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13th October 2018

7:38 PM

Realization #2

I guess for the first I would be using this social media Platform to express my
actual thoughts and for passing on a positive vibe.

I always had this thought ‘what brings peace to your mind and soul’, ‘what is it
that keeps you disturbed’? I always have mood swings. I get irked on little things.
Some days, I feel depressed. Some days, I don’t feel moving out of my apartment,
not even to office or to a nearby shop. And I had no idea why all this happens to
me till today.

Today I realized the reason behind my anger, depression, anxiety, low confidence;
the thoughts that I am carrying are the reason behind this weird behavior. I never
let go anything, whether it is that friend’s betrayal which happened years ago, or
maybe when I saw my Mom Dad fighting for the first time. I remember how my
colleague made me cry in Initial days of my Job and how my best friend took
money from me and never returned. I never forgotten how my relative cheated on
my family and how my closest ones never cared when I was all broke. I remember
how my mentor made fool out of me. I never forgotten anything in Life, I was
never able to forgive anyone completely. All the bad things that happened to me
were still there in my thoughts and my behavior produce negative reaction when
any of such thought passes by. Because I am holding on something destructive.
And I would never be able to have any positive outcome with such thoughts.

So, today I want to let go, let go of any miserable thing that ever happened to me,
anything which makes me sad or angry. I just want to forgive people for making
me feel bad, for their betrays and harsh words. I just want to make peace with
myself by letting go negative vibes and passing on positivity. Today I hold no
grudges, hard feelings or anything negative for anyone, ANYONE!! I forgive myself
and I forgive people who made me feel little less. Let’s forgive and forget.

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