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Chapter 4:
Brand Positioning and
Brand Personality
1.Brand positioning

Positioning is the way that a company wants

customers to perceive, think and feel about its brand
compared to other competitors
1.Brand positioning
Positioning need the differences
• 4 differentiation aspects:
– Differences in product
– Differences in service
– Differences in people
– Differences in image
Brand positioning process

1. Analyse business environment

2. Target customers
3. Understand customers
4. Identify brand benefits
5. Brand value and brand personality
6. Driving belief
7. Differentiation
8. Brand core identity and essence
1. Analyse business environment:
 Economic micro and macro
 Government and policy
 Competitors and market situations
2-3 Target and understand customers
• Age, gender, living conditions, occupations, income,
social level…
• Market research=> understand what customers need
Brand personality
Brand personality

Brand personality refers to “a set of human characteristics

associated to a brand”
Brand personality helps a consumer to reveal his/herself
through use of a brand
6. Driving belief
 Certify from well-known organization or persons
7. Differences

Differences create competitive advantages making

customers to buy company’s products

-Choose a unique benefit and value to create the differentiation
8. The essence and core identity
of brand

Brand essence

Brand personalities

Driving beliefs

Brand benefits

Ðặc Tính Nhãn

Brand attributes
Hiệu 11

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