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Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146900

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Land degradation mapping in the MATOPIBA region (Brazil) using

remote sensing data and decision-tree analysis
Rita Marcia da Silva Pinto Vieira a,⁎, Javier Tomasella b, Alexandre Augusto Barbosa a, Silvia Palotti Polizel a,
Jean Pierre Henry Balbaud Ometto a, Fabrícia Cristina Santos a, Yara da Cruz Ferreira a, Peter Mann de Toledo a
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais–INPE, Caixa Postal 515, 12245-970 São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil
Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais - CEMADEN, Parque Tecnológico, Estrada Doutor Altino Bondensan, 500, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil


• Land physical characteristics do not nec-

essarily imply soil degradation.
• Environmental conditions associated
with land management trigger the pro-
• 86% of the areas with high susceptibility
are composed of grassland vegetation.
• In the study region, 4677 km2 (0.63%) is
under degradation.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The expansion of agricultural activities in Brazil resulted in a loss of approximately 50% of the native vegetation of
Received 13 August 2020 the Cerrado biome, mainly to the north of the biome in a region known as MATOPIBA. Besides contributing to ac-
Received in revised form 25 March 2021 celerate climate change, the removal of native vegetation is associated with increase soil degradation. In this
Accepted 29 March 2021
study, we used the decision tree method to predict degradation using as indicators Normalized Difference Veg-
Available online 5 April 2021
etation Index (NDVI) derived indices over the period 1985–2018. Results showed that approximately 4677
Editor: Paulo Pereira km2 (0.63%) of MATOPIBA region is under strong signs of degradation, mostly on pasture and grasslands areas,
commonly used for grazing. Although the percentage of degraded areas is relatively small, the mapping indicated
that the majority of degradation patches are concentrated not only in areas of low resilience, e.g., areas domi-
Keywords: nated by weakly structured sandy soils, but also where highly stable latosols dominate. More importantly,
Soil degradation these areas were frequently affected by fire over the study period. This finding suggests that the combination
Remote sensing of unsustainable traditional land management practices, such as fire, the replacement of forest by pasture, and
Machine learning anthropic activities such as inadequate road planning, are the main factor that trigger degradation processes in
this Brazilian region. The study results are important for decision makers for defining investment priorities for
conservation and for the recovery of degraded areas.
Brazilian Cerrado
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

⁎ Corresponding author. Soil degradation and climate change are the major threats that soci-
E-mail addresses: (R.M.S.P. Vieira), (J. Tomasella),
ety will face in the next decades (Olsson et al., 2019). Approximately
(A.A. Barbosa), (J.P.H.B. Ometto), 52% of the land globally available for agricultural expansion is
(F.C. Santos), (P.M. Toledo). experiencing an accelerated degradation due to erosion, nutrient loss,
0048-9697/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R.M.S.P. Vieira, J. Tomasella, A.A. Barbosa et al. Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146900

salinization, soil compaction, and chemical pollution. It is estimated that approximately 50% of the native vegetation of the Cerrado biome area
75% of the terrestrial surface is under some degree of land degradation, has been suppressed for the expansion of livestock, soybean, sugarcane,
which is expected to rise to 90% by 2050 (Pereira and Bogunovic, 2019). and eucalyptus, along with other activities such as mining and charcoal
In addition, approximately 1–3 Mha of soil is unsuitable for cultivation production (Pitta and Vega, 2017). Projections of deforestation from
(Lambin and Meyfroidt, 2011). This problem is likely to be aggravated 2002 to 2050 indicate that the MATOPIBA region is likely to lose
by the growing human population, which is estimated to reach 10 bil- 40,000 km2 of its natural vegetation per decade (Ferreira et al., 2013),
lion by 2056 (Ferreira et al., 2018) and inadequate agricultural produc- concomitant with extensive landscape fragmentation and soil degrada-
tion practices. Land degradation will also be intensified by climate tion (Theodoro et al., 2002). Previous studies concluded that soil degra-
change, which is already responsible for the loss of 12 Mha of soil per dation is triggered by the removal of natural vegetation (Guerra and
year associated with drought (UNCDD, 2013). One of the most pervasive Cunha, 1994; Crepani et al., 2001; Vieira et al., 2015; Tomasella et al.,
consequences of land degradation is soil erosion, which causes a reduc- 2018). Areas where the vegetation has been converted to pastures or
tion in soil productivity and fertility (Sharma et al., 2011) and threats cultivated crops and those with steep slopes and heavy rainfall are
water and food security (Almagro et al., 2017). more susceptible to soil erosion and degradation (Gomes et al., 2017;
To meet population growth, food production needs to increase from Singh and Hartsch, 2019). In addition, deforestation is associated with
the current 8.4 billion tons to 13.5 billion tons a year (FAO, 2014), and forest fragmentation, which increases forest flammability and fire fre-
substantial losses in the food system need to be reduced. Brazil, which quency (Alencar et al., 2015; Balch et al., 2015) due to the increase of
is the second largest food producer in the world, is one of the few coun- temperature and decrease of air humidity, the accumulation of dry bio-
tries with the capacity to increase agricultural production to meet in- mass during the dry season and the occurrence of human-induced fires.
creasing demand (FAO, 2006). In this context, the Cerrado biome Areas that frequently burn show changes in the density of woody and
(Brazilian Savanna) deserves attention as it has been identified as one shrubby vegetation (Medeiros and Miranda, 2005), lower regeneration
of the regions with significant potential to contribute to the increasing capacity (Miranda and Sato, 2005), and are more prone to the invasion
demand for food production (Pires, 2020). This biome has been the sub- of highly competitive and opportunistic species (Pitta and Vega, 2017;
ject of intense land use and land cover changes in recent decades, lead- Keeley and Pausas, 2019). Although the Cerrado biome is adapted to
ing to high deforestation rates and the replacement of natural burning, uncontrolled occurrence causes nutrient loss, soil compaction,
vegetation in approximately 53% of its total area (Beuchle et al., 2015). and erosion (Klink and Machado, 2005). Nobre et al. (2011) stated that
The Cerrado has approximately 27 million ha of unprotected native veg- land use and land cover changes in the Cerrado biome have contributed
etation areas, which are liable to be legally deforested to open lands for to accelerating global climate changes through enhanced emission of
agriculture and cattle purposes (Sparovek et al., 2010). While in the greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and car-
Amazon biome almost 50% of the area is under different level of preser- bon dioxide (CO2). In addition, land use and land cover changes have
vation by law, only 13% of the Cerrado is under protection (Soterroni promoted the reduction of biodiversity, outbreak of diseases such as
et al., 2019). The expansion of areas for cattle ranching and agricultural with Zika virus dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever (Ellwanger
production (mainly soy) are recognized as the main drivers of land con- et al., 2020), and depletion of water sources. Changing of native vegeta-
version in the Amazon (Lambin et al., 2013; Morton et al., 2006) and tion areas to pastures and bare soil increases the surface albedo, which
Cerrado biomes (Espírito-Santo et al., 2016; Maranhão et al., 2019). Pre- affects the surface radiation balance and consequently, the amount of
vious studies indicated that the 30% of the soy expansion in the Cerrado energy available for heating and water evaporation in the lower atmo-
between 2000 and 2014 occurred was done removing natural vegeta- sphere (Cunha et al., 2013; Vieira et al., 2018). Changes in temperature
tion, while in the case of the Amazon, a similar expansion occurred be- have already been detected by Salvador and de Brito (2018) based on air
tween 2004 and 2005 (Soterroni et al., 2019). temperature (maximum and minimum) observations in the MATOPIBA
The accelerated deforestation rates in the Amazon set the ground for region over the period 1970–2012. In most of the analyzed stations, sig-
the implementation of the “Soy Moratorium,” which is a zero- nificant increases in maximum temperatures and frequency of very
deforestation agreement between the civil society, industry, and gov- warm days were observed, both of which are indicators of climate
ernment; forbids the buying of soy and restricts producers that change.
deforested their lands after July 2006 from receiving credit (Maranhão When monitoring areas with land degradation, lack of vegetation
et al., 2019). The soy moratorium initiative has been successful in con- over a long period and forest cover loss are considered proxies for
taining the expansion of soybean plantations in the Amazon. Since this land degradation (Vieira et al., 2015). Among remote sensing products,
agreement does not cover the Cerrado, the collateral damage was the one of the most common vegetation indices derived from satellite im-
increase in soybean cultivation in the Cerrado, while cattle ranching mi- ages to study soil degradation is the Normalized Difference Vegetation
grated to the Amazon rainforest (Maranhão et al., 2019). In an attempt Index (NDVI) (Bai et al., 2008; Olsson et al., 2019). Multi-temporal anal-
to protect the native vegetation of the Cerrado, more than 70 companies ysis of NDVI data allows the detection of degradation trends based on
and social and environmental organizations signed a declaration to re- the relationship between the index and biomass productivity (Bai
duce deforestation in the Cerrado area, an initiative also embraced by et al., 2008; Tomasella et al., 2018). For instance, Tomasella et al.
the scientific community (Soterroni et al., 2019). (2018) proposed an index calculated from the persistence of bare soil
In general, the expansion of large-scale agriculture has been linked to map desertified areas in northeastern Brazil using NDVI of images
to the widespread degradation in the Cerrado and the Amazon, not collected over 17 years. Pereira et al. (2018) used the trends of cumula-
only because of the loss of ecosystem goods and services (Foley et al., tive NDVI anomalies from 2001 to 2017 to monitor degraded pasture
2007), but also because of the increase in social inequalities caused by areas in the Brazilian Cerrado, and correlated degraded and non-
land distribution (Sant'Anna, 2017). degraded pasture areas with socio-economic and biophysical variables.
The MATOPIBA region (an area delimited by the states of Maranhão, Their results showed that 46% of the Cerrado pastures were degraded.
Tocantins, Piauí, and Bahia), located on the Cerrado between the Ama- Degradation was observed mainly in the MATOPIBA region, in areas
zon and the Caatinga (Savanna Steppe) biomes, is currently one of the with low Human Development Indices (HDI) and decreasing rainfall
most dynamic regions of the country in terms of land conversion. The patterns.
soybean area in the MATOPIBA region increased by 253% between Most of the studies, related to soil degradation and desertification in
2000 and 2014 (Carneiro-Filho and Costa, 2016), and approximately Brazil are focused in the northeast of the country (for instance, Vieira
25% of the soybean area of the Cerrado lies within its borders et al., 2015, Bezerra et al., 2020, Tomasella et al., 2018, Vieira et al.,
(Soterroni et al., 2019). It was responsible for 25% of Brazilian exports 2021), because this region is mostly semi-arid and has endured centu-
of soybean in 2018 (Maranhão et al., 2019). Over the last four decades, ries of unsustainable land use. The accelerated conversion of natural

R.M.S.P. Vieira, J. Tomasella, A.A. Barbosa et al. Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146900

vegetation to agricultural and pasture areas in the Amazon and the 2. Materials and methods
Cerrado and increased demand for agricultural land for various pur-
poses, such as biofuel production in southeast Brazil (Bordonal et al., 2.1. Study area
2018), have put additional pressures on natural vegetation. New ap-
proaches are needed to determine soil degradation not only for the The MATOPIBA region, which has an area of 734,752 km2, is consists
identification of hotspots, but also to identify areas prone to degradation of the states of Maranhão (MA) - 32.77%, Tocantins (TO) - 37.95%, Piauí
to develop appropriate land management policies. Considering the im- (PI) - 11.21%, and Bahia (BA) - 18.06%. It has 337 municipalities with an
portance of broadening the spatial diagnostics of the environmental im- estimated population of 6 million inhabitants (IBGE, 2020). The region
pacts of anthropogenic land use to other areas, the main goal of this covers the Caatinga, Amazon, and Cerrado biomes (Fig. 1). The natural
study was to detect soil degradation in the MATOPIBA region. Unlike vegetation in the Cerrado, a savanna, is composed of trees, large shrubs,
previous studies, which focused specifically on natural vegetation and grassland with predominance of herbaceous species (Ribeiro and
(Rosan et al., 2019) or pastures (Pereira et al., 2018), this study includes Walter, 1998). Table 1 describes the land use and cover classes in the re-
all land uses and land covers. In addition, the methodological ap- gion for the year 2017 (Fig. S1 presents land use and land cover patterns
proaches used in these studies were based on the determination of identified in the field).
thresholds of indices such as NDVI and enhanced vegetation index The climate in the region can be subdivided in a well-defined wet
(EVI) within the study period. Thresholds can be affected by the combi- season, from October to April, and a dry season from May to September.
nation of large interdecadal variability of rainfall characteristics of trop- According to Köppen's climate classification, the region has a tropical
ical areas (Espinoza et al., 2018) and by persistent droughts (Cunha climate with dry winter, hot summer, annual rainfall between 1000
et al., 2019), which introduce trends in historical series that are not nec- and 1900 mm, and average temperatures above 25 °C (Ribeiro and
essarily an indication of desertification, but rather a temporary decline Walter, 1998).
in growth of natural vegetation (Tomasella et al., 2018). The topography in the area consists predominantly of depres-
In this study, decision-tree analysis was applied to a set of indices de- sions and plateau areas (Mingoti et al., 2014). The main soils are
rived from NDVI, which are potential indicators of degradation. Al- Latosols (38%), followed by Neosols (25%) and Plinthosols (19.2%)
though the new approach is simple, results showed that the algorithm (Embrapa, 2014). The Latosol is also the dominant soil type of the
is capable of providing fine, detailed, and accurate estimations of degra- forest (7.04%), grassland (14.61%), and pastures (5.56%). Due to the
dation and underpins the effects of persistent droughts, which in some flat topography, favorable climate, water availability, and productive
cases causes a false indication of degradation. The results of this work soils (Brasil, 2018), the region has extensive fields of mechanized
can provide valuable insights for planning sustainable policies and re- agriculture that expands over native vegetation areas (Spera et al.,
covering degraded areas. 2016).

Fig. 1. A) Geographical location of the MATOPIBA region in Brazil. The desertification hotspots are indicated by numbers 1, 2, and 3; B) Spatial distribution of the three biomes of the study

R.M.S.P. Vieira, J. Tomasella, A.A. Barbosa et al. Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146900

Table 1 total of 780 field points were collected during field visits in July 2018
Land use and cover classes for the year 2017. (dry season) and 320 in April 2019 (wet season), in areas of bare soil,
(Source: MapBiomas - Collection 3.1)
pasture, and agriculture. Field degradation was evaluated based on the
Classes Area Percentage visual assessment, combining qualitative scientific judgment and local
(km2) (%) knowledge. Visual assessment tools are rapid, practical, inexpensive,
Forest Forest formation 157,086,96 21,47% and have been widely used in the tropics for differentiation degradation
Savanna formation 269,691,75 36,86% status (Sonneveld et al., 2012). In addition, they are appropriate for
Mangrove 833,22 0,11%
highly heterogeneous environments such as the MATOPIBA region,
Forest plantation 324,74 0,04%
Non-forest Grassland formation 116,623,77 15,94% where the large diversity of vegetation and soil types make quantitative
formation assessments more complex. Since this method can be subjective, partic-
Farming Pasture 109,329,90 14,94% ularly to differentiate degradation levels due to the lack of standardiza-
Annual and perennial crop 46,376,16 6,34% tion in Cerrado vegetation, the approach used in this study was
Mosaic of agriculture and 22,896,06 3,13%
restricted to determine whether the site was degraded or non-
Others Beach and dune 1083,53 0,15% degraded. Visual indicators of degradation include vegetation vigor,
Urban infrastructure 851,68 0,12% abundance of green mass, percentage of bare soil, the presence of inva-
Other non-vegetated area 276,74 0,04% sive plants (particularly for herbaceous vegetation), the presence of ero-
Rocky outcrop 561,72 0,08%
sive processes such as laminar erosion and furrows, and finally the
Mining 3,91 0,001%
Salt flat 25,51 0,003% presence of ant hills and termite mounds. Additionally, in order to ob-
River, lake and ocean 5668,74 0,77% tain a better representation of the study area in terms of spatial cover-
age and variety of vegetation and land use types, ancillary data from
967 field points of agricultural areas, grassland formation, tree vegeta-
tion, and rocky outcrops were selected either by visual interpretation
2.2. Datasets from high-resolution Google Earth images, or based on contextual infor-
mation. Fig. 2 illustrates the distribution of points (collected in the field
Degradation maps were derived using 22,064 Landsat images and acquired from images) in the study area.
(Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+, Landsat 8 OLI). A composite of
13,850 and 8214 images of the dry and wet periods, with a spatial reso- 2.3. Image processing
lution of 30 m from 1985 to 2018 (Tier 1 product) were download from 2.3.1. Cloud mask, cloud shadow, and noise
For processing and analyzing the large number of images, the Google To eliminate undesired noise, cloud, and cloud shadow areas, a mask
Earth Engine (GEE) was used. was applied to the images to remove cloud-contaminated pixels. First,
The algorithm for detecting degradation was calibrated and vali- to eliminate the interference of clouds and cloud shadows in the analy-
dated using information from 1100 field points from the study area. A sis, the CFMask algorithm of the GEE platform was used (Zhu and

Fig. 2. Points used for training/calibration of the model (A) and validation of the detection algorithm indicating degraded and non-degraded sites (B).

R.M.S.P. Vieira, J. Tomasella, A.A. Barbosa et al. Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146900

Woodcock, 2014a, 2014b). The cloud mask derived from the CFMask al- node m. The impurity function used in the study was Gini's impurity in-
gorithm was used to generate a mask of 2 km of the projected cloud dex defined by Eq. (3):
shadow. Dark pixels were then selected for inclusion in the cloud
shadow buffer, which resulted in a dark pixel mask. The “final mask”
H ðQ Þ ¼ ∑ pi,m 1−pi,m ð3Þ
was derived from the combination of all the three previous masks i¼1
resulting in NDVI images mosaic free from cloud, shadow, and dark
pixels interference caused by noise. where k represents the two possible outcomes, degraded and non-
degraded; and pi,m is the number of observations of class i at node
2.3.2. NDVI images mosaic m divided by the total number of values Nm. The partition of the
Using Landsat images for the period 1985–2018, we generated NDVI dataset for the development of the decision tree selects the threshold
image mosaics. The NDVI was obtained from the relationship between value tm that minimizes the impurity G at node m. When the impurity
the reflectance (ρ) of the near-infrared (IVP) and red (V) bands calcu- is minimized, the node is subdivided according to the best segmenta-
lated according to Eq. (1): tion value tm, and the samples in the training set were allocated to
the two sub-nodes Qleft and Qright. The two subsets were then proc-
ρIVP−ρV essed recursively according to the above splitting process, and a fea-
NDVI ¼ ð1Þ
ρIVP þ ρV ture is re-selected to continue to be partitioned until a maximum
allowable depth is reached (Nm equal to 1 or less than a minimum
NDVI values range from −1 to 1, where negative values correspond value). Further details of the algorithm can be found in Breiman
to areas with water surfaces, while positive values between 0.2 and 1 in- et al. (1984).
dicate vegetated areas. Model training and validation were performed in Scikit-learn
(Pedregosa et al., 2011), an open-source machine-learning library
2.4. Algorithm for mapping land degradation coded in Python 3.6, available at
index.html. Of the total 1100 points collected in the field, 782
The algorithm for detecting degraded areas used as the independent were randomly selected and their values used for model training/
variable NDVI-derived indices. To select the indices that potentially ex- calibration; the remaining 318 points were considered for valida-
plained degradation, we carried out a visual analysis by plotting the tion. In addition, the training dataset was augmented with the
field points against the indices. Because the study area is heterogeneous, 967 ancillary data points, which include agricultural areas, grass-
visual analysis considered the variety of land uses and vegetation types land formation, tree vegetation, and rocky outcrops selected from
in the region. Visual analysis allowed the identification of eight previously identified degraded hotspots from in situ surveys and
NDVI-derived predictive indices: the mean value of the annual amplitude high-resolution images, resulting in a training dataset with 1749
(difference between annual maximum and minimum NDVI) - NDVIAMP; values. To avoid over-fitting the decision tree, we constrained the
annual average NDVI - NDVIAVE; annual maximum NDVI - NDVIMAX; maximum depth. By trial and error, we increased the values of
annual minimum NDVI- NDVIMIN; cumulative change of the annual maximum depth until the improvement in the omission error was
NDVI amplitude - CCAMP, average NDVI - CCAVE, maximum NDVI - less than 5%.
CCMAX, and minimum NDVI - CCMIN. Mean values were calculated over
the entire study period (1985–2018). Cumulative changes in the indices 2.5. Validation
were derived by computing the differences between the values of each
year minus the value of the first year of analysis (1985), and then accumu- The validation dataset included 157 and 161 non-degraded and
lating those differences until the year under analysis. For the last year of degraded areas, respectively. Pixels correctly and incorrectly classi-
analysis, differences were accumulated over the whole study period fied were analyzed by means of a confusion matrix, where map clas-
(1985–2018). ses were represented in rows and the reference classes in columns,
The algorithm for detecting land degradation was based on the deci- which allows extracting the following statistical measures
sion tree method (DTM), which is one of the most used remote sensing (Congalton, 1991):
techniques because it generates predictive models with high precision
and easy interpretation of results (Yang et al., 2014; Vorovencii, 2015;
1) The user's accuracy originates from the point of view of a map
Lamchin et al., 2016). The decision tree classifier used in this study
user, not the map maker, and it indicates the probability that
was the classification and regression trees (CART) proposed by
a pixel as classified as class i will be present as class i on the
Breiman et al. (1984), which is a supervised learning non-parametric al-
ground. Usually referred to as the reliability of the user in rela-
gorithm (Jaworski et al., 2017). In this method, a binary tree decision is
tion to the classification results. The user's accuracy is the com-
created through a cyclic analysis of the training dataset, which is com-
plement of the commission error: the more errors of
posed of the predictive and target variables.
commission exist, the lower is the user's accuracy. It is calcu-
The algorithm searches multiple combinations of the indepen-
lated as the total number of correct classifications for a class di-
dent (indicators) variables, beginning with the root node that in-
vided by the total row.
cludes the entire training dataset and corresponds to the most
2) The producer's accuracy is the map accuracy from the point of
discriminative indicator, and it creates nodes with two branches at
view of the map maker, and indicates the probability that a
most (binary partition) that divides the dataset into increasingly ho-
class j on the reference map has been correctly classified with
mogenous subsets. The partitioning progresses until the nodes were
class j in the real world as the reference. The producer's accuracy
sufficiently homogenous to be terminal. The training dataset Q is
is complemented by the omission error: the more errors of omis-
subdivided at node m into subsets Qleft and Qright by the threshold
sion exist, the lower is the producer's accuracy. It is estimated as
value tm. Subsequently, the impurity G is calculated using the impu-
the number of reference sites classified accurately on the map di-
rity function H() according to Eq. (2):
vided by the total number of reference sites for that class on
nleft   nright   ground.
GðQ, t m Þ ¼ H Q left ðt m Þ þ H Q right ðt m Þ ð2Þ 3) The global accuracy is the proportion of area classified correctly,
Nm Nm
usually expressed as a percentage, with 100% accuracy being a
where nleft and nright indicate the number of values on the left and right perfect classification where all reference sites were classified
sides of the split, respectively; and Nm is the total number of values at correctly.

R.M.S.P. Vieira, J. Tomasella, A.A. Barbosa et al. Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146900

In this work, we used the Kappa coefficient to assess the accuracy of mean amplitude and maximum NDVI, associated with high NDVI values
the map compared to randomly assigning values derived using Eq. (4) during the growing period and very low values during the fallow. As
(Lands and Koch, 1977): expected, pasture, grasslands, and other anthropogenic land uses, either
degraded or non-degraded, show mixed signals and a wider spectral
p0 −b
response. Consequently, several anthropogenic uses were not consid-
1−b pe ered degraded in this study. Although degradation usually starts with
the removal of natural vegetation, the fate of the anthropogenically
where p0 was the observational probability of agreement estimated as altered area depends on other factors such as land use history and
the proportion of pairs exhibiting agreement (accuracy), and pe was susceptibility.
the hypothetical probability of chance agreement of each random ob- The Fig. 3 (B) shows the relationship between the cumulative
server randomly of each category, estimated as the sum of all outcomes changes of NDVI amplitude - CCAMP against the mean amplitude -
of the product of the proportion of agreement of each indicator. NDVI AMP . In this figure, an important proportion of the degraded
The Kappa coefficient can vary from −1 to 1 (Cohen, 1960). A value pasture (purple squares) shows positive accumulated values of
of 1 indicates complete agreement, whereas 0 indicates that the classi- NDVI amplitude over the study period, suggesting that those areas
fication is no better than a random classification. A negative number in- undergoing degradation would show increasingly larger differences
dicates that the classification is substantially worse than random. between maximum and minimum annual NDVI values. However,
Previous studies have recognize limitations of the kappa coefficient previously desertified areas (red squares) do not show any trend.
as a performance measurement. The main criticism arise from the fact The agricultural non-degraded areas also showed positive trends,
that the kappa coefficient is a measurement of agreement beyond probably related to land use changes from natural vegetation to
chance, rather than an index of overall agreement (Foody, 2020). Be- agricultural land.
cause of this, comparisons of kappa coefficients are difficult if the classes Fig. 4 shows the decision tree algorithm resulting from the training
vary in prevalence, as the magnitude of a coefficient reflects not only dataset (for a more detailed decision tree, see Fig. S3). As mentioned be-
agreement in labelling, but also properties of the populations under fore, we tested different maximum depths from the decision tree until
study (Foody, 2020). On the other hand, the kappa coefficient is still the accuracy was no longer significant. We began with a decision tree
one of the most widespread measures used in several fields and disci- with five levels, and found that eight levels produced a global accuracy
plines, which makes it useful for providing comparisons with previous of 97.5% and a kappa value of 0.95 (Table S1).
studies. Except for NDVIMIN, all other selected predictors appeared in the
branches, indicating that they were relevant to the decision tree formu-
3. Results and discussion lation. Of all the indicators, NDVIMAX appeared five times in the decision
tree, followed by CCAMP and CCAVE with three times each. Fig. S4 pre-
3.1. Derivation of the decision tree for detecting land degradation sents more details regarding the responses of the NDVIMAX, CCAMP and
the different land uses.
The Fig. 3 (A) shows the relationship between the mean of the an- Table S1 shows the degree of agreement between omission error,
nual maximum - NDVIMAX against the mean amplitude - NDVIAMP for user producer, and global accuracy for the training dataset. In terms of
several land uses and vegetation types, for both the degraded and the Kappa index, the training dataset showed a global accuracy value
non-degraded field points. This figure shows that degraded areas with of 97.71% and a Kappa index of 0.954. The high statistical confidence
bare soil exhibit mean annual amplitude and annual maximum NDVI and accuracy obtained from the training dataset indicated that the
values below 0.15 and 0.25, respectively. Tomasella et al. (2018) dem- NDVI derived indices selected in the development of the decision tree
onstrated that the frequency and persistence of low annual amplitude was able to capture most of the degradation identified in the field sur-
NDVI values were indicators of desertification in the semi-arid regions vey and ancillary data.
of Northeast of Brazil based on the fact that infertile areas do not show
vegetation recovery even during rainy periods. In contrast, Cerrado 3.2. Validation of the decision tree
areas have relatively low mean amplitude values (between 0.15 and
0.3), since they are fully adapted to the dry/wet season cycles. However, Table S1 also shows, for the validation dataset, the degree of agree-
a large variation in the mean maximum NDVI (between 0.4 and 0.85) ment for the field points in terms of omission error, user, producer,
values reflect the diversity of Cerrado vegetation types (from natural and global accuracies, and Kappa index. We concluded that the map
pasture, herbaceous/shrub, sparsely arboreal to densely arboreal). On has excellent thematic accuracy (Kappa - 0.82) with a high confidence
the other hand, agricultural land (temporary crops) show both high of classification. The commission error was greater (9.76%) than the

Fig. 3. Relationship between different NDVI derived indices and land uses (Desertified, Bare soil, Degraded, Pasture, Grassland, Cerrado, and Agriculture): A) mean of the annual maximum
- NDVIMAX against the mean amplitude - NDVIAMP; B) NDVI amplitude - CCAMP against the mean amplitude - NDVIAMP.

R.M.S.P. Vieira, J. Tomasella, A.A. Barbosa et al. Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146900

Fig. 4. Decision tree classifier for detecting degraded areas. Arrows at the left indicate that the condition within the corresponding box is met. Red squares indicate degradation, while green
squares represent non-degraded areas. The NDVI-derived indices used for building the rules include annual amplitude - NDVIAMP; the average NDVI over the study period - NDVIAVE;
annual maximum NDVI - NDVIMAX; amplitude cumulative change - CCAMP; average cumulative change - CCAVE; maximum cumulative change - CCMAX, and minimum cumulative
change - CCMIN.

Fig. 5. Examples of degraded soil areas as predicted by the decision tree algorithm superimposed on Google Earth images: (A) desertified areas; (B) bare soil spots surrounding irrigation
pivots; (C) upslope erosion at the border of plateau agricultural area; and (D) grassland vegetation mixed with bare soil.

R.M.S.P. Vieira, J. Tomasella, A.A. Barbosa et al. Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146900

omission error (8.07%) for the degradation class (Table 2), indicating dry years between 2011 and 2016 (Cunha et al., 2019), which were
that 9.76% of the points classified as degradation did not represent de- likely to induce negative NDVI trends. In this context, a recent study
graded areas and were included incorrectly, and 8.07% of the points by dos Reis et al. (2020) showed evidence of increasing mean, maxi-
that should have been classified as degraded were not and were incor- mum, and minimum temperatures, and an increase in the duration of
rectly omitted. the dry season concomitant with the delay of the onset of the wet
Fig. 5 illustrates the predicting ability of the decision tree algorithm season between 1980 and 2013. Climate trends toward drier conditions,
for detecting degradation at various locations in the study area. Consid- from natural or anthropic sources, can also produce negative trends in
ering the moderate level of detail of the Landsat images (30 m), it was NDVI, which might explain why Pereira et al. (2018) estimated a larger
possible to detect desertified areas. (Fig. 5A) in the Gilbues municipality, degraded area based solely on NDVI trends. In addition, the authors
a well-known hotspot in Brazil shown in Fig. 1; bare soil in machinery mentioned the lack of field points for this region, which made it difficult
traffic areas surrounding irrigation pivots in the south (Fig. 5B); upslope to relate negative NDVI slope and pasture degradation. Regardless of the
erosion at the border of a plateau area used for mechanized agriculture magnitude of NDVI values, Pereira et al. (2018) found that degraded
(Fig. 5C); and finally, bare soil mixed with grassland vegetation in fre- pasture areas were associated with a lack of soil conservation manage-
quently burned areas (Fig. 5D). ment strategies, which appear to be the main factor triggering
3.3. Assessment of land degradation in the MATOPIBA region Historically, the MATOPIBA region has suffered from an acceler-
ated deforestation since the 1980s due to unfavorable climate condi-
The spatial distribution of degraded areas is shown in Fig. 6. Approx- tions, large areas of flat land converted to facilitate mechanized
imately 4677 km2 (0.63%) of the land was considered degraded, with agriculture, relatively low land prices, and labor costs (de Barros
the Piauí and Tocantins states having the highest proportion of 0.80% and Stege, 2019). By analyzing the transition map between 1985
and 0.76%, respectively. and 2018 of the MapBiomas Project (Fig. S4) (available at https://
Pereira et al. (2018), based on NDVI trend analysis, observed that ap-, an area of approxi-
proximately 5.8 Mha (65%) of the pasture area in the MATOPIBA region mately 122,527 km2 of forest and natural non-forest areas were con-
were likely to be degraded. This estimation is 10 times greater than the verted to agriculture. This land use conversion is likely to continue
area identified as degraded in the present study. However, as shown in according to the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, which estimated
the Fig. 3 (B) although NDVI trends were a potential indicator of degra- an increase in agricultural area of around 13.7% in the region over
dation, spectral responses can vary over time due to land history and the next 10 years, with grain production exceeding 24 million tons
vegetation types. Additionally, the region has experienced consecutive by 2025–2026 (Brasil, 2018).

Fig. 6. Land degradation map (2018) for the MATOPIBA region.

R.M.S.P. Vieira, J. Tomasella, A.A. Barbosa et al. Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146900

Although the land degradation estimated in this study represents areas with higher fire frequency were mainly on savanna and grassland
only 0.63% of the MATOPIBA, 59% of degraded areas are over Arenosols formations, which were generally associated with Arenosols and
(Fig. 7), which have a weak structure, high erodibility, and need vegeta- Plinthosols.
tion cover for their protection (Morgan, 2005). Surprisingly, 25% degra- Fig. 6 indicates patches of degraded areas in desertification hotspots,
dation occurred in areas dominated by Latosols, which are highly stable which are priority areas for combating desertification recognized by the
aggregated soils, indicating that soil structure was not the only factor Brazilian government (MMA, 2020), which were identified in previous
that can explain degradation in the region. studies as areas under severe land degradation/desertification. Factors
In terms of vegetation type, Fig. 7 shows that 86% (4016 km2) of the such as mining, deforestation, and natural environmental characteris-
degraded area was located over grasslands (native vegetation) with tics (topography, climate, and soil) have contributed to the intensifica-
predominance of herbaceous stratum, indicating that vegetation type tion of degradation. These results agreed with those of Vieira et al.
was a dominant factor for explaining degradation, although vegetation (2021) for the semi-arid Northeast of Brazil, which concluded that de-
type was associated with the fertility of soils. In addition, these areas sertification susceptibility is usually triggered by the replacement of
were anthropized and widely used for grazing and mining activities. natural vegetation for pastures and can be further exacerbated by cli-
Another factor that intensifies the expansion of land degradation re- mate change.
fers to the fact that the intensity and frequency of extreme climatic
events are increasing, and threatens food and water security (dos Reis 3.4. Limitations
et al., 2020; Marengo et al., 2020). Deforestation and intensification of
burning frequency increase the emission of greenhouse gases and aero- The derivation of the decision tree in this study was based on visual
sols, which can intensify the changes already produced by natural cli- analysis of degradation. Although expert knowledge is suitable for large
matic variation (Marengo et al., 2011; dos Reis et al., 2020). In this areas with heterogeneous vegetation types and uses, this technique is
context, Cunha et al. (2019) observed an increase in severe droughts generally qualitative, requiring complementary quantitative measures
in the north-central regions of Brazil, which includes MATOPIBA, veri- such as soil analysis for the assessment of the severity of the degrada-
fied in 2014/2015 (period of greatest oscillation), 37.4% of severe tion. Since there is no standardization of the levels of degradation for
drought, and 26% of moderate drought. Chrysoulakis et al. (2019), Cerrado, nor on the number and the assessment periods (wet and dry
through a temporal series of MODIS images between 2000 and 2015, seasons, and drought and flood years), further studies are needed to
observed positive trends for albedo increase for Brazil, mainly in the evaluate the relation between visually identified degradation levels
Amazon and Cerrado regions, where deforestation rates were high with in-situ quantitative soil and vegetation measurements. Consider-
due to agribusiness expansion. ing the large variation in species composition (both tree and herba-
The climatic trends toward drier conditions detected by dos Reis ceous), and the high spatial variability of natural fertility within the
et al. (2020) in the study region, in combination with the accelerated Cerrado domain, this will require a comprehensive and widespread
conversion of Cerrado vegetation to pasture, are directly linked to the data collection. Since previous studies in Brazil proposed protocols for
increase in severity and frequency of fires because both factors are asso- planted pasture for livestock production (for instance Monteiro et al.,
ciated with increased flammability. In this context, Fig. 8 shows the geo- 2018), this experience can be used at least for Cerrado herbaceous
graphical distribution of fires in the study area (details about mapping physiognomies.
of the frequency of fires are provided in item S.2.1 of Supporting Infor- The need for a rapid assessment of the area with existent data was
mation). A visual comparison of the spatial patterns shown in Figs. 6 determinant for the use of NDVI-derived indices. Although NDVI is fre-
and 8 indicates that the areas identified as degraded in this study quently used in the assessment of degradation, previous studies
were affected by repeated burning (at least 15 times during the study (Wessels et al., 2004; Wessels et al., 2012) have discussed the limita-
period), suggesting a clear association between degradation and fre- tions of the index in monitoring this process.
quency of fires. We also observed that 86% of the areas with high sus- Considering the size of the study area, a more intensive field survey
ceptibility were composed of grassland vegetation. These results were is necessary to reduce uncertainties in the derivation of the decision
in line with those by de Carvalho et al. (2017), who found that 75% of tree. Despite the success of the decision tree in predicting such a

Fig. 7. Distribution of the soil (A) and vegetation (B) types of degraded areas mapped in the present study in the MATOPIBA region.

R.M.S.P. Vieira, J. Tomasella, A.A. Barbosa et al. Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146900

Fig. 8. Annual fire frequency for the period 1985 to 2018 in the MATOPIBA region.

complex process as demonstrated in this study, the empirical nature of dominated by Neosols, which are associated with a more fragile
this approach can lead to unrealistic estimates for combinations of indi- environment as shown in this study, and increased in degraded areas
cators outside the range of the dataset used for training the algorithm. is expected if actions are not taken. This type of soil, due to its fragility,
In addition, the use another indicators for assessing degradation requires protective vegetation cover and careful environmentally
should be explored. For instance, surface temperature, and or drought friendly management to avoid irreversible levels of degradation. In ad-
indices such as the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration dition, we also detected degradation in areas dominated by Latosols,
Index (Vicente-Serrano et al., 2010) which includes the effects of com- which are characterized by highly stable aggregates, indicating that
bined effect if rainfall and temperature and is useful for characterize degradation in the region is not restricted to the most fragile environ-
the dryness associated with degraded areas. ments and that soil conservation practices are needed in the whole re-
In view of the limitations of the Kappa coefficient, additional assess- gion. Since climate change scenarios suggest an increase in the
ments of the accuracy of the algorithm might be necessary, such as the frequency of extreme climate events, the adoption of new agricultural
overall accuracy and per-class accuracy values together with the confu- practices is necessary.
sion matrix (Stehman and Foody, 2019). Because field degradation in this study was identified based on vi-
sual analysis without differentiating degradation levels, future studies
4. Conclusion should include quantitative and qualitative assessments, including cat-
egorical levels. In addition, it is necessary to explore the availability of
In this study, we assessed the status of soil degradation in the new sensors with higher resolution (such as CBERS 4A, IKONOS, SPOT)
MATOPIBA region for the year 2018, based on remote sensing data that can potentially improve the assessment of degradation in terms
and machine learning techniques. We demonstrated that the combina- of accuracy and resolution. Since this study assessed land degradation
tion of removal of natural vegetation, inadequate soil management of the MATOPIBA region for 2018, future studies should determine if
(generally high frequency of anthropic fires), and the intensification of the processes have accelerated in recent years. To achieve this, it is im-
the water cycle in the region, have contributed to soil degradation, perative to verify if the algorithm developed in this study is able to make
mostly over sandy soils, which present low fertility and weak structure. prediction outside the calibration and validation period with enough
Considering the land use and land cover changes evaluated in the pres- accuracy.
ent study, it is possible to conclude that until 2050, the MATOPIBA re- The identification of land degradation areas and drivers can support
gion may lose an area of approximately 120,000 km2 of natural the development of public policies for managing agricultural practices,
vegetation to anthropogenic use. Because 24% of the study area is as well as for identifying priority areas for recovery. Scenarios of climate

R.M.S.P. Vieira, J. Tomasella, A.A. Barbosa et al. Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146900

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