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Mesopotamia Vocabulary

Name: ____________murilo________________________________ Period: ___6____

Instructions: Using the textbook and online sources, define the following words. You will use
these to help you prepare for your test.
1. City-State:
a city that is an independtent state
Example: I went to visit an european city-state.

2. Irrigation:
putting water in soil to make it more fertile
Example: we irrigated the soil to make our plants grow faster.

3. Fertile:
soil that is good for growng plants
Example: this place is home to very fertile soil.

4. Cuneiform:
ancient forms of writing which were mainly written on clay stones
Example: this cuneiform is very interesting.

5. Hammarabi’s Code:
very old text used for legal purposes
Example: some people like using Hammarabi’s code.

6. Polytheistic:
worship in more than one god
Example: this ancient civilization was polytheistic
7. Monotheistic:
worship in only one god
Example: that ancient civilization was monotheistic

8. Ziggurat:
a structure with progressively smaller layers as it goes up
Example: thy loved building models of ziggurats.

9. Scribe:
a person in ancient civilization who can read and write
Example: few people became scribes.

10. Domesticated:
an animal who is trained by people
Example: we domesticated the cat

11. Sumer:
a mesopotamian civilization that existed a long time ago

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