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SBA:School Based Assesment


(A) Candidates name (B) Canditates Registration Number

Taysean Ogaldez

Eric Arzu

Dean Tillett

Wasani Arana

Luis Lorenzo

School: St. Johns College Highschool

Center Code: 040015
Subject: Mathematics
Subject Teacher: Mr. Alex Keme
**Date Submitted**:

Project Title:

An Investigation of Daily Spending: Evaluating Student

Spending at the Cafeteria at St. John's College

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The cafeteria at St. John's College is crucial in meeting students' nutritional needs. Some students choose
to purchase their meals from the cafeteria, while others may pick alternative sources or bring packed
lunches. This School-Based Assessment (SBA) plans to investigate students' spending habits, specifically
in the St. John's College cafeteria. This study aims to gain significant knowledge into the financial choices
and habits of students by focusing on their everyday expenses.


1. To carefully record and examine the everyday spending patterns of St. John's College cafeteria
2. To determine how much money students typically spend on meals each day.
3. To find any trends or differences in spending according to factors like extracurricular activities,
food choices, or age group.
4. To evaluate how students' spending habits are affected by outside factors such as the availability
of special offers or discounts.
5. To offer ideas to the cafeteria management in the hope of improving the dining experience for
students and possibly saving costs.

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