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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,929,953 B2

Jiang (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 19, 2011
(75) Inventor: John Yue Jun Jiang, Danville, CA (US)
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Specifica
(73) Assignee: Roamware, Inc., San Jose, CA (US) tion of the SIM Application Toolkit for the Subscriber Identity Mod
ule-Mobile Equipment (SIM-ME) Interface (GSM 11, 14 version
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 8.3.0 Release 1999) STSI TS 101 267 V8.3.0, XX, XX, Aug. 2000,
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 pp. 1-69 and pp. 114-115 (XP-002222021).
U.S.C. 154(b) by 844 days.
(21) Appl. No.: 11/402,128
Primary Examiner — William D Cumming
(22) Filed: Apr. 12, 2006 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Arent Fox, LLP
(65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT
US 2007/0173252 A1 Jul. 26, 2007 A system for controlling traffic of an inbound roaming mobile
Related U.S. Application Data station between a first Visiting Public Mobile Network
(VPMN), a second VPMN and a Home Public Mobile Net
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/374,437, work (HPMN) is provided. The system includes a detection
filed on Mar. 14, 2006, and a continuation-in-part of unit for detecting a possible change in registration of the
application No. 10/635,804, filed on Aug. 5, 2003, now inbound roaming mobile station at a second VPMN upon
Pat. No. 7,072,651. receipt of a first registration cancellation message of one or
(60) Provisional application No. 60/670.914, filed on Apr. more registration cancellation messages at the first VPMN
12, 2005. from the HPMN. The system further includes redirection unit
for attempting to redirect the traffic of the inbound roaming
(51) Int. Cl. mobile station back to the first VPMN by sending one or more
H04M 3/42 (2006.01) registration messages from the first VPMN to the HPMN
H0474/00 (2009.01) Subsequent to receipt of one or more registration cancellation
messages from the HPMN. For each registration cancellation
(52) U.S. Cl. ................... 455/414.1; 455/432.1; 455/433 message received, one or more registration messages are sent
(58) Field of Classification Search ............... 455/414.1, within a first pre-defined interval of time (TO) until one reg
455/432.1,433 istration message is recorded as a Successful transaction. Fur
See application file for complete search history. ther for all registration cancellation messages received in
(56) References Cited current attempt to redirect the inbound roaming mobile sta
tion to the first VPMN, all the registration messages are sent
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS either within a second pre-defined interval of time (T1) and/or
a re-registration threshold number of times.
5,353,328 A 10, 1994 Jokimies
(Continued) 59 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets

102 204
First WPMN
Second 206 HPMN

Registration 302:LUP

304: Cancellocation, first time

304: Cancel Locatioh,

306: Fake LUP e
| Successful LUP
a C
8:LUPreject error
2 --

Inbound-TRSignal flow
US 7,929,953 B2
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U.S. Patent Apr. 19, 2011 Sheet 4 of 10 US 7,929,953 B2

timer expired Yes
and 404
Counter = 1
Reset Counter
Perform bookkeeping
No Perform special handling

Monitor LUP to
HPMN and Cance

Process Fake LUP

from the TR

410 408




FIG. 4 (a)
U.S. Patent Apr. 19, 2011 Sheet 5 of 10 US 7,929,953 B2

414 416
Re Yes
registration Reset Counter
timer Reset timer

418 420
New VLR is Yes
a NO
Sae Counter <>

Re- Yes Reset COunter 422
registration and timer
COUnter F Perform
threshold bookkeeping
No 428

Re-register LUP Reset Counter 426

Record MSISDN, and timer
HLR for MS
Increment re
registration bookkeeping
Provide VAS

FIG. 5
U.S. Patent US 7,929,953 B2
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U.S. Patent Apr. 19, 2011 Sheet 9 of 10 US 7,929,953 B2

ON 3.

U.S. Patent US 7,929,953 B2

US 7,929,953 B2
1. 2
CONTROLLING TRAFFIC OF AN INBOUND “preferred VPMN network will get a very high percentage of
ROAMING MOBILE STATION BETWEENA the HPMN's roaming traffic and the “non-preferred” VPMN
FIRST VPMN, A SECOND VPMN ANDA networks will get a low percentage of that roaming traffic.
HPMN Those traffic redirections techniques used by an HPMN
operator can deprive the non-preferred VPMN operators of
This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional inbound roaming revenues. Sometimes these deprived
Patent Application Ser. No. 60/670,914 entitled “Method and VPMN operators may have apartnership with the HPMN and
Apparatus for redirection of Inbound Roamer Traffic', filed may even be the “preferred” networks. Furthermore, the traf
Apr. 12, 2005 and is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent fic redirection that is based on rejection error, timeout or abort
application Ser. No. 10/635,804 entitled “Method And Sys 10 techniques generates network errors to the mobile handset's
tem. For Cellular Network Traffic redirection filed on Aug. 5, radio interface. The generation of these errors compels the
2003 now U.S. Pat. No. 7,072,651, claiming priority from mobile handset to initiate again a number of registration
Aug. 5, 2002, and is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent attempts. This can overload the network interface between the
application Ser. No. 1 1/374,437 entitled “Method and Appa HPMN and the VPMN.
ratus for Defense Against Network Traffic redirection filed 15 In cases when there are more than two VPMN operators in
Mar. 14, 2006, and claiming priority from Mar. 14, 2005. All a country, the radio coverage of each these VPMN operators
of those related patent applications are incorporated herein by becomes a factor for preference of one operator over the other.
this reference in their entirety. However, the operators are constantly improving their net
work coverage and hence diminishing the importance of radio
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION coverage as the factor. Further some competing and “non
preferred” VPMN networks also deploy a form of traffic
Field of the Invention redirection at their end to retain the inbound roamers by
stopping them from leaking out of their network. This leads to
The present invention generally relates to international decrease in revenues for the other VPMN operators. It would
roamers. More specifically, the invention relates to the control 25 be disadvantageous for any VPMN network operator to relin
of traffic from international roamers. quish the control of the subscriber even when a handset is
Common carrier mobile communication systems are registered with it for any reason, such as failure of the SIM
deployed by different companies and network operators network list to produce registration on a preferred network.
within almost every country around the world. Many of those In the previous filing (Anti-TR System), a solution was
network operators offer international roaming to their Sub 30 described to improve the chance of an inbound roamer getting
scribers (or roamers) traveling abroad, and to travelers visit registered successfully at a VPMN when an other than one of
ing their territory and using their foreign mobile telephones. its preferred HPMNs is applying the TR (or SoR). While such
Such an offering enables public mobile network subscribers an Anti-TR System was useful in getting an inbound roamer
the ability to use their mobile phones within public mobile registered successfully with a VPMN, it is not aimed at the
networks other than their own, such as those networks present 35 problem of retaining inbound roamers once they are regis
in territories other than those covered by the network to which tered with the VPMN. The viable solution present nowadays
they normally subscribe. is achieved by more radio coverage and more signal strength.
Over the last few years, revenues to the network operators For newly laid out networks, improving these takes time.
from home subscribers have consistently declined due to Even for mature networks, there are still coverage issues
increased competition and resulting in pricing pressures. On 40 resulting from tiny blind spots, power control, signal interfer
the other hand, revenues from roamers have consistently ence, multi-path and shadowing effects of signals due to
grown in the same period due to increased mobile penetration dynamic environments. It has been observed that inbound
in local markets and an increase in travel. Various network roamers to a country alternates among competitor networks at
operators have preferred bilateral roaming agreements (“part least 3 to 10 times a day.
nerships') with each other that include more favorable roam 45 Due to one or more of the above issues, there is a need in the
ing charges than non-partnership operators. Therefore, "pre art of traffic redirection of inbound roamers in order to retain
ferred visited networks are those that the home network the inbound roamers which are once registered with a VPMN
prefers its outbound roamers to register with when traveling operator and are either now attempting themselves or are
outside their home coverage area. Non-partner networks are forced to attempt to re-register with the other VPMN opera
“non-preferred”. 50 tOrS.
Network operators can maximize their margins and the
roamers can get more attractive roaming rates and services if BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS
roamers roam on their home mobile operator's preferred (or
partner) networks. When the subscribers roam into visited In the drawings, the same or similar reference numbers
networks from a HPMN, they may roam onto one, two or 55 identify similar elements or acts.
more VPMNs, one at a time, based on various criteria. These FIG. 1 shows an environment where Inbound Traffic Redi
VPMNs may also include the “non-preferred” VPMN net rection System (ITRS) solution is implemented, in accor
works. In some cases even when a VPMN network is “non dance with an embodiment of the invention.
preferred to a HPMN network it gets the inbound roamers FIG. 2 represents a system for controlling traffic of an
from the HPMN. These may be due to either non-coverage of 60 inbound roaming mobile station between a first Visiting Pub
“preferred VPMNs or manual selection of an inbound lic Mobile Network (VPMN), a second VPMN and a Home
roamer. This may also be due to distribution by the HPMN Public Mobile Network (HPMN), in accordance with an
Traffic Redirection (TR) (or Steering of Roaming (SoR)). embodiment of the invention.
Hence, the roamers of the HPMN still get registered with the FIG. 3 represents a flow diagram for implementing
“non-preferred VPMN. Sometimes, the HPMN operatorican 65 Inbound Traffic redirection (ITR) between the first VPMN,
use traffic redirection techniques to control the distribution of the second VPMN and the HPMN, in accordance with an
the roamers among VPMN networks in a country so that the embodiment of the invention.
US 7,929,953 B2
3 4
FIGS. 4 and 5 represent a flowchart depicting various registration messages are sent at least one of within a second
application logics to be checked before applying special han pre-defined interval of time (T1) and a re-registration thresh
dling techniques and providing VAS in combination with the old number of times.
ITR attempt, in accordance with an embodiment of the inven The following description provides specific details for a
tion. thorough understanding and an enabling description for vari
FIG. 6 represents a flow diagram for implementing ous embodiments of Inbound Traffic redirection System
Enhanced Location based ITR between the first VPMN, the (ITRS). However, one skilled in the art will understand that
second VPMN and the HPMN, in accordance with an the ITRS may be practiced without these details. In other
embodiment of the invention. instances, well-known structures and functions have not been
FIG. 7 represents a flow diagram for implementing Loca shown or described in detail to avoid unnecessarily obscuring
tion Recovery based ITR between the first VPMN, the second the description of the embodiments of the ITRS. The head
VPMN and the HPMN, in accordance with an embodiment of ings provided herein are for convenience only and do not
the invention. affect the scope or meaning of the claimed invention.
FIG. 8 represents a flow diagram for implementing the ITR 15 Environment for Implementing ITR
in conjunction with countering of TR attempt initiated by the FIG. 1 shows an environment 100 where the Inbound Traf
HPMN, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. fic Redirection System (ITRS) is implemented, inaccordance
FIG.9 represents a system diagram implementing the ITR with an embodiment of the invention. The environment 100
using a GLR based technology, in accordance with an includes a first VPMN 102, a second VPMN 104 and a third
embodiment of the invention. VPMN 106. Each VPMN has its own inbound roamers and in
FIG. 10 represents a flow diagram for performing ITR a typical scenario (for example when no VPMN preferences
attempt to counteran ITR attempt from a competitor network, are set in the SIM or handset memory of an inbound roamer's
in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. mobile device), there is an even chance for each VPMN
operator to get the inbound roamer's traffic. Since under
DETAILED DESCRIPTION 25 typical conventions such as GSM, a handset of a roamer
always looks for the last registered network when power on or
A method for controlling traffic of an inbound roaming regaining coverage, an initially randomly selected network
mobile station between a first Visiting Public Mobile Net will continue to be selected for an inbound roamer unless that
work (VPMN), a second VPMN and a Home Public Mobile network looses coverage. When a roamer traverses an uncov
Network (HPMN) is provided. The method includes detect 30 ered area (“blind spot'), within a presently-registered
ing a possible change in registration of the inbound roaming VPMN's territory, his handset will typically switch from that
mobile station upon receipt of a first registration cancellation present VPMN to another.
message of one or more registration cancellation messages at For one or more of the following reasons, the inbound
the first VPMN from the HPMN. The method further includes roamers tend to move from one VPMN to the other. First,
attempting to redirect the traffic to the first VPMN by sending
35 since every VPMN network has some blind spots (including
one or more registration messages from the first VPMN to the spots that have very weak signals or no signals at all), auto
HPMN subsequent to receipt of the one or more registration matic switching to VPMN's offering coverage would, if not
corrected by Some type of Steering of Roaming technology,
cancellation messages from the HPMN. For each registration result in an even distribution of inbound roamers across all
cancellation message received, one or more registration mes 40 competing VPMN operators. For most of the networks, there
sages are sent within a first pre-defined interval of time (TO) are coverage issues resulting from tiny blind spots, power
till one registration message is recorded as a Successful trans control, signal interference, multi-path fading and shadowing
action. Further, for the one or more registration cancellation effects of signals due to dynamic environments that would
messages received in current attempt to redirect the inbound cause Such an even distribution. These reasons propel the
roaming mobile station to the first VPMN, the one or more 45 inbound roamer to change the VPMN network. Some
registration messages are sent at least one of within a second inbound roamers will lose to other operators while others
pre-defined interval of time (T1) and a re-registration thresh come from competing operators.
old number of times. For example, in FIG. 1, the inbound roamers from the
A system for controlling traffic of an inbound roaming second VPMN 104 are leaking to both first VPMN 102 and
mobile station between a first Visiting Public Mobile Net 50 third VPMN 106, as shown by dotted lines. Similarly, the
work (VPMN), a second VPMN and a Home Public Mobile inbound roamers from the third VPMN 106 are leaking to first
Network (HPMN) is also provided. The system includes a VPMN 102 and second VPMN 104. Hence, for both second
detection unit for detecting a possible change in registration VPMN 104 and third VPMN 106 buckets for their inbound
of the inbound roaming mobile station upon receipt of a first roamer are leaking. The ITRS is deployed in first VPMN 102
registration cancellation message of one or more registration 55 to ensure and increase the probability of inbound roamers
cancellation messages at the first VPMN from the HPMN. continuing to stay with first VPMN 102 once they have reg
The system further includes a redirection unit for attempting istered with the network. In this way, if a “leaky bucket' is
to redirect the traffic to the first VPMN by sending one or used to illustrate the inbound roamers of second VPMN104
more registration messages from the first VPMN to the and third VPMN 106, with some of their inbound roamers
HPMN subsequent to receipt of the one or more registration 60 leaking to other VPMNs, then the ITRS solution of the first
cancellation messages from the HPMN. For each registration VPMN 102 puts a patch on its “leaky bucket” to reduce
cancellation message received, one or more registration mes leakage so to create a 'sticky bucket' of inbound roamers. In
sages are sent within a first pre-defined interval of time (TO) other words, the “sticky bucket ensures that any inbound
till one registration message is recorded as a Successful trans roamer which is once registered with first VPMN 102 stays
action. Further, for the one or more registration cancellation 65 with the same VPMN. One or more possible ways to achieve
messages received in current attempt to redirect the inbound the objective are described later in conjunction various
roaming mobile station to the first VPMN, the one or more embodiments explained with corresponding figures.
US 7,929,953 B2
5 6
System for Implementing Basic Inbound Traffic Redirection attempt to redirect the traffic to first VPMN 102. In one
Mechanism embodiment of the invention, ITR module 226 is deployed by
FIG. 2 represents a system 200 for controlling traffic of an first VPMN 102 to counter the TR attempt by the operator in
inbound roaming mobile station 202 between first VPMN HPMN 204 and an ITR attempt by second VPMN 104. The
102, second VPMN 104, and a Home Public Mobile Network ITR module 226 includes a detection unit 228 and a redirec
(HPMN) 204, in accordance with an embodiment of the tion unit 230. In one embodiment of the invention, detection
invention. The inbound roaming mobile station 202 (or a unit 228 monitors/probes the signals exchanged between
roamer) is initially registered with a VPMN operator at a first Switch 212 in first VPMN 102 and international STP 1. 214.
VPMN VLR 206 in first VPMN 102, while it is roaming from This is referred to as passive monitoring.
the HPMN 204. However, in some cases inbound roaming 10 In another embodiment of the invention, ITR module 226
mobile station 202 attempts to (or is forced to attempt) reg actively intercepts the signaling from Switch (or roaming
ister to another VPMN operator at a second VPMN VLR 208 STP) 212 or from the international STP 1 214 in the in
in second VPMN 104. In one embodiment of the invention, signaling path mode. Further, in this case, Switch 212 is
first VPMN VLR 206 is integrated with a VMSC in first configured to assist in exchange of first registration cancella
VPMN 102. Also second VPMN VLR 208 is integrated a 15 tion message, one or more registration messages, and one or
VMSC in second VPMN 104. Notwithstanding, both the more registration cancellation messages between HPMN
VPMN VLRs and the VMSCs may have different logical 204, and first VPMN 102. Hence, the monitoring or probing
addresses. Subscriber profile data corresponding to the of the traffic redirection attempt is performed in two modes,
inbound roaming mobile station 202 is stored in a HPMN either by passive monitoring or active monitoring of the sig
HLR 210 located in HPMN 204. nals. In one embodiment of the invention, all signals
The roaming signaling corresponding to inbound roaming exchanged through switch 212 are SCCP/TCAP based sig
mobile Station 202 at the first VPMN 102 is routed between a nals.
switch/roaming STP212 and an international STP 1214. The Such “active' monitoring is hereinafter referred inter
roaming signaling corresponding to inbound roaming mobile changeably as in-signaling mode. In the in-signaling mode
Station 202 at the second VPMN 104 is routed between a 25 ITR module 226 is deployed on roaming SS7 path by config
switch/roaming STP216 and an international STP2218. The uring switch 212 (or roaming STP) to route international
signaling between HPMN 204 and first VPMN 102, and roaming SCCP traffic through ITR module 226. In an exem
between HPMN 204 and second VPMN 104 are carried using plary routing, primary routing of the incoming international
SS7 signaling architecture 220 involving an international SCCP traffic from international STP 1. 214 destined to E164
STP 3 222 connected to switching/roaming STP 224 in 30 VPMN VLR 206 is configured to go through ITR module
HPMN 204. The signals exchanged between different net 226. However, secondary routing is kept to VPMN VLR 206.
works are TCAP (including MAP CAP and the like) based This is done in order to provide a redundant path for routing
signals. In another embodiment of the invention, the signals of traffic in case of failure of ITR module 226. Similarly,
exchanged are SCCP based routing signals. primary routing of any outgoing international SCCP traffic
The inbound roaming mobile station 202 attempts to reg 35 destined to E214 address of inbound roaming mobile station
ister with second VPMN 104 even though it is already regis 202 from HPMN 204 is configured to go through ITR module
tered with the first VPMN 102 due to one or more of the 226. The secondary routing however goes to international
following reasons. Firstly, the inbound roaming mobile sta STP3222. It will be apparent to a person skilled in the art, that
tion 202 may attempt to change the VPMN network in case different routing methods using any combination thereof can
there is weak signal strength or a loss of coverage in first 40 be used without affecting the working of the system or the
VPMN 102. Secondly, the inbound roaming mobile station method.
202 may be selecting the second VPMN 104 due to new The E214 is a numbering plan (NP) used for delivering
available technology e.g. GPRS or 3G in second VPMN 104. mobility management related messages in GSM networks.
In one embodiment of the invention, second VPMN 104 The E.214 number is derived from the IMSI of a roaming
attempts to redirect the traffic of inbound roaming mobile 45 mobile station. E.214 numbers are composed of two parts.
station 202 to itself. The attempt by a VPMN operator to The first, the E. 164 part, is made up of a country code fol
redirect the traffic of an inbound roamer to its own network is lowed by the network code. The second part of the number is
hereinafter referred to as an Inbound Traffic Redirection made from the MSIN part of the IMSI which identifies an
(ITR) attempt. individual subscriber. E.214 numbers are routed separately
In another embodiment of the invention, inbound roaming 50 from E. 164 numbers since they are marked with a different
mobile station 202 is redirected by an operator in HPMN 204 Numbering Plan Indicator (NPI), however, it is possible to
in order to steer inbound roaming mobile station 202 to a reuse Global Title (GT) analysis tables used in E. 164 numbers
“preferred (or even a “non-preferred) network operator in everywhere except for the final destination network of the
second VPMN 104. In other words, a traffic redirection (TR) message.
is preformed by an operator in HPMN 204 to redirect the 55 Inbound Traffic Redirection Routing Using TT
traffic of inbound roaming mobile station 202 to some other In case where the addresses of VPMN VLR and VMSC are
network operator in second VPMN 104 even though the identical, SSN can be used to separate the routing. It will be
operator in HPMN 204 may have roaming relationship with apparent to a person skilled in the art that alternative routing
first VPMN 102. In yet another embodiment of the invention, options are possible depending on type of network elements
this network reselection may also be due to preferred PLMN 60 in first VPMN 102 and second VPMN 104. For example, to
timer on the inbound roaming mobile station 202 indicating avoid looping the traffic redirection can be performed either
preference of second VPMN 104 over first VPMN 102. The using translation types (or tables) (TT) or using MTP routing
steering of inbound roaming mobile station 202 deprives the involving international STP Signal Point Code (SPC) and
first VPMN 102 of the revenues from the inbound roamer. Switching/Roaming SPC, depending on the network setup in
The system 200 includes an ITR module 226 that monitors 65 VPMN(s). In another example, an operatorin first VPMN 102
the traffic between HPMN 204, and first VPMN 102 and could perform MAP analysis and only redirect Cancel Loca
thereafter provides necessary one or more messages to tion message from E164 messages from international STP 1
US 7,929,953 B2
7 8
214 through ITR module 226 to reduce significantly the in registration cancellation messages at first VPMN 102. In one
signaling load. Considering the former technique of using the embodiment of the invention, the first registration cancella
TT, the switch 212 and the ITR module 226 are configured for tion message is a Cancel Location message 304 sent from
both incoming and outgoing international SCCP signaling HPMNHLR 210 to cancel the registration of inbound roam
messages. For example, in case of an incoming message at the 5 ing mobile station 202 with first VPMN 102. The first regis
switch 212 with TT as 0, Called party (CdPA) is not own and tration cancellation message of the one or more registration
the NP is E.214, the DPC is set as ITR module 226 and the cancellation messages is sent directly to the first VPMNVLR
destination TT as 32. Similarly, in case the CdPA is VPMN 206 while the Subsequent registration cancellation messages
VLR 206 and the NP is E. 164 with TT as 0, the DPC is set to are tapped at ITR module 226.
be ITR module 226 and the destination TT as 32. This means 10 It will be apparent to a person skilled in the art, that the
any incoming E 164 message at the Switch 212 is directed to Cancel Location 304 process from the HPMNHLR 210 that
the ITR module 226 first. In case of an outgoing message is started from a new location update received at the HPMN
from the switch 212 with the TT as 32 and CdPA is not own HLR 210 is independent of the status of the Location Update
and the NP is E.214, the DPC is set as international STP 1214 process at HPMN HLR 210. In other words, as soon as
and destination TT as 0. Further, in case with TT as 32 and 15 inbound roaming mobile station 202 changes to second
CdPA as VPMN VLR 206 and the NP is E164, the DPC is also VPMN 104, the first VPMN 102 should get the Cancel Loca
set to VPMN VLR 206 and destination TT as 0. The routing tion message 304 independent of the status of the Location
indicator (RI) of SCCP CodPA in all these cases can remain Update process at HPMNHLR 210. Thereafter, redirection
unchanged (e.g. on Global Title (GT)). unit 230 attempts to redirect the traffic to first VPMN 102 by
Inbound Traffic Redirection Routing Without Using TT sending one or more registration messages from first VPMN
Considering the second technique of using MTP routing, 102 to HPMN 204 subsequent to receipt of one or more
Switch 212 is configured to send an incoming message with registration cancellation messages from HPMN 204.
NP as E.214 and CdPA as not own to DPC at ITR module 226. For each registration cancellation message detected, one or
Also in case the CdPA is VPMN VLR 206 with NP as E 164, more registration messages are sent by the ITR module 226 in
the DPC is changed to ITR module 226. Routing configura 25 the first VPMN 102 within a first pre-defined interval of time
tion for an own network (first VPMN 102) destined outgoing (TO) till one registration message is recorded as a successful
message from ITR module 226 to the switch 212 sets the DPC transaction. It will apparent to a person skilled in the art, the
to VPMNVLR 206 with RI as SSN/unchanged. Similarly, for different functions are associated with the detection unit 228
an international (HPMN) destined outgoing message from and redirection unit 230 only for exemplary purposes. Not
ITR module 226 to the Switch 212, the DPC is set to interna 30 withstanding, any functional property of any of the two will
tional STP 1214 with RI remaining as GT. Based on different be hereinafter associated with ITR module 226. In other
incoming and outgoing messages from Switch 212, the ITR words, any function which is to be performed by either detec
module 226 sends different messages as one or more regis tion unit 228 or redirection unit 230 is alternatively capable of
tration messages to attempt to redirect the traffic of inbound being performed by ITR module 226 alone.
roaming mobile station 202 to first VPMN 102. 35 ITR module 226 can be an integration of detection unit 228
In case when none of the above conditions are satisfied, and redirection unit 230, and is deployed in first VPMN 102.
then all incoming SCCP messages may be relayed back to In one embodiment of the invention, for each registration
switch 212 (or the roaming STP) or VPMN VLR 206 respec cancellation message detected, the one or more registration
tively depending on whether the TT type or MTP routing is messages are Location Update messages (LUP).306 from first
used. In the above described methods, SCCP is relayed rather 40 VPMN 102. These LUP messages are fake location update
than TCAP. However, it will be apparent to a person skilled in (LUP) messages. However, last of these fake LUP messages
the art, that a similar flow can also be defined for TCAP based 306 is recorded as successful transaction unless the time T0 is
relay. In this case, new transaction will be initiated by ITR expired and all are sent with a pre-defined interval of time
module 226 for each self-initiated fake LUP message and (TO). In one embodiment of the invention, the time interval TO
each time a new mapping will be established to relate the new 45 is less than or equal to the time required for completing
originating transaction ID to the original originating transac location update process from the second VPMN 104 at
tion ID. HPMN HLR 210. The successful LUP transaction implies
Basic Inbound Traffic Redirection Signal Flow exchange of other necessary messages, such as MAPISD and
FIG. 3 represents a flow diagram for implementing MAPISD ACK (according to the underlying protocol) also to
inbound traffic redirection between first VPMN 102, second 50 be successful exchanged between first VPMN 102 and
VPMN 104 and HPMN 204, in accordance with an embodi HPMNHLR 210.
ment of the invention. Detection unit 228 in ITR module 226 The one or more registration messages are sent using one or
detects a possible change in registration of inbound roaming more GT for each of the Cancel Location message received.
mobile station 202 upon receipt of a first registration cancel In one embodiment of the invention, the GT is used of the first
lation message of one or more registration cancellation mes 55 VPMN VLR 206. In another embodiment of the invention,
sages at first VPMN 102 from HPMN 204. In one embodi the GT is selected from one or more GTOs) associated with the
ment of the invention, the possible change in the registration first VPMN 102. When a new location update from the ITR
of inbound roaming mobile station 202 is inferred when a module 226 in the first VPMN 102 occurs before/during the
Location Update (LUP) message 302 being sent a first regis Successful completion of the previous location update from
tration message from second VPMN 104 to HPMN 204. This 60 the second VPMN 104, the HPMN 204 (or HPMNHLR 210)
LUP302 is sent by second VPMN 104 after inbound roaming will senda TCAP/MAP abort or system failure message to the
mobile station 202 attempts to (or is forced to attempt to) second VPMN 104. As a result, a network failure of the
register with second VPMN 102. Hence, detection unit 228 location registration at the second VPMN 104 is generated by
can deduce inbound roaming mobile station 202 is attempting the second VPMN 104 towards the inbound roaming mobile
to register with second VPMN 106 when there is no new 65 station 202. Hence, redirection unit 230 exchanges the one or
registration message received from the first VPMN 102 also more registration messages 306 corresponding to each of one
detection unit 228 detects the receipt of the one or more or more registration cancellation messages 304 received from
US 7,929,953 B2
HPMN 204. The one or more registration cancellation mes VPMN 102, any delay to the registration process of second
sages 304 are sent Subsequent to each registration message VPMN 104 provides a chance for inbound roaming mobile
302 sent by inbound roaming mobile station202 after an error station 202 to come back to first VPMN 102 again including
is generated at inbound roaming mobile station 202. regaining signal strength at first VPMN 102. Once one or
Examples of network messages from HPMN 204 to the sec more fake LUP messages sent by the ITR module 226 in first
ond VPMN 104 resulting in a radio message to the inbound VPMN 102 to the HPMN 204 successfully, prior to the
roaming mobile station indicating the network failure, but not completion of registration message sent from second VPMN
limited to, are MAP U/P ABORT, MAP CLOSE, TCAP 104, HPMN 204 sends a reject message to second VPMN
abort, and system failure depending on HLR implementation 10
104. In one embodiment of the invention, a LUP reject error
in HPMN. 308 is sent as the reject message to second VPMN 104 by
The error messages received in incoming messages on the HPMN 204. Hence, the process of exchange of messages
error interface are mapped onto equivalent messages on the from 302 to 308 is repeated 4 or more times before inbound
radio interface according to 3GPP 29010. Table 1 shows a roaming mobile station 202 tries for an alternative network,
Snapshot of the mapping of some of these messages from the 15 including second VPMN 104.
network interface (29.002) to the radio interface (24.008) In case first VPMN 102 is not found in the current list of
with corresponding error codes for each interface. available PLMNCs) of inbound roaming mobile station 202,
These are examples only and are not intended as being an different (maybe discontinuous) PLMN search schemes are
exhaustive list or representative. used in order to minimize access time while maintaining
battery life. For example, the search is prioritized in favor of
TABLE 1. BCCH carriers which have a high probability of belonging to
24.008 29.002 an available and allowable PLMN. This provides first VPMN
Error MM (Location Updating MAP Update Error 102 that has deployed ITR module 226 a better chance to be
code Reject) Location response code found and registered again by inbound roaming mobile sta
#2 IMSI unknown in HLR Unknown subscriber #1
25 tion 202. The longer the time and the higher the number of
# 11 PLMN not allowed Roaming not allowed: #8 fake LUP attempts ITR module 226 makes, the better is the
PLMN not allowed chance for inbound roaming mobile station 202 to get regis
# 12 LAnot allowed tered to first VPMN 102.
#13 Roaming not allowed in thisLA — In another embodiment of the invention, similar exchange
# 15 No suitable cells in location
30 of signals is performed in case of GPRS. The system 200 in
# 11 PLMN not allowed Operator determined #8 this embodiment includes an SGSN associated with second
barring VPMN 104 and another SGSN associated with first VPMN
#3 Illegal MS 102. ITR module 226 monitors (actively and passively)
#6 Illegal ME
# 17 Network failure System Failure ii. 34 exchange of Cancel Location messages as the one or more
# 17 Network failure Unexpected data value #36 35 registration cancellation messages are sent to the SGSN in
# 17 Network failure MAPUPABORT first VPMN 102 instead of first VPMN VLR 206. Further, the
# 17 Network failure MAP NOTICE SGSN in first VPMN 102 sends one or more fake GPRS LUP
# 17 Network failure MAP CLOSE
Referring back to FIG. 3, as mentioned earlier, the one or
For example, in case, the error in network interface “Sys 40 more Fake LUP messages 306 for each registration cancella
tem. Failure' (with error code 34) (29.002), then its equivalent tion message from HPMN 204 to the first VPMN 102 are
error on the radio interface (24.008) is “Network Failure' required to be sent within the pre-defined interval of time
(error code #17), and received at inbound roaming mobile (TO). TO is the interval that a location update process takes to
station 202, and thereafter inbound roaming mobile station complete at the HPMN HLR 210. All the fake location
202 waits for around 20 or 15 seconds before another try on 45 updates from ITR module 226 for all registration cancellation
the same network. Similarly, other 24.008 error messages messages from HPMN 204 to the first VPMN 102 in a current
have their equivalent 29.002 error messages. ITR attempt however also need be sent within a second pre
When inbound roaming mobile station 202 encounters defined interval of time (T1) and/or a re-registration threshold
Such an error for a few (e.g. 4) times, it selects an alternative number of times. The T1 time interval is a re-registration
network (including the same network again). The new net 50 timer. The value of the re-registration timer indicates the time
work is either selected from a new scan or from an existing left to perform an ITR attempt for an inbound roaming mobile
Scan. The existing scan has a possibility of tracking weak station. In another embodiment of the invention, all of the
signals from first VPMN 102. When inbound roaming mobile fake LUP messages 306 for the current ITR attempt are sent
station 202 gets a Network Failure (error code 17), it retries, at most equal to the re-registration threshold number of times
by sending the registration message 302, at most equal to an 55 of a re-registration counter. The re-registration counter indi
expected number of times for existing network (second cates number of registration attempts made by inbound roam
VPMN 104) before selecting an alternative network. In one ing mobile station 202 for second VPMN 104 while the ITR
embodiment of the invention, the expected number of times is module 226 is deployed in first VPMN 102. The re-registra
four. Each retry attempt generates Cancel Location 304 for tion threshold of the re-registration counterprovides an upper
first VPMN 102. This is received at the ITR module 226, 60 limit to the number of fake LUP messages 306 to be sent by
which immediately sends a corresponding fake LUP message ITR module 226. In one embodiment of the invention, the T1
306 (i.e. one or more registration messages). If the roamer is equal to the multiplication of the Sum of maximum interval
was attempting a competing VPMN network in the same between the one or more fake LUP messages 306 (after the
country as first VPMN 102, the fake LUP process eventually network failure #17) and maximum interval to select an alter
results in retry for an alternative network (including the sec 65 native network (including the second VPMN 104) for a loca
ond VPMN 104) by inbound roaming mobile station 202. tion update attempt by the number of competitor network
Also, in case of blind spots (i.e. weak signal areas) in the first operators in the country.
US 7,929,953 B2
11 12
For example but without limitation, if the number of com of HPMNs. Especially in situations when capacity is at a
petitor operators in a country is 5, the interval to retry the premium, Such logic can be used to help ensure that a visited
same network is 45 sec and the interval to try an alternative network serves roamers from its preferred partners with pri
network is 15 sec, then T1=5*(45+15)=300 sec. The interval ority, or manages priority among multiple foreign networks
to retry the same network can be in the range of 45 sec to 150 according to rules. In one embodiment of the invention, one or
sec and the interval to try an alternative network can be in the more of the redirection counters are incremented when the
range of 15 sec to 30 Sec. In an exemplary case, the value of ITR attempt is successful or failed.
T1 can be within a range of 60 sec to 300. In another embodi In case such a re-registration timer is expired and yet the
ment of the invention, the T1 is equal to an expiration thresh re-registration counter remains less than 5, it indicates a pos
old. The expiration threshold indicates the time when the 10
sibility that inbound roaming mobile station 202 is stuck in
re-registration counter is reset so as to treat any further Cancel second VPMN 104. The stuck can be due to the handset
Location from HPMNHLR 210 as a new ITR sequence. issues. However, the re-registration counter would be greater
Initially the re-registration counter is set to Zero and the than 1 if it is the handset issue. In case the counter remains at
re-registration timer is set to the expiration threshold. In one
embodiment of the invention, the re-registration threshold for 15 1, the HLR would only issue the Cancel Location to first
the re-registration counter is set to (N-1)*4, where N is the VPMN 102 after the completion of location update with
number of competitor operator networks in the country where Second VPMN 104 in which case the HPMN HLR 210 is
ITR module 226 is deployed. Four is selected as inbound blacklisted for a while from further ITR attempts.
roaming mobile station 202 tries for a total of four times for Management of Counters
the same network (i.e. second VPMN 104) on receiving error FIGS. 4 and 5 represent a flowchart depicting various sorts
code #17, based on GSM 408 or 3GPP24.008. For the reason of application logic that can be checked before applying
that the ITR attempt has to be completed before the comple special handling techniques and providing VAS in combina
tion of the Location Update process for second VPMN 104, tion with the ITR attempt, in accordance with an embodiment
the value of N is selected as 2, assuming there are two net of the invention. The re-registration counter and the re-regis
works in that country. This also increases chances of inbound 25 tration timer (as introduced in conjunction with FIG. 3) are
roaming mobile station 202 getting back to first VPMN 102. used to apply one or more special handling techniques to
In one embodiment of the invention, the HPMNHLR 210 inbound roaming mobile station 202. In other words, both the
issues Cancel Location 304 to the first VPMN VLR 206 only counter and the timer values are used to decide whether the
after completing Location Update with second VPMN 104. In special handling and the VAS are to be provided. At step 402.
this case, ITR module 226 first sends the fake LUP message 30 it is checked if the re-registration timer is expired and the
using its own GT. Thereafter the HPMN HLR 210 issues a re-registration counter is equal to 1. If yes, then at Step 404.
Cancel Location to second VPMN 104. However, in this case, the re-registration counter is reset and statistical bookkeeping
inbound roaming mobile station 202 will not receive any is done. The statistical bookkeeping can include changing
information or notifications until any MO activity. Hence the values of one or more redirection counters. Also special han
ITR module will not receive further registration cancellation 35 dling techniques may be performed.
messages from the HPMNHLR 210 and it cannot perform Thereafter, at step 406, ITR module 226 monitors the LUP
further fake location updates. In Such a case, since there is no message to the HPMNHLR 210 and Cancel Location mes
point to perform ITR attempts on such a HPMNHLR, the sage to the first VPMN VLR 206. Further, also at step 406, the
HPMN HLR 210 can be blacklisted. The blacklist can be fake LUP message is processed by ITR module 226. ITR
periodically emptied just to cater for a future change in con 40 module 226 issues the fake LUP using own GT as the VLR.
figuration of the HPMN HLR 210. For such a HPMNHLR VMSC and SCCPCgPA on the same IMSI or inbound roamer
when it is not blacklisted, ITR module 226 sends one or more again. ITR module 226 completes the fake LUP transaction
response messages on behalf of inbound roaming mobile itself. At step 408, for every successful fake LUP message,
station 202 in response to receipt of one or more request MSISDN and HLR of IMSI of inbound roaming mobile sta
messages from the HPMNHLR 210 when the one or more 45 tion 202 are recorded.
registration cancellation messages are received after comple At step 410, for eachLUP message from own network (first
tion of location update process at second VPMN 104. In one VPMN 102), ITR module 226 records VLR and IMSI. Here
embodiment of the invention, the one or more request mes the VLR and IMSI for inbound roaming mobile station 202
sages are including but not limited to, MAP PSI from HPMN are captured irrespective whether the LUP message is suc
204, MAP PRN from HPMN 204 as a result of an incoming 50 cessful or not. At step 412, ITR module 226 checks whether
call to the inbound roaming mobile station's number and a the IMSI is blacklisted. If there exists an error message
MAP Forward SMS as a result of an incoming SMS to the returned in response to ITR module’s fake LUP message
inbound roaming mobile station's number from an SMSC. indicating unknown subscriber, RNA, ODB barring for roam
ITR module 226 sends an Absent Subscriber message as the ing, RNA in location area (due to restriction, regional service
response message on behalf of inbound roaming mobile sta 55 subscription, national roaming and the like), the IMSI will be
tion 202. blacklisted for subsequent fake LUP messages by ITR mod
Further a redirection counter for all inbound roamers is ule 226 until the IMSI is registered in first VPMN 102 again.
defined. A redirection counter for each HPMN at a config If blacklisted, then ITR module 226 can abandon the ITR
urable interval of time (e.g. 1 hour) is also defined. In an attempt.
embodiment of the invention, a redirection limit for the redi 60 If not, then at step 414, the re-registration timer is checked
rection counter at the configurable interval of time can be whether it is expired. If expired, then at step 416, both the
defined for each inbound roaming mobile station in HPMN. re-registration counter and the re-registration timer are reset.
The system can refer to these types of counters on attempts For each Cancel Location Message from HPMNHLR 210 on
and Success per home network or visited network are for an IMSI to a VPMN VLR including the Cancel Location
special application logic to control the inbound TR process 65 message sent to ITR module 226 for its fake LUP message,
and results. One example of Such special application logic is ITR module 226 first records the HLR for the IMSI and it
to control the distribution of traffic accepted from the variety checks via the previous recorded LUP message of the IMSI
US 7,929,953 B2
13 14
from Second VPMN 104 to HPMNHLR 210 if the IMSI was at the second VPMN 104 is independent of the status of the
registering/registered in a new VLR in the same VPMN (i.e., Location Update process at HPMNHLR 210.
first VPMN 102). In one embodiment of performing the enhanced location
However, if the re-registration timer is not expired, then at based ITR attempt, ITR module 226 sends a search request
step 418, the ITR module 226 or other system elements can 5 message concurrently with each of the one or more fake LUP
check if the new VLR is in the same VPMN. In case it is the messages 306 after receipt of the Cancel Location message
same VLR, and the re-registration timer for the IMSI is 304 from HPMN 204 and before relaying the same to first
expired (i.e. at Zero), then at step 420, it is checked if the VPMN VLR 206. The search request message is sent to a last
re-registration counter is not equal to Zero. If equal to Zero, know VMSC of inbound roaming mobile station 202 to col
then ITR attempt is abandoned. 10 lect location area information of inbound roaming mobile
If the re-registration counter is not Zero, then at Step 422, station 202. In one embodiment of the invention, the search
the total redirection counter is incremented and the re-regis request message is a Search MS (a MAP message) sent con
tration counter for the IMSI is set to zero and re-registration currently with the fake LUP message 306. The information
received after sending the Search MS indicates whether
timer for the IMSI is set to the expiration threshold again. In 15 inbound roaming mobile station 202 is still under the cover
other words, statistical bookkeeping is performed. age of first VPMN 102 deploying ITR module 226. In another
In case the output of step 418 is a different VLR in same embodiment of the invention, the search request message is a
VPMN, ITR module 226 at step 424, checks whether the Page MS message sent concurrently with the fake LUP mes
re-registration counter is equal to threshold. In case the re sage 306 and before relaying the Cancel Location 304 to first
registration counter is equal to the re-registration threshold VPMN VLR 206. The Search MS is sent in both active and
following can be performed at step 426: passive monitoring mode, while the Page MS is sent in the
1. Increment the total redirection counter. active monitoring (i.e., in-signaling path mode). Page MS
2. Increment the total redirection counter per HPMN. only pages inbound roaming mobile station 202 in the last (or
3. Increment the total redirection counter per IMSI per current) known location area, while the Search MS searches
interval. 25 all location areas of the last (or current) knownVMSC. How
4. Reset the re-registration-counter to Zero and the re ever with both the messages, if there are errors to the search
registration-timer for the IMSI to the expiration thresh request message, then the network and the country where the
old. inbound roaming mobile station 202 is currently at cannot be
5. The ITR module 226 optionally performs some value identified.
added services. 30 To avoid this problem, another embodiment of performing
However, in case the re-registration counter is not equal to location based ITR attempt is now described. Referring to
threshold, then at step 428, ITR module 226 re-registers the FIG. 6, after the first Cancel Location 304 is received at first
LUP, records the MSISDN, HLR for the IMSI and increments VPMNVLR 206, the ITR module 226 sends a routing request
the re-registration counter. immediately prior to sending the fake LUP message 306 to
Enhanced Location-based Inbound Traffic Redirection 35 HPMNHLR 210. In one embodiment of the invention, the
FIG. 6 represents a flow diagram for implementing routing request is a SRI-SM message 602. This is the most
Enhanced Location based ITR between first VPMN 102, preferred embodiment. In another embodiment of the inven
second VPMN 104 and HPMN 204, in accordance with an tion, the routing request is an SRI message. In yet another
embodiment of the invention. In case inbound roaming embodiment of the invention, the routing request is an ATI
mobile station 202 leaves the country deploying the ITR 40 message. The SRI-SM message is sent on MSISDN of
module 226, the ITR module continues to send the fake LUP inbound roaming mobile station 202. In one embodiment of
messages to the HPMNHLR 204. To avoid such a situation, the invention, ITR module 226 sends the fake LUP message
the enhanced location based ITR is performed. Referring to 306 after receipt of an SRI-SMACK message. In another
FIG. 6, detection unit 228 in ITR module 226 detects a pos preferred embodiment of the invention, ITR module 226
sible change in registration of inbound roaming mobile sta 45 sends the fake LUP message 306 immediately after sending
tion 202 upon receipt of the first registration cancellation the SRI-SM message without waiting for the SRI-SMACK
message (Cancel Location 304) at first VPMN 102 from message. If the HPMN HLR 210 takes a VMSC (or VLR)
HPMN 204. The possible change in the registration of location of a roamer immediately from a new network loca
inbound roaming mobile station 202 is inferred when Loca tion update even before it is completed, then the SRI-SM
tion Update (LUP) message 302 being sent the first registra 50 ACK message will return a VMSC. After knowing the VMSC
tion message from second VPMN 104 to HPMN 204. This of inbound roaming mobile station 202 and when the re
LUP302 is sent by second VPMN 104 after inbound roaming registration counter of the IMSI of inbound roaming mobile
mobile station 202 attempts to (or is forced to attempt to) station 202 is at threshold, then ITR module 226 does not
register with second VPMN 102. Hence, detection unit 228 attempt ITR but, in one embodiment, provide VAS to inbound
can deduce inbound roaming mobile station 202 is attempting 55 roaming mobile station 202.
to register with second VPMN 102. Further, detection unit The VAS is provided when the ITR attempt fails and the
228 detects the receipt of the one or more Cancel Location response to the routing request returns a competitor network.
message 304 as registration cancellation messages at first Examples of VAS may include, but are not limited to, sending
VPMN 102. The registration cancellation message is a sent a “Winback.' SMS or a “Thank You and come back again
from HPMNHLR 210 to cancel the registration of inbound 60 SMS. However, if the HPMNHLR 210 does not return any
roaming mobile station 202 with first VPMN 102. The first thing or returns an error to a SRI-SM request, then the imme
registration cancellation message of the one or more registra diate fake LUP message 306 still beats racing condition with
tion cancellation messages is sent directly to first VPMNVLR the HPMNHLR's 210 current location update process. In one
206 while the Subsequent registration cancellation messages embodiment of the invention, ITR module 226 blacklists an
are tapped at ITR module 226. Further, as mentioned earlier, 65 HLRassociated with HPMN 204 for a pre-defined time inter
Cancel Location 304 from the HPMNHLR 210 that is started Val in absence of a response or in presence of an error message
by the inbound roaming mobile station’s registration attempt (e.g. system failure or unexpected data value or data missing
US 7,929,953 B2
15 16
etc) to the routing request (SRI-SM) for a configurable num location update process takes to complete at the HPMNHLR
ber of times from HPMN 204. 210. All the fake location updates from the ITR module 226
Since HLR typically will provide a higher priority to Loca for all registration cancellation messages from HPMN 204 to
tion Update message than the routing request message, if the the first VPMN 102 in an ITR attempt however also need be
fake LUP is sent too soon after SRI-SM, the SRI-SM might sent within the second pre-defined time interval T1 and/or
even return the fake LUP's sender GT (i.e. ITR module GT) within the re-registration threshold. The T1 time interval is a
as the VMSC address. In this case, ITR can increment a re-registration timer. The value of the re-registration timer
configurable delay interval (a few milliseconds) for the next indicates the time left to performan ITR attempt for a depart
SRI-SM and fake LUP sequence until the total delayed inter ing roamer. In another embodiment of the invention, all the
Val reaches a threshold. The increment for each fake LUP in 10 one or more fake LUP message 306 are sent in an ITR attempt
an ITR attempt need not be all the same, for example, the first also at most equal to the re-registration threshold number of
increment is 0, the next increment is 2 ms, the next one just 1 times of a re-registration counter. The re-registration counter
ms etc. The threshold can be in the range 20 ms-200 ms. When indicates number of registration attempts made by inbound
the threshold of total delayed interval is reached for the HLR roaming mobile station 202 for second VPMN 104 while the
and this has happened a number of times, the HLR can be 15 ITR module 226 is deployed in first VPMN 102. The re
blacklisted from further SRI-SM messages. When a HPMN registration threshold of the re-registration counter provides
HLR 210 is blacklisted from further SRI-SM query before an upper limit to the number of fake LUP messages 306 to be
each fake LUP message 306, it implies, when Cancel Loca sent by ITR module 226.
tion 304 on inbound roaming mobile station 202 is received When a new location update from the ITR module 226 in
from the HPMNHLR 210, and if the HLR is blacklisted due the first VPMN 102 occurs before/during the successful
to above reason, ITR module 226 just issues fake LUP mes completion of the previous location update from the second
sages 306 without any routing request (SRI-SM) prior to it. VPMN 104, the HPMN 204 (or HPMNHLR 210) will send
In case there is a VMSC returned from the SRI-SMACKas a TCAP/MAP abort or system failure message to the second
a response to the SRI-SM message, the ITR module 226 VPMN 104. In one embodiment of the invention, a LUPreject
determines whether the VMSC in Second VPMN 104 is a 25 error 308 is sent to second VPMN 104 by HPMN 204 As a
non-ITR attempting network after applying some application result, a network failure of the location registration at the
logics of pre-defined criteria on the response. Thereafter, second VPMN 104 is generated by the second VPMN 104
Subsequent fake LUP messages including the follow-on one if towards the inbound roaming mobile station 202. Examples
the fake LUP message is issued after the SRI-SMACK will of network messages from HPMN 204 to the second VPMN
not be sent to HPMN HLR 210. In other words, the ITR 30 104, resulting a radio message to the inbound roaming mobile
attempt on the departing inbound roaming mobile station 202 station indicating the network failure, but not limited to, are
will not be abandoned. Examples of some application logics MAPU/PABORT, MAP CLOSE, TCAP-abort, and system
of pre-defined criteria that determine that the VMSC returned failure depending on HLR implementation in HPMN.
from SRI-SM request is a non-ITR candidate include, but not Special Handling
limited to, the following: 35 The current ITR attempt on a departing roamer may be
1. The VMSC is in a different country from that of first performed or abandoned based on fulfillment of certain cri
VPMN 102. teria. In one embodiment of the invention, ITR module 226
2. The VMSC is in a blacklist VPMN network in the same may abandon the ITR attempt if inbound roaming mobile
country as of first VPMN 102. For example, when two station 202 is found to be in a manual mode. In another
VPMN networks have some kind of agreements (e.g. a 40 embodiment of the invention, ITR module 226 abandons the
merger or a friendly deal) not to do an ITR to each other. ITR attempt in case inbound roaming mobile station 202
3. The VMSC is in a blacklist VPMN network in any attempts to register with second VPMN 104 greater than an
country that is different from that offirst VPMN 102. For expected number of times. Exemplary value of the expected
example, when two VPMN networks have some kind of number of times is four.
agreements (e.g. a merger or a group alliance) not to do 45 In yet another embodiment of the invention, ITR module
an ITR attempt against each other. 226 abandons the ITR attempt in case inbound roaming
4. The VMSC belongs to a network in a country (same or mobile station 202 attempts to register with second VPMN
different country from that of first VPMN 102) that 104 greater than a registration threshold. For example, if
satisfies some statistical criteria including, but not lim inbound roaming mobile station 202 is stuck after 4 or more
ited to, the following: 50 retries before any timer or threshold are reached and the
a. The network already exceeds its allocated threshold of stuck-interval exceed a certain limit, then ITR module 226
the ITR attempts within a configurable interval. For blacklists the IMSI of inbound roaming mobile station 202.
example, the interval may be infinite. The blacklist can just be made per trip-based. In this embodi
b. The network already exceeds its threshold of the ment of the invention, the registration threshold is the limit for
inbound TR success within a configurable interval. 55 the stuck-interval and it is a configurable parameter.
For example, the interval may be infinite. In one embodiment of the invention, the ITR attempt may
c. The network is forbidden for an ITR attempt within be limited to blacklist and white-list based on network criteria
Some kinds of time bands. (e.g. complaining partner network) and roamer profile (e.g.
d. The network exceeds its percentage of distribution for usage, explicit complaint from an inbound roamer). If
all ITR attempts or success. For example, a limit could 60 inbound roaming mobile station 202 goes back to home coun
be set that no ITR attempts/successes for a HPMN try but the ITR module 226 is not aware as no VMSC is
network more than a certain percentage of all the ITR returned to the SRI-SM query in the ITR attempt, then
attempts or Success. inbound roaming mobile station 202 keeps trying to re-reg
Referring again to FIG. 6, one or more Fake LUP messages ister at HPMN or a home country network until re-registration
306 for each registration cancellation message from HPMN 65 limit in form of the registration threshold is reached.
204 to the first VPMN 102 are required to be sent within the In another embodiment of the invention, if ITR module 226
first pre-defined interval of time (TO). TO is the interval that is not aware that inbound roaming mobile station 202 is out to
US 7,929,953 B2
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a third country because no VMSC is returned to the SRI-SM 2. Inbound TR attempts: For example, no more than 15% of
query in an inbound TR attempt, the ITR attempt will con ITR attempts of total ITR attempts to be made on
tinue until the re-registration limit is reached. In another inbound roamers from VodafoneTM United Kingdom.
embodiment of the invention, if inbound roaming mobile 3. Inbound TR success: For example, no more than 15% of
station 202 continues to try to register with second VPMN 5 ITR success of total successful ITR attempts to be made
104 (because a VMSC is returned to the SRI-SM query in an on inbound roamers from VodafoneTM United Kingdom.
inbound TR attempt) right after more than the expected num The one or parameters described above help in deciding
ber of (4) fake location updates in the ITR attempt, ITR redirection of roamers. For example, inbound roamers from
module 226 abandons the current ITR attempt on inbound 10
China MobileTM will get X % of redirection and from China
roaming mobile station202. The departing roameris deduced Unicom TM will get the Y% of redirection. Exemplary values
to be in a manual mode. of X and Y may be 15 and 75. These values are chosen by an
In still another embodiment of the invention, ITR module operator in first VPMN 102.
226 abandons the ITR attempt when inbound roaming mobile In one embodiment of the invention, these one or more
station 202 is found to be present in non-coverage area of first 15 parameters in the configurable distribution control profile are
VPMN 102. The non-coverage area can be deduced if measured by a configurable counter. In other words, the dis
inbound roaming mobile station 202 continues to try to reg tribution measure can be done for the configurable counter of
ister with second VPMN 104 (because a VMSC is returned in the corresponding count in each of the above one or more
the SRI-SM query in an inbound TR attempt) in the ITR parameters. For example, if the distribution control is on
attempt and there are some other competitor networks in inbound TR attempts and the configurable counter is set to 10,
between in the ITR attempt, ITR module 226 abandons the then the percentage will be measured for every 10 ITR
current ITR attempt on inbound roaming mobile station 202. attempts. Hence, the ITR module can define Success rate as:
If inbound roaming mobile station 202 is in manual mode Total ITR success counter/Total redirection counter
but ITR module 226 does not know because no VMSC is In another embodiment of the invention, if HPMNHLR
returned in the SRI-SM query in the ITR attempt, inbound 25 has fraud control in Such a way that it discards a location
roaming mobile station 202 will try to re-register at the same update from ITR module or simply new registrations of
operator until re-registration limit is reached. Further, if inbound roaming mobile station during another location
inbound roaming mobile station 202 is detected to be in a update of the station, ITR module 226 blacklists HPMNHLR
non-coverage area of first VPMN 102 (deploying the ITR 30
210 from future ITR attempts.
module 226) in the country but ITR module 226 does not I. Location-based Inbound Traffic Redirection for Another
know because no VMSC is returned in the SRI-SM query in Country
the ITR attempt, inbound roaming mobile station 202 will try In another embodiment of the invention, the enhanced
to re-register different operators in the country until re-regis location-based ITR mechanisms can even be applied to per
tration limit is reached. 35 form network selection for departing roamers going to a new
In another embodiment of the invention, ITR module 226 VPMN in another country. In case, inbound roaming mobile
defines a maximum network counter for the ITR attempt to station goes back to the home country, the ITR is abandoned.
control the maximum number of competitor networks against Although it is possible to select networks in the home country
which fake location updates are issued. This is done if the new when there is national roaming for the HPMN network of the
network location of inbound roaming mobile station 202 is 40 roamer in the home country. In this embodiment of the inven
known through the VMSC returned to the SRI-SM query in tion, the ITR module attempts to perform the ITR to a third
the ITR attempt. Similarly, ITR module 226 defines a maxi VPMN when the attempt to perform the ITR to the first
mum timer for the ITR attempt for a network to control the VPMN is unsuccessful. This can be useful for group alliance,
maximum duration for which the fake location updates are i.e., the third VPMN is a preferred network to the first VPMN
issued for the network in an ITR attempt. 45 in comparison to the second VPMN being a non-preferred
In yet another embodiment of the invention, ITR module network to the first VPMN. For example, if inbound roaming
226 defines a global redirection limit for an inbound roamerat mobile station 202 is from VodafoneTM UK (HPMN 204) and
a configurable interval. This may be per country or per is departing from OrangeTM Netherlands (first VPMN 102) is
HPMN-based. Also, ITR module 226 defines a redirection known to be trying to register at SmartoneTM Hong Kong (the
limit for all inbound roamers of a particular HPMN or country 50 new VPMN), the ITR module 226 is deployed at Orange
at a configurable interval of time. In another embodiment of Netherlands may still perform ITR attempt until the inbound
the invention, ITR module 226 defines thresholds and timers roaming mobile station 202 is registered at Create a Simple
for re-registration on per VPMN VLR/VMSC or cell basis (if Life (CSLTM) Hong Kong (third VPMN). This is done assum
known), since the VPMN knows better its own coverage at ing that CSL HK is a preferred partner of Orange Nether
particular VMSC/VLR or cell. 55 lands. The ITR module may also choose to perform the ITR to
In another embodiment of the invention, ITR module 226 another network in case CSL HK has no coverage or inbound
defines a configuration distribution control profile among roaming mobile station 202 is in manual mode.
HPMNs of inbound roamers. The configuration distribution Hence, all the special handling mechanisms defined for
control profile supports in decision of performing the ITR ITR mechanism within the country can be similarly applied
attempt. Also ITR module 226 activates the configuration 60 for the ITR outside the country. In an exemplary embodiment
distribution control profile on the HPMNs at different time of the invention, Orange Netherlands that is deploying ITR
bands. The configuration distribution control profile is module 226 for inbound roamers departing the country, may
defined based on the following (but not limited to the follow define a distribution control for Hong Kong such that CSL HK
ing) one or more parameters: can get 70% of departing roamers from its network to Hong
1. Unique inbound roamers: For example, no more than 65 Kong, Smartone HK gets 10% and the rest 20% may go to
15% of ITR attempts or success to be made on unique other networks in Hong Kong, such as, People or Sunday. In
roamers from VodafoneTM United Kingdom (UK). another exemplary embodiment, the ITR module may define
US 7,929,953 B2
19 20
a maximum timer or maximum network counter for each In one embodiment of the invention, in case first VPMN
country when the ITR mechanism is applied to departing 102 has deployed technologies to provide location and
roamers to third countries. mobile drop-off information (e.g. through Abis or A-interface
Location-recovery-based Inbound Traffic Redirection Using in active monitoring) of the current roamer in real time, then
PSI ITR module 226 is also capable to provide information of
FIG. 7 represents a flow diagram for implementing Loca where inbound roaming mobile station 202 is leaking to com
tion Recovery based ITR between first VPMN 102, second petitor networks.
VPMN 104 and HPMN 204, in accordance with an embodi In another embodiment of the invention, the PSI message
ment of the invention. In case inbound roaming mobile station 706 is issued after the success of an ITR attempt on the
202 leaves the country deploying the ITR module 226, ITR 10 inbound roaming mobile station 202. In this case, after the
module 226 attempts to identify the location of inbound departing roamer has successfully registered with the first
roaming mobile station 202. Detection unit 228 in ITR mod VPMN 102, the ITR module 226 can issue a separate PSI
ule 226 detects a possible change in registration of inbound message to get the cell location information where the roamer
roaming mobile station202 upon receiptofa Cancel Location is currently at. This will also provide the first VPMN 102 a
message 704 at first VPMN 102 from HPMN 204. The pos 15 rough idea where the roamer was about to be lost to the
sible change in the registration of inbound roaming mobile competitor networks. Both the PSI message sent before the
station 202 is inferred when a Location Update (LUP) mes ITR attempt and after the ITR success provide the first VPMN
sage 702 being sent the first registration message from second a rough idea where the departing roamer was about to be lost
VPMN 104 to HPMN 204. This LUP 702 is sent by second to a competitor network.
VPMN 104 after inbound roaming mobile station 202 Inbound Traffic Redirection with Anti-traffic Redirection
attempts to (or is forced to attempt to) register with second FIG.8 represents a flow diagram for implementing the ITR
VPMN 102. The registration cancellation message is a sent in conjunction with countering of TR attempt initiated by the
from HPMNHLR 210 to cancel the registration of inbound HPMN, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
roaming mobile station 202 with first VPMN 102. Hence, Detection unit 228 in ITR module 226 detects a possible
detection unit 228 can deduce inbound roaming mobile sta 25 change in registration of inbound roaming mobile station 202
tion 202 is attempting to register with second VPMN 102. upon receipt of a Cancel Location message 804 at first VPMN
The first Cancel Location 704 received is held at ITR 102 from HPMN 204. The possible change in the registration
module 226. After receiving the Cancel Location 704, redi of inbound roaming mobile station 202 is inferred when a
rection unit 230 identifies a blind spot in first VPMN 102 Location Update (LUP) message 802 being sent the first
based on a reply message in response to sending a Subscriber 30 registration message from second VPMN 104 to HPMN 204.
information message to a VLR associated with inbound This LUP 802 is sent by second VPMN 104 after inbound
roaming mobile station 202. The subscriber information mes roaming mobile station 202 attempts to (or is forced to
sage is sent before relaying the first registration cancellation attempt to) register with second VPMN 102. The registration
message (Cancel Location 704) from HPMN 204 to first cancellation message is a sent from HPMN HLR 210 to
VPMN VLR 206 in first VPMN 102. In one embodiment of 35 cancel the registration of inbound roaming mobile station 202
the invention, redirection unit 230 sends a PSI message 706 as with first VPMN 102. Hence, detection unit 228 can deduce
the subscriber information message to first VPMN VLR 206. inbound roaming mobile station 202 is attempting to register
The PSI message 706 is a MAP based signal. In one embodi with second VPMN 102. The registration cancellation mes
ment of the invention, first VPMN VLR 206 pages inbound sage is a sent from HPMNHLR 210 to cancel the registration
roaming mobile station 202 in anticipation of a reply from 40 of inbound roaming mobile station202 with first VPMN 102.
inbound roaming mobile station 202 indicating a current In this embodiment of the invention, system 200 (in FIG.2)
location and cell in first VPMN 102. In another embodiment also includes an anti-TR unit (not shown in FIG. 2) for coun
of the invention or there is no reply from the paging, first tering TR attempt by the HPMN based on one or more
VPMN VLR 206 simply returns the last known cell location acknowledge messages sent by HPMN 204 in response to the
where the roamer was at. All these variations intend to gain a 45 one or more registration messages from the first VPMN. The
rough idea of the blind spots where the roamers were about to one or more registration messages are one or more fake LUP
be lost at the first VPMN 102. After sending the PSI message messages 806. In one embodiment of the invention, the
706 to first VPMN VLR 206 the ITR module 226 relays the acknowledge message is a LUP reject error message 808. The
Cancel Location message 704 even before it receives a PSI examples of error in the LUP reject error include system
ACK message 708 indicating the current location of inbound 50 failure, unexpected data value (UDV), missing data and the
roaming mobile station 202. like. In another embodiment of the invention, the acknowl
However, PSI ACK will be processed independently of edge message is a LUP abort error message. In case any of the
current ITR. The current ITR attempt will continue normally two messages are received as the acknowledge messages the
as described earlier in active monitoring mode. Further, as ITR module 226 continues to send one or more fake LUP
mentioned earlier, Cancel Location 704 from the HPMN 55 messages 806 until a successful LUP transaction is completed
HLR 210 is independent of the Location Update process at or a threshold (e.g.TO) is reached. The ITR module 226 sends
HPMNHLR 210. Then, ITR module 226 continues the ITR these fake LUP messages 806 on behalf of inbound roaming
attempt by sending fake LUP messages 710, which on suc mobile station 202. Thereafter, the HPMN 204 sends a LUP
cessful completion with HPMNHLR 210, create the Network reject error 810 to second VPMN 104. Based on the attributes
Failure error (#17) at inbound roaming mobile station 202, 60 in the acknowledge message 808, the ITR module 226
forcing it to attempt for an alternative network. Thereafter, decides whether to apply Anti-TR using the anti-TR unit or
HPMNHLR 210 sends a LUP reject error 712 generating the abandon the ITR attempt.
Network Failure error (#17) at inbound roaming mobile sta The acknowledge message can contain either a UDV, RNA
tion 202. Other examples of messages indicating the network or RR or system failure or missing data or any other error as
failure, but not limited to, are MAP U/P ABORT, MAP 65 the attribute. As per the configuration of the ITR deploying
CLOSE, TCAP-abort, and system failure depending on VPMN, in case, the LUP reject error 808 contains the UDV
HLR implementation. (which is an IR 73 compliant TR error) from a dedicated
US 7,929,953 B2
21 22
HPMN GT after the fake LUP message 806, the ITR module the invention, after the returning inbound roamer is Success
may abandon the current ITR attempt. In other words, no fully registered via the GLR902, GLR902 continues to issue
more subsequent fake LUP messages 806 will be made on fake LUP messages (i.e., the one or more registration mes
inbound roaming mobile station 202. A HPMN GT is consid sages from first VPMN 102) to the HPMN until the location
ered dedicated for TR using UDV, if it is the only GT used for 5 update is successful. The fake LUP messages are sent accord
sending UDV in a TR solution. However if the LUP reject ingly the global title corresponding to the VPMN network
error 808 is system failure or missing data (which are non where the inbound roamer is currently located. Since the
complain to IR73), then the anti-TR unit (i.e. anti-non-com handset is already registered, GLR 902 can issue each suc
pliant TR solution) may be applied within the current ITR cessive fake LUP message at any configurable interval with
attempt. The anti-TR unit is referred to as anti-non-compliant 10 out worrying the handset state. As a result, the HPMN net
TR solution in a VPMN if the anti-TR unit is only applied to work will be unable to distinguish between a GLR location
non-compliant errors (such as system error and missing val update and a real inbound roamer location update. In one
ues) used by a HPMNTR solution. The integrated ITR and embodiment of the invention; GLR902 unit can be integrated
Anti-TR solution works for both active monitoring and pas with ITR module in a same platform in such a way that the
sive monitoring mode. 15 GLR 902 can be independently applied outside the ITR and
In case the attribute in the acknowledge message is the dependently applied inside the ITR.
RNA or RR the ITR mechanism is modified in such a way In Bound Traffic Redirection with Anti-competitor ITR
that, the ITR module 226 immediately retries until a success FIG. 10 represents a flow diagram for performing ITR
ful transaction or a threshold is reached as it can be deduced attempt to counteran ITR attempt from a competitor network,
that the HPMN 204 is applying TR on inbound roaming 20 in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. In this
mobile station 202. In this case, current ITR attempt may be embodiment the case where an ITR module is also deployed
abandoned. This solution works for both active and passive at Second VPMN 104 in addition to the ITR module 226 at
mode ITR. Further, to confirm that the HPMN 204 is perform first VPMN 102, is considered. When inbound roaming
ing ITR, the decision to abandon the ITR might be concluded mobile station 202 attempts to register with first VPMN 102,
only after RNA is received in acknowledge message for a 25 first VPMN 102 sends a LUP message 1002 to HPMNHLR
configurable number of successive times of the fake LUP 210. Thereafter, HPMNHLR 210 sends a Cancel Location
messages 806 on inbound roaming mobile station 202. OTA message 1004 to VLR of second VPMN104. The ITR module
based case may be dealt independently by the anti-TR unit in second VPMN 104 sends a fake LUP message 1006 to
since it does not have to be tied with location update. In HPMNHLR 210. Thereafter, HPMNHLR 210 sends a LUP
particular, in the active monitoring mode, the ITR attempt can 30 abort/system failure message 1008 to first VPMN 102. Upon
be combined with GLR technology. receiving the error message 1008, ITR module can infer the
GLR Based Approach presence of another ITR module at second VPMN 104.
FIG.9 represents a system diagram implementing or com Hence, in order to thwart the ITR attempt from the competitor
plimenting the ITR using a GLR technology, in accordance VPMN, i.e., second VPMN 104, ITR module 226 sends fake
with an embodiment of the invention. The system 900 35 LUP message 1010 three or more times in succession to
includes a GLR 902 deployed in a hosting location by an defeat the competitor ITR mechanism and when the mobile
international SS7 carrier or a common carrier 904 for mul handset is trying another location attempt, there will be a
tiple VPMN operators. Exemplary VPMN operators are successful transaction recorded at the HPMNHLR 210 since
VPMN 1906, VPMN 2908, VPMN 3.910 and VPMN 4912. the competitor ITR mechanism perceives the handset in a
The participating operators can even be from the same coun- 40 manual mode or the second VPMN has no coverage, thereby
try. For each participating operator (i.e., the VPMN), GLR avoiding the ITR from the competitor.
902 is configured to only route transactions of those inbound Computer Software Utility
roamers from the HPMN that are doing TR against them. In A computerusable medium provided herein includes com
one embodiment of the invention, GLR902 stores profile of puterusable program code, which when executed controls the
inbound roaming mobile station 202 when HPMN 204 is 45 traffic of an inbound roaming mobile station between a first
detected performing a TR by monitoring actively the receipt VPMN, a second VPMNanda HPMN by detectingapossible
of the first registration cancellation message between HPMN change in registration of the inbound roaming mobile station
204 and first VPMN 102. The profile of a successful registra upon receipt of a first registration cancellation message of one
tion is stored locally for a configurable interval of time so to or more registration cancellation messages at the first VPMN
avoid subsequent location update with the HPMN within the 50 from the HPMN. The computer usable medium further
VPMN or even back to the VPMN again. includes computer usable program code for attempting to
Whenever a Cancel Location comes from the HLR of the redirect the traffic to the first VPMN by sending one or more
HPMN that is doing TR against the VPMN, the GLR 902 registration messages from the first VPMN to the HPMN
cancels its local profile in addition to the local profile in the Subsequent to receipt of the one or more registration cancel
realVPMN VLR. Alternatively, whenevera Cancel Location 55 lation messages from the HPMN. For each registration can
comes from the HLR of the HPMN that is doing TR against cellation message received, one or more registration mes
the VPMN, the GLR 902 cancels the real VLR profile while sages are sent within a first pre-defined interval of time (TO)
still maintaining the roamer profile at the GLR as long as the till one registration message is recorded as a Successful trans
configurable interval of time for the profile is not expired. action. Further, for all registration cancellation messages
Hence, whenever the inbound roamer returns back to the 60 received in current attempt to redirect the inbound roaming
VPMN within the expiration of the configurable interval of mobile station to the first VPMN, the one or more registration
time, the inbound roamer can register using the roamer profile messages are sent either within a second pre-defined interval
from GLR902 without performing the location update with of time (T1) and/or a re-registration threshold number of
the HPMN network. times.
However the inbound roamer will be unable to receive calls 65 The Inbound Traffic redirection System (ITRS) can be used
and SMS for a while until the configurable interval of time is by a VPMN operator to retain departing inbound roamers
expired. To avoid Such a situation, in another embodiment of attempting to register at competitor networks due to bad
US 7,929,953 B2
23 24
coverage or blind spots of the VPMN operator. The Inbound Other Variations
Traffic redirection System (ITRS) can also be used by a Provided above for the edification of those of ordinary skill
VPMN operator against those HPMN operators that turned in the art, and not as a limitation on the scope of the invention,
down the request to disclose that they deploy traffic redirec are detailed illustrations of a scheme for controlling traffic
tion against the VPMN operator or applying non-compliant between HPMN, first VPMN and second VPMN of the
TR methods. In other cases the ITRS may be used by the inbound roaming mobile station. Numerous variations and
VPMN operator to prevent against a possible ITR attempt modifications within the spirit of the present invention will of
from a competitor VPMN network. In other words, the ITRS course occur to those of ordinary skill in the art in view of the
can also be used to stop the leaking of inbound roaming traffic embodiments that have been disclosed. For example the
to the competing VPMN operator doing inbound traffic redi 10 present invention is implemented primarily from the point of
rection. It can also be used to cache the roaming profiles of view of GSM mobile networks as described in the embodi
Successfully registered inbound roamers so to avoid Subse ments. However, notwithstanding, the present invention may
quent traffic redirections by the HPMN or the competitor also be effectively implemented on CDMA, 3G, WCDMA,
VPMN operators that have deployed traffic redirection GPRS, WiFi, WiMAX, VOIP etc., or any other network of
against the VPMN operator. The detection aspect of the ITRS 15 common carrier telecommunications in which end users are
will also help the VPMN operator prepare business impact normally configured to operate within a “home” network to
and rescue actions. which they normally subscribe, but have the capability of also
The components of ITRS described above include any operating on other neighboring networks, which may even be
combination of computing components and devices operat across international borders.
ing together. The components of the ITRS can also be com The examples under the present invention Inbound Traffic
ponents or Subsystems within a larger computer system or redirection System (ITRS) detailed in the illustrative
network. The ITRS components can also be coupled with any examples contained herein are described using terms and
number of other components (not shown), for example other constructs drawn largely from GSM mobile telephony infra
buses, controllers, memory devices, and data input/output structure. But use of these examples should not be interpreted
devices, in any number of combinations. In addition any 25 to limiting the invention to those media. Inbound Traffic
number or combination of other processor based components redirection System—a method for controlling traffic between
may be carrying out the functions of the ITRS. HPMN, first VPMN and second VPMN of the inbound roam
It should be noted that the various components disclosed ing mobile station in a manner that is agnostic to the capa
herein may be described using computer aided design tools bilities of the visited or non-accustomed network can be of
and/or expressed (or represented), as data and/or instructions 30 use and provided through any type of telecommunications
embodied in various computer-readable media, in terms of medium, including without limitation: (i) any mobile tele
their behavioral, register transfer, logic component, transis phony network including without limitation GSM, 3GSM,
tor, layout geometries, and/or other characteristics. Com 3G, CDMA, WCDMA or GPRS, satellite phones or other
puter-readable media in which such formatted data and/or mobile telephone networks or systems; (ii) any so-called
instructions may be embodied include, but are not limited to, 35 WiFi apparatus normally used in a home or subscribed net
non-volatile storage media in various forms (e.g., optical, work, but also configured for use on a visited or non-home or
magnetic or semiconductor storage media) and carrier waves non-accustomed network, including apparatus not dedicated
that may be used to transfer such formatted data and/or to telecommunications such as personal computers, Palm
instructions through wireless, optical, or wired signaling type or Windows Mobile devices.; (iii) an entertainment con
media or any combination thereof. 40 sole platform such as Sony PlayStation, PSP or other appara
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, throughout tus that are capable of sending and receiving
the description and the claims, the words "comprise.” “com telecommunications over home or non-home networks, or
prising.” and the like are to be construed in an inclusive sense even (iv) fixed-line devices made for receiving communica
as opposed to an exclusive or exhaustive sense; that is to say, tions, but capable of deployment in numerous locations while
in a sense of “including, but not limited to.” Words using the 45 preserving a persistent Subscriber id Such as the eye2eye
singular or plural number also include the plural or singular devices from Dlink; or telecommunications equipment meant
number respectively. Additionally, the words “herein.” “here for voice over IP communications such as those provided by
under,” “above.” “below,” and words of similar import refer to Vonage or Packet8.
this application as a whole and not to any particular portions In describing certain embodiments of the ITRS under the
of this application. When the word 'or' is used in reference to 50 present invention, this specification follows the path of a
a list of two or more items, that word covers all of the follow telecommunications call from a calling party to a called party.
ing interpretations of the word: any of the items in the list, all For the avoidance of doubt, that call can be for a normal voice
of the items in the list and any combination of the items in the call, in which the Subscriber telecommunications equipment
list. is also capable of visual, audiovisual or motion-picture dis
The above description of illustrated embodiments of the 55 play. Alternatively, those devices or calls can be for text,
ITRS is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the ITRS to Video, pictures or other communicated data.
the precise form disclosed. While specific embodiments of
and examples for, the ITRS are described herein for illustra TECHNICAL REFERENCES
tive purposes, various equivalent modifications are possible
within the scope of the ITRS, as those skilled in the art will 60 “Method And System For Cellular Network Traffic redirec
recognize. The teachings of the ITRS provided herein can be tion' application Ser. No. 10/635,804 filed on Aug. 5,
applied to other processing systems and methods. They may 2003.
not be limited to the systems and methods described above. “Method and Apparatus for Defense Against Network Traffic
The elements and acts of the various embodiments redirection” application Ser. No. 60,662,030 filed Mar. 14,
described above can be combined to provide further embodi 65 2005.
ments. These and other changes can be made to the ITRS in Q71X SCCP
light of the above detailed description. Q70X MTP
US 7,929,953 B2
25 26
Q77X TCAP APPENDIX-continued
GSM 1111 SIM and Mobile Interface
GSM 1114 SIMToolkit Acronym Description
IR 7320 Steering of Roaming ODB Operator Determined Barring
GSM 902 on MAP specification OTA Over The Air
O-CSI Originating CAMEL Subscription Information
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) PRN Provide Roaming Number
Mobile Application Part (MAP) Specification PR Provider Subscriber Information
(3GPP TS 09.02 version 7.9.0 Release 1998) RNA Roaming Not Allowed
GSM 340 on SMS RR Roaming Restricted due to unsupported feature
10 RI Routing Indicator
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); SPC Signal Point Code
Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS): SR Send Routing Information
(GSM 03.40 version 7.4.0 Release 1998) SCCP Signal Connection Control part
GSM 348 Security and OTA, STP Signal Transfer Point
GSM 31048 Security and OTA, 15 SRI-SM Send Routing Information For Short Message
GSM 23119 Gateway Location Register, SSP Service Switch Point
GSM 408 Mobile Radio Interface Network Layer SSN Sub System Number
GSM 23122 Mobile Station Procedure SIM Subscriber Identify Module
STK SIMTool Kit Application
GSM 24008 Mobile Radio Interface Network Layer SM-RP-UI Short Message Relay Protocol User Information
GSM22011 Service Accessibility STP Signal Transfer Point
GSM25304 Idle Mode Selection SS Supplementary Services
TR Traffic redirection
GSM29010 Error Network Mapping TCSI Terminating CAMEL Service Information
GSM 29002 MAP Protocol TP SMS Transport Protocol
UDHI User Data Header Indicator
APPENDIX UDH User Data Header
25 UD User Data
Acronym Description WAS Value Added Service
3G Third generation of mobile VLR Visited Location Register
AT Any Time Interrogation VMSC Visited Mobile Switching Center
BSC Base Station Controller VPMN Visited Public Mobile Network
ATR Anti-Traffic Redirection 30
BCSM Basic Call State Model
CAMEL Customized Application for Mobile Enhanced Logic
CDMA Code Division Multiplexed Access I claim:
CL Calling Line Identification
CgPA Calling Party Address 1. A method for controlling traffic of an inbound roaming
Called Party Address
Camel Application Part
35 mobile station between a first Visiting Public Mobile Net
CC Country Code work (VPMN), a second VPMN and a Home Public Mobile
CB Call Barring Network (HPMN), the method comprising:
CS Camel Subscription Information detecting a possible change in registration of the inbound
DPC Destination Point Code roaming mobile station upon receipt of a first registra
GMSC Gateway MSC 40 tion cancellation message of one or more registration
GPRS General Packet Radio System cancellation messages at the first VPMN from the
GLR Gateway Location Register HPMN;
GSM Global System for Mobile attempting to redirect the traffic to the first VPMN by
GSM SSF GSM Service Switching Function
GT Global Title sending one or more registration messages from the first
HLR-H HLR from HPMN 45 VPMN to the HPMN subsequent to receipt of the one or
HLR Home Location Register more registration cancellation messages from the
HPMN Home Public Mobile Network HPMN, wherein for each registration cancellation mes
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity Sage received, one or more registration messages are
IN Intelligent Network
ISG International Signal Gateway sent within a first pre-defined interval of time (TO) until
INAP Intelligent Network Application Part 50 one registration message is recorded as a Successful
ISD MAP Insert Subscriber Data
IAM Initial Address Message
transaction, wherein for the one or more registration
IDP Initial DPINCAP message cancellation messages received in current attempt to
ISUP ISDN USer Part redirect the inbound roaming mobile station to the first
ITR Inbound Traffic Redirection VPMN, the one or more registration messages are sent
LUP MAP Location Update 55 within one of a second pre-defined interval of time (T1)
MAP Mobile Application Part
MCC Mobile Country Code and a threshold number of times to attempt re-registra
MCC Mobile Country Code tion.
ME Mobile Equipment 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the possible change in
MNC Mobile Network Code the registration of the inbound roaming mobile station is
MO Mobile Originated
MSC Mobile Switching Center 60 inferred when a location update (LUP) message being sent a
MSISDN Mobile Subscriber ISDN Number first registration message from the second VPMN.
Mobile Subscriber Roaming Number
Mobile Terminated
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the one or more regis
MTP Message Transfer Part
tration messages are LUP messages sent from the first
NP Numbering Plan VPMN.
NPI Numbering Plan Indicator 65 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the one or more regis
NDC National Dialing Code tration cancellation messages is a Cancel Location message
sent by the HPMN to the first VPMN.
US 7,929,953 B2
27 28
5. The method of claim 1 further comprising exchanging sponding to each of the one or more registration messages
the one or more registration messages corresponding to each Sent from the first VPMN to the HPMN.
of one or more registration cancellation messages received 22. The method of claim 21 further comprising detecting a
from the HPMN, wherein the one or more registration can possible change in VLR association of the inbound roaming
cellation messages are sent Subsequent to each registration mobile station in the first VPMN based on next received
message sent by the inbound roaming mobile station after an registration cancellation message from the HPMN.
error is generated at the inbound roaming mobile station. 23. The method of claim 22 further comprising increment
6. The method of claim 5, wherein each registration mes ing one or more redirection counters based on the possible
sage is sent at most equal to an expected number of times by change in the VLR association of the inbound roaming
the inbound roaming mobile station. 10
mobile Station in the first VPMN.
7. The method of claim 1 further comprising receiving a 24. The method of claim 1 further comprising sending a
reject message at the second VPMN when the attempt to routing request immediately prior to sending the one or more
redirect the traffic to the first VPMN is successful.
8. The method of claim 1, wherein a general packet radio registration messages to the HPMN.
system (GPRS) location update (LUP) message is exchanged 15 25. The method of claim 24 further comprising sending the
as a first registration message between the HPMN and a one or more registration messages to the HPMN subsequent
servicing GPRS support node (SGSN) associated with the to receipt of an acknowledgment of the routing request from
Second VPMN. the HPMN.
9. The method of claim 8, wherein the one or more regis 26. The method of claim 25 further comprises sending the
tration messages is a GPRS LUP message sent from the first one or more registration messages to the HPMN subsequent
VPMN. to absence of a response for the routing request within an
10. The method of claim 1, wherein the one or more reg interval of time.
istration messages are sent at most equal to the re-registration 27. The method of claim 26 further comprising blacklisting
threshold number of times of a re-registration counter. an home location register (HLR) associated with the HPMN
11. The method of claim 10, wherein the second pre-de 25 for a pre-defined time interval in absence of a response to the
fined interval of time (T1) is equal to an expiration threshold routing request for a configurable number of times from the
at which the re-registration counter is reset. HPMN.
12. The method of claim 1, wherein the second pre-defined 28. The method of claim 26 further comprising blacklisting
interval of time (T1) is sum of maximum interval between the an home location register (HLR) associated with the HPMN
one or more registration messages and maximum interval to 30 for a pre-defined time interval if an error or a response to the
select the second VPMN for a location update attempt mul routing request from a global title (GT) in an inbound traffic
tiplied by number of competitor network operators in country. redirection (ITR) module.
13. The method of claim 1, wherein the first pre-defined 29. The method of claim 26 further comprising blacklisting
interval of time (TO) is at most equal to time required for an home location register (HLR) associated with the HPMN
completing location update process for the second VPMN. 35 for a pre-defined time interval if an error or a response to the
14. The method of claim 1 further comprises sending a routing request from a global title (GT) in an inbound traffic
response message on behalf of the inbound roaming mobile redirection (ITR) module, after an interval of delay between
station in response to receipt of one or more request messages that routing request and a fake location update (LUP).
when the one or more registration cancellation messages are 30. The method of claim 26, wherein the routing request is
received after completion of location update process at the 40 one of a send routing information for short message (SRI
Second VPMN. SM) message, a send routing information (SRI) message, and
15. The method of claim 14, wherein the one or more an any time interrogation (ATI) message.
request messages are one of a mobile application part (MAP) 31. The method of claim 26 further comprising
provider subscriberinformation (PSI) from the HPMN, MAP determining the second VPMN as a non-inbound traffic
Provide Roaming Number (PRN) from the HPMN and a 45 redirection (ITR) attempting network based on response
MAP Forward short message service (SMS) from a short received from the HPMN in response to the routing
message service center (SMSC). request and application of a pre-defined criteria on the
16. The method of claim 14, wherein the response message response; and
is an Absent Subscriber message sent on behalf of the inbound allowing the inbound roaming mobile station to register
roaming mobile station. 50 with the second VPMN by discontinuing the sending of
17. The method of claim 1 further comprising attempting to the one or more registration messages.
redirect the traffic to a third VPMN when the attempt to 32. The method of claim 1 further comprising sending a
redirect the traffic to the first VPMN is unsuccessful. search request message concurrently with each of the one or
18. The method of claim 17, wherein the third VPMN is a more registration messages after receipt of the one or more
preferred network to the first VPMN in comparison to the 55 registration cancellation messages from the HPMN and
second VPMN being a non-preferred network to the first before relaying the one or more registration cancellation mes
VPMN. sages to a VLR in the first VPMN, wherein the search request
19. The method of claim 1, wherein the one or more reg message is sent to a VMSC to collect location information of
istration messages from the first VPMN are sent using one or the inbound roaming mobile station.
more global titles Subsequent to receipt of the one or more 60 33. The method of claim 30, wherein the visited mobile
registration cancellation messages. switching center (VMSC) is a last known VMSC of the
20. The method of claim 19, wherein one of the one or more inbound roaming mobile station.
global titles is a global title of the first VPMN. 34. The method of claim 30, wherein the search request
21. The method of claim 1 further comprising storing vis message is one of a Search Mobile Station (MS) and a Page
ited location register (VLR) and home location register 65 Mobile Station (MS).
(HLR) corresponding to an international mobile subscriber 35. The method of claim 1 further comprising abandoning
identity (IMSI) of the inbound roaming mobile station corre the attempt to redirect the traffic when the inbound roaming
US 7,929,953 B2
29 30
mobile station attempts greater than an expected number of 50. The method of claim 1 further comprised of increment
times to register with the second VPMN. ing one or more redirection counters when the attempt to
36. The method of claim 1 further comprising abandoning redirect the traffic is successful.
the attempt to redirect the traffic when the inbound roaming 51. The method of claim 1 further comprised of defining a
mobile station attempts greater than a registration threshold redirection limit for the inbound roaming mobile station at a
to register with the second VPMN. configurable interval of time.
37. The method of claim 1 further comprising abandoning 52. The method of claim 1 further comprised of defining a
the attempt to redirect the traffic when the inbound roaming configuration distribution control profile for one or more
mobile station is detected to be in a manual mode. inbound roaming mobile stations in the HPMN, wherein the
38. The method of claim 1 further comprising abandoning 10 configuration distribution control profile Supports in decision
the attempt to redirect the traffic when the inbound roaming of attempt to redirect the traffic.
mobile station is detected to be present in non-coverage area 53. The method of claim 50, wherein the configuration
of the first VPMN. distribution control profile is activated at different time bands
39. The method of claim 1 further comprising countering for one or more inbound roaming mobile stations.
traffic redirection (TR) attempt by the HPMN based on one or
15 54. The method of claim 50, wherein one or more param
more acknowledge messages sent by the HPMN in response eters in the configuration distribution control profile are mea
to the one or more registration messages from the first VPMN. Sured by a configurable counter.
40. The method of claim 37, wherein the one or more 55. The method of claim 1 further comprised of identifying
acknowledge messages is one of a location update (LUP) a blind spot in the first VPMN based on a reply message in
reject error and a LUP abort error. response to sending a Subscriber information message to a
41. The method of claim 37, wherein the one or more visited location register (VLR) associated with the inbound
acknowledge messages comprises one or more attributes roaming mobile station, wherein the Subscriber information
selected from a group consisting one a unexpected data value message is sent before relaying the first registration cancel
(UDV), roaming not allowed (RNA) and roaming restricted lation message from the HPMN to the first VPMN.
25 56. The method of claim 53, wherein the subscriber infor
42. The method of claim 37 further comprising attempting mation message is a PSI message being sent after Successful
to redirect the traffic to the first VPMN in combination with attempt to redirect the traffic to the first VPMN.
the countering of the traffic redirection (TR) attempt from 57. The method of claim 54, wherein the visited location
HPMN when the one or more acknowledge messages is a register (VLR) pages the inbound roaming mobile station in
system failure. 30 anticipation of a reply from the inbound roaming mobile
43. The method of claim 40 further comprising sending one station indicating a current location and a cell in the first
or more location update messages greater than an expected 58. The method of claim 1 further comprises providing
number of times until a Successful exchange of the one or value added services to the inbound roaming mobile station
more registration message between the first VPMN and the 35 after failing in the attempt to redirect the traffic of the inbound
HPMN, wherein the one or more location update messages roaming mobile station to the first VPMN, and response to a
are sent to thwart at least one of the traffic redirection (TR) routing request returns a competitor network.
attempt from the HPMN and an inbound traffic redirection 59. A system for controlling traffic of an inbound roaming
(ITR) attempt from the second VPMN. mobile station between a first Visiting Public Mobile Net
44. The method of claim 41, wherein one or more location 40 work (VPMN), a second VPMN and a Home Public Mobile
update messages are sent from the first VPMN on behalf of Network (HPMN), the method comprising:
the inbound roaming mobile station. a detection unit for detecting a possible change in registra
45. The method of claim 1 further comprised of storing tion of the inbound roaming mobile station upon receipt
profile of the inbound roaming mobile station in a gateway of a first registration cancellation message of one or
location register (GLR) when the HPMN is detected perform 45 more registration cancellation messages at the first
ing a traffic redirection (TR) by monitoring actively the VPMN from the HPMN; and
receipt of the first registration cancellation message between a redirection unit for attempting to redirect the traffic to the
the HPMN and the first VPMN.
46. The method of claim 43, wherein a profile is stored for first VPMN by sending one or more registration mes
a configurable interval of time. sages from the first VPMN to the HPMN subsequent to
47. The method of claim 43 further comprised of exchang
50 receipt of the one or more registration cancellation mes
ing Successfully the one or more registration messages sages from the HPMN, wherein for each registration
between the gateway location register (GLR) and the HPMN. cancellation message received, one or more registration
48. The method of claim 1, wherein detecting a possible messages are sent within a first pre-defined interval of
change in registration of the inbound roaming mobile station time (TO) until one registration message is recorded as a
comprises monitoring passively receipt of one or more regis 55 Successful transaction, wherein for the one or more reg
tration cancellation messages at the first VPMN from the istration cancellation messages received in a current
HPMN. attempt to redirect the inbound roaming mobile station
49. The method of claim 1, wherein detecting a possible to the first VPMN, the one or more registration messages
change in registration of the inbound roaming mobile station are sent within one of a second pre-defined interval of
comprises monitoring actively receipt of one or more regis 60 time (T1) and a threshold number of times to attempt
tration cancellation messages at the first VPMN from the

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