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Asset inventory Management

Every organization has several assets associated with it and sometimes it is a struggle to track and account

for them especially in organizations that have several departments and employees. In most organizations,

the physical assets which aid in the smooth running of the company may need to be updated or repaired

from time to time. An asset is any resource owned by an organization that can be controlled to produce

positive economic value.

Problem Statement

As an organization, to keep track of all the assets and their state requires to track a lot of data which come

from multiple sources and departments. It can be difficult for the organization to allocate money for new

assets and repairs of existing ones. Currently most of this data is stored in the spreadsheets and then the

responsible department will have to analyze and decide which assets are of more urgency.

Your task is to create an asset management inventory that can centralize the information and also tracks

all the assets in an organization. The project should implement all best practices. Only authorized people

are allowed to use the app. Only the admin and the procurement admin and the finance can view all the

requests. The user can request a new asset, ask for repairs on their assigned asset. They can also see if

their request is pending, approved or rejected.

Minimum Viable Product

The first version of work that is expected must meet the following metrics:

• Allow for user authentication

• Classify users on whether they are Admin, procurement managers, or normal employees.

• Give the right to add, update, or remove data only to the right people based on their classification.

• Only Procurement manager can review and approve a request

• All data must be stored in a central location. Separate the managers views from normal users

• A manager can add assets, and add images and categories to an asset.

• A manager can allocate an asset to an employee

• A user can request for new assets or repairs through a form stating the reason and quantity and


• A manager can see all the pending requests with their urgency

• A manager can see all the completed requests.

• The user can see all their active request and all their completed requests

Technical Objectives

• All commits must be descriptive

• Before a commit is accepted, it must be reviewed by 2 members and the project lead

• Each feature must have its own branch

• All feature branches are to be deleted once the pull request is accepted.

• The project must have unit tests, UI tests, and must maintain a test coverage of above 85% for

both UI and Unit tests.

• The code should be in a modular format such that if one module of the project fails it does not

affect other modules that are not related to it.


• Backend: Flask , Python

• Database: PostgreSQL

• Wireframes: Figma (Should be mobile friendly)

• Testing Framework: Jest & Minitests

• Frontend: ReactJs & Redux Toolkit(state management)

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