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Not every case of dominap,on makes use of economic means; still less does &ways have

economic objectives.

There are three pure types of legitimate domination. The validity of the claims to legitimacy may
be based on: I. Rational on a belief in the legality of enacted 'rules and the right of those
elevated to authority under such rules to issue commands (legal authority). 2. Traditional
grounds-resting on an established belief in the sanctity of immemorial traditions and the
legitimacy of those exercising authority under them (traditional authority); or finally, 3·
Charismatic grounds-resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary
character of an individual person, and of the normative patterns or order revealed or ordained
by him.

The absolute monarch, too, is powerless in face of the superior knowledge of the bureaucratic
expert-in a certain sense more so than any other political head.

Confucian public administration was the most similar model to ‘his’, although based on a
different mindset and thus with different effects regarding Capitalism

The following may thus be said to be the fundamental categories of rational legal authority;

(I) A continuous rule-bound conduct of official business.

(2) A specified sphere of competence (jurisdiction)

Bureaucratic administration means fundamentally domination through knowledge. See omadus

teeb selle eriliselt ratsionaalseks.

a double sphere: a) that of action which is bound to specific traditions; b) that of action which is
free of specific rules.

Seminar (Lipsky, Allison)

L läheneb tänavatasemebürokraatiast, siis A juhtimisest

Juhti survestab omakorda meedia ning numbrite täitmine

Transactional- käsupõhine, ülalt-alla juhtimine

Transformational- konsensus pluss kompromiss, võimendav e inimeste oskuste kaasamine


Lihtsustatud rutiinid, kliendi kontroll, autoriteet (sümboolika), ootuste juhtimine

Loeng (Max Weber)

Miks me bürokraatiat säilitame? Rutiin, muutus ebamugav, mis oleks parem variant

Me oleme elanud niivõrd pikalt bürokraatia mehhanismis et me ei näe muud perspektiivi

Bürokraatiat soosivad elemendid: kapitalistliku majanduse areng, rahal põhinev majandus,

ühiskonna ratsionaliseerumine

Weberi sõnul pole domineerimine mitte midagi muud kui tõenäosus, et mingeid käske
täidetakse teatavate inimgruppide poolt

Traditsiooniline domineerimine, nt monarhia, religioon. Kriitiline selle suhtes (üks idioot esiotsas,
kes ei pruugi olla kompentente

Karismaatiline domineerimine, inimeses mingi aura, karisma, kuuletume erakordsele

võimekusele seni kuni on tulemusi. Ei sobi akadeemikud (peavad kõiki asjaolusid kaaluma,
liigne aeg) ja sõdurid (hierarhia, ei ole suuteline muutuma sest harjunud range reziimiga)

Legaalne domineerimine

Oskame ennustada tulemust bürokraatia puhul, sest läbib tuttava struktuuri

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