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Muskaan, Ryan, Ananya

T00708769,T00706374, T00707427 Group 3

ENGR 2300
Seminar Assignment #1: Value Management

Organization: Grocery Store

Task/Project: Implementation of self checkout stations

1. Discuss how this organization can use value planning, value engineering, or value
analysis/review for the task/project at hand, or why these are not applicable to this
particular task/project.

Value planning: It involves systematically evaluating the project's objectives, constraints,

and potential value to ensure that the implementation of self-checkout stations aligns
with the store's goals and provides the desired benefits, keeping in mind the importance
of stakeholder’s requirements by ranking them in the order of importance.
Value engineering: It is a systematic approach that focuses on improving the value of a
product on comparing different options available. When setting up self-checkout stations
in a grocery store, value engineering can help ensure that the project is cost-effective
and delivers the desired benefits, that is meeting customer needs, business objectives,
and value requirements for stakeholders.
Value review/analysis: It is essential to audit/analyze a project’s performance. The
grocery store can maintain a focus on optimizing value and cost-effectiveness
throughout the implementation of self-checkout stations. These reviews help identify
opportunities for improvement and ensure that the project remains on track to meet its
goals. Besides this, it also helps to compare a completed or nearly completed task
against predetermined expectations.

2. Briefly outline a job plan for this task/project using the seven key steps of a job

Orientation: The objective of this task is to implement self checkout stations within the
grocery store in order to enhance the customer’s experience and convenience and reduce
overall checkout wait times. One of the requirements is that the store will need to add enough
self checkout stations in order to properly cut down the checkout times without just adding new
lines to wait in. The placement of the machines also must be decided so they are in the most
customer convenient location. Data will need to be collected in order to determine both the
amount of machines needed and where to place them. Store staff must be properly trained on
how to operate these machines so that they are readily available to solve any errors or aid any
customers who get stuck.
Information: The store must gather data on customer traffic to determine how many
machines should be needed. The machines must also be inspected and we need to know
approximately how many people the machine can serve in a set amount of time. The store must
also assess and measure the space near the desired location to help determine how many
machines can fit and will help create an efficient layout. The pricing of the self checkout
Muskaan, Ryan, Ananya
T00708769,T00706374, T00707427 Group 3

machines will also need to be inspected in order to form a proper budget for this project. The
potential risks of the machines must also be inspected, the most likely risks are machine
malfunction or errors which can be solved by training staff to properly fix and troubleshoot the
Speculation: The store must look at the different options for self checkout machines and
systems and consider factors such as cost, space utilization, and how compatible the systems
of the machines are with the current systems used within the store. After selecting the options
based on the requirements of the task the store must also consider all the vendors and different
models of checkout machines considering the same factors stated above.
Evaluation: Now the store must assess each self checkout machine option based on the
factors stated before along with some new criteria such as cost-effectiveness, user-friendliness,
and how space-efficient they are. Potential risks with the different options must also be analyzed
and risk management should be applied to mitigate or eliminate as much risk as possible. The
store should also gather feedback from staff, management, and customers to determine any
preferences and concerns that may help when choosing from the options.
Development: Now the store must select the most promising option based on the
previous speculation and evaluation steps and buy and install the machines in the
predetermined location. The store must also create some kind of training program or course for
staff to learn and familiarize themselves with the machines.
Recommendation for action: The store should create and provide proper guidelines and
signage for the customers to easily understand where to find and how to use the self checkout
machines. The store should also monitor the machines and gather feedback from customers
and staff who work with and use the machines and regularly analyze the feedback to find any
improvements that could be made.
Implementation and Feedback: The store should monitor the entire implementation stage
of the project and the machines and ensure the feedback gathered from the recommendation
step is used on improving the customer experience.

3. Discuss when and why value management would be applied to this task/project.

VM should be applied at the very start of this project and should continue to be
applied during every stage of the project until its end. VM should be applied to this task
in order to maximize the project value within any time/cost or requirement constraints
without harming any functionality, performance, reliability, or quality of the project. In the
task of implementing self checkout machines in a grocery store, value management
helps create and follow a time and cost efficient plan on how to choose the best
checkout machine options for the requirements that fit the budget and meet the
requirements. Using VM will eliminate any elements that could contribute poor value to
the project such as improper available time, lack of information, lack of communication,
and unnecessary features or functionality.
Muskaan, Ryan, Ananya
T00708769,T00706374, T00707427 Group 3

4. Discuss how VM could be applied to this project.

Value Management is an effective strategy for the grocery store's self-checkout station
expansion project. VM assists us in carefully examining what we require and how much it costs
in order to obtain the best value. So, how can we incorporate VM into this project? First, we
should divide the project into components such as hardware (the machines) and software (the
programs). This allows us to find ways to save money without sacrificing important functions.
For example, to save money on licensing fees, we might recommend using dependable but not
overly expensive hardware or free open-source software. Next, we should consider how we can
improve the self-service checkout stations. This could include making them more user-friendly,
improving the lines, or providing a more personalized experience. These enhancements can
make customers happier while also assisting the store in remaining competitive. Finally, we
must consider how each function of the self-checkout stations relates to the cost. If we want
extra security features, for example, we should weigh the cost against the potential loss
prevention benefits. VM can assist us in finding the right balance. In summary, VM assists us in
thoroughly analyzing the project, looking for cost-cutting opportunities, and improving the
self-checkout stations. Using VM principles, the grocery store can implement these stations in a
way that maximizes value, makes customers happy, and is cost-effective.

5. When would you recommend that value management reviews should take place
for this task/project?

During the concept stage: To help identify the need of self checkout stations at grocery stores,
its key objectives and constraints, if it aligns with organizational goals and is worth pursuing the
task further.
During the pre-feasibility stage: To evaluate broader project approach and outline design.
During the scheme design (feasibility stage): To evaluate developing design proposals.
During the detailed design (appraisal stage): To review and evaluate key design decisions.
During the construction/implementation: To reduce cost by improving buildability or functionality.
During the commissioning/operation: To evaluate possible malfunctions or any drawbacks in the
entire process.
During the decommissioning/end of assets: To learn from the mistakes made during the entire
project cycle and take note for future projects/taks.

Self Reflection:

Ryan Cropley - T00706374: This seminar assignment helped me get a better understanding of
how value management can be used in a real life scenario and real project example such as a
grocery store implementing new self checkout machines. My role was to work on question 2 and
Muskaan, Ryan, Ananya
T00708769,T00706374, T00707427 Group 3

Ananya Kamboj - T00707427: This seminar helped me understand the concepts of value
management and helped me in applying those concepts in a real life situation as in the case of
grocery stores. It also demonstrated the importance of reviews/ analysis which is crucial for
every task or project completion.

Muskaan Grover - T00708769: My role in this seminar assignment was to complete part 4, I
took notes during the discussion and wrote out the response accordingly. To complete this role I
had to research and pull ideas directly from the textbook applying the concepts from value
management to a real world situation. I learnt that tackling a project through a value
management point of view allows for a more efficient project lifecycle and has the opportunity to
much further improve a projects resource allocation.

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