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David Hernández García 48432892K


Objetives of the class:

Learn several types of hits and develop pyschomotricity features.

-Tennis raquet per pupil
-Tennis balls
-Tennis court

At the beginning of the class the pupils Will be asked a series of questions to find out their leve
lof series. Knowledge about tennis to be able to do the class.
What types of hits fo you know?

What is a double fault in tennis?

How many player can play in a tennis match?
How long aproximatly is a tennis court?
What tennis players do you know?

Only in the case that the leve lof knowledge of the pupils is very low I would show them a
short video explainning the rules of tennis, about 5 minutes long.

After the questions I will show them a short video, aproximatly 5 minutes long, with the
explanation of the exercises the will be practising.

The class will be divided into 4 exercises and each one will have a duration of between 8 to 10
The games will be individual.
1- Bounce two tennis balls, one in each hand.

Move from a point A to a point B while doing the exercise and keep the balls bouncing as you
avoid other members of the group.

2- Throw the tennis ball into the air, let it bounce once, and catch it with you foot.

3- Put the tennis ball on the tennis raquet, move from a point A to a point B keeping the
ball in the same place.
The pupils will make couples to do this exercise.

1. Beginning from the position of of ready (photo 1)

 Look forward with your feet obliquely to the net.
 Legs separated at the hight of your shoulders.
 Light forward inclination of the body.
 Grip: to the right.

2. Evolution of the body and tennis raquet (photo 2)

 Turn of the shoulders, moving your left foot to set it sideways.
 The weight of the body i son the back leg (right)
 The tennis raquet is looking back with the linear axis paralel to the floor.
 The left hand is pointing the ball.
 The tennis raquet starts the forward movement, which can be straight o
slighty rising.

3. Impact movement (photo 3)

 Hit the ball level to the left hip. (right leg forward).
 The head of the raquet is at the same level as the grip.
 Straight cords looking towards the net.
 The weight of the body slightly forwards inclinated (left leg).

4. Finishing (photo 4)
 The tennis raquet continues forward until it stays behinf our back.
 The heal of the back leg (right) elevates as a consequence of the weight of the
body which is totally forward.
Their will be organized in couples to do this exercise one handed.
This hit is divides into the following phases:

1. Waiting position looking towards the net, with you feet separated to keep the
balance, knees bent and the weight of the body looking forward for a quicker start.
The raquet is hold with the first of the dominant hand using a grip which will be
backhanded, and the non-dominant hand will hold the raquet by the neck.
2. Preparation with turn of the shoulders to the same direction of the hit of the foot, the
left foot. The raquet is still hold in the hands and the arm wich starts the movement is
backhanded. The weight of the body is keepped on the back foot.
3. Impact, with the body forward, with the raquet in position of force, that is, trying in
that momento not to move any edge of this. The weight of the body moves to the
front foot and the non-dominant hand which before holded the raquet starts a
backhanded movement to keep the balance of the hit.
4. Ending with the arm extended in front of the body, the balance has passed totally to
the foot ahead lifting the heel of the back foot and left arm staying behinf keeping the
balance of the hit.
This exercise is individual and each pupil will do 5 or 6 repetitions.
1- Positions of waiting: behind the back line, with the left foot on front and the right foot
in parallel with the mentioned line. The arms are kept together, ball and raquet, and
the wieght on the body is laid on the back foot. Our sight is fixed on the point where
we want to hit the ball.

2- We start the elevation movement of the ball with the left arm up, and the right arm
comes from the back until our elbow reaches the same hight of our shoulder, where
we will do a pause and the hit will come before the impact. The weight of our body will
start coming to the foot which is in front.
3- The impact will take place over our head, with our arm streched towards the ball. The
weight of our body will be totally forward on the left leg, and the left arm totally
folded to the stomach.

4- Ending going out of the hit on the left side of the body, the left arm folded toward the
stomach, the right foot moves forward, to start the movement of recuperation.

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