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Cena 1

● Entram Aline e Camila

(Aline) Hello guys, I am Aline.

(Camila) And I am Camila, welcome to The Nightmare Show.

(Aline) Tonight we are going to talk with some scary guests.

(Camila) Our first guest is pale, has sharp teeth, does not like sunlight and
likes blood. She has been in several films during her lifetime.

(Aline) Come in, vampire.

● Entra Manu ao som de “The phantom of the opera” .

(Aline) How do you feel being on our show for the first time?

(Manu) I don't care, I'm just here because I was promised a pack of O
negative blood.

(Camila) Could you introduce yourself?

(Manu) I am Draculovisquínia III, born 4 b.C.

(Aline) Can we call you Draco? Because your name is kind of difficult.

(Manu) Ok. (manu vira os olhos)

(Camila) So Draco, what do you do for living?

(Manu) I drink blood and sleep upside down.

● Manu tira a dentadura.

(Aline) Why did you pull your teeth out?

(Manu) I may look young, but I'm not.

(Camila) What do you do in your free time?

(Manu) I have a lot of free time, I've done everything you can imagine.

(Aline) Well, thank you so much for coming, if you want something to eat
we have garlic bread on the backstage.

(Manu) Are you kidding me? Do you want to kill me? I am out!

● Manu sai do palco.

(Marina) Wow, how ungrateful!

Cena 2

● Entra Laura ao som de “maroon five-animals”.

(Camila) Well, our second guest arrived earlier than we imagined.

(Laura) Welcome everyone! You are seeing the best guest on this talk show.

(Aline) Well, we can imagine how you feel about being here, can you tell us
about yourself?

(Laura) I'm the best werewolf, but if you guys want to know more about
me, my name is LOOURA Wolf.

(Camila) What about your age?

(Laura) You guys don't need to know my age.

(Marina) Wow grandma, why is your mouth so big? You can call me Little
Red Hat if you want.

(Aline) Okay. So what do you do in your free time?

(Laura) I like to hunt, and howl at the moon on the weekends.

(Camila) What do you do for living?

(Laura) I work in a jewelry store, but it's a little difficult because I can't touch
(Aline) How sad, luckily we thought about it and brought plastic cutlery,
feel free to taste our vegetarian menu on the backstage.

(Laura) Really? This is what I get for not eating humans.

(Camila) Thank you for coming, let's call another guest

● Laura sai do palco.

(Marina) These guests are hard to please.

Cena 3

(Aline) The next guest will be Frankenstein!

● Cauã não entra.

(Camila) Where is he? (Fala para Aline)

(Aline) He is late. (Fala para Camila e olha no relógio)

● Cauã entra.

(Camila) Oh! There he is.

(Aline) People say he has a few screws missing.

(Camila) Can you tell about yourself?

(Cauã) I'm two days old, I was raised by a mad scientist.

(Aline) Wow, so you have a brain?

(Cauã) What is a brain?

(Marina) It would be ironic if his brain belonged to Einstein.

(Camila) Forget it. What do you do in your free time?

(Cauã) I like to sew, I learned it because my limbs keep falling off.

(Aline) Can't you use glue?

(Cauã) What is glue?

(Camila) Let's speed this up. (fala para Aline)

(Aline) Thank you so much for coming, now let's move on to the most
awaited guest.

● Camila e Aline olham para a entrada.

(Camila) Another late guest?

● Pedro aparece atrás das apresentadoras.

(Aline) Wow, I didn't see you there.

(Camila) Give it up for Ghostface, our last guest today.

(Aline) First of all I have to ask, who is behind the mask?

(Marina) I hope it's not my dad.

(Pedro) Maybe it is.

(Camila) What do you like to do in your free time?

(Pedro) I do the questions here.

(Camila) What?

(Pedro) You will play with me. Have you ever watched "Scream"?

(Aline e Camila) Yes. (confusas)

(Pedro) Who is the first victim in the first film?

(Aline) It's Heather Graham.

(Pedro) Okay, next question. Who were the first ghostfaces?

(Camila) They were Billy Loomis and Stu Macher.

(Pedro) Nice, who is the protagonist of the original Scream movie?

(Aline) It was Sidney.

(Pedro) You guys are doing well, let's see now. Where does this film

(Aline) I don’t remember. (fala para Camila)

(Camila) Me neither. (fala para Aline)

(Aline) What happens if we don't know?

(Pedro) You won't like to know.

● Pedro se levanta

(Camila) Well, we're coming to the end.

(Aline) Thanks guys, that was The Nightmare Show.

● Camila e Aline encerram o programa desesperadas.

● Após as cortinas se fecharem, ouve-se um grito e as luzes são

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