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A Seminar Report on

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of

Submitted By
Name of the Student: RAVIRAJ FULCHAND
Roll No.- 21CO112

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Vaishali Jorwekar

Department of Computer Engineering

Academic Year: 2022-23(Term-I)
Savitribai Phule Pune University






This is to certify that RAVIRAJ FULCHAND SHINGATE from Third

Year Computer Engineering has successfully completed his seminar work


Engineering, Pune in the partial fulfillment of the Bachelor’s Degree in


Prof. V. Jorwekar Dr. S. V. Athawale Dr. D. S. Bormane

Seminar Guide HOD Principal

Computer Engineering Computer Engineering AISSMS COE, Pune



The Seminar entitled




Is approved for the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering


Computer Engineering

Examiner 1 Examiner 2 Examiner 3

Name and Signature Name and Signature Name and Signature





The metaverse is a persistent, online, 3D universe that combines multiple different virtual spaces. It is still
under development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way we work, learn, play, and socialize.

The metaverse is enabled by a variety of technologies, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality
(AR), blockchain, and artificial intelligence (AI). VR and AR allow users to experience simulated or
enhanced environments as if they were physically present in them. Blockchain can be used to create and
manage digital assets in the metaverse, and AI can be used to create more realistic and engaging virtual

There are many different types of metaverse experiences, including gaming, social media, education, and
work. In the metaverse, people could use VR to meet up with friends in virtual spaces or to attend concerts
and other events. They could also use VR to explore historical sites or to learn about science concepts in a
more hands-on way. Additionally, employees could use VR to collaborate on projects or to attend virtual

The metaverse has the potential to have a major impact on society and business. It could create new jobs,
disrupt existing industries, and change the way we interact with each other. For example, the metaverse
could lead to the creation of new jobs in areas such as VR and AR development, metaverse experience
design, and digital asset management. It could also disrupt existing industries such as gaming,
entertainment, and education. Additionally, the metaverse could change the way we interact with each other
by allowing us to meet up with friends and family members who live far away, attend concerts and sporting
events without having to leave our homes, and collaborate with colleagues on projects from all over the




It gives me a great pleasure to acknowledge the contribution of all those who have directly
or indirectly contributed to the completion of this seminar.

I express my foremost and deepest gratitude to my guide Prof. V. Jorwekar for her
supervision, noble guidance and constant encouragement in carrying out the seminar.

I am deeply indebted to Dr. S V Athavale, Head, Computer Engineering Department for his
time-to-time advice and support and also for providing all the necessary facilities available
in the Institute.

Acknowledgement will not be completed if I forget to mention special thanks to all the teaching
and non-teaching staff of Computer Engineering Department for rendering support directly
or indirectly.

Academic Year: 2022-23




Table of Contents

1. Introduction Page No.

1.1 METAVERSE TECHNOLOGY. ..................................................................... 8
1.2 Purpose of METAVERSE TECHNOLOGY .................................................... 9

1.3 METAVERSE TECHNOLOGY Platforms .................................................... 10

2. Theoretical Background & Literature Review 12

2.1 Literature Review .............................................................................................12

3. Methodology 13
3.1 Design Methodology........................................................................................ 13
3.2 Architecture… ................................................................................................. 14
3.3 Component used in serverless architecture (considering AWS)...................... 15

4. Advantages/Disadvantages/Application/Challenges 16
4.1 Advantages ......................................................................................................16
4.2 Disadvantages ................................................................................................. 16
4.3 Challenges… .................................................................................................. 17

4.4 Applications ................................................................................................... 18

5. Future Scope. 20
6. Conclusion. 22
7. References. 23



List of Figures

S. N. Figure No. Figure Name Page No.

1. Fig. 1.1 Benefits of Metaverse Technology 09

2. Fig. 1.2 Decentraland 10

3. Fig. 1.3 Sandbox 10

4. Fig.1.4 Roblox

5. Fig 3.1 Seven Layers of Metaverse 13





Serverless computing is considered a new generation of platform as a service, as is this case the
cloud service provider takes care of receiving, client requests and responding to them,
monitoring operations, scheduling tasks and planning capacity. Thus, developers have no need
to think about server and infrastructure issues and can entirely concentrate on writing software
code. Serverless computing is additionally at times called function as a service (Faas) or
occasion-based programming, as it utilizes capacities as the advancement unit. The occasion
driven methodology implies that no assets are utilized when no capacities are executed or an
application doesn't run. It likewise implies that designers don't need to pay for inactive time.
Serverless computing is a strategy for giving backend administrations on an as-utilized premise.
A serverless supplier permits client to compose and convey code without the problem of
stressing over the hidden infrastructure. Note that in spite of the fact that called worker less,
actual workers are as yet utilized however designers don't have to be aware of them. Serverless
computing processing is quickly acquiring consideration from IT experts and scholastics the
same. Serverless computing is an arising distributed computing worldview that gives a stage to
effectively create and send applications to the market without dealing with any subordinate
foundation. Serverless computing is a type of distributed computing that permits clients to run
occasion driven and granularly charged applications, without tending to the operational
rationale. By utilizing serverless computing, organizations save critical time, cash and assets by
just paying special mind to facilitating, running and overseeing center usefulness of uses. In
business terms, serverless computing is utilized to assemble and run applications with the help
of outsider administration which executes the significant code at whatever point the relating
occasions happen and client is needed to pay for the length just when a worker is in genuine
use. By making use of serverless computing, companies save significant time, money and
resources by only looking out for hosting, running and managing core functionality of
applications. The key insight of serverless computing model is to quickly scale up and down
without the need to process data in the storage servers. Companies using serverless computing
platforms are increasingly finding improved business agility or cost savings by renting software
to vendors such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google or IBM. Apart from that, and initially,
developers are explicitly spared from any worry regarding servers or virtual machines, load
balancing across multiple server instances, scaling up and down etc., money and resources by
only looking out for hosting, running and managing core functionality of applications. The key
insight of METAVERSE TECHNOLOGY model is to quickly scale

1.2 Purpose of Server-less Computing

Digital transformation has accelerated business models. New products and services are created at
an accelerated speed, and the resulting pressure on businesses to release new features and products
is extreme. Customer's expectations are also high, and this is adding to the existing stress on
businesses. The new advanced change climate has made a simple section way for METAVERSE
TECHNOLOGY. In this quickened world, working in-house segments, putting resources into
costly equipment, introducing workers, design and investigating are overheads that organizations
can manage without. Rather than sullen, solid contributions, they are focusing in on miniature
administrations and capacity-based executions. The third significant factor that has assumed a part
in the advancement of METAVERSE TECHNOLOGY is Continuous Integration (CI). CI
encourages organizations to respond to financial and business needs in a dexterous way. Week
after week and fortnightly runs with regularly developing items require a reconsider on
framework. Engineers incline toward framework that can adapt to visit however little changes
that can be available to them, act naturally overseeing and versatile.

Fig.1.1 Benefits of Metaverse




• Decentraland: - One of the pioneers of metaverse technology, Decentraland, deserves attention

among top metaverse platforms with exceptional potential. It is a popular platform for creating,
trading, monetizing, and exploring a virtual world. The platform lets you explore your creative
intuition in developing artworks, challenges, scenes, and many other virtual experiences.

Fig.1.2 Decentraland

• Sandbox:- The Sandbox is undoubtedly one of the mandatory additions among top 10 metaverse
platforms on the grounds of popularity. It is a decentralized NFT gaming metaverse based on the
Ethereum blockchain. Players can use Sandbox for creating, selling, purchasing, and monetizing
virtual reality NFT’s

Fig 1.3. Sandbox

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• Roblox: - The list of metaverse platforms you should try now is incomplete without Roblox. It is an
online gaming platform that allows players to create games of their own. Now, it is a metaverse
platform with diverse virtual experiences for all users, especially VR experiences.
Recently, Roblox entered into a collaboration with the NFL to launch a metaverse game before the
Super Bowl in 2022. With millions of users all over the world, Roblox has better chances of driving
towards the future of metaverse. The vision of bringing all the experiences under a single roof is the
most distinctive highlight of Roblox, apart from different VR experiences.

Fig.1. 4 Roblox

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2. Therotical background and literature review

2.1 Literature Review:-

2.1.1 Metaverse: scope and characteristics

The term metaverse was first used to fulfil fictional purposes where users appear as avatars or pseudonyms
to imitate their interactions with other users in endless everyday situations. Metaverse is an immersive, 3D,
virtual world where users, regardless of their location, engage in social and economic interactions, which
are computational (Arcila, 2014; Díaz et al., 2020; Márquez, 2011; Vázquez-Cano & Sevillano-García,
2017). Metaverse has influential characteristics that set it apart from other tools in an educational
environment including “Interactivity, Corporeity, and Persistence”. Users can interact with each other
through a virtual learning platform within the virtual world. The interactivity feature, which makes this
world more dynamic, sets an innovative educational scenario of autonomous and collaborative learning,
enabling access to all available resources. The metaverse system functions without the users having to move
in the real world, and yet maintains a continuous connection with the virtual world with no time limitation.
Similarly, the corporeity feature brings in the avatar, which is limitless in the virtual world, leading to a
more realistically defined environment, as the shape of avatars is at par with or superior to 3D games. The
persistence feature is crucial, as it helps save conversations, data, and objects even after the users depart
from virtual world (Ando et al., 2013; Castronova, 2001; Díaz et al., 2020; Tarouco et al., 2013).
From an educational perspective, both the industry and business require an educated workplace that meets
the new challenges in metaverse environment, which, in turn, requires new types of management and
organisational leadership models (Ahmad et al., 2021). In addition, these environments explain and
examine the human behaviour in an educational context to determine how it differs from behaviour in the
real world (Salloum et al., 2021). Similarly, higher education institutions can take advantage of various
techniques by providing a platform for faculty, staff, and students to communicate in a completely flexible
environment where classrooms have no constraints instead of traditional classes. Students can communicate
with professors in a digital environment with the click of a button. In this sense, the metaverse has the
function of embracing a real university and institution by changing it to a virtual world where teachers,
students, and learning models can interact in hybrid and collaborative classes (Ando et al., 2013; Tarouco et
al., 2013).
Metaverse system is closely related to the artificial intelligence technologies and collaborative learning
systems that are used to enhance educational methodologies and learning styles. Recent studies have
focused on various topics such as variations in students' attitudes in different countries all over the world,
gender-differences. These studies focus on the blended –type of learning where the role of social media is
crucial to assess the process of teaching. To successfully implement all these technologies, studies have
shown that there is a need for extra tools that trace the development of learners’ skills and performance,
hence, they make use of eye-tracking techniques to assess how learners processed texts and graphics during
the process of reading. The focus on virtual reality is an indicator that the metaverse system will have a
remarkable effect in the near future. Virtual reality has been widely used by recent studies for educational
purposes, describing its possible positive and negative effects (Chen et al., 2020, 2022).

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3. Methodology

3.1. Data collection

Data collection process was between October 10, 2021 and December 20, 2021. Participating students from
the universities in the UAE, KSA, and Oman were provided with online surveys. Concerned universities
granted ethical clearance to the research team. The aim of the research and survey link, which the research
team shared on social media platforms including the universities' respective Facebook pages and Whatsapp
groups as well, were shared with participants through an e-mail. Participation in the study was on voluntary
basis. 1000 questionnaires were randomly distributed to students and the research team recorded a response
rate of 86% (862/1000 were completed). Completed questionnaires were authorised to be included in the
evaluation process and incomplete ones (138/1000) were excluded. Primary reasons for the inclusion of
student population in the study are their relevance to study topic and due to them being the main end-users
of technology. Students can request their teachers and institutional heads a replacement of a technology that
isn't beneficial to their learning. At times, students are unfamiliar with the practical use of technology, as
they only possess theoretical knowledge from different social media platforms.

Moreover, students can seek the help and support of teachers when they face difficulty to use technology, as
teachers are proficient in technology use compared to students. Since 306 is assessed to be the appropriate
sample size for a given population of 1500 students, 862 filled questionnaires were approved by Krejcie and
Morgan (1970) as the suitable sample size for this study despite being quite higher than the required sample
size. Hence, SEM can be applied to test hypotheses in this study, which has an apt sample size (Chuan &
Penyelidikan, 2006). Although recognised theories were used as a basis for the proposed hypotheses, the
hypotheses could be modified to become relevant to the domain of Internet of Things (IoT) when required.
This research used SEM, SmartPLS Version (3.2.7), and the final path model to assess the measurement

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3.1 Serverless Architecture

3.2 Seven layers of Metaverse:-

Fig.3.2 Seven Layers of Metaverse

Layer 1: Experience
Contrary to popular belief, the metaverse isn’t solely a 3D version of the real world. It will be the ultimate
dematerialized version of physical space, objects and distance. And yes, this space will also include 3D,
graphics and even 2D.
As the physical space becomes dematerialized, the constraints physicality brings will be lifted. Hence, the
metaverse will provide us with an abundance of experiences that we are not able to enjoy today.

Layer 2: Discovery
Jon Radoff describes the discovery layer as “the push and pull that introduces people to new experiences”.
In the metaverse ecosystem, the discovery systems of inbound and outbound continue to exist. Inbound
discovery occurs when people are actively looking for information. Meanwhile, outbound refers to the
method of seeking to push messages out to people whether or not they asked for it.

Layer 3: Creator Economy

Earlier versions of the internet required some degree of programming knowledge for creators to design and
build tools, apps or asset markets. These days, thanks to the web application frameworks, developing web

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applications is possible without coding. As a result, the number of designers and creators on the web is
increasing exponentially.

Layer 4: Spatial Computing

Spatial computing is a term used to describe a tech solution that merges virtual and augmented reality.
According to Radoff, spatial computing helps us manipulate and enter into 3D spaces. It allows us to
digitize objects using the cloud, enable sensors to react with motors and digitize the physical world around
us through spatial mapping.

Layer 5: Decentralization
As opposed to its fictional counterparts in Snow Crash or Ready Player One that are both ruled by single
entities, the real metaverse is expected to be devoid of a single authority. This makes decentralization one
of the key features of the metaverse, along with being open and distributed.

Layer 6: Human Interface

The key aspect of the hardware layer of the metaverse is human interference. With the combination of
spatial computing and human interface, we’ll soon be able to gather information about our surroundings,
use maps and even create shared AR experiences by just looking around at the physical world.

Layer 7: Infrastructure
The seventh layer includes the technology that makes everything that is mentioned above become real.
Ultimately, for all outer layers to exist we need technological infrastructure consisting of 5G and 6G
computing. These will massively improve bandwidth and reduce network contention and latency

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4. Advantages/Disadvantages/Challenges/Applications

4.1 Advantages

• Immersive Experiences: Users can engage in highly immersive and interactive digital experiences,
blurring the lines between reality and the virtual world.

• Global Connectivity: The metaverse enables people to connect and collaborate across vast
distances, fostering global communities and interactions.

• Innovative Education: The metaverse has the potential to revolutionize education, offering
immersive and engaging learning experiences that cater to various learning styles.

• Enhanced Entertainment: It provides a new dimension of entertainment, including interactive

gaming, virtual events, and immersive storytelling.

• Remote Work and Collaboration: Businesses can create virtual offices and workspaces, allowing
teams to collaborate effectively, even when working remotely.

• Improved Healthcare: Telemedicine and therapeutic interventions in the metaverse offer

accessible healthcare services and training for medical professionals.

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4.2 Disadvantages

• Privacy and Security: Concerns over data privacy, cyberattacks, and surveillance can raise
significant issues, and users may need to be cautious about sharing personal information.

• Digital Addiction: Excessive immersion in the metaverse can lead to digital addiction,
negatively impacting mental and physical health.

• Digital Divide: Access to the metaverse may be limited by socioeconomic factors, creating
disparities in digital accessibility.

• Ethical Concerns: Online harassment, cyberbullying, and unethical behavior can persist
within the metaverse, posing challenges for maintaining a safe and inclusive environment.

• Ownership Disputes: Determining ownership and intellectual property rights in the digital
realm, especially with NFTs, can be complex and contentious.

• Monetization Challenges: The metaverse's economic models and monetization strategies

are still evolving and may raise concerns about fairness and exploitation.

• Complex User Interfaces: Navigating and interacting within the metaverse may require
specialized skills and technology, potentially creating barriers for some users.

• Environmental Impact: Data centers that power the metaverse can have a significant
carbon footprint, necessitating sustainable infrastructure solutions.

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4.3 Challenges

• Technical challenges: The metaverse requires a number of cutting-edge technologies to function,

such as VR, AR, blockchain, and AI. These technologies are still under development, and there are a
number of technical challenges that need to be overcome before the metaverse can be fully realized.
For example, VR headsets can be expensive and uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.
Additionally, blockchain technology is still relatively new and untested, and there are concerns
about its scalability and security.

• Cost: The cost of developing and maintaining the metaverse is likely to be very high. This could
pose a barrier to entry for many businesses and individuals. Additionally, the cost of VR headsets
and other metaverse-related technologies is still relatively high.

• Privacy and security: The metaverse raises a number of privacy and security concerns. For
example, there is the risk that users' personal data could be collected and exploited. Additionally,
there is the risk of cyberattacks and other malicious activity in the metaverse.

• Equality of access: It is important to ensure that the metaverse is accessible to everyone, regardless
of their income or location. However, this could be a challenge, as the cost of VR headsets and other
metaverse-related technologies is still relatively high. Additionally, there are people with disabilities
who may not be able to use the metaverse in its current form.

• Governance: The metaverse is a new and rapidly evolving space, and there is no clear legal or
regulatory framework in place yet. This could lead to challenges in governing the metaverse and
ensuring that it is used in a fair and responsible manner.

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4.3 Applications

Gaming and Entertainment:

• Virtual Worlds: The metaverse can serve as a platform for immersive online games and virtual
worlds, allowing users to explore, socialize, and engage in activities.
• Interactive Storytelling: It can revolutionize storytelling by enabling users to participate in
interactive narratives, blurring the lines between traditional media and gaming.

• Virtual Classrooms: The metaverse can offer virtual classrooms with interactive 3D content,
making education engaging and accessible.
• Skill Training: Industries can use metaverse technology for employee training and skill
development, especially in high-risk or specialized fields.
• Lifelong Learning: People can continue learning throughout their lives through immersive
educational experiences.

• Telemedicine: Doctors can conduct remote consultations and offer medical services through the
• Therapy and Mental Health: Virtual environments can provide therapeutic interventions and
support for mental health.
• Medical Training: Medical professionals can use the metaverse for realistic medical simulations
and training.
Virtual Conferences and Workspaces:

• Virtual Offices: Companies can create virtual office spaces for remote work and collaboration.
• Conferences and Trade Shows: Business events can be hosted in the metaverse, reducing the need
for physical travel.
• Remote Collaboration: Teams can work together in virtual spaces, enhancing remote teamwork
and project collaboration.

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5. Future Scope:-

1. Expanded Virtual Economies: The metaverse is likely to witness a proliferation of digital

economies where users can buy, sell, and trade virtual assets and services. This may involve the
development of robust marketplaces for virtual goods, potentially further driven by blockchain
technology and NFTs.

2. Enhanced Interconnectivity: As the metaverse evolves, it may become even more interconnected
with the physical world. Integration with the Internet of Things (IoT) will enable seamless interaction
with physical objects, creating new opportunities for real-world and virtual world crossover.

3. Immersive Education: The metaverse has substantial potential to revolutionize education. It can
offer immersive and interactive learning experiences, making education more engaging and
accessible, with a focus on hands-on training and global collaborations.

4. Virtual Conferences and Remote Work: Virtual conferences and remote work environments
within the metaverse will likely become more sophisticated and commonplace. Enhanced
communication tools, collaborative workspaces, and virtual event hosting could be the norm.

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The concept of the metaverse represents a significant shift in the way we engage with digital technology,
blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds. In essence, the metaverse is a collective virtual
shared space where individuals can interact, create, and experience a rich and immersive digital
environment. This concept has rapidly gained momentum in recent years, driven by advancements in
technology and the ever-expanding virtual landscape.

The term "metaverse" originally found its roots in science fiction literature, notably in Neal Stephenson's
1992 novel "Snow Crash," where it referred to a virtual, interconnected reality. Over time, this vision has
evolved into a tangible and transformative force in the world of technology.

In education, the metaverse is poised to revolutionize learning by offering immersive and interactive
experiences that cater to various learning styles. Future developments in the metaverse promise to expand
its applications even further, providing opportunities for entrepreneurship, innovation, and groundbreaking
business models.

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Sr# Authors and Title and Goals Results


1. Mystakidis, Title: Metaverse The results showed that

S. (2022). Goal: This study was aimed at exploring metaeducation is a new model of
the effect of the metaverse on the education online distance education.
system. Meta-education emphasizes online Students are learning in the
distance education, which connects people informal 3D virtual environment.
from around the world. It is also described that the
metaverse can enable merged
activities that substitute profound
and long-lasting knowledge

2. Lee, J. Title: A Study on Metaverse Hype for The results of this study showed
(2021). Sustainable Growth. that search traffic increased all
Goal: This study examines search traffic over the world. Researchers
to examine user attention. Additionally, it anticipated that the
gathers information from news outlets that nextgeneration platform known
act as a channel for communicating about as metaverse would replace
cutting-edge technologies. online portals, e-commerce, and

3. Shen, Tan, Title: How to Promote User Purchase in In a novel effort, this study
Guo, Zhao, Metaverse? A Systematic Literature attempts to compile research on
and Qin Review on Consumer Behavior computer-generated commerce
(2021) Research and Virtual Commerce systems from consumer
Application Design behaviour and system design
Goal: This study aimed to emphasize the studies. After establishing such a
virtual commerce for both consumer continuity between application
behavior and application design to design and behaviour analysis,
promote the purchase in virtual we anticipate further research
commerce. Significant design artefacts outcomes in the future.
and purchasing influencing factors were
found throughout the review.

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4. Abbate, Title: A first bibliometric literature review The findings of this

(2022) on the metaverse study indicated that the
Goal: The metaverse technology, metaverse entered our lives many
explored in the literature since the 1990s, years ago, and it gradually
is evaluated bibliometrically in this study. controlled our education system,
Field research is conducted specifically business, and digital marketing
for the metaverse, a recent and popular field. Metaverse shapes our lives
topic. in many ways through a virtual

5. Gadekallu, Title: Blockchain for the Metaverse: A The findings revealed

et al (2022) Review several blockchain
Goal: The Internet of Things, digital technical advancements
twins, multisensory and immersive made available for the
applications, artificial intelligence, and metaverse, improving
big data were some of the primary prospective apps and
services' functionality and

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