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Q1: Used to measure horses, this unit of 4 inches was established by a statute of Henry VIII?

The crrect Answer is: hands

Q2: It's the 1-word equivalent of a spit roast, which rotates food while it cooks over a fire?

The crrect Answer is: a rotisserie

Q3: This class is taking forever! Time seems to be doing this, creeping forward on its hands
& knees?

The crrect Answer is: crawling

Q4: Named for an American surgeon, McBurney's incision is a cut in the lower right
abdomen used when removing this?

The crrect Answer is: the appendix

Q5: NHL teams in this Canadian city have included the Arenas, the St. Pats & the Maple

The crrect Answer is: Toronto

Q6: This author of "She" was an advisor to the British government on agriculture?

The crrect Answer is: H. Rider Haggard

Q7: She wore dozens of trendy costumes in "Clueless" but says she looks goofy offscreen --
as if!?

The crrect Answer is: Alicia Silverstone

Q8: He flew the Bell X-1 past the speed of sound October 14, 1947?

The crrect Answer is: Chuck Yeager

Q9: When Henry Hudson entered Hudson Bay, he mistakenly thought he had found this

The crrect Answer is: the Northwest Passage

Q10: Nobel Prize winner Anatole?

The crrect Answer is: France

Q11: In 1991 a 19Â ¢ stamp paid tribute to the centennial of this Manhattan concert hall?

The crrect Answer is: Carnegie Hall

Q12: In "Ramona & Beezus", Joey King was Ramona Quimby; she played her older sister

The crrect Answer is: Selena Gomez

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