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DIRECTION: Write only the letter of your answer.

_____ 1. Arrange the following months in alphabetical order:

a) November, August, December, April
b) April, August, December, November
c) August, April, November, December
d) December, November, August, April

_____ 2. Which of the following words comes first when alphabetized?

a) Elephant
b) Eagle
c) Emu
d) Elk

For numbers 3-8, read the story to answer the questions.

Lily’s Adventure
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily. She lived in a small cottage deep in the forest. One
sunny morning, Lily decided to go for a walk and explore the woods. She packed a picnic basket with her
favorite sandwiches and fruits. As she strolled through the forest, she encountered a friendly squirrel who led
her to a hidden meadow filled with colorful wildflowers.

_____ 3. What did Lily do first in the story?

a) She met a friendly squirrel.
b) She packed a picnic basket.
c) She went for a walk in the forest.
d) She explored the woods.

_____ 4. What would be an appropriate title for the story?

a) "The Lost Girl"
b) "The Squirrel's Secret"
c) "The Enchanted Forest"
d) "Lily's Adventure"

_____ 5. What is the setting of the story?

a) In a bustling city
b) In Lily's small cottage
c) In a hidden meadow in the forest
d) In a desert

_____ 6. Who is the main character in the story?

a) A friendly squirrel and the monkey
b) Lily
c) monkey
d) Lily and a friendly squirrel

_____ 7. How would you like Lily's day to end in the story?

_____ 8. The _______________ of the story deals with what the story is all about.
a) major point
b) key elements
c) story elements
d) whole elements

_____ 9. Which is an imperative sentence?

a) I will go home.
b) Why is everyone so noisy?
c) c)Oh my God!
d) Please keep the school clean.

_____ 10. Which is a declarative sentence?

a) The girls are happy.
b) Do not put trash on the street.
c) c)Why are people sick?
d) Did Vanessa saw sick children?

_____ 11. Identify the sentence type in the following: "It's a beautiful day, and the birds are singing!"
a) Declarative
b) Interrogative
c) Imperative
d) Exclamatory
_____ 12. What is an interrogative sentence used for?
a) Making a command
b) Expressing a strong emotion
c) Asking a question
d) Making a statement

_____ 13. Rene do not know how to swim. Which picture shows the effect?
A. B. C.


_____ 14. Which sentence correctly uses a comma in a list?

a) I like to play soccer read books and draw.
b) I like to play soccer, read books, and draw.
c) I like to play soccer, read books and draw.
d) I like to play, soccer, read, books, and draw.

_____ 15. Who passes by into the river?

a) the stranger
b) Vanessa
c) a girl
d) an old woman

_____ 16. What do you think will the children do to keep the river clean?
a) Dump garbage into the river.
b) Throw dead animals into the river.
c) Avoid throwing plastics and junks into the river.
d) Always swim into the river.
_____ 17. Choose the correct punctuation for this sentence: "The party was so much fun___"
a) Period (.)
b) Comma (,)
c) Exclamation mark (!)
d) All is correct

_____ 18. Choose the correct punctuation for this sentence: "Do you like ice cream"
a) Comma (,)
b) Period (.)
c) Question mark (?)
d) All is correct

_____ 19. Which is a proper noun of a place?

a) park
b) school
c) church
d) Provincial Library

_____ 20. My Aunt Linda goes to Candijay Public Market everyday.

The underline word is a _____________.
a) common noun
b) b)proper noun
c) mass nouns
d) person

_____ 21. Choose the proper noun in the sentence: "The girl's name is Sarah."
a) girl
b) name
c) is
d) Sarah

_____ 22. Which of the following sentences uses a singular noun?

a) The dogs are playing in the yard.
b) A cat is sitting on the fence.
c) Two birds are singing in the tree.
d) I saw horses running in the field.

_____ 23. What is the plural form of "mouse"?

a) mouses
b) mices
c) mice
d) mooses

_____ 24. Identify the correct plural form of "man":

a) mens
b) manes
c) mans
d) men

_____ 25. Which of the following sentences uses a singular noun?

a) The students sat at their desks.
b) A teacher explained the lesson.
c) The birds sang in the trees.
d) The cars parked in the lot.
_____ 26. What is the plural form of "child"?
a) childs
b) childes
c) child's
d) children
Change the following singular nouns to plural nouns:

_____________________27. Church

_____________________28. carabao

_____________________29. knife

_____________________30. Library

DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

There are different ways in cooking eggs, If you don’t want too much oil, you can boil it. Also, you can bake it. If you
want if fluffy, you can scramble eggs. If you want hot, you can make a soup. If you want it as snack, you can make a
sandwich spread. It is easy to serve both for the kids and adults.
What cooking way will you do when you want a fluffy egg?


What will you do if you want hot egg? _________________________________________________

What is the main point of the paragraph? _________________________________________________

What is the key theme of the paragraph? _________________________________________________

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