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(Homework for next time)

Carol is the branch manager of Mc Donald’s Restaurant. Two of her employees,

Rich and Wonda, came to her and said that they could not work together. Carol
asked them why, and they both said, “We have a personality conflict.”

She asked them to be more specific, and this is what they told her:

Rich: Well, Wonda is very pushy; she tells me what to do all the time, and I let her
get away with it because I’m a peace-loving man.

Wonda: That’s because Rich is so naïve; he believes anything he is told. I have to

look out for him.

Rich: We have different outlooks on life. Wonda believes that if we work hard, we
can get ahead in this restaurant, but I don’t agree. I believe you have to be political,
and I’m not.

Wonda: That’s because I am motivated and enjoy working.

Rich: Motivated-is that what you call it? She’s preoccupied with work. Wonda is
rushing all the time. She is impatient and she always wants to make a contest out of

Wonda: If you were more cooperative and morale was better, I would not feel
stressed the way I do.

Rich: We cannot make decisions together because I am very logical and like to get
lots of information, while Wonda wants to make decisions based on what she calls

Wonda: I thought working here was going to be different. I didn’t know I was going
to be stuck working with a person who is uncooperative.

Rich: Me? I feel the same way about you.

At this point Carol stopped the discussion.

Questions to address:
1. Who needs to change their behavior?
a. Rich b. Wonda c. both

Both have adjust and compromise because they have to work in the same
company. While Rich has his characteristic where people can take
advantage of him whereas Wonda has to develop boundries and not be
self righteous abiut her persona.

2. What is a personality conflict? Why are we human beings so different? Please


Personality Conflict occurs when two individuals have incompatible approach and
their certain principles and values. Every human has his own way understanding
theview of the world, how they would like to approach it and handle the situation they
are held in.
3. Overall, is your personality, stress type and learning style more like Rich’s or
Wonda’s? Please explain your answer for all 4 issues.

My personality type has both traits of Rich and Wonda. The first case is how to
resolve the conflict without being pushy, the 2 nd case to certain extent I agree with
wonda, the 3rd case is to be compromise and negotiate, the 4 th case is to underdtand
other people opinion.

4. If you were Rich what would you do?

I would respectfully disagree with wonda and make sure that wonda is not crossing
the line of my value and judgement

5. If you were Wonda what would you do?

I would take the option of making rich understand without being rude and try
to empathize with him and look for the solution we can find together.

6. If you were Carol, what would you do? Please describe your actions.

I would try to be counsellor for them as they are also my employee and how can I be
good leader if I cannot handle situation like this where conflict occurs. I would had
resolved the problem by being proactive decision making and make them work along
and understand each other perspective

Please read the case and answer all the questions in writing.
Then please bring your answers for discussion to the class next time.

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