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T-Consciousness Scientific Reports

Evaluation of indicators of anxiety,

depression, stress, quality of life and
frequency severity, and duration of
migraine attacks under the influence of
Psymentology Consciousness Fields
SPraya BehbPPdi1*; Mohammad Ali Taheri2

1. Department of psychology, Islamic
Azad University, Qazvin Branch, Psymentology is one of the fields in Complementary and Alterna-
Qazvin, Iran
tive Medicine of Iran, and concerning the Mind-Psychology, found-
ed and introduced by Mohammad Ali Taheri (having over 40 years
of history). This complementary medicine has a supra-holistic
2. Science fact R&D Department,
view of human beings. It aims at the cognition of humans and their
Cosmointel Inc. Research Center,
T-Consciousness Research


Ontario, Canada existential software as well as diagnosis and treatment of human

The First Journal in

Founder of Faradarmani and psychological problems through establishing the connection be-
Journal of

Psymentology, founder of tween the components and constituents that is the subject of the
Cosmointel research center
study, and it is the Cosmic Consciousness Network (CCN). The
purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects [of exposure to]
Taheri Consciousness Fields (TCFs) via Psymentology (as one of
the many TCFs) on the indicators of headache and psychic disor-
ders caused by chronic migraine (such as depression, anxiety and
stress), and the quality of life in patients. The research was per-
formed among the patients with chronic migraine referred to the
Migraine Clinic in Tehran (the capital of Iran) which was approved
by a neurologist, 30 patients (22 females and 8 males between 18
and 60 years old) were randomly selected. Patients were divided
into two groups: control and experimental groups. Before starting
the study, each patient completed the MSQ v2.1 (Migraine-specific
Quality of Life Questionnaire), and DASS42 (Depression, Anxiety,
and Stress Scale) questionnaires under expert supervision. In ad-
* Corresponding author:
dition, they received a migraine form accordance with IHS (Inter-
Suraya Behbudi, Master of General
Psychology. national Headache Association) standards designed take notes
Email: during treatment.

Keywords: Migraine, anxiety, depression, stress, quality of life, Psymentology, Taheri Consciousness Fields
Two groups in the present study began their routine migraine treat-
ment under the supervision of physicians. Moreover, the experi-
mental group was justified by the researchers of the present study
to use Psymentology sessions to complete the treatment process.
The Psymentology approach consisted of 12 sessions, once a week,
for 90 minutes of attending sessions. After presenting the theory
required for the study method, the experimental group of patients
was affected by TCFs for 20 minutes. After completing the number
of Psymentology sessions and completing three months of con-
ventional migraine treatment by the two groups of patients, the
questionnaires were completed again, and the experts analyzed
the completed forms during this period. Depression, anxiety, and
stress were significantly reduced in the experimental group com-
pared to the control group by 23, 20 and 13%, respectively (p-value
<0.05). On the other hand, considering the short-term quarterly
study of chronic migraine headaches, its effect on the quality of
life in this study was not significant. In headache indices, Psymen-

T-Consciousness Research
tology Consciousness Fields had a meaningful effect on the se-

The First Journal in

verity and duration of migraine attacks. The frequency of seizures Vo l . 0 1
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due to symptoms of discharge (as explained to patients before be- April
ginning the study) was 22% higher than the control group (p-value
= 0.004). The duration of migraine attacks in patients undergoing
the Psymentology Consciousness Fields effect showed a decrease
of about 2% (p-value = 0.009).
INTRODUCTION mind has an intermediary role (Announcer)

he nature of consciousness and its place ™Š‹ Š ’Žƒ›• ƒ ’ƒ”– „› ϐŽ‡‡–‹‰ ƒ––‡–‹‘ –‘ –Š‡
in science has received much attention subject of study and then the main achievement
in the current century. Many philosoph- obtained as a result of the effects of the TCFs.
‹ ƒŽƒ†• ‹‡–‹ϐ‹ –Š‡‘”‹‡•Šƒ˜‡„‡‡’”‘’‘•‡† Š‡•‡ ϐ‹‡Ž†• ƒ‘– „‡ †‹”‡ –Ž› ‡ƒ•—”‡† „›
in this area. In the1980s, Mohammad Ali Taheri science, but it is possible to investigate their ef-
‹–”‘†— ‡† ‘˜‡Ž ϐ‹‡Ž†• ™‹–Š ƒ ‘Ǧƒ–‡”‹ƒŽȀ fects on various subjects through reproducible
non-energetic nature named Taheri-Conscious- laboratory experiments (Taheri, 2013).
ness Fields (TCFs). In this perspective, T-Con- The research methodology in the study of
sciousness is one of the three existing elements T-Consciousness has been founded on the pro-
of the universe apart from matter and ener- cess of Assumption, Argument, and Proof, in
gy. According to this theory, there are various which the basic Assumption is: The Cosmos
TCFs with different functions, which are the was formed by a third element called T-Con-
subcategories of a networked universal inter- sciousness that is different from matter and
net called the Cosmic Consciousness Network energy.
(CCN). The major difference between the theo- The Argument: The existence of TCFs can be
ry of TCFs and other theoretical concepts about demonstrated by its effects on matter and ener-
consciousness is related to the practical appli- gy (e.g., humans, animals, plants, microorgan-
cation of the TCFs. TCFs can be applied to all liv- isms, cells, materials, etc.)
ing and non-living creatures, including plants, Š‡”‘‘ˆǣ‹•–Š‡• ‹‡–‹ϐ‹ ˜‡”‹ϐ‹ ƒ–‹‘‘ˆ–Š‡
T-Consciousness Research

The First Journal in

animals, microorganisms, materials, etc. effects of TCFs on matter and energy (according
‘Šƒƒ† Ž‹ ƒŠ‡”‹ǡ –Š‡ ˆ‘—†‡” ‘ˆ ”- to the Argument) through various reproducible
Journal of

ˆƒ‡›Šƒ‹ ƒŽ“‡Šǡƒ• Š‘‘Ž‘ˆ–Š‘—‰Š–ǡ‹–”‘- • ‹‡–‹ϐ‹ ‡š’‡”‹‡–•Ǥ

10 duced a new science in 2020 as a branch of this Accordingly, to investigate and verify the
school. He coined the term Sciencefact for this existence, effects, and mechanisms of TCFs,
‡™• ‹‡ ‡„‡ ƒ—•‡‹–—–‹Ž‹œ‡•• ‹‡–‹ϐ‹ ‹˜‡•- –Š‡ ˆ‘ŽŽ‘™‹‰ ϐ‹˜‡ ”‡•‡ƒ” Š ’Šƒ•‡• ȋŠƒ•‡• Ͳ
tigations to prove the existence of T-Conscious- through 4), and the aims of each phase are out-
ness as an irrefutable phenomenon and a fact. lined below.
Although science focuses solely on the study Phase-0 studies aim to prove the existence
of matter and energy and Sciencefact, by con- of TCFs by observing their effects. The nature
trast, explores the effects of the [non-material/ of T-Consciousness and what it is will not be ad-
non-energetic] TCFs, Sciencefact has provided dressed in this phase. Phase-1 explores the var-
a common ground between the two by con- ied effects of different TCFs. Phase-2 examines
ducting reproducible laboratory experiments the reason behind the varied effects of these
‹ ˜ƒ”‹‘—• • ‹‡–‹ϐ‹  ϐ‹‡Ž†•ǡ ƒ† ‹– Šƒ• —•‡† –Š‡ ϐ‹‡Ž†•Ǥ Šƒ•‡Ǧ͵ ‹˜‡•–‹‰ƒ–‡• –Š‡ ‡ Šƒ‹•
• ‹‡–‹ϐ‹ ƒ’’”‘ƒ Š‹’”‘˜‹‰ •Ǥ of TCFs effects on matter and energy. Finally,
Š‡ ‹ϐŽ—‡ ‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡  • „‡‰‹• ™‹–Š –Š‡ Šƒ•‡ǦͶ†”ƒ™••‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ– ‘ Ž—•‹‘•ǡ’ƒ”–‹ —-
Connection between CCN as the Whole Taheri larly with regard to the mind and memory of
Consciousness of the universe and the sub- matter and their relation to the T-Conscious-
jects of study as a part. This Connection called ness, etc.
Dz––‡•ƒŽdz ‹• ‡•–ƒ„Ž‹•Š‡† „› ƒ ƒ”ƒ†ƒ”ƒ‰ƒ”ǯ• Migraine is a neuropsychological disorder
‹† ȋƒ ‡”–‹ϐ‹‡† ƒ† –”ƒ‹‡† ‹†‹˜‹†—ƒŽ ™Š‘ caused by increased excitability of the central
has been entrusted with the TCFs). The human nervous system (Sadeghi, et al., 2015). It is the
most common type of chronic headache, ac- Research Findings and Clinical
cording to the International Society of Head- Observations
ache, a benign recurrent headache, is usual- Complementary (and alternative) medicine is now
ly unilateral and throbbing, that lasts 4 to 72 widely used throughout the developed world. Like
hours, and usually includes nausea, vomiting, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicine, and
and other symptoms of neurological function osteopathy are extensively used and increasingly
that occur in a variety of ways (Shahandeh, et accepted. In most countries of the world, especially
al., 2016). countries such as the United States, the United King-
The two main patterns of migraine are mi- dom, France, and Germany, which themselves are
graine without aura and migraine with aura. leaders in Western medicine, complementary medi-
Genetic factors in migraine with aura are more cine is used alongside conventional medicine to diag-
important than migraine without aura (Ostad nose and treat diseases.
Sharif, et al., 2013).  ‹‡ ‡‹• ƒŽŽ‡†Dz ‘˜‡–‹‘ƒŽ‡†‹ ‹‡dz‘”‡•–-
The prevalence of migraines varies in dif- ern medicine. But in fact, Western medicine is only one
ferent geographical areas. Some studies have of the human approaches. In addition to this method,
shown that the prevalence of migraines in there are other methods of medicine that with differ-
Asian countries is lower than in Western coun- ences in principles, rules, and ways of diagnosis and
tries. Wang in a review of previous epidemio- treatment try to restore health to sick people and
logical studies showed that the prevalence of prevent disease in healthy people (Bozorgi, 2013).
migraine varies from 11.4-3.4% in women and The collection of these methods with names such as

T-Consciousness Research
The First Journal in
͵Ǥ͸Ǧ͸Ǥ͹Ψ ‹ ‡ ȋƒ‰ǡ ʹͲͲ͵ȌǤ  —”‘’‡ƒ complementary medicine or Alternative medicine is
Vo l . 0 1
and American studies, its one-year prevalence known all over the world, which differs from conven- N o . 05
is estimated at 10-15%. In Africa, communi- tional medicine in the methods of diagnosis, treatment, 2022

ty-based studies have reported a prevalence of or both. On the one hand, the ancient approaches such 11

2.9-7.2% (Stewart, et al., 1992). The difference as Iranian traditional medicine, the ancient Indian
in the prevalence of these studies can be due medicine (Ayurveda), healing touch, and traditional
to racial differences, as a meta-analysis showed Native American medicine and, on the other hand, less
that the highest incidence of migraine is seen in ancient methods such as homeopathy, chiropractic os-
North America and South America, and in Asia, teopathy, etc. can be mentioned (Landin, 1998).
it is much lower (Scher, et al., 1999). Psymentology is a complementary medicine that
Clinical and comprehensive studies have was founded and introduced by Mohammad Ali Ta-
shown that primary headaches, especially mi- heri. It studies mind-psychology from a supra-holis-
graines, interact or have a two-way relation- tic perspective. The main purpose of Psymentology is
ship with depression and anxiety. Depressed the recognition of humankind, the human existential
patients have a higher risk of developing software, diagnosis, and treatment of unknown psy-
migraines than non-depressed patients. De- chological disorders.
pressed patients with chronic daily headaches From the point of view of Psymentology, disease
suffer more than those with recurrent head- includes any disorder, obstruction, injury, and
aches, especially those whose headaches have imbal-ƒ ‡‹ƒ›‘ˆ–Š‡‹ϐ‹‹–‡ ‘•–‹–—‡–•‘ˆŠ—ƒ
been transmitted. Depression and anxiety may ‡š-‹•–‡ ‡Ǥ ˆ•‘ǡ–Š‡†‡ϐ‹‹–‹‘‘ˆ–Š‡†‹•‡ƒ•‡Šƒ•‹ϐ‹
increase headaches and correlate with mi- ‹–‡ l different components. Therefore, its scanning
graine, depression, anxiety, and other psycho- and improvement are not possible except with the
logical problems (Zhang, et al., 2017). help of the grand T-Consciousness (Taheri, 2011).
Type of view and how it works in ‹–Š‡Dz••‹‰‘— ‡‡–dz•‡ –‹‘ǤŠ‹•ƒ -
Psymentology cess is available for everyone at no cost. In or-
There are two interventions in human treat- der to study and experience this Connection, the
ment: researchers can register on the website at any
Hardware intervention: Therapies that con- time and in order to report the experiment to the
sider the physical part of the human being and COSMOintel research center. Certain details of
look at the human being as hardware and rely on the experiment must be provided to the center;
physical examination and medicinal therapies, for example, the characteristics or number and
all phenomena are examined from a chemical name of samples and controls must be speci-
perspective. fied. This entire experiment was carried out as
Software intervention: Therapies that focus on a double-blind method where lab technicians
the behind-the-scenes planning aspects of hu- were completely unaware of TCFs theory, and
man existence and do not rely on physical exam- the Faradarmangar at the COSMOintel research
ination and medicinal therapies. Psymentology center who established the Connection was una-
is a group of these therapies that help software ware of the details of the study. Double-blind is a
modification and treatment of patients. There- gold standard that is common in science exper-
fore, Psymentologyis a framework that has no iments in the field of medicine and psychology,
hardware intervention in the dimensions of hu- involving theoretical and practical testing.
man existence (Taheri, 2011). This research has been made in a semi-ex-
Today Iranian society is at the beginning of perimental method with a control group. Of all
T-Consciousness Research

The First Journal in

the use of complementary therapies, so access migraine patients referred to a Medical Clinic in
to accurate and scientific information about Tehran, 30 patients were chosen at random. After
Journal of

these treatment methods is essential for both the pre-test, a group of 30 people was randomly
12 physicians and patients. Due to the fact that mi- †‹˜‹†‡†‹–‘–™‘‡“—ƒŽ‰”‘—’•Ǥ˜‡”›‡„‡”‘ˆ
graine is a complex and debilitating disease and –Š‡‰”‘—’™ƒ•‰‹˜‡“—‡•–‹‘ƒ‹”‡•ˆ‘””‡ ‘”†‹‰
has a great impact on human functioning and is –Š‡†—”ƒ–‹‘ǡ•‡˜‡”‹–›ǡƒ†ˆ”‡“—‡ ›‘ˆ‹‰”ƒ‹‡
one of the diseases that have adverse effects on pain. The control group then underwent medic-
ƒŽŽƒ•’‡ –•‘ˆƒ’‡”•‘ǯ•Ž‹ˆ‡ǡ‹ Ž—†‹‰–Š‡“—ƒŽ‹- inal treatment at the clinic, and the members of
–›‘ˆŽ‹ˆ‡ǡ–Š‡“—‡•–‹‘‹•™Š‡–Š‡”•›‡–‘Ž‘‰› the experimental group were asked to participate
Šƒ• –Š‡ †‡•‹”‡† ‡ˆˆ‡ – ‘ –Š‡ ˆ”‡“—‡ ›ǡ •‡˜‡”- in Psymentology and group therapy sessions. The
ity, and duration of migraine attacks as well as Pre-test and post-test included DASS42 (Norton,
ƒš‹‡–›ǡ †‡’”‡••‹‘ǡ •–”‡••ǡ ƒ† “—ƒŽ‹–› ‘ˆ Ž‹˜‡• 2007), and MSQ14 (Jhingran, et all, 1998) and the
of patients with migraine? results were analyzed by using SPSS 23 software
and descriptive statistics, central indicators, and
multivariate covariance analysis.
Research Methods
Application of Taheri Consciousness
TCFs were applied to the samples according to Research findings
the protocols regulated by the COSMOintel re- The experimental and control groups were as-
search center ( A re- sessed based on age, sex and education, as shown
“—‡•–ˆ‘”‘‡ –‹‘–‘–Š‡–‘—–‹Ž‹œ‡ • in the following tables and charts (Table 1 and
can be placed through the COSMOintel website Figure 1).
Table 1 . The statistics of the experimental and control groups

T-Consciousness Research
The First Journal in
Vo l . 0 1
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T-Consciousness Research

The First Journal in

Journal of

14 Figure 1. The graphs of the experimental and control groups based on age, sex and education
Results of victory has formed one of his greatest dreams. Mi-
Psymentology was performed on patients with mi- ‰”ƒ‹‡‹•ƒ Š”‘‹ †‹•‡ƒ•‡–Šƒ–‹’‘•‡•ƒ•‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–
graine in the experimental group. Based on age, sex, burden on the patient. According to a study conducted
and education in the graphs and the covariance anal- in other research, it seems that complementary medi-
›•‹•ǡ–Š‡ˆ”‡“—‡ ›‘ˆ’ƒ‹‹ ”‡ƒ•‡†„›ƒ‡ƒ‹‰ˆ—Ž cine can affect both migraine pain and related psychic
level of 0.05 compared to the control group. However, disorders.
the severity and duration of pain in the experimental For example, in a study by de Manincor et al.
group decreased compared to the control group, with (2016), which was performed on 101 migraine pa-
a meaningful level of less than 0.05. On the other hand, tients with symptoms of depression and anxiety in a
depression, anxiety, and stress were reduced in the ex- randomized controlled trial with yoga intervention
perimental group compared to the control group with for 6 weeks and with pre-test and post-test with De-
a meaningful level of less than 0.05. However, accord- pression and Anxiety Questionnaire (Dass, 21). They
‹‰–‘–Š‡ ‘˜ƒ”‹ƒ ‡ƒƒŽ›•‹•ǡ–Š‡“—ƒŽ‹–›‘ˆŽ‹ˆ‡™ƒ• were taken and compared with yoga intervention for
the same in both groups. the experimental group of two groups and the results
showed that yoga has a positive effect on their depres-
sion and anxiety (de Manincor et al., 2016).
Discussion and conclusion In 1996, Vincent and his colleagues conducted a
Fighting the disease has been one of the most impor- study of more than 250 patients in three complemen-
tant human struggles during his life and the dream tary medicine exercises, including acupuncture, bone
ƒ••ƒ‰‡ǡƒ†Š‘‘‡‘’ƒ–Š›ǡ™‹–Šƒ”ƒ‹‰“—‡•–‹‘- in the control group (22%). On the other hand, the
naire of 20 potential answers to the desire for com- duration of migraine attacks in patients undergoing
plementary medicine, and the reasons that strongly intervention demonstrated a decrease of about 2%
determined that medicine Supplements are more ȋ’Ǧ˜ƒŽ—‡αͲǤͲͲͻȌǤ
effective for common problems than conventional The results of the present study justify continuing
medical treatment. Because the person believes that it with more patients and over a longer period in the
complementary medicine enables him to play a more process of treating migraine headaches and associated
active role in maintaining his health while conven- diseases. We conclude that Psymentology can be effec-
tional medicine is not effective for some problems. tive as complementary medicine to migraine pain, and
Š‡ ϐ‹˜‡ ˆƒ –‘”• ‹†‡–‹ϐ‹‡† ‹ ‘”†‡” ‘ˆ ‹’‘”–ƒ ‡ its associated mental disorders. In connection with
were: positive evaluation of complementary medicine further research, it is suggested that other psycho-
treatment, the ineffectiveness of common treatments somatic illnesses be studied. It is also suggested that
for their complaints, concern about drug side effects, more time be spent researching to assess factors such
concern with physicians, and less importance of ac- ƒ•–Š‡ˆ”‡“—‡ ›‘ˆƒ––ƒ •ƒ†–Š‡“—ƒŽ‹–›‘ˆŽ‹ˆ‡Ǥ
cess to complementary medicine.
On the other hand, the present study aimed to in- Acknowledgement
vestigate the effect of Psymentology on patients with The authors of this article would like to thank the Qaz-
migraine headaches who suffers from psychic compli- vin Azad University, and Aramesh pain center, Iran, for
cations and disorders such as depression, distress, and their support. We also express our appreciation to Ms.
•–”‡••ƒ†‹–•‡ˆˆ‡ –‘–Š‡“—ƒŽ‹–›‘ˆŽ‹ˆ‡–Šƒ–”‡‘˜‡ Mehrnaz Monzavi for her help and ideas.

T-Consciousness Research
The First Journal in
the psychic complications and alleviate the pain. The
Vo l . 0 1
ˆ”‡“—‡ › ‘ˆ ‹‰”ƒ‹‡ ƒ––ƒ • †—‡ –‘ •›’–‘• ‘ˆ N o . 05
discharges (as explained to patients before the study Conflict of Interest 2022

„‡‰ƒȌ™ƒ••‹‰‹ϐ‹ ƒ–Ž›Š‹‰Š‡”ȋ’Ǧ˜ƒŽ—‡αͲǤͲͲͶȌ–Šƒ Š‡ƒ—–Š‘”•†‡ Žƒ”‡‘ ‘ϐŽ‹ –‘ˆ‹–‡”‡•–Ǥ 15

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