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Goodafternoon I am Nash Joshua L.

Supan and today I’ll be presenting to you 5 rules about the subject
verb agreement.

Singular verbs are those that ends with s, es, ies

While plural verbs does not end with s, es, ies, but uses the base form of the verb.

The First Rule that I will be presenting is

that the rule indicates that A subject that refers to an amount of money and period of time as a
WHOLE/UNIT requires singular verb.

Five hundred pesos is my weekly allowance.

The subject here refers to the amount of money I get for my weekly allowance, and that is Five hundred
pesos, and since it says that an amount of money is referred to as a whole it requires a singular verb and
singular verbs are verbs that ends with s, es, and ies, only and our verb here is the verb “is”

For our second rule it indicates that indefinite pronouns such as, each, one, anyone, everyone,
someone, no one, everybody, somebody, and nobody are always singular and take singular verb.

For my sentence in this rule:

Everybody admires the beautiful music.

In this sentence, the subject here is “everybody” as said to our rule it will always be singular and take a
singular form of the verb, and in our sentence our singular verb here is “admires.” The base form of the
verb is admire, since the rule indicates that we will take the singular form of the verb, we will add s to
our base form of the verb to get the singular verb, admires.

For our Third rule, our rule is that Titles of books, songs, stories, movies, etc. require singular forms of

For my sentence:

"Star Wars" features a battle between the light and dark sides of the Force.

Our subject for this sentence is the title of the movie series Star Wars, and since the rule requires the
singular forms of verbs, the base form of the verb we used is feature, and since singular verbs ends with
s, es, ies, we will use the singular form of the verb feature and use it as the verb features.

For our fourth rule it indicates that When each and every are used to precede a subject, it requires a
singular verb.

Each of the students decorates the stadium.

For this sentence we used each to precede the subject students, and since the rule indicates that it
requires a singular verb, the base form of the verb we used is decorate, which then we will apply the
singular form of that verb for our sentence to be whats according to our rule and that is the verb is
required to take in the singular form of the verb, which then we have the singular verb “decorates” for
our sentence

For our fifth sentence the rule is that Collective nouns such as crew, faculty, class, team, choir, etc.
usually take singular verbs when the speaker refers to the group as a WHOLE but take the plural verbs
when the speaker refers to the INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS.

And our sentence for this rule is:

The team has won the championship three years in a row

The subject in this sentence is the subject team, since the subject team is referred to as a group and
we are referring to it as a whole we would then use the rule that if we refer the group as a whole we
will use a singular verb and the singular verb being used in the sentence is the verb “has”.

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