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Final Requirements

In Mathematics in the
Modern World

Submitted by:
Mariel R. Elemia

Submitted to:
Mr. Dave Lacquio
“Elementary Students' Favorite Subjects”

From a young age, children show inclinations towards certain subjects that capture their
interest and imagination. These preferences often reflect their personalities, passions, and potential
career paths. This study delves into the favorite subjects of elementary students and how these
choices may correlate with their future aspirations. The objective of this survey is to uncover the
most beloved subjects among elementary students and to see if there is any alignment with their
future career interests. The data for this study was collected through a sampling technique survey,
which asked 50 students from diverse age groups, genders, and cultural backgrounds the question:
"What's your favorite subject?"

I selected this topic out of curiosity about the early academic preferences of children and
whether these preferences persist or evolve over time. Understanding the subjects that resonate
with students can provide insights into their future educational and professional choices.

To gather data, I used the sampling technique, which is a non-probability sampling method
that involves non-random selection based on convenience or other criteria, allowing me to easily
collect data. An online survey was created with the question mentioned above and shared across
various social media platforms, targeting elementary students. The survey received 50 responses,
representing a wide range of demographics within the elementary student population.

The data collected is summarized in the following table:

Favorite Subject Frequency Percentage

Mathematics 15 30%
Science 19 38%
English 4 8%
History 1 2%
Art 5 10%
Physical Education 3 6%
TOTAL 50 100%

Charts visualizing the data gathered:

Favorite Subject
Favorite Subject



4 1 3

Mathematics Science English History Art Physical Education

The survey results reveal that Mathematics is the most favored subject among the
respondents, followed by Science and English. This indicates a strong inclination towards subjects
that involve problem-solving, experimentation, and language skills. Less common favorites were
History, Art, and Physical Education, suggesting that these areas might be less engaging or less
emphasized in the elementary curriculum. The distribution of favorite subjects is not uniform,
highlighting the diversity in interests among elementary students. These interests may be shaped by
a variety of factors, including innate abilities, exposure to different subjects, teaching methods, and
family influence.

By analyzing the favorite subjects of elementary students, we can infer potential future
career interests and educational paths. For instance, a preference for Mathematics might lead to
careers in engineering, finance, or technology, while a love for Science could inspire future scientists,
doctors, or researchers. Understanding these early preferences is also crucial for educators and
parents to nurture and guide students towards fulfilling and successful careers that align with their
passions and strengths.

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