Lineamientos Concurso "Arts in April"

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Elección de los videos participantes.
- Los estudiantes tendrán que realizar un video en respuesta a la siguiente pregunta:
“What USA Should know about Ecuador?”
o Pueden basar su respuesta en tres criterios
 Arte (música, pintura, poesía, literatura)
 Historia / Geografía (tradiciones, leyendas, lugares turísticos)
 Gastronomía
- En conjunto con el Área de Inglés de la Carrera PINE-Inglés, se seleccionará uno o dos
participantes por curso en cada semestre, quienes deberán realizar:
o Un video (mínimo: 3 minutos; máximo: 5 min)
 El video puede ser editado, con imágenes y/o una presentación de apoyo.
Primera Fase (Ene 25-Feb 11)
o Subir el video a la plataforma flipgrid
- En esta primera fase, los videos serán juzgados por el número de “likes” que tengan en
la plataforma.

Segunda Fase (Feb 13- Feb 20)

o Se escogerán los 10 videos más votados de la plataforma.
o Los dos vídeos más votados van directo a la siguiente ronda.
o Los 8 videos que sigan a los más votados serán evaluados con una RÚBRICA
por los docentes del área de inglés.
o Basándonos en las calificaciones que brinden los docentes, se escogerán 3
videos más. De esta manera, tendremos 5 finalistas (2 elegidos por los
estudiantes con sus likes y 3 elegidos por los docentes mediante la rúbrica)
o *Se adjunta la rúbrica a estos lineamientos.

Tercera Fase (Feb 20- Feb 28)

o Los videos finalistas serán enviados a la coordinación de North Shore
Community College (NSCC) del Intercambio cultural que se mantiene con la
carrera PINE-Inglés.
o La coordinación de NSSC elegirá el primer, segundo y tercer puesto.
o Los docentes del área de inglés brindaran incentivos a los estudiantes
participantes y NSCC reconocerá a los ganadores.
Participant’s name: _________________________________ Final Score: ___________

Awareness of Strong awareness Some awareness Some awareness Limited
Audience of audience in the of audience in the of audience in the awareness of the
design. Students design. Students design. Students needs and
can clearly can partially find it difficult to interests of the
explain why they explain why they explain how the target audience.
felt the felt the vocabulary, audio
vocabulary, audio vocabulary, audio and graphics
and graphics and graphics chosen fit the
chosen fit the chosen fit the target audience.
target audience. target audience.
Content Images create a Images create an An attempt was Little or no
exposed distinct atmosphere or made to use attempt to use
atmosphere or tone that matches images to create images to create
tone that matches some parts of the an an appropriate
different parts of story. The images atmosphere/tone atmosphere/tone
the video. The may fit the but it needed more .
images fit the purpose of the work. Image
purpose video choice is logical.
Voice Voice quality is Voice quality is Voice quality is Voice quality
Consistency clear and clear and clear and needs more
consistently consistently consistently attention.
audible audible audible through pronunciation
throughout the throughout the some (70-84%) of and fluency
presentation. majority (85- the presentation. require
Good 95%) of the Understandable improvement
pronunciation presentation. pronunciation and
and fluency Somehow good fluency
pronunciation and
Voice Pacing The pace (rhythm Occasionally Tries to use No attempt to
and voice speaks too fast or pacing (rhythm match the pace
punctuation) fits too slowly for the and voice of the
the story line and story line. The punctuation), but storytelling to
helps the pacing (rhythm it is often the story line or
audience really and voice noticeable that the the audience.
get into the video. punctuation) is pacing does not fit
relatively the story line.
engaging for the Audience is not
audience. consistently
Originality All of the content Most (over half) Some of the None of the
is original. of the content is content is content is
original. original. original.

Point of View - Establishes a Establishes a There are a few It is difficult to

Purpose purpose early on purpose early on lapses in focus, figure out the
and maintains a and maintains but the purpose is purpose of the
clear focus focus for most of fairly clear. present
throughout. the presentation.
Adapted by: Emilia Asanza (English Major Student)
Approved by: Irene Hernandez (North Shore Community College Professor)

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