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The Importance of Learning Science: Teaching

Strategies for Today’s Educators

The Value of Learning Science

Finding answers to their countless «why» questions pushes children to research and form their own
opinions instead of taking others’ for granted. While it’s easy to go along with another child’s answer or
pull out a smartphone and do a quick internet search to know why the leaves fall from the trees, a
healthy dose of skepticism can take children farther as they explore the world around them and tackle
some of its challenging questions.


What this article wants to convey is good, I can say that this article will help in
teaching science in the present time while I read it, I learned a lot because within
this article it gives ideas and I got a lot teaching strategies that I can use one day
and I also recommend that my classmates read it because it will be a lesson
learned and I am sure that I will really use the ideas contained in it next is another
good thing here is about getting a master’s degree in order to be an effective and
efficient teacher, their idea is really very good, we can use it one day

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