Hybrid Learning Educators Argue That There Are Mixed Benefits Education

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Vishwa senavirathna iufb222ksv

Hybrid educators argue that there are mixed benefits of hybrid lea
Hybrid learning educators argue that there are mixed benefits education of hybrid learning in higher

In recent years the hybrid education field face many changes because covid 19 pandemic has
occurred globally public health emergency in all the universities to preschool teaching has
stopped. hybrid learning was the only way to learn also known as blended learning from face-to-
face online meetings so there are many courses that we can learn by hybrid learning and attend
regular attendance this synthesis writing will debate both sides of learning disadvantages and
advantages of hybrid education and how students have taken this learning method. Additionally,)
mentions two different ways to view hybrid learning: one in a more general sense, "This is a
teaching technique, a delivery, and an approach that blends traditional methods in the classroom
with computer-mediated learning activities.” Kukharenko (2013

Advantages of hybrid education

There are two ways of learning online one is flipped the method where students watched the
lecture videos and refer to the course material and do discussions with teachers to clarify their
problems also giving course material can be useful for that student who needs more support in
this learning way sometimes lead to a Dr. Carrie Klein says "Hybrid learning combines the best
of both worlds, offering students the flexibility and convenience of online learning while
maintaining the benefits of face-to-face instruction the first advantage is having flexibility and
accessibility covering a broad area of a course because they got the all-course material
According to Edtech magazine, it says in comparison to traditional classroom instruction,
hybrid education gives students more flexibility and access to a wider range of resources. gives
students the freedom to finish their assignments on their own time and at their speed. This can
help those students who struggle in the traditional classroom because this hybrid education is
personalized. another advantage is they can refer to more resources like the Internet and
YouTube books because they have time is important in higher education. This enables students
to manage their time between schoolwork and other commitments like employment or family
duties. Hybrid education also gives students more freedom to work in their way and saves
valuable time in traditional classrooms we have to go to the classroom here we have to stay
home and save time while learning online also students who have transport problems will be
helped anyone can join to classes from anywhere, they want. In addition, blended learning can
save money there are many course institutes offer that low fees sometimes change to high fees
but most of the time its
Course materials like textbooks change into virtual documents that we can take anywhere it
saves money than printing textbooks. teachers don’t have to use whiteboards anymore they can
use virtual boards.in addition, virtual classrooms can add thousands of students to a Zoom
meeting so no need for lecture halls it also saves money.
According to Marisa (2022), hybrid learning makes education more personalized since students
can work at their own pace and get customized teaching and feedback.
Lectures can use automated tools for grading mark
appreciate the flexibility that hybrid learning provides. It allows me to attend classes on
campus when necessary but also allows me to attend online when I need to. This has been
especially helpful during the pandemic when I've needed to (Julia R. Greer, Holly
Marich, and Beth Kania-Gosche )
I quarantine or isolate. The majority of students don’t see a good way of hybrid learning
and mentions that numerous studies have been conducted where researchers compare
traditional learning methods with online learning for student results in light of these
innovations to teaching and learning. Notably, this research appears to have trouble
arriving at reliable conclusions. even though there is an online the rate of learning is still
high. According to Improved Learning Outcomes, there's this research: In some
circumstances, hybrid education has been shown to enhance learning outcomes. Allen &
Seaman (2017),
Barbara Means et al According to a U.S. Department of Education study, students in
hybrid courses outperformed those in traditional classroom settings. The most significant
improvements occurred in programs that combine online and in-person instruction. Peer-
to-peer interaction and collaborative learning are additional opportunities for hybrid
education that can improve student learning outcomes. (Evidence-Based Practices in
Online Learning Evaluation)
In a conclusion, this hybrid learning offers flexibility and has a of advantages.

Disadvantages of hybrid education

The disadvantages of hybrid learning facing difficulty not having knowledge about technology
load of work put on teachers lack of student communication connection issues, social isolation,
expensiveness and not working for a scheduled format.
Nowadays everyone has knowledge about technology. But some people don’t know to work on
these things putting in much work teachers face difficulties in managing things
"Teachers' workloads might increase as a result of hybrid learning as they must
develop and provide instruction in person as well as online. This can be a major problem,
especially for teachers who lack the technology and skills required for online instruction.
(“Connection Academy,2022”)
online some students don’t have the resources to join classes from mobile phones and computers
they have to buy as we can see learning hybrid also increases the cost of learning the institutes
that have low budgets, have to hire technological staff for support to manage learning
management systems there are various type of courses can follow on blended learning fees are
higher than other courses. as we can see learning hybrid also increases the cost of learning
connection problems also occur in zoom meetings students facing glitching the audio lesson.
next is a lack of discipline and structure of work students don’t get any attention and they don’t
work on time submitting assignments. This makes them out of track.
according to Armin & Siregar, research called the photovoice method a
picture of a water hyacinth Maya (false name) defines the hybrid learning experience. She claims
that one semester of hybrid learning has not been utilized to its full potential. Many of the
lecturers' explanations are difficult for her to follow while she is taking lectures online because
of weak internet signals. Contrary to her in-person seminars, the lecture's content is intelligible
and very clear. As a result, Maya compares her experiences with hybrid learning in one semester
to those of a water hyacinth, which cannot thrive without water. In addition, the virtual viewpoint
claims that hybrid learning is harmful because of the significant expenditures involved. (2022)
besides all of these students stay at home all day so there’s no social interaction with anyone this
can lead to mental attacks social anxiety phobias depression tress health problems because to do
studies minds must be clean this can affect their academic performance and low marks on
assignments & exam so isolation is not good for student perhaps this mental illness continues for
commit suicide situations. Also not doing exercises and staring at mobile and computer isn’t
good for eyesight. Students who work and learn will get problems with changes in the schedule
we all know that we do blend learning through mobiles and computers these are all-time people
distracters most of the students don’t like it as a student I also see this as distracter when in
zoom meetings getting messages calls checking social media playing game watching YouTube
for me throughout the pandemic were videos Phones are distracting when attending classes from
home, therefore in my opinion I don't think all pupils can manage it.. Although blended learning
doesn't make anything practical because it's on mobile, in my perspective, hands-on activities
help me remember what I have learned. Engineering & medical school students, on the other
hand, are unable to complete practical assignments for their educational programs. limited. Bugs
and issues in applications that we use for classes because those students cannot understand the
lessons using Zoom aren’t ideal. For classes. Lectures have this disadvantage which is cheating
on assignments this is very easy when learning they can get help in the online exam. for students,
this will go as a disadvantage when they do a job, they fail in it because of not knowing about it.
Finally working online through a blended learning system is fairly have advantages and
disadvantages all educators, universities, and schools should be responsible for giving the right
education to student’s educators must ensure whether they are learning or not
finally, at the end of this paper, this was the only way to learn we can see the advantages and
disadvantages that we argued about are fairly shared in both ways so any of these teaching
strategies work on the platform the way they use it so this synthesis argues about advantages and
disadvantages and how students took this learning technique. some students take this as more
productive some aren’t in hybrid learning we can see people who work on it have responsibility
for that. so those who need teacher guidance don’t attend on this

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