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DE MINH HOA SO 14 DE THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM 2022 Bién soan: Cé Trang Anh Bai thi: NGOAI NGU; Mén thi: TIENG ANH. (Dé thi cd 06 trang) Thoi gian lam béi: 60 phiit; hong ké thai gian phéit dé DAP AN DE 14 1a [2a [3D [4a 6c [7C€ [8B [9A |10B ire [DB [BB |i4D 16a [ize fise [9c [20D 21B [2B [3c |u4B BLA [32 [3B |B 26.C [27.B [28D [29.¢ [30C 36.C |37.€ [38a [39.4 |40B %B 4A [BD [OC (50B HA [QD [BB [4d LOI GIAI CHI TIET Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word those underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. laughs B. ploughs C. mouths D. clothes Dap anA Kién tate vé phat dm duéi s, es A. laughs /lefi B. ploughs /plavz’ C. mouths ‘mau6z/ D. clothes ‘klovéz/ => Dap an A c6 dudi “s” duoc phat am 1a /s/. Cac dap an con lai doe phat am 1a /2/ Question 2: Dap an A Kién tate vé phat dm ciia ngnyén am A. creative /kai’ ext B. threaten /"@retn C. breadwinner /"bredwaner A. creative B. threaten, C. breadwinner D.heary D. heavy hew => Dap an A cé nguyéa am duoe phat am la /i/. Cac dap an con Lai duoc phar am 1a /e/. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word which differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. Question 3: A. industry B. register C. optimist D. courageous Dap anD Kién tate vé trong ém A. industry /‘ tix nay cé trong 4m roi vao Am tiét thi nhat. Vi theo quy tac, trong 4m khéag bao gid roi vao nguyén am /a B. register /‘red3.a.sta/: ti nay c6 trong am 101 vao am tiét tint hat. Vi theo quy gid roi vao nguyén am /a: ic, trong am khéag bao C. optimist /’optimist!: tir nay cé trong Am roi vdo am tiét thi nhat. Vi theo quy tic. trong am khéng bao: gid roi vao nguyén am /i D. courageous /ka'rer.dges/: te niy c5 trong Am roi vao Aum tiét tt hai, Vi theo quy tac, trong am khong bao gid roi vao nguyén am /a) => Dap an D cé trong am roi vao am tiét thi hai. Cac dap an cén lai trong am roi vao am tiét thi nhat. Question 4: A. complain B. borrow C. listen D. injure Dap an A Kién tute vé trong am A. complain /kem ple: ti nay cé tong am roi vao aim tit thir hai. Vi theo quy tic, déug tr hai am tiét €6 trong 4m roi vo dm tiét thé hai. B. borrow /"bs:rau/: ti nay cé trong im roi vao am tiét thir ahat. Vi theo qn roi vao nguyén am /2/ isten /'lisaw/: ti nay cé trong ém roi vao am tiét the? nhdt. Vi theo quy tic, trong 4m khéng bao gid 10% vo nguyén am /a) D. injure / mdgar!: tir nay cé trong am roi vao am tiét thi nat. Vi theo quy tac, trong 4m khéng bao gid roi vao nguyén am /a) ‘Dap an A cé trong am 101 vao am tiét thir hai. Cac 4p an con lai trong 4m rot vao am tiét the nhit. y tic, trong am khéng bao gié Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 5: The campaign is trying to get message across that parental education plays an important sole in development of a child. A. no article-the B. a-noarticle C. the-the D.a-the Dap anC Kién tute vé mao tit *Tacd + Get the message across that + clause ~ Make someone understand that + clause: lim cho ai hiéu diéu gi + Ta c6 quy tic: The +N + of +N =>Ta ding mgo th “the” cho c hai vi te tréng niy Tam dich: Chign dich dang cé gang tmyén tai thong @iép rang gido duc cia cha me déng mét vai tr quan trong trong str phat trién cua mét dita te. Question 6: My parents could hardly afford a house in the city, so we had to settle the second best in my hometown, A. down, B. into C. for Din Dap anC Kién tute vé giéi tie * Ta cé cau tric cum tir nw sau. + Settle down: An cu lac aghiép + Settle for ~ Accept st that is not exactly what you want but is the best thatis available: chip ahan aban céi ma ban khéng thc sw mong ché nhung 1a cdi tdt nhat sin c6 6 thé: diém hién tai Theo céu triic va ngit nghia, ta choa C. su tam bo. cha Ta nha 6 thi tran ota ti dich: Bé me t6i khé cé thé mua duoc mét cin nha 6 thanh phd, vi vay ching téi phai chap nhén ngéi Question 7: She thought somebody had broken into her house last night, 2 A. hadn't they B. had they C. didn’t she D. did she Dap anC Kién thite vé cau hoi duéi *Tacd + Néu chit agit trade “think/thought™ khéng phai I, cau hoi dudi sé 1a dang phi dinh ciia chit ngu dé Dang phi dink cita cau trén sé la “didn’t she?” Tam dich: Cé ay aghi ai 48 di 46t nhip vao aha cé dy dém qua phai khéng? Question 8: She expects compensation for all direct expenses out of the accident. A.tobereceived-arising B.toreceive-arising —_C. tobe received- arisen D. to receive-arisen Dap anB Kién tate vé dong tir nguyén mau va rit gon ménh dé * Ta sit dung cum tte + Expect to do st: hi vong + G cau nay, “receive” da nr than mang nghia la nhan cdi gi (cdi ma da doc giti) nén khéng chia bi dong mong ché lam gi nia, Cén “expenses” trong cau duve higu Ia te phit sinh, nén chia theo nit gon dang V-ing (chi déng). Tam dich: Cé ay mong nhan duoc bai thudng cho tit ea cde chi phi truc tiép phit sinh vu tai nan. Question 9: His laziness caused the company to perform badly last quarter. his attitude toward the boss has put his job in jeopardy. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. In addition to Dap an A Kien thite vé lién tir * Xét cac dap an : A. moreover (adv): hon thé ntta B. however (adv): tuy ahién C. therefore (adv): do 46, vi vay D. in additionally: Ichéng cé cum nay Tam dich: Su hed: bigag cia anh ta da khién cng ty hoat dag khéng tét trong quy tneée. Hom ntka, théi 46 ciia ank ta déi véi éng chit 4a khign cong vige ciia anh ta gap nguy hiém. In addition ~ Additionally * Note: Moreover Question 10: Governments need to provide a viable to car travel in order to reduce pollution in the country A. alternation B. alternative C. alternate D. alternating Dap an B Kién thie vé tic loai * Net cae dp an: A. altemation /,a:1 tener fan/ (n): swxen B. altemative /a:l' (x): sw thay thé indn phién CC. altemate /' (x): xen ké, Ian phién D altemating: dang Ving Tam dich: Chinh phit can cung cép mot giai phap thay the Isha thi cho viéc di lai bang 6t6 ¢é giam thiéu 6 nhiém trong aude Question 11: She'd rather you anyone thet she'd losther job as a hotel manager won't tell B.wouldn'thave told C. didn'ttell D. doa’t tell Dap an C Kién thute vé danh déng tir va déng tir nguyén mau * Taco S1 + would rather + (that) + $2 + didn’t do sth: $1 mudn S2 khéng lam gi & hién tai. => Dap an C 1a hop li Tam dich: Cé ay muéa ban khéng néi v6i ai rang cé ay da mat vie lam quan IY khach san. Question 12: We have just launched our annual campaiga to improve the ___ of women’s health issues. A. credential B. profile C. portrait D. background Dap anB Kién thute vé cum tir cb dinh credential /kra'denf1/ (a): gidy wy abiém, the wy nhiém, quéc the. ching the * Ta cé cum ti saw. + The profile of one’s health: Sw quen tim vé site khoe Tam dich: Clning tdi viva hoi déng chién dich hing nam dé cai thién sur quan tam vé céc win A sttc hoe cia phu ni, Question 13: He won't retum home ven to him this morning A. until he had finished all the assignments B. until he has finished all the assignments C. till he finishes all the assignments D. as soon as he has finished all the assignments Dap anB Kién thnic vé thi cia dong tir *Tacé ‘Méah 48 chinh si dung thi TLD nén ménh 4é “until” Ichéng thé at dung thi QK, cing Ichéng thé si dung thi TLD. > Dap an B la dap an hop li. Tam dich: Anh ay sé khéng tra vé nhi cho dén khi anh ay hoan thank tat ca cdc bai tap duce giao vaio sang nay Question 14: Jack has an amazingly memory and can easily recall the capitals of three hundred different countries in the world. attentive B. reactive C. tentative D. retentive Dap an D Kién tute vé cum cé dink * Ta sit dung cum tie saw + Retentive memory: Tri nhé dai, trinhé tot Tam dich: Jack cé mét trinhé dang kin ngac va cé thé 43 ding nhé lai tind 48 iia ba trim quéc gia khée hau trén thé gid Question 15: Providing a vaccine against the pandemic virus is a issue AL scorching B. sweltering C. sizzling D. buning Dap anD Kién thite vé cum cé dinh * Ta sir dung cum tir sau: + A burning issue: Mét van dé nguy cap, can duoc giai quyét ngay Tam dich: Cung ng lai dai dich vi nit dang 1a mét van 4@ nguy cip. ap vae xin chi Question 16: Research needs the impact of play on the rest of the child’s life Ato study B. to studying C. studying D. to be studied Dap an A Kién tate vé dong tir nguyén mau * Ta sit dung cum tt + Need to do st ~ St + need +to be done ~ St + need + V-ing : Can lam gi + Tuy mhién 6 cau 16, d6ng tiechinh “study” doc hiéu theo nghia tong duong tie “ examine” nghién cit, Khao sat) nén van 06 thé chia é dang chi d6ng. Tam dich: Nghién citu cdn khao sat tac déng cha vide vui choi déi vi phan déi con lai cha te. Question 17: He talked about his incredible experience of being space, looking down on the Earth, Avon B. above Cin Diat Dap anC Kién tate vé gigi tir + Ta ding cum tt: in space: tong khéag gian Tam dich: Anh ay néivé rai aghiém dang kinh ngac cite miah khi 6 troag khong gian, ahin xudng Trai dat Question 18: Students cheating in any exam will be disqualified from all their exams. A. who found B. founded C. found D. having founded Dap anC Kién thite vé vit gon ménh dé * Ta cé: + Nhan thay cfu da cé dng th chinh 18 “will be disqualified”, thi chimg to dng tt cOn lai phai chia 1a 6 dang nit gon ménh 48 quan hé + Theo quy tic gida heoc ménh dé quan hé, ta bé dai tie quan hé. dua déng tt vé dang Ving néu né mang ghia cin €6ng; va dwa vé dang Vp2 néu a6 mang ngiia bi dong + Xét trong cau, déng tir mang nghia bi déng, do a6 ta ding Vp2 Tam dich: Hoc sinh bi phat hién gian lan trong bit Icy Icy thi nao sé bi loai khéi tit ca cac ky thi cia ho. Question 19: It my mind that it’s my friend’s birthday tomorrow and [haven't gother a present yet B. kept C. crossed D. bent Kién tute vé idiom * Ta cé idioms: + Keep/ Bear st in mind ~ Remember st: Nhé cai gi + Cross one’s mind ~ Come into one’s mind: Chot aghi téi ghia, chi cé dap an C thda man Tam dich: Téi chot nghi ring ngay mai 1a sinh nhat cia ban t6i va téi van chwa ahan duce qua cho cé ay Dua vao ns Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 20: If you have a food allergy. you should avoid any of the ingredients that can trigger an attack. A.setup B. set apart C. set back D. set off Dap anD Tir déng nghia - kién thie vé cum déng tir Tam dich: Nén ban bi di tng thc phim, ban nén tréah bat ky thinh phan nio cé thé gay ra con 46 => Trigger /'trag.a/ (0): gay 10 * Xét cic dap an: A. set up ~ establish: thank ép B. set sth apart (ph.v): cat gitt cho muc dich cu thé, dac biét C. set back ~ delay: tri hoan cai gi D. set off (ph.x): giy ra, tao ra, bat dau => Do dé: Trigger ~ set off Question 21: She gave up her job as a secretary last year and teaching is her bread and butter right now. A likelihood B. livelihood C. selfhiood D. manhood Dap anB Tir déng nghia - kién thite vé idiom Tam dich: Cé ay da tt bo céng wiéc thu ky cua minh vao nam ngoai va céng viéc giang day la ké smh nai ciia cé ay ngay bay gid. = Bread and butter (idm). ké sinh nai * Net cdc dap an: A. likelihood /'Iar Eli bd! (a): kha nang, B. livelihood /‘larv-li hud! (n): ké sinh nai C. selfhiood / “selflmud/ (n): c& tinh D. manhood /'mzen hod! (a): nhan cach => Do d6: Bread and butter ~ livelihood Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22: Theic are specific areas within the festival where children under ten years old are not allowed. A peculiar B. ambiguous C. particular D. delicate Dap anB Tit tréi nghia - kién thite vé tie ving Tam dich: Cé mét 36 khu vuc cu thé trong 18 héi Ichéng cho phép tré em duéi mudi tudi ‘=> Specific /spa'stf.rk/ (a): cu thé * Xét cac dap a A. peculiar /pr'kju:l ja! (a): Ia king. Lép di B. ambiguous /em'big jas! (a): map mé. mo hé C. particular ‘pa- tie ja le (a): cu thé, dae bit D. delicate /'del.a.kot/ (a): thank nba, thank ti => Do d6: Specific >< ambiguous Question 23: By setting up a camera system to monitor his property, the homeowner hoped he would catch trespassers or thieves. A. supervise B. revise C. overlook D. oversee Dap anC Tit tréi nghia - kién thite vé tie ving Tam dich: Bang cich lap 4t 2é théng camera gidm sit tdi san ciia minh, gia chii hy vong minh sé bit urge ke gin hoac trdm. => Monitor /’ma:na.ty/ (~): gidm sét ét cic dap a1 A. supervise /"su: po varz/ (v): giém sit B. revise /at'vawz! (v): 6n lab C. overlook /,ov.v>"'loly/ (x): lam ago, 18 i, b8 qua D. oversee /,ou va" sir/ (x): tréng nom, gidm sit => Do dé: Monitor >< overlook Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. Question 24: Fred and Jerry are discussing the time they arrive at the airport - Fred: “We should arnve at the airport two hours before flight within the country.” ~ Jerry: Traffic congestion is getting worse. A. I don’t think that’s a good idea B. You took the words right out of my mouth C. Mind your own business D. Isee your point, but can't completely agree with your solution Dap anB Tinh huéng giao tiép Tam dich: Fred va Jenry dang ban vé thai gian ho dén sin bay - Fred: “Ching t6i nén dén san ba io made chnyén bay trong mxéc.” - Jerry: ‘Un tac giao théng ngay cang nghiém trong.” *Xet cac dap an: A I don’t think that’s a good idea. Te khéng ng] ‘Khéng phi hop v6i ngit caah cia cau. 46 1a § kign hay B_ Yon took the words right out of my mouth: Cén néi dling ¥ té dd, => Hoan toin hop véi ngitcanh cA C. Mind your own business: Quan tm viée cia cau Khong phi hop véi ngit cin ctta cu. D. Ise your point, but I can't completely agree with your solution: Té hiéu § edu, nhung té khéng thé dang ¥ véi giai phap cia chu croc. => Khdng phi hop véi ngix canh cia cu Question 25: Jackis asking Justine about the destination for his summer vacation - Jack: “Have you picked your next summer destination? Italy?” - Justine: * T'm going to Thailand.” ALli's up to you B.It's onme C. Not even close D. Not amoment too soon Dap anc Tinh huéng giao tiép Tam dich: Jack dong hoi Justine vé diém dén cho Icy nghi hé cia anh dy - Jack: “Ban 4a chon didm dén mua hé tiép theo cita minh chwa? Nude ¥ thi sao ali?” - Justine: “ Minh dang dink di téi Thai Lan” *Xét cic dap ai A. It's up to you: Phu thude véo céu 45. => Khéng phit hop véi ngit canh cita cn. => Khéng phi hop véi ngit caah cita cfu B. It's on me: Day la trich nhiém ciia t6. => Khéag phti hop véi agi canh cfu, C. Not even close: Khéng han, => Hoan toan phit hop vé: ngt can cita cau D. Nota moment too soon: (moi viéc) gan nb qué muén hoge chi trong clnit it thoi gian => ding dé néi vige gi xay ra khi né gin nh qué muén, say ra vio phiit chét => Khéng phi hop véi ngit canh cia cfu. Mark the letter 4, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction on each of the following questions. Question 26: Recent research in the field has concentrated on academic support rather than integrated into A B c the wider social world of the university. D Dap anC Kién tiie vé tic lout Tam dich: Cac nghién ctvu gaa day trong linh vue nay 43 tap tung vio hé try hoc thuat hon 1a héi nhap who thé gidi x3 hdi rng lén hon cia tnémg ai hoc Ta thay déng tit chinh ciia cau la “has concentrated on” nén cum “rather than” sé lé tir n6i gitta hai danh ti'ma déng ti chinh huéag t6i. => Theo nghia dé thi 6 day khing thé ding déng tir “integrated! mtigrernd/” duroe. Do dé, ta ding “integration/ sntr grexja” dé phi hop r6i nghia cia cu. => Sita Idi: integrated => integration Question 27: She’s one of the most consistent student in her class, despite the many disadvantages she A B Cc D has experienced in her life Dap anB Kién thite vé tir vung Ta a trai qua trong doi Ta c6 cum sau: One of the most + adj dai + N(s) Theo cum 46 thi 6 day khéng thé ding danh ti & dang s6 it duoc => Sita loi: student => students dich: Cé ay 18 mt trong nhiing hoe sink kién dinh ahat trong lop, bat chip nbiéu khé khan ma cé dy Question 28: Although she has fought a long battle against cancer, she always tries to keep a positive A B c lookout on life D Dap anD Kién tite vé tir loai Tam dich: Di 4a phai chién déu lau dai v6i can bénh ung ther nung c6 van luén cé gang gitt mét cdi nhin tich cuc vé cudc séng Theo nghia a6 thi 6 day khdng thé ding “lookout” (@di quan sdt, nguéi canh gic) duge. Do dé, ta ding “outlook” (cai nhin, théi d6 voi cugc séng) d8 phi hop véinghia cia cu => Sita Idi: lookout => outlook Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions. Question 29: How long heve you been living in Viet Nam?”, said Fiona to me. A. Fiona tol me that I had bea living in VietNam for a long time B. Fiona asked me how long hed I been living in Viet Nam. C. Fiona asked me how long I had been living in Viet Nam. D. Fiona told me how long I had been living in Viet Nam Dap anC Kién thute vé cau neéng thudt Tam dich: “Ban séng 6 Viét Nam bao lau 16i?”, Fiona n6i v6i t6i Khi chuyén sang cau gidn tigp, cn phai lii 1 thi, chuyén cau hoi thank cau khang dinh. *Nét cic dap an: A. Saivé ngiv aghia B Sai vi khdng chuyén C. Ding vé ngit nghia va céu tric ctia cau twong thuat D. Sai vi phai ding “asked” dé hdi thay vi dimg “told” lang céu khang dinh Question 30: I'm annoyed that Charles forgot to invite us to his wedding ceremony. A. Charles didn’t have to forget to invite us to his wedding ceremony. B. Charles must have invited us to his wedding ceremony C. Charles should have invited us to his wedding ceremony. D. Charles might have invited us to his wedding ceremony an Kién thie vé dong tir khuyét thiéw Tam dich: Tai kho chit vi Charles quén moi chitng tdi dén du 18 cudi cia anh ay. Day 1a su that ¢ qua kh *Xét cde dip dn: A. Sai vé ngir nghia B. Sai vi céu tric: must have + Vp2: chi str suy doan logic dura trén abiing hién trong cé that 6 qua kiné C. Ding vé ngit nghia vi ciu tric Should have + Vp2: Chi mét hanh déngls ra nén lam trong qua khit hung Jai khong lam. D. Sai vé ngit aghia vi cau tric: might have + Vp2: khéng Sai mét sw vige c6 1 da xay ra alvwag trén thu t8 la Question 31: As more people come to the relief camp, our work will probably get more difficult A. The more people come to the relief camp, the more difficult our work will probably get B. More and more people come to the relief camp. more and more difficult our work will probably get. C. The more people come to the relief camp, the difficult our work will probably get more D. Our work will probably get less difficult if there are more people come to the selief camp. Dap an A Kién thite vé ciiu so sinh Tam dich: Khi cé nhigu ngw6i dén trai cthu tro, cng vide ctia ching tdi e6 Ié sé khé khan hon. * Xét cae dap an: A. Cang nluéu nguoi dén ctru tro, cng viée cita ching téi co 1é sé kkho khan hon. => Dig nghia, vita co cdu tic so sanh déng tién: The + (so sinh hou) comparative adj/ adv + S + V, the (so sinh hon) comparative adj/ adv +S +V. B. Sai vi sit dung sai ciu trite cia so sinh ding tién. C. Sai vi st dung sai cin tic eiia edu so sinh D. Sai vi ste dung sai loai cau DK Mark the letter A, B, C, on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 32: The explosion was devastating. We felt the impact of it a mile away A. As was the explosion devastating that we felt the impact of it a mile away B. The explosion was such devastating that we felt the impact of it a mile away. C. So devastating was the explosion that we felt the impact of it a mile away. D. However devastating the explosion was, we felt the impact of it a mile away. Dap anC Kién thie vé dio ngit Tam dich: Vuné kinh hoing, Ching 16i cam nhaa dvoc téc dng ctta né cach xa hang dam. *Xét cic dap an: A. Sai vi khéng cé cau trie nher vay tén tai B. Sai vi sit dung sai ciu tric cia “such” C. Vu né kinh hoang dn mntc ching t6i cam thay tac déng cua nd cach 46 mét dam. Ding ci ngt nghia va céu mite déongt ciia “so” So + adj/adv + to be/ V+S that + clause : qué......ana D. Saivé However + Adj/Adv +S +V, clause: cho dit. di atta thi shia s0 véi cau géc. Ta cé cau tric: Question 33: The process of global warming continues at its present rate. The polar bears will ultimately disappear A. But for the process of global warming continues at its present rate. the polar bears will ultimately disappear. B. Should the process of global warming continue at its present rate, the polar bears will ultimately disappear CC. Were not the process of global warming to continue at its present rate, the polar bears wouldn't ultunately disappear D. As long as the process of global warning didn’t continue at its present rate, the polar bears woulda’t ultimately disappear Dap anB Kién tiie vé dio ngit cia cau DK Tam dich: Qué trinh am Ién toan cau van tigp tuc véi téc dé hién tai. Nhiing con gau Bac Cuc cuéi cing sé bién mat. *Xét cic dap an: A. Néulkchéng cé6 qué trinh m lén toan cd véi téc 49 higa tai, céc lod giu phé bién cuéi cit: sé bién B. Néu qué trinh 4m 1éa toan cau tiép tuc véi téc d6 hién tai, gau Bac Cur cudi cing sé bién mat => Ding vé ngit nghia va cu mic dio ng cau DK leai I Should + $1 +V, $2 +will +V +... C. Néu qué trinh 4m Ia toin cin Ehéng tip me wii téc 3 hign tai, thi giu Bac Cure cudi ciing 8 khéng biga mit. Sai vé cau tnic dao nga, cau tric dao ngit ciacdu DK loai II Were + S1+ (not) + V, S2 + would + V D. Cig ndo qué trinh am lén ton cdu khéng tiép didn véi téc 46 hién tai, thi giu Bac Cyc cudi cing sé Ehéng bién mit. => Sai vé thi ciia dng ti. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 38. Financial independence is one of the many markers used to designate the crossover from childhood into young adulthood, and it’s a (34), most Americans (64%) think young adults should reach by the time they are 22 years old, according to a new Pew Research Center study. But that’s not the reality for most young adults who've achieved this age. The share of young adults who could be considered “financially independent” from their parents by their early 20s ~ an assessment based on their annual income ~has gone down somewhat in recent decades. Looking more broadly at young adults aged 18 to 29, the share who are financially independent has been (35) stable in recent decades, Overall, young men are more likely than young women to be financially independent, but this gender gap has diminished significantly. The new survey findings underscore the extent to which many young adults are Snancially reliant on their parents. (36) ‘young adults who have received financial help from their parents say at least some of it was for recurring expenses. Six-in-ten say the money weat toward household expenses such as groceries or bills, and significant shares used it to pay their tuition, rent, or mortgage. Beyond financial independence, the pace with (37), ‘young adults are reaching other markers of adulthood has slowed significantly aver the past several decades. Today's young adults are staying in school longer and are marrying and establishing their own households later than previous generations (38) . 8 growing share is living in their parents’ homes well into their 20s and even early 30s Some of these changes are linked to economic challenges, while others may sepresent a realignment of goals and priorities (Source: breadwinner D. milestones Question 34: A. springboard B. milepost Dap anB Kién tite vé ir vung *Xét cae dap an: A. springboard /’spruy ba‘sd/ (a): tauyén gap | | B. milepost /‘marlpaust/(a): cét méc cay sé (cm bén vé dong cho biét khoéng cach dén mét noi nao 45). cétméc, déu méc danh diu su thay 4éi quan trong C. breadwinner /"bred wana! (a): gia réng D. milestone /‘matl stoun’ (n): ding nhur “milepost” Ia danh tir 6 it nén D khong théa man. Tam dich: Financial independence is one of the many markers used to designate the crossovercrossover from childhood into young adulthood, and it’s a (34) most Americans (64%) think young adults should reach by the time they are 22 years old, according to anew Pew Research Center study. Die lép tdi chinh 1a mgt wong niiéu ddu hiéu duge sit dung &é chi dinh swe giao thoa gitta thei tho du vei tudi truéng thénh ctia thanh nién va a5 1a c6t méc ma hau hét ngudi My (64%) cho rang thanh nién nén dat dwroc khi ho 22 tudi, theo mét Trung tim Nghién ciru Pew méi hoc.) Question 35: A. comparatively B. approximately —_C. considerably D. significantly Dap and Tam dich: Looking more broadly at young adults aged 18 to 29, the shase who are financially independent has been (35), stable in recent decades. (Nhin rong hon vao thanh men tit 15 dén 29 tuoi, t lé hig nguét doc lap vé tat chinh da mrong di on dinh trong whiing thap ky gin day.) li! (adv): tuong dé: B. approximately /2'prokstmatli/ (adv): khoang, x4p xi (mét gid tri cu thé) C. considerably /kan'sidarabli (adv): dang ké D. significantly /s1g'nifikentli/ (adv): dang ké A. comparatively /ktom' peeratry Question 36: A. Almost B. Mostly C. Most D. Most of Dap anC Kién thute vé wong tir ‘Xét cae dap an: A. almost = nearly xp xi (com s6) B. mostly (adv): cht yéu, phan lon C. most + N(sé nlhiéu): hau hét D. most of + the +N(s6 nhieu): hau het Tam dich: (36), young adults who have received financial help from their parents say at least some of it was for recurring expenses, (Hau hét thank thiéu nién da han dieoe sw gnip a6 téi chinh tic cha me ctia ho néi ring it nhat mét phan trong sé dé Id cho cic chi phi dink ke.) Question 37: A. where B. that C. which D.who Dap an C Kién tlute vé dai tir quan hé * Net cae dap an: A. where: wang tir quan hé chi noi chén B. that : dai tly quan hé chi ca ngwoi lan vét, cé thé duge ding thay cho Who. Whom, Which troag ménh 48 quan hé thudc loai ménh 42 xéc dinh. C. which : dai tt quan hé thay thé cho danh ti chi vat. c6 chic nang lam tan agit hodc cht ngit trong ménh 48 quan hé xéc dinh va khéng xéc dink. D. who: dai tir quan hé thay thé cho nguéi Tam dich: Beyond financial independence, the pace with (37) ‘young adults are reaching other markers of adulthood has slowed significantly over the past several decades (Ngodi sue de lip thanh da cham Iai déng ké trong vat thap qua.) é tdi chink, t6c a6 cdi ma thanh nién dat diege nhimg dau méc khde cia tuéi truong Question 38: A. In addition B. In contrast C.In short D. Instead Dap an A, Kién thite vé lién tir * Net cic dp an: Ain addition: ngodi ra B. in contrast: aguge lai C. in short: t6m lai D. mstead: thay vi Tam dich: (38) growing share are living in their parents’ homes well into their 20s and even 30s. (Ngodi ra, ngay céng cé nhiéu ngudi dang séng trong nha ciia cha me ho & a6 tudi 20 va tham chi dau 30) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 t0 43. Two-thirds of people in the world will be living in cities ty 2050 and the boom will be concentrated in India, China and Nigeria, according to United Nations estimates released on Wednesday The world’s rural population will peak in a few years then decline by 2050, according to the report by the ‘UN’s population division. Tokyo is currently the world’s largest city wit 37 million people, followed by Delhi with 29 million, Shanghai with 26 million, and Mexico City and Sao Paulo, each with around 22 million inhabitants Cairo, Mumbai, Beijing and Dhaka all have close to 20 million inhabitants. However, Delhi will overtake Tokyo in top spot by around 2028. the report said. At about the same time, India is expected to surpass China as the country with the world’s largest total population. Asound 55 China and Nigeria will account for more than a third of that expansion. There will also be more megacities. In 1990, there were just 10 megacities. classed as places with populations of 10 million or more. There are now 33 megacities and by 2030, 43 megacities are projected, mostly in developing countries However, a few cities in Japan and South Korea — for example, Nagasaki and Busan ~ have experienced population decline since 2000. Several cities in Eastern Europe, such as in Poland, Romania, Russia and Ukraine, have lost population since the tum of the century. However, urbanization could be seen as positive, said John Wilmoth, director of the population division. “The increasing concentration of people in cities provides a way of more economically providing services,” he said. “We ind that urban populations have better access to health cere and education.” The concentration of populatioa may also 6 of the world population lives in urban areas today, increasing to 68% by 2050. India, help to minimize our environmental impact on the planet, he said, and help cities design policies and practices to prepare for the influx, (Adapted from https:/ Question 39: What topic does the passage mainly discuss? A. The population of cities in the future B. The new increasing trend of rural population C. The cities with the largest number of population D. The future of populations in developing countries Dap an A Doan vin chit yéu ban vé chii dé gi? (A. Dan sé iia céc thanh phé trong trong lai B. Xu hung gia tang méi cia dan sé ang thin C. Cac thanh phé cé sé dan déng ahat D. Twong lai cia din 3 6 cdc nude dang phat trién => Theo théng tin ngay dau doan van: “Two-thirds of people in the world will be living in cities by 2050 and the boom will be concentrated in India, China and Nigeria, according to United Nations estimates released on Wednesday. The world’s rural population will peak in a few years then decline by 2050, according to the report by the UN's population division.” (28 sé nguéi trén thé gidi sé séng & cdc thanh phd vao nam 2050 va sur bing né sé tap trung 6-An DS, Trung Quéc va D phén dén sé ctia Lién hop quéc, dan sé néng thon trén thé giéi sé dat dinh trong vai nam, sau & gid vio nam 2050.) => Tur do, c6 thé thay doan vaa sé ban vé “Dan sé ctta céc thinh phé trong tong lai”. igeria, theo wéc tinh ciia Lién Hop Quéc céng bd hém tint Tue. Theo bao eéo cia bg Question 40: The word “overtake” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to A. overdue B. outsinp C. keep up with D. come along Dap anB Tit “overtake” trong doan 2 déng nghia voi A. overdue / auvar' du! (a): qué han B. outstrip / aut'stmp/ (x): 4p dao, vat qué (lén hom, quan trong hon, thanh céng hon.) C. keep up with (phr.v): cép nhat duoc (tin tire. cdi méi nbat. tién tién nit): bat kip. duéi kip ai/cai gi D. come along (phr.v): dén, swat hign; tién b6, phit trién => Dwa vao ngir canh trong doan van: “Tokyo is currently the world’s largest city with 37 million people, followed by Delhi with 29 million, Shanghai with 26 million, and Mexico City and Sto Paulo, each with around 22 million inhabitants. Cairo. ‘Mumbai, Beijing and Dhaka all have close to 20 million inhabitants. However, Delhi will overtake Tokyo in top spot by around 2028, the report said (Tokyo hién Ia thanh phé lon nhdt thé gidi voi 37 triéu dan, tiép theo la Delhi voi 29 triéu, Thuong Hai v6i 26 wig, Mexico City vi Sao Paulo, méi thanh pho cé khodng 22 trigu dén. Cairo, Mumbai, Bac Kin va Dhaka déu e6 gin 20 trigu dan. Tuy nhién, Delhi sé vugt qua Tokyo o vi wi hing du véo khodng nd 2028, bao edo cho biét.) =>Ta c6. Overtake / auvear' terk/(v). vuot qua, 16 nén 1én hon ~ outstrip Question 41: The phrase “that expansion” in paragraph 3 refers to the increase of Avurban population —-B. world population ——_C. urban areas D. sural areas Dap an A Cun tie “that expansion” trong dogn 3 dim chi dén sie gia ting cia A. dn sé than thi B. din s6 thé gidi C. albting kina vue thank thi D. abtng khu we néng thén Theo ngit cnh trong bai nhu sau: “Around 55% of the world population lives in urban areas today. increasing to 68% by 2050. India, China figeria will account for more than a third of that expansion.” (Khodng 55% dén sé thé gidi song 6 céc Hu vic thanh thi ngéy nav, tang lén 68% vao nam 205 Trung Quée va Nigeria sé chiém hon mét phn ba trong sé lrong mé réug dé.) => Do a6, “that expansion” 4m chi déa “dan sé thinh thi” dn D6, Question 42 : According to the passage, some cities of the following countries have seen the downward trend in population, EXCEPT. A. Japan, B. South Korea C. Russia D. India Dap anD Theo doan van, mét sé thinh phé ciia céc quéc gia sau da chitng kién xu cong gidm dan sé, NGOAT TRU. A. Nhat Ban B. Hin Quéc C.Nga D. An D6 => Can cit vao théng tin sau: “However, a few cities in Japan and South Korea ~ for example, Nagasaki and Busan - have experienced population decline since 2000. Several cities in Eastem Europe, such as in Poland, Romania, Russia and Ukraine, have lost population since the tum of the century.” (Tig: nhién, mgt sé thanh phé 6 Nhét Ban va Han Quée din 6 ké tit nam 2000. M6t sé thanh phd 6 Dong Au, chang han nhut & Ba Lan, Romania, Nga va vi du nhue Nagasaki vé Busan - a bj sut gid Ukraine, da mat dan s6 ké tit Khi burde sang thé kei mdi) => Bang plnrong phap loai tri, ta chon D. *Note: The turn of the century: théi dim khi mét thé Icy cu thé ket thie va mét thé Icy kde bat dé Question 43: According to John Wilmoth, more people living in urban areas may reduce A. the quality of health care and education B. the people’s influence on the Easth’s environment C. the results of cities” policies and practices D. the population of the whole country Dap anB Theo John Wilmoth, nhiéu ngwei séng ¢ khu vuc thanh thi hen co thé lam giam Ac B. inh hudag ciia con agudi dia méi truéng Tri dat Ivong cham séc sttc kiée va giéo due C. két qua cba cdc chinh séch va thi tién cia cdc thanh phd D. dan sé ca mede => Theo théng tin doan cuéi: “However, urbanization could be seen as positive, said John Wilmoth, director of the population division. “The increasing concentration of people in cities provides a way of more economically providing services,” he said. “We find that urban populations have better access to health care and education.” The concentration of population may also help to minimize our environmental impact on the planet, he said, and help cities design policies and practices to prepare for the influx.” (Tuy nhién, d6 thi héa cé thé duge coi la tich cuc, John Wilmoth, gidm déc bg phan dan sé cho biét. Ong néi: “Sy tdp tring ngay céng tding cita ngwoi dan & céc thanh phd cung edp mét cach cung dp dich vu tiét kiém hon. “Chimg toi nhan thay ring nguai dan thanh thi duge tiép can v6i dich vu cham sée site Khée vé giéo duc tot hon.” Ong cho rang viéc tap trung dan eu citng cé the gitip gidm thiéu tac dong den méi truéng ctia ching ta trén hank tinh, ding thei gitip cdc thanh pho thiét ké cdc chinh sdch vé thuc tién dé chuén bi cho lan séng dan £6 tran vao.) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50. The earliest recorded festivities in honor of a new year’s arrival date back some 4,000 years 10 ancient Babylon. For the Babylonians, the first new moon following the vernal equinox heralded the start ofa new year. Throughout antiquity, civilizations around the world developed incressingly sophisticated calendars. In Egypt, for instance, the year began with the annual flooding of the Nile, which coincided swith the rising of the star Sirius. The first day of the Chinese new year, meanwhile, occurred with the second new moon afier the winter solstice. The early Roman calendar consisted of 10 moaths and 304 days. Over the centuries, the calendar fell out of syne with the sun, and in 46 B.C. the emperor Julius Caesar decided to solve the problem by consulting with the most prominent astronomers end mathematicians of his time. He introduced the Julian calender, which closely resembles the more modem one that most countries around the world use today Year's celebrations begin on the evening of December 31—New Year's Eve—and continue into the early hours of January 1. In Spain and several other Spanish-speaking In many countries, New countries, people bolt down a dozen grapes-symbolizing their hopes for the months ahead-right before midnight In many parts of the world, traditional New Year's dishes feature legumes, which are thought to resemble coins and herald future financial success: examples include lentils in Italy and black-eyed peas in the southern United States. Because pigs represent progress and prosperity in some cultures, pork appears on the New Year"s Eve table in Cuba, Austrie, Hungary. Portugal and other countries. Ring. shaped cakes and pastries, a sign that the year has come fill circle, round out the feast in the Netherlands, Mexico, Greece and elsewhere. In Sweden and Norway, meanwhile. rice pudding with an almond hidden inside is served on New Year's Eve: it is said that whoever finds the aut ean expect 12 months of good fortune. Other customs that are common worldwide include watching fireworks and singing songs to welcome the new year, including the ever-popular “Auld Lang Syne” in many English-speaking countries The practice of making resolutions for the new year is thought to have first caught on among the ancient Babylonians, who made promises in order to earn the favor of the gouls and start the year off on the right foot. (Source: https:/svww.history.cor Question 44: Which is the most suitable title for the passage? A. How January Ist becomes special. B. Best destinations to celebrate New Year C. New Year's gatherings. D. New Year's celebrations. Dap anD CHU BE VE CELEBRATIONS ¥ ndo sau day cé thé la tiéu dé pli hop nhét cho doan van? A. Ngjiy 1 thang 1 tréaén dae biét abv the nao B. Diém dén tét nat dé an ming nam méi. C. Tét sum hop *Cin ci vao théng tin dogn van: -Doam 1: “The eauliest recorded festivities in honor of a new year’s arrival date back some 4,000 years to anclent Babylon. For the Babylonians, the first new moon following the vernal equinox heralded the start of amew year.” (Céc léhgi duege ghi Iai sém nhét dé t6n vinh ngay xudt hién ctia ndim méi céch Babylon khodng 4.000 néim, Déi v5i ngueci Babylon, lin trang non déu tién sau diém phan Vernal bio ted mét nam méi bat én) ~ Doan 3: “In many countries, New Year's celebrations begin on the evening of December 31-New Year's Eve-and continue into the early hours of January L (Onhiéu quéc gia, 16 mimg ném méi bat dau vao téi ngay 31 thang 12 - dém giao thita - va tiép tuc dén aan ngay I théng 1.) => Doan nay dang thio lun vé nbimg thi vui thudng thie céc bia aa va do ‘vi ching duoc cho 14 sé mang lai may maa cho nam téi ~ Doan 4: “Other customs that are common worldwide include watching fireworks and singing songs to welcome the new year, including the ever-popular "Auld Lang Syne" in many English-speaking countries. The practice of making resolutions for the new year is thought to have first caught on among the anclent Babyloalans, who made promises in order to earn the favor of the gods and start the year off on the sight foot.” nthe cu thé trong Nam Méi (Céc phong tue pha bién Ki trén ton thé gidi bao gém-xem phio hoa vé het céc bai ht chao dén nam méi, bao gém ca “Auld Lang Syne” rét phé bién & nhiéu quéc gia néi tiéng Anh. Ngudi ta cho rang tap tue dira va quyét dpsh cho ném méi Ian dan tién xudt hién 6 nhiong nguedi Babylon c6 agi, nhig ngirsi da Inia dé kiém duoe swe wu di ctia cde vi than va bat du mét ndim méi thudn Toi.) => Do dé, tiéu dé pli hop nat cho doan van la: Lé mimg nam méi > Vi né tép trang vao cac khia cenh ahw nguén géc, phong tuc tip quén cling céc hién trong lién quan, én Nam Méi nén né phai la “celebrations (12)” thay vi ban gia dinh, ngwai than)” abu dép an C. “gatherings (sr sum hop. quay quan bén Question 45: The word “occurred” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to A. happened B. befell C. take place D. surfaced Dap anA Tir “occurred” trong doan 3 cé nghia gan nhét voi. A happen "hep en/ (v): xay ra B. befall /br'fo:V/ (x): gi xiu xay ra C. exist /ag'zzat/ (0): 18a tai D. surface /"s3:-fis/ (v): néi lén => Dua vao cau chita tir dé doan nghia cia né qua ngit canh: “In Egypt, for instance, the year began with the annual flooding of the Nile, which coincided with the rising of the star Sirius. The first day of the Chinese new year, meanwhile, occurred with the second new moon after the winter solstice.” (Vi du, 6 Ai Cép, nim bat du v6 trGn ut hang nam cita song Nile, trimg v6i sw di len ciia sao Sirius Trong thi 46, ngdy dau tién cia nam moi Trung Qué xdy va voi lan trang non thie hai sau ngdy Bong chi) => Do dé. occurred /e'ks:rd/(«): xay ra ~ happened Question 46: The word “one” in paragraph 2 refers to A. astronomer B. calendar C. sun D. emperor Dap anB Tit “one” rong doan 2 cé nghia gan nhat véi A. aba thiga vin B. lich C. mat tro1 D. hoang dé => Dua vao cau chira tir duoc quy chiéu & doan 2: Over the centuries, the calendar fell out of sync with the sun, and in 46 B.C. the emperor Julius Caesar decided to solve the problem by consulting with the most prominent astronomers and mathematicians of his time. He introduced the Julian calendar, which closely resembles the more modem one that most countries around the world use today (Qua nhiéu thé ky, lich khéng déng bé v6i mat tréi, va véo ném 46 tmeée Cong nguyen, hodng dé Julius Caesar quyét dinh gidi quyét vin dé bing cach tham khéo y\ kién ctia cde nhé thién vin hoc va todn hoc 1I6i lac nhat trong thei dai ctia éng. Ong gidi thigu lich Julian, gén giéng véilich hign dai hon ma hu hét cic quéc gia trén thé gic sir dung ngay nay.) — Ter “one” 6 day duoc ding dé thay thé cho “calendar” 6 ménh 8 trxée 46 Question 47: According to paragraph 3, revelers often enjoy specific meals and snacks during New Year because A. they are thought to bestow’ good luck for the coming year B. each represents the history and evolution of each country. C. people want to enjoy their fevorite foods in this special holiday D. they are on discount. thus cheaper, at this time of the year Dap an A Theo doan 3, nhitg nguéi vui choi throng thueéng tute céc bita an vé dé an nhe cu thé trong Nam Méi vi A. ching duoc cho la sé mang lai may man cho nim téi B. méi ngwéi dai dién cho lich st va sir phat trién cia mdi quic gia C. moi ngudi muda thuong thir nhimg mon én yéu thich clia ho trong ngay 18 dac biét nay D. ching diroe gidm gia, do dé ré hon vao théi diém nay trong nam. *Can ctr vao thong tin & oan “In many countries, New Year's celebrations begin on the evening of December 31-New Year’s Eve-and continue into the early hours of January 1. In Spain and several other Spanish- speaking countries, people bolt down a dozen grapes-symbolizing their hopes for the months ahead-right before midnight. In many parts of the world, traditional New Year’s dishes feature legumes, which are thought to resemble coins and herald future financial success: examples include lentils in Italy and black-eyed peas in the southem United States. Because pigs represent progress and prosperity in some cultures, pork appears on the New Year's Eve table in Cuba, Austria, Hungary, Portugal and other countries. Ring- shaped cakes and pastries, a sign that the year has come full circle, round out the feast in the Netherlands, Mexico, Greece and elsewhere. In Sweden and Norway, meanwhile, rice pudding with an almond hidden inside is served on New Year's Exe, it is said that whoever finds the nut can expect 12 months of good fortune (O nhiéu quéc gia, 16 mimg nam méi bat dau vao tai ngdy 31 thang 12 - dém giao thita - va tiép tuc dén au ngay 1 théng 1. O Tay Ban Nha va mot s6 quée gia ndi néng Tay Ban Nia Rhdc, nguedi dan tréug mét té uho neong trieng cho hy vong ctia ho uhimg thing sip téi-ngay trtdc nita dém. O nhiéu noi tren thé giéi, ede mén an truyén thong ctia nim méi c6 cic loai dau, duge cho la giong tién xu va bio tude sir thanh cong vé wii chink trong trong lai; cdc vi du bao gém du lang 6 Y vai du mit den 6 mién nam Hoa Ki. Vilon negng trung cho ste tién b6 vé thin vicoug 6 mét sé nén van héa, nén thit lon xudt hién trén ban tiéc dém giao thiea 6 Cuba, do, Hungary, B6 Déo Nha va céc medc khéc. Binh ngot vi bank ngot hinh chiéc nhén, mot dau hiéu cho thay mé ay, lam trén bita nec & Ha Lan, Mexico, Hy Lap vé cdc noi khéc. Trong khi dé, & Thuy Dién va Na Uy, banh gao v6i mgt qué hanh én ben it nam da dén tron trong dirge phuc vu vao dém giao thira; nguéi ta néi rng bat ctr ai tim thay hat cé thé mong doi 12 thang may min) Nhv vay, nbimg ngwoi vi choi thuong thudng thie cic bita an va dé an ahe cu thé trong Nam Mi vi chring duroe cho 1a sé mang lai may min cho nam t6i Question 48: The word “favor” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to A. assistance B. permission C. partiality D. goodwill Dap an D Tit “favor” trong doan 4 ém chi ti. A. assistance /2'sts.tans/ (x). su giip do B. permission /pe'muf en/ (n): su cho phép | C partiality / pa: fi'zla ti! (n): tinh khéng céng bang, swim ai hodc cam gide yén mén ai rat nhién. D. goodwill /gud'wil/ (n): thign chi, cém gidc than thién 46i véi ngwéi khéc => Dwa vao cau chita tir dé doan nghia cia né qua ngir canh: “Other customs thet are common worldwide include watching fireworks and singing songs to weleome the new year, inchuding the ever-popular “Auld Lang Syne" ia many Englich-speaking countries. The practice of making sesolutions for the new year is thought to have first caught on among the ancient Babylonians who made promises in order to eam the favor of the gods and start the year off on the right foot” ié gidi bao gém xem phéo hoa vé hat céc bai hat chéo dén nam (Céc phong tuc phé bién Khde trén ton th méi, bao gém ca “Auld Lang Syne" rat pho bién & nhiéu quéc gia néi tiéng Anh. Nguoi ta cho rang tap tuc diea va nhitag Khac phuc vi cam két cho nam méi lin déu tién xudt inén & nhimg nguoi Babylon c6 dai, nhing nguéi da hita dé nhén duoc su wn di ctia cée vi than va bat du mgt ndm méi thudn loi.) => Do 46: favor /'fer.var/ (a): sw wu ai, sv déi dai rong Ivong dac biét hen so véi ngwoi khac ~ partiality Question 49: According to the passage, which is NOT mentioned as. common tradition ducing New Year? A. Watching fireworks displays. B. Eating special New Year's foods C. Dropping a giant ball from the sky. D. Making resolutions for the next year Dap anC Theo doan van, diéu nao KHONG duoc uhac dén nlur mét tuc Ié throng thay trong ngay Tét? A. Xem bia phéo hoa B. An ahimg mon in dac tiét cita nim méi C. Tha mét qua can khong 16 ne tén trdi xudng. D. Duara uhting kisic phuc va cam két cho nam sau. *Ciin cit vao théng tin dogn van: = Doan 3: “In many countries, New Year's celebrations begin on the evening of December 31-New Year's Eve-and continue into the early hours of January |. In Spain and several other Spanish- speaking countries, people bolt down a dozen grapes-symbolizing theis hopes for the months chead-right before midnight. In many parts of the world, traditional New Year's dishes feature legumes, which are thought to resemble coins and herald future financial success; examples include lentils in Italy and black-eyed peas in the southern United States. Because pigs represent progress and prosperity in some cultures, pork appears on the New Year’s Eve table in Cuba, Austria, Hungary, Portugal and other countries. Ring- shaped cakes and pastries, a sign that the year has come full circle, round out the feast in the Netherlands, Mexico, Gieece and elsewhere. In Sweden and Norway, meanwhile, rice pudding with an almond hidden inside is served on New Year's Eve: it is said that whoever finds the aut can expect 12 months of good fortune (O nhieu quéc gia, 1é mimg ném mai bat dau vao toi ngay 31 thang 12 dau ngay 1 thang 1. O Tay Ban Nha vi mét sé qude gia néi tiéng Téy Ban Nha khdc, ngwoi dan tréng mot té nho neong meng cho hy vong ciia ho nhimg thing neéc-ngay nuée mia dém. O nhiéu noi trén thé giéi, céte mén an truvén théng cia ndim méi e6 céc logi déu, doe cho la gidng tién xu vd béo truede sy think cOng vé téi chinh trong tong lai; cdc vi du bao gém déu lang & ¥ va dgu mét den & mién nam Hoa Ky. Vi Jon tong tung cho ste tién b6 va thinh vwong 6 mgt sé nén van héa, nén thit lon xudt hién trén bein tige dém giao thita & Cuba, do, Hungary, Bé Dao Nha va cdc meéc khdc. Banh ngot va banh ngot hinh chiéc nhén, mét ddu hiéu cho théy mét nam da dén tron day, ldm tron bita tiéc 6 Ha Lan, Mexico, Hy Lap va dém giao thita - vd tiép tuc dén ede noi khée. Trong khi &6, 6 Thuy Bién va Na Up, bénh gaovéi mét qua hanh én bén trong doe phue ww vo dém giao thira; nguési ta ndi réng bat eit ai tim thay hat cé thé mong der 12 thang may min.) => Dap anB ding. - Doan 4: “Other customs that are common worldwide include watching fireworks and singing songs to welcome the new year, including the ever-popular “Auld Lang Syne” in many English-speaking countries. The practice of making resolutions for the new year is thought to have first caught on among the anclent Babyloalans, who made promises in order to eam the favor of the gods and start the year off on the right foot.” (Céc phong tuc phd bién khdc trén toan ihé gigi bao gém xem phdo hoa va hat cde bai hat chéo dén nam méi, bao gm ca “Auld Lang Syne” rat pho bién & nhiéu quéc gia néi tiéng Anh, Newéi ta cho rang tép tuc dia ra sr khite phuc va cam két cho nam mdi lin dau tién xudt hién & nhimg nguéi Babylon cé qi, nhimg nguoi da hica dé kiém diege sue teu di cia cae vj than va bat du mot ndim moi thugn loi.) => Dap an A, D ating ‘Bang pluoug phap loai tl, ta chon dap an C. Question 50: Which statements is NOT tme. according to the passage? A. Civilizations over the world have celebrated the start of a year for at least 4 millennia B. The New Year's Day served an important political purpose for the ancient Babylonians C. Nations across the world typically pinned the first day of a year to an astronomical event. D. To sealign the Roman calendar with the sun, Julius Caesar introduced his Julian calendar Dap anB Theo doan van khiing dinh néo sau diy la KHONG DUNG? A. Cac nén van minh tén thé giéi da Inv niém ngay bat dau mét nam trong it nhat 4 thién nién ky B. Ngay dau nam mdi phuc vu mét mmc dich chinh tri quan trong cia nguéi Babylon 6 dai gia trén kchap thé gidi thudng gén ghép ngdy dau tién cia mét nim vio mét su hign thién vin. ai lich La Ma véi mat tréi, Julims Caesar 44 gidi thiéu lich Julian cia minh, *Can ci vao théng tin doam van: - Doan 1: “The earliest recorded festivities in honor of a new year’s arrival date back some 4,000 years to anclent Babylon. For the Babylonians, the first new moon following the vernal equinox heralded the start of a new year. Throughout antiquity, civilizations around the world developed Increasingly sophisticated calendars. In Egypt, for instance, the year began with the annnal flooding of the Nile, which coincided with the rising of the star Sirius. The first day of the Chinese new year, meanwhile, occurred with the second new moon after the winter solstice. (Céc 1é héi duge ghi lai sém nhét dé (én vink ngay xudt hién cia nim méi cdch Babylon khodng 4.000 nam, Déi véi ngwéi Babylon,lan trang non dau tién sau diém phan Vernal bao truée mét nam méi bat dan. Trong suét thai c6 dai, cée nén vin minh trén khdp thé gidi phat trién Lich ngay cang tinh vi. Vi du, 6 Ai Cap, nd bat du voH trdn hut hang ném ctia song Nile, miing véi sw di lén ctia sao Sirius. Trong ki G6, ngay déu tién cia nam méi Trung Quéc xéy ra véi lin wang non thir hai sau ngay Déng chi.) ~Doam 2: “The early Roman calendar consisted of 10 months and 304 days. Over the centuries, the calender fell out of syne with the sun, and in 46 B.C. the emperor Julius Caesar decided to solve the problem by consulting with the most prominent astronomers and mathematicians of his time.” (Qua nhiéu thé ky, lich khéng déng b6 v6i mat tréi, va véo ném 40 teée Cong nguyen, hodng dé Julius Caesar quyét dinh gidi quyét van dé bang cach tham khdo ¥ kién ctia cde nha thién vam hoc va todn hoc Idi lac nhdt trong théi dai cia 6ng.) => Dip aD => Bang phurong phap loai tri, ta chon dap an B

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