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I. Dilema: During the final exam, you and your best friends are taking the exam to finish
school. In the middle of the test, you discover that your best friend is using his phone for
the purpose of fraud in the competition, to get a high score in order to earn a scholarship.
So how are you gonna deal with it? Shut up without saying anything or telling the teacher
to solve this problem?
II. Dilemma: You are a high-achieving 12th grader and are looking forward to entering
the university of your dream next year. But you are diagnosed with leukemia and need
nine consecutive months of treatment in hospital. You can not delay treatment but you
still want to continue your studies. How should you do in this situation?
III. Dilema: A foreign friend visited my house in Vietnam, enjoying traditional village
traditions. As he left, he kissed my wife's lips, causing me discomfort. He explained that
it was customary to say goodbye to close friends, and I felt confused. Despite the
dilemma, he kissed my lips goodbye, leaving me to reflect on the situation.
IV. Dilema: You were working on a group project as the leader. And the project was
terribly done due to your best friend irresponsibility. The result was low, and the
professor gave all the leaders the right to separate points for the teammates. Your group’s
point is just barely enough to every member to pass if shared equally. Your friend did a
bad job was a fact that known by all members, you have to give your friend lower point
than the others to keep fairness, but that means you will get your dear friend fail this
V. Dilema: When you hear that your favorite band is coming, you immediately buy a
ticket to go to your idol's concert. But your best friend unexpectedly announced her
birthday celebration at the same time as the concert. If you attend the concert, the money
you spend will not be wasted but it means you miss your best friend's most important
moment that can make her sad.

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