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Arieston Janrey Gadaino BSMT1 BLK-3

Basic Swimming

Assignment no.7

Question #1: Why is the dead man’s float important?

In the context of swimming and water safety, the dead man’s float is an important skill to learn because it can help
conserve energy and provide a means of rest and survival in the water. It is especially useful in situations where long
periods of floating are required, such as in open water or when waiting for rescue. By assuming a relaxed, face-down
floating position, the body becomes buoyant and requires minimal effort to maintain afloat, allowing the person to
rest and conserve energy.

Question #2: What does a dead man’s float look like?

The dead man’s float is a floating position in which the person lies face down in the water with the arms extended
forward and the legs relaxed. The body is generally horizontal and parallel to the water’s surface, allowing the person
to float effortlessly. The head is turned to the side, enabling breathing while maintaining the floating position. The
limbs are usually relaxed, and the body remains still to conserve energy.

Question #3: How do you do the dead man’s float?

To perform the dead man’s float, follow these steps:

1. Start by standing in water deep enough to allow your body to float.

2. Take a deep breath and lower your body face down into the water.

3. Extend your arms forward in front of you, keeping them relaxed and slightly separated.

4. Allow your legs to float up behind you and keep them relaxed as well.

5. Turn your head to the side, so your mouth and nose are out of the water, allowing you to breathe.

6. Keep your body still and try to relax as much as possible, allowing the water to support your weight.

7. Maintain the floating position for as long as needed, conserving energy and resting

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