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Compiled by Vincent Mbazi Mudolo


 Determining school educational programme within the limitations set by the ministry.
 Planning, organizing and directing activities of the teachers in the school and coordinating teaching
programmes through meeting with staff, including time tabling and allocation of teaching load.
 Directing or personally executing administrative and clerical activities
 Establishing and maintaining relationships between education sector and other departments like health,
agriculture, judiciary, works and all non-governmental organizations.
 Maintaining standards of the students’ discipline, cleanliness and general behaviour in the school
 Discussing progress and the problems of the individual students with parents and teachers and
recommending desirable actions.
 Preparing the budgets' estimates of the school.
 Supervising the deputy head or the heads of the department to ensure that they review and examine
teacher's work and the results achieved in application of curriculum programme or education system.
 Supervising and coordinating the implementation of changes in the curriculum in the school.
 Checking teachers' daily attendance.


 Acting as a link between the head and the teachers
 Fostering good relationship among the head, teachers, support staff and the students
 Assisting and advising the headteacher in all questions related to the educational curriculum, teaching
activities, policy, organizations and staffing.
 Coordinating all the works of the heads of department and ensuring that schemes and records of work are
prepared and submitted in time.
 Drawing up the duty rosters and time tables ie: teaching timetable, examinations timetables, preparation
timetables and extracurricular time tables
 Ensuring that all the examinations are professionally set, typed and invigilated and that they are promptly
marked and that their results are accurately entered in the progress reports and scholastic records
 Consulting and cooperating with the patrons and the chairpersons of various clubs, societies, sports and
other extra-curricular activities.
 Organizing career guidance and counselling amongst teachers and students.
 Controlling the issuing of the text books from the general stores in consultation

 Chairing the discipline committee by dealing with discipline problems which cannot be handled by the form/
duty master and patrons of the clubs and societies.
 Checking on staff and students' punctuality, attendance and presentability and dealing with matters arising
from these;
 Compiling official returns in respect of staff, pupils’ enrolment and others.
 Periodically supervising teachers on duty, prefects and monitors.
 Checking on the cleanliness and state of the school infrastructure, furniture, equipment and the grounds.
 Executing administrative and clerical works as directed by the head teacher, supervision of the support staff,
students' admission and communicating with the outside world.
 Undertaking any other duty which might be assigned by the head teacher from time to time


 Maintaining high standards of teaching throughout the department by supervising and coordinating work
done in the department.
 Ensuring that both the teaching and examination syllabus for both JCE and MSCE are made available to
 Guiding the members of the department in the preparation of schemes and records of work.The head of the
department should ensure that schemes and records of work conform to the requirements set out in the
syllabus before the work is submitted to the head teacher through the deputy head.
 Ensuring that teachers take stock of the equipment and school supplies in their department and submit the
details of the losses and damages by the students to the administration.
 Submitting to entire management requirements of textbooks and general equipment of the department in
good time.
 Coordinating the setting and administration of internal examinations in consultation with the examinations'
officer. Drafts for each test should be thoroughly checked before typing and there after correct the soft copy
as well before it is printed. A copy of each test and its marking scheme should have filed in the departmental
 Maintaining a record of any departmental teaching and learning material and textbook issued to students
and teachers.
 Convening departmental meetings to plan for activities the department is going to carry out in a particular
term and evaluate them by the end of each term and year respectively.
 preparing annual report on the work of the department and highlighting problems encountered and
suggesting ways of solving them.
 Participating in the budget estimates excise of the school before its consolidation in in the national budget.
 Undertaking any other duties which may be assigned by the head teacher from time to time.
 Ensuring that students observe punctuality for all the school activities including assemblies.
 Supervising daily and manual works within his/her week.
 Punishing offenders after classes each day. Defaulters could be punished the following morning.
 Controlling noise making during class time where the subject teacher is absent. Maintaining order during
evening studies.
 Completing the duty book at the end of each school day.
 Ensuring that every student put on school uniform in all the days in a week except on Wednesdays.
 Attending to all sick students within the week and assist them accordingly.
 Register them in the sick book.


 Creating a family atmosphere for the class so that trust and mutual understanding will reign.
 Dealing with minor issues such as lost properties, day to day routine matters including classroom
 Advising and dealing with disciplinary problems as noted by him/her or other members of staff and
encouraging strict observance of the school rules and regulations.
 Ensuring that students are always punctual for all the school activities eg. lessons, extra-curricular activities
 Ensuring that registration of students in his/her class (roll-call) is always done and filled accordingly and
not delegating to students;
 Ensuring that students have enough furniture and text books and that they are given enough training to look
after the school properties.
 7.Checking on personal cleanliness of the students, their dress and general appearance, ensuring that they
are wearing school uniform or clothes specified in the school rules and regulations and that they always keep
their room clean and tidy.
 Reporting to the deputy head the losses and damages in the classroom.
 Writing a sitting plan for the class at the back of the period register
 Handing in the school attendance register to the Deputy head on every Fridays by 5:00 pm and also handing a
duly completed register on the last day of each term.
 Appointing monitors for the class
 Assisting the career- advisor on counselling and guidance of the students
 Attending to the students' needs in his/ her class.
 Undertaking any other duties which might be delegated by the headteacher from time to time.
 Preparation of the schemes and records of works and lesson plan in various subject areas.
 Identifying and acquiring relevant textbooks for the library and class use
 Preparing TALULAR, relevant methods of teaching and assessment.
 Ensuring that the subject matter is delivered within the allocated time
 Ensuring that the safety rules of the laboratory are seriously followed and the laboratory as a whole is taken
care of by making tidy and clean
 Supervising class work, assignments, exercises, tests and practical work.
 Preparing both occasional and terminal tests, marking the tests, entering the results on the report cards
and the scholastic records.
 Monitoring the performance of the students and arranging for a make-up lesson where possible.
 Identifying the subject needs and facilities required and then make possible budget estimates and ensure the
acquisition of the need materials
 Liaising with the fellow teachers in the provision of essential information for the development of students
and efficient use of time.
 Encouraging the students to fully participate in the extra-curricular activities.
 Be an example in every conduct and deeds.
 Listing all the teaching materials, equipment and textbooks and maintain an inventory record.

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