by that im curious?
4. What do you think it means when the documentary states “Wealth (corporations) feeds
money into power, which in turn creates legislation that is in favor of those large
corporations”. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Yes i think, rich people believe they have more power especially those in larger
cooperations. Wealth has increased over time and it always provided power it has provided a
source of influence.

5. “Concentration of wealth yields concentration of political power”, what does this mean?
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Basically the same thing as number 4

6. Is there a bias in this documentary? Why or why not?

The information he was giving me wasn't bias i think when he gave me the information he
only gave me one side so I think not

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