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Kenya Williams


October 10, 2023

Introduction to the Research Dossier

Para 1:

In the age of explorative systems that technologies generative AI is growing steadily to become a pillar in
many careers. This problem has existed for centuries, but with the introduction of AI, comes the
research problem of how generative AI can aid in creating predictive models for climate change and its
environmental impact. Currently, it is known that the creation of new technologies comes at the
expense of the environment. With that, it is important to consider all the advancements that have
occurred, good and bad

Para 2:

In the process of researching so far, I feel like I am just delving into the deep end of my research topic.
Through the research proposal memo, blog post, creation of e-portfolio, and digital paper trail my topic
has become narrower as more information is found. It appears with the research I have read that more
information on the environmental effects of AI is more prominent than predictive models.

Para 3:

The sources I am currently utilizing are by supported research with evidence of how AI had and has the
potential to affect the environment. Research has also shown how predictive models have been
effective. Below are sources that offer history to the topics:

Last Name: Tufail, Ormsbee, and Ramesh

Title: Artificial Intelligence-Based Inductive Models for Prediction and Classification of Fecal Coliform in
Surface Waters

Last Name: Cortés, Sànchez-Marrè, Ceccaroni, R-Roda, and Poch

Title: Artificial Intelligence and Environmental Decision Support Systems

Last Name: Chen, Jakeman, and Norton

Title: Artificial Intelligence techniques: An introduction to their use for modelling environmental systems

Para 4:

Benefits of AI:

How does using AI benefit compared to systems that are currently being used? Those who support the
use of AI. Below are sources with evidence in support of this perspective.
Williams 2

Last Name: UNEP

Title: How artificial intelligence is helping tackle environmental challenges

Last Name: Kahraman and İrem Uçal Sari

Title: Introduction to Intelligence Techniques in Environmental Management

Last Name: Chen et al.

Title: Artificial intelligence-based solutions for climate change: a review

Last Name: Ligozat, Lefevre, Bugeau, and Combaz

Title: Unraveling the Hidden Environmental Impacts of AI Solutions for Environment Life Cycle
Assessment of AI Solutions

Last Name: Haq et al.

Title: Analysis of environmental factors using AI and ML methods

Para 5:

Are Predictive Models Accurate:

There is general distrust in AI because of the natural bias it has in accordance with its makers. Are they
accurate and how is this bias being addressed. Below are sources with evidence in support of this

Last Name: Lacoste, Luccioni, Schmidt, and Dandres

Title: Quantifying the Carbon Emissions of Machine Learning

Last Name: Kaack, Donti, Strubell, Kamiya, Creutzig, and Rolnick

Title: Aligning artificial intelligence with climate change mitigation

Last Name: Vinuesa et al.

Title: The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Last Name: Seshia, Sadigh, and Sastry

Title: Towards Verified Artificial Intelligence

Last Name: Yetilmezsoy et al.

Title: Artificial intelligence-based prediction models for environmental engineering

Para 6:

Does AI do More Harm?:

Williams 3

Do the possible benefits of using AI for predictive modeling outweigh its benefits? How does it harm the
environment and to what extent?

Last Name: Ligozat, Lefevre, Bugeau, and Combaz

Title: Unraveling the Hidden Environmental Impacts of AI Solutions for Environment Life Cycle
Assessment of AI Solutions

Last Name: Wynsberghe

Title: Sustainable AI: AI for sustainability and the sustainability of AI

Last Name: Sætra

Title: AI for the sustainable development goals

Revised Research Proposal Memo


Date: October 1, 2023

To: Dr. Steffen Guenzel

From: Kenya Williams

Subject: Research Proposal: AI and Climate Change

Topic description: The research project explores how generative AI can aid in predicting models for
climate change and its impacts on the environment.

Key Words: Environment, AI, Artificial Intelligence, sustainable, machine learning, computing, emissions,
memory network, sustainability, HPC

Documentation Style: Based on my major I would use an IEEE style guide for citation. It is referenced
because it allows readers to know it has been sourced quickly within its brackets.

Purpose: My major is environmental engineering, and it is considered a niche subsect of civil

engineering. Because there are fewer professionals in this area the impacts generative AI has may come
second to more popular fields. This motivates me to find different answers to how generative AI might
help in creating predictive models for climate change and its impacts on the environment. AI is creating
a shift in all fields and part of mine is understanding how the relationship between human technology
and the environment can be bettered through innovation.

Intended audience: It is common knowledge that climate change is making an impact on today's society
and fast. Many would immediately reference the rising sea levels, and the increase in severe weather,
but it extends to corners of the world outside of the immediate eye. It is important to know that there
are or could be systems that could potentially aid in finding consequential impacts on the environment
and facilitate sustainable practices. My goal is to report my findings and related ideas with our English II
Williams 4

Research Question / Preliminary Thesis / Argument: How might generative AI help create predictive
models for climate change and its environmental impact?

Types of research areas: I plan to utilize scholarly and internet sources in my research. I do not plan to
use field research because what is known about generative AI is not popular knowledge and it is still
considered somewhat taboo in academia. Scholarly articles have often been reviewed and are reliable
and the internet is useful to finding what ideas are floating within this discourse.

Tentative List of References: Listed under Research Dossier Introduction

Visuals, graphs or charts:

( Image used to describe the methodology of a potential forecast model. )

Williams 5

(Examples created using the methodology of the system presented in the image above.)

Research Schedule:

Research Schedule
October 5, 2023 Calc 1:
11:15AM- 12:30PM Calc 1 Showcase: Derivatives
October 8, 2023 English II:
TBA Digital Paper Trail
October 13, 2023 Fundamentals of Chemistry:
~~ Exam 2
1.5 Hours
October 14, 2023 Volunteering
7:30AM-2:00PM Knights Give Back

October 17, 2023 English II:

Final Draft Research Dossier
October 22, 2023 Nehemie's Wedding
Williams 6

October 26, 2023 Calc 1:
TBA Calc 1 Showcase: Applications
October 31, 2023 Halloween

November 3, 2023 Fundamentals of Chemistry:

~ Exam 3
1.5 Hours
November 7, 2023 English II:
TBA Pitch my TED Talk
November 12, 2023 TBA English II:
Final Draft Due
November 16, 2023 TBA Calc 1:
Calc 1 Showcase: Integration
November 20, 2023 Fundamentals of Chemistry:
~~ Exam 3
1.5 Hours
November 23, 2023 Thanksgiving
November 28, 2023 TBA English II:
Final Draft Argumentative Research Paper
December 4, 2023 Fundamentals of Chemistry:
~~ Final Exam
1.5 Hours
December 7, 2023 English II:
E-Portfolios Due + Feedback for Research Presentation
Williams 7

Annotated Bibliography


M. Tufail, L. Ormsbee, and Ramesh, “Artificial Intelligence-Based Inductive Models for Prediction and
Classification of Fecal Coliform in Surface Waters,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 134, no. 9,
pp. 789–799, Sep. 2008, doi:

o Content: “This paper describes the use of inductive models developed using two
artificial intelligence (AI)-based techniques for fecal coliform prediction and
classification in surface waters. The two AI techniques used include artificial neural
networks (ANNs) and a fixed functional set genetic algorithm (FFSGA) approach for
function approximation. While ANNs have previously been used successfully for
modeling water quality constituents, FFSGA is a relatively new technique of inductive
model development. This paper will evaluate the efficacy of this technique for modeling
indicator organism concentrations. In scenarios where process-based models cannot be
developed and/or are not feasible, efficient and effective inductive models may be more
suitable to provide quick and reasonably accurate predictions of indicator organism
concentrations and associated water quality violations. The relative performance of AI-
based inductive models is compared with conventional regression models. When raw
data are used in the development of the inductive models described in this paper, the AI
models slightly outperform the traditional regression models. However, when log
transformed data are used, all inductive models show comparable performance. While
the work validates the strength of simple regression models, it also validated FFSGA to
be an effective technique that competes well with other state-of-the-art and complex
techniques such as ANNs. FFSGA comes with the added advantage of resulting in a
simple, easy to use, and compact functional form of the model sought. This work adds
to the limited amount of research on the use of data-driven modeling methods for
indicator organisms.” (Abstract from Source)
o Author: These authors published this technical paper in the Journal of Environmental
Engineering. Ormsbee is a Director at the Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute
and a professor of civil engineering. Tufail is an Assistant Professor in civil engineering at
NWFP Univ. Of Engineering and Technology. Teegavarapu is an Assistant Professor in
the Department of Civil Engineering at FAU.
o BEAM: This article discusses the validity of AI and offers different models that were used
in the experiment in the paper.


U. Cortés, M. Sànchez-Marrè, L. Ceccaroni, I. R-Roda, and M. Poch, “Artificial Intelligence and

Environmental Decision Support Systems,” Applied Intelligence, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 77–91, 2000, doi:

o Content: “An effective protection of our environment is largely dependent on the

quality of the available information used to make an appropriate decision. Problems
arise when the quantities of available information are huge and nonuniform (i.e.,
coming from many different disciplines or sources) and their quality could not be stated
Williams 8

in advance. Another associated issue is the dynamical nature of the problem. Computers
are central in contemporary environmental protection in tasks such as monitoring, data
analysis, communication, information storage and retrieval, so it has been natural to try
to integrate and enhance all these tasks with Artificial Intelligence knowledge-based
techniques. This paper presents an overview of the impact of Artificial Intelligence
techniques on the definition and development of Environmental Decision Support
Systems (EDSS) during the last fifteen years. The review highlights the desirable features
that an EDSS must show. The paper concludes with a selection of successful applications
to a wide range of environmental problems.” (Abstract from Source)
o Author: The first three authors are in the Software Department at the Technical
University if Catalonia and the last two are in the chemical and environmental
engineering laboratory at the University of Girona
o BEAM: This text offers what Impact AI had on Environmental decisions support systems
in 2000. It also delves into different ways AI can be applied


S. H. Chen, A. J. Jakeman, and J. P. Norton, “Artificial Intelligence techniques: An introduction to their

use for modelling environmental systems,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 78, no. 2–3,
pp. 379–400, Jul. 2008, doi:

o Content: “ Knowledge-based or Artificial Intelligence techniques are used increasingly as

alternatives to more classical techniques to model environmental systems. We review
some of them and their environmental applicability, with examples and a reference list.
The techniques covered are case-based reasoning, rule-based systems, artificial neural
networks, fuzzy models, genetic algorithms, cellular automata, multi-agent systems,
swarm intelligence, reinforcement learning and hybrid systems.” (Abstract by authors)
o Author: All the authors are within the school of environment and society at the
Australian National University. In Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management
o BEAM: Offers history to how knowledge-based systems in 2008 could be applied


UNEP, “How artificial intelligence is helping tackle environmental challenges,” UNEP, Nov. 07, 2022.

o Content: This article focuses on how AI can interpret, and act on management of climate
data. It offers information on a application called WESR which it views at a potential
future to aid in tackling environmental challenges
o Author: Unknown; Sited from the United Nations Environment Program
o BEAM: Offers a specific solution and how AI can aid in environmental issues
Williams 9


C. Kahraman and İrem Uçal Sarı, “Introduction to Intelligence Techniques in Environmental

Management,” Intelligent systems reference library, pp. 1–18, Sep. 2016, doi:

o Content: “Environmental management is a popular interdisciplinary field which covers

all the activities that have a direct or indirect impact on the environment. With the
increased concerns on environmental sustainability it becomes one of the most
considered issues both by the governments and industries. This chapter introduces the
main concepts of environmental management and the intelligent techniques which are
used to model and solve environmental management issues. Future trends on
environmental management are also examined in the chapter.” (Abstract by authors)
o Author: Both authors are a part of the Department of Industrial Engineering at Istanbul
Technical University. Paper was published in Springer Link.
o BEAM: This paper reviews different types of intelligent systems and how they ca play a
role in environmental management. Talks about their future trends as well.


L. Chen et al., “Artificial intelligence-based solutions for climate change: a review,” Environmental
Chemistry Letters, vol. 21, no. 6, Jun. 2023, doi:

o Content: “Climate change is a major threat already causing system damage to urban and
natural systems, and inducing global economic losses of over $500 billion. These issues
may be partly solved by artificial intelligence because artificial intelligence integrates
internet resources to make prompt suggestions based on accurate climate change
predictions. Here we review recent research and applications of artificial intelligence in
mitigating the adverse effects of climate change, with a focus on energy efficiency,
carbon sequestration and storage, weather and renewable energy forecasting, grid
management, building design, transportation, precision agriculture, industrial processes,
reducing deforestation, and resilient cities. We found that enhancing energy efficiency
can significantly contribute to reducing the impact of climate change. Smart
manufacturing can reduce energy consumption, waste, and carbon emissions by 30–
50% and, in particular, can reduce energy consumption in buildings by 30–50%. About
70% of the global natural gas industry utilizes artificial intelligence technologies to
enhance the accuracy and reliability of weather forecasts. Combining smart grids with
artificial intelligence can optimize the efficiency of power systems, thereby reducing
electricity bills by 10–20%. Intelligent transportation systems can reduce carbon dioxide
emissions by approximately 60%. Moreover, the management of natural resources and
the design of resilient cities through the application of artificial intelligence can further
promote sustainability.” (Abstract by authors)
o Author: All of the authors that published this book are involved in a department of
o BEAM: Integrated the role AI plays in climate change and its solutions. Delve into how
smart manufacturing can aid in the growth of AI.
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A.-L. Ligozat, J. Lefevre, A. Bugeau, and J. Combaz, “Unraveling the Hidden Environmental Impacts of AI
Solutions for Environment Life Cycle Assessment of AI Solutions,” Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 9, p. 5172,
Apr. 2022, doi:

o Content: “In the past ten years, artificial intelligence has encountered such dramatic
progress that it is now seen as a tool of choice to solve environmental issues and, in the
first place, greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). At the same time, the deep learning
community began to realize that training models with more and more parameters
require a lot of energy and, as a consequence, GHG emissions. To our knowledge,
questioning the complete net environmental impacts of AI solutions for the
environment (AI for Green) and not only GHG, has never been addressed directly. In this
article, we propose to study the possible negative impacts of AI for Green. First, we
review the different types of AI impacts; then, we present the different methodologies
used to assess those impacts and show how to apply life cycle assessment to AI services.
Finally, we discuss how to assess the environmental usefulness of a general AI service
and point out the limitations of existing work in AI for Green.” (Abstract from Authors)
o Author: Published on a peer-reviewed site with scientific journals with various authors
in the engineering field
o BEAM: Recognized the usefulness of AI and the different impacts it can have on the
environment. Shows possible limitations of AI in environmental issues.


M. A. Haq et al., “Analysis of environmental factors using AI and ML methods,” Scientific Reports, vol. 12,
no. 1, p. 13267, Aug. 2022, doi:

o Content: “The main goal of this research paper is to apply a deep neural network model
for time series forecasting of environmental variables. Accurate forecasting of snow
cover and NDVI are important issues for the reliable and efficient hydrological models
and prediction of the spread of forest. Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) model for the
time series forecasting of snow cover, temperature, and normalized difference
vegetation index (NDVI) are studied in this research work. Artificial neural networks
(ANN) are widely used for forecasting time series due to their adaptive computing
nature. LSTM and Recurrent neural networks (RNN) are some of the several
architectures provided in a class of ANN. LSTM is a kind of RNN that has the capability of
learning long-term dependencies. We followed a coarse-to-fine strategy, providing
reviews of various related research materials and supporting it with the LSTM analysis
on the dataset of Himachal Pradesh, as gathered. Environmental factors of the Himachal
Pradesh region are forecasted using the dataset, consisting of temperature, snow cover,
and vegetation index as parameters from the year 2001–2017. Currently, available tools
and techniques make the presented system more efficient to quickly assess, adjust, and
improve the environment-related factors analysis.” (Abstract by the author)
o Author: Scientific Journal with authors across the field of engineering, in computer
science, and departments of technologies.
Williams 11

o BEAM: Provides conclusions to a sample model. How does AI respond with these


A. Lacoste, A. Luccioni, V. Schmidt, and T. Dandres, “Quantifying the Carbon Emissions of Machine
Learning,” Nov. 2019.

o Content: “From an environmental standpoint, there are a few crucial aspects of training
a neural network that have a major impact on the quantity of carbon that it emits.
These factors include: the location of the server used for training and the energy grid
that it uses, the length of the training procedure, and even the make and model of
hardware on which the training takes place. In order to approximate these emissions,
we present our Machine Learning Emissions Calculator, a tool for our community to
better understand the environmental impact of training ML models. We accompany this
tool with an explanation of the factors cited above, as well as concrete actions that
individual practitioners and organizations can take to mitigate their carbon emissions.”
(Abstract by the author)
o Author: Authors from the university of Montreal and the paper was published under
Cornell University open archive: arXiv
o BEAM: Reviews how bias has a role in machine learning and how this factor cannot be
ignored in environmental models. Mentions how with the use of more ML emissions
grow. Talks about realistic margin of error.


L. H. Kaack, P. L. Donti, E. Strubell, G. Kamiya, F. Creutzig, and D. Rolnick, “Aligning artificial intelligence
with climate change mitigation,” Nature Climate Change, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 518–527, Jun. 2022, doi:

o Content: “There is great interest in how the growth of artificial intelligence and machine
learning may affect global GHG emissions. However, such emissions impacts remain
uncertain, owing in part to the diverse mechanisms through which they occur, posing
difficulties for measurement and forecasting. Here we introduce a systematic
framework for describing the effects of machine learning (ML) on GHG emissions,
encompassing three categories: computing-related impacts, immediate impacts of
applying ML and system-level impacts. Using this framework, we identify priorities for
impact assessment and scenario analysis, and suggest policy levers for better
understanding and shaping the effects of ML on climate change mitigation.”(Abstract by
the author)
o Author: Published under the nature climate change journal. A few of the authors are
parts of schools of computer science at their university while other belong in the
International Energy Agency, and more.
o BEAM: Considers bias, climate policy, and current actions within the use of AI and ML in
environmental change.
Williams 12


R. Vinuesa et al., “The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,”
Nature Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 233, Jan. 2020, doi:

o Content: “The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and its progressively wider impact
on many sectors requires an assessment of its effect on the achievement of the
Sustainable Development Goals. Using a consensus-based expert elicitation process, we
find that AI can enable the accomplishment of 134 targets across all the goals, but it
may also inhibit 59 targets. However, current research foci overlook important aspects.
The fast development of AI needs to be supported by the necessary regulatory insight
and oversight for AI-based technologies to enable sustainable development. Failure to
do so could result in gaps in transparency, safety, and ethical standards.” (Abstract by
the author)
o Author: Authors work in Robotics, freshwater ecology, AI sustainability, climate change,
and more. Published under nature communications journal.
o BEAM: Delves into the sustainability of AI in Environmental issues and how these
technologies should be regulated. Without regulation there is a gap in ethical standards


S. Seshia, D. Sadigh, and S. Shankar Sastry, “Towards Verified Artificial Intelligence,” 2020. Available:

o Content: “Verified artificial intelligence (AI) is the goal of designing AI-based systems
that have strong, ideally provable, assurances of correctness with respect to
mathematically-specified requirements. This paper considers Verified AI from a formal
methods perspective. We describe five challenges for achieving Verified AI, and five
corresponding principles for addressing these challenges.”(Abstract by the author)
o Author: Authors are Professors from UC Berkly and Stanford University
o BEAM: How AI need to be verified and possible verification systems. Making AI more



ENGINEERING," NEURAL NETWORK WORLD , vol.21, no.3, pp.193-218, 2011

o Content: “While there is a growing effort towards AI for Sustainability (e.g. towards the
sustainable development goals) it is time to move beyond that and to address the
sustainability of developing and using AI systems. In this paper I propose a definition of
Sustainable AI; Sustainable AI is a movement to foster change in the entire lifecycle of AI
products (i.e. idea generation, training, re-tuning, implementation, governance) towards
greater ecological integrity and social justice. As such, Sustainable AI is focused on more
than AI applications; rather, it addresses the whole sociotechnical system of AI. I have
suggested here that Sustainable AI is not about how to sustain the development of AI
per say but it is about how to develop AI that is compatible with sustaining
Williams 13

environmental resources for current and future generations; economic models for
societies; and societal values that are fundamental to a given society. I have articulated
that the phrase Sustainable AI be understood as having two branches; AI for
sustainability and sustainability of AI (e.g. reduction of carbon emissions and computing
power). I propose that Sustainable AI take sustainable development at the core of its
definition with three accompanying tensions between AI innovation and equitable
resource distribution; inter and intra-generational justice; and, between environment,
society, and economy. This paper is not meant to engage with each of the three pillars
of sustainability (i.e. social, economic, environment), and as such the pillars of
sustainable AI. Rather, this paper is meant to inspire the reader, the policy maker, the AI
ethicist, the AI developer to connect with the environment—to remember that there
are environmental costs to AI. Further, to direct funding towards sustainable methods
of AI.”(Abstract by the author)
o Author: Authors are professors in the department of Environmental Engineering
o BEAM: How Ai has been exposed to air, water, and other fields within environmental
engineering. Can expand on growth of AI since it is an older text. Offers an example of
accuracy of AI.


A. van Wynsberghe, “Sustainable AI: AI for sustainability and the sustainability of AI,” AI and Ethics, vol.
1, no. 3, Feb. 2021, doi:

o Content: “A literature survey was conducted to appraise the recent applications of

artificial intelligence (AI)-based modeling studies in the environmental engineering field.
A number of studies on artificial neural networks (ANN), fuzzy logic and adaptive neuro-
fuzzy systems (ANFIS) were reviewed and important aspects of these models were
highlighted. The results of the extensive literature survey showed that most AI-based
prediction models were implemented for the solution of water/wastewater (55.7%) and
air pollution (30.8%) related environmental problems compared to solid waste (13.5%)
management studies. The present literature review indicated that among the many
types of ANNs, the three-layer feed-forward and back-propagation (FFBP) networks
were considered as one of the simplest and the most widely used network type. In
general, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (LMA) was found as the best-suited
training algorithm for several complex and nonlinear real-life problems of
environmental engineering. The literature survey showed that for water and
wastewater treatment processes, most of AI-based prediction models were introduced
to estimate the performance of various biological and chemical treatment processes,
and to control effluent pollutant loads and flowrates from a specific system. In air
pollution related environmental problems, forecasting of ozone (O-3) and nitrogen
dioxide (NO2) levels, daily and/or hourly particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10)
emissions, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations were
found to be widely modeled. For solid waste management applications, researchers
conducted studies to model weight of waste generation, solid waste composition, and
total rate of waste generation.”(Abstract by the author)
Williams 14

o Author: Published under Springer Link and the author is a professor for applied ethics of
AI at the university of Bonn
o BEAM: Sustainability within AI and how its emissions must be addressed. Is it
sustainable and how can this relationship occur currently.


Henrik Skaug Sætra, AI for the sustainable development goals. Boca Raton: Crc Press, 2022.

o Content: Defines AI and how it affects sustainable development goals.

o Author: Researcher within Digital society at the University of Oslo
o BEAM: Sustainability within AI and different views to how AI can continue in the future.
How current emissions from AI can be reduced in different sectors and AI in different

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