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Chicks He Lives (Easter) Memory Verse : “Jesus is alive!” (Luke 24:23, NUD, Central Truth : Jesus lives for me. Clubroom Discoveries : Lesson 1: Why did Jesus come to earth? Lesson 2: Why did Jasus have to die? Lesson 3: Why did Jesus rise from the dead? Lesson 4: Where is Jesus now? Cow: A Savior ie Bon Memory Verse ; “A Savior has been born to you” (Luke 2:11). Central Truth : Jesus is the Savior. Clubroom Discoveries : Lesson 1: What is the Christmas story? Lesson 2: Why do we celebrate Christmas? Lesson 3: How do we celebrate Christmas? Lesson 4: How can | share Jesus with others? Dolp ‘Verse : “Love your ip 4 ‘as yourself” (Metthew 22:39). Central Truth : | should love my friends. Clubroom Discoveries : Lesson 1: Who is my neighbor? Lesson 2: Why should I love my friends? Lesson 3: How can | love my friends? Lesson 4: What happens when I love my friends? Ducks Follow The Leader Memory Verse : “He leads me” (Psalm 23:2). Central Truth ; Jesus wants to be my leader. Clubroom Discoveries : Lesson 1; Why dol need Jesus? Lesson 2: What has Jesus done for me? Lesson 3: How do | ask Jesus to be my leader? Lesson 4: How do | follow Him? Frogs: Im Growing Bigger Memory Verse : “Lesus] grew and became strong” (Luke 2:40). Central Truth : God helps me grow. Clubroom Discoveries : Lesson 1: How did Jesus grow bizger? Lesson 2: How does God help me grow? Lesson 3: What makes me grow? Lesson 4: What can | do now thet I'm bigger? Lizards: Good Attitude Memory Verse : “Your attitude should be the same that . . . Jesus had” (Philippians 2:5). Central Truth : | should act like Jesus. Clubroom Discoveries : Lesson 1: How can I be happy? Lesson 2: How can Ibe helpful? Lesson 3: How can I be nice? Lesson 4: How can Ibe kind? wok un 1 “Honor your father and your mather” (Deuteronomy 5:16). Central Truth : | should love my family. Clubroom Discoveries : Lesson 1: Why did God give me a family? Lesson 2: How can I helo my family? Lesson 3: How can I love my brothersand sisters? Lesson 4: How can I honor my parents? Memory Verse :“We are pore (2 Corinthians 1:24, KJV). Central Truth : We need to help each other. Clubroom Discoveries : Lesson 1: What does it mean to be a helper? Lesson 2; How can we help each other? Lesson 3: What happens when we work together? Lesson 4: How can we help our church? Memory Verse : “The Lord hears and answers my prayers” (Psalm 116:1, NLT). Central Truth : God hears my prayers. Clubroom Discoveries : Lesson 1: What is prayer? Lesson 2: Why should | pray? Lesson 3: What can | pray about? Lesson 4: Does God answer my prayers? Thankfilhess Memory Verse : “Give thanks to him and praise his name” (Psalm 100:4). Central Truth : | should thank God. Clubroom Discoveries : Lesson 1: Whom should | thank? Lesson 2: What should | be thankful for? Lesson 3: How can I say thanks? Lesson 4: How can | thank God? Memory Verse : “Your us made me” (Psalm 119: Central Truth : God made me special. Clubroom Discoveries : Lesson 1: Who made me? Lesson 2: Who is special? Lesson 3: How am | special? Lesson 4: How can I make others feel special? Whales: |Wil Obey Memory Verse : “To obey’is better” (1 Samuel 15:22). Central Truth : it is best for me to obey. Clubroom Discoveries : Lesson 1: Why should | obey? Lesson 2: Whom should | obey? Lesson 3: What if | don't obey? Lesson 4: What happens if | obey?

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