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Dear BCOM+ Intern Team,

In this email, I hope to convince the group to choose Ford Motor Company for the informed
outreach effort. For those who don’t know, Ford Motor Company is an American auto
manufacturer. They’re one of the largest auto companies in both the United States and the
world as a whole, with business and manufacturing spanning multiple other countries. However,
they’ve recently been embroiled in some controversy, mainly in the form of the recent United
Automobile Workers strike and a series of investigations into their SUVs done by the federal
government. For these reasons, I believe that Ford could benefit from a new communication
plan developed by us at BCOM+.

United Automobile Workers Strike

The most prominent of Ford’s current issues is the United Automobile Workers strike. The strike
began on September 15th and is still ongoing. The majority of the walkouts are taking place at
the Ford manufacturing plant in Chicago. It’s not only against Ford, but also General Motors and
Stellantis. Ford initially cooperated with the UAW on some points, but negotiations have since
reached a standstill of sorts. A few of their demands include wage increases, the reinstatement
of cost-of-living adjustments, the end of the tiered wage system, more retirement benefits, and a
thirty two hour work week. Ford has met some of these demands and brought forward some
offers. But, as stated previously, negotiations have reached a standstill. And it’s begun to affect
the company’s stocks and public perception. As such, I believe they could benefit from a fresh
approach, as developed by BCOM+.

Investigations into Ford by the Federal Government

The second of Ford’s problems I believe we can help with is the recent investigations into some
models of SUVs by the Department of Transportation. They’re currently recalling hundreds of
thousand SUVs malfunctioning following a brake repair made to fix a manufacturing defect.
Some models are rolling away while put in park, and others stop suddenly while driving. A
second, unrelated probe by the Department of Transportation is happening simultaneously, into
incidents of some of Ford's SUV EcoBoost engines failing on the road and, in some cases,
exploding. No one has been hurt, and no models have been recalled, but Ford has received
hundreds of complaints related to such incidents. Because of these probes, public perception of
Ford vehicles has turned unfavorable. BCOM+ can help turn that perception around.

In conclusion, I believe that the company we should focus our efforts on should be Ford Motor
Company. Their recent problems with the United Automobile Workers strike against them and
investigations into some of their SUV models make the company a prime target for a new
communications initiative. And I believe that BCOM+ could be the ones to create such an

Thank you for taking the time to consider my proposal. I look forward to hearing feedback and
discussing potential options as a group,

Constant Haden

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