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The following posts are from the Yahoo group, Reclaim your Securities. Bill, the fellow that started the
group was approached from someone in the know within the IRS. It was that individual who disclosed
the rules of the game and mentored Bill. The group began June 2012 and ended early 2013. It is not
imperative that you read these posts but it is highly recommended you do so at your leisure. They are eye
opening. This group does not discuss, and was likely unaware of the Power of Attorney (POA) process
you received from us. This POA was discovered by accident by my mentor. He found out that without the
POA, or default POA, liens could be removed. The reason, no standing. The POA process prevents that
and in and of itself is a game changer.

Posts by Bill and by Peterpapoulias are the MEAT and the ones to pay attention to. The posts by Bill and
Peterpapoulias are offered as is, meaning we did not alter them in any way. Enjoy, Adam

Key Terms
Key Statutes
The Meat & Potatoes (end)
Internal Revenue Service
Uniform Commercial Code
United States Code
Banks And Banking Title 8
Commerce And Trade Title 15
Crimes And Criminal Procedure Title 18
Internal Revenue Code Title 26
Code of Federal Regulations
TreasuryDirect Rules
Uniform Trust Code
Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure
Financial Accounting Standards Board
Securities Act of 1933, General Rules and Regulations promulgated under the

Something important here:


Key Terms:
bailee - birth certificate (bc)
abandonment bailment - bond(s)
acceptance bailor - cestui que trust
acquisition beneficiary certification
charging instrument holder in due course recoupment
collapsing the trust implied trust refund
collection agency in rem revestitures
coupon indorsement (securities have right of recourse
debtor indorsements) security futures
decedent interest in the note security(ies)
deemed disposition irs setoff
deposit liabilities issue signature
depository trust corp (dtc) issuer special deposit
derivative living man standing
discharge maker strawman
disposition note surety
double-entry bookkeeping obligation taxable termination
endorsement obligation to perform trust
executor ownership value
express trust promissory note warehouse release
foreclose(ure) proxy warrant
futures public policy
general deposit public trust
grantor recognize

Key Phrases:
charging instrument holder in due course right of recourse
collapsing the trust implied trust security futures
collection agency interest in the note special deposit
deemed disposition living man taxable termination
deposit liabilities obligation to perform warehouse release
double-entry bookkeeping promissory note
express trust public policy
general deposit public trust

Key Statutes:


3-311, 3-603 and 3-604 (rights of recourse discharged)
Articles 8 & 9
3-305 (security futures)
8-102 a 15

15 USC 77ccc (security futures)

Acts, Bills, Resolutions:
HJR 192

___ = The meat & potatoes - Bill

___ = The Desert - Peter

___ = The Students – Learning




Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:35 pm

This may be shocking, but demanding to see the note is the exact opposite of what we want. When a bank
forecloses, it's ADMITTING that it possesses the note. That's where we want them because it's an admission
that THE BANK HAS THE OBLIGATION TO PERFORM, not you. By trying to foreclose, it's telling you
that it accepted a security [financial asset?], its RIGHTS OF RECOURSE ARE DISCHARGED under the UCC
(3-311, 3-603 and 604), and therefore the bank owes YOU money, NOT the other way around. [I think then if
the bank did not try to foreclose, the note covered the cheque to pay for the home = no debt. But by
trying to screw u it screws itself. The attempt to foreclose is an admission of breach of trust]

Something else is even more important. Its admitting that YOU hold the security interest in the note [my credit].
If you think about that, you may see some remedies since security interests control all the world's property.

And here's something even more important. YOU HOLD THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE MORTGAGE
TOO. Yes I know it says you give them the interest. But under public policy, the words don't matter. Think of a
promissory note. Before 1933, it signified your debt to the bank. Now, the bank enters it as a debit to their
assets - meaning an increase in assets [note applied as a financial asset, credit?]. IT'S THE PAPER THAT
COUNTS. It's a security. Read the definition under 15 USC 77ccc. YOU signed the mortgage. It's YOUR
security. THEY have the obligation to perform on the security by exchanging it for equal value [note covered
the cheque to pay for the home = no debt](just like giving a check to the bank in return for currency), namely
the release of the mortgage. OR YOU CAN DECLARE YOUR CLAIM OR RETURN OF YOUR
SECURITIES. You would have to know how to collapse the trusts.

So YOU hold TWO security INTERESTS. THEY hold the securities. Who is supposed to perform???? By
having failed to return the securities or give you equal value such as a release of the mortgage, THEY
COMMITTED SECURITIES AND TAX FRAUD, and you can prove it easily. The bank knows that their
books will show that they NEVER PAID TAXES ON THE GAIN. We WANT the bank to be the holder. If you
demand to see the note, you're handing the attorney an easy win because you're admitting you abandoned it.

You might begin thinking about how you might demand THEY PERFORM on the note or use their failure to
perform against them. "Where is my value?" "Show me the tax forms that declared it at a taxable gain since
you've construed that I abandoned the property." And so forth.

Whoever holds a security has the OBLIGATION OF PERFORMANCE. They are required to exchange it for
equal value. That's the real message in HJR 192. If you don't know how to collapse the trusts, how can you use
subpoena, discovery, procedure, trusts and such to place them on the defensive? You might glance at Articles 8
and 9 of the UCC.

Unless you know how to reclaim your account and securities which is the only real winner. That can't be done
by the strawman, the living man or even the executor as most people have constructed it. You have to have the
very specific status IRS requires to process your forms when you foreclose on them. So unless you know how to
reclaim the original trust, you've got to process their performance obligation inside the box

That's where the UCC comes in. UCC does not apply to the mortgage as a private trust, but IT SURE AS HECK
applies to the note and the mortgage as a security future. I would keep it short and simple. See 8-102, 3-305, 3-
306, and especially 3-105. "Excuse me, did you pay the taxes on the secondary issue when you issued the bank
certificates against my note, or did you construe that it was a tax-exempt original issue because you presumed I
had abandoned my security?" Blessings to you, Bill

#4 re. #2


Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:05 pm

Wow! This is pretty wild being in at the beginning. My husband and I are intrigued by the message on the home
page and joshuasdad's answer about Carl's foreclosure. He mentioned collapsing the trusts (plural) a couple of
times. Carl, you may think he was referring to the mortgage trust, but I'm sure he was referring to the trust that's
created when you give them a security. When someone accepts a security they're obligated to perform on it. Our
big problem is that the trust is implied, and so the judge presumes that the plaintiff and/or the court are the
beneficiaries and we're the trustee. You need to defeat that presumption IMMEDIATELY. I believe that’s what
joshuasdad was implying. You do that in a case and you can expect the judge to run from the room, call a recess
or get very nervous. The trustee's the one who is obligated to perform on the security. I hope this helps you
out Carl. Sheila

#5 re. #2


Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:06 pm

PS. Forgot to ask joshuasdad how he would collapse the trust. Is he thinking UTC_402? Sheila

#7 re. #5


Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:55 am
You are absolutely right Sheila! I was suggesting that Carl appoint the Court (the court is the judge's
public trust: JUDGE TIM TERRIBLE) as trustee of the trust created by the deposit of the bank's
foreclosure complaint security in the Court's books, and order the trustee to exchange the Complaint
security for a dismissal order security. When the trustee fails to perform, he's breached the trust and
loses his appointment, so the trust loses legal title and trusteeship reverts to Carl which means that he is
now the sole trustee and beneficiary [title and equity merge] - which collapses the trust under trust law
AND under statutes, Sec 402(a)(1)of the UTC (Uniform Trust Code) if it's a public trust. Bill

#8 re. #7

Re: FORECLOSURE MESS-COLLAPSING THE TRUST-you foreclose on them brother

Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:18 am

Good group-thanks for taking me. We’ve been doing this too. They do tremble when someone who knows how
to restructure the trust does it to them. They issued the bond before you got there so they’re on the hook as
surety if you don't accept the role of trustee by telling them you’re the strawman. Under that UTC the guy
mentioned, section 407 says you can do it orally right in court. you do it right back to the original date of the
indictment. Sec 416 lets you do that retroactively so now they’re stuck with being the trustee and you tell them
to exchange the security, like he said, the complaint or indictment, for the dismissal; it don’t matter. What
you’ve done is foreclosed on them brother. They foreclosed on you by presuming you breached the mortgage.
You foreclose on them by showing they breached on the trust when they deposited the security and didn’t
perform. [See # 2, the attempt to foreclose is an admission of breach of trust] Now they’re screwed because they
have to perform by dismissing or returning all the securities to you since they were issued against your credit,
the estate. Hey judge, here's what you got to do. Dismiss or give me back all them securities and all the money
you’ve been making. This is a good group-tying it all together-securities, trusts, estates.

#10 re. #8


Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:36 am

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL!!! This is the first time anyone's said anything worth
listening to. I'm a broker who deals in trusts but I NEVER EVER thought about using that knowledge in court.
Would you be able to answer some questions please?.....
1. You said I can do it orally, what about a trust indenture? Can I issue one re the case or directly to the bank?
2. I don't see the complaint as being a security. Can you steer me to the law on this? I'm always afraid of going
off on some patriot crapola.
3. What do you mean I foreclose on them? Where's my standing to do that?
Thank you again guys (and gals)


#11 re. #10

Re: FORECLOSURE- Expressing the trust / Foreclosing ON THE BANK

Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:57 am
Carl, you can apply your trust experience to convert the implied Court trust into an express trust so you can
foreclose on them...

Q1. Yes. That's exactly what I do. They have an implied trust which is created when they deposit the Complaint
into the Court's books. I convert it into AN EXPRESS TRUST, meaning a trust with exact written directives
which tells them the Grantor's specific intentions and directives to exchange the securities. THIS ENDS ALL
THEIR FAULTY PRESUMPTIONS (like they're the beneficiary, I'm the trustee, I have to perform, etc). With
your experience you may be able to dope this out in theory, but you need to include the specific directives that
require them to complete the tax forms on the transfer taxes and capital gains if they fail to exchange the
securities so that the IRS can collect the trust's property (the tax they withheld when they failed to return your
securities to you). On the other hand, your experience may be a deficit. Most people have to unlearn much of
what they were taught about securities, trusts, estates and the like. The patriot "crapola" as you called it is often
wrong. For instance, ZYA is backwards. The strawman can't possibly order a setoff. Many well-intentioned
gurus are still trying to do that but its from the dark ages. The reason I know is because I was taught by a former
agency employee years ago.

Q2. In this monetary system, just about everything with a signature is a security future, SF. You might look up
the definition of security in Title 15 (77ccc and 78(a)(1)), legal def of SF, and read the applicable ref in the
Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000. Isn't a complaint or indictment an assessment seeking someone
to perform in the future?

Q3. As to foreclosure: the bank is foreclosing on your strawman because it presumes that it breached the trust
by stealing the beneficiary's property when it failed to pay. Didn't the mortgage name the bank or its agent as
beneficiary? When you breach, the trust collapses as noted in Sec. 402 of the Uniform Trust Code as Sheila
pointed out and legal title to the trust property reverts back to the grantor. When legal and equitable title
(interest) merge, you have a foreclosure. It's better if we foreclose on them, don't you think?

We can do this because the trust created by the deposit of the security in their books precedes the trust created
within the mortgage. The mortgage IS FIRST A SECURITY. As someone mentioned (maybe it was me), the
words in the mortgage don't matter any more than the words matter in a promissory note. Banks treat them as
assets, FA. That's important to remember.[note covered the cheque to the seller = no debt]

Q3a. Standing. YES, THAT'S THE KEY. You can't claim your securities yourself. They presumed you
abandoned them at age 25. So you've got to use a proxy. THIS IS KEY. Otherwise the IRS won't accept your
returns. I think a lot of people wasted big bucks learning how to craft the executor, because the fact is the
executor also lacks that standing. This sudden slew of "mentors" either do not know or aren't telling their
"students." But it's actually fairly easy to get that status once you understand the principles of trusts, estates,
taxes and securities. Every minute spent on doing acceptances without proper status is time away from life. Bill

#12 re. #11


Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:51 pm

Thank you again! I actually understand what you're saying but I've got a zillion questions. I feel like I'm
building a car and don't even know where to begin. I read the definitions you mentioned and so I'm on board
with the idea that everything's a security. Now what? I've got a hearing coming up and I'm confused as to
whether to stick with what I've been doing or shift over, but it's like moving to another computer platform, I feel
like I'm all thumbs. How do I foreclose on the banks (there's two o them, I've got a 2nd)? Can I pay someone to
handle it for me?


Trial Hearing 8/2/12

Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:27 pm

Been in foreclosure for 2.5 yrs Pro Se. No matter what I asked for during discovery the purported lender
NEVER replied with answers and I never gave them any either. When compelled to answer I stated it would be
a waste of time due to the PSA/PROSPECTUS showing they do not have standing to foreclose and they have
not suffered any loss but have profited during the 2.5 yrs while I've been in foreclosure AND they had sold the
loan many times, again being paid many times.

I am Currently getting all of the CUSIP numbers.

Is there anything else that is needed for me to show when I go to this foreclosure hearing on 8/2 ?? in the judge's

Oh and I gave the purported lender a Cease and Desist letter way back 2.5 yrs ago and to this day they have
continued to call me off and on totally 10 times which I have kept in my voice mail on cell phone as my proof..
The last call to me was just 3 days ago.. perhaps wanting to settle ??? no clue I did not answer it but let it go to
voice mail for added proof.

ALSO what are the level loans ??? I've been hearing about?? I think I need those also..



#14 re. #12


Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:29 pm

Now what? You establish your status properly so that IRS will process papers, you learn all you can, you take
control of the trust that was created when you deposited your securities with the bank (to clean up the
underlying issue) AND you take control of the court trust created when they deposited your securities (the
summons and complaint) into the courts books. You appoint them trustee and wait for them to breach. When
they do, it's foreclosure.

To answer your other questions, until you have the education, it's generally best to stick with what you know. In
my experience, paying someone almost never works. If I was the judge, I'd test you and you would fail the first
time UNLESS you've mastered the knowledge and established proper status.

I suggest using delaying tactics till you're up to speed. If you want, I'll send you my contact information by
private email. Bill

#15 re. #13

Re: Trial Hearing 8/2/12-The Bank needs to perform.

Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:45 pm

Hi Sharon,

They're walking over you because you don't understand how admiralty court works.

[bank] [court]If you ask and they fail to provide, you can compel with a hearing to show cause why they
should not be held in contempt.

Have you downloaded the Call Reports for the bank for the period when the loan began? Schedules RC-Balance
Sheet (Line 13) and RC-E-Deposit Liabilities (line 7) will prove that the amount the bank deposited from
your promissory note is equal to the amount they issued as a deposit liability owed to you [Def. of Deposit
– CDIC]. Now you start asking the hard questions. Why they haven't paid you the liabilities they owe you?
Where's the 1099-A or C in which they claimed you abandoned your interest? Did they file a tax return
reporting the capital gains when they failed to return your security of the deposit liabilities???

But all of that's still fighting. It is better to claim the securities, but you first have to have proper status to do that
since they construed you abandoned them years ago.

In chambers, if you prove the deposits equal the deposit liabilities, then you can demand performance on YOUR
securities, namely the note and the mortgage itself. The mortgage is YOUR security. YOU signed it. The fact
that it says you're giving them an interest is irrelevant if you take control of the trust that was created
when they deposited it. At that exact moment, they became the debtor and the trustee on the deposit
trust, and THEY owe YOU performance. So that's when we demand they exchange the mortgage security for
a notice of release security OR return all securities to the Grantor (you) INCLUDING all of the profits. Bill

#27 re. #25

Re: Trial Hearing 8/2/12- One other thing...

Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:50 am

Any evidence you bring to trial you should authenticate at the SOS in your state. See his website for how they
do it there. Otherwise they do nothing with it. People learn that the hard way and still don’t correct it. Like the
CUSIP’s. If you bringing them in, then you got to demand they perform on them or return them. If you’re doing
all this, you got to know something about being a creditor. But like the guy said, the strawman ain’t got no
creditor chops. You can assign the lien, if you have one, to someone else, but it can’t be no strawman that IRS
has trustee rights in. Like I said, best to use what you know if you don’t know about something new. Houses
come and go. I seen many of them over the years. Peace of mind don’t come cheap.

#28 re. #7


Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:40 pm
QUESTION: Is it not true that the CFO of a Bank - a "Clearing Corporation" - acts as Trustee by "accepting"
the deposit created by the Signature (on a PN, for example)? So, the "deposit" of the Security Future creates a
trust obligation on the part of the Trustee. Correct?

Now, suppose you serve notice to the Trustee via Secured Party Security Agreement, i.e., notifying the "Debtor
CFO" - the person who owes performance of the obligation secured - that you want the obligation set-off by
debiting the original account set up in your name at the time the security was created. That is, the account was
credited the date the loan was taken out, therefore debit the account to pay it off. Wily "Trustee" instead
absconds with the wife's funds from another account, of which you are a signatory, but do not have access to the

Under this scenario, the CFO acting as Trustee has breached the trust and can now be held liable, thereby
collapsing the trust, per UTC 402, and all the fines and penalties can now apply.

Therefore, I become sole beneficiary/trustee and can order the CFO to do my bidding by explicit written
instructions to exchange the securities, etc.

Other than having UCC-1 Secured Party Status with Indemnity Bond recorded in the National Data Base, is
their something else you refer to as establishing Status??? I also have Will and Executor appointment recorded.
Have I missed something important???

Is this part necessary before you can hold a Bank CFO accountable? Or is knowledge enough to hold their feet
to the fire?

#29 re. #28


Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:04 pm

great site, very interesting info, but the million dollar question is still, what status are we missing ?????? I've
been at this now for 10 years and have had 2 promissory notes accepted by the IRS, but cant duplicate it. what
status did I have then, that I don’t have now ? like first mate I have done most of the UUC-1 secured party,
bonds to Treasury, will, even had my Birth certificate acknowledged by Hillary Clinton, so............... what am I
missing ?

#32 re. #7


Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:12 pm

Joshuasdad, I think this would make you the administrator or executor/beneficiary--the judge is the trustee as he
is the public servant therefore the fiduciary. You put the equity in therefore you have equitable title and give the
orders. The judge operates under presumption that unless you rebut, he is the administrator and you are the
trustee (taking his orders).


Status - what is it?
Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:13 am

It's all about status. This is true. But what is status? Well for the answer we need to understand the way it's
all setup.

The system is dead. Meaning its all paper. Paper is dead. But raises a question. If we read the cestui-que vie act
of 1666 we find that your estate was probated (proven up) and placed in a cestui-que trust (your BC). Your BC
is the debtor as it is borrowing from your estate to acquire title to property (a legal interest). You sign as the
trustee of the BC trust granting the authority to ledger against it. The cestui-que vie act of 1666 says that you are
a decedent (presumed dead) and that the judge will act as the executor and instruct you as the trustee of the trust
to do some performance to settle with the adverse party who is claiming tendency on your farm (estate). They
are maintaining that they are entitled to the produce (labor, energy) that your farm produces. But the cestui-que
vie act says if you can prove you are alive then all tendency reverts back to you. How can we prove we are alive
in a dead system?

In admiralty and equity we must show we have the highest claim. That makes us the entitlement holder
(highest creditor). Entitlement holder is the key.

But how do we do that? People have tried but they are missing some key elements to success. Know this,
establishing entitlement over the debtor is how we establish that we are alive in this dead system.

We want to follow Rockefellers advice. Own nothing and control everything. Redeeming your BC (not such
what means really) the way PTK describes IS NOT the way to do it. It's like taking your car out of the race. We
just want a new driver.

More on this next time. Do your research. You will find that the. cestui-que vie act has been codified in state
law for every state.

#43 re. #41

Re: Status - what is it?

Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:47 am

I understand what status is, what I want to know is what "we" need to do to let "them" know we have it. In the
message on the home page the moderator says we can not do set-off because we don't have proper status. I
could live the rest of my life very happily using the right of redemption as it is laid out and is what I believe is
the proper way for this debt-based system to operate. However, I am not being allowed my right to set-off or,
what I think is probably the case, their stealing it and not crediting my account. The moderator suggests the
reason is, they don’t recognize "us" and I would like to know if he has an answer on how to show that "we"
do have status. I have recently been involved with JT McBride, who has paper work claiming the right of
entitlement holder of the Divine Trust, where he claims status as the Post Master General of N.A. granted to
him by the Vatican... if nothing else, it is certainly is an intriguing concept. His site is at notice recipient, and the office of the postmaster general if anyone is interested in checking it
out. and he is saying the exact same this as this moderator, that we are not the executor of the estate, we are the
beneficiary and any claim should be sent to probate.

#47 re. #29

Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:04 am


"Ted", I can tell you why your promissory notes worked. I'll bet this was a few of years ago, because they
WON'T work now. Things have change at the agency. Back then, it depended on where they landed and the
knowledge of the people processing them. The same is still true, but new guidelines were implemented some
time ago. I can't be more specific without compromising friends. Basically we swamped them with securities
and acceptances, which you probably know are securities also.

Regarding status, with respect, I'm willing to bet you don't have proper status to do what you want to do
(commercial setoff) and probably don't know what's involved in achieving status that the agency will honor
instead of ridicule (see my next posting for more on this). Divine status is correct. It's the truth. We all
understand that. But there's a problem…….

It won't (canNOT) work in the admiralty. How can it? The admiralty is Lucifer's secular commercial system of
feudalism designed to draw you away from the Father. That's why attorney's pray to Courts. Divinity and
admiralty mix like oil and water. You may as well ask a dog to meow. It's not in the public genes. Trying to do
a security like a bankers acceptance from the Kingdom is a lesson waiting to be learned the hard way.

Many patriots have trouble seeing how the other side views things. We could all use a good out-of-body
experience. (I'd like 5 minutes in Tim Geithner's office.) If you invoke the Father, the land, the county, or any
other TRUTH to robots who have been trained from birth to enforce lies, you're dead on arrival unless you have
exceptional skills. You should wear ear plugs when you mention the Postmaster in court as the laughter is likely
to be deafening.

WHAT HAPPENED TO YEHOSHUA IN THE ROMAN COURT? We look no further to know what to
expect. And of course there's "Agree with thine enemy."

So we need to choose our status based upon what we want to do. Do you want to fight and face the lions, or
simply order them to do your setoffs? See the next posting and also the one from "Peter" [#41] – he's
exactly right on every point. Bill.......

#48 re. #43

TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:04 am


"ted", When you sign that agency or bank coupon, which is the asset side [there is an asset side and a debit
side] of the presentment, you create a new security. You OWN that one. This is NOT a good thing.

OWNERSHIP'S A LIABILIITY. They won't process any security from an owner. The owner's a debtor, a
trustee with the obligation to perform on the security (at least in their eyes).

THE SECURITY INTEREST, a holder in due course. Haven't security interests ruled society for centuries?
But you probably have a security interest in the strawman right? The problem is that yours, mine, all of ours
from 1999 through now, and most people still doing them, are fatally flawed because the living man doesn't
exist in the admiralty world of res. When you file that UCC, the secured party is AUTOMATICALLY
CONVERTED INTO A TRUST, and since a trust already exists with the same name, it reverts back to the
STRAWMAN trust in which the agency's a trustee. You're dead on arrival. Defect 1.

In order to process the security, you need a proxy who the agency will recognize as having a security interest
in admiralty, AND a second proxy who has all of their approvals and qualifications to collect on it. (Most do
not. Defect 2.)

Both of those proxies need to be constructed so the AGENCY DOES NOT HAVE RIGHTS AS A TRUSTEE
(defect 3 for many). The first must have a RECOGNIZABLE proper lien in the security. The other is the holder
in due course of the security interest AND has all the qualifications for the agency to do the processing. (Most
patriot liens are defective for a very simple procedural error-defect 4).

The trick is to thread the needle to acquire those bells and whistles without inadvertently allowing the agency to
get its hooks into them as a trustee. THAT'S WHERE WE'VE ALWAYS SCREWED UP (defect 5). Filing the
UCC as a living man is just one of the pitfalls that brings us back under their control.

So there are really two stages in getting prepared:

S ecured
P arty
L ienor
A nd
S ecured
H older

S P L A S H (easy to remember).

This is why people hit a dead wall when they ask about "status" looking for a short answer or magic bullet, or
profess that they have status. It's not an email or blog process any more than learning how to overhaul an
engine, but I'm living proof it can be learned.

Don't get me wrong. A properly done process isn't complicated. It's a fraction of what people have been through
if they've set up a decedent estate paying by the hour. But it's the understanding that's critical to success.
Ignorance IS FATAL. So when the Ice Cream man comes calling, you can tell him exactly what to do on your
behalf, and why. That's when the do-not-detain orders start happening behind the scenes.

Check out the posting just before this one from a "Peter." He' right on target. If you've ever done an estate
process, then presumably you know that the estate's a trust also. EVERYTHING'S A TRUST. When you hand
a guy a piece of paper, you've created a trust relationship, and HE now has the obligation to perform (see
my next posting on this). This blog is about wisdom from people like Peter. We are blessed.

Like anything in life, those who succeed are the ones who persist. I never look back at past failures because
there are none. (Your promissory notes that didn't work held the real lessons.) I'm climbing the ladder of
necessary experiences created by the Father in my ascension back to the Kingdom. I persisted until He saw fit to
bring me the insiders who had reached the point of conscience and enlightenment where they were willing to
talk about the real deal. Bill.
#49 re. #28 & #32


Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:05 am

First Mate & cseafreak, Yes, the trust relationship is created when you present the security. The recipient is the
trustee with the obligation to perform on the security. He has limited legal title and you, the beneficiary, have
equitable title a/k/a equitable interest (as you said cseafreak, because you put the equity in). What they do is
turn it around and presume to be the beneficiary and that you're the trustee. THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST
VALUABLE NUGGETS OF KNOWLEDGE FOR ANY PATRIOT. Nice work. (Members can ref. posting
#28 and #32 for good information.)

Nowhere is this more clear than with a mortgage. It's worded to make the bank the beneficiary and give all of
the trustee's duties to the Grantor. This would be laughable if not so sick. But the beauty is…IT DOESN'T

Don't they enter the note as an asset (actually as an increase in assets, a debit on the left side of a T chart)?

Prior to 1933, a promissory note was evidence of the issuer's liability. After 1933, it became an asset to the
bank. They offset the asset posting with a liability posting on the right side of the equation (an increase in
liabilities, meaning a credit on the right side of a T chart). Those are the liabilities that they owe you which they
ignore through accounting trickery, but that's another topic.

Don't you just love Fred Thomson telling you he's honored to be selling this crap? But EVERY MORTGAGE
IS A REVERSE MORTGAGE if you understand that its not the words in the mortgage that matters.

It's the security, not the words in it. When we hand the bank attorney the mortgage, he and the bank become the
trustee ON THE TRUST CREATED BY THE TRANSFER OF THE SECURITY. And if you have a security
interest in that instrument, the mortgage is DEAD ON ARRIVAL if you know what you're doing.

[Note to self: If I hand you a dollar bill (FRBN) and you don’t give me some equitable return, then you
become a trustee for that note, because it can be defined as a security. This action charges the security.
Now, since I am the grantor/settlor and perhaps the beneficiary, I can direct you on what to do with that
note or how to discharge it; whether it be to provide me equity or offset the security. Either of those
actions then collapses the trust and the energy between us becomes neutral again]

But now it's years later. Too late, right? Wrong. It's about how the security is deposited and exchanged. You're
right, First Mate. The exchange is retroactive (nunc pro tunc) to the day the mortgage was issued. This is a
huge defect in most people's procedures.

You're also right in the third paragraph of your email. If they don't perform, they've breached, the trust
collapses, and they're obligated to return all of your securities, including the one's they traded through Fidelity.

Doesn't mean banks will rollover. You've got to have status and real understanding as demonstrated by "Peter"
and yourself. See the last posting about status. It's critical. Bill

#50 re. #43

Re: Status - what is it?

Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:44 am

There are a few mechanics involved (paperwork). Most important to know is this system was setup for the
benefit of the beneficiary. Question is which beneficiary? And beneficiary of what exactly? Once you
understand that and how the admiralty system operates you can setup your claim and control everything.



Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:27 am


Sharon (see posting below), you're not alone. SAFER search under the word "Estate" at DOT shows hundreds
have constructed decedent estates. I keep hearing the same complaint about "mentors" who took "donations,"
blasted all those who came before them (good people like Jack Smith), but operated like PTK never answering
calls or emails unless you offered more money. Here are some things to think about.

1. The Estate is actually the surety for all the securities you and the public have issued against your

2. If you bank with special deposit you cannot claim a refund later because the funds are never commingled
with the banks. Not one person I've spoken with is aware of this.

3. The Executor's information reports are ignored the way most people have constructed the office due to
various defects (see posting #48).

4. You also canNOT use the second entity, the irrevocable trust many have created, whether under your own
name or pseudonym, because it lacks the credentials the agency requires to process forms (see #48).

5. Despite your procedures, the IRS will maintain the position that it's a trustee on the strawman trust. So
working around it won't work. You have to employ the agency to perform as trustee.

6. The most critical deficiency is the lack of a proper security interest and lien. Filing the UCC-1 as so
many have done it is defective as the security interest has not been developed.

7. From what I've seen, many people remain confused about the difference between the estate David Clarence
was talking about, and the Estate they've tried to file as a secured party, and the PUBLIC ESTATE the agency
returns in the CP 575. [This seems to be critical!]

Google: The IRS Form CP 575 is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) computer generated letter you receive
from the IRS granting your Employer Identification Number (EIN). WPS GHA may require a copy of your CP
575 to verify the provider or supplier's legal business name and EIN.

8. In most cases, there's no credentialed holder in due course of the security interest. I wish I could say this was
due to a lack of knowledge, but I believe the info was withheld in many cases because I have located some of
the "mentors'" credentials through internet search.

Despite all of this, I DON'T BELIEVE THE ESTATE MOVEMENT WAS A FAILURE. It got many pointed
in a better direction. My people perish from a lack of knowledge. I am disappointed that no one I've spoken to
really understands the implications of their bank account, positive AND negative. Bill

#54 re. #41

Re: Status - what is it?

Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:46 pm

But the cestui-que vie act says if you can prove you are alive then all tendency reverts back to you. How
can we prove we are alive in a dead system?
now don't laugh.... but Could we just prick our finger using a diabetes pin?? and let them see the drop of blood
flow in front of them in court ??? since we are of the flesh and blood. Doesn't that prove we are alive ???


#57 re. below

Re: Status - what is it?

Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:01 pm

"All these judges are required to have the following 5 qualifying methods in court with them at all times:
Commission of Office, Oath of Office, Public Bond, Letter of Marque, and Delegation of Authority Letter with
your red ink signature on it. "

Required by what or who? Just curious.

Re: Status - what is it? Re. #54

private sovereign people <stock_sniffer@...>
Saturday, July 14, 2012 7:49 PM

Stating a proper claim of rights for the reason the judges address defendants as Mr., Mrs., Miss., and Ms.
is those are the lowest civilian military titles as one is being court martialed by them as a military
tribunal. What you need to do is give them a verbal statement for which the judge should grant relief
then remain silent. For the judge to move the court forward against one of the sovereign people is
treason! The proper claim of rights is, "All Sovereign Birth Rights are Expressly Claimed and Retained
by Me." You now have taken both Subject Matter Jurisdiction and In personam Jurisdiction away from
the court having full immunity being an individual, as defined as a "Foreign Government". See: 5 USC
Chapter 5 Section 552a(a)(2), 18 USC 11, 28 CFR 1604, 18 USC 288 and 112. Federal and state statutes
do not apply to an individual only applies to judges, attorneys, plaintiff and organizations as defendant.
See: Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure under Applicability - Rule I(b)(7), and 18 USC 18. These two
Federal Statutes were created in 2007 by the U.S. Congress when a few of the people had discovered the
original Statute that was 18 USC 54(C), which stated, "Federal and state statutes within the fifty states
do not apply to the sovereign(s)..."

#61 re. #52


Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:34 pm

Thank you! I did not know what it meant to bank with special deposit? I found this online:

The Special Deposit Account while being marketed by most banks is actually a borrowing by the Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). On this note, this makes the investment default-risk free or your almost sure that you
get your money back. It's like having a time deposit with the central bank.
now why do banks offer it? Banks are just pass through facilities or intermediaries. They earn fees by offering

Being a BSP borrowing, I would say this is already much better than a time deposit with an ordinary bank that
just offers a P250,000 PDIC Coverage.

What does this mean? Say you have a 1million investment with Bank A. Then Bank A can't pay you anymore,
PDIC now gives you P250,000. On the other hand, if you have 1M investment in the SDA, the government can
always print money to pay you. so you get your full 1M. Now that is something an ordinary bank can't do.

Most financial institutions with TRUST departments offer this investment. You can check out your bank.
Who offers the Best SDA?

The BSP has a fixed gross rate for certain terms: Example for
30 days - 5.25%
60 days - 5.25%
90 days - 5.3125%
180 days - 5.50%

It now depends how much is the fee charged by your bank to know what is your effective return.
if you're interested in the SDA you better ask your local bank before Thursday afternoon as the BSP may lower
its rates by Friday.

So, if that is what you are talking about---I really just want to know how to cure the defects in our process--How
do you file the UCC 1 correctly? How do you correctly establish the security interest? How do you get them
to recognize your status? I have been trying for 15 years and have never been successful. They ignore
everything--very discouraging! I am now trying to put together lawsuit against the Justice Dept for theft of my
property without due process. If I am unable to effectively rebut their presumption that they own me and can do
whatever they want, then I will fail again. I want a road map. I don't want to spend umpteen more years
studying everything that comes down the pike. If you have something that works, then lets start there and go--
that way we don't have to read three thousand emails or posts that say nothing. PLEASE!!!

#65 re. #41

Re: Status - what is it?
Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:04

Must send to the Sec. of Treasury the BC that you have endorsed on the back with an affidavit of status/proof of
life notarized.. noticing them of your status ! along with a notice of standing your also telling them to "deposit
it" and to "ledger it’s as an asset. then after that send in a bond attaching the asset (BC) and then an indemnity
and discharge bond is sent referring to the BC bond that now has asset attached i.e. thus Collapsing their
interest in the trust and making yourself the "Holder in due course" and also listing it in a security agreement via
the UCC-1 establishing that the Fiction has been bound by yourself and the state no longer is the fiduciary and
has no claim to the BC...that’s the way I understand it. did I miss anything?. what a way to spend a Saturday
gotta get this though!! some one please enlighten us!! so many paths leading to the same place like a fricken

check this out..

#66 re. #65


Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:10

Hello Richard, The Treasury process you describe is dated. Here are some thoughts:

- You don't endorse the BC on the back. You convert it into a new security on the front.

- No affidavit, proof of life, notices or other patriot stuff. That will identify you as a poor candidate for an
admiralty remedy.

- No indemnity or discharge bond.

- There are two critical elements:

(1) you cannot annotate the BC yourself, you don't exist in the admiralty. The Strawman can't do it, it's a pre-
programmed debtor. You need a proxy. See posting #48. Probably 80 or 90 percent of previous filings are
defective for this reason alone. This is an almost imperceptible change in the indorsement . BUT IT'S A

(2) Your lien must be perfected in advance. The proof of claim IS your proof of status.

- You cannot be the holder in due course. You're the Grantor, maker, depositor, beneficiary, bailor, and a partial
trustee. But NOT the holder in due course. You need a second proxy for that. Again, see posting #48.

It seems like a maze because you haven't had someone take you through it step by step for understanding. Once
you understand, the logic is striking. Hope this helps. Bill.

#67 re. #66

Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:49

What you have said makes sense. Once this is done, you have access to the trust account to blow or use wisely
as you see fit, with a black card and all the Accouterments, such as do not detain, am I pretty much right?

Of course, the devil is in the details. How do we endorse it on the front to convert to a new security, how do we
set up a proxy, second proxy, how do we get that anointed black card, etc.

I imagine the question on most of the readers mind is where do we get the set of instructions on how to do all
this, a la Winston Shrout's or Tim Turner's "freedom documents". At the least, where is the info to read, outside
of just reading a law book on trusts. I can read it, but without experience, it is only so good in surmising what
applications that I can use, out of it.

I know you don't mean to be a tease, but I am chomping at the bits to find this out, as I am sure you are about to
have a flood of new members, when they find out about this. Could you recommend some material that shows
how to endorse your birth certificate, for one example, on the front, as you speak of? Could you recommend
some mentors? Could you provide some people that have done this process and their successes and failures?
Maybe not something like "S.P.L.A.S.H. for Dummies"(hey, if you use the name, give me a cut, ha-ha) but
something in between. It's the weekend, and I have a lot of time to read.

BTW, thanks for your previous, and future comments, this is not something that you have to do, I realize that,
and appreciate it.


#69 re. #67


Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:43

kippsterling: PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY. First, your premise is incorrect: No black card. No do-not-
detain order. The Treasury process is only one step in such goals. It sets up an intermediary account for
things one might want to do later.

The fact that you and many others don't understand rudimentary principals like that is why those in control don't
make it easy to get out of the maze or to control your position in the maze (the strawman). I'm not being critical,
but you need to know the truth as its been related to me from the horse's mouth. How well have you done with
Turner's Freedom Documents?


If there's one thing you need to remember, people need to hear, and people will likely ignore again and again,
it's this:


That's not hype. You can have a 300 page manual, template documents, a study group, a note from your mother
- IT DOESN'T MATTER. They will NOT comply unless you demonstrate you're ready by your knowledge.

IF YOU USE TEMPLATES - they will discard your papers.

IF YOU APPEAR SCRIPTED - they will toss your documents.
IF YOU SEEK THE CASH AND NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY - they will know AND will blow you off.

Can the process be accelerated?

Sure. If you find someone who knows and is willing to teach. Those two elements are usually mutually
exclusive, and can never be done publicly or they will do more than blow you off. There are a few good people
who have chosen to bless their fellow patriots in this manner but they, like myself, tend to be selective:


Many patriots are addicted to process and philosophy that's not compatible with commerce. This is their right.
And the philosophy may be totally correct but useless in admiralty or for the goals they've set. But when they
visit Yahoo groups and complain that their acceptances and setoffs haven't worked, it shows a disconnect with
basic reason and logic.


It takes a good six months to a year to really cover the necessary information, and maybe longer for it to sink in
and become reflex. On the other hand the search could go on for decades without finding a remedy (as many
patriots have learned the hard way). Cracking the Matrix is like trying to decrypt the most complicated cipher
without a key. Diabolical men created it.

3. The person must be able to embrace THE BEGINNERS MIND.

They must be able to accept in their own mind that THEY PROBABLY KNOW VERY LITTLE ABOUT

This is HUGE. The ones with the intellect and persistence to understand trusts and securities to the degree that
they have, are really the best candidates. Some of those are posting in this Group. But that same confidence is
what blocks some people from making the mental commitment to learn the truth.

Those who welcome and thirst for new information are gems.

4. The person must be of good temperament.

So many patriots are haters. They hate commerce without understanding it. They hate Yahoo moderators. We've
had some dogmatic arrogant people show up on this group and I've pulled their posts. The Father warned us
about a gossiping tongue.

5. The person must have Faith in the Father, their teacher, and their own capacity to learn and perform. A
doomsday thinker is not likely to succeed in Court.

6. The person cannot think they have a right to the work product of others.

This a problem for many patriots. When I was an apprentice, my first boss taught me the value of commanding
a fair quote. "Lowball quotes lead to lowball customers." Words to remember. The guys at trade school who
dropped out were the ones who were on tuition assistance from the State.

7. The person must accept responsibility for his own actions.

Those who cast blame make poor candidates to become Neo. THE MAJORITY OF PATRIOT PROBLEMS
many have stopped paying their taxes, credit cards and mortgages without a clue as to how to do it or what to do
if the predictable happens? How many used 1099s because their buddies did? How many followed PTK around
the country actually believing that 5000 people were going to score $35B each (do the math)?

8. The person need NOT be courageous. The knowledge sets them free.

This is what I look for when asked to make an introduction so people don't waste their time. I know a handful of
people at most who possess this information and the qualities to share it competently. Please contact me by
private email if you seek further discussion. Bill

#72 re. #61


Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:29


Special Deposit is a broad legal concept. Takes a few hours to review so it's in the marrow. IT IS THE
CRITICAL ELEMENT in rebuffing the Courts, offsetting liens, and such, and yet most patriots never heard of
it. It's in that black hole where the real remedies lie while most use skirmish or scraps from the table. Bill

#73 re. #61


Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:32

In short:
In their system, everything's a security future; everything's a trust ( all demonstrated in their law), and special
deposit is how the trust property is handled. Bill

#75 re. #54

Re: Status - what is it?

Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:19 am

You see this is the problem. THE PUBLIC SYSTEM IS DEAD!!! so who would you be showing the blood to?
The judge? Well the judge is an OFFICE occupied by an actor (persona). His job description does not allow him
to see the flesh and blood. ONLY PAPER

This is why so many people are getting stuck, spun around, tricked and deceived.

The only way to show you’re "alive" is to show you hold the highest claim. That is what this is all about.
UCC-8, UCC-2 and UCC-9 spell it all out for you.

#76 re. #57

Re: Status - what is it?

Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:25 am

AGAIN. THIS IS NOT ABOUT SOVERIGNTY FOLKS. You are all sovereign. but you are not being taken
into court, the cestui-que trust is. But the trust is not yours. Only the estate within it is. So think people. What do
we need to do to TAKE CONTROL.

All this sovereignty stuff (although true) DOES NOT APPLY HERE as the system is DEFACTO not de jure.
So here we have someone claiming that the statutes don’t apply to the sovereign yet they quote state to support
the sovereign position.

Put aside all this sovereignty stuff. The courts don’t recognize it. the defendant is NOT sovereign so it is
irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the estate, the claim on the estate, trespass, and entitlement. ALL

Its an admiralty system. Its like trying to use a football to play baseball. Doesn't work.

Now if you are the plaintiff you can convene whatever kind of court you want. But these threads deal with
foreclosure, etc...

#77 re. #65

Re: Status - what is it?

Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:29

You are on the right track but you have the mechanics all wrong. First of all we don’t want to take over sole
control. We don’t want to collapse anything.

Look people the system that was in place prior to this SUCKED!! Feudal. A few lords and the rest were serfs.

Remember anything they can do we can do as well. Their power comes from us so if they claim a power then
we must have it as they claim we delegated it to them.


Think about this.


1 Who is it owed to?

2 Where is it ledgered?
3 How can we adjust the books?
4 How are they stealing our exemption?

#91 re. #48

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:19 am


By proxy do you mean appointing someone with a limited power of attorney to do this process for me ?

#92 re. #48

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:07 pm

OK, so what do you need to have in order to feel good about showing us SPLASH process?



Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:53 pm

TO ALL MEMBERS, Robyn & California Girl in particular.........I understand your frustration. You're
confused. You're floundering. You don't know what's right or where to turn. One person says this, another says
that. I suggest re-reading the introduction on the Group's home page.: "THE CURTAIN IS CRACKING." If
you open your eyes and ears, you may find that those who know how to unravel the Matrix are among us.

Patriots have long believed they could learn rocket science at a two day seminar. It takes 7 years past high
school to become a lawyer. 13 to become a brain surgeon. Those regimens have structured education, classes,
homework, and apprenticeships.

And yet we presume we can take on the Courts, the IRS, the banks, the world, and gain status as
beneficiaries of the public trust, after a weekend seminar. Somehow we see salvation in a handful of paper
templates. We rely on emails and advice from strangers at blogs. Is it possible that these outlandish
preconceptions have contributed to our problems?

At THIS Group, the word "status" does NOT mean sovereignty, common law, postmaster, kingdom of heaven,
Turtle Island, or living on the county. Those may be fine concepts , but THEY HAVE NO RELEVANCE TO
THE DESIRE TO RULE ADMIRALTY AND COMMERCIAL, rather than fight them. I'm eliminating all such
postings to keep the information concise and streamlined, and avoid confusing beginners even more. No offense
intended to the members who posted them.

For our purposes, the concept of status means the prestige to control the admiralty:
- standing developed using the public's own rules and regulations,
- qualifications to cash out entirely if you so choose (yes, it's been done), and
- mandatory credentials required by the agency to recognize our priority claim and process our setoffs,
acceptances, refunds, recoupments, directives, exchanges, dispositions, special deposits, claims, acquisitions,
foreclosures and revestitures.

function in society, control property, and repel trespassers. If you understand the requirements and
processes for making them happen, then you don't need to be reading this.

But if you do not, then the significance of these transactions will remain elusive until you do.

You do not become Neo on templates and emails. With mastery of your securities and the trusts they create,
it doesn't matter if you are dragged into Court in irons, slapped with a summons, foreclosed, liened, or visited
by CID. Each one of those events is another opportunity to teach the public that the price is too high to mess
with you. Because, you're in charge and they will know it seconds after you open your mouth. It's the
knowledge, the confidence, the look in the eye, the ability to enforce on the fly.

WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING, you are likely to fold your cards at the first challenge when your heart seizes
in your chest.

It's the difference between Bruce Lee and everyone else.

As to consensus, I know a handful of people (at most) qualified to teach these things. It easily takes about 20 -
40 hours of discussion to gain a handle depending on intellect and experience, and another 40 - 80 hours of
home study and confirmation for reasonable understanding, or substantially more if you intend to read the
actual laws in their entirety and the many fine books on admiralty, trust, banking, estate, tax, and contract law.
It all depends on one's threshold for mastery. Do you want to master any Court situation? Get annual refunds?
Exploit the banking advantages? Master it all? You get out what you put in, until one day the memories of
floundering are too weak to recall.

What I've given you is a truthful roadmap to freedom and peace. It may seem like a lot of effort to control a
system that belongs to us. But I see it as a tiny sacrifice compared to ten years of higher education or the
decades some of us have spent chasing our tails.

For me, the one thing that was most tangible when I finally "got it" was the sense that I was no longer spinning
my wheels. At that point, TRUTH BECAME SELF-EVIDENT. And you no longer need a "mentor" to steer
you straight. This was the Lord's doing by having blessed me with a wonderful teacher who, for some reason,
decided to pull back the curtain he/she had spent years protecting.

See Posting #69 for a bit of insight into the attributes which support the desire to learn. Bill

#96 re. #95


So, Status without understanding will be as useless to you as all the previous attempts when you filed the Turner

BECAUSE IT'S NOT THE FILING. It's what you do with the claim – what you know how to do with it – after
the fact.

Just remember, that most of the filings are defective (see previous postings) because neither the strawman nor
living man [post probate] have standing to pose a lien in admiralty. Bill

#102 re. #91

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:18 pm

No. Think trust law, not contract law.


#103 re. below

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:23 pm

Couldn't have said it better myself. I think cseafreak was just pursuing the thread, but your statements
demonstrate a wise method of operations for all of us. Bill

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder re. #92
Monday, July 16, 2012 4:43 PM

It's not a 'process' - read the posts Bill generously pointed out, for those that are interested, to study - did
you read the part where he says, it's 98% 'understanding'? Go back and re-read the posts by Peter, and
Bill...look up the concepts, and the words, and go more deeply into what has been pointed out as 'key' -
what is 'special deposit', for example, look up 'proxy', and read the 1666 act - and figure out why you
cannot walk in the bone yard, with corpses (corporations), as a living, breathing man ("LET THE DEAD
BURY THEIR OWN DEAD" -Mathew 8:22).

Please don't take this as criticism, because it's not - I care, and that's my only intention here.
Over and over again - I see the same thing happening - people want to take some paper, put their name
to it, and call it a 'process' - like 'understanding' can be codified, and turned - from something living, into
something dead, and marital arts teacher used to say to me, "make it your own, that's
why they call it martial "arts", and that's what makes you an 'artist'; I can show you the door, whether
you choose to open it, or not, is up to you".

Please, please, please - study what was already posted, and ask questions based on what was pointed out
- for your own sake.


tougher than I thought !

Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:36 pm

Hello Sir--
My name is Bob and I am like most others. Studying everyday and trying to understand the most guarded of

The angels took my wife home last year, cancer, and we fell behind with taxes on a cottage I have had for more
than a dozen years.(med bills and lost work hrs, as I am a self-employed horologist. When the court sent a
notice of foreclosure, I returned a NOTICE OF MISTAKE to the Clerk of the court, explaining that I am the
donor/grantor and co-beneficiary of the trust created with the State.(My understanding is that the COLB from
the State is proof of the created trust) I further explained that as donor/grantor for the estate that claims and/or
charges were being made against, that I have the limited privileged right to ask the Court to name the Fiduciary
Trustee so the tax benefits and liabilities could be properly assessed and discharged.

The Judge ignored the notice and moved forward with the foreclosure. I called the Michigan Attorney Generals
office and spoke to an attorney and explained my circumstances only to find someone who argued that there
even exists a trust and used the best circular logic I've ever encountered to put me off. I threw 18 USC Sec. 242
at him, moaned about never having anything signed by a judge and due process violations, actually hoping that
he was there to help me.

Bottom line- the cottage is on the taxman's sale come August 14, 2012. I'm telling you all this because I just
don't know what I did wrong with my process, if anything. And now I've come to a point that I have to defend
my position and find that I'm not as ready as I had once thought. (does the notice of mistake not constitute a
trust between the court and myself?)

I know that sovereignty is a state of mind and not something that a piece of paper grants you. I also know that
God has brought me to here. And that I should reach out to you. Thank you for reading this and please feel free
to respond. I am not asking you to help me "save" the cottage from the taxman, as I have come to realize that
material possessions are a sort of curse from the ego. We leave with what we came with. Maybe a few more
experiences, hopefully with love. What does bother me though, is the fact that I can not defend myself
adequately in an admiralty, commercial court and am at the mercy of the merciless. Not to mention the principle
of honesty which is being totally ignored. I am sure you are being slammed with requests for help already, but I
am having a little trouble understanding the argument for Article 4, sect. 401, 402. If all ownership is in the
name of the State, am I donating property which I have no claim to in the first place?

I hope I have not made you laugh to much as I suddenly see myself as the fellow you described in a posting
who ran out and stopped paying his taxes and mortgage. I can assure you that my circumstances were quite
different, as I have been trying to be honorable in each and every step I have taken since trying to stay afloat
through commercial redemption, set-off and discharge, UCC, A4V, attempting to express the trust and working
my tail off!

Bob Johns
(810)355-6167 cell (anytime)
(810)229-5505 work 10-6 m-f

#114 re. below

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:38 am

Good thinking. However, the executor does not enter into the status equation at all. In fact, the way it's been
constructed by some, may actually obstruct their remedy. Bill

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder re. #48
Mon, July 16, 2012 9:48 PM

OK, what I believe the 'two proxies' are....dead. One of the proxies, is the Secured Party Lienor, and the
second one is the Secured Holder. You say you cannot file a UCC as a living man, because it would be
'commingling' the dead and the alive, and they do not mix, like 'oil and water'. The Secured lienor has to
be recognized as having a security interest in admiralty, and the Secured Holder (Holder in Due Course,
herein, "HDC"..., and has approvals and qualifications to collect on it....also, must be 'constructed in a
way', to take away fiduciary status from the 'agency'...

You mentioned, in the opening for the group, about the executor, one of the proxies is an Executor -
which is an office, which is dead???

This is just me thinking out loud....

#115 re. #108


Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:03 am

THANKS FOR POSTING Bob. There are some good lessons here. Please accept my comments in the spirit of

The major problem is that you didn't have a process at all, or rudimentary understanding of the arena or the
remedy. The Court sees that you are operating on a few scant threads of information. You see, the trust wasn't
created by your notice. Notice is a trust directive from the beneficiary. The trust was created by the deposit of
the complaint into the Court's books. That's when they issued the Case bond to Fidelity. As I've posted before,
the complaint is the initiating security future. You didn't understand how to control that deposit, how to convert
the trust from implied to express, how to exchange securities, and how to advise them on the tax reporting. You
didn't defeat the presumptions that they are the beneficiary and you are the trustee. There are no proxies in place
to enforce. And if you're the Grantor, why would you ask them to appoint a fiduciary? Without knowing it, you
turned any possible remedy on its ear by doing that. And so on and so on. A knowledgeable Grantor would have
set all of this right at the beginning and demonstrated the dire consequences if they trespass on the beneficiary's
funds (it's not pretty, and they know it).

From their perspective, you're a trustee gone bad, seeking to horde funds that belong to the beneficiary. They
also know they can walk all over you.

I DON'T MEAN ANY OF THIS TO BE CRITICAL. We weren't born with this information. I was blessed with
a wonderful teacher who decided to come over to our side.

But I hope it's clear why I've been saying that UNDERSTANDING IS 98 PERCENT OF YOUR REMEDY.

WHAT THEY'RE DOING............



I admire your attitude about losing the property. In my book, you've already won. Bill

#121 re. below

Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:30 am

the bill itself, keeping the net worth equation balanced on the vendor's books. The bill is a trust indenture
containing the terms of the trust being established by the delivery of the coupon security to you (15 USC
77ccc). People have been skirting around this information for years, without truly understanding it because they
had no knowledge that it was a security future OR that a trust relationship was being created.

Like any security asset, the coupon is just waiting to be guaranteed by a banker's acceptance, which then
becomes the new security future which transfers the obligation to perform to the drawee.

Keep in mind, sending these things to the CEO as recommended by PTK is a joke. Little chance they will
process them other than the occasional fluke. The problem is the flukes lead everyone else to false conclusions.
What you seek is DEPENDABLE setoff, unit for unit.

The strawman isn't a banker, and neither are you in their eyes no matter what you've been led to believe. To be a
banker in their system, you'd have to be a fiction. But we can certainly engage proxies to serve that role. Bill

Re: Response from Credit Card Bank to A4V

Kim Switzer <switzerk51@...>
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 10:44 AM

I got something similar by mail too. That's when I caught on to this definition:

The contractual interest obligation a bond or debenture issuer covenants to pay to its debt holders.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
The interest paid on a bond. That is, the coupon is the amount that the issuer must pay to the holder of
each bond in exchange for investing in that bond. Coupons usually are paid every six months. They are
called coupons because formerly they were represented by physical coupons on the bond certificate that
had to be clipped and returned to the issuer to receive the interest payment. With the advent of
computers, this has become much less common.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
1. The annual interest paid on a debt security. A coupon is usually stated in terms of the rate paid on a
bond's face value. For example, a 9% coupon, $1,000 principal amount bond would pay its owner $90 in
interest annually. A coupon is set at the time a security is issued and, for most bonds, stays the same
until maturity.
2. The detachable part of a coupon bond that must be presented for payment every six months in order to
receive interest. See also clip, coupon clipping. Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment
Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott.
Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights

#122 re. below


Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:37 am

Welcome to the Group. Interesting statement you made: "I have been studying the different methods going on 6
yrs now and still have not found someone who is not charging his brother for the information that the creator
has given to his children for free."

Here's some old fashioned farm wisdom. We would never take even an egg from a neighbor without giving
consideration. If I had presumed otherwise, my Daddy would have tanned my backside. I consider paying
someone who blesses me with their time or knowledge or wisdom to be a loving act in exchange for a loving
act. I'm honored for the opportunity to show my appreciation.

No surprise that our core beliefs spill over into the Matrix. Under public policy (PL 73-10), EVERYTHING is
supposed to be an even exchange of securities. (HJR 192 is not about insurance or other patriot beliefs.) When
we exchange securities evenly with no gain, the exchange is tax exempt and we all sleep better.

If the exchange is uneven, then someone owes taxes. Now why do you think people have problems with the
agency and the banks? Uneven exchanges CAUSE OUR OWN BOOKS TO GO OUT OF BALANCE.
THIS is why WE owe the tax most of the time.

Everything I've been stating at this Group is based upon even-exchange. That's the Lords plan as I see it. In
the Bible, payment was almost always with goods. The only one I wouldn't barter with is Him.

I've heard many patriots say "It's all about taxes." In most cases they're simply quoting Jean Keating. I've heard
very few patriots articulate why. WE OWE TAXES BECAUSE OUR BOOKS ARE OUT OF BALANCE DUE
TO AN IMBALANCE IN THE EXCHANGE. For instance, the Court gives you nothing in exchange for using
your credit to issue the Court bond. Then it acquires the bond on a 1099. We no longer have an asset on our
books. Presto-instant unbalance.........UNLESS WE CORRECT IT.

I suggest it would be to your advantage to examine your commitment to a one-sided exchange on the
premise that the Lord created a system wherein his blessing to one is somehow a blessing to all. If He
wanted everyone to understand 1099s, don't you think he would have made that information plentiful
like the stars in the sky? Sorry to disagree. Bill

RE: Introduction
UUA1 nou
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 12:47 PM

I just joined the yahoo group Reclaim_Your_Securities. You say you have a wonderful teacher. I have
been studying the different methods going on 6 yrs now and still have not found someone who is not
charging his brother for the information that the creator has given to his children for free.(meaning they
need money of exchange) So is there really any truth to the money of account? I know I only owe one
debt and that is to my creator for giving me the chance of having this experience. I know the sin of the
world is creating debt . I know that the system is set up to entice you to do just that. So if the fictional
entities want to claim ownership how does one get them to pay the liabilities that go with ownership? Is
that by proving their claim? Do you perform the roll of proxy for others and do you charge again
causing me to commit sin (debt)? :martin-wilbur: Hanson

#123 re. #115


Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:24 pm

Maybe I don't fully 'understand', but the reason for asking for appointment of a 'fiduciary'/trustee would be
essentially, imo, to tell them to clean up their own mess, as the source of whatever is being invoked by the court
in the first place?
I don't quite see this as equal to subservient to their system but simply telling them it's up to YOU to make good
on your own creation, and I don't see how it does not still permit me to express my state/status as Grantor/co-
Beneficiary to the account so created.

#124 re. #123


Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:37 pm

Bob, I had a friend who used to fix his plumbing with a hammer. The last time he was working on a gas heater
with a cigarette in his mouth. True story. Asking them to appoint a fiduciary is the hammer. APPOINTING
THEM as a trustee would be a wrench, and a good start.

One thing I see all the time. When they give me a bill for $100K, I look at it as 100 units to be offset from one
ledger to another. The word "dollar" is an emotional trigger. For all of PTK's faults, he had a good courtroom
demeanor: "I'm here to collect the bond." Strictly business. Bill

#125 re. #114 2nd

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:14 pm

We keep the executor out of things mostly because it takes the message off track. Technically, an executor is a
trustee - he holds legal title - he has the obligation of performance - which means he's screwed most of the time.
But if you're clever, a grantor, the entity that gives the orders to Luca Brasi, can do all the magic tricks you
might wish to attribute to the executor AND it holds EQUITABLE INTEREST, if he is also the beneficiary.
And as all those folks who lost there houses to MERS can tell you, a security interest trumps ownership any day
of the week.

Notice, I did NOT say that we were the Grantor [fictional representation of me is]. Here's a riddle: We are.
And we are not. Oh what a tangled web... Bill

#129 re. #125

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:55 pm

new logic-real-man is grantor/#1 proxy and beneficiary,(from strawman)through trust modification?---- IRS is
#2 proxy, for enforcement

#131 re. #129

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:21 am

This joshuasdad pretty clever. The real man don't figure in at all like you said down below. If he did, why
would you need some proxy? IRS ain’t no proxy ever except when you appoint them to do something specific.
They a trustee on all social accounts which is how they garnish and levy. That’s the reason you need proxies in
the first place so they [IRS] got no trusteeship in the grantor and holder. Don’t that make perfect sense? gg,
down below you is right about some of what you say. We use the strawman as the trustee for some of this. but
its not the trustee for the trust the court's been construing against you. We appoint the Court - THE
JUDGE TRUST - to do that. Sound confusing but it really ain’t. Like the guy say, if they don’t perform then
they put themselves in foreclosure and we get the case bond back. But the part where you say the name is the
grantor, that’s not right. The living man got no business in admiralty. See Rule 17 [Federal Rules Of Civil
Procedure] with your eyes open. It ain’t about bringing in the real man it talks about allowing its attorney
executor to re-present it.

You guys better be listening to what's going on here cause this guy may not be on planet earth long for what he
been telling you. You would be making BIG mistake if you read some of these posts and start doing sh--. I see
posts that would take weeks to diagram and explain so you know what you doing and how to get the right
enforcement. That would be a bad idea brother.

#146 re. below

Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:12


Joel, every security the public issues to you IS SURELY YOUR security regardless of who issued them. Only
you can provide the labor (equity) and credit. Do public corporations have credit or equity to post a bond
without authorization from an Estate?.............Here's what really happens:

The prosecutor presents an indictment security to the Court (U.S. trust JUDGE TIM TERRIBLE) which
deposits it "generally" in the Court's books and issues a case number which creates the case trust with the
United States as the presumed beneficiary and the Court as depository institution.

That indictment is actually an assessment, an option dealing with specific performance in the future, a security
future defined under the Trust Indenture Act of 1939 (15 USC 78c), a bet against future performance. The
question is, who's going to underwrite (perform on) the bond?

First, they need a trustee. So they go fishing but they don't cast a line or bait a hook. They issue a summons or a
warrant – more futures - more bets against future performance.

Who do they intend to hijack as trustee? Your strawman naturally. Because like any vessel, it comes with a
surety, a guarantor………your Estate. That's what they're really targeting as surety for the case bond. Until you
appear and declare your name, they can't issue the case bond and start making dividends, right?

WRONG!!! They issued the bond when they issued the case number! So until you enter the Court and grant
them the presumption of jurisdiction, THEY are on the hook because they voluntarily committed securities
fraud by issuing worthless securities without an underwriter, and they also engaged in conspiracy to
obstruct US tax laws because they're liable for the taxes (until you consent) and they have no intention of
reporting the gain (the OID value of the bond). How do we know? They don't report any of the case bonds
because they consider them to be original issues, which are NON-taxable under the Securities Act of

The public can NOT claim your securities or else they would suffer a hellish capital gains tax liability. So they
seek to CONTROL your securities by presuming that they're the beneficiary and you're the trustee. Once you
sign that appearance bond, they have an underwriter (the Estate trust through the Strawman cestui que trust) so
they're off the hook for securities fraud, and they have a trustee (the strawman) who's responsible for paying the
taxes, so they're off the hook for tax fraud. THIS IS WHY THEY'LL DO ANYTHING TO GET YOUR

If you do not consent, they have an enormous problem. The case bond becomes a RE-issue, a secondary
offering of the original issue (your Estate bond, the birth bond issued by Treasury and traded for
currency with the Fed upon your birth). A secondary offering falls under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 AND IS NOT TAX-EXEMPT, so the entire Fidelity fund where they sold the case bond is in jeopardy.
This is a catastrophe for the Court. DO you think this knowledge could mean power? KNOWLEDGE IS
POWER when dealing with these people, as the Father told us.

People have trouble seeing that everything the public issues with our name on it is a security future based
on the presumption that our Estate will pay in the future. They [people] think that unless WE issue the
paper, it's not ours. They don't fully appreciate the difference between ownership and security interest.
This is understandable. We weren't born knowledgeable. The Warburg’s intended that we remain in darkness.
An owner holds legal title, meaning he's liable for taxes, insurance, upkeep, etc. In other words, he's responsible
for performance, for all the grunt work, which means he's the trustee by definition. But he doesn't see this
because he doesn't really understand trust law, and after all, "He's the owner!" He's living the American Dream.
Think about that. We've been conned into dreaming about ownership – the obligation to perform. The
Rockefellers must be laughing all the way to the bank.
In contrast, the beneficiary has a security interest, meaning he gets paid or else. He enjoys the distribution of the
trust property or he fires the trustee and all title and parties merge in him which is a foreclosure. That's how he
takes the property. The Courts exist to enforce security interests. That's what admiralty's about. That's
why patriots lose in Court. Read the special maritime rules regarding "in rem" procedures.

So if you continue to believe that they are not YOUR securities because you didn't issue them, then you're
destined for problems. Here's an analogy that may help. It's like when a husband takes control of his wife's
money. He doles out $100 so she can buy him beer. When she returns, he asks her for the change. It's HER
money, but HE'S pulling the strings and making the rules, the trust directives (just like the Dept of the

Then one day he comes home and finds the locks changed and the cops waiting for him. The wife is still buying
the household goods, but now she's back in control of the trust funds because the beneficiary (the wife) decided
she would fire the trustee.

In other words, one way or the other the Estate's paying the bills. But either the public controls the funds
using coercion, presumption and trickery to get you to consent, or you agree to pay up front and take them out
of the loop. This is why it's better to get dragged in and have the burden of proof on them, rather than to
show up and volunteer (unless you're completely confident in your knowledge of the information in this email).

This explains why we do a security agreement. When you execute a PROPER security agreement (most of them
are flawed unfortunately), a proxy WITH STANDING IN ADMIRALTY (unlike the living man) operating on
your behalf agrees to pay the strawman's debts in return for a security interest in its property up to a limit
(usually $100B). Once perfected and assigned to another proper proxy, you gain standing to pay the same bills
the public would pay, but you will be paying them directly on YOUR authorization (bankers acceptance) rather
than being coerced by a third party. Either way, payment is extracted from your Estate funds held in trust at The
DTC. Prior to that, they presume to tap those funds on your behalf using pledges, and then they solicit
your cooperation in fulfilling the pledges by volunteering your Estate when you sign for the strawman.

Once the security interest, lien, proper notice, status, and credentials are in place, your setoffs will be
honored unless you piss someone off. IN ANY SUCH SETOFF, THE FIRST THING YOU DO IS
not getting your setoff other than those flukes that manage to slip through. And how can you do this if you don't
recognize that all the securities belong to you as the underwriter?

Check the DTC operating arrangements. DTC (through dba Cede & Co) is the registered owner of most
securities. YOU'RE the beneficial owner. THEY have to follow the terms of the trust indenture. One way or the
other, someone's paying for the indictment security future. That someone is ALWAYS your Estate.

This is what many of the Estate "gurus" don't really understand either. The Estate AS THE PUBLIC SEES IT is
NOT David Clarence's private interpretation. It's NOT the holder of a security interest……

The Estate is the Birth Certificate trust.

The Estate is the surety for the strawman's debts.
The Estate is the debtor on your security agreement in most (not all) cases.

When you take control of the Estate, you also take control of all trusts derived from it such as the Strawman
cestui que trust. A cestui que trust is simply the beneficiary of an estate that's held in trust. Your strawman is
the beneficiary of the public trust that has been presumed to be a trustee instead.

Sure there's a private estate. But it's useless to try to use it to live in this society other than as a hermit. You
must engage commerce if you intend to provide your family with quality of life unless you are self-sufficient on
a farm. [Perhaps there IS a way to utilize the private, God-given Estate and not need to use Satans tools at all]

So whether you issue the securities or they issue them for you, they are YOUR securities because they're
derived from and underwritten by the Estate.

Many people seek simple answers. Who's the proxy? Who do I name as the holder? Tell me the steps to do a
setoff. Why do I have to know this? This is natural. We all want to know…BUT I HOPE THIS EMAIL


TRUE KNOWLEDGE IS EMPOWERING. They hand you a bill, it's a setoff-in-waiting, an accounting
transaction, not a slap in the face. They drag you into Court, it's an opportunity to express your trust, appoint
your trustee, claim your bonds if they don't perform, capture the case bond, and demonstrate why they should
never ever mess with you again.

Yes, the doctrine of understanding causes fits in some people. But if information in this email is new to you,
don't you suddenly feel empowered? STUDYING IS A PAIN IN THE NECK ONLY IF THE INFORMATION
MANY PATRIOTS. BUT Tapping into truth is electrifying. When I realized what I did NOT know, I sacrificed
everything to correct my shortcomings. I hope this email demonstrates that the need for understanding is itself a
self-evident truth.

If the information in this email is NOT new to you, then please visit the Yahoo Group RECLAIM YOUR
SECURITIES and post some of your wisdom. The members will appreciate it.

Understanding securities, estates and trusts is practical not theoretical. When the Court is returned back to
INDENTURE FOR THE PUBLIC TRUST APPLY TO IT instead of the strawman, including the tax
implications. Their ability to ignore their own rules goes out the window and they revert to ministerial
rather than discretionary duty. Imagine a JUDGE TRUST that must follow the rules.

When the Lord said My people perish for lack of knowledge, it's as if he had patriots in mind. I continue to
stress gaining an understanding of securities and trusts. The Reclaim Your Securities Group is the tiniest tip of
the iceberg, but at least its something. Bill

Re: status and setoff re. below

Persona Non Grata iamabaldman@...
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 9:48 AM


Thanks for your response. I have read through the material, and I agree with what your philosophy
states. I too understand that the system is for an even exchange. This goes right back to the Banking Act
of 1864...(please read the attached) which was set up as a clearing house for financial transactions. I
disagree with your view on the filing of the UCC-1...we have seen to many positive results with the
filings. (UCC-1 notices a superior claim) Also, the name of your group is 'reclaim YOUR securities"...
how can they be MINE if I did not create them? I know this is a newer group, and you are trying to put
forth your ideas....and ideas are great...but I have not read any 'success' stories as of yet... maybe I
missed those. Kinda like that Patrick Devine character.....every year he has a new idea and tells it to
people and for some reason people go down his road....a road he has not...and get in trouble. Fact is, we
should have never been using FRN's...and all 'bills' should be setoff from the get go ...and we become
'no'bill-ity." I have never heard the phrase 'dependable setoff" ...yes it is true that a 'bill' for numbers
cannot equal a FRN...but the FRN is the legal tender used by corporations. Maybe A4V (setoff) would
work properly if we all closed all our accounts, gave back all the FRN’s, accepted the CoLB as a
contract under seal, and exercise the right to setoff through the director of Vital Stats?


Re: status and setoff re. below

William Robert Bill@...
Monday, July 16, 2012 7:56 PM

Joel, please see posting #48 at our little group. You have no security interest
in the BC (until you process a lien against it). The strawman is a trustee on it
and has the obligation to perform. Bill

iamabaldman iamabaldman@...
Monday, July 16, 2012 10:45 AM
status and setoff

Thanks for your posts. I have been working toward the exercise of right to setoff, and the
only way I thought it was possible was to file the ucc-1, to show the higher claim, and
then to notice any claimant the exercise of setoff from that position. After reading your
posts, it seems that a perfected lien is what is needed and NOT a ucc-1 filing. A question
I would have is 'if a man cannot be seen in admiralty, who/what can have a perfected lien
against the BC or BC name?" also, IMO, the issuer has a security interest in the BC, but
really only 10% as the child has the equitable interest of 90% (not ownership) are you
suggesting that the child must 'assign' his interests to a proxy so the proxy can be 'seen' in
admiralty? And then have the proxy set up a 'zero balance' or setoff or closed account at
the treasury or a bank to perform the setoff? Thanks for taking the time in reading and
hopefully answering this have a great day. a man called joel

[#146.1] Re: Changing my appreciated re. below

eponymous_680 <embury111@...>
Thursday, July 19, 2012 5:09 PM

In my opinion, a new name is just as much a legal fiction as your 'old name', it's just a title, in which you are
construed as being trustee, via an implied trust. You will be just as liable for the title, 'Still Christ (with or
without an "!", as you are for the name you already my opinion. It's still a debtor, through and
through....poor thing.

A name is just a legal title, into which you pour all your equity - and it's converted into FRNS, in which the
'agency' has exclusive jurisdiction over. We do not own that name, and neither do we want to, because, as Bill
has said, in ownership, lies full legal liability, and we don't want that, obviously. And, again, sovereignty, as
Peter has pointed out, in the earlier posts, means nothing to the 'dead' world, of 'corpse-rations' [sic]. If I'm
wrong on any of this, please let me know!

still.christ1 <still.christ1@...>
Changing my appreciated
Thursday, July 19, 2012, 1:26 PM

Hello good ones...A year ago I decided to change my name starting with the way I introduce myself to
people. This had nothing to do with the sovereignty movement and everything to do with philosophy,
which for me, boils down to I/identity. I procrastinated with the "legal" side of it for lack of funds.
Meanwhile, I have felt the heavy weight of needing to use the old legal name for various kinds of
transactions. I want to completely clean up this mess and am now ready to do the "legal" deeds, but in
the meantime have discovered that there are potential hooks involved in that. Up until a couple months
ago, for example, I would not have been able to tell you what a straw-man was, the way it is understood
here. So I want to finish this process right, redeem the straw-man and eventually discharge it...or
whatever it is I ought to do with it to reflect my philosophy, which, coincidentally does involve the
concept of sovereignty. I see that I have more work to do than I anticipated. I see that the mere act of
filing in the court system for a new legal name could be fraught with temptation. What does it imply? I
would rather tell them what my new name will be, rather than ask them. Another issue; I want to include
an exclamation mark in my name: Still Christ! I sometimes tell this joke; I'll stop saying I’m Christ
when people stop saying I’m not!' I'm not trying to be special. I also recommend everyone change their
name to this one name! Kind of like in that movie Spartacus where everyone says, 'I am Spartacus'. It
would really confuse the Committee of 300. It would force them to use purely numbers to identify
anyone...unless that's what they are already doing! The exclamation mark is problematic when signing
up for web services. The little box simply won't accept certain types of characters (pun intended).Â
How much less when it comes to, say, a drivers license...which


How to stop a third party debt collector - Mortgage Deed Successor in Interest
Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:04 am

I have survived a long administrative battle with the "original creditor" and REMIC. Back in 2010 the
REMIC/Creditor voluntarily dismissed a state law suit for slander of title and could not foreclose.

I now have a third party debt collector attempting to contract with me and is making settlement offers as low as
12K on an original 96K debt.

How can I utilize these techniques to make the third party debt collector disappear?

Advise is welcome and appreciated.

#180 re. #160


Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:58 pm

Craig, I'm glad you sent your email. Obviously I've been receiving more requests for help than I could address
in ten lifetimes. Your email has crystallized my thinking

Here are people's choices:

1. Take the red pill and stay in Wonderland (hire an attorney, pray, work within the system);

2. Take the blue pill and learn how to devour the Matrix. Unfortunately, there are no program routines to teach
you Kung Fu. It will probably take six months or more to move from present levels of grab-bag education to

3. Or you can...........

somehow they can be programmed to instant expertise.

The fact is, with few exceptions, NO AMOUNT OF PAPERWORK will overcome the deficit in knowledge,
experience and confidence. Many judges have seen it all before. They're experts. They will blow it aside in the
first minute; the moment he asks your name or threatens contempt or other coercive weapons. At that very
moment, there's nothing you can say that will turn things around if you don't truly understand the intricacies of
the Matrix and the potent remedies available to a full status creditor or a true Christian sovereign.

This is the world of commerce the Father has permitted Lucifer to construct to give us a clear choice. No magic
bullets, No shortcuts. One needs to grow into a deep rooted oak tree if (s)he is to resist the winds of commercial
fascism, aka trusteeship.

When dealing with public officials, always remember THERE IS NO HEART TOO HARD FOR JESUS TO
LOVE HIM. Showing His love can, indeed, stay the executioner's hand. More than anything, your remedy is
your Faith.

#181 re. #180

Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:13 pm

You mentioned a "bevy of tax forms and filings needed to make it happen" over at the a4v forum. It should not
take 10 lifetimes to cut paste the list of forms and filings so we can study them and submit. Any else think Bill
should do this?

What would Jesus do? Peace

#182 re. #181


Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:55 pm

TO ARTIE: See posting 180, 174 and 100. How about I give you a copy of Grays Anatomy and you can do
some quick brain surgery this weekend?

Artie, if I was to give you even one form, you wouldn't be able to hazard a guess as to what to enter in boxes 2 -
12. If I pasted in the answers, you wouldn't have a clue as to what they mean. Even if I explained the answers,
which would take many hours, you wouldn't have the foundation to understand how they interrelate. I don't
imagine Jesus would give you a loaded gun to commit suicide.

No, it shouldn't take 10 lifetimes, Artie. I understand your impatience and sympathize. That's just the way it is.
The first understanding, is to just understand. Bill

#186 re. below


Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:21 pm

You are so correct embury111. I'm afraid that Artie's a tragedy in waiting. He'll have to find another Kevorkian.

P.S. My wish for all patriots is that they will cultivate the ability to learn from other people's mistakes.

Re: TOPIC: BRAIN SURGERY ANYONE? 2nd Notice re. below

Friday, July 20, 2012 11:09 PM

And...this is pretty much why prisons are full of patriots....

Artie Ada <artie2011z@...> wrote: Re. #182

"bevy of tax forms and filings needed to make it happen"

Just post the list. I am a big boy.

#187 re. #180

Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:08 am

You could go the route of asking the third party to provide the contract. We have a questionnaire we use to get
rid of third party interloper debt collectors, that are fishing. or you could go before a judge, if you feel
confident, and set off the debt, or you could do a negative averment, which they cannot prove, asking them to
prove that you are not the beneficiary of the DOE, JOHN H., trust, or the name in ANY derivative all else fails
and certain parties did not perform......writ of mandamus that is in Kanuckistan. I am not at the level in

commerce to do the estate duck walk yet, we have successfully gotten rid of many debt collectors for people,
they are one of the easiest, but it's still not in honour or remedy we are all about remedy.

#188 re. #182


Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:25 am

It is my understanding that God [or maybe it’s Lucifer?] owns it all through the Vatican trusts. The thirteen
banking families were to administer the trust. They were also to help the men and women that know who they
are and stepped forward, regardless of how, but especially through scripture. Luke 11 and 22 come to mind

There is no money, only bills of exchange and paperwork. Yes everything is a trust, and when trustees get
negligent, the whole world gets into a mess like it is now.

Agree with them. The whole system is bankrupt so you can do set off and adjustments, that is my
understanding. At least that is the fact here in Kanuckistan. Although we have been blocked all the way by the
Bar associates. Not been in front of a judge in a while, but that may be the next step for us.

Agreement and doing the right paperwork to convey your understanding and message are the keys. If you argue,
toast. As God is all about love and facts. Living men and women are beneficiaries. Period. When you
understand that, and do not go in pro se, certain things are supposed to happen. They have not happened for us

Just stand your ground and there is basically nothing they can do. A beneficiary to a trust has no liability, zero.
The Vatican, took on the responsibility, through it various agents, the bank of England, the bank of Canada,
and the rest of the ilk in the public to do certain jobs for the sons and daughters, their agents are not fulfilling
their duties. To my understanding there needs to be a good house cleaning, especially here in Canada, so that
sons and daughters can be honoured, and certain individuals told what is really going on and how the trusts
agents are blocking people.

Beneficiaries are not supposed to know how to do paperwork. They are to be taken care of....they are not.

All of the above, I have the paperwork to prove. Maybe what is happening right now on the planet is biblical, in
end times the tribe of David is to be resurrected, maybe this is happening, through them collapsing their so-
called system, and putting everything under one planetary govt., maybe it is to give sons and daughters the
remedy....but so far it has not happened for us.

Has anyone/body has made their trust work here.

Are there places in western New York one can make a special deposit on a trust instrument, so the agents can
perform their duties for a son?
Are there Trustees there that actually have honour and know their duty?
We have not been able to find them in Ontario.
Dishonoured all the way, using Gods Laws, the scriptures.

For a little more on what I am saying here see: Christian Walters - Moving Titles (not exactly sure, not at home
to look up the papers), Alfred Adask, Dean Clifford, and Santos Bonacci (describes the timeline

of how the trusts were formed, etc.), they come at this from different perspectives but have good information,
all of them, especially CW.

Thank you for putting this group together!

love to all

#193 re. #187


Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:52 am

the one sovereign sentient is correct. Getting rid of debt collectors is easy. ASK THEM TO VERIFY THE
DEBT by exhibiting Schedules RC-Balance Sheet, RC-E--Deposit Liabilities, RC-C--Loans & Leases, RC-L--
Derivatives and off-balance sheet items, RC-S--Servicing, securitization, and asset sale activities. Those are part
of the quarterly call reports required under 12 U.S.C. 1817(a)(1) (Federal Deposit Insurance Act). You can
actually download them yourself for the period of the loan origination at

Analyze the information if you understand double-entry bookkeeping, and ask them to disprove this, that and
the other thing.

You can also ask them for the tax reports on the capital gains when they re-issued your securities, an unaltered
copy of the original security, the cash receipt required under UCC 3-501(b)(2)(iii) and FASB Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards Number 95 disproving that the bank enjoyed accord and satisfaction of its
claim(s) thereby discharging all of its rights of recourse pursuant to N.Y.U.C.C. 3-311, and so on and so on.


#196 re. below

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:11 pm

Yes to all. Fictions all, but not under their control. Simple formula really. Bill

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder re. #125
embury111 <embury111@...>
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 8:53 AM

Well, we are not the grantor = "we are and we're not", because we cannot 'appear' in admiralty, as you've
mentioned. The grantor is the Godfather, so 'he's, got some authority. Luca Brasi is the one who follows
orders...both are not 'us', and that's where the 'proxy' - the stunt man for the principal, stands in....and,
my head hurts.
#197 re. #129

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:13 pm

To reiterate, Yes to the first; Double No to the second. Bill

#198 re. #77


Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:18 pm

Peter is right on the money. We are not seeking to collapse anything (in most cases). The closest most will get
to a collapse is in foreclosure, a bank against you, or when a Court defaults on its obligations after being
appointed Trustee, and the trust collapses from the merger off all titles and roles back in the grantor (your
proxy). Thank you, Peter. Bill



Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:41 pm

EDUCATION. When it's done, you'll understand what it is you've been doing....and what it is you've been

HENRY DOE # 123-45-6789?" I have yet to meet anyone who understands the process of filing the BC and BC
Bond at Treasury.

The BC and BC Bond accomplish completely different tasks. The banker's acceptance noted on the BC
effectively says: "I never abandoned my claim. I realize I'm a bit late, but here's my acceptance signed by a
bona fide admiralty proxy. And to prove my claim, I've attached copies of UCC-1's demonstrating my lien
against the strawman trust and the assignment to another admiralty proxy."

We can express our claim this way because the public only presumed, but never expressed, a claim against our
securities. It can never make such a claim without filing papers with the agency[IRS] that confesses a capital
gains tax liability for the gain. You take my securities; you pay the tax.

Did you know that the banker's acceptance SHOULD IDEALLY BE BACK-DATED to your 18th birthday? If
you did not, then the BC security was not claimed timely, and you cannot venture retroactively to settle liens,
loans and the like. (And you wonder why your acceptances fail?) If you accept it as of today, then you are stuck
with any bills which pre-date today. Does that make sense?

The reason we mark the acceptance "CHARGE THE SAME TO JOHN HENRY DOE # 123-45-6789" is
simple. WE ARE NOT PAYING ANYTHING AT THIS TIME. Read your B.C. Bond. It does two things, and
neither involves paying the accumulated debts of the strawman in the Individual Master File. (For all the people
who malign Winston and the other gurus, can you see that Winston knew exactly what he was doing?)

First, the BC Bond directs the Secretary to open an account for the purpose of offsetting future bills. Basically,
you're opening an account to leverage future securities.

HEY, ISN'T THAT WHAT THEY DO IN COURT as I explained in posting # 146 (Court, Securities, Case
Bond & Trusts--The Inside Story). They file the complaint or indictment and open a Court account to leverage
securities. The first security issued is the summons (civil) or an arrest warrant (criminal) - both of which
comprise an arrest of the vessel in admiralty. (Like everything else in the public, the term "criminal" is merely a
delusion to stimulate fear.) In both cases, they arrest the vessel to entice an owner, banker or creditor to appear
and post bond. THEY ARREST THE VESSEL TO GET TO THE SURETY. And who's the surety? THE
ESTATE, of course. That's the Admiralty Game.

If you read the BC Bond you will see that it is "funding" this new leveraging account in the amount of 100
billion dollars........

Who's the surety for the funding?......THE ESTATE, of course. We are accessing the Estate through the
strawman, just like they do in court.

And where do the funds come from?........OUR LIEN AGAINST THE ESTATE, duh. That's why we include
copies of the UCC-1's.

So now you know that the UCC-1 notices of lien are serious business (IF you did them correctly which almost
no one does).

And now you know why we "CHARGE THE SAME TO THE JOHN HENRY SMITH # 123-45-6789."
We do it to access the Estate just like the Court's do. We charge the strawman account through the maritime lien
to access our funds in the Estate to fund the BC Bond account to pay future bills. Simple. One, two three.

TO....???" When you pay a bill by setting it off against a pre-paid account (the one you established with the BC
Bond), shouldn't you note the acceptance: "FOR CREDIT TO ACCOUNT # 123-45-6789?"

After all, the amount has already been charged against the account for taxes, electricity, debt service and such,
which is why they're sending you a bill.

Which means that thousands of patriots are DOING IT ALL WRONG. They are sending in a security to pay the
strawman's bill (banker's acceptance), and instead of telling the vendor or Treasury to credit the strawman's
account, they're telling them to charge the strawman again. Is it any wonder Treasury thinks we're all crazy?

Even worse, the blogs and groups are filled with people giving terrible advice. I have watched entire reputations
being built on bad advice. NOT BAD INTENTIONS, just your basic guesswork blossoming over the
anonymous internet into a culture of error upon error. No wonder commerce has a bad name among advocates
of sovereignty.

So if you accepted your BC as the living man, your Treasury process is defective.

If you charged instead of credited any bills, they're dead on arrival.

If you did Tim Turner's process you have no standing to make a claim (Treasury views it as nonsensical), so be
very careful about trying anything.

If your acceptances were signed by the living man, the odds of success are very small.

If you did ZYA, you did things backwards (among other problems).

How do I know? The same way I knew about the Treasury process. I've paid my dues...I've listened to the right's in my heart.

So tell me again how success lies in the paperwork rather than the understanding?


THE RIGHT THING. That's when you can tell Agent Anderson to take a hike.

Please feel free to direct your friends to this posting if it may serve their needs. Bill

#205 re. #199


Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:51 pm

So the private side and public side balance! That is why you charge the same to the strawman


#206 re. #205


Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:58 am

Correct - Remember the following

The public is bankrupt so it can only set-off and discharge. So in the public we only have paper (that is why its
dead). When you get a paycheck its just a piece of paper with ink on it. It holds no value, it represents a
DEBT borrowed from the estate paid to the BENEFICIARY (SSN) of the BC.

So our labor stays in the private (just like our house and car) NO VALUE CAN COME INTO THE PUBLIC
only evidence of value and debt. So TITLE is evidence of an interest in a thing - like your car or house.

So when evidence of debt comes into the public from the private (the living side) the debt must be ledgered.
The commercial banks take the evidence of our labor and monetize it (suppose to be 9 times but they have
been doing it over 10-12 times). This new money is public debt. So now the public owes more to the living
(private side).

One mistake mentioned below. We DO NOT CHARGE THE SAME TO THE STRAWMAN.
Look its all admiralty. So think..

In maritime law in order to identify a vessel we need to give things a name and a number.

So look at the paper you hold


those 3 things may all have the same name BUT different numbers – separate vessels


And in trust law one trust may be a party to another trust

You have been given the BC trust (Debtor as it borrows from the estate) the evidence of value and debt come
through the beneficiary (SSN) so we charge[credit?] the same to the beneficiary because ALL PUBLIC debt is
ledgered against the Beneficiary of the BC.

How do we know this? Well next time you receive a paycheck (assignment, transfer) there will be a name and
number identifying who is getting the title to that debt (title of the debt is the paycheck). I guarantee the vessel
identified is the SSN.

So the SSN account at the fed is holding your portion of the public debt. Think of it as a prepaid credit card.
Anytime evidence of value is brought into the public from your estate through the BC it is ledgered in the SSN
account at the fed. So we charge debt against the debt owed to us.

So think of it this way...

Anytime you get a bill in the mail it is evidence of a debt owed to the estate and we can use the SSN account to
do the setoff. So the BC bond is a charge against the debt owed to the estate. We do this to access the SSN
account and BLOCK the funds so we can use them.


#208 re. #206


Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:51 am

I pre-apologize for not studying more. If questions are okay here goes. If no questions allowed. Sorry.

One and three say don't charge the strawman. Number says charge the strawman.

1. One mistake mentioned below. We DO NOT CHARGE THE SAME TO THE STRAWMAN.

2. And now you know why we "CHARGE THE SAME TO THE JOHN HENRY SMITH # 123-45-6789." We
do it to access the Estate just like the Court's do. We charge the strawman account through the maritime lien to
access our funds in the Estate to fund the BC Bond account to pay future bills.
Simple. One, two three.

TO....???" When you pay a bill by setting it off against a pre-paid account (the one you established with the BC
Bond), shouldn't you note the acceptance: "FOR CREDIT TO ACCOUNT # 123-45-6789?"

#217 re. below

Re: Funds in treasury come from a conversion, NOT liens upon estates.
Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:11 pm

I appreciate your participation and attitude of sharing. Welcome to the Group. I'm hesitant to comment on your
first point publicly, but...

1. As you know, even commercial banks can deposit all kinds of securities. From personal experience I
know that you can deposit receipts. They must be annotated as securities, same way the Court deposits an
indictment. And of course, so can other departments at Treas. [e.g. ACCEPTANCE ???]

2. Cash collateral only exists if they have a Federal claim of course. You can request the assessment by phone to
see if the account was credited. The 1040-v acts as an inter-bank draw, however the strawman has no status to
authorize any draw from the private side of the ledger (setoff), being a lowly bottom dweller debtor. The
assessment should show if you got a setoff. There's a tendency to equate a pause with progress, but I hope you

3. In a twisted way, the state IS the beneficiary. The strawman is the beneficiary of the Estate. That' why it's
listed on the face of the B.C. The Estate is it's surety, the one they wish to assess when you appear. Which
agrees with what you observed that the state is the beneficiary because the strawman is really nothing more
than a U.S. employee under IRC 3401.

But no matter how it's sliced and diced in admiralty, ultimately the public trust serves people, the heirs to the
original grantors and beneficiaries, and we are mere servants of the Father. A public corporation can never be a
beneficiary, other than in a capacity as holder for the real man beneficiary, who is also holder for the Divine
beneficiary, the Father.

4. YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABOUT NOT LIENING OUR BROTHER. But UCC 9-311(a)(3) makes it clear that
the holder of a certificate enjoys the presumption of a perfected lien. The BC is the evidence of our lien
against the strawman. It exists whether we claim it or not. It was born by our actions. The BC treasury
process just makes the lien digestible in the public. We're not liening our neighbor; we're expressing the pre-
existing lien against our own assets, beginning with our own body which is the surety they really want to
capture, our movable land, as advocates for the Father. If we do not express it, then we abandon our divine
inheritance (our estate), the Father's property, to Lucifer. I really think it's that important to give public notice
that I am not public properly; I am not your bondservant; that my allegiance is to the Father, that I serve
Yehoshua, my Savior and surety who has pre-paid my debts with his blood

Hey, thanks for the great postings and the spirit of experimentation and courage. Would love to hear of any
further developments with the receipts process. Bill

"motla68" <motla68@...> wrote:

Something does not come from nothing, you have to put something in it to get something out of it.
Based upon my research of the Internal Revenue Manual and Treasury finance policy, technically
speaking, when we deposit equity receipts, those are then converted to what is called Cash Collateral, it
is this which is held in treasury to pay the bills.

I did a test for a couple people including myself, for year(s) there were current claims on by I R S , I sent
in copies of cash receipts and copies of CC and debit statements, totaled them up and put that total on
1040-V, followed the instructions of where to send it because that form is a return. This past week is the
third or fourth letter received so far over the course of the past year from I R S stating that " no further
actions was necessary " to which it was never heard of again that there was a problem for those years.

You all might want to check out " Cesti Que Use " being that you have been studying Cesti Que Trust
law. It is in my opinion that the state is the beneficiary not a living man. How can a living man be a
beneficiary of dead law instruments?

Think hard about this lien stuff too, how is it that placing a lien upon your neighbor can be called love?
This UCC was created by attorney's / lawyers and biblically speaking " woe unto you lawyers ", do you
really want to be like them ?


#219 re. #206


Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:34 pm

Peter - Excellent stuff. People should pause to understand that the strawman (SSN) is a pre-programmed debtor.
It exists for no reason other than to transmit (or as you said "hold") our portion of the public debt. That's all that
happened in '33 when our great-grandparents walked into the Fed and gave up their gold. Here's my asset to pay
the public debt. Basically the public debt was charged to us through the straw accounts. Everyone should read
your posting........

As to what we're charging with the BC Bond, I think we said the same thing. You said, "So the BC bond is a
charge against the debt owed to the estate," and I say that the SSN is nothing more than a manifestation of that
debt. It IS debt, nothing more. If you remove debt, it's an empty account. When I visualize the strawman, I
don't see paper or even book-entries anymore. I see an amazing sight, a shimmering ball of debt energy - the
reflection of my commercial energy - just waiting to be reclaimed. Perhaps there's a subtle difference in
what we said, but not much.

Helluva thing to be pondering on a Sunday. Great post, I hope the members appreciate the insight. Bill

#221 re. #217

Re: Funds in treasury come from a conversion, NOT liens upon estates
Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:04 pm

So could a person deposit an original court to the IRS to get rid of IRS debt? Court order against them.....? Its a
commercial document. A receipt though and you have interest in the contents. Just thinking out loud I guess.



Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:32 pm

me by a Group member yesterday.

Hello, this _______________. I'm writing you from my private email to ask if there's a way we can
communicate on a more private level than the group forum? Unlike many of the people posting in the Yahoo
group forum, I don't have a pressing issue and I want to take the time to learn the S_P_L_A_S_H way
properly.........As I've said before, I've seen many different methodologies on this subject, but the few things
you've mentioned in the forum make more sense to me than all the other B.S. I've seen, read and heard over a 5
year hunt.


A little less than 2 years ago, a close friend of mine and me had the pleasure of speaking with a retired judge
about our system. The exact same thing he told us about how the system is set up is exactly like what I just
read on one of your posts in the forum. Unfortunately, he wouldn't tell us how to navigate properly. Funny
thing though, he told us when we do find out how to navigate properly, to do right by it. We gave him our
word we would and left. Naturally, him assuming that we would get the proper info spoke volumes to me. But,
here I am seeing and hearing the same thing that was explained to me from an insider on one of your posts in
the forum. I CAN'T BELIEVE there haven't been more postings and remarks from that post. It's like the people
in the forum can't see the forest for the trees. It also seems like all they want is a cookie-cutter process. But I
digress. I haven't told anyone about our chance meeting with the retired judge because I've used it as a way to
see who really understands the matrix and who doesn't. It's about all I had that I knew was true. All the other so-
called Guru's were never able to explain in full how the system is set up when asked. But you did it without me
or anyone else even having to ask. So, as you can see, I've had a pretty rough go at it.........Thanks again for your
time and I look forward to hearing from you.


#248 re. below


Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:02 am

Are not required to do the same....that is...verify the debt?

Aren't taxes capital gains for the collectors?
They're private corporations too, are they not?
This is funny. They must be 503C not for profit organizations.


motla68 <motla68@...>
Sun, July 22, 2012 4:31:55 PM

If they want to charge themselves, don't stand in the way.

Trustee De Son Tort, claiming a persona creates a trust.



Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:46 pm

I am in the same boat. I have so much stuff that I have learned over time and things saved that I just don't know
where to begin at this point. I had all of the Bonds at one time and I have deleted them, but now there is talked
about the Bonds. I guess I need more assistance than I thought. I guess my question is where do I start I have
my birth certificate now what?

#254 re. #221

Re: Funds in treasury come from a conversion, NOT liens upon estates
Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:49 pm

YES AND NO. Not the order itself, but the security written on it, which is what people have been doing with
money orders and bankers acceptances all along but in the wrong person and with the wrong paperwork. The
key is in understanding securities and their baseline purpose, and the use of trusts. Bill

#258 re. #254

Re: Funds in treasury come from a conversion, NOT liens upon estates
Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:16 pm

Hi Bill,
When you say "the wrong person" are you referring to the strawman v. the real. Because it seems to me if it all
goes back to the BC then that's where our remedy lies, because that is the "origin" and then , by extension, the
SS#. BUT that being said, how does that play out in practical terms as far as paying debt and/or "reclaiming
your securities"?
After one begins to "know", it seems that the IRS must be put on notice that they are our Trustees and they are
to be held accountable for retrieving and supplying our "funds" and remedy. Would this not be the case?

#265 re. #248


Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:58 pm

GOOD QUESTIONS RANDY. NO, taxing bodies do not have to verify. there's a presumption of accuracy. The
prevailing doctrine of admiralty is Guilty until proven innocent. How can that exist in a republic? [By]
Presumption of regularity. If no one protests after three times, then it's presumed to be normal business

Ditto for the rest. But yes, if they [the taxing bodies] receive without giving equal value, it's an uneven
exchange, a DEEMED DISPOSITION, and capital gains applies. But regularity overcomes tax fraud because
no one asked the collector or his Gift Tax Return.


#268 re. #253


Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:13 pm

HI CAMILLE - YOU HAVE ALREADY HAVE. You're here, climbing the ladder. If you read my earlier email
on the process, you already know more than I knew for my first four or five filings.

The biggest part of what you face is the understanding (as I've said time and again until even I can't stand to
hear it anymore). The Treasury paperwork is easy, streamlined and simple-minded. Four pieces of paper. Not a
shred of nonsensical patriot mumbo jumbo garbage. Unfortunately, people got side-tracked by Turner's
effective sales pitch. I hope this Group will awaken people to the need to TRAIN THEIR POWERS OF
DISCRIMINATION. The government's got you believing that discrimination is evil. DISCRIMINATION IS
ESSENTIAL if you direct it to the crap that crosses our inboxes everyday instead of towards other children of

BUT IT'S GOT TO BE DONE RIGHT. Send me a private email please if you're of a mind. Bill

#287 re. #208


Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:20 pm

derrick, if I may try to answer your question, when Bill is talking about the BC and the BC bond he says to
'charge the same to' but when doing 'setoff acceptances' use the wording 'for credit to'

#288 re. #258

Re: Funds in treasury come from a conversion, NOT liens upon estates
Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:15 pm

They already know it. Bill [“…it seems that the IRS must be put on notice that they are our Trustees and they
are to be held accountable for retrieving and supplying our "funds" and remedy.Stu]

Re: "treasury process"

Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:05 am

What is the B.C. Bond? Where does one get it? Is the BC Bond the certificate of birth?


Re: What is the quickest way ??

Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:54 am

Why think in such limited terms such as "full status creditor"? What is "full status creditor"? Hell, what does
"full status" even mean?

Why not just give the one making a claim exactly what they wish ... give them "ownership" or "adverse

The party making a claim is "usufruct" .... From "Law of Belligerent Occupation" (JAG Manual).... "one is said
to be a usufructuary or enjoy a usufruct if one has a claim of a special kind for life or some lesser period." and it
appears thru CJS that "acts of ownership" are actually "acts of enjoyment of a usufruct" which is "adverse
possession" and every statute, code, rule, and regulation in place governs the "usufructuary interests" or
"trustees" of the "land" or "people" and their "estates" or "interests" ... and if those "trustees" or "usufructuaries"
impede the "obligations of a contract" thru governing one's "naked ownership" or "disposal rights", they in
breach of "fiduciary duty" for "adverse possession" of the "interests" of the "naked owner" or "principal"
because the "act of impeding" means the "public debt obligations are in question" and "the public debt shall
never be in question"; the "reciprocation of the indemnification" or "discharge of usufructuary duties" IS the
public debt obligation referenced in the 14th amendment; fulfillment of the contract under seal of state or
"certificate of live birth" which is just a receipt for "LABOR and DELIVERY" of which the "receiver" has
already made "beneficial use", as evidenced by the existence of Federal Reserve Notes.

What else does one need to know?

#308 re. #302

Re: "treasury process"

Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:01 am

Birth certificate is just evidence that a bond exists. Certificate literally means " copy " otherwise it would
say Birth title. Just like a certificate of title for a vehicle, it is just evidence of a claim on title exists


Re: What is the quickest way ??
Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:18 am

Please describe a "full status creditor" with the details you would give a police sketch artist. I'm just learning the
terms used in this new language.
And I agree.... the age of majority...statement was condescending.
The gurus here are the minority with accusations of gross errors committed by the majority. Are they willing to
tell what those mistakes are?......Yes and No....Guess!
The help they propose comes in riddles and deliberately vague answers to direct questions. I understand the
exercise of discovery will make the knowledge personal. Yet, wonderful claims are made on this group's
welcome page but not a single story detailing any triumph has been offered. Am I wrong? Please, direct me to it
and I will humbly apologize.
But why are details so important? Because the Devil is in the details.

#317 re. #303


Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:25 am [re: #303]


what society believes. The owner is a tenant beholding to the bank that holds the security interest
(equitable title), the secured party. Now you know why you lose your foreclosures. Bill [One who holds
security interest is the secured party?]


Re: New file uploaded to Reclaim_Your_Securities (Member Goodies v 1.2.docx)

Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:56 am

I love it when questions get answered before they are asked.

#319 re. 315

Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:57 am


1. When the member used the term "age of majority" he was referring to abandoning incompetence. Treasury
regs. at 31 CFR 363 define you as a minor (an incompetent) until you've claimed your securities. Have you
reclaimed yours? Of course not. So in the eyes of the public, you fall within the age of minority.
It is natural that those members who have attained majority might be misunderstood by their teenage brethren.

2. Please check the previous postings. A member already answered the question about "full status creditor" by
telling you its a bogus term, inapposite to the wondrous disclosures provided by the members of this group that
are available nowhere else. Believe me, NOWHERE else, and at considerable risk to themselves.

3. As to triumphs, we've got a bunch of them. SO WHAT? A member recently posted something to the effect
that if you believe you will succeed, you are correct. If you believe you will not, you are correct. Someone last
week asked me the same sickly question he asked six years ago, basically the same one you asked: "Show me
LIFE. They will destroy you at the first hearing unless you agree to eat steak with Cipher. Your result, and
mine, will not be the same. And this is not something you can learn from a list of details in a few emails. In fact,
the list of details will be the false crutch that will land you in the sinkhole.

4. As to not answering questions, I've got one for you: "What's the quickest way to become a surgeon?" "What's
the quickest way to become a rocket scientist?" Get the point? THERE IS NO QUICK WAY. But the risks of
giving you piece-meal details are enormous.

The reason you don't see the value of what's been disclosed in the first 300 postings is because you don't have
the basic foundation YET to discriminate between gold and fool's gold. But you do have a wonderful
opportunity, if you choose to adopt the beginner's mind. It's really up to you.

I hope you choose wisely, like your name. Bill

#320 re. #318


Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:00 am




Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:53 am

This Martian showed up at my home one day and asked if he could africkoleafin with my daughter. This led to
an argument. I was about to throw him off my property when another Martian ran over and said "He wants to
pray with your daughter for forgiveness." Africkleafin is the highest gift on Mars.

"Oh," I said. "Why didn't he just say so?"

"He did," the second Martian pointed out. "In Martian."

A friend of mine said to a Judge, "I'm here to represent the vessel."

Predictably the judge chuckled and said, "So you think you're a boat?"
When converting miles to kilometers, is it helpful to first convert both to usufruct? I'm reminded of the movie:
"Lost in Translation," when two minutes of instruction in Japanese is translated into two seconds of English.

There's the BC trust, the SS trust, and the securities trusts created when an instrument's deposited. A, B, C. Easy
to understand. East to translate. Easy to enforce. It also reflects exactly how public officials and those who keep
the books understand how the system works.

The members are doing fine work in this dialogue, but I suggest not losing sight of the forest, i.e. the
expectations and ignorance of the adversary. Most of them are operating from the slave's perspective. Bill


A little symbolical reading to help discern.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:00 am

Here is a little help to learn the sybological usage of what has been put in place for us;

Possibly why do they call it the vital statistics office, see this definition:


2. The part essential to life, or to a sound state. Corruption of manners preys upon the vitals of a state.,vitals

There is a lot going on here, ever hear of competence being of a sound state of mind? Yes, you are a state of
being, but incompetence is not always a bad thing, it sometimes means that your standing is under another law,
just not the one they use. I.e. Natural law A man who was once pulled over and a cop told him " your under
arrest " , the man replied " no I am not, I am under God ". When receiving an invitation to court and the judge
started rattling off a couple statutes, he picks the bible back up that he affirmed on and asked him " what page
are you on? " , the judge pauses for a minute, dismisses the case and tells the bailiff to get the man out of his
The secrets of the state need to be protected folks and they will do whatever is in there power to protect it, if
you go in as a peaceful inhabitant of a foreign jurisdiction and be a peacemaker that you have been given a
token for " use " only your mileage will go further. You do not want to appear as your taking something away
from them, just that your using it and you will leave it behind when your done with it.
You have as much duty to protect yourself as they have to protect the person, this is why some of us call the
bible a peace treaty.

IRS - IMF ; Chapter 10 - Infant ; An infant is a decedent who has not yet received a SSN.

You see here, back to the Vital Stat terminology. An event was recorded, a person had to be created so that an
estate may exist. Also that a token could be created so that an Act of God could be indemnified, settled,
extinguished, setoff and discharged.

In this approach all we are doing is empowering these folks to do their job, this can be with good intent such as
a diaper service or private investigation service i.e. Internal Revenue service, or it could be used with bad intent,

for criminal reasons and creating controversies. Who comes with controversy? not this living man, I make not
claim here.

Remedy is found in the law, but for you to find it, you will need to train your brain how to read the symbolism.
What seal does the court have, the cops ticket, the drivers license, the certificate of title, inspection sticker?
It's a title dispute if you stand in the way, are you going to interfere?

A little insight into reading symbolism, watch this vid:

Also here is some reference how some words are used:

In history the druids had not spoken language, what they did is sing to each other to communicate and their
written language was symbols. A calendar was found by some Archaeologists and it turned out to be the most
accurate calendar in the world. Media does tell you this, but not a literal blunt like approach. Check out a movie
called: Ghost Dog , if you can get past the violent acts and the spoken language you will see there is a
unspoken language there of respect between a few people.

Enjoy the entertainment everyone,


#386 re. #385

Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:32 am

See 31 CFR 363.6 [minor] if you wish to understand the very simple criteria the public uses to presume
you're incompetent: YOU HAVEN'T CLAIMED YOUR SECURITIES. Why do you think I named this
group Reclaim Your Securities? Bill

#395 re. #206


Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:49 pm

So Peter,
Why go thru all this... and why not just accept for value the "BC" endorse it on the back and send it to the
IRS/CID c/o U.S. treasury and tell them to settle all accounts/issues involving the fiction/person as well as any
others submitted in the future involving the Fiction/person they created? And do the same with the SS card as
well. And same with the SS account as they are able to deal with the trusts as well as us...."give back to Caesar,
what is Caesars... so the debt can be set off/discharged without dishonor...So, me thinks will I need a proxy as
well to accomplish this? Uh maybe? Gonna go read some more....Hmm...#%#^!!

#401 re. #395


Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:20 am

I have just joined this group but, I have been a member of the Redemption by Method group for a while now. I
also have been studying a great deal. I hope I can learn enough to contribute.

I just read this post and trimmed it but, it stated that one should A4V the BC and endorse the back. This I have
not heard of doing. I have been working on my Treaty of Peace, My Political Status, and FORGIVENESS OF

My questions are:
Is it suggested that the A4V format be done to the face of the COLB and endorse the back. If so, what about the
public signature on the front; should that be left off?

Q2. My father is dying right now at home. Can I do a A4V on his COLB and sign my name? Should I send in
his BC with mine and try to HONOR my father in that way?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you
David VanDerryt
I am everything if not an anything

#403 re. #395


Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:19 am

They've built a Matrix to keep you out. There is, unfortunately, a complex protocol that they WILL follow
(usually) to get things done. Bill

P.S. I'm talking fact here, not opinion re this issue.

#407 re. below

Re: Federal case dismissed using non-commercial method

Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:28 am

Congrats to your friend & you M...... watched that entire movie yesterday you suggested "Peaceful Warrior"
thanks for posting it. I just found another movie here, that is just as awesome. It's one I recommend to anyone
on this group to checkout!

Into the Wild (2007) - After graduating from Emory University, top student and athlete Christopher
McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhikes to
Alaska to live in the wilderness. Along the way, Christopher encounters a series of characters that shape his life.
Can watch it online for free here:

Wait for the page to load, then press the small play button on the bottom left of the larger video player. Do NOT
need to download anything to watch this here....Don't pay attention to the ad over the the small
play button on bottom left of large player & it should play watching it now & I got to tell you it's
exactly what I feel is the single most crucial thing to getting out of this close attention to the
movie I recommended here at about the 28 minute mark and prior to that what the main character does with his
wad of FRNs....hint (they make great fire starting material)

Enjoy the movie.....well worth the time to watch.. IMO


--- In, "motla68" <motla68@...> wrote:

I talk to a friend yesterday who called with good news and also to thank me for working with on his
court issue, the charge and his name are withheld because it is all one in the same.

This family man was facing 15 yrs in federal prison, a case that had been going on for 4 years, finally
came to me and said that he tried everything else and if I would be willing to try and help him out.

When he decided he was done with his education he sat down and wrote out a brilliant affidavit from his
own understanding, basically was presenting he had no commercial interests in the case, said he was
done and apologized for any mistaken identity that happened, also inserted the lords prayer. NO AFV,
No liens or any other form to give assumption that he was a trustee with a liability to perform in

The Attorney called to try and get one last crack at him to try an upset him so he would be trick into
going back into enemy combatant mode and he stood his ground.

He actually looked it up online to see the case had been dismissed.

So case was dismissed, a few of us are going out to celebrate this evening some.

#415 re. #146

Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:39 am

Hello. I want to get further clarification. So after signing and becoming trustee for this security, I would be
responsible for paying the tax; how are we notified to pay the taxes or how would we know to pay the tax if we

don't ever get a tax bill for it, or do we get a tax bill? I guess what I'm asking is how is that tax debt accounted

#419 re. below


Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:08 pm

Hi Mark, will try to answer all of your questions (below) to the best of my ability…

1. WHICH ESTATE? Simple, the Birth Certificate trust. The BC trust includes all of your assets and liabilities
in the public trust known as the United States. It was created specifically to be the surety for all of the
liabilities attributed to the strawman trust. The strawman represents debt, period. All actions in admiralty begin
by issuing an arrest security (a warrant criminally, or a summons civilly) for the vessel (the strawman) to
entice a surety, an underwriter, to appear and post bond. They seek your permission to tap the mother lode,
the Estate. They presume you will provide your consent to access the surety by appearing and signing a bond.

That Estate is distinct from the private estate, which is your Divine inheritance from YHWH. The Divine estate
is not cognizable in the public trust. G-d is truth, and truth is a contempt in the admiralty world of fictions. This
is why the so-called Executor letters usually fail. I get a chill when I read the words of Yehoshua: “You cannot
serve both G-d and Mammon.” Amen brother.

HERE'S A TIP: Most of my letters derive from the Grantor or Beneficiary, and occasionally from the
strawman acting as Trustee when it's to the Beneficiary's (my) advantage.

2. I WILL SKIP THE CREDENTIALS QUESTION as it concerns an entity we don't utilize.

status and submit the correct paperwork. The paperwork depends on the task at hand: a mortgage, credit card,
tax lien, property tax, recouping certain bank funds, a disposition, a deemed disposition, a partial exchange, a
general deposit, a special deposit, within the past 3 years, older than 3 years……you get the picture. It may
involve a single sheet of paper or as many as 30 – 40 documents. Even when you think you understand, a new
situation arises. The nature of the process does not lend itself to parsing details in a Group. Thousands of
patriots have boxes of failed acceptances doing process based upon minuscule understanding. I suggest you
hook-up with a good mentor.

4. WHAT DO UCC FILINGS ACCOMPLISH? The way most people are doing them? Nothing, other to
identify the patriot to Treasury as incompetent. The Turner docs have damaged the reputation of thousands of
patriots in Treasury's files. Treasury knows they're following blindly. Properly done, the UCC's perfect a
maritime lien. UCC 9-311 (a)(3) demonstrates that the BC is your proof of a perfected lien in the estate.
But we seek a maritime lien in the Estate, and the UCC’s are part of the perfection. They also allow public
officials to see our standing.

5. CAN YOU ACHIEVE STANDING WITHOUT THEM? Not in admiralty. Keep in mind, that behind every
perfected lien is a correct Security Agreement. Like most patriots, my original SA identified the strawman as
the debtor. That means I could never claim the securities in the BC trust account since the SS trust is a
subsidiary of the BC estate. We also screwed up by naming the living man as the creditor. Most patriots are still

making that mistake. There is no button or database field in a public computer to enter the living presence, so it
winds up being converted to the strawman. In other words, THE CLERK IS USUALLY RIGHT WHEN SHE
admiralty-ready proxy that is not beholding to the agency. That pretty much tells you the basic UCC

6. WHAT IS CP 575? It's the letter the agency returns after dispensing an EIN.

UCC’s can be simple or a pain in the neck. If you're one of the many patriots who declared a decedent estate,
the UCC is more problematic (as is the Security Agreement). I've spent the last three days trying to file a UCC1
only to be stonewalled online. Today I figured out the workaround. Each situation is different. That's why
you're not finding cookie-cutter approaches at this Group. The Father said we will die for lack of knowledge. He
KNOWLEDGE. The Father wants us to be wise, not necessarily educated. He wants us to understand, not
parrot back someone else's words. Feel free to contact me by private email. PLEASE ENTER THE WORDS

The Father has a plan for all of us. He proved his love by allowing us to die and live eternally. He sacrificed
greatly by subjecting Yehoshua to a man's death, that we might live like Him. All good fortune. Bill

Mark ONeal <mark.oneal13@...>
Thursday, July 26, 2012 12:49 PM

Hey Bill - Time for me to prove my ignorance once again. My questions are in bold after each point

Here are some things to think about.

1. The Estate is actually the surety for all the securities you and the public have issued against your

Which estate?

2. If you bank with special deposit you cannot claim a refund later because the funds are never
commingled with the banks. Not one person I've spoken with is aware of this.

3. The Executor's information reports are ignored the way most people have constructed the office due
to various defects (see posting #48).

4. You also canNOT use the second entity, the irrevocable trust many have created, whether under your
own name or pseudonym, because it lacks the credentials the agency requires to process forms (see #48).

I have never created such an entity, so perhaps I have a chance here. What credentials DOES this
entity need?

5. Despite your procedures, the IRS will maintain the position that it's a trustee on the strawman trust. So
working around it won't work. You have to employ the agency to perform as trustee.

So, how does one command this agency to perform as desired? I get the feeling from reading all
these posts that they are going to be my new best friends.

6. The most critical deficiency is the lack of a proper security interest and lien. Filing the UCC-1 as so
many have done it is defective as the security interest has not been developed.

I have never understood what these UCC filings are supposed to accomplish, so, I have not filed
them, despite MANY peoples advice. Is there a method of accomplishing the same function
without using their forms?

7. From what I've seen, many people remain confused about the difference between the estate David
Clarence was talking about, and the Estate they've tried to file as a secured party, and the PUBLIC
ESTATE the agency returns in the CP 575.

See question in point 1 above. Also, what is CP 575?

8. In most cases, there's no credentialed holder in due course of the security interest. I wish I could say
this was due to a lack of knowledge, but I believe the info was withheld in many cases because I have
located some of the "mentors'" credentials through internet search.

pointed in a better direction. My people perish from a lack of knowledge. I am disappointed that no one
I've spoken to really understands the implications of their bank account, positive AND negative.

Please contact me by private email if you seek further discussion, Bill


#422 re. #415


Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:27 pm

Good questions, "younglady." IN A COURT TRUST, WE APPOINT A PUBLIC TRUST (e.g. JUDGE JOHN
SMITH) AS THE TRUSTEE to counter their presumption that we're the trustee. Now they have to exchange
the securities as I described (a tax-free event since it would be an even exchange), or THEY are liable for the
taxes on the gain when they keep my securities (taxable termination - see 26 USC 2603, 2611 and 2612). If
they do not exchange or show me my copies of the tax reports of the gain, then the trust collapses [after I
fire them as trustee?] and they have to return all of my securities or else they've got big problems with securities
and tax fraud. You can't RE-sell unregistered securities and not declare the gain and pay the tax. But
somehow that's exactly what these champions of the law do every day.


1. When a trust is created by the deposit of one of my Estate's securities (like a Court trust created by the
deposit of an indictment or arrest warrant), they are trustee on that deposit, even though they immediately

presume that the strawman is the trustee (until they get your paperwork or you show up and give them a kick in
the pants).

2. When we create a trust to benefit ourselves, we usually appoint the strawman as the trustee. It may have an
SSN, but as long as the Grantor [proxy???] does not, the trust is not beholding to the agency. Bill

#434 re. below


Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:16 pm


THE SECURITY (be it indictment, summons, complaint, warrant, case bond). We appear (without showing
up) as the depositor. ONLY WE CAN RECLAIM OUR SECURITIES. Only we can make the appointments.
They went fishing by issuing securities without an underwriter, but they presumed incorrectly. However, if they
want to keep the securities: "fine, then show me the tax reports of the gain and the receipts for the capital gains.
If not, I will file them for you and it will be a bloodbath." You see, they KNOW they've committed securities
and tax fraud.

The law of trusts is like the laws of gravity and momentum. There's no getting around it, and they know it.

The non-commercial method that's being discussed in the last few postings [#407] is excellent, and we've been
involved in a few, but even then, the straw that sent the judges literally running from the room was the patriot's
command of commerce. Once they know that you know how to foreclose on their public trust (JUDGE JOHN
SMITH), you can literally feel the roles reverse. That's how, peacemaker. Good questions. Bill

As to UCC, we have a security interest which defines the debtor estate and the grantor [e.g. Exodus

eponymous_680 embury111@... wrote: re. #422

Question, how do we have any sort of standing to appoint judge trustee - we're considered trustee de son
tort, until we've switched the nature of the usufruct, yes? Same applies to filing the UCC - how do we
have any capacity to fill 'their' forms out, even if we are doing it through a corporate 'proxy'?

- peacemaker –

#436 re. #434


Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:20 pm

Perhaps I am missing something here. I am of the opinion that there are some things that need to be done
"foundationally" before we can get something like that to work. Things like the security agreement and UCC
stuff and various filings with the government. or are you saying that little ol' me, just as I am right now can file
this appearance and reclaim my securities?

#449 re. #433 below


Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:01 am

I CAN SEE HOW THIS COULD BE CONFUSING. I was referring to which trust we're claiming with the SA,
BC bond, UCC’s, lien and Treasury process. Most of us go after the Estate (the BC trust) which coverts
[covers?] everything since the SS trust and all of our securities are derived from the BC trust/Estate.

But there are reasons someone might choose to capture the SS trust instead, or even a lesser trust. Same process,
only specifying a different debtor. In that case, you would only be able to claim securities issued from that
lesser trust and all lesser trusts derived from it.

WHY IS THE ESTATE A DEBTOR? It is surety for all of the strawman's trusts. It's the portal to our
credit/labor/equity controlled by the Fed through Treasury on the private side. Hope that clarifies. Bill

#433 re. #419


Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:11 pm

In answer #5 you say: "Like most patriots, my original SA identified the strawman as the debtor. That means I
could never claim the securities in the BC trust account since the SS trust is a subsidiary of the BC estate."

I'm confused - the strawman is the debtor - you've already said this in previous posts - so it has no standing in
admiralty ....

#452 re. #436


Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:26 am


"First you learn to use this (his brain), and then I'll teach you to use this (his sword)." Argyle Wallace to
William (at least in the movie). Makes sense to me. Bill

#463 re. #422


Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:39 pm

When we appoint a public trust (judge) as trustee is this done verbally, if so, what would one say? Or is it done
by putting documentation on the record before we show up or would we even need to show up? What would
that documentation be?
Okay, so if I do everything wrong and show up and give them my name and sign the appearance bond, there
would be no tax owed because it's an original issue security?

Also, if the court is the beneficiary, how are they able to act as a trustee and invest/deposit the security or do
they do it in your name? So are they creating the trust on our behalf where we are the grantor and the trustee?
If they are using our SSN when filing with the IRS and/or the treasury then we would have to be the grantor,

So, after reading a little more about trusts, if a beneficiary or creator/grantor of a trust hires/appoints a trustee to
manage the trust for the benefit of the beneficiary/self, is the trust itself the owner or is the beneficiary the
owner? The trustee can only be the owner if he's actually a beneficiary/grantor who failed to hire/appoint a

At any rate, what I would be doing is entering into a trust between the public trust and myself/my estate where
my estate is put up on the table to pay for any restitution in the case that I am found to owe them. Ideally, the
judge/public trust would be named trustee rather than beneficiary so that I would be able to pay restitution
myself through my estate, rather than having the public trust paid directly from my estate? Is this the jist of it or
where might I need clarification?

#464 re. #422


Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:42 pm

So is the proxy with standing in admiralty our uppercase/lowercase name where the strawman is the all CAPs
name? Who would be the second proxy, would we need to create an llc or corp for this one?

#485 re. #463


Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:52 am

GOOD QUESTIONS "YOUNGLADY1975." Let's go one by one.........


2. A trustee can be appointed orally or in writing.

3. I choose to appear privately as Grantor and Beneficiary of the trust created by the deposit of the
charging SECURITY (not "instrument") in the Court's books. I choose to appear through my paperwork, the
nature of which depends on the individual situation (and understanding their internal policy to disregard
templated paperwork). By definition, whoever accepts a security has a fiduciary obligation to perform a/k/a he's
the trustee. If he does not, he's got problems due to securities and tax fraud, the same as if you accepted my
check and failed to provide the service.

4. If forced to appear physically, I can play possum, creditor, banker, claimant, or just general pain in the butt. I
can even play trustee if it would benefit the Beneficiary (me).

5. The Court does not create the trust (see above). This is a common misunderstanding. Very important.

6. I don't give them my name. Why would I allow them to play the name game and confuse me with a trust? I
would rather begin by terminating the false presumptions or recapturing my property. They can comply or
face the consequences, which will vary depending on the crimes and the status of the case.

7. Why would I sign an appearance bond? But if I did, it's MY security, not theirs, a security future to be
deposited like anything else, a bet against future performance. They will try to interpret it according to the
words on the page, but I will treat it like a security and hold them to performance.

8. The Court is not the beneficiary of my securities. That's the first presumption that goes out the window.

9. As to ownership, the securities are "placed in trust" with the Trustee. That is one of three ways to create
a trust (Sec 401, Uniform Trust Code). The beneficiary has beneficial interest in the property (a security
interest). Isn't that what we want? I hope this helps. Bill

** This Group will not facilitate typical foolishness like shooting from the hip, bluffing with sound bites, or
blaming failures on bad technology. There is no technology to fail, there's only understanding. Please exercise
good judgment or the Group will disappear from Yahoo.

#486 re. not listed

Re: Trustee in DSS case?

Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:59 am

is only one form of action, a civil action" (Rule 2, Fed. Rules of Civil Proc). If you know how to appoint a
trustee in one, you know how to appoint a trustee anywhere.

But let me clarify something. THEY ARE ALREADY THE TRUSTEE. It's really a matter of correcting
the false presumption.

You cannot transfer a BC. You only have a copy. The original is in the State files at the birth County seat.
However, a grandparent can certainly perfect a claim against the minor's securities if the parent defers. The
question is, does the grandparent have the understanding to act and enforce? Bill

#489 re. #434


Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:30 am

TO EPONYMOUS680........Every time I gloss over things instead of thinking them through, I wind up with
double the work. Reminds me of the old expression, The cheap man pays the most. Knowing how the trust
was created is critical because your response is NOT to create a trust but to clarify the existing one per

the Grantor's intent. As I said earlier, YOU WILL HAVE TO REWRITE MOST OF YOUR TAPES to finally
accommodate the truth about our world of fiction. Just like Marine boot camp.

The trust does not have a name. Many trusts do not. JUDGE JIM JUDAS is the name of the public trust that's
acting as the bank.

Your second paragraph is a perfect summary of the circumstances, especially the part about expressing the true

"All of this is done - publicly - with the USA being the construed (implied) beneficiary, and we're the
trustee/ surety? If we don't express, what I call, the true trust, that we are the true
grantor/beneficiary/depositor/donor, and all around good guy, then we will be liable for future
performance on that security that was deposited into trust....? And, no matter what the paper says, it's a
security? Bottom line?" Bill

#491 re. #486

Re: Trustee in DSS case?

Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:29 pm

You cannot transfer a BC. You only have a copy. The original is in the State files at the birth County
seat. However, a grandparent can certainly perfect a claim against the minor's securities if the parent
defers. The question is, does the grandparent have the understanding to act and enforce? Bill

So, there would be power in acquiring acceptance from the original informant and deposit with the court? I've
been toying with this idea. I do have a friend, however, who deposited the "Defendant" in the form of a BC
attached to an affidavit of identity and directed the court to discharge and close all current and future actions
connected to the case. The warrant disappeared. You may want to reconsider your previous statement.

#494 re. #485


Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:05 pm

wow.. so many thoughts and questions within this email you wrote.. ..that I now have and others could have
also.. My Foreclosure hearing/pretrial is this coming Thursday at 9 am. HELP!!

1. Did they issued a Bond when they assigned my case number on my Foreclosure Case?

and if they did,

2 you speak about the Appearance Band or perhaps it's called something else when a foreclosure? .. Does this
apply in Foreclosure also? and if it does

3. How can I avoid signing in without starting out on the wrong foot from the start?

Sign with a "X" ?? or Sign my name all in little letters? OR

s______ w______ putting this under it? OR

without recourse?

signing under duress

s_______ w________ again all little letters ?
without recourse

4. When they ask if SXXXXX WXXXXX is in the court? do i show them the Birth Cert. with all CAP'S name
stating that it is in the court. holding up the Birth Cert? and then also showing the original BC with my name in
small letter which is my original one that my parents kept and before they put my name all in CAP'S ?? then
Stating that I am the Flesh & Blood human woman giving my proof which represents the original BC only?
Then stating that I am "heir and administrator" of my legal person, Would this work ?


5. I've heard to get a Dismissal by doing what's below.. IS THIS TRUE?:

a) asking for Remedy (judge leaves court comes back in to regain jurisdiction)
b) you now ask for cure & maintenance ( judge leaves court again, comes back in to regain jurisdiction)
c) you state you only answer to The Divine Creator CASE DISMISSED !! Totally overriding all the filings
back and forth for the last 2.5 years

6. If object to any and all assumptions within any and all presumptions or vise versa AND I totally challenge
STANDING and demand FULL DISCLOSURE regarding what really happened regarding the Note and
Mortgage as to what they REALLY SAY.. Can I then claim to be the Grantor ( Grantor and Beneficiary of the
trust created by the deposit of the charging SECURITY (not "instrument") in the Court's books ) which I know
that I am and then appoint the Judge as the trustee to then DEMAND DISMISSAL !? for this darn foreclosure


#495 re. #491

Re: Trustee in DSS case?

Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:50 pm

You can assign your claim in the BC trust, but you are not the holder of the BC and cannot transfer it. Your
friend used a certified copy of the BC under UCC 9-311 to express his claim and the affidavit of status to
establish beneficiary status. But I promise you, the BC is still located in the vault in the records vault in his
home state. Bill

#497 re. #494

Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:18 pm

Sharon, I have no comment on the various strategies you propose other than to observe that they are not really a
part of this Group's curriculum. One observation may help however about strategizing. Visiting a Court with a
laundry list of possible strategies is a death sentence. Either you have mastered one approach, or not. It's not the
particular method that gives success or failure. IT'S YOU. When you strategize an approach as your fall
back position, you can expect to be falling back during the hearing. If you create energy of indecision,
weakness and failure, you can expect indecision, weakness and failure. Those who win are the ones who
have no doubt that they will. That's just the way the universe works. The strategies you cite are weak because
they rely upon discretion. When you understand the matrix of securities and trusts, all the discretion reverts to

CONSIDER talking about estates, trusts, securities, grantors and beneficiaries until you have mastered this
knowledge AND COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND how to enforce it. You'll get clobbered.

IT'S ESSENTIAL you read Maxim #1, posting 485, because you are about to walk off a cliff. I would suggest
sticking with the things you understand, and commanding the miracles you seek in Yehoshua's name. Blessings
to you. Bill

P.S. The reason BCs and notary certificates are ignored is because they are not proved. See Fed R Civ. Proc 44
and 28 USC 1739. They need to be authenticated (NOT apostiled).

#499 re. #497

Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:49 pm

You mean that the CoLB from the bureau of Vital statistics with the embossed seal isn't considered

#505 re. #489


Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:09 pm

I think y'all are giving the judge too much credit. The clerk is the bank and the true court. The judge is just the
smoke in mirrors, though tied to the court- and some responsibility on his/her part, the clerk is the one who
issues warrants (after they are signed by a law enforcement agency or a judicial official) - the clerk is also the
one who gives a case number, holds monies for judgments and transfers funds to CRIS system. The clerk holds
the records and the power to make things get 'lost' or go away completely. The judge is just a puppet.

Char ~ I fight what you fear!

#508 re. #505


Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:48 am
PLEASE EXCUSE THIS CORRECTION. I never like to disagree with my colleagues so forgive me for setting
the record straight for the common good. But this Group is committed to dispelling the long list of flawed
patriot philosophy that has focused our attention on defective remedies......THE NOTION THAT THE CLERK
IS THE COURT IS ONE OF THOSE FALLACIES. It is based on subtle defects in logic and insufficient
research. Like many other delusions, once uttered it spread like a plague in a community desperate for answers.

First of all, by definition, both courts (of record) and incorporated Courts CONSIST OF JUDGES. Just read the

Corporate Courts:
28 USC Sec. 1 Number of justices; quorum
The Supreme Court of the United States shall consist of a Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate
justices, any six of whom shall constitute a quorum.

Pennsylvania Revised Statutes

Title 42, Sec. 501. Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania shall consist of the Chief Justice of Pennsylvania and six associate justices.

courts of record
28 USC 132
b) Each district court shall consist of the district judge or judges for the district in regular active service.

"SHALL CONSIST OF" pretty much ends the argument regardless of how committed we are to our own logic.

SECONDLY, as to logic, a bank teller has all the same fiduciary responsibilities that the member cited.
Nonetheless, the bank is the fiduciary of record.

THIRDLY, we may have forgotten that when a Judge gives an instruction to a Clerk, the clerk will almost
always obey.

LASTLY, the reality is that when a Court withholds our setoffs, the JUDGE TRUST is the party against whose
account the taxable termination must be assessed if we are to have satisfaction.

Again, I apologize for any embarrassment this may cause. I would prefer that the bigger lesson is that if we all
begin to examine our beliefs and the utterings of our colleagues in Yahoo and Google Groups, on blogs, emails
and at seminars, we might not still be using the same failed methods, and worse, advocating them to newbies at
the Groups. Just because someone has a website or advocates a protocol, does not make them an authority. THE

With love in my heart, Bill

#509 re. #508


Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:52 am

There has been some other groups, and I do not know what success they have had, that used Oaths and
acceptances thereof. What my heart tells me is that going against the (divine) oath and would not be agreement
and would not move the title to the security for the beneficiary. Could you maybe post your opinion on that Bill,
please. a man called thomas

#510 re. #509


Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:23 am

Not exactly sure what you mean, BUT AN OATH IS NOT WHAT YOU HAVE EVER BEEN TOLD. IT'S A
fanciful version of the acceptance that appears at the end of a trust agreement. (In the public trust, the directives
are all of the statutes, case law and regulations.) It's his confession of his true status and his agreement to

As you have seen it can be used in many ways. Some have tried to use it to solidify the general contract into a
specific contract. Most people cite the oath out of desperation before going down in flames.

A simple acceptance on an AUTHENTICATED copy of an oath converts the judge from administrative
to ministerial duty. That can be helpful if you understand the significance. The last time I did that, I was a
plaintiff and the judge was replaced overnight. (Then I made a tactical error based upon faulty research and
blew the case. That's how we learn.)

As a trustee's acceptance, an oath has potential benefit when expressing the true trust or converting it into a
security. In that case, I would actually refer to it "as your acceptance of trusteeship" or words to that effect.

As long as the Court presumes to be the beneficiary, the Judge can, and likely will, ignore the statues and rules
and his oath. Bill


TOPIC: pleading guilty to the facts

Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:03

Hi to All,

Couple of years ago I came across this on one of the forums:

He treats everything (he's an ex-banker) as a CREDITOR and loves to use commercial law as much as you guys
love to use common law.

He used his philosophy successfully in California for not having a license plate. Appeared with no lawyer, not
famous, just himself. This is his key:

YOUR HONOR, I plead GUILTY to the FACTS, not the controversy, and would like to effect payment



This is essentially a demurrer to the charge without the affidavit.

It works because there are no facts, and the entire process is defective on it's face.

There is something in commercial law called "acceptance for honor"

That is right, and even if the judge said, the facts, you would say yes, the facts. He most likely would say, what
facts. Your response would be, CORRECT SIR (I NEVER, call a judge your honor), I have not been presented
nor been served with any facts in this case.

I respectfully ask you all to think about your LEVERAGE (both in how you handle matters and in credit). I
sincerely believe that we can win these matters much more often with a CREDITOR viewpoint instead of a
debtor one. It appears to be very similar to what Motla68 has posted. Victor


back to basics
Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:15 am

Greetings all,

OK, so from reading through the posts, we [should] have learned that all securities issued against the
Estate, although maybe not issued "by" us, are issued "by us" [via assumed / presumed / expressed /
implied POA]

[My] logic would dictate that there are two parallel issues:
1) deal with the securities that get issued (i.e. traffic ticket, criminal charge, complaint etc.) and
2) the original issue, being a B/C in Canada / SSN in the US - being the token used by the public to ledger
the securities against our Estate.

[As per stated goal of this group] to move comprehension forward, lets keep them separate and expand on each.

1) we have learned - public trust (see Uniform Trust Code in "Files Section") can appoint Judge as
Trustee ... etc....

2)involves claiming the Estate - UCC 8 Entitlement Holder - use proxy to evidence claim - involves 4
documents ?? - Sec of Treas. US (governor to/of IMF) and MOF in CA (governor to/of IMF).

[Has to be held by IMF - who else is lending "money" to EVERY corporate government in the planet - and
where did they get that "money" / credit from??]

Seems to me, once you complete #2, #1 [almost] takes care of itself.

I can appreciate xxx is in trouble, and yyyy’s got this issue, and zzzz is losing his home, and I myself blah, blah,
blah. Not to appear unsympathetic, but millions of people lose their homes, and go to jail, and xxxx. NONE of
which relates to [the stated goal of this group] moving forward comprehension of the remedy.

Seems to me, if everyone on this group had a clear and precise comprehension of # 2 [COMPREHENSION, not
templates], ALL other issues would resolve themselves. I am a firm believer that it is time the world changes
for those who know who they are, and have enough faith to make that change.

So, in the spirit of 'cracking this nut', seems to me if everyone so inclined focused on #2, the journey would be
easier / quicker.

So, what do we know so far:

[educated guess:]

B2B 1) Need Claim

- go READ UCC article 8, comprehend what an Entitlement Holder is

B2B 2) Probably need to give NOTICE


B2B 3) hmmmm, living man does not belong in commerce, cannot be on a UCC (ever wonder why they only do
all caps???)
- need proxy

B2B 4) need to assert / enforce / control?? claim

- send ??? to ?????
- 2nd proxy - CRA / IRS ????

I would suggest each of us go read Galatians 4, King James [commerce] Version. Look around, figure out if you
are a) being treated like a slave, b) under the control of a Governor (in every State / Province) c) in bondage to
the elements of this earth, d) have received the adoption of sons yet.

NOTICE you will not be GIVEN the adoption of sons, but rather "that we MIGHT receive the adoption of sons"
The gift to you is the opportunity, the rest is up to you.

Seems like someone who is responsible for themselves and in control of their commerce and inheritance
(reached the age of majority) would man up and take care of their issues themselves.

If we take these B2B discussion points, complete the sequence, and expand on each one till they are fully
comprehended, seems like we will have met the mandate of this group, and given everyone the tools to take
care of their own issues. For those that are still looking for a quick fix / someone else to do it, you "MIGHT
receive the adoption of sons" when you are ready.

I would even suggest a different thread for each B2B point to expand for those less read - to provide clarity /
study resources etc. Create new B2B thread as each new step reveals itself.

Just a few thoughts humbly submitted.

#515 re. #512

Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:27 am

Welcome to the Group victor. Good information. One item though. We would never want to call a Judge "sir"
which is derived from "sire." Rather than a term of respect, "sir" a higher officer. And of course "sire" is
associated with a father or king.

It is acceptable to call it "JUDGE," as you are really addressing "Judge Tim Terrible, TTEE" who is "acting" on
behalf of the JUDGE TIM TERRIBLE trust. That's why they call them actors. In this way, it's clear who is
liable. "Well then, Judge, I will instruct my fiduciary to charge the liability to your public trust."

Of course, once they see you're in command, it doesn't matter what you call them. Bill

#521 re. #514

Re: back to basics

Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:01 am

I can see you've gotten the picture quite handily. One thing though, once you have #2, that's when it gets busy
resolving all the issues, pursuing your funds, and even tending to cashing out. Bill

#523 re. #499

Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:56 am

No. The signature has to be authenticated. And technically, the authentication has to be certified. See Fed.
Rule of Civ. Proced. 44, 28 USC 1739 and:
Bill[Vic disagrees as per what is said in Vital Statistics Act. Thing may be different south of us]

#525 re. below


Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:05 pm

Here's something simple: You can tell the judge respectfully that you would like him to act in ministerial
capacity for the rest of the case, and to hear your evidence. Then show him what you've got, hopefully
including a copy of the bank's ledgers showing they enter the note as an asset. Then we get the bank
officer on the stand and ask HIM if the banks records will show they performed by giving you credit to
the full value of the note?

If you know the issues, you can establish all the evidence you need by questioning the bank's officers. Let them
build the case for you. You start with simple questions to get them to stick their foot in it ("So the bank gave
consideration on the note?"), and once THEY open the door, you move in over plaintiff's attorney's objections.
"Sawasinc@..." <Sawasinc@...> re. #497
Saturday, July 28, 2012 8:26 PM

ok I understand what you are saying but I think that I have messed up already as this has been going on
2.5 yrs.. and we are down to the wire now.. and with what you wrote at the very bottom of this email.. it
caused me have those 6 questions so I don't mess up anymore.. it's not that I was going to use various
things.. but I am scared to death as I am on my own here and thus I was asking questions about what a
few things that you stated below ..

1. Did they issued an Appearance Bond when they assigned my case number on my Foreclosure

2. And regarding signing in..

How can I avoid signing in without starting out on the wrong foot from the start? I KNOW who I am.. I
know it was my signature that created the energy that allowed them to deposit that Note. which makes
me the creditor.. I know this.. but it's hard to know all of the ins and outs of how they can trip me up !!!

If I have to sign in I don't know how I would do that. just sign it??? this hooks me !!!

Sign with a "X" ?? or Sign my name all in little letters? OR

s______ w______ putting this under it? OR

without recourse?

signing under duress

s_______ w________ again all little letters ??
without recourse

4. When they ask if SXXXXX WXXXXX is in the court? NOOOOOO he's dead !!! But again they are
in one frame of mind and I am in another... so would I show them the Birth Cert with all CAP'S name
stating that the dead entity is in the court. holding up the Birth Cert? and then also showing the original
B Cert with my name in small letter which is my original one that my parents kept and before they put
my name all in CAP'S ?? then Stating that I am the Flesh & Blood human woman giving my proof
which represents the original BC only? Then stating that I am "heir and administrator" of my legal
person here to settle this matter, Would this work ? I sure as heck don't want them to appoint an atty. for
me !!!


5. I've heard to get a Dismissal by doing what's below.. IS THIS TRUE??? as I DO NOT know if it's
true ???? :

a) asking for Remedy (judge leaves court comes back in to regain jurisdiction)

b) you now ask for cure & maintenance ( judge leaves court again, comes back in to regain jurisdiction)

c) you state you only answer to The Divine Creator (judge leaves and you state let the record reflect the
judge has left the court THIS CASE IS NOW DISMISSED !! which would totally cancel OUT all my
mistakes during the last 2.5 yrs..??

6. and you stated.. 2 times.. of power

If object to any and all assumptions within any and all presumptions or vise versa AND I totally
challenge STANDING and demand FULL DISCLOSURE regarding what really happened regarding the
Note and Mortgage as to what they REALLY SAY.. and then tell them I AM the Grantor ( Grantor and
Beneficiary of the trust created by the deposit of the charging SECURITY (not "instrument") in the
Court's books ) which I know that I am and then appoint the Judge as the trustee to then DEMAND
DISMISSAL ! ?? for this darn foreclosure case??


#527 re. below


Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:08 pm

YOU ARE CORRECT TO BE CONCERNED Sharon. Filing truth into a public case is a contempt. I have a
friend who filed an affidavit explaining such truth in a lowly credit card case and he was immediately arrested
by a small brigade. Think of it this way. How do criminals and politicians (yes, I know) react when confronted
with the possibility of being exposed? Ask Jimmy Hoffa. WHY WOULD WE THINK A JUDGE IS ANY
DIFFERENT? Do you think they want securities and tax fraud placed into the record?

Conclusion: we address their trustee obligations and breaches privately. Yes it can be helpful to have the
CUSIP’s on hand. But it's not essential if we can say:

"These are your choices, and if you don't perform, then I will retain all title to the securities and this guy here
with all the right credentials is going to file everything on your behalf as an assessment against your bond."

One error patriots have been making for years is trying to introduce evidence of fraud into a case instead of
holding the trustees of record liable for their failures to perform. The first problem is obvious: THEY
ALREADY KNOW THEY'RE SCREWING YOU. It's what they do. It's what they enjoy. They've long ago
rationalized the shame. It's why they fight to the teeth to hold office.

Secondly, the evidence has not been made admissible per Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 44 and 28 USC 1739.

The difference is this: enraging them by filing evidence of their own misdeeds in the public case, or scaring
them senseless by serving evidence privately of your ability to collect for the misdeeds you know they commit?


These sorts of issues go straight to the heart of HOW and WHY we do things, rather than individual situations.
This basic lack of perception as to how the other side thinks explains why patriots keep getting clobbered for
speaking truth. Bill

Am I am trouble now?
"Sawasinc@..." <Sawasinc@...>
Saturday, July 28, 2012 9:18 PM

If I had a securitization exam done and it shows from the SEC website the CUSIP numbers (12) and that
there's no Cumulative Realized losses .. AND I showed that the Servicer who has me in foreclosure does
not have standing because it's the mother company that is the securitizer... and I filed this into the case
will I be in trouble?? it's the PSA/PROSPECTUS


#529 re. #486

Re: Trustee in DSS case? [

Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:48 pm

There is a difference in a way- with a criminal charge someone obtains a warrant and gives you a court date.
Easy to argue and get out of. DSS is much different. In this particular case, a parent gets an emergency custody
order cause mom was beaten by her boyfriend. Judge signs based of false things in the complaint sheriff shows
up to take child. Now you must go to court to get the child back. Thats a huge difference in the logistics of a
case. The overall concept may be the same, but if you dont appear or argue it right, the court gives the child to
whomever wants him/her. Char

#532 re. #529


Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:27 pm


There are many times we sit back and bide our time playing the trustee: signing a check, accepting a traffic
ticket, playing the Defendant in a Court case.

CONTROLLING THE BENEFICIARY. [entitlement holder I presume?]

Translation: when it's to OUR benefit.

If they have the kids? We can choose to jump through the hoops until they're returned.

Once they're back, it's time to reclaim our securities and give them their orders.

Someone who's really skilled might meet with the Judge in chambers and set him straight. When Judges see that
you know who you are, you know what to do, and you're operating on conviction and not just belief, they have
been known to comply and move on. Bill

#541 re. #537

Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:23 am

so, the BC is a certified copy from the Registrar, the Registrars Seal is authenticated by the state Secretary of
State, then the state Secretary of States seal is authenticated by the federal Secretary of State and then you need
to have that signature certified ???? or the whole package filed [ county, UCC] and then certified copies taken
out ?????

#543 re. #541


Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:28 am

People see the BC as being straightforward. Actually, there are many possible scenarios. I could talk to you for
hours about it. Depending on what you're trying to do, it may or may not need to be authenticated. We don't for
T process, but I think the original question was about using it as evidence in Court - that's a different ball game.
The significance of the BC is not the document, but its value as evidence of your priority claim. Bill

P.S. they don't authenticate seals. They authenticate signatures.

#544 re. #541


Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:32 am

One other thing...I recognized the protocol you mentioned, so I took the liberty of confirming at DOT by your
email. I understand what you're trying to do, the problem is it doesn't parallel what happens inside the agency
which is why most of the "Estaters" are still struggling with liens. You might find the Estate posting I left some
time ago. It might be helpful. Your mentor should be able to explain the T process to you, although I understand
the new crop tend to make themselves "strategically" unavailable until "you grease their palm. Be aware that
some of them are operating on partial information and recycling old (not necessarily bad) information. The
county is not necessary to develop a maritime lien, in fact, it can destroy it. But once you progress to the
T process, it can be helpful if you want certified copies for some reason. You can also use a triple-sig
process to have the probate court certify it. And those little tidbits didn't even require ch-ching! Bill

#551 re. #523

Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:55 pm

It almost seems that one's "status" would be acknowledged as an "American", and not a US Citizen, or am I
steering in a different direction Bill? From some of the "gurus" thought processes, folks could access the DTC
accounts privately with a sponsor. After all, if we are reclaiming "our" securities, then maybe some of the
info(or fragments thereof) spread out there are viable, just not cogently disseminated. If we were to maneuver
through commerce as "US Citizens", and attempt to reclaim our securities, then we would be acknowledged as
QIB's, would we not, Bill? Thanks for the info you are sharing,,,, it is appreciated by the majority of those here,
I believe, Ken

#553 re. #525


Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:08 pm

Here is a link to more education about what Bill references below... download the PDF Manual from this site
and see especially pages 145-151.

Or just right click on below link and select Save target as...

Also, if you can, get the "Call Reports" from the quarter in which they processed your loan, so that you can
expose that it is the Lender's policy [not an inadvertent mistake for just your loan) to not disclose to borrowers
the "Accounts Payable" Credit entry that offsets the "Cash" Debit entry that constituted your complete loan
"transaction", in accordance with GAAP.. The Call Report will show that the Lender's Assets increased by
approximately the amount of the Loans granted during that period. This should not occur if the Lender lent their
own assets. See GAAS auditing standards for more reports to request from the Lender.


#569 re. #551

Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:25 am

We're not operating as QIBs, ck. We're expressing our claim through the BC trust, or in some cases, through
one of the lesser trusts derived from it. American status is foreign to, and recognized in, the (28 USC 3002)
United States. So we use a hired gun. We get ourselves a Paladin. Bill

#577 re. #2


Wed Aug 1, 2012 4:34 pm

Do you think we can figure what this status is by study?

"You have to have the very specific status IRS requires to process your forms when you foreclose on them."

#581 re. below


Thu Aug 2, 2012 9:44 am

Thank you for the posting nicholas. I know and like Jim, but the method you are suggesting below is of course
outside the ability of public officials to recognize, so it tends to lead to controversy. If you attempt ANY
commercial procedure from it, they tend to respond forcefully.

What we are concentrating on is reclaiming our securities as taught to us by the very people who do the
enforcement. So everything we send in is transparent, completely justified, and quite workable. This way we
don't fear a visit, we welcome it. Bill

genestreetkid <wehocayankee@...>
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 5:13 PM

If anything I believe james thomas: mcbride has some helpful sites which has been posted previously. and Please take time to review the sites. The documents
you do are free: there is a service template that costs twenty dollars if you want to get the most recent
automated documents. But signing up is free on SuiJuris.Me and you can get all documents there with
all instructions. Basically you have five documents to fill out and print on specific stationary as the
documents you do are created to establish yourself outside of the Military Industrial Complex/ out of the
14th amendment and place you in the land of the living: original jurisdiction. It is about Trust law and
the links are all on With supplies and postage suggested. Best to your situation,


#583 re. below


Thu Aug 2, 2012 9:52 am

I don't know if you're the same nicholas in the last email, but as you have discovered, it can be lonely living on
the land as a one man nation/estate. Once you understand trusts, securities and the beauty of tax law when
commanded from the proper station, then freedom becomes redefined from a constant battle to prove we're
not an "owner" / tenant / debtor, to simply operating the mechanisms already in place by paying and seeking
recoupment for certain securities annually (mechanisms like Public Law 73-10).

As to your question, I'm not sure I followed it. Sorry. But let me observe that there's not much one can do sui
juris when acting as a tenant with respect to a landlord. A tenant is a trustee on the trust indenture known as the
rental agreement or lease. He has most of the obligation to perform. THE BEAUTY OF OPERATING IN
COMMERCE KNOWLEDGEABLY is that you can operate as trustee or beneficiary at will. It is to your
benefit to play the trustee when you sign a check, pay the rent, or even sign a traffic ticket, because you
control the beneficiary (yourself) and will enjoy the benefits of those actions, and can have satisfaction
later upon recoupment. Those who eventually know this and understand how to accomplish it tend to
quickly lose their taste for sovereignty in favor of living life to the fullest while the Father is so inclined.

So I can stand on the lawn next to my private mailbox in front of my house with no 911 numbers on it waiting
for the swat team, or I can go about life knowing how to control my environment like the Rockefellers. In a
world where bankers have bled the masses for thousands of years, the latter seems pretty good until I meet the
Creator face to face. Bill
nicholas-peter via SuiJuris.Me site
Nicholas Furlano <wehocayankee@...>
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 4:26 PM


I read your post on SuiJuris.Me and find it very helpful. I understand most people do not believe in
being out of work (normally) but I am one of many that is out of work. That being said, I have done my
documents through JT's sites. Things are so much better.

However, I have one concern (I am still learning about Trust Law via the education area put up by JT)
which I have asked about. It perhaps is related to Trusts or being a rookie after doing my paperwork in
the original jurisdiction of maintaining status as 'beneficiary' of the Trust. My question is:

I have rent past due and have been unable to secure any stable work. Is there a possibility of me
receiving any letter from landlord/owner trying to evict me I should like to know from understanding
Trust Law; (our sub accounts have not been activated yet via the PMG of NA) shouldn't I be able to
handle the situation should a notice be given? I never thought I would be unable to pay rent. My
intention is to understand how to solve my situation upon receipt of such 'Notice'.

Thank you for any direction,

nicholas-peter: Furlano


30 day time limit to file an appeal

Thu Aug 2, 2012 12:23 pm

I have a judgment for foreclosure which was on 07/02/2012. In the order they stated that I have 30 days to
appeal. I don't have all the information that I need to complete the appeal. Will I be able to go past the 30 days?

#590 re. #583


Thu Aug 2, 2012 12:51 pm

Bill, the below makes perfect sense - use what is already in place - why re-invent the wheel? My question is
this: how could any average man or woman know this? Unless one is born into this informational inheritance,
then it seems that the average man or woman - my brother's and sisters - are lost, and floating around in the
Sea of commerce. Or, is it, by the Father's will, do we come across the "Way", and come out of 'Her'?
Another question I have is, Winston Shrout talks about the King James Bible, and how commerce is based on it
- is there truth to this? Or is this more Patriot mythology? I would think, that there would be a parallel - for
example, just reading Galatians 4:23 "But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the
freewoman was by promise." I would like to think, or feel that we are all born of the 'promise'....and not of the
'bondwoman', but this is about choice.....I choose freedom. I know who my Father is....
- peacemaker -


TOPIC: Do you REALLY understand the system? MOST DO NOT

Thu Aug 2, 2012 1:01 pm

replace payment with discharge, give us a credit economy, and outlaw repayment in lawful money? Of course.

But the people who keep the books and enforce the laws think otherwise. And THEY ARE RIGHT, at least
where it counts in the public institutions that can provide our remedy.

PL 73-10 (Public Law 73-10 aka HJR 192 aka z) installed barter and EVEN-exchange as the official
economic system in the United States Federal corporation. If you give me something, I have to give you
something of equal value. And vice versa.

In this society, that something is NOT the house, the car or the groceries. That something is a cash receipt
issued under the Financial Accounting Standards Board, Standard 95 (see file section to download) and
generally accepted accounting principles. The receipt is exchanged for a security in the form of a check, a
Federal Reserve Note, or a credit card receipt.

The same is true in Court. It's all about exchanging securities. When they "charge" the Defendant as a
presumed trustee that failed to uphold the public trust (statutes and codes), it is automatically liable since it
must give them a security of equal value in return. THEY ARE LEVYING THE ESTATE UNDER PL
73-10. PL 73-10 gives them the statutory "right" to assess the Estate as surety for the Social Security
strawman account that was created from it. The Strawman is Lucifer's version of Adam being charged for its
sins for buying and selling as described in Chapter 13 of Revelation.

Like the Indictment, a warrant or summons is also an assessment, a security identifying the payee (them),
the payer (the Strawman), the term (maximum prison time), the amount (penal sum), and the date.
Doesn't that make perfect sense?

THE KEY: Once we make it known that WE hold the priority security interest in all the securities
(indictment, warrant, appearance bond, summons, complaint, etc.) everything changes in our favor. Since
they are assessing the Strawman (our Debtor) to charge the bill to the Estate account (our primary
Debtor), then THEY revert to being the trustee by definition since THEY received the deposit of the
securities in the Court's records when they opened the case account and issued a case # and case bond.

Nonetheless, we still owe them a security under PL 73-10 (and you thought it was about the gold). So when
we appear PRIVATELY in the court of record (without which their corporate court cannot exist) as the
Grantor and Beneficiary of the trust THEY created when they deposited OUR indictment security in
their books, when we appear as the actual Depositor of record and give them a payment instrument
PROPERLY drawn by the PROPER parties and a directive to process, now THEY have the obligation to
perform as Trustee under PL 73-10.

AND IF THEY DO NOT, then THEY, not us, are in breach of trust and subject to foreclosure, and in violation
of PL 73-10 by having failed to execute the mandatory EVEN exchange, and having failed to REDUCE THE
PUBLIC DEBT upon demand. This means that THEY owe the taxes on the gain, and transfer taxes under IRC
2611 and 12 for having terminated our interest in our security, and taxes on the sale of the case bond.

Once you understand HJR 192, then you also understand the accounting philosophy by which the
bookkeeping agency operates the accounts.


DANGEROUS. Do NOT act on this meager email summary. IF YOU EXPOSE THE FRAUD IN OPEN

#592 re. #588

Re: 30 day time for appeal-NOT IF ITS A COURT OF RECORD

Thu Aug 2, 2012 1:11 pm

Camille, this is off-topic for the Group, but let me just say that a ruling from a Court can be appealed AT
ANY TIME to a court of record. This is one sentence in what could be weeks of study to understand courts of
record and the like unless you have a study group member who is well versed in the court of record, for instance
the Supreme Court ruling that states IN PLAIN LANGUAGE that even it must obey the ruling of a court
of record.

An appeal to a court of no record (i.e. a Court aka an incorporated Court aka a court of inferior jurisdiction
(meaning statutes)), is governed by the inferior law, namely statues. Bill

#594 re. #590


Thu Aug 2, 2012 1:29 pm

Eponymous: I'm familiar with Winston's source on that. But let's expand it a bit. ALL versions of the Bible
warned us about the moneychangers, mammon, and disagreeing with thine enemies. That's a pretty good

I view the world as a giant laboratory where the Father permitted Lucifer to roam to allow His children to
exercise AND NURTURE their powers of free will and choice. Reading a single instructional booklet for an
IRS form tells us how far most people have strayed from Faith and cognitive reasoning. Where is, "I'm
supposed to do all of that instead of play with my kids????" The Father gave us His spirit in His Son intending
that He volunteer to be butchered to provide us a clean slate and pathway home. And still, very few accept the

You want to know WHY I started this Group? For me, controlling commerce is my way of "overturning" the
moneychangers (isn't that what we're doing?) and manifesting my promise to Him to bring souls into the
Kingdom. This is my way of reaching out. Let us all pray for forgiveness and Faith. Bill

P.S. This is why no one on this site will slander their brothers be they Winston, Kennedy, Smith or any of the
other dedicated servants that shared the insight that led so many to their present level of sophistication. Thanks
for the question.

#604 re. not listed


Thu Aug 2, 2012 4:20 pm


There are two estates, the public and private estates.

The private estate consists of your inheritance from the Creator. Period. The body He bequeathed to your care,
the air it requires to sustain, the earth beneath your feet, the food it bears, your reproductive abilities, and your
possessions and holdings.

As you have seen your whole life, the corporation has used the misnomer (mis-naming) scam to constitute a
mirror image of everything in your private estate. They created religious corporations to supplant your
churches, incorporated Courts to replace the de jure courts of record, dimes and quarters to replace the
"dismes" and "quarter dollar" coins defined by the National Coinage Act of 1792, the United States to supplant
the United States of America, and even fictional "persons" - strawmen - to supplant men and women.
Similarly, they created a public estate to supplant the private estate.

A public estate is devised from three events: the imprinting of an infants footprint on a hospital notice
that the infant was born at that location, which is presumed to be a pledge of the infant's future labor.

The second event is the certification of the infant's pledge for the purpose of issuing securities. This results
in a long form Certificate of Birth which is executed by the Registrar of the incorporated County, and
serves to transmit the pledge into the public domain by way of a process known as certification.

Sound familiar? Isn't certification the process used by Bank of America to securitize your credit card application
- your pledge - by transferring it to FIA Card Services, which transfers it to BA MASTER CREDIT CARD
TRUST II, which issues certificates backed by the application (the pledge) so that BA CREDIT
CARD TRUST can issue BA Series Notes to investors? See the flowchart in the Group's file section in which
BOA graphs these transactions from its SEC 424(b)(5) prospectus.

The third event is the creation of an account on the books of the Department of the Treasury to
accommodate the deposit of the Certificate of Birth into the account. The sole purpose of the account is to
leverage (issue) securities backed by the infant's future labor, the same way BOA issues BA Series Notes.

This is the series of events that creates the mirror image public estate. Whereas the private estate is your Divine
inheritance, the public estate consists of all accounts and securities (including currency) which are used to
leverage your future labor by issuing securities against the Treasury birth account. IS IT ANY WONDER THIS

The first such derivative security is the birth bond which is represented (noticed) in the public by the
SHORT FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE [evidence the bond exists] and exchanged with the Fed for

currency. This exchange of securities (bonds for Federal Reserve Note securities), whether at birth or
during the so-called bailout of 2008, is how currency is placed in circulation.

Another derivative of the BC trust estate is The Social Security account which is also used to leverage
securities, namely the Social Security bonds that are represented by the routing and bond numbers listed
on the back of your Social Security cards.

accounts and securities derived thereby, everything in the public which has been derived from the
infant's pledge.

As with all the other misnomered corporate substitutes, the public estate is a mirror image of the private
estate. With that knowledge, can you guess from whom it's derived? If the Father is the source of the private
estate, can the public estate arise from anyone other than Lucifer? Now you know why the public estate
contains all of life's sinful TEMPTATIONS amalgamated into a Matrix of liability, idolization and demonic
accounting (double entry bookkeeping) where everything adds up to zero every day.

How do you know that anything I've said is true? Once you understand securities and trusts, is it not self-
evident? If an entire day's transactions totals zero on the books of every financial institution in the Country, do
you need any more proof that HJR 192 installed a system of EVEN-exchange barter as I disclosed in my last
posting? And that the problem is that you're not getting the even exchange to which you are entitled?

How do I know that the deposit of the infant's pledge into the public books is diabolical? Because the same
demonic scheme of false presumptions is used by every U.S. Court to presume they can deposit our pledge into
their books to issue for-profit case bonds BEFORE we appear in the building.

Because every U.S. bank uses the scheme to hijack our credit for the issuance of for-profit notes to investors
without ever disclosing the theft of our credit.

Because Papa Bush had the audacity to lecture Enron about the evils of securitization when he was CEO of the
largest securitizing entity in the history of world.

Who else but Lucifer could have designed such a system? Is it any wonder that the Christ overturned the
moneychangers' tables?

By the way, though I am proud to be nothing more than a child of the Creator, the private estate is useless for
dealing with the public securities and trusts which are derived from the BC "pledge." THIS IS WHY
YOUR ESTATE LETTERS FAILED. You have been taught to proudly hide your head in the sand with respect
to understanding the commercial world around you.

But don't be surprised if Lucifer decides to mess around with you when he sees your behind sticking out. Bill

#605 re. post not included


Posted By: fdmfghr
Thu Aug 2, 2012 4:08 pm \

This is where the lines become very blurred for me, having resided in both Canada and U.S. Canadian treasury
board has, at least officially, very different lineup with U.S. version of this, at least to my reading of it. Receiver
General is the appropriations settlement officer/office on a practical levels for all government issuances of fiat
checks, etc.
I am personally right now planning to make send offs to all 3 of duplicates of demands for official
discharge....have not tried this so far, but hey, it's no worse than any other option which does not work and
might just succeed!!



Fri Aug 3, 2012 11:03 am

TO THE MEMBERS, BEWARE, the vultures have come out the woodwork and are preying on the members of
this Group. "Mentors" are asking for huge retainers and promising the world. This is part of an ongoing
campaign orchestrated by the Masons to milk the patriot community dry and create chaos.

PLEASE VISIT THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION search site and search for the name "Estate"
(Google: "SAFER SEARCH" or simply use this link:*ESTATE*&SEARCHTYPE=

You will see HUNDREDS of patriots who have begun the so-called Estate process, only to be abandoned after
being milked dry. Much of the activity is centered in Georgia, NC, TENN and NYC.

The vultures are easy to spot. They often speak like preachers. They share their time generously during sales
call but will NEVER return emails or take phone calls until you offer more money. They complete many
procedures for you (like getting a foreign EIN for the Estate) instead of showing you how to do it yourself.
Your previous teachers will be slandered. You will never quite receive all the information even if you book
special sessions to address specific issues, so you can never complete any of the processes. Some will offer to
sell you trusts at $20K a pop, or membership in a secret society, or deliverance through "retreats."

In contrast, a true mentor will be GENUINELY humble, caring and forgiving, and will be so obviously called to
teaching that the learning experience will be efficient, effective and fulfilling rather than A SERIES OF

This message is not intended to slander anyone. I urge the members to be aware of patterns of antisocial
behavior that patriots have accepted out of desperation. LISTEN TO THE FATHER'S WORD AS

#616 re. below


Fri Aug 3, 2012 11:20 am

Allen, good thought but recording the BC in the tax assessor's office won't get you anything, if such recording is
even supported since real property claims go through the commercial registry (UCC). It is the claim against
the certificate, properly perfected, that moves the public to follow your directives. Bill

Allen Murray <actiontigercat@...>
Monday, July 30, 2012 9:11 AM

Hi Bill, how r u? Have u ever heard of recording the BC in the tax assessor's office?

#618 re. #605


Fri Aug 3, 2012 11:45 am

Iris, that's a lot of effort for no reason. You follow the money, the bonds, and it takes you back to the issuer's
agent. Who trades bonds for currency with the BOC? Bill

#622 re. below


Fri Aug 3, 2012 12:14 pm

GOOD POINT, JOHN. Understanding the accounting is key to understanding the public scam and the
remedy to it. It's in the accounting that your securities get robbed. I just spent a couple of days reviewing
that with someone. It was like watching her let her breath out after a long wait. No need asking a Court to
answer what we already know, I'd rather hold them accountable for the exchange, taxes or return. Bill

Signature Graphics printing <iesignaturegraph1@...>
Thursday, August 2, 2012 11:04 AM

After many years of searching for the answers we all seem to be chasing and only knowing for sure that
things are not what they seem, I often wonder if the sky is really blue. If it's not what color is it? Is it
blue because somebody told me it's blue.

Do you see any evidence or documents that might be presented in a bankruptcy case that might help get
any answers to which we might be searching? I say this because a bankruptcy discharges debt. In
accounting there has to be offsetting entries. I wonder what the offsetting entry is and to what account is
it made?

Who is in charge of the accounting? How do you think one might get the court to best answer those
questions? John


Pleading Guilty to the Facts

Fri Aug 3, 2012 12:47

Hello All. I was reading posts regarding pleading guilty to the facts and I'm wondering if it's necessary or a
good idea to put the facts [your facts] into evidence before one would do this and before one is to appear. If
anyone has clarifications please share. Thanks a lot!
#625 re. #623


Fri Aug 3, 2012 1:45 pm

RECOMMENDING THAT APPROACH. What has never been explained to you is that pleading guilty to the
facts acknowledges the Corporate jurisdiction and your authority over it. What are the facts? That it's an
admiralty Court, that the Defendant is a U.S. employee, that they have a right to charge the Social
Security account (Defendant) for any and all statutory infractions, that the Defendant is a trustee bound
to obey the statutes, that the Court officers are presumed to be telling the truth as they understand it, and
that you retain the authority to order them to charge the Estate to credit the Strawman and then charge
the strawman to credit the Court account in its name (another way of saying this is "for credit to the
account of the Defendant"). [or, as Sean did, release his interest, evidenced by the short form BC, to settle the
charges] Again, I'm not advocating this approach, If 20 patriots come forward and say that they've done this
successfully in the last 6 months, then I would concur on its PRESENT viability. The public is constantly
adapting to our lawful remedies (with the exception they cannot get around returning my securities or paying
the taxes without losing their standing as a public employee). Bill

#627 re. #625


Fri Aug 3, 2012 2:47 pm

I always like to qualify most nouns I might I would think it useful to qualify which facts or what kind
of facts....were I to use this approach, I'd probably say something like 'verifiable' or 'independently
substantiable' facts.
Courts make up 'facts' all the time and if not denied their assumptions and presumptions, these 'facts' become
accepted...if using credit to 'pay' off, might be ok, but I prefer to limit my risks as far as possible by use of


UCC-1 Lien
Fri Aug 3, 2012 4:05 pm

Back in 2010 when I got into studying commerce I made a security agreement where SM breaches the
agreement and then filed it in the county on a UCC-1 national form (notice of lien rights), then I found a
website that had the old UCC-1 forms to be signed by both parties (commercial lien) and I listed the UCC-1
national on it and filed it in the county. When I got into studying trust I put the UCC's in trust as res and the
indenture also spells out the SM is insolvent and without assets. Has anyone used a UCC-1 or security
agreement as a defense in showing that Defendant (SM) is insolvent and without assets as proved by the
perfected commercial lien and the trust terms? John

#634 re. below

Fri Aug 3, 2012 4:06 pm

A reply to the original group posting inquiry and a private inquiry:

Summary of a main example is below.

Details were of course all tailored to the unique circumstances of the case. Someone else is involved so I
hesitate to share too much personal info. May see about sharing parts of reply in private to judge redacted when
I get a chance to get consent and editing time.

However, this was a Canadian case, with enclosures of both BC and COLB, and excerpts of copy of personal
property registry first liens on all ens legis entities, like 2 items just mentioned, sin no., and a few other
state/province items. All first claims by living entity, as normally spelled.

Registry included listing the court domain jurisdiction, like Provincial/state court at Shysterland, etc. and
inclusive of case no. 123456 in files of same court region. So would be similar to an inclusive basic UCC1
listing of first claims.

This was a nasty and difficult case for the party involved, who is a senior and held in solitary when grabbed
forcibly by policy enforcers, then held till mock trial some 3 weeks later.

We will eventually keep the case on the registry and likely file for involuntary servitude to the Crown since
there are legal clauses re compensation to court 'witnesses'....don't recall specifics of these offhand but probably
similar items exist in most/all jurisdictions re compensating witnesses for their time, etc.


Iris Clarity <fdmfghr@...>
Friday, August 3, 2012 4:49:34 PM

Yes, Glenn, it does look like something I sent a while back.

FYI, it was a trumped up so many are!! Not quite "criminal" though they were seeking item under immigration act which was really bogus because the party involved does have a
BC, Canadian in this case but would be same in U.S. But due to funny circumstances, party involved got
off regular roadways and ended up with deemed 'illegal' border crossing. Stupid groundless charges,
since there was INHERENT right to cross border back to area in any case.
SO it started from there....then due to illness, a series of 'failure to appear' nonsense 'charges' added,
which were basically dropped at time of forced kangaroo trial.
Party was forcibly detained with NO access to help or their own files, then of course found 'guilty' by
kangaroo lower court. WE appealed...since location was domain far away, offered phone presence, not
replied to, etc.
A motion by prosecutor was granted of course! FOR setting aside proffered grounds for appeal.

Then I really went to town so to speak....filed an Affidavit of rebuttal to the 'order' issued, challenging
every point and a long in-private letter to the deciding judge with enclosed affidavit for public court as
well as her private letter indicating a no. of things re. not accepting trustee role, lack of law applications
of corp. to living ones, God's laws only being supreme, etc.

Result so far: Silence for a few months now. It may come out of woodwork, yet, but next step will be to
send same materials in with criminal complaint for fraud, breach of fiduciary duty on JUDGE and other
So this is a summary.


Glenn Vanden Bosch <gvb332@...>
Iris Clarity <fdmfghr@...>
Friday, August 3, 2012 4:13:47 PM

Iris; Did you or did you NOT write this below? I am searching for some help. If you did write
this would you be so kind as to either get back to me or am I looking at a person whom DID
NOT write this? Please respond. I would like to discus a few things. Perhaps your not interested.
Just let me know one way or other. Thank you. Glenn Vanden Bosch

#636 re. #627

TOPIC - How to win.....How NOT to lose. CAUTION...

Fri Aug 3, 2012 5:41 pm


DANGEROUS. Please take my comments in the spirit of Group education...........
If you pick and choose the facts you wish to agree with, you are now arguing the facts. Translation, you've
lost before you begin. This is Jack Smith 101. The only reason this method might work in the first place is
because from THEIR perspective (if the Judge is sufficiently informed), they want for a trustee through which
they can tap the Estate to pay for the Case bond. The effect of arguing the facts is that you are really stating, "I
care about the facts sufficiently to argue them with you, so I must therefore be subject to statutes, and therefore
the Trustee." If Target sent you a summons, would you appear and argue the facts? It's our ACTIONS that tell
them who we are.

This is why I CAUTION ALL MEMBERS AGAINST acting on threads of discussion which can never take the
place of intensive education.

I wouldn't use ANY technology that I hadn't mastered and where I did not know the results BEFORE I
ACTED. That's how winners win....


#637 re. #633

Fri Aug 3, 2012 5:53 pm

my comments in the spirit of Group education.........

First, the public already knows it's bankrupt. Don't you know you're alive? The entire admiralty system is a
transmitting utility for debt. They don't need to be convinced.
Secondly, truth is an automatic contempt in the corporate Court.

Thirdly, if you argue anything, you are in the jurisdiction, a Trustee/Defendant/Debtor deep pockets
transmitting utility that leads right to the Estate.

Why not say, "Hey, this is the trust, I'm the beneficiary, I'm directing that you exchange the securities or pay the
taxes or return all of my property?" (And if you do not, I'm going to acquire your bond, the Case bond, the
profits, the interest, and then some.) HERE'S MY LIEN." When in Rome.......They want to play commerce?
Fine. I've got the security interest. [thur proxy I presume?] Bill

#639 re. #637

Fri Aug 3, 2012 7:26 pm

Thanks Bill, I just jumped in to this groups way of thinking and trying to get my head around it. I am up to #50
and climbing...I can't wait to understand exactly what you mean. John

#642 re. #639

Send Email
Fri Aug 3, 2012 9:19 pm

not sure you perfected a lien (probably not), but placing a lien in trust is a good direction for a multitude of
reasons. However, using it to remind them of insolvency is a waste of time (in my opinion for what it's worth)
because all parties to the action are presumed to be insolvent anyway, so insolvency is not a defense. But
stealing my securities is. I imagine that arguing insolvency, from their perspective, is one of those "patriot
mental case arguments" that never make it past their need to ridicule their "subjects." And any argument is
a consent to jurisdiction anyway. Bill

#643 re. #557


Fri Aug 3, 2012 9:31 pm

derrick, I think the Matrix was purposefully constructed to be convoluted so that the pathway out requires a
guide. It's kind of like being in a jungle. There's a good chance of winding up in quicksand without Tarzan. Bill

#645 re. not listed

Re: UCC-1 Lien

Fri Aug 3, 2012 11:20 pm
Has anyone successively put a lien their property?

#648 re. #637

Sat Aug 4, 2012 6:35 am


Is there any authority you quote (Blackstone's etc.) that is universal that shows a deposit creates a trust /
fiduciary relationship? We all know it does, but court is another matter. thanks

#652 re. #645

Re: UCC-1 Lien

Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:04 am


#653 re. #648


Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:23 am |

CREATED when you declare it, appoint a trustee or deliver property (see below). So we're not pulling this one
out of a hat. This is the derivation of the cliché: "Everything's a trust," but in this case it has substance.

Every patriot who's been arguing trusts and did not know the above needs to return to the drawing board and get
their sea legs before taking on any controversies. Remember what the sergeant said: "Let's be careful out there."

But regarding Court, we don't have to cite a thing. They're in fiduciary breach by engaging in unjust
enrichment, securities fraud and conspiracy to obstruct the tax laws of the United States (or Canada or
wherever). If they are denied access to the Estate because we won't volunteer the Strawman as trustee or
convey legal title by a general deposit, then they are in serious trouble when we express our right to
special deposit and to claim our securities.


Are you PREPARED to go to the mattresses? Bill

SECTION 401. METHODS OF CREATING TRUST. A trust may be created by:

(1) transfer of property to another person as trustee during the settlor's lifetime or by will or other disposition
taking effect upon the settlor's death;
(2) declaration by the owner of property that the owner holds identifiable property as trustee; or
(3) exercise of a power of appointment in favor of a trustee.

#655 re. #650

Re: BC & Trustee

Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:26 am

BC account/trust IS the Estate. Bill

#660 re. #636

Re: TOPIC - How to win.....How NOT to lose. CAUTION...

Sat Aug 4, 2012 3:43 pm

Sure, I overstand the logic here Bill of not entering into controversy.

My perspective is one of considerable courtroom observation of claims of "facts' which in fact are NOT facts,
but assumptive and presumptive observations of the reporter on a stand....classic example is identifying
someone in court, typically done by finger pointing at the coerced to be present party.....but NOT substantiated
since how does anyone really 'know' the private identity of anyone else unless they have a close relationship and
much in-private knowledge of or experience with that party?

Unless one was present at a physical christening ceremony for the party involved, or similar event, this is a
prime example, IMO, of a non-fact typically accepted as a "fact" in court venue.
Yet it is often hard to object to such nonsense unless one is very alert and of course acting for oneself, but often
not done.

One could ask "how do you know" for many things when items deemed to be 'facts' come up.....or basis of
testifier's knowledge....but that too would be generating controversy.

So one may have a choice then of raising questions re the 'facts' and basis for same OR rearranging the
questions perhaps, though later is always not easiest to arrange when one does not have the stance of being 'on

Note that here I am referring to instances where there is little choice about presence or lack of same....there are
domains where seizures and arrests and detentions are done routinely without much confirmation of anything or
anyone, and assumptions are then carried through into court under duress.

If there is a choice, different situation of course.

#666 re. #660


Sat Aug 4, 2012 5:38 pm

Have it your way, Iris. The issues you raise are not different situations, They're all the same, namely: how many
more years will patriots waste their energies discussing the various methods of participating in their own
lynching? It's painful for me, like watching concentration camp victims debating which gas chamber to enter.

We have a different perspectives. There are no shortage of ways to confess into the jurisdiction by arguing the
facts in a Court of fiction from the moment opposition counsel opens his mouth. BUT IF YOU ANSWER A
yourself in the mouth of the Beast.

Fortunately, we don't have to argue the facts of the Courtroom here. This Group is committed to embracing the
Future. I suggest taking that line of discussion to the other Groups. We are fortunate that many forums embrace
that stuff. Thank you for understanding. Bill

#670 re. not listed

Re: BC & Trustee

Sat Aug 4, 2012 6:24 pm

It seems like the BC trust should be creditor on UCC-1 and SA?

#678 re. #48

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Sun Aug 5, 2012 4:40 am

#48 says...THAT'S WHERE WE'VE ALWAYS SCREWED UP (defect 5). Filing the UCC as a living man is
just one of the pitfalls that brings us back under their control. Is this because everyone used the national form
after 1999 or is it saying we shouldn't use the living man ("RM") as SP at all?

#683 re. below

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Sun Aug 5, 2012 7:04 am

Peacemaker, Thank you for your thoughts, I do appreciate what I believe you are trying to say. I to have studied
and trained in the arts and learned at a very early age the difference between techniques and natural movement,
and to never judge your opponent. There is a big difference between fishing for answers and looking answers,
this must be studied. Also, every persons why is different, however, their how is almost always the same. I
already know why I want to reclaim my securities, I joined this group because I want to find out how I can
reclaim them…Thank you again for insight. John

eponymous_680 embury111@... wrote: re. #678

John, read through the posts again, from the beginning. The 'RM" as you call it, cannot appear in the
'fictional' world. How can the dead world - commerce - recognize a living being?

It also - in my opinion - looks as though you are looking for the 'how' without really trying to get to the
'why'...that's why it looks - in my opinion, yet again - like you're fishing for the answer.

I'm not an expert in this particular 'reclaiming one's securities', area of life - not yet - but do know a thing
or two about 'the doctrine of understanding', as it applies to the world of say, martial arts.

You have to know the 'why' before any sort of understanding, and from this, the 'how' arises naturally, as
if it were second nature, and only then can you speak or 'do', from any place of authority

Trying skip a step - to get to the 'how' -before the 'why', is backwards. Unfortunately, this is how we're
indoctrinated in the West: it's called 'public education'. Regurgitation of information, is how we 'learn' -
it gets us certificates and diplomas, but robs us of our ability to discern - luckily, I was not a good

Trying to figure out which form to use - and we're still talking martial arts here - in a certain situation,
i.e., a REAL LIFE confrontation - is a recipe for disaster, and usually ends up with a black eye, or worse
- and THIS comes from my own experience, so I can tell you this: if you do not know the 'why', then do
not do the 'do'; don't 'go there'; study and learn. UNDERSTAND FIRST!!!!!

What's that quote from Apocalypse now? "You're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a
bill."....or from the Matrix?

The question is, do *you* know why you are here?

We are looking for the Keymaker.

Oh, yes. It is true. The Keymaker. Of course. But this is not a reason. This is not a "why". The
Keymaker himself - his very nature is a means. It is not an end. And so to look for him is to be looking
for a means to do... what?

- peacemaker -


my thoughts on paper
Sun Aug 5, 2012 9:32 am

I've spent the last couple of days searching for the answers to Bills well advised questions, if he gives you the
answers then you wont be able to solve your problems, we must resolve them for ourselves, I deeply respect
your patience Bill, it must not be easy, but necessary. How do you get status in Admiralty? You must be the
owner or have equitable interest in the vessel. What is the vessel. We have long thought the vessel is the
strawman, but what equity does the strawman have? Nothing. What does have equity, the Estate? Or maybe the

The Estate is not tangible so I think it is the BC that is the Vessel. Who has an equitable interest in the BC? The
Estate? But isn't the Estate being claimed abandoned? How would you reclaim your Estate? By deposition with
a notary whose an officer of the court? How would you prove your claim on the vessel? In Admiralty a
Maritime Lien is proof of an equitable interest in the vessel. But can the estate file the maritime lien? I don’t
think so. I think you need a Proxy who would be a beneficiary to file the lien. Who could be the Proxy? What if
you appointed an Executor as your proxy? But how would the agency recognize your proxy? What does the
agency use to identify everything? Numbers. You can’t use the SS number because that would make him a
debtor and dead on arrival, what about an EIN? Aren’t EIN numbers for estates and trusts ? In all trusts you
need a Trustee and one cannot be both the Beneficiary and Trustee. We would have to appoint a second Proxy
to be TTEE. One the agency would recognize but did not have control over, again, they recognize numbers so
wouldn't the EIN be appropriate for the TTEE ? WHO could be this Trustee, someone the agency had no control
over? A pseudonym (sp) for the living man, An entity we create with its own identity. The new name as TTEE
would have the authority to do the setoff? Just my thoughts. If anyone has any ideas, I would surely like some
feedback, with Bills excellent teachings and guidance we should be able to understand and figure this out.

#690 re. #689

Re: my thoughts on paper

Sun Aug 5, 2012 9:52 am

Great brainstorm Ted, If numbers are true, I was taught we have three and may that is a key. we have the SS#
123-45-6789 and the Exemption #123456789 and the EIN# 12 3456789, all the same numbers with different for thought. John

#704 re. #670


Sun Aug 5, 2012 11:21 am


CONCEPTIONAL UNDERSTANDING. We've established that the BC trust/account/estate is the surety for all
debts attributed to the strawman [VRB]. The public seeks your consent to tap the estate [SOB] every time they
arrest or assess the vessel/strawman. What's another name for surety? Underwriter. And what's another name for


Now who is liable in admiralty when you have a car accident? The insurer.

So who is the debtor? Who pays the bills? WHO ultimately pays the assessments levied against the strawman?

The estate; the BC trust/account.

Another way to deduce it would have been to recall that the strawman is a TRANSMITTING UTILITY. I
suspect that very few patriots understand what that means. Simply this: it exists to transmit debt back to the
estate. They make a perfect pair: the debt transmitter and the surety. Which is exactly what happens when
we get in an accident. We're just the stand-in for the insurer.

The above is nothing more than basic cognitive reasoning and conceptual understanding. Patriots focus on
minutia: color of ink, punctuation, who do I send it to? Classic cases of missing the forest for the trees. So I
continue to stress the value of conceptual understanding. Thanks or the question. Bill



Dianne Murphy Morrison
Aug 5, 2012

Please forgive my ignorance, but who or what is WH? Too many abbreviations can be confusing. Just when
I think I understand..... Dianne#721 re. #690

#721 re: below


Sun Aug 5, 2012 6:02 pm

I'M SO GLAD YOU MENTIONED THE EXEMPTION #. Perhaps nothing better demonstrates how we must
update and discard old patriot legends as our understanding matures.

First of all, THERE IS NO EXEMPTION #.

The "exemption number" (Social Security number without the dashes) arose from the need to specify the private
side of the ledger that represents all of the living man's assets placed in trust (confiscated) in 1933. How do you
refer to an invisible account? So someone got the bright idea of using the SSN without the dashes.

It's been nothing but confusion ever since. When we accept the BC, do we charge it to the SSN or EIN? Dashes
or no dashes? And why charge instead of credit?

We have learned much in a dozen years. We now know that the infant's pledge of future labor (a security
future) is the equity by which the Department of the Treasury creates the BC trust account into which it
deposits the pledge, thereby creating our PUBLIC estate, and from which it issues the birth bond, a
certificated security future which it trades for currency with the Fed before being deposited with The

The moral of the story is this. All of those securities and accounts: the BC trust, the BC account, the birth bond,
the Certificate of Birth and the Birth Certificate are represented by a single number, the one, true identifier for
the estate, the private side of the account, our exemption, and the foundational security for our interest in the
United States (the Certificate of Birth) - namely the birth certificate number: 123-45-123456 (or whatever
configuration may appear on the Certificate).

There is no reason in 2012 for any patriot to ever again refer to the exemption number (other than to uphold
tradition for something that may have worked in the past).

With this understanding, all of the confusion should melt away. The statement "and charge the same to Account
# 123-45-6789" noted on the Certificate of Birth during the Treasury process could just as easily specify the BC
#. On the other hand, the statement is basically correct at its core.

How do I know? What's the normal business practice used by U.S. Courts for assessing (charging) the estate?
Don't they routinely charge the strawman (arrest the vessel) for the sole purpose of bringing forth a surety to
post bond (the estate)?

So it is technically correct to "charge Account # 123-45-6789" (with the dashes in place) since charging
the strawman is the normal accounting method for assessing (charging) the private side of the account
when creating a payment instrument (such as an acceptance on the BC). Other than the dashes and a lack of
knowledge about the Estate, Roger Elvick was a genius in pulling redemption basically out of thin air.

And the member who posted a message about pleading guilty to the facts was also spot on when he suggested
ordering the Court to "charge the same to the Estate and credit the strawman" (which gets the funds to the
Defendant) and then "charge the strawman and credit the case #" (which is the same as saying "for
further credit to account # ________").

Hope this will resolve years of confusion. Most of this is just basic deductive reasoning and logic. Bill

#725 re. #721


Posted By: derrickwayne...
Sun Aug 5, 2012 6:19 pm

Is Jean Keating correct? Winston Shrout said the bill needs to charged.

Jean Keating; “No its not an A4V. It’s a money order!”

Pay to the order of: U. S. Department of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner, Governor of the International
Monetary Fund
Pay: Three thousand twelve dollars and no cents $3,012.00
Debit/Charge the sum said to WHOEVER sent you the bill (Utility, IRS, etc.)
Credit the memory of my account 123456789
That's how you do redemption. That is the proper way to do it! send a copy to the person that sent you the bill.
“Sign in red ink! Don't ever sign anything in blue ink the sign of a dead man. Never do anything in blue ink.
Everything has to be in red ink!
Your signature has to be the last signature on the page cause they only see the last signature and so they can’t
sign anything after your signature, on the bottom right of both sides of the paper!
I can show you a IRS practice manual that every document has to be signed in red ink.”

Do a Pay to the Order Of the Department of Treasury
Indorse it for payment,
Pay to the order of the Department of Treasury
Charge the sum to: Medical Facility/Acct Number is the Bill Number/Tax ID
Credit to the memory of myself/ SS#.

turn that over and you put on the back

indorsed in lawful money per 12 USC 41
due to the department of the treasury of the united states.

#727 re. #718

Aug 5, 2012 01:29



Meaning that if you're the surety for my Debtor, then YOU are my Debtor.


#729 re. not listed

Re: Group Question on Foundation?

Sun Aug 5, 2012 7:15 pm

Heck I will give it a try;

Hey Group is this correct for the foundation?

1. We (the RM) are presumed lost at sea.

Only after 7 years. the queues quo law of 1666 (?) where as if any man did not claim his property after 7 years
was presumed dead or missing at sea. It was sneaked into law during the great fire of 1666.
RM = Real Man, SM = Strawman

2. We have abandoned our estate or are dead.

Only because we didn't know about it. The estate you are talking about is a trust. Can't issue a bond without a
trust behind it. We are "given" a name through a bond agreement.

3. Our estate was put in BC trust just in case we return or are not dead.
The way I understand it is this. A trust was set up in recognition of the birth of energy into the world. Thus an
estate is created? It is confusing to me in a way to use the term is the interest anyone has with land
or property.

4. We the RM is beneficiary for the BC trust.

Are the beneficiary.....

5. Our SM is Trustee for the BC trust.

Actually the trustee can be invoked by the government, when you hold the title to your person, or when you
appoint it to a judge or some other judicial person.


6. We as RM prove we are alive.

You only prove you are alive by proving you are alive.

7. We claim our estate.

The interest and some go after monies used unlawfully by the trust.

8. We use our estate as per our entitlement.


9. We defend our estate from trespassers.

surely one must but, it is not ours to own.

How close am I?

#733 re. #725


Sun Aug 5, 2012 10:58 pm

and Jean are remarkable men and I intend to address the "guru" attack another member left earlier today in a
future posting. It is so easy for people to hide behind the web and malign intentions with no knowledge of how
these men have sacrificed and little appreciation for their contributions to our present knowledge.

Patriots tend to obsess over technical peculiarities, myself included, which often results in faulty concepts going
into legends. Here are a few such myths to be trashed: [Theses are stating the method, not myth]

- Money orders are not necessary and only confuse the issue in processing the payment instrument.

- Blue ink is fine. Its usage traces back to ancient times.

- The concept of "charging" the bill is a classic patriot misconception. See my previous email regarding
"charging" v "crediting. It's our payment that must be drawn from ("charged" against) our credit, just like a
personal check. The only way to do that is through the Estate which personifies the infant's pledge of our
labor through the hospital birth document. This is why I say that the Estate is the surety for all debts
PAYMENT INSTRUMENTS THAN IT WOULD BE ON A CHECK. The payer's bank is visible on a check,
and the strawman (which is the portal to the Estate) is visible on the bill. So there's no real reason to mark a
payment instrument: "Charge the same to account # 123-45-6789 and credit to account number ________"
although one could choose to do that. THE MORE ONE WRITES, THE GREATER THE CHANCE OF

- If we wish to note the strawman or the vendor's account to be credited, we can.

- We do not endorse our own instrument that's being used for payment. Do you endorse a check when you pay
National Grid? We might endorse someone else's instrument when we're depositing it, just like a check. This is
so typical of how a basic confusion between apples and oranges grows into a legend. The bank's have an ancient
system in place for negotiating instruments and exchanging securities. If you want to know how to use
securities, that's where the lessons will be found.

- As to being the last signature on the page, this is yet another apples and oranges scenario. It's hogwash to say
that they can only see the last signature on the page. The actual situation is that when we endorse the lower right

corner, we THEORETICALLY prevent another party from endorsing the instrument. This is fine if we intend
the instrument should not be negotiated (trade) beyond the payee, but sometimes we might want them to
negotiate our instrument.

- Charging the sum to the vendor and crediting the memory of myself is just off the wall. Those statements have
no tangible accounting interpretation and only serve to prejudice the recipient against the payer. Bill

#744 re. #704


Mon Aug 6, 2012 10:25 am

If the ESTATE is the mother of all debtors, then shouldn't the ESTATE be listed as the debtor on the UCC-1???

#761 re. not listed


Tue Aug 7, 2012 10:48 am

"Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

So let us embrace the beginner's mind and open our hearts to truth.

When Jesus spoke to the people on the mountain, he said, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called
the children of God." So let us make peace not war.

MYTH #7. You can correct previous filings with a notice.

FACT: THIS MYTH IS TRUE. One might refile corrected forms or even send a brief affidavit which includes a
blank order to quash all such previous filings due to error, an apology for wasting resources, and an offer to pay
any fees and costs you may have caused. The reason such Notices work in admiralty is because they take
"intent" off the table.

The reason they work at all is because they demonstrate the beginner's mind and humility the Father requires if
you are to ascend to the Kingdom. They show that you are a peacemaker. And so we return to the words of
Jesus, as it should be. Bill

#763 re. #757 below


Tue Aug 7, 2012 11:03 am

#757 re. not listed

Mon Aug 6, 2012 9:22 pm


#765 re. #744


Tue Aug 7, 2012 11:18 am

OF COURSE. Very perceptive. The estate would be listed on various financing statements. But how you do
that depends on the individuals' previous procedures (if any) to achieve status, appoint fiduciaries, terminate
parties, end agreements, post bonds, etc, so there's no blanket method I would suggest. It might involve looking
at what's been filed in the County, State and with the agency. Even newbies have some choices. The parties are
convoluted on purpose; so the remedy can be a bit convoluted to sort out. I wish it was as simple as plug-in the
numbers. Bill

P.S. It's VERY simple to do it wrong. If you did an estate process (I think you mentioned?) then you probably
have TWO public estates and don't even know it. How's that for ruining your day?

#766 re. #737 below

B2B Re: Court security origins

Tue Aug 7, 2012 11:31 am

ASSESSED/CHARGED/LIENED. They have no credit to be issuing a security. That only leaves you. It is a
bet that you will appear and consent to the estate being surety. So, it's a security future [they bought the
hamburger today, hoping you will pay Tuesday]. The only thing missing is your signature. I'll be happy to
sign - the payment security and my directives as Grantor and Beneficiary to exchange, offset, settle and close or
show me the tax filings regarding the payment. Bill


B2B Re: Court security origins

Mon Aug 6, 2012 6:25 am

Is it critical to understand EXACTLY how we become the "issuer" in a security resulting from a court
case? Robb Ryder claims each case starts as a simple trespass, before being trumped up. In "The ABCs
of the UCC", Article 8, the authors state that there are two holding systems for securities, direct and
indirect, the latter being the DTC. I assume that criminal complaints for traffic stops are held in the
`direct' system. The authors state that "the asset must be either an obligation of an issuer, or a share,
participation, or other interest in the issuer or in the issuer's property…" If I read this correctly, it says
that the officer (or clerk, or STATE OF….) can be the "issuer" in real terms, but the UCC definition of
issuer includes "drawer", (3) "Drawer" means a person who signs or is identified in a draft as a person
ordering payment. And "draft" • • (e) An instrument is a "note" if it is a promise and is a "draft" if it is
an order.

So if I understand this correctly, THEY, (the court, etc.) can be the issuer in real terms, but put the
obligation to pay upon us, by means of the `draft'. Is this correct, and does it matter in terms of
reclaiming our securities?

#817 re. not listed

Re: executor
Wed Aug 8, 2012 7:04 pm

31 CFR 363.6:
Minor means an individual under the age of 18 years. The term minor is also used to refer to an individual who
has attained the age of 18 years but has not yet taken control of the securities contained in his or her minor

(2) In order to gain control of the securities held in the minor's account, the minor must first open his or her own
primary account.

We need to prepare ourselves to take control of our securities and it is spelled out right here, go to the link, it
will blow you away. John

#833 re. not listed

Re: Do we Have standing?

Thu Aug 9, 2012 8:57 am

It is my belief that almost all RM are seen as being incompetent. After we were birthed we went on a trip across
the sea (sea of admiralty) and never returned. They see us as alien zombies moving around and when they ask
us to prove who we are, we show them I.D. maybe a drivers license for our SM. We need to show them I.D. of
us as the RM and this is what it is all about...The highest claim is the RM who is not lost at sea. The highest
claim is claiming we are not lost, we are not dead, we have not abandoned our private estate property, and we
are claiming it back. We do this by creating the proof 'records' on paper so the dead world can see it then we
have accomplished our goal and they will see the RM as a living being no longer under their control... John

#835 re. #833

Re: Do we Have standing?

Thu Aug 9, 2012 9:23 am

I believe some of this may be helpful,

Since 1933, the people have formed a new unincorporated United States in trust by their silence in accepting
the loss of their ability for paying their debts at law. In other words, the suspension of our national money
standard created a void in the law. Consequently, a resulting or implied trust rushed in to fill the void. In a
resulting or implied trust, there are no terms of how and who is to administer the trust, therefore you cannot put
the blame on anyone besides the people for letting the trust be established. “The United States Government
may be the trustee of a charitable trust,” Russell v. Allen, 107 U.S 163; 27 L.Ed. 397, and further; The
United States or a state has capacity to take and hold property upon a charitable trust, but in absence of a statute
otherwise providing, the charitable trust is unenforceable against the United States or a state.”

You (we all do by our actions) admit to conveying your (our) estate to the public trust, thus all your arguments
have little or no merit.

You/we must also remember that you/we are also considered a beneficiary to the trust and as such, unjust
enrichment comes into play. A resulting implied charitable trust is formed by operation, of law.

#838 re. #835

Re: Do we Have standing?

Thu Aug 9, 2012 10:08 am

fail to obey statutes, which are the directives of the public trust, those who presume that we are the trustee deem
that we are in foreclosure for having engaged in unjust enrichment, namely stealing funds belonging to the
beneficiary (presumed to be them). The game changes when we defeat the presumptions and correct all the
parties. Bill

#840 re. #834 below

Re: Do we Have standing?

Thu Aug 9, 2012 10:20 am


1. The "Captain" of the vessel is one of those patriot concepts that convolutes what is conceptually simple. You
have a vessel, a prosecutor, a Court and a fishing expedition to bring in a creditor, owner or banker to post

2. ALL of those parties have standing in admiralty.

3. Discussion of the "Captain" is counterproductive. A prosecutor, attorney or grand jury deposits a security
with the Court, the Court charges the vessel with the liability to get its consent in the public forum to the
presumption under which it's operating, namely that the Estate has already consented to the public trust as the
result of the infant's pledge of its future "credit" as certified into the public venue (certificated) by the County
registrar as I will explain in more detail in a future posting. [USS, Birth Scam]

4. Every moment you rationalize how the real man figures into all this, is one less moment to shine in the
boundless love of the Father and convince your spouse that you're not nuts.......

just the way it is. How do I know? I have it on the Highest authority (Revelation 13:16 - 13:18; Matthew 21:12).

#834 re. #833

Re: Do we Have standing?

Thu Aug 9, 2012 9:20 am

Are you not describing the Captain of the vessel. He is the one with standing in Admiralty.

#842 re. #831 below

Re: Do we Have standing?

Thu Aug 9, 2012 10:27 am

court, the master of his domain, the underwriter for his decisions. He may employ the court of record
(there are thousands of them) to do his bidding. Think it out. Most of the time, simple logic will keep us
from stepping off the pathway of truth into patriot quicksand (or worse). Bill

#831 re. #829

Re: Do we Have standing?

Thu Aug 9, 2012 8:12 am

You are right about that, as said many times, a RM can't be seen or heard in the public realm, only our
incompetent-minor SM that they don't have to listen to... Do you see how it all plays together to hold us
in their system. They can declare us as minors which are incompetent no matter how old we are and they
create laws so they can do this without approval from a Court of Law, then they create laws to keep us
there...They also give us the KEY to unlock the door...That is why I posted it. John

#843 re. #829 below

Re: Do we Have standing?

Thu Aug 9, 2012 10:36 am

will not find the term "individual" defined in the IRC. This is by design. They covet the ambiguity since the
entire corporate system consists of misnomered mirror-image reflections of the real McCoys (strawmen/men,
religious organizations/churches, statutes (inferior law)/common law "rule of decision," money of
exchange/money of account, dimes/dismes, quarters/quarter dollars, Courts/court of record, USA/US, Natural
person/man, marriage (civil union)/marriage etc.) Bill

#829 re. not listed

Re: Do we Have standing?
Thu Aug 9, 2012 7:53 am

There may be a misunderstanding here, an Individual & Natural Person DOES NOT mean a man or
woman, they are words to mislead. They also belong to the group of artificial entities. If you do the
digging you will find the answer...

#844 re. #824 below

Re: Entitlement holder

Thu Aug 9, 2012 10:38 am

NO. READ UCC 8-102(A) (definitions) and Article 9. Bill


Entitlement holder
Thu Aug 9, 2012 5:31 am

Is a lien the same as an adverse claim?

#846 re. #813 below


Thu Aug 9, 2012 10:52 am

CONSIDER that the strawman is considered very much alive in the context of lex mercatoria (commercial law)
where it resides? Here's where (at least in the eyes of public officials)....

"I'm here representing the vessel." "What vessel?...Counselor, is there a vessel involved in this case? Let me see
the complaint." "The Defendant, the vessel." "I see, so you think you're a vessel?" "Well under US Code--"

"Sir, this is a State Court. Do you have an attorney?" "You should ask the Decedent." "Did someone die?"
"The Defendant." "I see. Do you have a death certificate to enter in the record?" "I mean it's dead in commerce."

"Sir, this a Court of law. We don't sell things here. You're facing fines and jail time. I'm going to appoint an

You get the idea. If you make the offer, you will have to defend it. This poor slob was in the jurisdiction from
the beginning. Those of you who engaged in an Estate process, did you pause to consider defining it as an inter
vivos estate? I'm not recommending such a thing, but only that we pause to THINK about what we're doing.
When you take the time to explore, you might discover all sorts of problems BEFORE you get into trouble. Bill
#813 re. #812

Re: executor
Wed Aug 8, 2012 6:16 pm

Well, given there are really 2 trusts we are talking about, the SSN application date would be the death
date as far as IRS/Treasury is concerned. The BC registration date + 21 years as far as the state of origin
is concerned. There seems to be several different account administrators that need to be notified. Any

#849 re. #848 below

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Thu Aug 9, 2012 11:37 am

send in an attorney to give notice that you're alive? We send in a proxy (a proxy is an attorney by
definition), an agent, as distinct from an attorney-at-law) with our claim. And he's a paragon of admiralty
virtue and knows how to get things done, so to speak. Bill

#848 re. #48

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Thu Aug 9, 2012 11:26 am

Bill, reading the 1666 Act the following paragraph makes an implication I am not sure if I am reading
this correct but the ling I am pointing may imply the proof of having never been deceased and still being
alive may be THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Is this assumption correct or even close ?

If the supposed dead Man prove to be alive, then the Title is revested. Action for mean
Profits with Interest.

#861 re. not included

Re: executor
Thu Aug 9, 2012 5:11 pm

Heck no. A question's a question. My answers are for the benefit of the questioner and the group. The questions
you asked below require a careful review of what you've done and comprehensive answers. That can be a
challenge if you and the mentor have parted ways.

First of all, I don't use the Executor for anything, even though I have also created a decedent Estate as an
overlay of the Estate that's already there. Using the Estate with a 98 or 45 # confuses the issue when the
Estate already has a number, the BC #. Some of the "mentors" can be very convincing because they believe
what they say. However they may not be at the level of understanding of some of the members of this Group.

#862 re. #846


Thu Aug 9, 2012 7:44 pm

I went back to the link

Within the Personal Representative section......Look at this paragraph.....

"Notice of fiduciary relationship. The term fiduciary means any person acting for another person. It
applies to persons who have positions of trust on behalf of others. A personal representative for a
decedent's estate is a fiduciary.

Form 56. If you are appointed to act in a fiduciary capacity for another, you must file a written notice
with the IRS stating this. Form 56, Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship, is used for this purpose.
See the Instructions for Form 56 for filing requirements and other information.

File Form 56 as soon as all the necessary information (including the EIN) is available. It notifies the IRS
that you, as the fiduciary, are assuming the powers, rights, duties, and privileges of the decedent. The
notice remains in effect until you notify the IRS (by filing another Form 56) that your fiduciary
relationship with the estate has terminated."

Can this be interpreted to mean whomever is the person we appoint as Fiduciary the appointment is made by
filing IRS Form # 56?

#866 re. not listed


Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:18 pm

THEMSELVES. This is fact, not opinion. Bill

#867 re. not listed

Re: TreasuryDirect Acct. - First Baby Step?

Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:25 pm

Hello ????, Welcome to the Group. I'm glad you posted BEFORE you acted. What you've described is a
contradiction. If you haven't done any "patriot" paperwork, then we can presume your only status in the public
is as the strawman debtor. If you open a TDA as a strawman debtor, any funds you deposit will become
property of the state as it does with any bank account. May I respectfully suggest you read through some of the
postings in this Group not only about technique, but regarding the philosophy of logic, reason and safety for
yourself and your family. It's sort of like saying, "I don't know anything about electricity, but today I'm going to
rewire the main box." Okay, but make sure the life insurance is paid up. Make sense? Bill

#868 re. #862


Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:30 pm

NO. A 56 is a NOTICE of a fiduciary relationship. The appointment is separate. It's a complex form,
changed drastically for 2012, and you would want to read page 3 very carefully to see the nuances of how it
works especially fulfilling Sect 6903 threshold. Remember that we are all in bankruptcy when you read the
instructions. They are very accurate (and cute) with that term. I know very few patriots who understand how to
properly use the form, and why and when. It takes a good solid day to review it to a point of proper
understanding. THIS IS WHAT THEY INTENDED. Since most of them arrive flawed, they can ignore them.

#870 re. #868


Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:38 pm

Hi Bill,
Are you referring to form 2848?

#872 re. #867

Re: TreasuryDirect Acct. - First Baby Step?

Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:20 pm

So, if I was a patriot having not submitted one iota of paperwork and I understood:

BC, Trust Law, HR192, Cestui Que Trust, RM, SM, De Jure Courts, De Facto Courts, Admiralty Courts,
Common Law Courts, The Bible, My Creator, The Constitution, This State v This state, The Bill of Rights, etc.

What would be the first area I would concentrate my efforts on to put pen to paper?

I have a feeling that it is going to be the BC converted over to a new security (on front) and submitted to the
treasury but for that I need a proxy because neither I nor the SM can do it. So for that I need a proxy but how
do I go about doing that, and doesn't my lien need to be perfected in advance before I do any of this? Does that
mean I need to file a UCC1 with a proof of claim that is my proof of status and is that two forms or just one?
What about holder in due course? How does all that fit into this and what about the second proxy that's required,
is it filed the same way as for the first proxy? I think my head is about to explode!

#873 re. #871 below


Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:35 pm

Excellent idea. The thing is, someone beat you to it by decades. The corporation is the United States Federal
corporation represented in 28 USC 3002(15), a derivative of the United States of America public trust,
and we surely want it to fulfill its obligation under the public trust to act as trustee. So you see, the mechanism
is already in place to execute our directives. Bill

#871 re. #866


Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:12 pm

I thought we didn't want to be the fiduciary/trustee? Would it be better to form a corporation and have it
be the fiduciary?

#883 re. #873


Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:17 pm

Since the United States is already trustee and we need to make them our proxy...could this be because:

1. A proxy has a fiduciary duty to the appointee.

2. Appointee does not have to prove beneficiaryship.
3. They already know they are trustee and have a duty to perform.
4. Trust indentures are private, proxy orders can be public.


#884 re. #883


Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:45 pm

suggestion: read over post #48 again

#885 re. #884


Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:01 pm

I did and I have read #48 and all of the posts over and over and I am working hard at making sense through my
way of thinking and that is why I asked the question, it would be appreciated if you know the answer that you

answer it, I mean you no harm, I look for clarification. If I knew the answer I would not have asked, I would
have expressed it as a knowing. Always to a better life, John

#888 re. #885


Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:33 pm

Hi John, I believe you're over-thinking, which is a common tendency many of us have. Remember Jack Smith
talking about the "captain of the ship?" Many of us had enough trouble just comprehending the strawman and
living man. I myself have spent years probing side streets when Main St. had all I needed. Eventually I learned
to use the right side of my brain.

May I suggest praying to the Father for recovery from human thought, and meditating on shunting circulation to
the right side of the brain. The Father is all knowing and loving. He wants to answer your prayers and lead you
from commerce as prophesized in chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation.

Eponymous gave you good advice. Don't get frustrated. Bill


Foreclosing on the Bank

Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:06 pm

You had written in some of your much earlier posts, (like #193), about trying to force a bank to reconvey the
Deed of Trust to us, but it seems to me that a major hurdle is in the way for most of the recent mortgages that
have been created. I see the problem as follows:

Nearly all of the recent mortgages have been securitized, and the original lender may have been bought out
by another bank. The note was transferred into a mortgage pool trust, perhaps after having been sold multiple
times before being ultimately transferred into the mortgage pool trust. The original lender now holds no
interest in the mortgage, and they cannot now order the trustee to reconvey the Deed even if they wanted to. At
best, we would be fighting the bank- or the successor bank- to give us a refund of the amount of the mortgage,
but not to reconvey the Deed. We would not have any leverage to force the current trustee of the pool trust or
the mortgage servicer to release the Deed to us as they are not a party to the origination of the so-called loan.

Your comments please?


#893 re. #48

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:56 am

Can you explain what is meant by "the asset side of the presentment"


#897 re. #891


Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:16 pm

Hi Paul, I agree these things would be obstacles for you. As for me, I consider every one of those events you
cited to be gifts. Each is a taxable event to the bank which they failed to report because they presumed that they
were the original issuer of the certificated derivatives. OH HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR THEM. Once I reclaim
my securities, it's all taxable capital gains, transfer taxes on terminating my interest in my securities, and worst
of all, the nuke: the loss of tax-exempt status for the entire REIT, mutual fund or REMIC. Who cares who sold
what to whom? My collection agency takes no prisoners. No leverage, Paul?
Where do I begin?

As in most situations, as you think so shall you be. If you believe you're powerless, you are. Bill

#898 re. #893

Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:26 pm

SURE, MARK. DOUBLE ENTRY BOOKEEPING. In this society, you cannot post an asset to the books
without an equal offsetting liability. This is how Lucifer has moneychangers keep the books. The sum total of
all activity today and every day throughout the world is....nothing. How perfectly ironic. Like "Seinfeld," this
is a show about nothing.

The question is, are you master of your domain? Bill

#899 re. not listed

Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:31 pm

Cede & Co. is nothing more than a DBA filed in NY County. DTC steals your securities by registering them
(meaning it holds a security interest) to itself and relegates you to the lowly position of beneficial owner
mentioned only in the books of its Participants. A beneficial owner is sort of like the prettiest maggot in the
garbage pail. A maggot still.

The Fed is a DTC Participant, meaning it takes the value of your BC and SS bonds and adds them to its
reserves as yet another scam to allow endless fractional lending ad infinitum. A win-win...for DTC and the Fed
while you're waiting on tables. Bill


Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:44 pm

Greetings to all. I guess it was inevitable, but it appears that the Group has been touched by legendary patriot
intolerance. The anonymous poster, "magnacarta2012," came to pick a fight. We are blessed as always, as he
has focused our attention on the Word:

"To the man who pleases him, G-d gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness." (Chap 2, Ecclesiastes).

We are also blessed by some of the issues he raised, albeit they were completely unrelated to the issue of being
cautious in the use of a POA with the agency. For educational purposes:

- Your public Estate is not granted by the State any more than your inalienable rights are granted by the
Constitution. The Estate is the result of the infant's pledge being "legalized" into the public venue by the
County Registrar. I am hoping to post the article on this subject some time tomorrow.

- Public agencies, trusts and actors are not governed by State law as long as they are presumed to be the
beneficiary. Statutes, codes and regulations apply to trustees. There's good reason for the phrase, "The judge
can do as he likes."

- The State comptroller's office has no more involvement in policing the processing of setoffs through the
agency than the local sanitation department. That's just bizarre.

- Hundreds of patriots have been left high and dry in the middle of "Estate" procedures by "mentors." They can
regain their bearings if they understand that the Estate is nothing more than a trust created to leverage securities.

Addiction to statues is a common illness among patriots. Let us distinguish between applying statutes
strategically to achieve our remedies, and looking to statutes to justify our existence. It is wise to
remember that U.S. Inc. was conceived to provide a palatable veneer to the bankruptcy, and its bylaws can
never, and should never, be the measure of a man, his wisdom, or his faith. Bill

#904 re. #206


Sun Aug 12, 2012 7:18 am

Is it because the RM isn't identified with a number the reason he/she can't be seen by the agency? John

#906 re. #2


Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:08 am

Hey Bill -

In this message you say:

"You have to have the very specific status IRS requires to process your forms when you foreclose on them."
I am researching to find out what this status might be.

I found:

UCC §8-102 (a)(5)(I)a person that is registered as a "clearing agency" under the federal securities laws;

Is having some entity under our control that is registered as a "clearing agency" part of what we need to get in
place? Thanks, Mark

#907 re. #904


Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:41 am

The dead only RECOGNIZE the dead...

Define recognize: To try; to examine in order to determine the truth of a matter. Also to enter into a

Define recognizance: re·cog·ni·zance (r-kgn-zns, -kn-)n.

1. Law
a. An obligation of record that is entered into before a court or magistrate, containing a condition to perform a
particular act, such as making a court appearance.
b. A sum of money pledged to assure the performance of such an act.
2. A recognition.
3. Archaic A pledge; a token

or DO THEY?? I believe the Living can be recognized thru Declaration of Status. This has been established and
the referencing CAN be identified by a number thru. Registered mail/ court filings, county this not

#908 re. #908


Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:47 am

I like the 'pledge' part of re-cognize (derived from the Latin word cognoscere (to know; become acquainted
with, aware of; recognize). Almost like we have to awaken, in order to restate the original pledge made at the
birth event....- peacemaker -

#911 I have this birth scam document


Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:05 am

the boilerplate method which underlies every commercial event of your lives from the original birth pledge to
the typical banking, Court, and commercial transactions of daily existence. As you will see, the UNIFORM
SECURITIZATION SCHEME ("USS") is a template that appears time and again in the resale of your credit
card applications as bank notes, the ledgering of Court indictments, warrants and summonses, the purchase of
groceries, and the pledges, certificates, trusts, accounts, securities and Estates that make up the diabolical birth
Matrix that began your journey.

The article may not be equivalent to personal mentoring, but I hope it will assist your understanding and raise
the level of dialogue throughout the community. It was written in response to a subject that was receiving many
inquiries at the Group after consulting with the Father. The article is nothing more than a reflection of His
inspiration to find our way back to the Kingdom from the realm of buying and selling.

You can download the file by selecting the "Files" link in the blue box on the left side of the screen where you
are reading this message.

Please do not expect this sort of time expenditure for other topics. Like you, I have but one life to lead.
Nonetheless, I hope it is helpful to your deliberations and remain your humble servant. Bill

#913 re. #907


Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:14 am

YES AND NO. The living will have no standing in the corporate Court. Any attempt to introduce truth is likely
to result in contempt. You can also not use the agency for your collections. However, in rare occasions you can
succeed in converting true "conviction" into segregation. It can be a painful process, and what worked a year or
two ago may not work now. It all depends on how far their conscience has been bruised or activated. Bill

#914 re. #906


Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:16 am

No, Mark. And I don't believe we'd be able to attain such credentials anyway. Bill


Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:46 pm

Since we are learning to drop the old Myths:

It seems `accepted for value by grantor' would be used because "for value" is defined as a pre paid account that
we are accepting, and the `grantor' is an admiralty proxy. It seems `exempt from levy' is not necessary. John

#932 re. below

Re: Myths
Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:49 pm

Grantor for the trust that is being created upon transfer of the security (res) to the trustee.

"eponymous_680" embury111@... wrote: re. #930

Grantor of what? I'm asking this question for a reason....


Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:59 pm

and knowledge too sparse to save the house, avoid the arrest, or prevent any of life's other challenges, I like to
seize victory from the jaws of defeat by asking the Creator what lesson he's trying to teach me.

It might be as simple as learning to love your enemy as Yehoshua so eloquently preached in Matthew, or He
might be challenging you to look past your most secret sins directly into His face.

This simple (some might say simple-minded) approach has worked on a grand scale for me more than once. My
very presence here today in possession of knowledge beyond anything I might have imagined is the direct result
of the day the public decided it needed to add my arrest to their statistics for trying to lead my life honorably.
Once the dust settled however, I KNEW the Father had answered so many of my prayers, although not in a way
that I had imagined. Once you realize what He intended, you will have transformed tragedy into triumph. Like
so many who have met the Christ head-on, you just may wind up reflecting on your difficulties with fondness.

Why not look for the light amid the darkness? If you do, the unthinkable will soon become a badge of honor.

#936 re. #932

Re: Myths
Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:21 pm

Ever watch Kung Fu Panda? Remember the tortoise, Oogway? I won't confound you any longer, and answer
your questions with more questions.....may peace always be in your heart, and the road always rise up to meet

Oogway: My friend, the panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor you yours until you let go of the illusion
of control.
Shifu: Illusion?
Oogway: Yes.
[points at peach tree]
Oogway: Look at this tree, Shifu: I cannot make it blossom when it suits me nor make it bear fruit
before its time.
Shifu: But there are things we *can* control: I can control when the fruit will fall, I can control where to
plant the seed: that is no illusion, Master!
Oogway: Ah, yes. But no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for
an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.
Shifu: But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung!
Oogway: Maybe it can, if you are willing to guide, to nurture it, to believe in it.
Shifu: But how? How? I need your help, master.
Oogway: No, you just need to believe. Promise me, Shifu, promise me you will believe.
- peacemaker -

#946 re. #591

Re: TOPIC: Do you REALLY understand the system? MOST DO NOT.

Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:42 am

"when we appear as the actual Depositor of record and give them a payment instrument PROPERLY drawn by
the PROPER parties and a directive to process, . .."

What is the payment instrument, and who are the proper parties?

#961 re. #946

Re: TOPIC: Do you REALLY understand the system? MOST DO NOT.

Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:42 pm

Essentialer, it appears he is saying, and the way I have always understood it- that an 'order' from the court is the

Char ~ I fight what you fear!

#965 re. #961


Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:34 pm

OURSELVES. I'm so glad you brought it up. I remember the first time I heard the phrase: "Where's the check?"
Technically, it may be correct, but actually all it does it define us as psychos and sets us up for defeat: "A
check? Sir, do you have a history of mental illness?" And yet, the acorn grew into a tree despite few really
understanding what was being implied.

When the Court receives a charging instrument or complaint, the Uniform Securities Scheme kicks in
(see the BC Scam article in the Files section). Like any depository institution, they open an account, issue a
number, deposit the security (charging instrument or complaint), and begin issuing securities (Court bond, arrest

warrant, summons to start). An Order is just another bet against future performance (security future) funded by
the deposit of the charging instrument or complaint which are assessments against the Estate. But a check?

What's a check? A security which, like all securities, is intended for disposition (even-exchange under Public
Law 73-10). Can you deposit it in a bank? Of course n---

Well actually, you can. Correction: THEY can. Orders CAN be deposited into a bank by the Court. I've seen
them bearing the deposit endorsement. However, the bank sure as heck is not going to use its license to
monetize an Order if you bring it in (although it could).

But to describe a Court Order as a check is to invite ridicule and threats of contempt. Rather, we might ask for
the bond or restructure the trust on the record or claim our securities or any one of many other approaches
which advance our position and avoid the rolls of the eyes, or my favorite response, "Sir, you can't believe
everything you read on the Internet."

"Really? Actually, Judge, I read a blog somewhere that said you were a moron."

One by one, I hope we can inspire the community to apply strategic logic to the theories and enticements that
abound. So we learn to pick through the spoils to get to the fruit.

"Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit." Bill

#968 re. #48

Re: TOPIC: SPLASH: Secured Party Lienor And Secured Holder

Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:18 am

OK, Bill; I have a question or two for you in re: Message #48 "SPLASH". OK, maybe more.

Is it possible you need to shave everything down a bit with Ockham's Razor?
"Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily". [or my favorite- “Among competing hypotheses, the one that
makes the fewest assumptions should be selected”]

I can see how being an owner might translate into an obligation in certain circumstances. Biblically speaking,
the owner of an ox could be held liable for damages caused by the animal. If the animal killed a man and had
demonstrated a tendency to push and gore in the past, the owner was subject to the death penalty. In other
words, the liability was only circumstantial and was balanced or even nullified by the benefits of owning the
animal. Being able to plow a field, haul a cart full of grain or even provide meat for a hundred or more people
were significant benefits; and no liability ever existed as long as the beast was well behaved. I know what you're
thinking, all of you. You're saying to yourselves, "Bill is talking about securities and this bozo is on about
cattle!". Granted, my deficient knowledge of securities law and practice is evident; but technically Bill did not
make any qualifications to his statements. However, I could make similar points regarding the ownership of a
security. Only the owner of the security can collect dividends, interest payments and a return of investment
principal, for example.

Whenever I read statements about the Admiralty or even Common Law that seem to defy mainstream
knowledge or understanding like: "Living people cannot be seen in Admiralty", or "Living men don't use capital
letters or abbreviations in their names in Common Law", I have to think back a few hundred years and try to

imagine what life was like when the current system of obfuscation did not exist. I confess in doing so I must
rely on my own perception of that era and admit it may be flawed. That being said, I find it difficult to believe
that every merchant who owned or operated ships of trade on the open sea or across the landscape of
international trade between the shores were ever told they must utilize a group of fictional entities as proxies,
first to themselves and then to each other, in order to access any form of remedy from the law! I have no doubt
that corporations of various sorts existed and provided protection for men even in that dark past. Why else
would they have proliferated as they have in this evil time? So, IF it's true that living men cannot be seen in
Admiralty, since when and how so? I have been told repeatedly that only my strawman was convicted in
federal court and I was held to be the surety for six long years. OK, I see all of your heads going up and
down; so my question here is this: "How was it possible for the Admiralty to direct the bailiffs to find me and
put those cuffs and shackles on me?". I saw no indication of anyone having trouble focusing on this flesh when
it came time to pierce the veil of blindness from Admiralty to the land of the living! So, please explain to me
where, when and how this strange transmutation occurs. Furthermore, if we go back to your suggestion that we
need a proxy to have and another to hold our security interest in the BC, that transmutation must occur
somewhere between the time that I establish a priority lien against the BC and when the first proxy entity
somehow gains a security interest in that lien.

Another way of saying all this is to examine another similar "fact". Everyone "knows" you cannot mix the
private with the public; yet it is done millions of times a day all over the world. Every time we write or endorse
a check, the private (living) mixes with the public(Admiralty commercial venue and fictional entities). That's
why I think we all should use Ockham's Razor and clear the stubble.

I know I said I had other questions; but if I go on, this will become exceedingly muddled and ultimately
incomprehensible. Sincerely submitted by; Steven Charles

#977 re. not listed

Re: Treasury process short version?

Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:52 am

The BC trust # is the number on our BC. like 123 45 123456. Bill explains it in the Uniform Securitization
Scheme he posted. It is my understanding that the Secured Party is Joe Henry Doe, grantor/beneficiary for JOE
HENRY DOE trust 123-45-6789 (grantor=proxy). This makes sense because the SM is the conduit (transmitter)
that carries the debt from the public to the BC trust and we want the SM to carry credit from the BC trust to the
public so first we must move the security interest (res) into the SM trust then we move it (assign/transfer) to the
trustee of the public trust so it becomes holder in due course. Then we can place the securities into the hands of
a qualified party who holds the security interest (holder in due course) for set-off.

#980 re. not listed

Re: Understanding
Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:31 pm

How about this - the answers you seek - or the pat answers you seek, to the questions that continuously arise
from this yahoo group - as people grope and grasp at 'how how how?!?!?!- come from UNDERSTANDING
THE 'WHY' - keep asking "why?". Again, the HOW arises OUT of the 'why' - the 'doctrine of understanding'.

May I gently suggest something? Stop speculating, and formulating more myths out of thin air. Please forgive
me, if I offend anyone, with my martial arts references, and my answering questions with questions....I care
about this group deeply, and want to make sure it keeps on track. This is 99% about sloughing off excess
dogma, garnered from a way of teaching, which had people filling out forms without the slightest clue as to how
to follow through with them - and, as mentioned, in post # 174 - I know, personally 6 people, who paid the
ultimate price for their speculation. They wanted the 'how', before they even began to understand the 'why'.
Again, please forgive my intrusion, but I refuse to have this group go the same way every other group I've been
in go: down the tubes, and into the gutter.

Again, remember the 2nd Matrix film, where Neo goes to visit the Merogvingian. He didn't have a clue as to the
'why', and ended up in Purgatory (the subway station), he ended up just being an 'errand boy'.....he wasn't yet
ready to meet the 'Architect'....


Morpheus: We are looking for the Keymaker.

Merovingian: Oh yes, it is true. The Keymaker, of course. But this is not a reason, this is not a `why.' The Keymaker himself,
his very nature, is means, it is not an end, and so, to look for him is to be looking for a means to do... what?

Neo: You know the answer to that question.

Merovingian: But do you? You think you do but you do not. You are here because you were sent here, you were told to
come here and you obeyed. [Laughs] It is, of course, the way of all things. You see, there is only one constant, one
universal, it is the only real truth: causality. Action. Reaction. Cause and effect.

- peacemaker –

#981 re. #968


Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:53 pm

ALMOST ALWAYS WRONG AS YOU'RE ABOUT TO SEE. The first thing I do on those rare occasions
when I mentor someone is to strip away the false concepts and let them decide for themselves if they wish to
open their eyes to self-evident truth. Because truth IS self-evident once you can see again.

Yes an owner receives dividends and interest. But what is a dividend? DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST ARE A
SECURITY WHEN YOU "BOUGHT" THE STOCK OR BOND [nor did we specify special deposit].
Instead, DTC "registered" it on their books and relegated you to the status of "beneficial owner" and
"credited the account" of the Direct Participant. For birth bonds, the Fed is the Direct Participant. This
means the Fed enters the credits as money of account on its books, posts 3 - 10 percent to their reserves,
and leverages the "money" nine more times by the practice of fractional banking (fractional securitization)
and also gets to borrow against the credits as an asset. DTC also milks the stone by issuing a bankers acceptance
against the security, which converts YOUR security into THEIR security interest which they can then trade as
an asset. I explained this Uniform Securitization Scheme in the BC Scam article I recently posted. So you,
the owner, get a nice dividend, while DTC and the Fed, holders of a presumed security interest when DTC
"registered" the security, expand the money perhaps dozens of times over to their own benefit (using YOUR

The problem with Mainstream thinking is that no one pauses to ask themselves: "What's a dividend?" Why
would they? Just about every public scam is as well-entrenched in our brains as our own name. People go nuts
over a 10,000 point market, but who can define the term "point." They cheer marriage even though the pastor
says, "By the power invested in me by the State of Kentucky." They value ownership while ignoring that their
deed calls them a tenant. The more you examine it, the more it appears that mainstream thinking is global
insanity. From buying groceries to Court cases, no one pauses to examine the transaction carefully. Here's a
FACT to remember: the purpose of every security issued under public policy (Public Law 73-10) is a
disposition, a tax-exempt even-exchange of securities. In EVERY case, the Scheme is to open an account,
assign a number, deposit the security via disposition, and start leveraging more securities against our
Estate for profit and feudal control.

People such as yourself who obviously have a background in law usually have the strongest beliefs and the
hardest time abandoning them. When examined cognitively, Common Law is the law of the merchant (as you
point out), from ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt to the present rulers of Saudi Arabia, Syria and the U.S.
mainstream thinking reflects false flags begun hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of years earlier by the
European Jesuit Order, the banking cartels, and others with the intent to enslave others. The present system of
security interest supremacy dates back at least to 1694 when William of Orange borrowed 1 1/4 million pounds
and basically gave away the farm. So when you look to "mainstream thinking," you're looking to a carefully
crafted deception - theater of the absurd - so well entrenched that almost no one is left capable of assimilating

As to focusing on the flesh in court, I regret you went through that but it was strictly business. I've explained
how in some of the postings. It's not that they can't see you. OF COURSE THEY CAN SEE YOU. But like a
snake only sees the infra-red spectrum of light, every Court event involves a security first. If you signed a
paper or thought to argue with them, that was all it took to consent to the paper in their hands. Those who know
what to say (or not to say) often walk free, where others wind up warehoused. They see you all right, as a
surety. Bill

#983 re. #980


Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:59 pm

AGREEMENT if you don't understand how the world really works? You would be a prosecutor's dream with a
lovely security agreement he can ignore, instead of Neo holding an incidental piece of paper while he's kicking

Does that compute? I hope so. My last posting explores a perfect example of how our most basic concepts are
usually false. Bill

P.S. "First you use this (his head), and then I'll teach you to use this (the sword)." Uncle Argyle to William
Wallace, "Braveheart." (Sorry to repeat this.)

#989 re. #893

Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:04 pm

Here's the Wikipedia definition:

For agreements pertaining to the national security of participating states, see Treaty.

A security agreement, in the law of the United States, is a contract that governs the
relationship between the parties to a kind of financial transaction known as a secured
transaction. In a secured transaction, the Grantor (typically a borrower but possibly a guarantor
or surety) assigns, grants and pledges to the grantee (typically the lender) a security interest in
personal property which is referred to as the collateral. Examples of typical collateral are
shares of stock, livestock, and vehicles. A security agreement is not used to transfer any
interest in real property (land/real estate), only personal property. The document used by
lenders to obtain a lien on real property is a mortgage or deed of trust.

The security agreement sets out the various rights the grantee will have with respect to the
collateral, which are in addition to all other rights which the lender may have by law, such as
those rights contained in Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code which has been adopted in
some form by each state in the United States. The Security Agreement also addresses issues
such as permitted sales or other transactions with the collateral in the ordinary course of the
grantor's business and notices that may be required to be given by the grantee to the
grantor if certain actions are taken. There are many forms available for purchase from legal
supply and banker supply companies, in addition to software that will produce a security
agreement according to specific user input.

A security agreement may be oral if the secured party (the lender) has actual physical
possession of the collateral. Where the collateral remains in the physical possession of the
borrower, or where the collateral is intangible (such as a patent.,[1] accounts receivable,
or a promissory note), the security agreement must be in writing in order to satisfy the
statute of frauds. The security agreement must be authenticated by the debtor, meaning that
it must either bear the debtor's signature, or it must be electronically marked. It must contain a
reasonable description of the collateral, and must use words showing an intent to create a
security interest (the right to seek repayment of the loan by foreclosing on the collateral). In
order for the security agreement to be valid, the borrower must usually have rights in the
collateral at the time the agreement is executed. If a borrower pledges as collateral a car
owned by a neighbor, and the neighbor does not know of and endorse this pledge, then the
security agreement is ineffective. However, a security agreement may specify that it includes
after-acquired property. If such a specification is included, then a pledge of "all automobiles
owned by borrower" would include the neighbor's car if the borrower were to buy that car from
the neighbor.

In order for a security interest to attach to the collateral in the possession of subsequent
purchasers, it must be perfected. If the security agreement is for a purchase money security
interest, perfection is automatic. Otherwise, the lender must record either the agreement itself,
or a UCC-1 financing statement, in an appropriate public venue (usually the state secretary of
state or a state business commission under that person's authority). Perfecting the interest
creates constructive notice, which is deemed legally sufficient to inform the rest of the world of
the lender's rights in the collateral. Where a borrower has used the same property as collateral
with respect to multiple security agreements made with different lenders, the first lender to
record the interest has the strongest claim to that property. - peacemaker -

markonealus markonealus@...
Thursday, August 16, 2012, 9:24 AM

Hey Bill -

OK no one else wants to ask, so I will.

Exactly what is a security agreement?

Why would one need to have one?
How is it possible that this document will mean anything to anyone? Thanks, Mark

#993 re. #989 2nd


Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:39 pm

Mark, that's a college course. BUT most of your questions are answered in previous emails which is why no one
else is asking.

Have you Googled "security agreement," "security interest," "sample security agreement" and similar tags?
There's a world of information at your fingertips. Wikipedia alone is a goldmine.

I used that very method to learn how to write a contract from BOA, and a basic trust from a top law firm. At
least that gives me clarity on the public perspective and the general concepts before I go fishing. Once you
pause to read even one such document, your question about the need for one will be answered.

I could give you a one sentence answer, but you wouldn't learn nearly as much as reading what's available on
the web. Bill

FIRST YOU MUST LEARN THE CONCEPTS. Frankly, most people don't get that formula, and eventually
pay the price.

#999 re. not listed

Re: Understanding the power of the knowledge

Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:24 am

It is my understanding that once you claim the trust as grantor/beneficiary, express it as an expressed trust,
appoint the Court as trustee (which they already are since they hold the res) then I see the deposit as being
special, a trust deposit. In your letter you could tell the trustee (judge) that you have claimed, withdrawn and re-

deposited under special deposit the complaint securities. This would clearly show your intent and as you know
"the intent of the settlor is the law of the trust". Intent is by words or actions.

There really only exists the private and the public, however the public does have a private side which is still
public. John

#1006 re. below

Re: Understanding the power of the knowledge

Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:12 pm

"One can opt out of the relationship (but must do so honorably & thoroughly)...but most are unaware of how to
fully do that."

Are you saying you are aware of how to fully, honorably and thoroughly AND have opted out of the
relationship? If so, is it your intention to share that knowledge with this group?

Re: Understanding the power of the knowledge re. #999

Roberto Io <cafeflair2001@...>
Friday, August 17, 2012 1:47 PM

I think most here as most others out there are deluded into believing that we are the beneficiaries of the
B/C or any subsequent trust...we are not! we are the trustees in that relationship. Can the created ever be
greater than the Creator? Who created the B/C? They did. Who created the entity/the name in all caps?
They did. It is theirs! And to claim anything or attempt to copyright anothers creation is copyright
infringement on someone else's intellectual property. It is their stamp and seal on all documents, and it
clearly states it is THEIR property, and they can revoke/rescind those privileges if they see fit...if it were
truly our creation and under our control then that would not be possible... Remember we are the one's
who appy for everything including B/C, SSN, Driver's license etc...look up definition of apply = 'to beg'.

Bonds are issued and sold fromTHEIR creation and held by bond holders...we are the sureties for the
bonds that are sold on the market thru the DTC...we have no rights or entitlements from any B/C bond (a
creation of theirs) but merely some beneficial interest, but not the way most out there think. The B/C is a
warehouse receipt...our slave title! And we are the goods..

At best, we are owed some of the dividend on the instrument if they choose to recognize us and make us
a party to the relationship. Otherwise they may simply terminate the contract if it's not in their best
interest. One can opt out of the relationship (but must do so honorably & thoroughly)...but most are
unaware of how to fully do that.

just my thoughts..

#1019 re. #1006 2nd

Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:02 pm

Roberto, the belief that they created the strawman and the BC is a common misconception. THE BIRTH
of those concepts that I find the need to break down when I mentor someone so that they can better assimilate
the vast power in understanding securities and trusts. People who hold that belief haven't diagrammed the actual
transactions. I've done that for you though, if you will download the BC Scam article in the files archives.
Following the Uniform Securitization Scam, the BC [extract] was issued from the Department of Treasury
account opened to accommodate the deposit of the Certificate of Live Birth against the funds in that
account. Those funds consisted of the pledge of OUR labor represented by the Certificate of Live Birth. [this is
why that had to give us the BC extract. How else could they capture our commercial energy?] What
people need to understand is that the public trust has no credit of its own. It has no capacity to create anything.
It is an impossibility of law and Law that the strawman is their creation. This is why currency is backed by the
"full faith and credit of the people" of the United States. This is why they will pull any uncivil stunt to get you
to sign the appearance BOND. The public has no commercial energy – IT NEEDS YOURS.

Is a car owned by the men who built it? Who owns the grass that grows on "your" lawn? The party doing the
physical issuing is irrelevant. It is our credit, and they're bonds.

Now if they paid us for the bond, then they might be able to re-issue a derivative against it. But they have no
credit to pay us. From the Certificate of Live Birth to the quarter you use to "buy" a piece of candy, they all
belong to us.

The strawman trust belongs to us, not them. When we correct the proper roles, THEY have the problem, not
us. I hope this makes sense. Give that article a good read and see what you think. Bill

#1020 re. below


Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:17 pm


an exchange of securities, which establishes a couple of trusts. When you claim the securities (both of
them since both were issued against your credit through the Estate) then they have substantial
TAX liabilities, REPORTING requirements, and FRAUD CONCERNS which ARE collectible through
the agency, which ARE saleable to financial institutions, which ARE subject to freezing, lien and
enforcement. Plus, they are now finally subject to their own laws, which are the directives of the public
trust. When you attack the contract, THEY STILL HOLD YOUR SECURITY and the profits and
proceeds from all the securitization. This is why so many patriots have come to blows with the public despite
every possible measure to withdraw, pull numbers, and end contracts. Sure, it can work now and then, but it
takes extraordinary skill and courage. AND THEN, YOU'RE OUT OF THE SYSTEM AND ITS

If you believe that a proper claim with knowledge of enforcement strategies will not work, it won't. But as your
knowledge of securities and trusts grows, hopefully the reality will become part of the new awareness that
provides remedy, be it deflecting attempts to rob your beneficiary status, or cashing out. Bill

"rcarne@..." <rcarne@> wrote: re. not listed

As long as you have standing contracts with them via your signature you Can Claim all day long if you
want they don’t care.. until you void out those contracts and give back the property (U.S. Citizen) SS#
and DL and Bank accounts as well as invisible contracts you’re under their jurisdiction. Can't pull the
codes from my phone but have all the info at home. You’re either in or out...alien or Citizen. Privileges
or rights, this is how the government of Arizona is able to cut off new U.S. Citizens from receiving State
benefits... it is written that u.s. citizens do not enjoy the same rights and privileges as state citizens.
Tashiro v. ??? Can't remember.. powers of the king are divested or fall to each individual state it when I get home...

#1022 re. #872

TreasuryDirect Acct. - First Baby Step?

Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:20 pm

Very interesting question. But when you said, De Jure Courts instead of de jure courts, it shows that the
general understanding is not there. I'm not saying this to cause you any embarrassment. Most people can't
imagine the amount of time I've devoted to settle all of the conceptual issues that I'm able to propel my
understanding ahead. The thoughtful genuine answer, which I've mentioned before I believe, is that putting pen
to paper is the last house on the block. EVERYBODY WANTS TO GET TO THE PAPERWORK, and then
when it APPEARS to fizzle, they move on to the next flavor of the month. I'm here to encourage learning and
introspection and provide a forum where those few who know the truth can connect with those who would like
to. Bill

#1024 re. #821 below

Re: executor
Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:27 pm

Yes. Bill

#821 re. not listed

Re: executor
Wed Aug 8, 2012 7:17 pm

Can you claim your offspring too?

#1038 re. not listed


Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:39 pm

Let's see how Webster's 1828 dictionary defines 'proxy':

PROX''Y, n. [contracted from procuracy, or some word from the root of procure, proctor.]
1. The agency of another who acts as a substitute for his principal; agency of a substitute; appearance of a
representative. None can be familiar by proxy. None can be virtuous or wise by proxy.
2. The person who is substituted or deputed to act for another. A wise man will not commit important
business to a proxy, when he can transact it in person. In England, any peer may make another lord of
parliament his proxy to vote for him in his absence.
3. In popular use, an election or day of voting for officers of government.

Let's also look at 'pledge':

PLEDGE, n. [L. plico.]

1. Something put in pawn; that which is deposited with another as security for the repayment of money
borrowed, or for the performance of some agreement or obligation; a pawn. A borrows ten pounds off B,
and deposits his watch as a pledge that the money shall be repaid; and by repayment of the money, A redeems
the pledge.
2. Any thing given or considered as a security for the performance of an act. Thus a man gives a word or
makes a promise to another, which is received as a pledge for fulfillment. The mutual affection of husband and
wife is a pledge for the faithful performance of the marriage covenant. Mutual interest is the best pledge for the
performance of treaties.
3. A surety; a hostage.
4. In law, a gage or security real or personal, given for the repayment of money. It is of two kinds; vadium
vivum, a living pledge, as when a man borrows money and grants an estate to be held by the pledgee, till the
rents and profits shall refund the money, in which case the land or pledge is said to be living; or it is vadium
mortuum, a dead pledge, called a mortgage. [See Mortgage.]
5. In law, bail; surety given for the prosecution of a suit, or for the appearance of a defendant, or for restoring
goods taken in distress and replevied. The distress itself is also called a pledge, and the glove formerly thrown
down by a champion in trial by battel, was a pledge by which the champion stipulated to encounter his
antagonist in that trial.
6. A warrant to secure a person from injury in drinking.

To put in pledge, to pawn.

To hold in pledge, to keep as security.

PLEDGE, v.t.
1. To deposit in pawn; to deposit or leave in possession of a person something which is to secure the
repayment of money borrowed, or the performance of some act. [This word is applied chiefly to the depositing
of goods or personal property. When real estate is given as security we usually apply the word mortgage.]
2. To give as a warrant or security; as, to pledge one''s word or honor; to pledge one''s veracity.
3. To secure by a pledge.


pledg·or‚ [plej-awr]
noun Law .
a person who deposits personal property as a pledge. [securities fall under personal property]

a person to whom a pledge is delivered [e.g. registrar general]
How about 'grantor'?

Grant"or (?), n. (Law) The person by whom a grant or conveyance is made.


Gran*tee" (?), n. (Law) The person to whom a grant or conveyance is made.


Individual holding a lien.


Individual owning property on which another party (lienor) possesses a right of lien. [security interest]

- peacemaker -

#1039 re. #1038


Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:05 pm

Here is something that might help. Everything in the public is a trust, the public world is a giant trust and that is
all it is. There are only 3 parties to a trust...the grantor/settlor, the beneficiary, and the trustee, and that is it. No
other parties have a nexus (connection) to a trust. If we look at it like that then we are either a grantor/settlor
who grants the trust property into the trust and makes the rules, terms and laws the trust has to follow (has to
follow, no choice), beneficiary who collects on the trust and makes demands upon the trustee to perform his/her
duties, and the trustee who holds the legal title and who is responsible for the trust and beneficiary. The public
being a trust can only see those 3 entities. The public wants to win so it calls every trust an implied trust so it
can imply who is who. Only the RM can put real property into a trust which equals grantor. Only a RM can hold
equitable title to real property which equals beneficiary. Only a legal fiction and hold legal title which equals
trustee. The public is always trustee=Debtor, the RM is always the beneficiary=creditor, the RM is always the
grantor=one who makes the rules. The public is always trustee yet it implies it is beneficiary and we don't
contest so it wins. The public always implies we are trustee and we don't contest so we are. Standing is standing
up and declaring we are grantor/beneficiary and they are trustee, we don't have to prove it we only need to
believe it and express it with intent through our actions as well as our words...that is the key everyone is looking
for. Your proxie is you as grantor/beneficiary not the RM, they already know we are the RM as grantor /
beneficiary they are just waiting for us to claim so... John

#1040 re. #1039


Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:35 pm

The cool thing about being G/B is we can demand performance (as beneficiary) from the trustee (United States)
as defined in 28 USC Section 3002(15) which includes IRS, Treasury, Courts, police, etc. and we can change to
rules and terms of the trust (as grantor) and make them jump through our hoops, or we can pretend we are G/T
and give them full control by our silence and let them do that to us... John

#1050 re: below

Re: Understanding the power of the Knowledge/CONTRACT LAW IS IRRELEVANT. IT'S THE
Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:17 pm

Hi Richard, it's not personal. There are so many groups out there people can visit. I'm striving to remain on
message. Your second email so vigorously defended your position in the first email ("you Can Claim all day
long if you want they don’t care"), I really saw no other choice than nipping it in the bud. What message could
possibly more damaging to the very essence of the Group (and the history we've experienced and the truth of
how society operates (see 15 USC 77ccc - definition of Indenture))? You see, they surely do care when they
know you mean business, can capture their bond, can sell their liability overseas, can process the claim
through U.S. Fed Ct of Claims, and so on. Using one's knowledge of trusts and securities, there isn't much we
can't do, but frankly I'm not of a mind to hit people over the head with it. I'd rather just plod along as time
permits for whoever thinks the theme is worth following. I hope that makes sense. You're a bright guy. Why
not start a group about contract termination? I'm sure you'd do a good job. Good fortune to you. Bill

Re: Understanding the power of the Knowledge/CONTRACT LAW IS IRRELEVANT. IT'S THE
SECURITY. re. #1020 2nd
richard carne <@...>
Friday, August 17, 2012 10:38 PM

.....why was the subject title changed??

#1058 re. #977

Re: Treasury process short version?

Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:49 am

(for further discussion...)


IF the proxy cannot be the strawman, and cannot be the living man, then can it be the grantor?

I'm not saying your statement is wrong, I am just not sure it is correct.


"Then we can place the securities into the hands of a qualified party who holds the security interest (holder in
due course) for set-off." [??]

If the holder in due course holds the security interest, what do you hold?

#1060 re. not listed

Re: Treasury process short version?

Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:45 am

This doesn't look correct to me either Raven.

How can 'you' - if you cannot be seen in commerce - be the grantor, or beneficiary?

These are legal terms. That's where the proxy comes in. Something that CAN be seen on paper - replete with all
the powers in admiralty....the first 100 posts deal specifically with this.

As for the HDC - holder in due course - there are so many writings on holder in due course doctrine, it's not
even funny.

Let's read up on it, see what powers the HDC has, put it in context of SPLASH. What the secured lienor is,
and how the secured HDC fits into it.

- peacemaker -


I AM A real man DMV

Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:59 pm

I though I would share my experience I had today. I went to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to renew my
Driver's License. I did not bring two letters addressed to me as proof of address. Instead I asked to do an
affidavit and swear it.

She gave me the affidavit and I put my name as David Wayne of the VanDerryt family and my address I put
C/O 1234 my street then; my town and I spelled out Florida and left the zip code off.

I signed it with my first and middle name only.

I gave it to her and she read it over carefully. She looked at me and dropped her left eye lid (winked) ever so
grinningly. She told me to sign my name for the card and she looked into my eyes sternly as if to say here is
your chance kid. (I am 50 and she must have been 65)

Well, I have my Real man's name on my DL and an accepted affidavit swearing it.

It felt kinda good


#1097 re. below

Re: [Reclaim_Your_Securities] Re: I AM A real man DMV

Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:11 am
All I have is US DOT and the words ‘private conveyance.’ I have not been stop by the police in 2 years and
they get behind me all the time. plates been expired for 2 yrs. I always LOL when they get behind me cuz I
know they can't do nothing but look. I'm invisible to them. I've run stop signs and red lights, but I do it with
care. I showed a friend how to be invisible to the cops and he can't believe it. His DL’s been suspended for 4
months and he hasn’t been stopped ..and he drives with no plates, just US DOT number and the words ‘private
conveyance.’ Just make a bill of sale for your "automobile" make up a new VIN number of your choice, file
with the recorder of deeds or records, give notice, and send copy to secret service giving them notice. And your
done...but you didn't. hear that from me.

JohnTrustee <john@...> wrote: re. #1076

David, keep us posted as to what happens, it is good to think outside of the box. Several years ago I
signed my DL 'without prejudice' took copy of it and typed 'For Identification Only' made copies of my
master travel agreement with all 50 states, my declaration expressly waiving the benefit privilege of the
States, US, etc.. then I got stopped in AZ by a state police for speeding, & wasn't wearing a seat belt. He
asked if I new how fast I was traveling, I told him no but I do try and travel at least 10 miles per hour
over the speed limit. When he asked for my DL and insurance I told him I don't carry my DL with me as
I am not for hire and just traveling. I gave him my copy for ID and my other stuff that I had signed as
RM and had notarized and recorded in county. After a few minutes he came back to the car and gave me
back my stuff, I never did find the insurance card. He leaned through the passengers window and shook
my hand and told me to have a great day.

Last year I got stopped on my Harley because the cop did a check on my plates that I never registered in
my name or changed title to when I bought it in 2005 (I had put 'Not For Hire' 'Right to Travel' on the
plates, I don't have an indorsement but have ridden my whole life. Same thing happed although he was a
rookie and wanted to argue with me as I am from Oregon and this was in New Mexico. Again he gave
everything back and we parted. I don't recommend this to others, however it has worked for me and
what you did may work for you. I will change what I have been doing and perfect it through trust, and I
do hope this works for you. John

#1102 re. below


Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:25 pm

Peacemaker, to correct any confusion, an executor and a trustee are not the same, they both have a fiduciary
duty and sometimes an executor is looked at as a successor trustee, however they are not equal when it comes to
trusts and trust law, and this is very important to understand. We have to stop talking executors and wills and
probates and death of the RM. A trust is a living thing that can last for generations after the grantor/settlors
death, whereas a will is over very quickly and the executors duties are also. Our property was put into a trust not
a will and a trustee holds legal title for the trust. There are many articles and papers written as to the differences
between the two and I really think everyone needs to understand that in reclaiming our securities an executor
has to be erased from our minds, it is not an option. John

eponymous_680 embury111@... wrote: re. below

Executor = trustee

- peacemaker -


derrick wayne <derrickwayne1960@...>
Tuesday, August 21, 2012, 6:08 AM

John have you looked at the riddle of the executor qualification?

Maybe it is best to avoid this term, it is so bizarre that the taxpayer is dead. Is there an executor
in a trust?

Re: REQUEST FOR A MENTOR re. not listed

JohnTrustee <john@...>
Sunday, August 19, 2012 11:58 PM

Hey Samuel, I feel your pain, My understanding is the first thing we must do is
understand we are the grantor/beneficiary of all public trusts we are a party to unless we
choose, as grantor, to not be. If it is our intent for the IRS to be trustee then we need to
make that clear to them and the easiest way is to start signing everything as
grantor/beneficiary, taking control. Remember they only see grantor, beneficiary, and
trustee. And they always imply us to be trustee, 'they imply', 'we express'. When we
express our intent we correct the misconstruement of implied trust to expressed trust.
Never sign anything without at least putting a (...) (Ellipsis) in front of your signature that
way you are qualifying it (not general) and you can add any title (you are reserving that
space). Then look in the mirror and see only a grantor and a beneficiary. Then study trust
and the power of G/B and what a trustees duties are. That is a great start. John

#1113 re. #1097


Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:24 am

the strawman. Hundreds of patriots have used it to register a claim in the strawman by the Estate.
However, the public Estate is actually a surety on the public's books for the debts charged to the
strawman. The "Estate" that people are registering is a different estate, one which is registered as a
foreign entity. This is fine except the name is similar to the BC name so there is confusion between the
debtor estate and the creditor estate. This is something perhaps understood by a handful of those who have
registered at DOT, the rest are flying blind. Once in a while someone gets it right and files a UCC with the
estate listed as both debtor and creditor, with a slight difference in HOW they are listed. None of this matters if
the creditor Estate has no credentials to act, unless you wish to go direct to cashing out.

Better to use a non-estate proxy to do the job as we've been discussing.

DOT numbers can (and likely will be) challenged from time to time. It varies from State to State and cop to cop.
One shouldn't fly the plane without a true command of what to do if (when) challenged.

IF YOU HAVE THAT COMMAND, then you can transform the public attack into a wonderful opportunity to
teach them to avoid the expense of messing with you again.

THE OTHER OPTION is to keep the license and teach them the same lesson anyway when the opportunity
appears. You can choose to act as Trustee when it's beneficial to the beneficiary (like a smooth traffic stop
with kids in the car) and shift to beneficiary when it's useful (like dealing with the Court). You do NOT have
to be Siamese twins to wear two hats. G-d gave you two hands. You can change the flag at will. Bill

#1114 re. #1113


Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:16 pm

The Department of Transportation can also be used to register a claim AGAINST the Estate.

ONE THING TO REMEMBER, the recent use of DOT to register a claim because it's the "highest venue in
the admiralty" concerning vessels, is another example of our tendency to expand thread of information into
faulty conclusions. No one in the public will recognize such a claim as a maritime lien. The public facilities
one uses to achieve a remedy should be the ones that will elicit predictable responses from public officials.
Otherwise, you can expect a bit of a conflict. Bill

#1118 re. below


Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:35 pm

Why would you assign your lien rights to the bookkeeper?
Why would you name the IRS as a beneficiary?
Isn't the IRS already a trustee on the SSN?


of miles away, some poor bastard is devoting his life to constructing a process using IRS as a proxy because he
read someone else's speculations.

NOT AT THIS GROUP PLEASE. Speculation is done privately between ourselves AND OUR MAKER. That's
when self-evident truth appears. I like to research, deliberate, diagram, discuss with my brain trust, reconsider,
then consult with Him. Thinking out loud on blogs can be very uncivil without knowing it. When we post, it
should not be speculation. Thank you for understanding. Bill

Re: Treasury process short version? re. below

locomotivate locomotivate@...
Monday, August 20, 2012 1:44 PM

Thank you for this. This answered some of my queries...but not all.

So you are making the IRS the third party proxy, once the interest has been released. (Jesus owned
nothing. He was, is, just beneficiary) if I comprehend this correctly. I wont take anything personally, just
doing my best to learn and come to honor.

"JohnTrustee" <john@...> wrote: re. #1060

Hey Peacemaker, I believe that the hardest hurdle for everyone is to understand 'trust'. Admiralty
deals with the high seas, and in our case mostly 'vessels'. We are considered a vessel and Peter in
#206 explains it when he says "ALL VESSELS ARE TRUSTS!!!"...estates are trusts/vessels,
trusts are vessels/estates.

We have to stop looking at things in legal terms and look at them in trust terms, that is why we
do a Security Agreement where the debtor (vessel/BC trust) breaches the agreement upon
signing it and at that moment we have a perfected maritime lien against the vessel (BC Trust
123-45-654321). In a trust the only parties that have a nexus are grantor, beneficiary, trustee, and
sometimes the res, everyone else is a trespasser (breacher) upon the trust and can't be seen. The
agency (IRS) implies us (SM) as the trustee/debtor although in posting #217 (SM=beneficiary of
estate) so they don't have to see us or listen to us and we let them get away with it by arguing
some off point stuff or we remain silent. They know that they are trustees, agents for United
States as defined in 28 USC sec. 3002(15) and are only waiting for us to correct the fact that our
BC is an expressed trust and this only happens when the grantor (RM staying private) intently
expresses (as grantor) the trust and defines who is grantor, beneficiary and trustee. He/she also
needs to express the terms of the trust as to what are the duties of the trustee (IRS/Agency). The
RM does not say I am alive, I am a real man, the RM speaks only as the grantor for the trust and
also as beneficiary for the trust(beneficiary enforces trustees duties), that way there is only one
party left that hasn't been mentioned and that would be the trustee, and for the IRS/Agency to
have a connection they have to be trustee, and again they already know it, once the IRS/Agency
receives trust res they hold it as trustee. I hope this is helpful. John

#1153 re. below

Re: IRS - why the caution?

Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:25 pm

PROXY? A fiduciary, sure, but not your proxy! Give your claim to the accountant??? It's been tried. Think
Bernie Madoff. Bill

"circumnavigator2", <circumnavigator2@...> wrote: re. #1118

Isn’t the IRS close to the largest accounting organization in the country?
Isn’t it an accountant’s task to ‘balance the books’? Isn’t a the BC
bond a security and is not a charging instrument a security? Are you not
attempting to set-off the securities one against the other? Isn’t that an
accounting task?

Just my two pence worth . . .

#1156 re. #1153

Re: IRS - why the caution?

Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:41 am

It's not so much about the HDC and more about the EH (entitlement holder) UCC8. There are 2 types of
fiction. 1st is an ens legis (legal entity, ) a fiction of the mind like a corp. 2nd is a fictional representation
(like the grantor ).

The grantor is a fictional representation of the real man. Like a photo of yourself is a fictional (2
dimensional) representation of you. The grantor [fiction] never speaks in the public. You never say you Re the
grantor. You are just ACTING in the CAPACITY of trustee. The electricity folks. The grantor communicates in
the public on paper. Same thing for the beneficiary [fiction].

It is all about accounting in the public. Think electricity and you will u see the flow of energy (currency). For a
circuit to be closed it must go back to ground (the private).

Here is a scenario :

You work for GM building cars (commercial energy). But who benefits from the labor? Simple just look at
the pay stub. What Number is always on it? The SSN which is the beneficiary of the BC. The labor is coming
from the grantor [fiction/ENTITY]. The beneficiary [fiction/ENTITY] is getting the evidence of that labor
as debt. But remember the beneficiary did not earn or create that energy so it is all income profit to the
SSN. When you file a 1040 you Re font[??] as the trustee to the BC reporting the dividends paid out to
the beneficiary. That is taxable.

Our goal is to ground out the charge. Where is the ground? It's in the private.

IRS = internal REVENUE service

Revenue = (French) for that which must return. The private is a venue, so is the public. So the energy goes
from the private into the public. Now we must REVENUE it back to the private (ground it out). Look at
the congressional record of 1942. It's all there. Since the grantor is lost at sea and the IRS only exists in the
public. Where does the currency (energy) go that the IRS collects?

It goes to the entitlement holder (US Treasury) [Because it holds the actual BC]. Your BC is a certificate of
indebtedness issued by the debtor to the creditor. The DTCC has your BC ledgered as a security and the US
Treasury is ledgered as the entitlement holder. Go the DTCC web site and read their PDFs. One of them
explains the process of ledgering securities. Guess what type of security they use as an example? Yup, you
guessed it YOUR BC !

The US Treasury claims parens Patriea (spelling may be off) FATHER of the estate as the bible explains
the father is the executor of the child's estate.

So the BC is the debtor as it borrows from the estate to acquire title. And the borrower is always guilty and
always pays. You need to have a trust that holds the highest claim (maritime lien). So you can claim the debt
and ground it out. Look up maritime liens. More to come later. But this should get you thinking ;) Pete

Usufructuary must give Security (Surety) to Owner - Reclaim Our Security
Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:21 pm

Usufructuary must give Security (Surety) to Owner - Reclaim Our Security - pdf

My small contribution to our collective knowledgebase here...

For your review, correction, comment or amendment.


#1191 re. below

Re: TreasuryDirect Acct. - First Baby Step?

Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:44 pm

Beneficiary / depositor / authorized representative for the Grantor.

"dnadesi" <dnadesi@...> wrote: re. #1022

Hi Bill,

If a Patriot that hasn't filed one iota of paperwork is considered a SM debtor, as your reply indicated
below, then what would be the name given to one that has successfully traversed the maze of reclaiming
their securities.

So, we want to go from SM debtor to------------->??? (please fill in the blank)

#1193 re. not listed

Re: TreasuryDirect Acct. - First Baby Step?

Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:30 pm

They can't see the Grantor if you claim to be same. So we represent the Grantor, a fiction. Bill

#1194 re. #1118


Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:37 pm

A PROXY IS NOT THE SAME AS A FIDUCIARY. We can appoint a fiduciary for specific purposes and give
notice with a Form 56, but you would never want to give a blanket POA for the agency to stand-in as your
proxy. If you do, they will take your property every time. Bill

Why would you assign your lien rights to the bookkeeper?
Why would you name the IRS as a beneficiary?
Isn't the IRS already a trustee on the SSN?


of miles away, some poor bastard is devoting his life to constructing a process using IRS as a proxy because he
read somone else's speculations.

NOT AT THIS GROUP PLEASE. Speculation is done privately between ourselves AND OUR MAKER. That's
when self-evident truth appears. I like to research, deliberate, diagram, discuss with my brain trust, reconsider,
then consult with Him. Thinking out loud on blogs can be very uncivil without knowing it. When we post, it
should not be speculation. Thank you for understanding. Bill

#1195 re. #1194


Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:38 pm

DO THEY WORK? You bet. They can even be used to terminate/collapse the strawman trust, not that you
would necessarily want to. But if you do, their records will show it as dead - WITHOUT EVER HAVING
SUBMITTED A DEATH CERTIFICATE. That, alone, is proof they understand. Bill

P.S. This is not speculation.

#1201 re. below

Re: TreasuryDirect Acct. - First Baby Step?

Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:06 pm

Proxy: "The PERSON who is substituted or deputed to act for another"

What is a person? What can be 'seen' and recognized in the Matrix? What did Bill say our 'status' would be,
after we flip things around, right way around? : "Beneficiary / depositor / authorized representative for
the Grantor."?

Words ending in "or", seem to have power. 'Grant-or', 'Settl-or', 'Creat-or', 'Deposit - or'....

I think he's pretty much said what (one of) the proxy(s) is, without coming right out and saying it.
- peacemaker –

Re: TreasuryDirect Acct. - First Baby Step? re. #1193

Paul Eggli <peggli@...>
Friday, August 31, 2012, 3:50 PM

In order to become the representative of the Grantor, does this entail filing any paperwork with any agency,
or is this a matter of merely stating that we are the authorized representative of the grantor, and taking all
actions as acting on the grantor's bequest as his representative? This IS being the PROXY, right???

Thanks in advance for your reply!


#1220 re. below

Re: TreasuryDirect Acct. - First Baby Step?

Sun Sep 2, 2012 11:17 am

There is no beneficiary with clean hands -- that's why a fiduciary is needed .... P

On 9/1/2012 5:00 PM, circumnavigator2 wrote: re. below

Why can't the auth rep provide notice of his/her own appointment? Who has a better record? John

Re: TreasuryDirect Acct. - First Baby Step? re. not listed

G G <apokalypse1@...>
Sat, 1 Sep 2012 15:02:51 -0700 (PDT)

So as I see it, after you express your trust (reassigning the as grantor), you would need
to draw up a POA to assign YOU (seen in public) as the representative of You (Grantor, invisible
in public).
Is this totally off base?

#1228 re. #1156

Re: IRS - why the caution?

Mon Sep 3, 2012 11:32 am

Peter Papoulias <peterpapoulias@...> wrote:

"It's not so much about the HDC; more about the EH (entitlement holder) UCC8"

In going through the UCC 8, looking at entitlement holder (EH):

§ 8-102. DEFINITIONS.(7) "Entitlement holder" means a person identified in the records of a securities
intermediary as the person having a security entitlement against the securities intermediary. If a person
acquires a security entitlement by virtue of Section 8-501(b)(2) or (3), that person is the entitlement

" If a person acquires a security entitlement by virtue of Section 8-501(b)(2) or (3), that person is the
entitlement holder."


(14) "Securities intermediary" means:

(i) a clearing corporation; or

(ii) a person, including a bank or broker, that in the ordinary course of its business maintains securities
accounts for others and is acting in that capacity.

(16) "Security certificate" means a certificate representing a security.

(17) "Security entitlement" means the rights and property interest of an entitlement holder with respect to a
financial asset specified in Part 5.

I'm really enjoying reading the UCC - thanks Peter!

#1232 re. #1102


Mon Sep 3, 2012 8:27 am

You would NOT want to simply walk away from your estate process. Rather, YOU ARE MARRIED TO IT.
Here's what you need to know:

1. The Estate for which you secured a foreign EIN is NOT the Certificate of Birth estate that is the surety for the
debts of the strawman. IT IS A SEPARATE ENTITY. Your "mentors" probably forgot to make that clear, or
more likely, did not understand that themselves. If you secured the 98, 27 or 45 No., you now have three entities
in play:

STRAWMAN DEBTOR 123-45-6789, a domestic trust, the entity that they charge with all debts they wish the
estate to pay.

The COB estate, 123-45-123456, a domestic trust, the surety for the STRAWMAN. The name of this entity is
as it appears on the long form: Marie Ruth White, MARIE RUTH WHITE, Marie Ruth WHITE, etc.

THE NEW ESTATE, 27-1234567, a foreign trust, Secured Party to the foregoing IF you filed your UCC-1's
properly. MOST OF YOU HAVE NOT. If you created a fourth trust under a new name and registered it in the
commercial registry as S/P, the UCC is still defective.

2. If you try to register the NEW ESTATE on a UCC1, it will appear to be the same party as the original estate
debtor, so it needs to be done cleverly, and it's number needs to be featured prominently.

3. CRITICAL: Your Estate procedures are an impediment to any trust procedures you may be planning to
secure your status or cash-out. For instance, IF YOU USED FORM 56 TO KILL THE STRAWMAN AND
COLB ESTATE, there's a good chance that the agency's records will SHOW THAT THE STRAWMAN IS
DEAD. This is not speculation. It might be advisable to call them to confirm. If you call them as the Strawman,

you may encounter a very disturbed agent. If you need them to perform in some way, the call should be made as
the Executor. When you confirm that the strawman is dead, then perhaps you will see the power of the 56. A
pronouncement of death without a death certificate. (Life insurance anyone???)

4. How will this death status impact any attempt to cash-out? This is a good question for which I don't have a
definite answer. However, remember Roger Elvick's "command the memory of STRAWMAN 123-45-6789"
language? Perhaps it's starting to make better sense. Just remember, SEC. IV OF THE CESTUI QUE VIE ACT

5. Here's another problem. Those of you who created a second trust to act as Secured Party have recorded it on
your UCC’s as an individual. But it is not. IT'S A TRUST. A replacement for the strawman. Those filings are

These are just some of the issues for "Estate people" to address. I would not be upset if it seems like, once
again, you have to rethink and change your processes. Good lessons always come from these things, AND
still ours.

As before, I caution members about posting blanket statements without qualifying the information. Those
postings, and chit chat postings, are being removed to streamline the Group for new members. Please don't be
offended if one of yours disappears. Remember, it's all about understanding. Bill

#1233 re. #1232


Mon Sep 3, 2012 8:28 am


their Estate "status." Most of you are stalled in that process. That should be a lesson in itself.

The reason you don't know how to proceed is because you were not given the CLEAR UNDERSTANDING
you need to control your commercial fate. You were strung along. You ignored your gut and believed what you
wanted to hear. You were convinced that only your "mentor" had the wisdom to figure things out. You
conceived of him as the hero willing to take the risks while plowing the field for you. In reality, you were
treated as children and you accepted that role as you did with Tony King. After all, if you did not understand
that you had created a third estate (private, COLB, NEW ESTATE), how could you possibly proceed

in this Group have already given you the roadmap to your remedy. MOST OF YOU DON'T SEE THAT
(yet), but in time you might.


INTO A FEW PARAGRAPHS without risking the greatest harm to my brothers. The outcome is so predictable.
With inadequate understanding, we will create yet another platter of victims for the beast to consume. So my
postings will continue to promote that understanding within the limitations of my own schedule, even at the risk
of causing frustration."
Members should conduct themselves as His children and refrain from venting frustration, attacking others,
condemning intentions or otherwise imparting negative energy to a loving undertaking. We must not act as
provocateurs. Such behavior requires that membership be revoked. If we can't conduct ourselves peacefully,
then how can we credibly claim to hold the Government to the same standard? THIS GROUP WILL NOT
THOSE WHO ARE SO EASILY TURNED FROM THE FATHER. Chronic arguers and naysayers are not

IF YOU FEEL COMPELLED TO GET IT NOW, then I will try to find you a mentor. But ethical people who
really know their stuff are few. I will pray for your understanding. Bill



Wed Sep 5, 2012 10:09 pm

Sure, there are some interesting things one can do with a CUSIP # for a court case or the SSN. But consider

If the Grantor claims all securities, accounts, trusts and deposits represented by, associated with, or
derived from, the global designation 123-45-123456, then haven't you claimed the Case bond, the SS account,
the SS bonds, and every other security? Do we really care how the derivatives are identified?

For your answer, check out 31 CFR 356.5..."When we issue additional securities with the same CUSIP
number as the outstanding securities, we consider them to be the same securities as the outstanding
securities." Is that a remarkable quote?

THEY'RE ALL THE SAME SECURITY. If you snare the Certif of Birth, you've snared them all. 356 governs
the sale of "marketable Treasury" securities (think Certif of Birth).

The options are many once we claim the COB. The problem is that most patriots issued their claims years ago
and then walked away at the first sign of resistance. That's not how you play poker with a big bluffer. Bill

#1246 re. #1243


Thu Sep 6, 2012 8:31 am


This makes a lot of sense. Claim the original security (the COB) and we have the power. Any hints where one
can study up on how to do this ?

Thanks again for your honest insights. :)

#1249 re. not listed

Re: Funds in treasury come from a conversion, NOT liens upon estates.
Thu Sep 6, 2012 3:54 pm

I just want to clarify this, what was stated in the 3rd paragraph:

"YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABOUT NOT LIENING OUR BROTHER. But UCC 9-311(a)(3) makes it clear that
the holder of a certificate enjoys the presumption of a perfected lien. The BC is the evidence of our lien
against the strawman. It exists whether we claim it or not. It was born by our actions. The BC treasury process
just makes the lien digestible in the public."

Are you saying, as per UCC 9-311(a)(3) : If the security certificate is in registered form and is delivered to the
secured party pursuant to agreement, a written security agreement is not required for attachment or
enforceability of the security interest. Mere delivery suffices for perfection, even if a necessary indorsement is

I kind of glossed over this before. We already have priority security interest, but because, we haven't expressed
that interest in the fiction public, using our proxy/pawns, we cannot be 'seen'?

#1255 re. #1246


Sat Sep 8, 2012 5:05 pm

Two ways [to learn how to claim the original security (the COB)]. One is various banking manuals, books
on trust estate and tax law, admiralty, equity, read Title 31 CFR, and so forth. It's easier if you have a mentor
who knows what he's doing. I know, they're few and far between, and the waters are filled with sharks. One of
the reasons I started this group was to bring them out of the woodwork. A very few have appeared. When
someone asks, I try to hook them up if I can. Let me know if you want me to ask around. Bill.

#1266 re. not listed

Re: Seeking primary docs for this site to get started in the process
Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:53 am

Hi Ken,

The docs aren't successful. The knowledge is. I spent the week with a bunch of bankers, and believe me, it
wasn't the docs that got their attention and held their ears. And the docs won't protect you after you send them
into a court and they haul you in to test who you are. Or if you go for a proper banker's acceptance, or
distribution or redemption. The docs won't do squat for you or anyone else. Thousands of patriots have claims
against their respective strawmen and haven't done anything with it, because they lacked even the remotest
comprehension of what they had really achieved. This forum is less than two months old, but it has produced
gold in many of the postings for those who are inclined to pursue the information in them. Bill.

#1267 re. below

Re: redressright at youtube

Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:56 am

Roy, you're wish to be outside and lose the advantages. But if you wish to enjoy the advantages
of the beneficiary who can enforce the trust indenture, then a BEN could be helpful. Both are entirely
unnecessary from the commercial perspective. Bill

Re: redressright at youtube re. not listed

Roy Lewis <nohgdds@...>
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 1:47 AM

I am new here but this is the first time I have seen discussion of the W-8BEN on this forum. I don't
think this is the form to be using. The form you need is the W-8 which is not available on the IRS web
site. The W-8 removes you from their jurisdiction while the W-8BEN puts you squarely in it. Think
that might be why they want to hide it? I don't know if you can request (and get) the W-8 from IRS but
it would be worth a try.


Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:44 am

To the system, anything that is issued with the debtors name on it, is a security. To you it is a charge depending
on which side you are on. A charge becomes a security on the other side. The BC bond is the original security
they draw from. Everything originates from there. It is all in bankruptcy. Money is a grand illusion. God owns it
all through the grand trust of the Vatican. It all goes back there. You must hold their feet to the fire or they will
hold yours to it. Statutes and acts are commercial offers to persons, nothing else, they get you to be the surety
for it.

What is a person? A fiction.

Persons = debtors, slaves.
People = creditor, but they turn it around, and we willingly or otherwise contract with them.
You can only interact with the fiction through the person or a proxy, you cannot do it any other way. You are
either the SLAVE or the king.

The court, government, corporation, etc. makes you the trustee for the debt, charge, or any other paper, by
attorning (turning over) you, by pro-se-cuting you, by your consent. They flip the triangle in court so you
become the trustee and are on the hook for the so-called charge. It's all a game, learn how to play it....enforce
their rules!

You are presumed to be a corporation, unless you re-butt the presumption. The judge is a trustee.

Watch Dean Clifford and Santos Bonacci on youtube. They do not have the answer though, but can give you a
good understanding on what is really going on. Uncle Joshua's Dad already gave you the answer here. You just
have to put it all together. We cannot tell you outright, read the bible, the new testament. 1933 was actually your
redemption, those with eyes to see and ears to hear will know this.....

You have always given the person the res, or the value.
Time to reclaim the person.
The only way though is through the processes described herein. Through becoming the Grantor and then the

Watch the wizard of OZ, still the best description of the process.
What did the Lion want?
What did the scarecrow want?
What did the tin man want?
What IS the wash up and brush up corp?

The movie the Matrix is also a grand description of what is going on.....

Come out of her my people.

He who hates surety is sure.
God is not a respecter of persons.



Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:33 pm

Hi Bill, We're trying to complete a set of GSA forms and have so many questions after the Tony King confusion
and being abandoned by a so-called mentor. I really can't say we understand what we're doing or what the forms
are supposed to do. We got hung up at a study group meeting on the 90 and 91. NO ONE knows what they
mean at the top and what the contract is or anything. I can tell because they're sounding like patriots repeating
what they've heard with the same conviction my son has when he gets in trouble and tries to weasel out (like the
every other day).

If you have a moment, would you be able to explain this? We presume you've been busy as you haven't posted
lately and the void has been filled mostly by well-intentioned nonsense.

Thanks very much. Gratefully,


#1355 re. #1353 & not listed


Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:51 pm

First of all, the GSA forms were designed to work, and they WILL work (and here's the qualifier no one wants
understanding they're an open book like most procedures.

For example, in an earlier posting do you remember when I said that THE ESTATE IS THE SURETY FOR
THE DEBTS THAT ARE CHARGED TO THE STRAWMAN. I noted that the strawman is nothing but a debt
entity; a creation to transmit debt to a creditor, owner or surety. Perhaps you recall a lengthy posting in which I

explained how they CHARGE THE STRAWMAN to entice the Estate to pay, which is why Roger Elvick
used the language: "and charge the same to account JOHN HENRY DOE 123-45-6789."

In a file I posted for the Group, I explained that your estate is your inheritance from the Father and reviewed
how the recording of the birth record as a certificate by the County registrar creates a mirror-image PUBLIC
ESTATE which is derived from the presumption that since you were born on this land, you're a member of the
posterity and therefore a surety for the debts of the United States - specifically that portion attributed to your

the strawman. The birth number is the number that represents that the surety.

Some members recognized the value of that information and chose to pray and analyze it for significance.
Others elected to huff and puff in typical patriot fashion about the glass being half full. What those lost souls
fail to realize is that their negative energy has blocked them from seeing the remedy that's ALREADY in
their hands. Here's an example...

The GSA forms are nothing more than bonds with which you buy out the lien which has been placed on
your property. In a criminal case, the case bond which they issued (against your credit) from the case
account which was opened to receive the Indictment security as a deposit, represents that lien.

Let's complete the very first sentence on the 90 and 91 in light of the Estate's role as underwriter:

"Whereas JOHN HENRY DOE, of CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH NO. 145-68-123456, by a bond for the
performance of U.S. Government Contract Number 123-45-6789 became a surety for the complete and
successful performance of said contract, which bond includes a lien upon certain real property further described
hereafter, and"

Fancy language, but easily understood when you examine it under the looking glass of your knowledge. Notice
the language: "by a bond for the performance of U.S. Government Contract Number 123-45-6789..."


Here's how it translates:

"Whereas the Public Estate (the COB trust), represented by CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH NO. 145-68-123456,
BECAME A SURETY for the debts attributed to the Strawman Social Security trust account "contract" due
to issuance of a bond by the Department of the Treasury (the birth bond exchanged for currency) which
ensures the strawman's performance on its debts..."

Right there, in the first sentence, they're telling you exactly what I told you months ago, namely that THE
revelation of sorts?

With this knowledge, suddenly forms 90 an 91 are no longer a mystery, but they offer a road map into what
actually happens to your birth bond...The forms go on to say: "which bond includes a lien upon certain real
property further described hereafter,"

Translation: the birth bond is considered to be a lien on all of the securities issued on behalf of the Estate,
such as the Court's case bond. In the very next sentence it says:

"and Whereas said surety established the said lien upon the following property" at which point you list the
case number as the property. What this tells you is that THE SURETY, namely the party you listed above,
JOHN HENRY DOE, THE ESTATE, is a surety for the Case bond that they issued in the Estate's name
to charge the strawman.

And what you're doing with the GSA bonds is buying that lien out, classic admiralty, you're functioning
as a creditor who is posting bond so that the property, the case bond, AND YOUR BODY AS
COLLATERAL, can be released.

First you release the lien with the 90. Then you release the property, the case bond, with the 91.

They HAVE to release the collateral.

That's all I have time for right now, but I KID YOU NOT, IT'S ALL ABOUT UNDERSTANDING. As I've
been saying from the beginning, if you develop your understanding, if you understand Articles 8 and 9 of the
UCC, you can figure most anything out. Bill

P.S. My apologies to whiners everywhere. We have all been bred to be lazy thinkers.

PPS.Roy, there are probably dozens of reasons why your GSA's failed, beginning with the Clerk. The Clerk is
NOT the Court. The JUDGE TRUST is the court. The Clerk only knows to file. Did you put them through
the court of record? Did you include a trust, an appointment confirmation, a POA and such? There is so
much more than throwing darts at the wall, and it all comes down to understanding.

#1356 re. below


Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:00 pm

faulty, with all due respect. THE REASON THEY DON'T "FOLLOW THE RULES" as you put it is that they
are presuming themselves to be the beneficiary of the constructive trusts they create in your name in equity. The
Constitution, statutes, codes, regs and case law comprise the public trust indenture governing those trusts, and
guess what? That Indenture ONLY applies to the Trustees, the U.S. persons they created in our names. ONCE

THEY revert to the role of Trustee regarding every one of your securities they accepted for deposit.

You want them to follow the rules instead of you? Then you need to take the time to become competent
(reclaim your securities) so that YOU make the rules, not them, on behalf of the Beneficiary, which is also
you. Hope that clarifies things. Bill

Lewis Mohr lewismohr@... wrote: re. #1304

All true. However, when the attorneys and the judges of the slave plantation trust do not follow the rules
and send out thugs with guns, you’re going to be just as dead no matter how correct is your claim and
discharge. Get me a reliable method of determining the actual CUSIP number of the birth certificate and
I will run one more rat through the bankruptcy court and discharge a student loan and cash in the BC
security and ask for change back. That is the only proof any one ever needs that the commercial process
is valid. Moving around debt is easy. But one must be in control of a larger amount of debt.

You all must understand that the system is run by spawn of Satan who do not care about law. If no one
can tell me how to get to the registered security number of the birth certificate then this commercial
process is all nonsense. It is kind of like owning a thousand tons of molybdenum mining talings in
Colorado with a known 20 ounces of gold per ton, but no one has the chemistry to get out the gold. All
the talk about how one thinks it should be done is Mary Jane smoke filled coffee shop air bull shit. L -o-

#1361 re. below


Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:23

Since I do not know about gsa forms what is gsa and I am interested in learning about it

May God be your guide.

Re: TOPIC: GSA FORMS NO. 1 re. #1355

Jeremy Miles <milespatriot1@...>
Sunday, September 23, 2012 8:19 PM

What do you rely on to be your authority to use these forms? So much rehash of this old crap [GSA
forms etc.].

#1364 re. #1361 2nd


Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:59 pm


SOMEONE, it would surely be viewed as butchery by the family of the deceased and everyone who followed,
except for qualified surgeons who understand the process WHEN DONE CORRECTLY. My work would have
nothing to do with their highly skilled undertakings. The GSA forms are crap because no one taught you the
correct way to wield the scalpel: what they mean, how to complete them, how to support them, how to
process them so they're "proved," and how to let the recipient know the consequences of stealing your
property. It's like trying to build a building after a lobotomy. You didn't stand a chance. How could they have

When a public official terminates your "interest" in property, he creates a taxable termination (26 USC 2612)
for which HE is liable. Read 26 USC 2203 - it's shocking. The debt IS collectable, AND enforceable, AND
saleable, for the surgeons among us.

As to the authority, what gives you the authority to sign a bank check? The authority is reflected by the BC
(the Estate). The first sentence of the 90 and 91 tells you the capacity of the Estate as surety. The SF 28 is a
dissertation on the BC surety and the SS debtor. Every time they "charge" the strawman they are telling you
they want the Estate to act as surety. We're not speculating. We're giving them exactly what they want. Once
you understand who you are, you realize that ONLY you can order the release of the lien and collateral.
Aren't you the only one who can assess the strawman a tax? Bill

#1368 re. not listed


Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:29 pm

Last I heard, Jim [McBride] was in prison. In the past, he was relying on private administrative process, and
that's like bringing Acts of the King of Gaul into Rome and expecting things to go smoothly when a Centurion
stops you. He might have more recent developments. In the right hands, anything can work of course, because
it's not the paperwork, but the man standing before Pontius Pilate that makes him want to get you out of "his"
Court. When that man is present, Pilates understands that he is standing before that man and not the other way
around. Bill

#1371 re. not listed


Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:59 pm

Good people,

In my view the living man should have nothing to do with forms. Only the proxy, Mr George Smith or the dead
trustee SMITH, George for the GEORGE SMITH trust would be involved with forms of any kind.

In my view the public trustee SMITH, George was created for a number of reasons one of which is so we would
not be caught out charging one another since it’s a fiction it’s not happening . . .

The living-breathing soul of the man known as George of the kindred Smith acts only on the private side, like
the back of a cheque (BOE) for endorsement or by private and confidential correspondence to the Judge in
chambers never for the purpose of public filing.

The public filing is the venue of the messenger (or proxy) Mr George Smith or the debtor strawman (public
trustee) SMITH, George or the public trust GEORGE SMITH.

Knowing who we are is not just the simple recognition of blood and flesh and spirit, it is knowing the parts the
actors have been allocated on the stage as Shakespeare reminds us in “As you like it” and to ensure we do not
get the parts mixed up, that is the real competency by which we shall be judged in this world, in my view.



Coin and currency

Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:43 pm

Can someone give me the law and codes that shows that they cannot ask for a specific coin or currency?
Thanks in advance.

#1389 re. #1371


Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:27 pm

I APPRECIATE WHERE JOHN IS TRYING TO GO HERE, let me assist in simplifying and clarifying.

The public trust has established two entities in your place:

First entity: the Estate, the trust account(s) operating under the birth designation 123-45-98764. That number
represents all the accounts, trusts, deposits and securities associated with or derived from the original deposit at
the County. The Estate is the surety for the strawman, paying all of the liabilities charged to it through the
strawman. That account is also represented by the name on the long form Certif of Birth be it John Henry
Doe, JOHN HENRY DOE or John Henry DOE.

Second entity: the Social Security trust account represented by the number 123-45-6789. That number, and
the name JOHN HENRY DOE, represent that trust and all accounts, securities and deposits associated with or
derived from it.

The number is always a more accurate identifier than the name, so don't get lost in all of the other
diversions patriots love to debate. It's all irrelevant. Bill

#1390 re. #1376

Re: Coin and currency

Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:42 pm


31 CFR 103.11 defines a monetary instrument.

UCC 3-104 defines a negotiable instrument.

When someone declines either, then their rights of recourse are discharged, meaning the debt is paid. And that
is handily explained in UCC 3-311, 3-603(b) and 3-604(a)(i). "It's paid, counselor."

UCC 10101 - 107 provide for the supremacy of the UCC. However, they are likely to overrule in Court, which
is why you need to restore the proper roles of Trustee and Beneficiary so that THEY now have to obey the
public Indenture (the codes, statues and regs).[In other words, the UCC is for the Trustee and they assume it’s
us] Bill

#1406 re. not listed


Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:44 pm

respect, let me say that the Strawman is none of those things, It is not a grantor, an incorporator, or a parent to
proxies. The strawman is a debt vehicle, created SOLELY to transmit debt to the Estate...TRULY a vessel in
admiralty which exists ONLY to be arrested (whenever it receives a bill of charges) so that the owner or
perhaps a creditor will APPEAR in admiralty and post bond so that the vessel can be released to get back to it's
business of being "charged" for its portion of the public debt. That's it: a debt conveyance.

Conversely, the Estate is the surety that guarantees those obligations will be way or the other. Bill

#1407 re. #1392 below


Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:58 pm

Nope. It's a security future which certifies that you were born on this land, and therefore are responsible for
the debts of the United States. It doesn't create the obligation; it represents the obligation. It's interpreted
as a pledge whereby the Estate is presumed to be the surety which guarantees payment of all obligations
charged against the strawman SSN. It's the first paragraph on GSA Optional Forms 90 and 91 wherein a
"surety" "by a bond for the performance of U.S. Government contract No. 123-45-6789..." The future
performance against which the bond has been wagered is that the Estate will pay the obligations charged to the
strawman. So it is not incomplete (or inchoate) as you chose to put it.

When you note a banker's acceptance on it you've created a brand new security, just like when a bank
check is endorsed "Pay To The Order Of" the bank. Bill

#1392 re. #1389


Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:27 pm

Where is the trust of the birth certificate expressed?
Is not the BC an inchoate instrument awaiting acceptance and expression to create the obligation against
which set-off may be 'demanded'?
Should not the ss/irs number be expressed as the pass through a/c for the set-off? John

#1411 re. #1390

Re: Coin and currency

Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:50 am

Does anybody out there have a sample template of a letter one would send to a bank that has kept a pay
instrument but not credited the account that incorporates the UCC points that Bill makes here?

I sent valid instruments to my two mortgage lenders recently. One simply ignored the instrument and did
nothing (Chase). The other (Wells Fargo) sent me a letter telling me to go do something physically impossible
and that they weren't going to credit my account. Interestingly however, in neither case did the bank return the

#1414 re. not listed

Re: What would you do....Thanks!

Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:23 am

All I know is, and, obviously this 'answer', has not been expressed well enough, here in this forum, but to me,
the executor is the administrator, is the trustee. If anyone else has a better 'answer' to this executor topic, that
keeps cropping up every now and then, let us know what your own knowledge has brought you too, and share
it. - peacemaker -


Patents as Securities
Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:16 am

Is anyone familiar with how patents work in the process of reclaiming securities. I didn't realize until just this
week, the language (legalese) used by the patent office as they claimed my CASE was ABANDONED for
failing to PROSECUTE. I will now have to file a PETITION TO REVIVE and follow with a PETITION FOR
RECONSIDERATION. I have an invention that has considerable value as it can save (according to EPA data)
about 7 1/2 billions gallons of potable water per day in the united States alone. I'm beginning to feel like they
don’t want to issue a patent to me and possibly have other parties that they want it to go to. Help....

#1424 re. #1391 below


Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:51 pm

Iris, I'm glad you posted this because this is one of the many boilerplate misconceptions that dooms us to
failure. Under their system, public officials do NOT have to obey their own statutes, codes, regulations, and
case law, in particular the Constitution in either country. All of those elements comprise the public
INDENTURE, meaning the rules of the public trust created by the U.S. Constitution and the Canadian Charter
of Rights. The terms of a trust indenture apply ONLY to the trustee. The deposit of the Certificate of Birth at
the County or Province creates the mirror-image public Estate which is the surety for all public debts charged to
the strawman, and a presumption that the strawman is a trustee and the PUBLIC OFFICIAL TRUST is the
beneficiary of each constructive trust they create [in?] equity. Hence, only the strawman trustee is obligated
to obey the terms of the Indenture. And they are free to rule by fiat. I don't care if Einstein drew the
administrative process and Miss Piggy made presentment, it's of less concern to them than a mosquito bite.

suddenly they get to savor the taste of their own statutes. Bill
#1391 re. not listed

Re: I would agree with John........

Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:18 pm

Am aware of the stepwise regression process mentioned point without going into a lot of detail
is that lower level officials were sent items 3Xs, with no response. Final 'appeal' step is the finance
ministry, the 'head' honcho of both finance and IMF rep from area.
Not quite 3 steps yet re a 'charge' emanating from Bank of Canada but is in progress. In meantime,
advised they have NOT done due process as on submission made to them from other party involved, a
commercial who is threatening further results due to pending internal audit, etc.

We must not jump to conclusions about what was or was done when someone skips the details as I did
deliberately because the discussion till email below was NOT about steps to follow, but simply about
official doing their proper jobs....or so I interpreted.


instrumentality check it out

Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:53 pm

Just stumbled on this maybe sheds a little light on something for someone else:

#1427 re. below


Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:17 pm

First, the Strawman is a debtor entity that was created solely to be arrested, aka to be charged with your portion
of the public debt. It has no capacity to reclaim securities or order the IRS to do anything.

Secondly, it is NOT that the living man can't be "seen" in the public as patriots are fond of saying. Rather, the
PUBLIC ESTATE is a mirror image misnomer of the private estate as I've mentioned a number of times. Now
CORPORATE SYSTEM. The living man is irrelevant in a system that was created to keep him out.

People who try to use David Clarence's concepts such as "Office of the Executor" will find that their efforts will
be ignored by PUBLIC OFFICIALS. Admiralty is about property (interests in things, rather than the things
themselves), the so-called "res," not about people.

IRS has a slew of forms to achieve whatever you desire be it collapse of the trust (that's actually easy to
achieve) acquisition, refund, set-off, and even arrest of public bonds. Heck, one can even "kill off" the
strawman so that it shows as deceased in their records, and withOUT using a death certificate. Proper use
of these forms is eye-opening. Since the private estate is your inheritance from the Father, the way to deal with
it is through prayer. Bill

"duquelong" duquelong@... wrote:

Could one of these be the proxy and/or the reason the IRS is ignoring
one being an executor?

1. occupant of the office of executor

2. Executor Nominatum , also simply known as a "Executor" is an executor

appointed by a Grantor,


#1429 re. #1414

RE: What would you do....Thanks!

Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:51 pm

Hi Peacemaker,

My understanding gained from my reading of Lord Blackstone’s last will and testament suggests to me the
Executor executes the intent of the testator such as settling the trusts which Lord Blackstone also provided for in
his last will and testament. The trustee once in possession of the legal title with the instructions of the will
provided by the Executor administers the trust.


#1441 re below


Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:06 am

OFTEN these things find the round file. If not, however, YOU WERE VICTIM OF A GENERAL DEPOSIT.
When a bank indorses a security by a Pay To The Order Of or other acceptance, it becomes a new
security - an "expansion of deposits.” This is neatly explained on pages 5 and 6 of Modern Money
Mechanics. Bill

Robyn Samara rhs8963@... wrote: re. #1411

I hope someone brings forth the answer to this......I've had similar incidents myself. One of them was a
presentment to my former auto finance company and the others were to utility companies. UCC and
state code included on the cover letter. Never got originals back nor did they credit the account.

#1442 re below

Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:12 am

Good question, peacemaker. There are three circumstances when we might wish to act as trustee:

1. When we act as trustee to oversee the other trustee such as a public officials;

2. When we control the beneficiary and receive benefit from acting as trustee such as signing a bank
check, and

3. When the trust collapses upon their termination of our interest in the trust property, thus we become
sole trustee and beneficiary, the trust collapses and ALL SECURITIES, PROFITS AND SUCH MUST BE
RETURNED TO THE GRANTOR. This is called foreclosure.

We can pop back and forth between roles, like Woody Allen questioning himself during the trial in
"Bananas." Yup, the legal system is that ridiculous. Bill

eponymous_680 embury111@... wrote: re. #1429

Another word for testator, is settlor. Look it up. And the executor is working at behest of the true
beneficiary (c'est moi), once the (mis) construed trust relationship, is (re) construed in the true
beneficiaries' favor. .Let me ask you all this: why would you want to construe the trust in your favor,
and then do the executor/administrator's job for them?

A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8

- peacemaker -

#1443 re. #1415

Re: Patents as Securities

Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:16 am

WHEN IN ROME...just get it done their way, then you can have fun. Bill

#1450 re. below

Re: GSA forms----WOW!

Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:39 pm

Ken, they're working privately with a qualified party. The GSA Forms are like a comprehensive test by the
corporation (as repugnant as that is on its face). It probably takes a good six months to work your way to the
proper status and understanding to consider using them. I know people crave shortcuts, but all they got from the
Tony King experience was more questions instead of answers. Bill

Ken Norbury kennorbury@... wrote: re. not listed


I am still trying to find my way around this site & to learn the 90 & 91.
Who is the mentor?
How can we dialogue with him?
I would appreciate any help in where/ how to get started to be able to use this process.
Many thanks! Ken

#1463 re. below

Re: What would you do....Thanks!

Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:51 pm

Sorry to say John, from here, it appears as you took a simple post from Peacemaker and started pointing fingers
and presumptions at it. I don't believe you asking a question creates an obligation of performance to answer - or
maybe I better read the terms of group membership again. If you feel your comments were taken out of context,
I guess I could easily see why. He tried to clarify his position, then it seems you did it all over again.

"Is not the security you speak of the trust..." To me (and maybe it's just me??) it just seems like you are trying to
create controversy where none exists. Is there anyone not in agreement and/or that has stated a contradictory
opinion?? Peacemaker seems like a good guy, go easy on him.

circumnavigator2@...> wrote: re. below

Regarding the matter of the pledge, you were asked to say exactly what you believe is pledged and came
back to say the footprint of the child, if that is exactly what you believe is being pledged then I ask is not
the image of the footprint the property of the child?

I’m sorry you have chosen to take the comment regarding responsibility to apply to you, since was not
the point made that our father has failed [in the majority of cases] to appoint a guardian timely and
thereby abrogated his responsibility [out of ignorance and the indoctrination by custom and practice of
various religious groups, including the Jewish faith, wherein the ‘christening’ and announcement of the
appointment of God Father takes place sometime after the birth, sometimes months after the birth].

Is not the security you speak of the trust [does that not secure the res] and can not the guardian/STATE
be displaced from the role of guardian by operation of law and will we not then reap the fruits of our
own endeavors, (reap what you sow, have sowed and will sow)? Is the responsibility not ours to fulfill
the law?

Is the circularity of the matter not divine perfection (wisdom)? Watch where those three fingers point .


RE: What would you do....Thanks! re. below

Sunday, 30 September 2012 11:45 AM

I think you're making an awful lot of presumptions about what you think I 'believe' and what I
actually believe. That's a rather large jump you've made on my behalf in regards of what I wrote.
Where in what I wrote did I mention anything about the body being pledged? What is being
pledged, is future performance - and, as pointed out, this has been written extensively, and
exhaustively by Bill and a couple others in this group. As for being 'responsible'? I'm going to let
that one ride, and you can refer back to my past posts, and be the judge jury and executioner as to
the viability of my responsibility with this group.

I'm aware of the points you point out from 1 to 3, as well as what Blackstone has to say about the
guardian/ward relationship. This group is called reclaimyoursecurities, so that's the premise I'm
writing from, and it's just a perspective that one could choose, or not choose to take.

If I've somehow led this group down the Pike by pointing out the group administrator's own
work, then I'm not sure where I've erred (?).

If you've successfully claimed your estate from the guardian and you've attained the age of
majority, then the floor is wide open for you to teach us where we're erring in believing the
'worst', and completely missing the boat. - peacemaker -

RE: What would you do....Thanks! re. below

circumnavigator2 <circumnavigator2@...
Saturday, September 29, 2012, 7:49 PM

Hi Peacemaker, I guessed you believe it is the body of the child that has been pledged,
although I have noted Bill has said on occasions that “They do it by the BOOK,” and the
book certainly allows for a father to sell his son.

I also note the number of times members acknowledge the need for ‘responsibility’ and
the need to ‘be responsible’ has been suggested to many joining this group.

My question is this, what makes you think your mother pledged your estate to the

Are you familiar with the responsibility of a father to appoint a guardian to take charge of
his child’s Estate in the event of the father’s demise?

Are you familiar with the maxim of law that “He who is in the womb is considered as
born whenever it is for his benefit?” Job 31:15; Isaiah 49:1,5; Jeremiah 1:5.

Did your father give public notice of the appointment of a guardian for you before your

Is it not conceivable that in the absence of the father’s responsibility the STATE steps in
and requires the mother to appoint a guardian, ergo the STATE?

Is not the STATE/guardian simply administering the estate of the child until the law is

1) The child at fourteen may appoint his own guardian;

2) The child upon reaching the age of majority gives notice of his age of majority (full
age) and

3) must CLAIM his estate from the guardian (see Blackstone’s commentaries on the laws
of England)

Is it not possible that what is being done is that the STATE as guardian administers the
estate on behalf of the living child/man until his coming of age whereupon he claims his
estate and an accounting for the fruits of the state and expenses paid out of the estate by
the guardian?

Is it possible that by believing the worst we all approach this matter from a false premise
and miss the boat completely?


RE: What would you do....Thanks! re. below

Sunday, 30 September 2012 10:17 AM

Bill goes through this in the BC securities scam article (which I'm still in the
process of drawing complex diagrams from! Thanks Bill!).....

What represents the 'pledge' is the right foot print - that's what I believe I read.
When I first started on this journey about 7 years ago now, I decided to KISS it
right from the start. I asked, 'what were the first pieces of paper' issued after my
appearance in (but not of) this world? The COLB which was signed by Mom, and
sent to Vital Stats Registrar. The Physician's Notice of Live Birth (form 1), was
filled out by the 'attending physician'. This doc was sent to the Registrar, and I'm
guessing he compared the two - deposited them in the county (as Bill has stated),
and it's all been up hill from there! Having a grand old time on the plantation, so
to speak....this is all written about in the BC SCAM article - in the files section.

And, because I love Websters 1828 edition dictionary:

- peacemaker -

RE: What would you do....Thanks! re. below

circumnavigator2 <circumnavigator2@...>
Saturday, September 29, 2012, 7:06 PM

Peacemaker, I’m interested in the pledge you speak of, what is it exactly
you believe has been pledged? john

RE: What would you do....Thanks! re. below

Sunday, 30 September 2012 9:44 AM
Fair enough. And in the case of the COLB, the res was already
granted, and the pledge is already in place.

We can construe (construct) the trust however we wish. But, and

unexpressed intent, leaves a lot of wiggle room for presumption to

- peacemaker -

RE: What would you do....Thanks! re. #1442 2nd

circumnavigator2 <circumnavigator2@...>
Saturday, September 29, 2012, 6:34 PM


Lord Blackstone did not construe the multiple trusts in his

last will and testament for himself, since those trusts only
came into operation upon his Executors acts to honour Lord
Blackstone’s will.

Perhaps of interest is the fact that one of Lord Blackstone’s

trusts created upon his death was set for a period of six
hundred years.

Your point regarding the parts to be played may be best

understood by making it clear a trust collapses if the trustee
and beneficiary are the one and only same party. Since the
res must be granted, as Lord Blackstone provided, the
Executor takes possession of the res and grants it to the
trustee who administers it for the beneficiary. The maxim
of law Heb 9:16-17.



Naturalization Certificate
Mon Oct 1, 2012 6:56 am

Can one reclaim one's naturalization certificate (vs. birth certificate)?

Re: Naturalization Certificate

Tue Oct 2, 2012 2:47 pm

Can one eat vegetables if you're accustomed to meat? Of course. Food is food. A security's a security. And they
all belong to you, Bill

#1494 re. #1483 below


Tue Oct 2, 2012 2:54 pm

Iris, be very careful. If you focus on what you did that's not working, you may miss what you did not that would
have. For instance the correct protocol for gifting the credits you mentioned to the United States. There is
such a thing. [I believe this is what Sean did re traffic ticket]

I can not oversimplify the details of your case of which I have no knowledge, nor do I wish to. Remember the
theme here: "reclaim your securities." THE GREATEST OBSTACLE TO LEARNING IS STUBBORNNESS.
You might pray on that point seriously rather than returning to argue again and again. Bill

#1483 re. not listed


Mon Oct 1, 2012 4:40 pm

Sorry to say Bill, you are oversimplifying issues involved in actual matters at hand here! You have not
been given the details nor do I wish to get into the long story of such...but reg. of birth was sent as was
an explicit statement including expression of trust, and as clear a demarcation as could be made between
SP and real living party, etc.

We actually offered to let them have the credits for the claimed sums they are legally responsible
for issuing in any case, up to double the original sum THEY claimed[!!] upon condition of full
discharge of the alleged fiat debt they created and for such to never again be reissued.

So you say "their" security interest? So where does the Settlor/Grantor/originating creditor by inherent
birthright fit into picture?

#1493 re. #1480

#1521 re. not listed

Re: gsa forms

Fri Oct 5, 2012 1:02 pm

GSA stands for General Services Administration.

The specific forms you are looking for are:
Standard Forms 24, 25, 25A, and 28
Optional Forms 90 and 91

I would encourage all of you reading this to spend some time with a mentor learning what to put in the boxes (it
is NOT self-evident or intuitive!)

Also, where you send your completed forms is equally important depending on your situation. I'm still trying to
figure out this part to solve my situation.


P.S. Bill, seems to be a fair amount of interest here with regard to the GSA forms. Please contact me privately

#1533 re. not listed

Re: Just refied the house...

Tue Oct 9, 2012 6:27 pm

I had just typed up a pretty lengthy response when it occurred to me we may be at completely different sides of
this issue. Perhaps I can ask of you to first explain to me why it is you think they are your securities.

I don't want to make any assumptions as to what you MAY be thinking, so if you would just indulge me?

#1557 re. #1530


Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:32 pm

Hello Angela, I'm glad you posted. The statements you posted are powerful lessons for the need to move
beyond the clichés into a better understanding of the commercial environment. IF YOU READ THE ARTICLE
understand that...

1. All securities issued beginning with the Certificate of Birth are YOUR property. They were construed to be
abandoned when you failed to claim them at age 18 pursuant to 31 CFR 363.6, followed by your presumptive
disappearance at sea under the Doctrine of Cestui Que Vie. The County Registrar "legalized" the hospital birth
record by issuing the certificate (a security future) against your credit, opening an account, assigning an account
number, and depositing the security in the account.

2. If you read 31 CFR 363.250 [I think this is the wrong code], you will find that ALL securities issued from
birth are the same security...and they all belong to you. The public cannot claim them without suffering unjust
enrichment, so they control them be creating constructive trusts in equity every time they present a security to
another "clerk," and presuming themselves to be the beneficiaries and the strawman to be the trustee.

3. The name is irrelevant. It's the number that designates the security, account, deposit, and resulting
trust, and all of them are your property.

4. Not only is the Birth Certificate yours, so is every citation, indictment, certificate, IRS bill, and public
document (securities all) that bears the strawman's name.

5. You are correct, however, when you observe that you cannot claim anything when operating as the
strawman. That's why we don't. We use other fictions that they can't control [E.G. Proxies]. Once you've
returned to competency, there's nothing they can do.

6. Yes, you cannot pay a debt with a debt. HJR 192 is not about payment or discharge. It's entirely about

7. The promissory note is not a note, It’s a security. Article 8 of the UCC/s. 13 Securities Transfer Act
(securities) is superior to Article 3 (negotiable instruments) in all circumstances.

8. The deed of trust is not a transaction,. It's a trust indenture. (Read 15 USC 77ccc(7) )for the purpose of
leveraging securities in your name.

The first step in learning the truth is to strip away the clichés and misconceptions. The void will be filled with
the truth as you concentrate on rebuilding cognitive thinking. There are many postings in this group that can
help bring clarity. Bill

#1559 re. #1533


Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:55 pm

ANGELA, THERE ARE NO SIDES WHEN IT COMES TO TRUTH. You won't find much debate of outdated
concepts at this Group I'm afraid. Relativism reflects a lack of knowledge, conviction or faith, and our members
are on a pathway to better UNDERSTANDING. If you take the time to read perhaps 100 previous posts, you
will have the answers you seek and the satisfaction of a good day's work.

Keep in mind, that some of the things you read may strike you as more clichés. But they are not. When I state
that everything's a security future, you can verify the information in Title 15, USC. Likewise, the fact that
everything's a trust. Soon the logic will become apparent so that you will no longer feel like you're grasping at
the straws of someone else's deductions, but enjoying a true understanding of the world around you. For
instance, it will become self-evident that when you present a security to anyone, you have created the
circumstances of a trust relationship where the recipient has the obligation to perform. That one piece of
information alone is invaluable because it exemplifies the responsibility of the recipient to perform on the
instrument (and in the only manner a trustee is permitted to perform. I hope you choose to probe deeper
into these resources. Bill

#1560 re. below


Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:18 pm

Congrace, regarding your questions:

The Certif of Birth is evidence that you were born on the American land, and hence you are a surety for the
debts of the United States. So, no, you would NOT list the estate (the trust represented by the birth
number) as a secured party on a financing statement.

Anything you would want to accomplish with the certificate would have to be on a certified copy, and at
times, and authenticated copy.

"congrace7" grace3175@... wrote:

1. As the copy of the Certificate of Birth is merely evidence of the estate account, they do not give us the
actual securities, would sending an accepted copy, not certified, effect the same result?

? Or simpler, is their certified Certificate of Birth required for our acceptance?

2. Is the UCC1 showing the estate trust (BC) as a secured party, and SS trust as debtor enough of a
perfected claim for the security agreement to satisfy the trustees?

Trying to clarify a few thoughts. Thank you in advance.


Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:10 am

I received this as a private email a few months ago. I found it last night in my files, and I cannot express how
sad that we have been so duped, happy that a remedy is real.

Does anyone know how to find this information to complete the understanding? The email addresses didn't


Dear Bill,

Nice talking with you after all this time. I do believe we can quash the criminal case, foreclosure and lien all at
OF U.S. STOCK WHO HAS FIRST CLAIM TO HIS OWN BODY (your movable “land”). Did you know that
a foreign oath comprises AUTOMATIC loss of U.S. nationality? Read 8 USC 1481(a)(2).

The trick is to choose a jurisdiction that is OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED as being superior to the United States
but still preserves your allegiance to the Lord. That’s not a hard needle to thread once you understand. Once
your status is certified by a COMPETENT COURT OF RECORD, U.S. Courts automatically lose jurisdiction.
This is not some abstract patriot tacit agreement. Just last week, a Federal judge entered the following order in
the docket: “Upon reconsideration and for the purpose of preserving the record, Defendant’s notice of filing
foreign judgment will NOT be stricken from the record” (docket attached).

When have you ever heard of a judge reversing himself to comply with a foreign judgment? The minute we got
involved in the case, we suggested that the patriot certify his administrative record with the court of record.
That’s literally all it took to have a Federal judge reverse himself to correct the record. THEY KNOW THE
RULES, Bill. They don’t want to be held liable by the superior court under Article VI and U.N. agreements
like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

As to collapsing the trust, its easy to do and we have formal written IRS confirmation for every step. Upon
collapse, IRS designates the strawman as a “Terminated Entity” and the Executor [U.S. Treasury] as sole
Fiduciary for offsets and administration. This transforms the Executor [U.S. Treasury] from a useless patriot

theory into the CONTROLLING LEGAL AUTHORITY under YOUR command. Like the court of record, this
remedy has always been hidden in plain sight.

This late in the criminal case, status is everything. Once our status is certified, we never again appear in a U.S.
Court. In fact, our mere presence would comprise an automatic contempt. The presence of truth shames a
corporate court. Why do you think they act like barbarians? I don’t care if you stand outside the bar or hang
from the chandelier, a man who appears at a private bar association meeting is ALWAYS presumed to be a
subject-class citizen. We prefer to appear specially through our paperwork in the superior court of record and
then give notice to the Democracy. For those who cannot overcome their fear to appear as the Defendant, we
also have methods for keeping the public subservient to the foreign judgments until such time as the case is
dismissed or the judge resigns. Hopefully by then people better understand their own power.

Regarding Sandra and the kids, there are other ways to have the court of record certify their status as members
of the posterity and kill any future presumption of U.S. citizenship – without having to take an oath. Some of
these are very simple to do.

As to your question about the GSA forms. They failed because Tony never told you about the second set of
bonds needed to re-insure the 24, 25 and 25A without which you cannot cash-out the court bond or close the
case. We can do the forms of course, but I prefer addressing the UNDERLYING CAUSE by ESTABLISHING
YOUR PROPER STATUS as legacy-Founder, grantor, stockholder, beneficial owner and member of the

The failure of your executor letters was also not your fault. It was inevitable. You were never told about the
PUBLIC estate. THERE ARE TWO ESTATES Bill. There’s the private estate which is your inheritance from
the Father and includes your body as well as your stock in the United States re-presented by your LONG FORM
birth certificate.

But there’s also the mirror-image PUBLIC ESTATE which appears on the SHORT FORM birth certificate.
Between Tony never disclosing the difference between the two birth certificates and the Estate guy withholding
information about the public estate, patriots have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars and suffered untold
injury. It makes me sick.

The PUBLIC ESTATE is self-evident. Didn’t they clone our names, churches and government? Of course they
cloned our estate. And this is another pathway out of bondage.

How do I know? Scripture. Knowledge of good and evil led us from the Garden and will also lead us Home
through Yehoshua. What got us in will get us out. THE PRIVATE ESTATE IS USELESS IN THE PUBLIC as
thousands of patriots have discovered the hard way. Did Roman legions obey Yehoshua or Pontius Pilate? The
only way a slave could be set free and still live within the walls of Rome was through Roman paperwork. The
notion that public servants will follow the orders of a private executor when they wouldn’t follow Yehoshua is
foolishness. Which is why the failures were so predictable. Patriots can save themselves a whole lot of grief if
they would weigh new concepts against Scripture.

POWERFUL REMEDIES. The United States wants you to believe that they have a monopoly on creating
public trusts in our image. But when they established the strawman as a public shill, they also DISCLOSED
THE REMEDY. Using THEIR statues and methods, we create two new public trusts to serve US in commerce
but WITHOUT the adhesion contracts and public debt. We create a PUBLIC TRUST to re-present the Estate,
and a NEW STRAWMAN TRUST to re-present the Beneficial owner (us). That’s not a typo. A new strawman.

First, we secure formal IRS recognition of the PUBLIC ESTATE as a FOREIGN trust under OUR control. The
IRS response letter states: “We have approved your election as a foreign eligible entity with a single owner.”
What’s really amazing is that the “single owner” on the application is listed as a living man in the “kingdom of
the lord.” How's that for formal recognition?

So while the actors cannot see the living man or the private estate, they sure can see the PUBLIC ESTATE
under OUR control. It has the Good Housekeeping (IRS) Seal of Approval. Doesn’t that make perfect sense? In
this way, using Roman law, we create a PRIVATE remedy THAT IS VISIBLE IN ROME. Who says you can’t
have your cake and eat it too?

Likewise we create a NEW STRAWMAN TRUST to give a public face to our status as Beneficial Owner of
U.S. stock. As with the Estate, IRS confirms that the new trust is a foreign entity indistinguishable from the
living man. This allows us to START CLEAN IN COMMERCE.

Think about that. A new beginning including banking, travel and sovereignty. We secure new ID that is
RECOGNIZED BY THE PUBLIC and which establishes our foreign status. Some have used it to travel
internally, cross borders, and even get out of jail. This way we don’t have to live in isolation. All these years
we’ve been fighting against misnomer when we should have been adapting it to our own needs.

Speaking of adapting, the patriot-run private registry you’ve been using will continue to cause conflict. Why try
to reinvent the wheel when the United States still maintains a lawful option for recording in the original
republic? We routinely record UCC statements NON-commercially within the jurisdiction of the court of
record, and then give international notice to bridge the gap between the republic and the democracy. These
remedies were also hidden in plain sight.

Once the Executor’s authority is officially recognized, there’s a whole bunch of family business to settle
beginning with the original Form 56 and 1099-A they filed years ago when they claimed you abandoned the
public estate. The Executor is the ONLY one with the authority to terminate the acquisition, fire all public
officials, and appoint new Fiduciaries to perform under 26 USC 6903. This formally ends all of the presumed
partnerships with the U.S. and U.S.A. corporations as a permanent record in your IRS Master File. Goodbye

The Executor’s the ONLY one who can fire the mortgage trustee. Let’s see the bank continue operating the
trust when IRS confirms they’ve been LEGALLY terminated. Any further action on behalf of the trust would be
a criminal matter under 18 U.S.C. 2071, 1956, 1623, 1506 and 1512. In other words we’ve lassoed the bank
under their own LEGALIZATION nightmare. Goodbye bank.

The 56 is a bit of a nuke, but it’s also a marvel of deception that can involve up to six parties at once. Almost no
one knows how to execute it properly, but when it’s completed and filed CORRECTLY in 6 IRS offices, the
public servant is bound to the appointment.

The Executor’s the ONLY one with the authority to perform setoff, A4V, recoupment and acquisition. Up until
now, the WRONG person (strawman) was filing the WRONG forms (1040, 1040-V, 1040-ES ) with the
WRONG information. The strawman’s a U.S. employee in 26 U.S.C. 3401. Can a janitor who stumbles upon
the corporate checkbook start issuing checks? No wonder they prosecute.

The Executor’s the ONLY one with authority to issue a voucher. Have you noticed that no one seems to know
what vouchers do? Vouchers provide authority for IRS to draw funds from your private trust. They work like
the routing numbers on a check so that the payee’s bank can draw the funds from the drawer’s bank. The thing
is, IRS has been acting as both banks. To deposit funds in a public account, IRS must draw the funds from your
You’re going to be shocked when you see the correct accounting. It’s an eye-opener. You wouldn’t guess it in a
million years.

We also use the Executor to reacquire our property with Form 1099-A. You want another mind-blower? Wait
until you see how Form 1096 was written to accommodate access to our Social Security bonds. Once you
understand that the remedies have always been hidden in plain sight, you will start seeing them everywhere.

We also use the Executor to establish special bank accounts where the funds are segregated from the general
fund and immune from lien, levy and cash reporting requirements. They hid this remedy under layers of
Treasury regulations when the banking system was hijacked.

are a number of ways to do this. Tony King showed you part of one, but that led to DTC. I want no part of that
demonic organization. DTC participants live off the funds they steal from others. You really think they wanted
5000 Christians roaming their halls? The United States is obligated to provide other remedies. They are hidden
in U.S. Code and Treasury regulations. These redemption procedures are underway as we speak.

I hope this information will open your eyes as to what’s been hidden from you. You should never follow patriot
doctrine without measuring it against Scripture. When you hear nonsense like: The only remedy is in the
private, your first question should be: How do you know that? Living like a hermit is not a solution, it’s a
defeat. Now that you know about the public estate, a world of PRIVATE remedies with a PUBLIC FACE is
likely to reveal themselves.

EVEN IF THEY CLOSE THE ESTATE REMEDY TOMORROW, our status as a foreign national is
bulletproof. The paperwork is really a thing of beauty Bill. It defeats all presumptions of 14th amendment
citizenship and subjugation to the corporate judiciary. It means we are RECOGNIZED as an unincorporated
private beneficial owner no matter how many times our family name pops up in capital letters in an indictment.
This is why I keep emphasizing status.

By the way, if any lawyer ever again asks if you’re crazy, just open the indictment and ask him if he believes
the members of his profession are so ignorant or insane as to need this sort of prompting? Or perhaps the Court
needed some way of denoting a legal fraternity fiction. [???]

TODAY. Nothing is absolute, especially when the egos and paychecks of public actors are involved. They may
still try to test you. We have found that THOSE WHO DO NOT CONFESS TO BEING U.S. SUBJECTS ARE
RELEASED QUICKLY, often the same day, most recently where bail was set at $1M. It’s important to know
in your heart that they can NOT hold a foreign national who is not of their jurisdiction. If they do, their bond
becomes liable when the Executor invokes CID to foreclose on the Estate’s collateral using IRS forms. If we
don’t confess to being a U.S. subject, if our ID indicates we are foreign, if a foreign judgment proves our status,
if we stand firm on our religious CONVICTIONS (not just beliefs), they must release us. They know it and we
know it. I suggest reading Exodus 3:14. God replied to Moses, I am who I am - and follow the Father’s

A final thought. Which is most preferable, logical and Scriptural:


Which is most likely to lead to freedom? I’ll call you Monday.

In Yehoshua. Your friend Peter

P.S. The rumor about closing down commercial remedies is most likely an intentional strategic deception out of
DTC, their Las Vegas connection and the notorious group of Atlanta Masons. It’s all about causing chaos. Its
also irrelevant once our status as living men and women under foreign oath is officially recognized. We are who
we are.


Grace & Peace,

Grace3175 (C)

#1586 re. #below

Re: Instructions
Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:45 pm

I know how to create the foreign grantor trust and get a completely anonymous EIN to interact with the public.
What I don't know is: a. what exactly to call this Entity b. should the living woman sign as the executor?
Keep in mind, just because they ask all those questions on that form, you don't have to answer them. Answer
only what YOU need to establish - remember it is all voluntary.

Also, are there other steps we need to take, such as establishing the foreign national status and getting a new
passport, etc? Or, in what order. Some folks are using this:

But, I don't know how I feel about the World Govt group. For now they seem okay and it looks like their docs
are being accepted. I'm hesitant to throw my alliance in with someone I don't know. I've seriously considered
joining the Lakota nation.,2933,317548,00.html

Does anyone have successes/failures to share for establishing this identity?

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 6:27 PM, eponymous_680 <embury111@...> wrote: re. #1578

If you read through this entire site (reclaim your securities site), you would recognize a few things that
should seem familiar in that letter. I have a copy of that letter as well - got it about a year ago, without
any names, or e-mails the time I thought, 'wow, i really want to get in touch with whoever
wrote that letter, they sure seem like they know what they're talking about...." - peacemaker -

#1591 re. not listed

Re: The insanity must stop

Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:47 am

But what about

1.Social Security Numbers can only be issued to federal "employees" for use only in the performance of their
official duties. See 20 CFR §422.104.
2.The Social Security Number is the property of the government and not you. Therefore, it can't be "yours"
unless you are a public officer on official business. See 20 CFR §422.103(d).
3.The SSN is issued to the federal "public officer" and not to the man, and then only while he is an agent of the
federal government.
4.Anyone who uses a Social Security Number who is NOT a federal employee acting on official commercial,
government business is guilty of impersonating a federal "employee", which is a crime. See 18 U.S.C. §912.
5.You can only use it in connection with a "public purpose", and not a private purpose. It is illegal and a crime
to use or abuse the SSN for a private or personal use. This is called embezzlement or conversion, and it is a
criminal violation of 18 U.S.C. §641 and 18 U.S.C. §654.
6.Everything connected to the SSN becomes "public property" because the SSN can only be used in connection
with a "public office" or federal employment.
7.The private man was never issued an SSN if he is not acting as a federal "employee". Therefore, he can
honestly answer "NO" in response to the question of whether he was ever issued an SSN if he is not acting as a
federal "employee" or agent.
taken from
USC Title 15 Chapter 1 Section 17 clearly states: "The labor of a
human being is not a commodity or article of commerce."

#1604 re. #1591

Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:51 pm

Arthur, On its surface, the movie The Matrix is about a future world of deception and slavery. That's the story.
But it represents something much larger, the real world matrix of banking feudalism in effect for hundreds of
years. For millions of viewers, all it's accomplished is to keep them focused on fantasy entertainment instead of
their real world problem of life as a slave.

Everything you said about Social Security Numbers in the below email is true. But THAT'S ONLY THE
LABYRINTH THEY'VE CONSTRUCTED to keep your eyes diverted from the truth. Here's the truth...

- Like most public documents, the SS certificate is a security certificate representing a series of derivative
bonds leveraged from the SS account.

- The SS account was created on the books of the U.S. Government to receive a deposit of a bond issued by
the Department of the Treasury under the birth certificate number. Therefore, it represents a depository
account in the nature of a securities account held by a securities intermediary (UCC 8-102).

- The SSN also represents the trust created by the deposit of the birth bond. THIS IS THE TRUST
THEY CHARGE FOR EVERY PUBLIC DEBT whether an indictment, a credit card bill or an auto
loan. People are misguided when they turn in their BC to a judge and say "Here's the Defendant." THE BC
REPRESENTS THE SURETY FOR THE SS TRUST. It's the SS card that represents the Defendant.
THAT'S what they should be handing over (certified copy) if they are so inclined (properly accepted for
value and indorsed of course).

- Above all else, the US recognizes the SSN as a U.S. Government Contract. The smoking gun can be found in
the first paragraph of Optional Forms 90 and 91 where the form confesses that the BC, "by a bond for the
performance of..." is underwriting the SS Contract. In other words, every charge against the strawman SS is an
arrest of the vessel in admiralty for the purpose of bringing in the surety (the BC) to post bond and eventually
pay the debt.

For those who understand these structures, the SS card and bond numbers have provided a portal to
freedom and abundance. For others who may try to argue statutes with them, the public will have the last
laugh because those statutes only apply to trustees of the public trust. Since they are assuming that THEY
are the beneficiary and YOU are the trustee, they will win every time because the trust indenture (the statues)
does not apply to beneficiaries. Bill

#1608 re. below

Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:52 am

I live in the states. I got my SS# in 1968 & carry it still. There are no numbers on the back. I have never seen a
SS certificate on bond paper. I suppose I'll call the SS Administration and ask them to send me a certified copy,
if for no other reason than to prove there is such a thing. Maybe I'll ask for a new card too just to get some red
numbers (I'm feeling like they neglected me).

DEPOSIT. Re. #1604
maharaj333 <embury111@...>
Wed, October 17, 2012 11:08:39 PM

Holy smokes! What you just wrote, not only cleared up my sinuses, but, also, shot me ahead in my
'commercial' education 3 years into the future. I've never heard it explained so clearly! Thanks William!
The SS is the "Defendant"; the BC is the surety!

I have a question that keeps popping up from my studies into UCC 8 (read it over folks, in light of
what's being revealed in this forum - it may've taken on a whole new 'meaning')...could possibly UCC 8-
304 (, possibly constitute a proper endorsement of the
SSN, or BC? I'm wondering at the language:

(a) the security, whether in bearer or registered form, has been indorsed "for collection" or "for
surrender" or for some other purpose not involving transfer; or

"for collection", or "for surrender"?

Or, if I'm way off, could you explain what this could possibly be in reference to? It also appears in our
'Securities Transfer Act", here in Canada - which is basically word for word, of UCC 8.
No UCC in Canada? Hardly.

Another question I have - and I always have to do the Canada VS USA comparisons - is we don't have
red or blue bond reference #s on the backs of our SIN cards here. That number appears on the back of
the birth certificate...could you explain this at all - because it's perplexed me for a number of years now..

in peace, as always

#1652 re. not listed

Re: Types of Birth Documents and a Valuable IRS Form

Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:11 pm

The closest I have seen to substantiation is Winston Shrout's work. I am not saying that there aren't others, just
that as far as I have gotten, Shrout's work appears to be the most sound, holding up to the greatest scrutiny.

I still have a few blanks to fill in. I am thinking about going to my state to ask to see my ORIGINAL birth
certificate- the one that I currently hold is a certified copy, that curiously has much of it black out. I want
someone to walk to the file room where it is kept and pull it out so that I may photograph it. I am trained in
journalism and in science and somewhat in law because I have worked as a manger and clerk for lawyers for an
accumulated 11 years, and, as my time allows, I intend to get to the bottom of this. I am not there, yet.

#1678 re. not listed


Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:15 pm

--- In, Jeremy Miles <milespatriot1@>

what do you rely on to be your authority to use these forms? so much rehash of this old crap [GSA forms etc.].

The forms appear to be for GSA employees who are appointed under Contracting officer warrant program.
Maybe joshuasdad is a GSA employee?

501.603 Selection, appointment, and termination of appointment.

501.603-1 General.

(a) Contracting officer warrant program (COWP). GSA's COWP establishes criteria for the selection,
appointment, and termination of appointment of GSA contracting officers. It ensures that a GSA organization
has qualified individuals as contracting officers who meet the organization's needs for contracting authority.
Factors considered in determining the number of contracting officers appropriate for a given organization
include volume of actions, work complexity, and organizational structure.

Huge list of classes a GSA employee has to complete to be authorized to use these forms

#1682 re. #1678

Re: TOPIC: GSA FORMS AGAIN. Hey, ONLY you can use them as intended.
Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:39 am

would not be successful. Your energy predetermines that they will fail.

For other members I observe that once you have returned to competency, there's nothing THEY can do that WE
can't do. All of the authority granted to the public trust comes from the people. And the people cannot delegate
authority they do not have.

Secondly, like the income tax, only YOU that can assess (i.e. use) the GSA forms. Form 28 and the initial
portion of the 91 and 90 provide an opportunity to establish the record of the birth bond identified by the BC
number as surety for the contract represented by the SSN. So when you list the strawman as the warranted
contracting officer further down on the 90 and 91, it is already confessed to have a warranty in the form of the
birth bond (estate) confessed in the first paragraph. As a subsidiary of the United States Federal corporation
under 28 USC 3002, it is in fact the only officer on the contract. The forms are handing a remedy on a silver
platter to those who will look. Instead of reading GSA's web site, you might give a look to parts 28 and 53 of 48

Third, when the County received the birth record it issued a Certificate of Birth. That's the receipt that proves
the delivery (similar to a bill of lading). It is also a security under Title 15 [Securities Act provincial] in that it is
a certificate of interest. What many people fail to realize is that the failure to return equity when the County
registrar received it comprises a stipulation to the creation of a resulting trust. By definition, THEY are the
trustees on the trust. THEY are holding the instrument. THEY are holding all the equity. That means that
THEY, all of the public officials in total, NOT YOU, are obligated to perform as trustees on the bond according
to the rules of the public trust, namely all of the statutes, codes and regulations that you are so convinced apply
to you. So once you declare the trust, everything you believe goes out the window and is replaced by the
original reality that THEY are the trustees and YOU are the beneficiary.

Fourth, THEY NEVER GAVE YOU EQUITY, so they have no standing to demand equity on any statutes. On
the other hand, YOU have every right to demand satisfaction. In fact, not only are you NOT restricted from
using the 90 and 91, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE with the authority to release the lien against the real property
(your body) and release the personal property (the bonds) that they concocted in your name and against your
credit. Who else has the Father empowered to nourish your body until he returns to claim it?

The reality is that they've got you digging through statutes looking for reasons you can't claim your securities
AND YOUR OWN BODY, when the simple truth is that Scripture tells us exactly who enjoys that exclusive
divine right. And that's YOU duquelong.

Statutes and double-entry accrual bookkeeping are Lucifer's tools to entice your consent.

As to me being a GSA employee, all of our strawmen [who must be the one filing the forms?]are U.S.
employees by definition or they would not be subject to Title 26. Bill

#1683 re. #1652


Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:19 am

Peter, THEORETICALLY, it doesn't matter. All of them [the different types of BC’s] evidence the deposit of
the birth record, the existence of the resulting trust, the issuance of the birth bond by Treasury to be exchanged
for currency and to fund the SS bonds. But TECHNICALLY, we should use the most recent long form, and that
one should be more recent than any short form also, so that the number coincides with the registration at The

Thing is, more important than which document, is WHO IS REGISTERING. To do it right, requires the
principle be someone OTHER THAN THE LIVING MAN, ideally an entitlement holder.

Look up the definition of abandonment and you will see that one component is the intention to never reclaim
the property. This is where the concept differs from pure Escheats [no heir] under the Cestui Que Vie Act of
1666 in which properly is to be returned if the "deceased" sailor should ever reappear. Bill


Maritime Law Abandonment

Fri Nov 2, 2012 12:38 am

maritime law abandonment

In maritime law abandonment means relinquishment to underwriters of all claim, the act by which the owner of
a ship surrenders the ship and freight to a creditor who has become such made by contract made by the master.\ml

TITLE 46, APPENDIX App. > CHAPTER 20 > § 746


The United States or such corporation shall be entitled to the benefits of all exemptions and of all limitations of
liability accorded by law to the owners, charterers, operators, or agents of vessels.

Posed as a question:

The BC registers the vessel in the public. The private underwriter to the private grantor is an entitlement holder.
Okay so the vessel is abandoned I acting as the private underwriter am reclaiming by a4v the public BC.

The private creditor to private trust says by the way I am have a lien on the vessel. Any vessel SS constructive
trust claims against (public strawman owner of goods) are now handle by the private beneficiary estate send
them for settlement to the private alien property custodian aka the Secretary of the Treasury.


TOPIC: YES, You CAN collapse the trusts.

Fri Nov 2, 2012 12:12 pm

I thought I would repost this here to correct the many misconceptions that appeared at another Group:

1. You CAN terminate the trust that is represented by the SSN. Better yet, you can also terminate the parent, the
trust that is represented by the BC file number. I am talking from experience as the agency records reflect that
mine are closed.

2. There is no such concept as terminating a number. The number is merely a designation which is used to
represent various simultaneous things. For instance, the BC number represents

A. A certificate drawn by the County Registrar and deposited into an account created to accept that
deposit as funds (a pledge). That certificate is a securities future representing a bet against future access
to our credit. It is also a bill of lading indicating that a shipment of cargo was received, in this case by
the United States.

B.The resulting trust created by the deposit of that security. A trust is created because there was never
any return of equity on the security, so the recipient became a Trustee obligated to perform.

C. A Treasury bond issued from that account which is exchanged for currency when the Fed "buys" the
bond. That's what's being released from escrow when Standard [optional?]Form 91 is properly used.

D. A mortgage against our credit as the result of that currency exchange.

E. A lien against our real property, our bodies. That's what's being released with Standard [optional?]
Form 90.

F. The funds which are attributed to the Fed account upon receipt of the bond, and which serve as the
surety for the SS bonds.

G. A U.S. Government Contract, just like it states on the 90 and 91.

As to the SSN, it represents the account in which the birth bond is deposited, the resulting trust, and a
U.S. Government Contract which is underwritten by the birth bond - exactly as it states at the top of the
90 and 91 if you complete them properly.

More importantly, the SSN trust serves as TRUSTEE OF THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE TRUST. This is
the part almost no patriots realize. Why do you think the Court, the gas company, DMV, the banks, and every
other public entity depository "charges" the strawman? Read 26 USC 2603 - the trustee pays the gift tax.
[ultimately the estate]. The strawman SSN trust is truly a utility for transmitting debt to the estate, to the BC
trust. It's a portal.

There are various ways to collapse, terminate, kill - call it what you will - one or both of those trusts. Once you
understand the system, suddenly you can't swing a dead trust without seeing yet another exit sign. If you just
give notice of the termination, it may still work but you will not gain the proceeds of the collapse, the return of
your equity. That depends on the actual method of termination.

Also, it's a big mistake to assume that the public owns the SSN or those accounts. They---own---nothing. Every
security, deposit, trust, and derivative issue begins with the certificate of birth. THEY BELONG TO US.
When they issue an Indictment, Citation, Warrant, Order, or even a utility bill, that liability charged
against the strawman is also an asset to us, an account payable on their books that they owe to us, a
derivative of OUR original pledge [their liability is our asset]. UNTIL YOU REALIZE THAT, YOU

Whether you remain in or out, whether you collapse the trusts, terminate all contracts, cash out, or use the
agency as a collector, it all begins with understanding the nature of the system, and then returning to
competency. Bill

#1712 re. not listed

Re: My BC Name differs from my SSN/IRS NAME!-OF COURSE!

Fri Nov 2, 2012 12:46 pm

THESE ARE TWO SEPARATE ENTITIES. The BC name represents the name of the Estate, the ultimate
debtor as it is the presumed surety for all of the debts charged to the strawman due to the issuance of the
birth bond that is traded for currency and used to fund the SS trust, contract, account and bonds.

The SSN name represents the SS trust, which is the trustee for the Estate trust. Bill

#1725 re. #1718 below

Re: TOPIC: YES, You CAN collapse the trusts - CORRECTION

Fri Nov 9, 2012 4:16 pm

SORRY Greg. Let me clarify...

1. All such paper (Warrants, Orders, Indictments, bills etc) are futures hedging a
future payment by a payer to a payee in a sum certain or implied. Like any security, it will be entered as an
asset AND a liability. They represent obligations to pay aka a bet against future payment.

2. A good example for illustration is a promissory note for a bank loan. The note is entered by the bank as
an asset (after all, it's a promise to pay). But the bank is also obligated to return the security to the maker,
so it enters the instrument as an account payable, a liability to the bank. The item is also an asset to the
maker who is entitled to a return of the instrument or the proceeds derived from it.

3. The nature of double-entry bookkeeping is that a liability must be offset by a corresponding asset. The only
purpose for a security is even-exchange. It is supposed to be exchanged for a security of equal value and
then returned. So it shows on the books as an asset with negotiable value, and a liability owed back to the
maker. When your security is hoarded (whored) by a public servant it throws your books out of balance
making YOU liable for the taxes. Bill

#1718 re. #1711

Re: TOPIC: YES, You CAN collapse the trusts - CORRECTION

Sat Nov 3, 2012 8:50 am

In the second to last paragraph, I understand what you are saying about citations, Warrant, Order, etc.,
being a liability charged against the strawman.. But I don't quite get the logic (or accounting practice) of
it being an asset too.. Do you mean that it is a liability to the strawman and therefore an asset to the real
man as being the other side of the strawman on a T ledger?? whereby an entry on the strawman side of
the ledger as a liability creates an asset on the real man side of the same ledger? OR am I completely
off? Where can I find more info on this particular part so that I may really understand it??? Thanks

#1726 re. #1710

Re: Maritime Law Abandonment - TOPIC: ABANDONMENT

Fri Nov 9, 2012 4:23 pm


PRESUMPTION THAT the property is available to be claimed by any finder. Since the public can
NEVER claim our securities without becoming liable for the taxes on the gains, they remain available to future
claims. Status consists of expressing that claim through agents. [proxy] Bill

#1749 re. below

Re: TOPIC: YES, You CAN collapse the trusts - CORRECTION

Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:57 pm

REDEMPTION FOR DUMMIES?? Did you try the library? It might be next to ASTRONAUTS FOR

In all seriousness, you won't find such a thing ANYWHERE. It's no accident that the devil created such a
diabolically convoluted matrix of deception it defies comprehension. I spent hours the other night just
explaining the Optional Form 91 you mentioned to a friend. That's just the reality of the rabbit hole. Forget
Kansas. We're out beyond Pluto.

What you CAN do is learn how the system works until one day "it clicks" and you will see more remedies
than you ever imagined. You WILL see them, if you allow yourself time to marinate. You cannot get light
from a bulb unless you first construct the electrical infrastructure. I you are determined to accelerate, you might
try hooking up with someone who knows and has the spirit of service.

Lucifer's minions want you to be fatigued. Those who succeed are the ones who persist. You might look to the
trials of Job for inspiration. The Father never did give Job a direct answer, but he was blessed in the end
nonetheless. The devil is challenging your integrity. He's always testing our faith. This is why we're here. To
take a measure of our free will - the one element of godliness we were given that is not subject to His
suffer for being good men, not for our sins. Bill

profitdesire@... wrote: re. #1711

I'm new to the group but not new to this entire genre of information. I, like many of you, have been on a
very long pursuit for real remedy. I am, in a word, tired. And in the post below this one comment is
indicative of so many previous groups that never ever lived up to their charter for real remedy "…when
Standard Form 91 is properly used". I want to cut to the chase and ask this important question: is there
anywhere within this group where one can find the SPECIFIC methodology of doing things that are
prescribed for remedy that will show precisely what to do to properly fill out not only the Standard Form
91 but ALL pertinent/necessary forms for true remedy?? Is there a step-by-step guide written by
someone who now enjoys their newfound liberty where we can follow them by implementing those
same steps that brought them to their liberty?

#1750 re. not listed

Re: My BC Name differs from my SSN/IRS NAME!-OF COURSE!

Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:08 pm

Scott, I don't fight with these people any more. They will take everything you own. The entire system is
institutionalize fraud. That's what a legal fiction is - absence of truth. I simply see "units" that need to be
transferred from one account (private) to another account (credits to the strawman account that was charged).

You can find units defined in the Nat. Coinage Act of 1792. Bill

#1756 re. #52


Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:12 pm

Bill, when you say "special deposit" are you referring to Title 12 demand for lawful money?

#1769 re. not listed

Re: My BC Name differs from my SSN/IRS NAME!-OF COURSE!

Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:54 am

postings. You would not be an executor with respect to a trust, other than an Estate established in the
nature of a trust [???]. Bill

#1770 re. #1756


Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:07 am

No. Special deposit is a bedrock essential concept to study and understand as it terminates their ability to use
our funds or credit them to a general securities account from which they then leverage additional
securities against our credit much to our injury (eg arrest warrant).

It is also a classic example of reversal by misnomer. We only have to specify special deposit (a name which
implies we have ego problems - we want special treatment), because the normal transaction at any depository
(Courts included), what's called "general deposit," is a theft of title to the deposit. General deposit should really
be called "theft by routine."

So the real transaction should actually appear as: "Ma'am, do you want me to deposit the funds for your own
use, or would you mind signing this deposit slip that transfers title to the bank so it can loan you back your own
funds?" Bill

#1771 re. not listed


Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:34 am


IN THE TRUST ITSELF! Many things in life do not need outside validation. Even the Agency admits that
in Sec. 7701 of the IRC when it defines a U.S. person as including an individual, corp, estate and a trust
but ONLY if the trust has a US person making ALL substantial decisions, and therefore the trust is
subject to the jurisdiction of U.S. Courts. In other words, even the Agency confesses that a trust is a
PRIVATE AGREEMENT - ALWAYS - between at least two parties unless it contains language
specifying otherwise or has a U.S. person acting as czar.

That language is always inserted by attorneys as they were taught to do in law school (eg. "This trust is subject
to the Estates and Trusts Act of the State of ____________"). We would never do such a thing of course
unless it was to the beneficiary's advantage.

A trust should always contain language controlling distribution of the Trust estate (property). That
language defines the Grantor's intentions. Even the Uniform Trust Code states that a judge must follow the
Grantor's intentions (see Sec. 416). The public recognizes the speciality of a trust as the last bastion of
separation from the commercial society of misnomered thefts.

If a private trust collapses for any reason, the State can never have a claim against the property. That
property was placed in trust by the Grantor and is destined for the beneficiary one way or another.
Hopefully the trust contains language that specifies the Grantor is a successor trustee in the event the other
trustees breach. WHEN THAT HAPPENS, the Grantor takes over, distributes the property as intended and the
Trust collapses either due to total distribution OR because the Grantor is now the sole beneficiary and
trustee, hence, there is no trust. [like escheats]

If a public official (which is also a trust, eg JUDGE MARY WILLIAMS) controls the property and won't
release the escrow, then it becomes person-ally liable for the capital gains taxes on the taxable
termination and the income taxes on the gain, among other enormous liabilities. Enforcing that liability
takes a substantial learning commitment, but there's just no justification for patriot defeatism claiming we have
no remedies. There are some people out there who know how to do it right.

There are many circumstances where we might express a trust presently or retroactively. This is a
comprehensive subject, a bit like deciding to take on a new hobby like collecting antiques. It would pay to find

one who is willing and has the ability to walk you through it as one way of saving a few years messing around.

#1772 re. not listed


Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:52 am

YOU SURELY CAN GET YOUR NOTE BACK whether it's in the waterlogged basement at DTC, another
depository, or on Mars. The reason most people don't see this is because they don't have the bigger picture of
concepts under their belt and don't understand the use of various in-the-box forms. This is understandable
because mastering those forms is a college-like subject that would take a good semester with someone who
knows. But what a semester! Almost as good as chugging beer and chasing girls (the true college experience in
the US).

If they keep YOUR note, then THEY have a problem. They have caused a taxable termination and owe
the taxes under 26 USC 2603. Income taxes on the sale of the property upon the abandonment. Capital
gains taxes on the termination. And the mother of all taxes, the loss of exemption by the fund that's
trading the derivatives as if they were tax exempt original issues.

Their bonds cannot sustain this. Their liability can be converted into an account receivable and sold
without slapping them with a lien. After all, they're holding YOUR security. THEIR public trust, the
depository, can be charged just as your strawman can be charged. Haven't you been charged enough to see
how that works? THEIR surety can be assessed through the attorney-in-fact. Etc. Bill

#1774 re. #1772

TOPIC - RETURN OF EQUITY 2. No return?->Resulting trust.

Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:13 am

YOU ARE ALWAYS entitled to have your equity returned. Here's a quote that I really enjoyed from a close
friend - the best mentor I know:

"We have ten charges against you. You're facing twenty years in prison."

"Am I to understand you want me to pay equity on your statutes when you failed to return equity on the original
deposit from which all of these proceedings are derived?"

RETURN EQUITY. If equity was returned in the form of the original security (such as an indictment)
endorsed indicating the strawman's account was credited with the funds, or an equivalent form of special
deposit such as an order to dismiss (a receipt), there would be no trust, or perhaps the trust existed for a

The trust exists only because they FAILED TO RETURN EQUITY ON A SECURITY. Think about that.
THEY are holding the security. It's in a security account THEY opened (bank acct, Court file, etc.) The proof of
the resulting trust is the case/file/account number THEY assigned. THEY HAVE ALREADY CONFESSED
ACCEPTANCE when they accepted the security, opened the account, and assigned the number. (We
might give notice PROPERLY with a Form 56 to bind them to Sec. 6903.) The arrest warrant, the complaint,
the bill, the charge, the letter, whatever, prove the existence of the trust and their trusteeship.

UNDERSTAND the foundational knowledge, and MASTER the enforcement methods and strategies.

The latter is necessary so you are not shooting blanks. They WILL test you. When the test comes, it had best
turn THEIR faces red and fearful, rather than yours. Once you have that big picture under your belt, their
emperor is revealed to be naked so you might smirk, instead of collapse, when they threaten those years in
prison. Bill

#1775 re. #below

Re: Personal Advice for Newer Members

Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:27 am

Excellent perspective. Mr. Miagi. Thanks. Bill

"prosperofla" prosperofla@... wrote:

Greetings, all.

I joined this esteemed group in October, having discovered the "Patriot" learning only as late as June of
this year, so, although it was not deeply ingrained in me, it was there in my brain files, sorted near the
'front', if you will. I have been quiet as a mouse on here - not for lack of interest - but for the reasons
described below.

I see newer members in a frame of mind similar to the one I was in when I joined; I am embarrassed to
read, and cringe at the sight of, my initial posts! So I'd like to modestly offer very personal advice based
on my own experience here:

1) You may recall the movie "Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade" starring Harrison Ford and Sean
Connery. There is a climactic scene in which Indiana, in the middle of an violent earthquake in the great
mountainside temple, struggles with outstretched body to reach the Holy Grail, which he has dreamed
for a lifetime of acquiring, seeing it slip by inch by inch deeper into the endless pit. He struggles to grab
it, getting closer and closer, but in doing so, he is closer and closer to his own demise.

His father, in a voice of wisdom and love, says, "Indiana, let it go. Let it go, Son."

All of your 'Patriot' learning, whether you began to acquire it in 1999 or 2012:

Let it go.

I know it is precious to you and you invested a great deal in it, invested, perhaps, blood, sweat and tears.
Let it go. By this I mean, pack it into a file in your head, or, as I did, both in my head and in a literal
paper file, and tuck it into the back. Some of those inspired men who came before laid groundwork for
your new learning, so you will occasionally pull out a concept here and there with which you can make a
valuable connection to your new learning, but you must not use it as your base any longer. I respect that
some of you have been involved in this for so long and the wisdom and discovery you have witnessed is
impressive. But it should no longer serve as your road map. The endurance and stamina fostered by your
search will serve you well in your new learning (better than mine has), but that former map will not lead
you to where you wish to go.

Let it go, or perish. You will learn why clearly as you proceed.

2) Read every post.





...EVERY SINGLE POST since the group was started in July. In doing so, you will absorb the wisdom
of our Moderator and of our members who have attained this wisdom since before this discussion was
founded; you will also absorb the growing wisdom of members who have asked intelligent questions (as
well as those who have not). If you don't have the time or cannot make the time to read them all
(whether this takes days, weeks or months), I am sorry for you. This group discussion will be of no help
to you and you should cease your search for this wisdom.

3) Develop your own system for sorting and cataloging all of the information.

Mine began with a work product of nearly 100 pages on a Word document. Then I broke it all down in
to several categories of major subjects, including one primary document. Using these documents, and
reading them a few times over, I then congealed this all into another primary document, less than half
the size.

4) Read all of the files posted in this group's "Files" section. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

5) Read the UCC, with special emphasis on Articles 8 and 9. This is where I am presently at, studying
the UCC, the above mentioned articles of which I will read a several times until I can navigate them
smoothly. I will probably follow this with a study of the UTC.

6)After that, you will have a solid "base" of understanding from which to proceed with some clear-
headedness and confidence. You might carefully consider what you wish to ask of the Moderator and
members in order to fill in blanks of what has already been offered, and to probe more deeply the minds
of those who fully comprehend the subject. I believe that it is right and proper to glean all of the
intelligence already available on here before (unwittingly) posting redundant or inapplicable questions.

I have learned enough that most of this discussion has become to me elementary or intermediate
learning, as I'm sure it has become for other members.

I am grateful to the Moderator and the members who have plowed this field for other members to benefit
from the harvest. Peace and Warmth. -Peter

#1776 re. #1767 below

Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:47 am

UNDERSTANDING AND OUTDATED PATRIOT CONCEPTS. You are correct, only the Father owns. And
it is also true that in admiralty, an owner is a debtor, tenant, trustee, borrower, defendant, liable party, principal,
bailee, and holder of legal title (in other words, a poor deluded fool).

However, regarding a trust, the word can be used to signify that trust is a grantor's trust where the tax
liability passes through to the grantor. Believe it or not, this is desirable in many cases. Posting documents
without the supportive education is literally handing a loaded gun to a schizophrenic. MOST patriots do not
have the complete understanding needed to use the technology. So of course they will go with what they know,
and wind up in prison. NOT AT THIS GROUP, however. We seek a safe educational environment, not an army
of potential victims. Bill

#1767 re. not listed

Re: canadian tax matter

Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:45 pm

I too have reservations re. use of the word "owner" here because it would seem that one is not really
'owner' when one is claiming domain over their warehouse receipts indicating the trust accounts the gov.
created on behalf of living souls. We are not the creators of ourselves, and thus do not 'own' ourselves
IMO. The Almighty One behind all is the real creator and only gives us dominion and
stewardship.....but those natural/inherent rights have been usurped by the gov. to take over all as
artificial 'debts' levied against the living people on the land. If the concept of 'owner' is reworked, doc.
might have merits.

#1783 re. #1771

Wed Nov 21, 2012 6:56 pm

" Even the Agency admits that in Sec. 7701 of the IRC when it defines a U.S. person as including an
individual, corp, estate and a trust but ONLY if the trust has a US person making all substantial
decisions, and therefore the trust is subject to the jurisdiction of U.S. Courts. In other words, even the
Agency confesses that a trust is a PRIVATE AGREEMENT - ALWAYS - between at least two parties
unless it contains language specifying otherwise or has a U.S. person acting as czar."

Oh man, you're blowing my mind. That's why the Bookeeper makes such a big deal about trusts! Smoke
and mirrors. But they have no jurisdiction if the US PERSON, is not making any "substantial
decisions" .

#1803 re. #1783

Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:36 pm

Just to be clear, if a U.S. person is not making ALL substantial decisions (rather than any substantial decision as
you stated.) Bill

#1805 re. not listed

Re: Personal Advice for Newer Members

Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:44 pm

Can you point me in the right direction to register myself as non-commercial conveyance with the U.S. DOT?
Thank you

#1806 re. #1805

Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:28 pm


You are registering a claim with the highest admiralty venue - that's the underlying mechanism that most
people have not grasped. Like other areas, the value of this undertaking depends on understanding the
rationale, implications, and enforcement strategies. Bill

#1807 re. not listed


Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:37 pm

Brian, three parties is not the defining characteristic of a trust. A trust is created when property is placed in
trust with a trustee. Sometimes this is voluntary. MOST OF THE TIME IN THE PUBLIC, IT IS NOT
RETURN EQUITY. Hence, the circumstances of a trust are created wherein the recipient has trustee obligations
as holder of the property. This sort of presumed trust in equity is ALWAYS a taxable termination since the fact
that they failed to return equity is a termination of the grantor's interest in the property. THIS IS WHY 126 USC
EVERYTHING'S held in trust. That's how the public operates.

A contract results from an agreement with an exchange of consideration. If EQUAL consideration was
exchanged at the time you delivered the security (if you received equal equity for your security) there would be
no trust. THEN you would have a contract.

Confusion arises from the nature of the system. The SS account is created by the deposit of a birth bond
issued against the Certif of Birth. The Fed trades currency for the bond. Hence, the SS account is a U.S.
Government contract.

One problem, YOU GOT NOTHING OUT OF THE DEAL. No return of equity. So their PUBLIC
CONTRACT, is a trust from our perspective, and for OUR benefit. Starting to make better sense? Bill

#1828 re. #below

Re: SS Trust Summary

Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:24 pm

I believe that I have found the answers to my own questions. Here is a rewrite of my original:

SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST (SST): The second trust derived from the BC Bond (BB), it designates
the Strawman TRUSTEE of the ESTATE TRUST and thus initial DEBTOR, whereas the
Strawman/Cestui Que Trust, the first derived trust from the BB, NAMES the Estate with a Strawman
name, an almost subtle distinction. So, the SST sets up the poor schlub Strawman (he got his NAME
from the first derived trust)as the guy who gets approached (sometimes chained and arrested) to take
responsibility for debts.

This Trustee (by presumption)entity is the one that is billed by vendors. But our Authorized
Representative (Proxy) instructs IRS and vendors via our written setoffs to credit this SS Trust account
by charging the BB. Thus, the Estate, via the BB, is automatically tapped of these funds and the SST
Trust needs replenishment to compensate the automatic debit.

So, in the cases of setoffs your vendor billing you for payment (credit card, utility, etc.) will get paid by IRS by
the submission of the setoff "you", via your proxy, gave him.

My only question on this subtopic is which proxy is used. It seems that the Proxy #1 is employed.


"prosperofla" prosperofla@... wrote:

For everyone's scrutiny, especially our Moderator and more advanced practitioners:

SOCIAL SECURITY SM TRUST: The second trust derived from the BC Bond (specifically?), it
designates the Strawman TRUSTEE of the ESTATE TRUST and thus initial DEBTOR (whereas the BC
Trust, the first derived trust from the BC Bond, NAMES the Estate with a Strawman name, an almost
subtle distinction.

This entity is the one that is billed by vendors, including the IRS. But our Authorized Representative
(Proxy" 1) instructs DT and vendors via our written setoffs to credit this SS Trust account by using the
BB. Thus, the Estate, via the BB, is automatically tapped of these funds and the SST Trust needs
replenishment to compensate the automatic debit.

So your vendor asking for payment will get paid by DT by the submission of the setoff you gave him.
#1837 re. #1836


Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:35 am

Still confused...nothing new there.

Are you saying that one can only claim a refund when the funds HAVE been commingled with the banks?
Black's law says a special deposit must be returned exactly as deposited, which would be impossible if
commingled. In which case, what is there available for a "refund"? So could that have read "in using special
deposit, refunds are not available."

How about the interest? Are they allowed to hypothecate a SD? Can we reclaim that? (possible answer: if the
deposit is with a trust company set up under the grantor's direction, then.....all this is moot.)
Fortunately, there are as they say, no dumb questions.

#1840 re. #below


Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:46 am


Did you know that an arrest warrant and a summons are vouchers seeking a bank's consent to transfer
Estate (private) funds to the Court's depository account to pay for the Case Bond?

Let's examine a standard check deposit at BOA. The bank endorses the check PAY TO THE ORDER OF
BANK OF AMERICA, which is a banker's acceptance by the Payee's [the BOA customer/depositor] bank
that monetizes the instrument (converts it to money of account). BOA then steals title to the funds by
issuing credits to the depositor's [the BOA customer/depositor] account (a general account). It places a
hold on the credits and forwards the check to the Payer's [the one who wrote the check to the BOA
customer]bank for authorization to release the hold. If funds are available, the Payer's [the one who wrote
the check to the BOA customer]bank will endorse the check (yet another banker's acceptance) and return
it to its customer [the one who wrote the check to the BOA customer], the Payer (at least they used to). If
funds are insufficient, BOA will cancel it's endorsement and RETURN THE CHECK TO THE
DEPOSITOR / PAYEE [the BOA customer/depositor].

Notice that the credits move to the Payee and the security moves back to the issuer who issued the
security. You can always return to this transaction to understand most any event in the world around

For instance, a case in an incorporated Court. The Court (JUDGE ROSE WILLIAMS) deposits the Indictment
by endorsing it "FILED IN CASE NO. 1:10-CR-123456." THE STAMP IS A BANKER'S ACCEPTANCE.
Doesn't it signify acceptance, opening of an account, issuance of a number, and a deposit? Doesn't the
indictment have a Payer (strawman/VRB), Payee (Plaintiff), implied amount (penal sum on the charges), a
date, signature, and place of payment (the Court)? Doesn't the Court maintain securities accounts in its
normal course of business, making it a securities intermediary per UCC 8-102(a)? What else could it be if
not a banker's acceptance?

By the way, the Clerk is a pimp (to quote Vito Corleone). The Clerk is a bank teller acting for the Court.
The concept that the Clerk is the Court is one of our legendary patriot misconceptions.

After depositing "the check" (Elvick, Shrout, Kennedy and Smith were on the money), the Court then issues
credits to a general account, meaning it steals title to the deposit (to the funds - see my last posting) ON
THE PRESUMPTION that the funds will eventually be made available by the Payer. They ALWAYS
presume the funds will be available until proven otherwise by an NSF notice from the Payer's bank.
Then, just like BOA, the Court issues a voucher to the Payer's bank to certify the existence of the book-
entry credits - the funds.

Regarding Court, THE VOUCHER IS THE BENCH WARRANT OR SUMMONS. These are nothing
more than securities issued to secure acceptance by the Payer's bank - indorsement. That's all that's going

It's well disguised of course. For the masses (messes) at large, the transaction is disguised as law.

For lawyers, it's disguised as equity - a violation of a presumed contract to comply with statues.

To patriots, it's disguised as an admiralty arrest of the vessel as Jack Smith taught for years to get the
creditor to appear and post bond.

But the core issue - the real issue at work - the underlying issue that controls your life is that they are
seeking authorization by the Payer's bank (you) to establish the Payer as surety on the account.

Who's the Payer? THE ESTATE of course. They are seeking your consent to ESTABLISH THE
ESTATE AS SURETY for the funds credited to the account represented by the Case Number...

Meaning, AS SURETY FOR THE CASE BOND they already issued.

I repeat...FOR THE CASE BOND which they already issued on the PRESUMPTION that the funds
WOULD BE MADE AVAILABLE when you appeared physically, hired a lawyer to appear, gave your
name, sent in a motion (which creates a general appearance even if you protest jurisdiction), or just
entered the Courtroom and said "I'm here on that matter."

Read the definition of Bond in 48 CFR 28.001. A bond is a two party pledge to the Government in which a
principal (the strawman) and a surety (the Estate) guarantee an obligation to perform. All they want is
the Estate to step forward and ACCEPT liability as SURETY to fund the securities account identified by
the Case Number.


The concept that they just reach into the Estate any time they want and take the funds is more patriot
SURETY. But just like a bank check, they MUST go back to the source and have the security approved.

They MUST get your SPECIFIC consent to have the Estate act as surety on the Bond (the Case Bond).

They MUST get YOUR banker's acceptance. Any time you want to understand the public system, JUST

SO what you have is the Court issuing CREDITS TO A GENERAL ACCOUNT (stealing title), a
securities account represented by the Case Number under the PRESUMPTION that the Payer's bank
will authorize the funding on behalf of its client, the Estate, the presumed surety.

How do they secure the Estate's consent?

THE APPEARANCE BOND. The appearance bond is your BANKER'S ACCEPTANCE of the arrest
warrant voucher. Make no mistake about it - YOU ARE THE BANKER. They are seeking YOUR
INDORSEMENT - your BANKER'S ACCEPTANCE - the authorization to presume the Estate is the
surety on the Case Bond. – [Could sign under duress]

If you decline, if you tell them "the Estate does not consent to act as surety on the bond," then they have a huge
problem. Like any depository institution, they can either:

Recall the Case Bond, cancel their endorsement on the Indictment/Complaint security, and return it to
the prosecutor/plaintiff's attorney marked NSF (insufficient funds), or

They can ACCEPT LIABILITY AS SURETY FOR THE CASE BOND. Meaning, the public trust known
as JUDGE ROSE WILLIAMS, the gambler that issued the Case Bond on the presumption that the Payer (the
Estate) would agree to convey its credit, is the only possible source of the funds.

This is why they will resort to shameless incivility to get the appearance bond. They don't want to be stuck with
the liability. Because when they steal the Estate's equity by depositing the Indictment security generally,
they have terminated your interest in it and they become liable for the income and capital gains taxes on
the taxable termination (26 USC 2612, 2603).

When you sign the Appearance Bond in admiralty, the creditor is agreeing to provide the real property
TRAVESTY. The desired relationship Trustee (them) / Beneficiary (us) where we can hold them accountable
for breach of trust.

When you sign the Appearance Bond in equity, you are agreeing to MAKE A GENERAL
APPEARANCE as the Defendant in a corporate Court of inferior statutory law.

Which means, you have also CONSENTED TO THE ORIGINAL GENERAL DEPOSIT. You have
consented to the transfer of private funds to the public side of the ledger for deposit to a general account
under their control (legal title), rather than a special deposit under your control. THIS IS HOW THEY
TAP THE ESTATE, not by some backroom grab.

The Arrest Warrant is the voucher to secure that acceptance. Nothing more.

What would happen if the Appearance Bond was noted with a banker's acceptance and the reverse side

Definitely NOT recommending this to ANYONE.

Does anyone still think that UNDERSTANDING is not your ticket out? Bill

John Ingress <fires1up@> wrote: re. #1837

Bill, please clarify: If one is qualified to submit a 'banker's acceptance', then would this not indicate that
the 'banker' is a trust (or trust company) of which you are the grantor? Or which you have directed your
proxy to establish?

If so, and assuming that your 'bank' is authorized to take 'deposits', then you would want to deposit your
securities as a ‘general deposit’, so that you can claim a refund later. Am I close enough to smell the

#1846 re. #1826 below


Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:40 pm

JT, you would NEVER want to become a secured party creditor. That's Tim Turner language for debtor.
The public WANTS you to claim creditor status just like it WANTS you to argue jurisdiction...

When you file a motion claiming they don't have jurisdiction, the act of filing is construed as a general
appearance thereby confessing you into the jurisdiction. It is a presumed consent to the general deposit of
the charging instrument in their securities accounts. [Constitutional challenges would have the same affect.
The Canadian Charter of Rights sounds good but it is????? NO]

When you claim to be a secured party creditor, you are confessing into equity where you are
contractually obligated to obey the statutes. You are really confessing to being a trustee under the public
trust, the BC trust and the SS trust.

What we want to do is replace the debtor/creditor relationship with the trustee/beneficiary relationship.
That's what this Group is all about. I suggest analyzing the postings very carefully as a good place to start.
Check out message 1840 just posted for insight into the depth of the rabbit hole.

We use the UCC financing statement to establish a maritime lien within the framework of what I just
said. But we avoid standing on the debtor/creditor and bailee/bailor relationships because they convey
our consent to diminishing the trustee/beneficiary relationship. Bill


A4V and Secured Party Creditor?

Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:53 am

Hey guys I have a couple of questions.

1. In order to discharge debts do I have to become a secured party creditor to my STRAWMAN?

2. When it comes to how the government applies "pressure" to you what is better?
(A) Just becoming a secured party creditor without rescinding my citizenship status?
(B) Going through the whole process and just rescinding my citizenship status as well as becoming a
secured party creditor?

3. And Finally my last question is if I am ONLY trying to become a secured party creditor which
documentation should I file and which ones shouldn't I file?

#1850 re. #1849


Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:52 pm

Did he? Really? There is information on this group, you simply will not hear anywhere else - I've been studying
this 'stuff', generally, for about 7 years - and all I got was this lousy T Shirt!

It would behoove you to have more humilty, and gratitude. "Left hanging"? What?
Maybe, what Bill is pointing out - simply, is the nature of special deposit itself - and how it operates in direct
comparison to it's ornery cousin, 'General Deposit'.

"Nothing new"? What? This means everything! Special deposit is a master key to the matrix: eyes and ears,

They segregate the funds with special deposit - they are not co-mingled, and title is not thieved away, as they
are, when securities are deposited - in every single commercial transaction - including the original deposit at
birth, where the pledge was generally (not specially!), deposited into the county.

"The soul of the sluggard desires, and has nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich."

- peacemaker -


Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:28 pm

I'm saying, or suggesting - from my meager knowledge base - that when you - 'challenge jurisdiction' - you've
just made a 'general appearance' – and therefore have consented for the JUDGE TRUST to proceed, on the
security scam, and generally deposit the security into the court case account. You've just confessed that you
ARE the trust account named in their paperwork.

#1854 re. not listed


Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:08 pm

If you "challenge jurisdiction" - you've just made a 'general appearance'.

- peacemaker -
#1855 re. #1854


Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:16 pm

I can overstand why is so in general, but one can make other options in such filing, like referral to the TRUST
as being the party involved, with natural self listed underneath this in whatever capacity, like defendant-in-error.
So if I were to consider such challenge, that would be my way of submitting.

Would you still say that making a clear distinction between the TRUST account and natural self is necessarily
and always giving way to 'general appearance'?

#1861 re. #1855


Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:41 pm

THE COURT - YOU HAVE CONFESSED THE DESIRE TO APPEAR. This is proven in their writings on
general appearance in CJS and Amer Jur, case law, and so many patriot cases. They ignored Eddie Kahn when
he argued jurisdiction. The list of others is long. They WANT you to argue jurisdiction or anything. If I was
a judge, I'd want you to argue. Because the second you do I'm going to say, sit down and shut up or I'll hold you
in contempt. THIS IS THEIR GAME. Maharaj3333 had it exactly right.

The ONLY way to stay out is to return process privately with whatever process you're undertaking. Then
they know you have CONVICTION. Bill

#1863 re. #1837


Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:17 pm

Okay, I'll have a shot at this, but I won't claim any great expertise is this area.

By making a special deposit you're placing your property with the bank for safekeeping - a bailment. No
transfer of title; merely possession. A general deposit is a transfer of title and therefore you should get equal
value in return (equal exchange) for your security which, as I understand it, you don't. Therefore, you are
entitled to claim a refund (via 1099, I presume) for the security you issued and didn't receive the equal
exchange. However, don't try this until you've reclaimed your securities as presently this is leading to
undesirable consequences from the agency. - cantinista

#1864 re. #1863


Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:00 pm
directing special deposit for safekeeping. You do NOT want to create a bailor/bailee relationship in place
of a trustee/beneficiary relationship. That would defeat the purpose. A number of other conclusions are
speculative, so caution is urged. BILL


Question directly for Moderator Bill re. A4V

Thu Dec 6, 2012 8:26 am

Hello Bill,

I was wondering if you could shed some light on an A4V process I did recently that I may have done wrong.

I discharged three statements/bills, in each putting the A4V verbiage on the front as described by Doug Riddle
and others. I also put the Money Order verbiage on the payment coupons of each statement, also according to D.
Riddle (and others') method.

On the reverse of the Money Order I signed it at a 90-degree angle, but I also put 'without prejudice' above my
signature and ', Agent' after my signature.

Did I do that wrong? Should I have put ONLY my signature and no other words/phrases in order to make the
negotiable instrument viable?

Would you suggest doing the A4Vs again, this time with ONLY a signature on the reverse of the Money Order?

Thanks in advance for your help. I appreciate it.


#1908 re. #1905

TOPIC: A4V MYTHS (Question directly for Moderator Bill re. A4V)
Thu Dec 6, 2012 2:24 pm

Hi Patrick, I suggest you go back to the early posts for background information. It will be a wild fluke if your
acceptances work. Like most newcomers, you're worried about the color of the paint without a proper
foundation in how to build the car from a garage full of parts.

The big problem is that they are not processing acceptances without approved agency standing. So I
would NOT take any risky action like not paying a critical bill such as a mortgage, as you are likely to wind up,
like so MANY patriots, in controversy PREMATURELY learning by the school of hard knocks instead of
competent gentle mentoring.

Also, if you understood what an acceptance is and what the term "for value" means, you would know
that you don't need a money order. By doing that, you gave them two securities drawn on the same

instrument. This is a holdover from ZYA. Bankers have been doing acceptances for generations. What they do
- all it takes - is the word "ACCEPTED" to convert it into monetizable credits.

As to the endorsement, when you pay a bill, do you endorse the check? Or is that the Payee's job?

By the way, your acceptance is a security, not a negotiable instrument. Securities have indorsements
rather than endorsements.

And then there's the issue of reserving [reversing?] the acceptance and assigning it to the payee.

I point these things out to show there's more to it than meets the eye. When we do an acceptance, the
acceptance is a security that encapsulates the security they provided. It tells them to off-set against a
prepaid account. Our security agreement pledges the Grantor will cover all the debtor's debts. Our
acceptance transmits the asset back to the Estate so they can convert the credits they post to the account
into funds (just like a bank seeks the funds from the Payer's bank to cover the credits it posted to the Payee's
account. Just like an appearance bond gives access to the Estate.)

You will know when you've arrived when you can do things correctly with the same clarity as when you write a
check. Bill

#1909 re. not listed


Thu Dec 6, 2012 2:37 pm


I wish I had a dime or everyone who volunteered to appear in person due to fear, circumstances, lack of funds,
whatever. They are all in prison. IT DOESN'T WORK IN CRIMINAL CASES UNLESS YOU HAVE
EXTRAORDINARY SKILLS. The term "in person," is no lie. You appear in the personage of a U.S. trust,
contract, securities account.

SWAT is testing if you have CONVICTION, rather than mere BELIEF. When you get dragged in by the
Gestapo, THEY CANNOT PRESUME YOU ARE A U.S. PERSON. They can't presume you're a trustee.
They can't presume you've granted access to the Estate. THEY CAN'T PRESUME GENERAL DEPOSIT
OR GENERAL APPEARANCE. That's why they keep hammering away with the questions and threats. That is
a golden opportunity to end the conflict then and there.

I am hoping at some point that you will stop responding to the postings with but, but, but, and instead start
thinking, Yeah, I can do that. Maybe this would be a good time to change. Bill


#1911 re. #1909


Thu Dec 6, 2012 3:13 pm
So, it appears every "account" is an "open escrow" that has received "credit" from the "treasury" ... but has
never closed since "equitable interest option over the escrow" has never been exercised by "estate of the King"
thus is still open for use of the credit via the "payday anticipation loan" granted by "kings' treasury" upon the
"deposit" (28 USC 2041).

As such, does it makes sense one should probably authorize the collection and return the funds to the Treasury,
unless there is a "verified claim" by an "injured party"?.

"we the people" = all kings upon this earth

"Name on Live Birth" = "estate of the King"
"US Treasury" = "kings' treasury"
"Society" = "Kingdom the Kings build"

"HIS VASSAL" is there on business to verify the claim against the "king" and since the "king" always "pays his
bills", the "kings treasury" ponies up the "funds" via "credit" to be held in "escrow" and authorizes the
collection of those funds for distribution to any injured party, then if no one can put up a "verified claim", the
"funds in escrow" revert back to the "king's treasury" while the "remainder in escrow" "delivers" to the "estate
of the king" in care, custody, and control of "HIS VASSAL" for use for the benefit of the "will of the king" ...
and if the "King's heart" is with "his people" and "his people's heart" with the "king", then that "love" will
inspire the people to build a "glorious kingdom" or "society" to honor "god" for the "divine king" "god"
provided for them.

#1919 re. #1911

Thu Dec 6, 2012 10:38 pm

SOME DUDE-I'M GLAD YOU POSTED THIS. As with usufruct, many of us tend to get lost in unnecessary
circuitous concepts to explain what are basically simple concepts. We learned this from the lawyerly class.
Every time we transform Thou shall not kill" into a million pages of complicated subterfuge, we lose 99 percent
of the audience including the serial killers, and make the message unintelligible to the remaining 1 percent.

Most every transaction in the public involves tendering a security, be it an indictment, bank check, credit
card application, or mortgage note. The recipient is supposed to return equal value, but they never do, So,
either they have stolen the funds at worst, or suffered a taxable gain at best. Prior to 1933, it was an even
exchange of commodities. Since HJR 192, it's an even exchange of futures (promises to pay). HJR replaced a
commodities system with a futures system of credit. If the recipient fails to return equal value as usual, then he
must place the item into trust or face the consequences of theft.

We are the beneficiary of that trust. If we were not, then they would have effectively stolen your security. A
public official simply canNOT steal or claim YOUR securities. They can't afford the tax, or the criminal
liability (10 years in prison - see 18 USC 2073). Therefore, by definition, each of these trusts involving
every facet of our lives consists of YOUR funds being held in escrow for YOUR benefit.

Those trust depository accounts are the legendary "escrow" accounts no one knows how to explain.
Nothing magical. Basic trust law. If I give you property and you fail to return equity, the property is considered
held in trust (escrow) for my benefit. THIS IS WHAT 26 USC 2612 AND 2603 ARE ALL ABOUT. If you
claim special deposit and demand a return of your securities and they fail to comply, you've got a taxable
termination (of your interest in the securities) for which the party holding the instrument is liable for the taxes.

The problem is that they always presume that the security was deposited generally to an account at their
disposal, thereby reversing the roles. Everything in the public is backwards. They are operating under the
presumption that the Plaintiff is the beneficiary and YOU are the trustee. But once we correct the faulty
presumptions, they revert to the trustee obligated to follow the public indenture, and we revert to our rightful
role as beneficiary of the funds.

As much as I loathe popular culture, we might yet learn something from Madison Avenue. "Open the box. Eat
the food. Lose the weight." We would do well to steal that linearity for ourselves when it comes to these
concepts. "Deposit the funds. Credit the account. Return the deposit." Bill.

#1937 re. not listed

Re: TOPIC: A4V MYTHS (Question directly for Moderator Bill re. A4V)
Sat Dec 8, 2012 10:10 pm

A negotiable instrument is defined in UCC 3-104. Securities are referenced in Article 8 of the UCC. You can
find a definition at 15 USC 77ccc as I recall. Mostly everything is a security. UCC 4-102 states that Article 8
is superior to Article 3. The purpose of a security is disposition - even exchange. That could take the place
of the recipient indorsing the item, crediting your account, and returning it. The indorsement is also a
security. If they fail to return equity as I've just described, then either they've stolen the security (which is rare
in Government), or they've created a trust by having received property being held for someone else’s benefit
(you). The trust is not governed by the UCC. By definition, the very existence of that trust due to their
failure to return equity is a confession of a taxable termination (26 USC 2612) and THEIR liability for the
taxes (26 USC 2603) as the confessed trustee. 26 USC 2612 is like a roadmap to the system: taxable
termination is a termination of an interest in property held in trust. Guess what, when they fail to credit
your account, they've terminated your interest on property held in trust (your security) and THEY owe the taxes
which are equal to the value of the termination. Bill

#1938 re. not listed

Sat Dec 8, 2012 10:16 pm

Mike, one small observation re. what you said. Actually, it's very easy to get an EIN without an SS, but it
must be done by phone. Bill


Securities Exchange Omission?

Sun Dec 9, 2012 6:04 pm

I've been reviewing the definition of "Security" at 15 USC § 78c (a)(10) and it is interesting to note the things
that are not securities.

"but shall not include currency or any note, draft, bill of exchange, or banker's acceptance which has a maturity
at the time of issuance of not exceeding nine months, exclusive of days of grace, or any renewal thereof the
maturity of which is likewise limited."

A clear understanding here could help avoid confusion as to what transactions constitute an exchange of
securities. It doesn't help that they say things like "a maturity at the time of issuance of not exceeding nine
months, exclusive of days of grace..." While one can, with a little effort, discern that this means maturities of
nine months or less, plus Sundays and bank holidays - say approx. 320 days or less (I'd round it to less than a
year). So a check, which according to UCC 4-404 is good for six months*, should presumably be excluded
from the definition of a security. And FRNs, which are currency, would also be excluded.

This, it seems to me, is why when you gave the bank your promissory note (a security), and they gave you a
check (not a security) to purchase your home, it didn't constitute an even exchange of securities. This is
exclusive of the issue of their undisclosed liability to you for the full value of the note, including 30 years
accrued interest . I guess that hints at the true reverse mortgage nature of the transaction.

Now I'm just speculating on this point, but that declining loan balance in the public, it seems to me, is really the
mirror image of an increasing liability of the bank on the private side. You should, when reclaiming the note
and deed at a later date, be entitled to a rebate of all the principal and interest you've paid to that date. Could it
be that reclaiming them voids the constructive fraud of the public transaction ab initio and entitles you to the
refund if claimed timely?

As Bill has said, this is all just fighting. Just reclaim the BC Trust and then set-off the bank loan. Maybe
afterward you might endeavor to reclaim the securities and payments if you feel you're that competent. The
bank will still have the tax liability to worry about even if the REMIC is then safe.

* The issue of the maturity of a check (draft) seems to be a gray area. Could this be intentional? Since the latest
bankruptcy reorganization in 1999 banks have ceased returning our checks. It is thought by some that this is
evidence that the banks are bundling them as securities and selling them into the market. UCC 4-404 says the
banks may honor the checks after six months in good faith.

Does this constitute a longer, or even indefinite maturity for a check?

Does UCC 4-404 really even constitute a maturity date for a check?
If not, then absent a stated void date on the check (of approx. 320 days or less from issue), is a check then a
Is that a smoke screen I smell?

- cantinista

#1953 re. #1945


Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:10 pm

to cognitive thinking...

WHO issues a bank check? WE do (the drawer).

WHO determines the term? A recipient? A depository (which is yet another recipient)? Of course not. THE
ISSUER establishes the terms. Does it say: "Good for six months?" Of course not. Although it could if we so
chose. Does the UCC language suggest word games? If they had the power, surely they would have said, "A
bank draft older than six months shall be considered void."

They have no such authority.

We issue the check. WE set the term. It's almost always of an indefinite term, or like any other lien, good
for seven years...Security.

Regarding the exchange of the mortgage note for a bank check, it is not an even exchange as cantinista
pointed out. But not for that reason. The reason is that they enter the note at full value with interest, but
pay you the face value.

Think about it. On a $50K mortgage, did you promise to pay $50K? Or did you promise to pay perhaps $150K
when interest is added in? $150K. That's the promise. That's the value to the bank. That's what they enter on
their books. Your brain is stuck on $50K. Bill

This is how easily they've been playing with us. We've been bred to be a society of morons. But the wall is
breaking down. Bill

#1955 re. #1938

Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:20 pm

98 EIN is a foreign entity issued through the Philadelphia office. Rules are at IRM

45 is also reserved for Phillie issuance for domestic entity, though can be converted to foreign.

One might want a foreign trust. One might want a domestic trust. Depends on the purpose of the trust. Bill



Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:33 pm


For those of you who are carefully studying the pillars of law regarding Reclamation of your Securities, namely,
UCC Articles 8 and 9, and the Uniform Trust Code, here is an 80-minute lecture on video by Professor Ali
Khan which distills much of UCC 9 - Secured Transactions.


UCC- 9:Study- Another source

Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:28 pm



A 20-page PDF paper.


Authentication of Long Form BC

Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:35 pm

This question is for our Moderator or other experienced mentor:

An instruction was written: 'Obtain long form, most current, of BC. The certification signature has to be
authenticated (NOT apostil/exemplified). And technically, the authentication has to be certified. See Fed. Rule
of Civ. Proceed. 44, 28 USC 1739 and'

Authentication is for a non Hague country and the Apostille is for a Hague country. Why non-Hague? I would
think the opposite. What piece of this little puzzle have I missed?

Thank you.


#2085 re. #2055

Re: Nothing more. Nothing less.

Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:48 pm

Perhaps it might help, too, to go to 'first principles', before the derived trusts come to be:

They recorded you as having been berthed by a ship, your mother (sorry for calling you a ship, Mom). They
created a bill of lading and a bond to represent the equity in your estate, for purposes of banking it.

Upon reaching majority age, if you haven't claimed it, they, the Public/State, presume the Grantor/Beneficiary
(you, the living human) are dead/lost at sea and they create a Strawman to serve as transmitting utility for this
so that they may benefit from the Estate (the bond is how the Estate is banked in the marketplace) by controlling
it - where the equity goes, which is to the Fed and the 'government'. Notice that I didn't write that they TAKE it.
If they do, they OWE the enormous tax liability on it; they keep it ready for you to take if you turn out to be
alive somewhere and wish to reclaim it.
In the meantime, they want the Strawman to pay for it and you, the living, warm-blooded human have
unwittingly agreed to serve as the physical/material collateral for the surety, such as when they arrest you based
on a court indictment.

Sadly, this is the real reason why we have laws governing homicide, seat belt use, etc., to try to preserve the

I am open to correction by our more learned members if I have misstated something.


#2104 re. not listed


Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:24 pm


1. 5 ADDRESSES. Do you send your rent to five addresses? Sending to five offices is a confession of sorts that
the system remains a mystery, and whoever is recommending it doesn't really know what they're doing. They
got lucky. Think about it.

2. SPECIAL APPEARANCE. As with everything else, special appearance at a court of record at the common
law rule of decision is mirrored in the public. If you say the words "special appearance" in open court, they
will hear "special appearance to argue jurisdiction in the public." Translation: general appearance. If
you argue anything in the public, you have conceded jurisdiction. Now, "special appearance at the court of
record and I'm accepting your oath as binding upon you and invoking your ministerial duty to protect
the posterity" is a different story.

An appearance does NOT mean physical presence. Hiring an attorney, making a motion, asking for
dispensation, obeying an order - all "may comprise a general appearance" at inferior law where a special statute
conveys inferior jurisdiction according to their own case law. SO WE PREFER TO APPEAR SPECIALLY
AT THE court of record BY OUR PAPERWORK, properly declared, and give them notice that a general
BOND) is simply inapposite. The fear of being D.I.S. (Dragged In by Swat) is what makes patriots appear in
the flesh and sell their souls to the Devil. When you convey any appearance inside the Courtroom, you are
conveying your consent to general deposit, and hence to having PROVIDED THE FUNDING FOR THE
SECURITIES ACCOUNT identified by the Case number.

When you get dragged in in chains, they MUST get your name as consent and your "yes" to
"understanding the charges" or they can't proceed with the charges. "Sir, do you understand the

"The Grantor has not authorized the Estate to consent to act as individual surety. So let the record show
that your public trust, JUDGE SUSAN WHITE, is the individual surety of record on the Bond. Would
you like to retire to chambers for discussion? I see no need to embarrass that Court."

You see, when they deposited the charging instrument, THEY PRESUMED THE FUNDS WERE THERE.
Just like a bank presumes the funds are there when you deposit a check. The Court is a depository
institution and securities intermediary. But when the Estate fails to consent to general deposit, guess
what, the Indictment is NSF, the account is defunded, and if they wish to continue trading the Bond then
the JUDGE TRUST or PROSECUTOR TRUST is the individual surety by default. Bill

NOW you might want to go back and STUDY your SF 28, 90, 91 and a 24 and perhaps the bigger picture will
emerge. Bill

#2107 re. #2106


Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:35 pm

trustee? This give them opportunity to decline. If for some reason you're standing there, why not confirm that

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." OR

"I decline."
"Sorry, you don't get to walk away. Didn't you accept the deposit, open an account, issue a number and
deposit the charging instrument? Didn't you leverage this Warrant security and the Case bond? Now if
you'd like to resign and collapse the trust, that's fine, but then I will need you to return ALL the
securities and proceeds by the end of business today or stand on the liability. The Grantor has claimed
the equity, bub."

See, when we push the envelope, they devise another weasel's tactic to divert. THE ONLY ANSWER IS TO
MASTER YOUR UNDERSTANDING then there's NO place for them to hide. Bill

#2108 re. not listed


Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:49 pm

"Settling with the one who brought the charges" is yet another patriot misconception. The Prosecutor is
YOUR agent, having presumed to deposit YOUR security (Indictment, Information, Complaint,
Citation) ON YOUR BEHALF. YOU are the actual depositor. He's just a rep. No need to settle with him.

title to the funds via general deposit.


IT'S THE COURT that has stolen the credits on the presumption that the funds would be there - aka that
the Estate would consent to act as individual surety.

It's all about securities, deposits and trusts. You wouldn't settle with the prosecutor any more than you would
settle with the bank teller. IT'S THE BANK that owes us a return of equity under PL 73-10. Security for
security. Future for future.

It there's any settling to be done with the Prosecutor, it's the Prosecutor's liability to the Grantor as possible
individual surety on the Bond if the Judge balks. After all, if the account is NSF and the Court cancels its'
indorsement, doesn't the liability revert to the depositor? Bill

#2109 re. not listed


Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:55 pm

A plea bargain is just like an appearance bond. A STIPULATION THAT THE ESTATE IS CONSENTING TO
A GENERAL APPEARANCE, AND THEREBY STIPULATING to the Court's deposit of the Indictment as a
generally, stealing of title to the funds, and thereby the Estate’s consent to ACT AS INDIVIDUAL SURETY

#2113 re. not listed

Re: Bonds
Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:15 pm

The confiscation and enrollment (insurrection) acts of 1861, 62 and 62[3?], acquired all property for the
administration and left the conquered people with only Equity - constructive trusts in equity where they
flip the trustee and beneficiary. That's layer number one.

Then they disguise it in admiralty - arresting the bond and such as Jack Smith used to talk about. Layer

But it's really all a disguise or layer three, securities deposited in trust in lieu of returning equity.
Generally I stop thee because that's the layer that contains the fudge that melts in your mouth. Bill

#2134 re. not listed


Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:17 pm

REGARDING THE RECENT POSTS BY A JOANNE JOHNSON, well intentioned they may be, and with all
due respect, almost everything in the postings is incorrect.....

Cultivating the secured party-debtor relationship IS FATAL. Haven’t there been enough casualties to date?
Not only will the public reverse the roles, but debtor-creditor is comparatively useless compared to trustee-
TRUSTEE on a trust that was created by the deposit of YOUR securities due to THEIR failure to return
equity. Correct this, and their control of your securities falls apart instantly.

Also, it is time to end the patriot mythology that a UCC-1 can in any way recognize a living man. The
mere act of entering a name, converts it to a fiction. UCC1s are for fictions only.

Stating that a NY UCC will identify you as a sovereign is foolishness.

I appreciate the enthusiasm, but this group is not the place for this sort of antiquated advocacy. These are relics
we don't wish to dredge up from the recycle bin. You've come a long way baby. Best not to go back to the dark
ages. Bill


Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:11 pm

Only have a moment but wanted to add that THERE'S NO NEED TO FILE 18 DOCUMENTS.
Declaring your sovereignty isn't that complicated.

You can do it by oath in ONE document. You can do it by reclaiming securities in THREE perhaps four pages.

IF YOU NEED 18 DOCUMENTS, maybe it's because you don't know what you're doing. Relying on other
people's research can be risky. I found out the hard way in one case myself when I was lazy, listened to a
patriot legend (even though I knew better), and blew a beautiful case that I was working on and which
had the judiciary running for cover and would have changed the country.

As you know, we don't slander people here. But the documents she described in her email exemplify the "I don't
understand" problem. Most of them are fatally flawed, the majority are unnecessary or redundant, and some are
downright dangerous. Tim Turner followers are slowly finding this out. Nothing against Turner personally, but
the materials are insane.

Oh, and it always a good idea to keep a wary eye on sales pitches disguised as advice. Even drug companies
have to list the risks in their commercials. Bill

#2143 re. #2122 below

Re: A Man who Tried to Reclaim His Public Estate in the Wrong Way...
Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:49 pm

U.S. Court of Federal Claims is a court of record acting at the common law as the rule of decision. The Plaintiff
appeared in admiralty which undid its advantages. The claim could have been pressed in the superior
jurisdiction rather than the inferior statutory jurisdiction. Bill


A Man who Tried to Reclaim His Public Estate in the Wrong Way...
Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:04 pm

A Federal Court of Claims ruling on his attempt by a man (who was an inmate) to reclaim his estate. It is
curious to see exactly what he demanded as payment!

Particularly interesting are the judge's remarks on Maritime and Admiralty jurisdiction and the concept
of a "contract" with the government that affords compensation for the government's use of the equity of
an individual's lifetime of labor...[this link does not seem to go to the destination]


#2144 re. #2083

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:06 pm

Has nothing to do with the Hague convention of 1963. Rather, the old fashioned authentication as legalization
of documents usually has a full faith and credit statement. Clerks will tell you that it cannot be used in the
United States. Meaning, it is foreign to the United States. Welcome to the United States of America. Bill

#2146 re. #2143

Re: A Man who Tried to Reclaim His Public Estate in the Wrong Way...
Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:16 pm

I've heard that before. Is there any documentation that U.S. Court of Federal Claims is a court of record acting
at the common law as the rule of decision that we can use. I know some people who want to do that but don't
know how.

#2147 re. #2144

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:33 pm

Perhaps I'm not comprehending the English; if the clerks refuse it as foreign, how can it be effective/practical?


#2152 re. #2146

Re: A Man who Tried to Reclaim His Public Estate in the Wrong Way...
Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:17 pm

Title 5 USC. Look for section under Organization of Courts. This sort of question is ideal for researching on the
internet for those who wish to broaden their knowledge. Bill

#2157 re. #2144

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Sun Dec 23, 2012 7:57 am

If I comprehend the U.S. state department's page correctly, the U.S. State Department WILL NOT authenticate
a Birth Certificate because it is a State-issued document, as they deem such authentication to be unnecessary.

Thoughts? -Peter

#2166 re. #2147

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Sun Dec 23, 2012 4:07 pm

It's not about practical or not, its about foreign or not. Pay attention to Bill's spelling of words.

#2170 re. #2157

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Mon Dec 24, 2012 5:40 am

I think that would depend on whether the state agency in question is acting in a de jure or de facto capacity.
"The BC Scam" says:

"The HBR provides public testimony of the baby's "birth" on the continent and status as an 'owner' of the
United States."

I'm not certain what implication that would have for the certifying agency, but the 14th amendment says:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the
United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I think this recognizes the infant's State citizenship while noting a qualification of US citizenship which is not
yet attained. Hence, while the infant may be an owner of the US, it is still a foreign (without the United States)
owner at this point. Would it not be desirable to authenticate/certify such status. Just my interpretation,
- cantinista

#2172 re. #2170

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:24 am

A further review of my notes indicates that our Moderator has stated that authentication is not necessary for the
Treasury process, which is what I am working on now. -Peter

#2173 re. #2172

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:30 am

Yes. Authentication is "proving" in securities. Look back to the first post you made in this thread, or here it is
cut and pasted:

This question is for our Moderator or other experienced mentor:

An instruction was written: 'Obtain long form, most current, of BC. The certification signature has to be
authenticated (NOT apostil/exemplified). And technically, the authentication has to be certified. See
Fed. Rule of Civ. Proced. 44, 28 USC 1739 and'

Authentication is for a non Hague country and the Apostille is for a Hague country. Why non-Hague? I
would think the opposite. What piece of this little puzzle have I missed? Thank you. -Peter

#2174 re. #2173

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:32 am

Yes, my recent post was coreect, or yes the authentication is necessary?

#2175 re. #2174

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:36 am

Yes, authentication is necessary is my take. Then certify the authentication.

#2177 re. #2175

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:51 am
That conflicts with our Moderator's admonishment. The authentication and certification is required for using the
BC as evidence in court. -Peter

#2178 re. #2175

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:55 am

A quote form one of our Moderator's posts:

"People see the BC as being straightforward. Actually, there are many possible
scenarios. I could talk to you for hours about it. Depending on what you're
trying to do, it may or may not need to be authenticated. We don't for T
process, but I think the original question was about using it as evidence in
Court - that's a different ball game. The significance of the BC is not the
document, but its value as evidence of your priority claim. Bill"

#2184 re. below

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:34 am

To the best of my knowledge...nada. As long as your BC is certified, preferably long form. Furthermore, if I
infer from Bill's comments correctly, the most important thing is that the number on the BC be as current as
possible to match with DTC's number. -Peter

grace3175 <grace3175@...> wrote: re. #2178

okay so for T process, apostille? what?

#2185 re. #2184

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:41 am

okay - to clarify: recent certified long form bc

acceptance on the BC - notarize?

Have notarized documents certified? apostilled?

I seem to keep confusing court/judicial processes with security processes. Argh.

#2186 re. below

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:43 am

If we are using the estate number - bc book entry, what is the significance of the DTC's number, or I'm
assuming the stamped red number on the actual certificate? Do we note it anywhere or is it just to help them
find the securities more easily? Thank you for helping me clarify. “…to match with DTC's number.”

Grace & Peace,

#2187 re. #2186

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:13 pm

All I know of this matter is that I infer from Bill's language as quoted earlier that the most current
number/documnet enables the government robot that is processing the paperwork to more readily identify the
DTC account by referencing the ID number on the BC. -Peter

#2195 re. below

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:22 am

Why would you want your Stawman to be an Trustee, when those in public office are the trustee's?

prosperofla <prosperofla@...>
Tuesday, 25 December 2012, 0:16
Re: Authentication of Long Form BC re. below

I should amend my statement below. My understanding is the Security Agreement is supposed to be a

private agreement between the Authorized Representative of the Grantor and the Strawman Trustee. If
the private status of that is correct, then we would not want it notarized because that presents it to the
public. So, again, I don't know if it is to be notarized and/or witnessed. Sounds like a question for one
who has been successful in the Treasury process. -Peter

"prosperofla" <prosperofla@...> wrote: re. #2185

I don't know if notary is necessary. Never heard of that for acceptance. I've been told that of the
Security Agreement. -Peter

#2196 re. below

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:42 am

It has been my understanding that an Notary Public has one foot in each camp Private an Public, here in the UK
they are appointed by the church to their Office.

"prosperofla" prosperofla@... wrote: re. below

A notary is by definition, "public", a single person acting as a representative of the public of a wet ink
signature affixed in his/her presence. This is why it is formally referred to a a Notary Public. If the SA is
to remain private, it should not be notarized.

FYI: The Security Agreement drafted and offered by Winston Shrout has accommodation for a notary.

"route4401" <manifold@> wrote: re. #2195 2nd

I've never heard it said that using a notary brings anything into the public. It might be a step in a
process of bringing things into the public but it doesn't, in an of itself, do so. For instance, if you
have something notarized and then have it recorded with a county recorder or courthouse, that
will bring it into the public. The notary can be nothing more than a witness as to the identity of
the signer of a document. Some patriots are careful to always include a disclaimer to that effect
in their documents which I think is fine.

This might be problematic though. Whom is it that the notary is testifying is the signer. Is it the
strawman or some other person? If the signature line notes the signor's status, I think that will
clear it up.

But if one can find three witnesses over the age of eighteen to the signing of a document, one can
accomplish the same thing if one is concerned about the notary. That will keep everything lawful
and private. In any case, neither the notary nor the witnesses should be privy to anything about
the document beyond who signed it and maybe the general nature of it, e.g, a Security
Agreement. - cantinista

#2198 re. #2195

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:48 am

Good question, Bruce.

To the best of my understanding based on about 120 hours of study (and this shows just how complicated this
has been designed for us to try to unravel), here's a flow chart from my notebook explaining the MAIN birth
trust and the flow of trusts and elements surrounding it. The PUBLIC Estate is the Trust that the PUBLIC is
supposed to be Trustee of.


RM/ LM/ Infant. Is fiction in Admiralty, formally non-existent.

- BR. Basic Hospital BIRTH RECORD (BR) made.

- BC/COLB. Certificated document of PLEDGE of LM's labor, recorded as Bill of Lading upon delivery of
infant with BR. This document is the Father Security of all our related securities.
- Public ESTATE (BC Trust). Established by deposit of BC. All of LM's LABOR of the Pledge. Ultimate
SURETY for all debt; source of value. Creates SM Trust. Father of all debtors.
- BB. Birth bond; paper issued to the BC Trust by DT based on EQUITY of the Pledge. Held at DTC. DT trades
for currency with FED. This is represented by the short-form BC.
- SS Account. Opened by DT through IRS by prompt of BB. Creates the SS Trust.

The following three are all derivatives:

- SM Trust. First entity of Public ESTATE Trust; the NAME of the Estate; a mirror of LM.
- SS Trust. Makes SM TRUSTEE of Estate, thus initial debtor and direct transmitter. This is the one who is
billed by vendors for payment, and who is paid on a paycheck. He picks up the tab.
- Various BONDS. Some of these we act as Trustee for: Bank check, traffic citation, etc.
- FED ACCOUNT. Leverages value of BB and SS bonds many times over for the IMF, Banksters.

As always, I invite scrutiny based on references. I love being corrected, because I want to learn to be a Master
of this area of law. and it will take some time. -Peter


Security Agreement with the STRAWMAN Filed?

Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:14 am

An exhaustive search of UCC-9, with the aid of electronic word search, indicates that there is no requirement to
record a Security Agreement except one (shown below); otherwise, it is a private, though necessary agreement.

The reason, deduced logically from Article 9, is that the SA exists in case there should arise a dispute between
the Creditor (for our purposes, that is the Grantor's authorized Representative) and the Debtor (for our purposes,
the Strawman) or with a third party claiming priority against the debtor (9-326(b).

Exception regarding necessity of filing is 9-607(b)(1), which may apply in the applicable dispute at a later time.
There is one mention of SA in UCC-8, but it refers to one with a securities intermediary.

I know of no other law, statute or regulation requiring the SA to be recorded. A further logical deduction drawn
from UCC-9 is that the initial Financing Statement is the recorded version of the SA: fill in the blanks showing
the elements of the SA in such a way that the bureaucrat robots can digest it.

Is anyone aware of a requirement stated elsewhere? I would think that UCC-9 prevails on this subject.

#2200 re. #2195

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:24 am


I think that the answer to this has to do with reversing the role of the Strawman through the Treasury process.
Currently, our securities are held in trust waiting for us to claim them. We are construed as trustee (via the
Strawman) and the public is the beneficiary of the public trust. When we reclaim them we effectively place the
public (via the Strawman, who is a U.S. employee under IRC 3401) into the position of trustee with the duty to
perform. We become the beneficiary.

My difficulty is in fully grasping this (virtual) shape-shifting quality of the Strawman and how we can use it to
our benefit through the Treasury process. We need to concentrate on drafting a proper Security Agreement, and
then use that as the basis to express our Proxy #1. That's easy to say, but more of a challenge to do. However, I
believe that's the crux of what Bill is trying to get us to understand. We can't really do the process without that
understanding. With it we'll see how to do that, and likely quite a bit more.

Neither Bill nor anyone else is going to do it for us, so we'll have to become competent on our own (or with the
help of a good mentor). We should be grateful that Bill's gone to the trouble of describing for us the task at
hand. I certainly am. - cantinista

#2201 re. #2199

Re: Security Agreement with the STRAWMAN Filed?

Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:43 am

This comports with my understanding of the SA. My major reservation about the Turner process when I did it
was that the SA was recorded in the public. Heck, everything but the kitchen sink was recorded. That just made
no sense since it was supposed to be private.

The UCC1 isn't a recording of, but rather a notice of the relationship between the parties. As you have aptly
described, the trick is to properly notice the elements of the SA on the UCC for public consumption. It is
noticed only by reference. (This seems roughly analogous to pointers in computer programming.) The details
are hidden from the public, but the effect of the agreement is noticed. That is, the (trust) relationship of the
parties and, I expect, reference to the SA number as an organization number are noticed. That
relationship/organization (and its number) is foreign to (without the) United States. - cantinista

#2202 re. #2196 3rd


Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:47 am

I can see there's a bit of confusion about notaries public, authentication and BC. Contrary to what's been written
in some of the posts, the name tells you the capacity of the office. When a notary uses the prescribed
authentication or jurat language, it does "bring the signer into the public" in a matter of speaking, by overseeing
his confession as the "person" listed in that language. The term person is defined in the IRC, Sec. 7701 as a
corp, partnership, indiv, estate or trust in which a US person has authority to make ALL substantial

This is only a problem if your goal is to try to bull your way through society and its armies of trained protectors
as a self-confessed private. WE DON'T NEED TO DO THAT to reclaim our securities, establish and live
through trusts, establish the controlling estate, or similar undertakings where we use fictions to control fictions.
They use fictions posing as "individuals" to control us. So we create individuals in the nature of trusts to control
them. Who better to learn from than the masters of misnomer? Patriots have been so trained to fight and argue,
many can't even conceive of using the system to their own advantage.

However, if we need to go private at any time, the problem is that the sheeple have been trained to not file docs
without a notary's signature, and the sig is needed to authenticate. So we alter the language accordingly to
remove terms like "person," and add disclaimers indicating that use of the notary does not stipulate to an
election to submit to the jurisdiction. Then it is what we say it is.

As with many patriot concepts, we seem to act as if there's some secret formula or code to be discovered to
understand the issue, when its usually right in front of our face if you trust your own knowledge, or if you
research it on the internet usually requiring less time than it takes to complain how it wasn't researched,
deciphered, explained, and spoon-fed to you as one of the recent posts complained.

As to authentication, I was referring to the clerks who issue the document. I am not concerned that a clerk won't
file it because usually its served privately, and if we choose to file it, it's the ONLY proof that is recognized
as proved for admission into a case under Fed Rule of Civ Proc 44 and 28 USC 1739 (the US judicial code). In
limited knowledge may be "Oh that's only good outside the United States," to which I answer, "Show it to the
judge and tell him we're invoking superior jurisdiction."

An authenticated BC and the associated CUSIP can be sand in the gears. Those who choose to REALLY
decipher 1739 and 44 can probably parlay that into any remedy they want with a little bit of imagination.

LIKE THIS INSTEAD OF SPECULATING. Even Wikipedia articles can be useful in setting you on the right
path. Bill


TREASURY PROCESS, Part I- Indorsement of the BC

Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:56 am

Okay. Here's part one of a careful breakdown of the Treasury process, in an attempt to show proofs", similar to
those required in science., since we need to know how to defend our actions. I begin with the basic initial public
act of Reclaiming One's Securities: Indorsing the BC.


UCC 8-107 Whether indorsement, instruction, or entitlement order is effective.—

(1)&#8195;"Appropriate person" means:
(a)&#8195;With respect to an indorsement, the person specified by a security certificate or by an effective
special indorsement to be entitled to the security;

(d)&#8195;If the person designated in paragraph (a), paragraph (b), or paragraph

(c) is deceased, the designated person's successor taking under other law or the designated person's personal
representative acting for the estate of the decedent; or
(e)&#8195;If the person designated in paragraph (a), paragraph (b), or paragraph
(c) lacks capacity, the designated person's guardian, conservator, or other similar representative who has power
under other law to transfer the security or financial asset.
(2)&#8195;An indorsement, instruction, or entitlement order is effective if:
(a)&#8195;It is made by the appropriate person;

(3)&#8195;An indorsement, instruction, or entitlement order made by a representative is effective even if:
(a)&#8195;The representative has failed to comply with a controlling instrument or with the law of the state
having jurisdiction of the representative relationship, including any law requiring the representative to obtain
court approval of the transaction; or
(b)&#8195;The representative's action in making the indorsement, instruction, or entitlement order or using the
proceeds of the transaction is otherwise a breach of duty.
(4)&#8195;If a security is registered in the name of or specially indorsed to a person described as a
representative, or if a securities account is maintained in the name of a person described as a representative, an
indorsement, instruction, or entitlement order made by the person is effective even though the person is no
longer serving in the described capacity.
(5)&#8195;Effectiveness of an indorsement, instruction, or entitlement order is determined as of the date the
indorsement, instruction, or entitlement order is made, and an indorsement, instruction, or entitlement order
does not become ineffective by reason of any later change of circumstances.
History.—s. 1, ch. 98-11.

Secondly, the burning QUESTIONS:

1) Is it correct to deduce that the Strawman/ Public Trustee's binding of a Security Agreement with the
Authorized Representative of the Grantor as creditor IS the authority under law to be the representative? That is,
the fact that the Public Trustee, aka Strawman is SATISFIED that the Authorized Rep is LEGITIMATE as such
, is SATISFACTION of the law, which is, namely, UCC-9? Another way to ask this is: Is it lawful regardless of
the reasons that convince the SM Trustee
- is that really any of the government's business if the SM is the trustee and can determine that for himself?
UTC seems to give a trustee such authority. Remember, that a trust is private, for the most part.
2) Is it lawful to date a document older than the date of the document itself ; meaning, if done nunc pro tunc
(retroactively)? Example: I order a recently certified Birth Certificate. It is dated November 23, 2012. I sign it
back to my 18th birthday, September 2, 1988 (as recommended by our moderator) in order to make the status
effective fully since my reaching age of majority. Clearly, it was not indorsed on that date, since the State's BC
date is listed as 11/24/12. Does nunc pro tunc apply?
3) What is the "name" of the Authorized Representative" now and forevermore? If his/her name 'looks' like the
SM trustee's the authorities processing the UCC-1 financing statement and indorsed BC may not accept it
(CAPS or no CAPS, wouldn't they reject the same names?

Thoughts? Conclusions? More questions?


#2208 re. #2198

Re: Authentication of Long Form BC

Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:09 pm


I am going to append my thoughts/suggestions interspersed below:

The HBR is the initial security future which is deposited generally by the County Registrar as the presumed
evidence of the PLEDGE of the infant's future labor (your public estate) to underwrite the public debt. This is
the Legalization of the presumed PLEDGE which re-presents the infant in the public. Every other security
issued in your name is ultimately leveraged against the HBR/PLEDGE of your future labor.

The COLB is the first derivative HBR security which makes the HBR itself a certificated security future upon
the COLB's issuance. Hence the COLB, backed by the PLEDGE, has value in commerce.

I don't know about the Bill of Lading description; the HBR itself resembles a Bill of Lading, or possibly a
MSO (Hey, Mom with a little help from Dad produced and delivered the infant, right? ;-). I think the COLB
more closely resembles a Certificate of Title to the PLEDGE of the infant's labor. Bill has called it evidence of a
lien, in favor of the holder, on the Strawman named on the COLB. That sounds a lot like a Certificate of Title.
Who holds the title to your car? Who holds the title to your labor?

This COLB is transmitted to the Dept. of Treasury and, once again, deposited generally into an account with
the COLB number to create the funds to back the issuance of the Birth Bond. The BB is exchanged with the Fed
in exchange for newly printed FRNs (which are then spent into circulation) in the execution of a U.S.
Government contract represented by a new (SSN) number.

The Fed registers the BB to the DTC in exchange for credit equal to its value. The BB is noticed in the public
by the Short Form Certificate of Birth. I expect this is all made possible because the repayment of the FRNs,
plus interest, is guaranteed by the PLEDGE of the infant's future labor; now evidenced by the BB at the DTC
and the short form BC. Yo Gee, welcome to bonded servitude.

The system hypothecates present value of your future labor and you get the honor of providing it. - cantinista

#2209 re. #2203

Re: TREASURY PROCESS, Part I- Indorsement of the BC

Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:34 pm


Here is my attempt to answer your questions according to what (little) knowledge I have regarding them. Or
maybe just raise more questions.

1.) To answer this I will quote from a document that I have entitled, Legal Reality Trust Law Primer:

"Under Common Law standards, the agreement would be evaluated per the 'subjective' standard. Per that
standard, a relevant question would be along the lines: Did you understand that you were even creating a trust
when you signed that document? However, under the standard for 'this state,' which standard is the 'objective'
standard, about the only relevant question is this: Is this your signature? In other words, in agreements evaluated
per the 'choice of law' of 'this state,' one is presumed to know the nature and consequences of what he signs.
While this presumption is not necessarily irrebutable, we have the choice of focusing solely on that standard or
of also digging deeper into the substance of the matter so as to deal with the legal reality of the matter."

So this raises a related question: What standard will apply in our case? The "subjective" standard applied to
private law of our agreement? or the "objective" standard of the "choice of law" of "this state?" I think it should
be the private law of our agreement which should make it clear by its terms that the Strawman knew, or could
reasonably be expected to have known what he was agreeing to. The agreement is the law. This is necessary to
maintain our foreign jurisdiction rather than slipping through the looking glass into the jurisdiction of "this
state" and its tender mercies. This may seem silly since, after all, who's to say what the Strawman knew? But I
think we should draft the agreement as though it might be scrutinized by those who would seek to nullify it at
some point.

In this case I think it should be as simple as stipulating that the granting of the security interest includes
accepting trusteeship in a trust holding the security interest entitled "Proxy #1" with the obligation to perform
duties exactly as specified by the grantor of the trust. I think the specified duty would be something along the
line of transmitting those debts accepted by grantor's designee to the estate... or something.

2.) I'm not sure about this one and the same question has occurred to me. Is it okay if we specify "nunc pro
tunc" to the 18th birthday date in the acceptance? Is back-dating acceptable since our claim is in the nature of
salvage of an abandoned claim? (Hence the need for a Proxy)
I really don't know, but it looks like it points up needed research.

3.) I've been operating on the presumption that the Proxy is an express trust under the common law, with
whatever name we choose to give it, and an organization number matching the number on the Security
Agreement. The authorized representative would be whoever the grantor or a managing trustee appoints with
the power to sign agreements and acceptances and make assignments on behalf of the trust. If I understood it
thoroughly I think my job would be done, or at least more nearly done. Like you, I'd be interested to hear if my
presumption is faulty and why. I can't imagine the SoS rejecting a UCC1 with "ABC Acceptance" or some such
listed as the secured party.

Anyway, thanks for engaging a discussion of issues that seem relevant to reclaiming securities via the Treasury
process. - cantinista

ps. Here's a couple of questions of my own:

Can someone under 25 claim their securities by simply accepting the BC, issuing the bond, and
submitting them to the Treasury? No abandonment, no need for Proxy #1?


BC Redemption
Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:42 pm

Going back and reading the intro at the home page:

"A growing number of people HAVE SUCCESSFULLY REDEEMED their birth certificate accounts and all
the securities issued against it."

Plus the requirement to file for a tax id for the estate,

We must create a private express trust.

In filing for the Tax ID number the grantor is important.

So should we create this estate, and get this tax id number as Authorized Representative for the Grantor, 141-
70-12345 ( the bc estate number?)

The question is: Does using the BC estate number bring recognition of the Grantor creating a new estate, or
merely tie the new trust under the debt load of the old situation?

Or just use No number? (easy to do.)

Another thing critical to the IRS, fiduciary must post a bond.

Anyone have any thoughts? especially Joshuasdad if you have the time.

#2218 re. #2209

Re: TREASURY PROCESS, Part I- Insorsement of the BC

Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:55 pm

Thank you, Cantinista.

You're exactly the kind of student I seek to sharpen the blades with. Those are good points and I will see what I
can dig up on them to expand/confirm...


#2221 re. #2215

Re: BC Redemption
Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:16 pm


Thanks for those points. As for the bond, I know Mr. Shrout teaches that but I don't recall seeing that taught in
this group for the Treasury Process. If it is here, do you know which post(s)? Thanks.



FREE Trust Handbooks Online

Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:00 pm

FREE E-Books:

1) Weiss Concise Trustee Handbook, 2nd edition, 2008
Starting reading today. not necessarily endorsing; just sharing as FYI.

2) There is another free E-book for lawyers in the state of Missouri, but one may still glean valuable
information as it relates to UTC.


Re: BC Redemption
Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:04 am

Supporting info re: trustee must file tax id for decedent's estate:
C:\Users\Documents\Law & Legal\The Matrix\Inside\Their Rules\Their Forms\IRS\p559 - Survivors,
Executors, and Administrators.pdf
page 2


The primary duties of a personal representative are to collect all the decedent’s assets, pay his
her creditors, and distribute the remaining assets to the heirs or other beneficiaries.

The personal representative also must perform the following duties: Apply for an employer identification
number for the estate


Re: BC Redemption
Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:35 am

Re the bond: on the executor advice sites I'm reading, this is normally advised, such as

and per Bill, we post the BC bond for the set-offs, and here is a great little nugget:

26 USC § 2204 - Discharge of fiduciary from personal liability

a) General rule
If the executor makes written application to the Secretary for determination of the amount of the tax and
discharge from personal liability therefor, the Secretary (as soon as possible, and in any event within 9
months after the making of such application, or, if the application is made before the return is filed, then
within 9 months after the return is filed, but not after the expiration of the period prescribed for the
assessment of the tax in section 6501) shall notify the executor of the amount of the tax. The executor,
on payment of the amount of which he is notified (other than any amount the time for payment of which
is extended under sections 6161, 6163, or 6166), and on furnishing any bond which may be required for
any amount for which the time for payment is extended, shall be discharged from personal liability for
any deficiency in tax thereafter found to be due and shall be entitled to a receipt or writing showing such


Re: TREASURY PROCESS, Part I- Indorsement of the BC

Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:04 am

I may not have made if very clear, but I was referring to making the Strawman
the trustee, not the living man who is essentially invisible in this process.
The main flaw in Turner's process is that he tried to bring the living man into
a fictional world where he can't exist. - cantinista


Replying back with INFO -Re: Questions on SPC & A4V help please Re: John reference to
message titled Hi every one can any one here know help me out

Dec 27, 2012

39 USC § 3003 - Mail bearing a fictitious name or address

(a) Upon evidence satisfactory to the Postal Service that any person is using a fictitious, false, or assumed name,
title, or address in conducting, promoting, or carrying on or assisting therein, by means of the postal services of
the United States, an activity in violation of sections 1302, 1341, and 1342 of title 18, it may—
(1) withhold mail so addressed from delivery; and
(2) require the party claiming the mail to furnish proof to it of the claimant's identity and right to receive
the mail.
(b) The Postal Service may issue an order directing that mail, covered by subsection (a) of this section, be
forwarded to a dead letter office as fictitious matter, or be returned to the sender when—
(1) the party claiming the mail fails to furnish proof of his identity and right to receive the mail; or
(2) the Postal Service determines that the mail is addressed to a fictitious, false, or assumed name, title,
or address.


MORTGAGES---MENTORS---MIRACLES. Thanks for the remedies Bill.

Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:16 am

Hi Bill,

My husband and I were appalled at the posting by Scott Macneilage:

"it is my experience that you will get no useful guidance from Bill, Boris or anyone here."

That may be Scott's experience but not ours. IN SIX MONTHS WE'VE GONE FROM MUDDLE TO
MENTORING OTHERS. It is so gratifying to be REALLY able to help others - at least if they really want to
learn. Like you we've found that not everyone comes to the table ready or committed to learning. We can't thank
you enough for our recent victories and remedies. In fact we consider the knowledge alone to be enough remedy
and victory for a lifetime.

Since we joined your group at the beginning last June, we have not read your postings. We've lived them,
pouring over them word by word and doing mountains of research until we actually began to understand things
like the GSA forms, the Affidavit of Individual Surety [SF28], banker's acceptances, trusts, bonds and even the
IRS forms to back it all up. We have a small study group and we began meeting every other day, assigning
research and exploring the concepts. Here's a brief list of what we've learned and been able to put to work:

- the power of claiming our securities

- paying with securities
- holding public officials fully LIABLE when they steal our funds through general deposit
- trust law
- special deposit
- general deposit
- taxable terminations
- enforcement of our standing and lien
- dispositions, sales and deemed dispositions
- the universal securities scheme that underlies everything
- true understanding of the BC pledge
- leveraging securities
- individual surety
- principals
- grantors
- courts of record
- courts not of record
- judicial v non-judicial records
- authentication
- general and special appearance
- jurisdiction at law
- jurisdiction in equity v jurisdiction in admiralty
- double entry bookkeeping
- 1099s
- gift taxes
- escheats
- bonds, bonding, GSA bonds
- understanding their Courts
- working around them with paperwork at law
- handling ourselves in them at OUR choice.
I could go on and on but those are the highlights. These are not just bedrock concepts, THEY'RE THE GLUE
THAT HOLDS THE MATRIX TOGETHER. You have given us the key to Zion, Bill, and we are very grateful.

Because of your group, our lives have been transformed. We no longer feel like we're chasing our tails (chasing
their tales!) YOUR PREDICTION CAME TRUE!...SUDDENLY things started becoming SELF-EVIDENT.
We refrained from posting our thoughts and speculations and only posted occasional questions when we were
really stumped. G-d rewarded us by stripping away the curtain on the big mysteries:

- Mortgages became an open book.

- Suddenly we knew exactly how to shift the liability to the bank.
- Banking through trusts.
- Bonding public officials.
- Handling their Courts. This knowledge was HUGE. You should have seen our guys handle the judges once
they had the confidence from our role playing. This wasn't that hard with the information you gave us. We
KNEW they would ask our name, our residence, if we understood the charges, how do we plead, and tell us
they weren't there to answer our questions. So it was EASY to prepare for each scenario.

I don't mean to imply we know everything. But we know enough to strike fear into the hearts of attorneys.
We're no longer immersed in fear, doubt and confusion. That's just some of what we've gotten from the group.

We believe our experiences reflect our beliefs and methods. Scott has embraced laziness and whining. People
like that join a group like this and expect miracles after reading the most recent postings. They're deluded. Why
is it always people like that who feel the need to share their illness with the world? Only an egomaniac would
make comments like that in public.

Come to think of it, THERE ARE NO GROUPS LIKE THIS! You have changed the world, Bill! ANYONE
who does the work will be rewarded. It may take some time, but in six months we went from slaves to serving
G-d by helping others. We consider this to be one way of preaching the gospel and saving people from Lucifer's
grasp. Thank you Bill from all of us. Sheila


Special Deposit info

Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:12 am

1. Special Deposits

Deposits from the standpoint of the bank may be classified either as special or general. The legal nature of a
special deposit is quite similar to that of cotton or any other commodity stored in a warehouse. The
warehouseman is expected to maintain the goods securely and deliver them intact to the owner at his request. In
the same way, the banker is entrusted with money, jewelry, or other valuables which must be kept in a safe
place and returned to the depositor whenever he calls for them. He has a right to demand the identical deposit,
for he always retains title to it. The bank is in no case the owner of a special deposit, but is only the trustee. In
this capacity the bank is expected to exercise reasonable care in safeguarding special deposits and to provide the
same protection as for its own property.

#2275 re. #1777

Re: TOPIC - RETURN OF EQUITY 2. No return?->Resulting trust.
Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:38 am

It seems that the problem with a T1013 is that if the Power of Attorney is granted by the "living" man/woman.
Admiralty will not recognize any document binding a living man/woman. -Peter

#2276 re. #2275

Re: TOPIC - RETURN OF EQUITY 2. No return?->Resulting trust.

Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:43 am

correct...admiralty cannot "see" the living.....hence the proxy....

working on that myself...
the system only sees paper and numbers...
the way I see it, the fundamentals need to be in place first. like Bill has said herein
trusts and removing presumptions....then getting them to act...yep

#2280 re. #1777

Re: TOPIC - RETURN OF EQUITY 2. No return?->Resulting trust.

Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:08 pm

Sorry, have to correct you. The courts are your executors working in association with the BAR association and
the government. Even though you are the beneficiary to the original jurisdiction of the Constitution, you have
been declared abandoned, lost at sea or dead at birth. You are a thing as clearly indicated by your capitalized
name which is a cestui que (vie) trust. You are treated as the trustee and bear all liability for doing the bidding
of your government, the courts and the attorneys. You own nothing. You only have use. The Vatican lays claim
to your property and your soul. You can only become the executor to manage your estate once you have been
declared to be alive.

You think you are paying federal taxes when you are paying tribute to the Vatican. [Your U.S. Presidents are all
Knights of Malta, subject to the whim and will of the Vatican. No statute, state or federal will be passed unless
it is first reviewed by the Vatican.]You are paying a tax on the estate of a decedent. It is called a 1040 tax. It has
nothing to do with form 1040 you file April 15th. It is a section 1040 tax found in title 26 United States Code.

"[E]very taxpayer is a cestui que trust having sufficient interest in the preventing abuse of the trust to be
recognized in the field of this court's prerogative jurisdiction . . . " In Re Bolens (1912), 135 N.W. 164.

Black's Law Dictionary:

Prerogative. An exclusive or peculiar right or privilege. The special power, privilege, immunity, right or
advantage vested in an official person, either generally, or in respect to the things of his office, or in an official
body, as a court or legislature.Black's Law Dict., 5 Ed., p. 1064

Prerogative court. In old English law, a court established for the trial of all testamentary causes, where the
deceased left bona notabilia within two different dioceses; in which case the probate of wills belonged to the
archbishop of the province, by way of special prerogative. And all causes relating to the wills, administrations,
or legacies of such persons were originally cognizable herein, before a judge appointed by the archbishop,
called the "judge of the prerogative court," from whom an appeal lay to the privy council. The jurisdiction of
these courts became obsolete with the transfer of the testamentary jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts to the
Chancery Division of the High Court. Black's Law Dict., 5 Ed., p. 1064

Chancery. Equity; equitable jurisdiction; a court of equity; the system of jurisprudence administered in courts of
equity. See Court of Chancery; Equity. Black's Law Dict., 5 Ed., p. 210

High Court of Admiralty. See Court of Admiralty Black's Law Dict., 5 Ed., p. 655

Court of Admiralty. A court having jurisdiction of admiralty and maritime matters; such jurisdiction being
possessed by federal district courts. See Admiralty Court, Black's Law Dict., 5 Ed., p. 320

High Court of Admiralty. In English law, this was a court which exercised jurisdiction in prize cases, and had
general jurisdiction in maritime causes, on the instance side. Its proceedings were usually in rem, and its
practice and principles derived in large measure from the civil law. The judicature acts of 1873 transferred all
the powers and jurisdiction of this tribunal to the probate, divorce, and admiralty division of the high court of
justice. The justice Act of 1970 established a new Admiralty Court as part of the Queens Bench Division of the
High Court Black's Law Dict., 5 Ed., p. 320

With the Unification Act of 1966, law, equity and admiralty were merged. There is only one kind of action
called a civil action. There are no equity courts, ergo, no chancery courts, only admiralty courts. Your remedy
in the courts, if you have to go there, is in admiralty. However, if you are declared alive with a proof of life
anything ever taken from you through the system must be restored to you with interest. See Cestui Que Vie Act

#2292 re. not listed

Fw: Replying back with INFO - Re: Questions on SPC & A4V help please - Re: John reference
to message titled Hi every one can any one here know help me out
Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:08 pm

39 USC § 3003 - Mail bearing a fictitious name or address

(a) Upon evidence satisfactory to the Postal Service that any person is using a fictitious, false, or assumed name,
title, or address in conducting, promoting, or carrying on or assisting therein, by means of the postal services of
the United States, an activity in violation of sections 1302, 1341, and 1342 of title 18, it may—
(1) withhold mail so addressed from delivery; and
(2) require the party claiming the mail to furnish proof to it of the claimant's identity and right to receive the
(b) The Postal Service may issue an order directing that mail, covered by subsection (a) of this section, be
forwarded to a dead letter office as fictitious matter, or be returned to the sender when—
(1) the party claiming the mail fails to furnish proof of his identity and right to receive the mail; or
(2) the Postal Service determines that the mail is addressed to a fictitious, false, or assumed name, title, or

Mommy dearest
Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:52 pm

Peter, peacemaker, et al,

I just wanted to share a fun thought I had today. Since it seems to me that the Proxy #1 grantor can be anyone -
anyone without a SSN that is. Wouldn't Mom be the perfect grantor? Makes for a nice full circle, eh?
- cantinitsta

#2304 re. #2302

Re: Mommy dearest

Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:28 pm

I'm confused. Is there anyone out there with another who didn't/doesn't have an SSN???

#2309 re. #2304

Re: Mommy dearest

Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:26 pm

All of us, if we so choose and operating in the correct jurisdiction, exist without a SSN.
Without the US = Without SSN = Living Man or Woman.
It's just that to accomplish the object of this group, we all need a Proxy to re-present us in the fictional world of
the admiralty. But that doesn't preclude the living from adopting the role of Grantor of that Proxy. Article 1
Section X of the Constitution guarantees to us that right in the united States of America. This is a fundamental
concept we all need to fully understand. - cantinista

#2310 re. #2309

Re: Mommy dearest

Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:41 pm

Since the Social Security Number is connected to the fictitious Trust, and fictions need the living to conduct its
affairs, isn’t it true that the social security number belongs to the Corporate system that created it. Since the
beginning of time the power has been in the name. In the Scriptures it explains how Yahuawah the Creator was
to powerful of a name for the hypocrites and rulers so they nullified his name by giving him an unlawful legal
title called God, Lord, Adonai point is the name is connected to our birthright. It seems that if a persons
name is altered it loses its power.

#2315 re. #2310

Re: Mommy dearest

Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:53 pm

The SSN re-presents the Strawman Trust along with the name. It is considered to be an employee of the United
States. For our purposes it functions as our token in the world of PUBLIC commerce; much like a race car or
thimble on a Monopoly Board. It isn't us, it's just a vessel for us to use in PUBLIC commerce. Its use, as Bill
has pointed out, is to transfer the Strawman's PUBLIC debt to the Estate.

It has no referent in the PRIVATE though. If you ask your buddy if you can borrow five bucks until tomorrow,
he doesn't ask if you're a US citizen or for your SSN. He won't even ask for your name I'll bet. That's a pretty
simple example to be sure, but it makes the point.

The point is, one doesn't have to use a SSN in PRIVATE commerce. Although the grantor, without SSN, will
appoint the Strawman, with name and number, as a trustee of our Proxy. Then, unless I miss my guess, the
Strawman will make its one and only decision for the trust by PRIVATELY contracting the living man, without
SSN, to be the Authorized Representative charged with making all other day to day decisions and actions in
behalf of the trust. The PRIVATE Express Trust. - cantinista

#2321 re. #2302

Re: Mommy dearest

Tue Jan 1, 2013 9:53 am

Upon further contemplation, it seems to me that Mom would then also need to be the one to whom the Security
Interest is granted so that she could then grant/entrust it to the Proxy.

The only mechanism I can come up with is for Mom to prospectively grant the Security Interest contingent
upon the grant of the Security Interest to the trust itself. I think this can be accomplished by appointing the
trustee and charging him with the duty to grant the Security Interest to the trust. It's all good once the Strawman
accepts the appointment and the charge, right?

It might even be interesting to incorporate the Security Agreement directly into the trust indenture as res. Then
you could make the Strawman's grant of the Security Interest contingent/concurrent to his acceptance of
trusteeship. However, this seems to be towing the line of making the Strawman the grantor. It might be best to
settle the trust one day and then execute the security agreement the next.In any event, I find it quite fascinating
just trying to puzzle out the details :) - cantinista


#2565 re. post not included

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:33 am

The Living Man/Woman must create an entity that is recognized in Admiralty, which is probably a private trust-
the "connective tissue" to the public. An entity does not have to be a taxpaying one to be recognized in
Admiralty. Some of us who are leaving "remedial" learning and shifting in to "intermediate" are studying this
part of the process. -Peter H.

#2569 re. #2565

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:50 pm

So we craft a Trust Indenture, as Grantor, appoint Geithner, (and as he's leaving) his successor, and the Deputy
Secretary of Treasury Wolin as Co-Trustees, bound under the United States Code, and Code of Federal
Regulations, put the BC Bond, the BC, UCC 1's in their hands as res, with our instructions... naming Grantor
(same name) as qualified Beneficiary?

I can't help but want to give this trust a name. And here is where I keep running into problems. Beneficiary
cannot "receive" anything. I guess they could write a check to Beneficiary, but then comes the problem of
"cashing" the check. So, the Beneficiary at some point needs a Banking number/ identity. ? Strawman?
which would make sense as to liening strawman. But, who is liening strawman? As for that, Who is liening
Estate? This can be done as AR for the Grantor/Beneficiary. Numbers not necessary for "secured party" on

Also, I was experimenting with the different ways to fill out the UCC1, it occurred to me, the UNITED
STATES has no security interest. It is only a legal "owner." What are we liening?

Still lack critical understanding. UNLESS, I use an (anonymously granted) Express Trust with a Name and
IRS identity #, of which I am the Grantor/ Trustee, and Beneficiary (among many). Also make it Liener of
Strawman. Thoughts appreciated.

#2573 re. #2565

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:40 pm

This is the best-of-my-knowledge answer, which is actually my current subject of research. All are welcome to
critique, of course:

1. I believe that the Trust should have a name - simply because it CAN. And as it doesn't hurt (as I assume it
won't) then it would be helpful, especially if it ever issues checks, etc. in the future. Of course I am referring to
the PRIVATE ESTATE TRUST, not the PUBLIC ESTATE TRUST, as that already has a name, "JOHN DOE/

2. Bill, our Moderator, said clearly that his Security Agreement has the United States (exact "name" yet to be
learned) as Debtor/Party Aliened.

3. If you have earned the basic status, then your PRIVATE TRUST is NOT paying the JCPenney bill; your
PUBLIC TRUST, via Dept. of Treasury, under instruction from it's Grantor (same as from the PRIVATE
TRUST and established by Security Agreement/UCC-1 FS), such instruction being known as a "setoff", is
paying the bill to JCPenney.

4. Remember, if you are trying to achieve STATUS, DO NOT LIEN THE STRAWMAN! See point #2, above.
If you lien the SM, all you get is access to the SS Trust, not the WHOLE estate. Remember that the SM and the
9-digit number ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE SAME. Keep in mind that the name on the COLB is not the
Strawman. The SM didn't come into fictional existence (oxymoron alert!) until the BC derivative Trust was
established down the line, which gave itself a SM NAME. THEN the SS Trust was made which appointed the
SM as Public Estate TRUSTEE.

As a reminder, the stream goes like this:

Birth Record by Doctor/Hospital

COLB (long form BC)
BC (short form BC aka Birth Bond that gets transferred to Federal Reserve as collateral and held by DT while it
is traded on market.
BC Trust (names the Strawman)
SS Trust (makes SM the Trustee.

5. On your last point, as stated above, we are liening the US/USA (we have to figure out what actual name goes
in there) as represented by the SM Trustee. Remember that crazy SM is the "Trustee", an employee of the
US/USA. Our PRIVATE Trust's Grantor gives him orders.

As always, my exclamation marks are of passion and not anger. :) -Peter H.

#2574 re. #2573

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:46 pm

I should add to the last point (#5) that we don't give the SM orders directly, in a sense; we given them to the
SM's Patriarch, the US/USA through its Treasury Department. That's why we are liening the Patriarch, not the
crazy SM. He takes orders from his Patriarch, doing the dirty work. -Peter H.

#2575 re. #2569

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:49 pm

The only government agent allowed in your trust is the Strawman (but not making ALL decisions for the trust).
No Geithner.
No tax id.
NO AGENCY HOOKS into your trust!
Private Private Private Private Private!
- cantinista

#2580 re. #2575

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:57 pm

As I understand it, there is FORMAL public status and EFFECTIVE public status. FORMAL would be "in
name only" and effective would mean what it does practically. The Patriarch (US/USA) is controlling our SM
now and getting its’ hooks in because it fooled us Living Beings into assuming the role of fictional SM/Trustee.
So, if we claim that top security, the COLB, the "effective" part dies. It only continues FORMALLY as
PUBLIC because it all comes from the PUBLIC/Admiralty world. It's just that now, the PRIVATE is in charge.
so, effectively, it becomes private because a PRIVATE legal body is in control.

Perhaps that is the point you were trying to make. Love the exclamation mark. -Peter H.

#2586 re. #2573

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:09 pm

Peter H,
I am going to make some corrections/clarifications of the process based on what I see as the correct methods. I
will intersperse them into your very good comments.

“This is the best-of-my-knowledge answer, which is actually my current subject of research. All are
welcome to critique, of course:

1. I believe that the Trust should have a name - simply because it CAN. And as it doesn't hurt (as I
assume it won't) then it would be helpful, especially if it ever issues checks, etc. in the future. Of course
I am referring to the PRIVATE ESTATE TRUST, not the PUBLIC ESTATE TRUST, as that already
has a name, "JOHN DOE/ 123-45-6789".”

Not only can the Private EXPRESS Trust have name, but your UCC1 will require a name for the Secured Party.
This trust is NOT an ESTATE Trust. Also, the PUBLIC ESTATE TRUST has the name JOHN HENRY DOE
and number 123-45-654321 and was established by the US Treasury upon receipt and deposit of the Long Form
COLB. This is the entity you want to place a lien on. The tricky part, in my estimation, is exactly how to do this
through the trustee, JOHN HENRY DOE #123-45-6789.

“2. Bill, our Moderator, said clearly that his Security Agreement has the United States (exact "name" yet
to be learned) as Debtor/Party Aliened.”

I need to go back and find it, but I remember reading the passage where Bill fairly clearly alludes to this.


I believe the exact name is "United States" as referred to in the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution for
the united States of America, and the statutes adopted thereunder. These, particularly the Constitution (clearly a
trust indenture), comprise the charter for the "United States". The Constitution chartered the "United States", as
a separate entity from the confederation of 13 independent states, expressly as an Admiralty jurisdiction to
facilitate international commerce by the those united States.

“3. If you have earned the basic status, then your PRIVATE TRUST is NOT paying the JCPenney bill;
your PUBLIC TRUST, via Dept. of Treasury, under instruction from it's Grantor (same as from the

PRIVATE TRUST and established by Security Agreement/UCC-1 FS), such instruction being known as
a "setoff", is paying the bill to JCPenney.

4. Remember, if you are trying to achieve STATUS, DO NOT LIEN THE STRAWMAN! See point #2,
above. If you lien the SM, all you get is access to the SS Trust, not the WHOLE estate. Remember that
the SM and the 9-digit number ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE SAME. Keep in mind that the name on
the COLB is not the Strawman. The SM didn't come into fictional existence (oxymoron alert!) until the
BC derivative Trust was established down the line, which gave itself a SM NAME. THEN the SS Trust
was made which appointed the SM as Public Estate TRUSTEE.

As a reminder, the stream goes like this:

Birth Record by Doctor/Hospital

COLB (long form BC)”

First derivative of the HBC, COLB is deposited generally by Treasury to establish the BC Estate Trust.

“BC (short form BC aka Birth Bond that gets transferred to Federal Reserve as collateral and held by DT
while it is traded on market.”

Birth Bond is second derivative, it is represented in the PUBLIC as the Short Form BC, and backed by COLB
BC Estate Trust. This bond is monetized by a government contract between the Treasury and the Fed whose
number gives rise to the Strawman number 123-45-6789, and sharing the BC Trust name. Thus a
taxpayer/debtor/vessel/trust is created and construed as trustee of BC Trust. Well, something more or less like

“BC Trust (names the Strawman)

SS Trust (makes SM the Trustee.

5. On your last point, as stated above, we are liening the US/USA (we have to figure out what actual
name goes in there) as represented by the SM Trustee. Remember that crazy SM is the "Trustee", an
employee of the US/USA. Our PRIVATE Trust's Grantor gives him orders.”

Agreed here.
For the record, my current THEORY is that the lien debtor on the UCC1 is; United States (or United States
Treasury Account?), organization number 123-45-6789.

The BC Estate Trust is expressly listed (by what name?) (decedent's estate?) as number 123-45-654321 as part
of the UCC1 (and Security Agreement) collateral description. May or may not be necessary in light of:

UCC1add clarifies debtor: as Trustee on behalf of property held in trust (the Estate) and a transmitting utility.

The Trustee holds the legal title to the Estate and is the only one who can grant a (consensual) lien against it.

Just my two cents for consideration. peace, - cantinista

#2588 re. #2580

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:17 pm

Hi Peter,
I'm not sure I fully grasp your distinction beyond the idea that the Private entity is going to wrest control of the
Strawman as a portal into the public world of commerce. That's why it will be a trustee of our Private Trust.
This effectively reverses the default arrangement whereby the Strawman was a portal for the public to control
us (and our private labor). - cantinista

#2595 re. 2586

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:18 pm

But isn't the strawman a SUBTRUST first? So liening the estate, liens the strawman.


Debtor: UNITED STATES Trust 121-60-12345, (could have a 2nd debtor:) UNITED STATES Trust 123-45-
1234, as Trustee

And I thought about this one, but Strawman "is never a creditor" is playing in my head for some reason:

Creditor: STRAWMAN (number?), as Trustee for NEW TRUST, as Beneficiary,

#2592 re. #2588

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:45 pm

LOL! That's what I was trying to say, but in a slightly oblique different context. The Private entity is KICKING
DOWN THE DOOR, spitting on the floor, pulling out its six-gun and declaring to the town folk and their
sheriff that it is taking over its rightful property. -Peter H.

#2597 re. #2596

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:13 pm

No, real man doesn't show up in fiction world.

#2598 re. #2597

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:20 pm

By the way, I, and Peter H. as well I'm sure, am flattered to be called gracious by Grace herself. Made my

Anyhooo. In this case the important concept is that the Strawman Trust is the trustee of the Estate Trust. It owns
the legal title to the Estate Res. The Estate Res is the property of the Strawman. It can grant the Estate Res as
collateral if you lien the Strawman Trust. That, in a nutshell, is the object of the whole exercise.

If Proxy #1 is granted the Estate Res as collateral, it then controls the Estate Res - through the Strawman Trust.
That is why we make the Strawman Trust the trustee of Proxy #1 - to create a portal into the Estate Trust. Portal
= Transmitting Utility. Make sense? Is it just me, or are things getting warmer around here? - cantinista

#2599 re. #2598

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:33 pm

The Real Man is not the creditor.

Proxy #1 is the creditor.
The United States (true name of the Strawman/agent/employee) #123-45-6789 is the debtor.
(JOHN HENRY DOE is a d/b/a) on BEHALF of property held in trust (see item 17 of UCC1 addendum) as a
Transmitting utility (see item 18 of UCC1 addendum)

Property held in trust = "all rights to and interest in birth certificate #123-45-654321"

Make sense? in sense, but not incensed, - cantinista

#2602 re. below

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:05 pm


Let the first be last and the last be first.

The road to the Estate Trust passes right through the Strawman Trust. (paraphrasing Roger Elvick)
- cantinista

#2604 re. #2603

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:13 pm

Actually Grace, a sub trust can grant for the daddy trust IF it is the trustee of the daddy trust, as our beloved
Strawman has been construed to be. The United States construed the Strawman to be trustee. Now our proxy
will use that construction to take back control of the Estate. Call it Commercial Jiu Jitsu. - cantinista

#2605 re. #2604

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:22 pm


To the best of my understanding - three months of study - you're correct, but in the abundance of caution, it
should be noted that that crazy SM is still limited and serves in a limited context, so one should NEVER forgot,
whatever else one is discussing, that if you truly want to Reclaim Your Securities, go above the Strawman's
birth-trusts, the derivative trusts, and head straight for the C O LB. -Peter H.

#2609 re. #2605

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:55 pm


The road to the Estate Trust passes right through the Strawman Trust. There is no other route. It may seem
counter-intuitive, but only the trustee can grant a lien on the Estate Res. How else are you going to get there?

The trustee is the legal owner of the Res (The Estate).

If the owner (Strawman) offers the Res (see below) as collateral, thus granting a lien right to that property,
The lien holder (Proxy #1) holds the Security Interest in and controls the Res and, can assign that interest to a
holder in due course (Proxy #2, another great story).

Estate Res = collateral = "all rights to and interest in Certificate of Live Birth #123-45-654321"

The beauty of it is that "THE NAME" doesn't appear anywhere on the UCC1.

How can I tell when I've been Proxified? 'Cause they quit calling my name :-) - cantinista

#2612 re. #2611

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:36 pm

From Joshuasdad: post #146

When you take control of the Estate, you also take control of all trusts derived from it such as the
Strawman cestui que trust. A cestui que trust is simply the beneficiary of an estate that's held in trust.
Your strawman is the beneficiary of the public trust that has been presumed to be a trustee instead.

Then: here's this repost: post 43

In order to process the security, you need a proxy who the agency will recognize as having a security
interest in admiralty, AND a second proxy who has all of their approvals and qualifications to collect on
it. (Most do not. Defect 2.)

Both of those proxies need to be constructed so the AGENCY DOES NOT HAVE RIGHTS AS A
TRUSTEE (defect 3 for many). The first must have a RECOGNIZABLE proper lien in the security. The
other is the holder in due course of the security interest AND has all the qualifications for the agency to
do the processing. I've set these here to see first thing in the morning.


Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:22 pm

From Post #199

"The BC and BC Bond accomplish completely different tasks. The banker's acceptance noted on the BC
effectively says: "I never abandoned my claim. I realize I'm a bit late, but here's my acceptance signed
by a bona fide admiralty proxy. And to prove my claim, I've attached copies of UCC-1's demonstrating
my lien against the strawman trust and the assignment to another proxy."

I take this to mean, obviously, that the UCC-1s list the Strawman trust #123-45-6789 as debtor, and, less
obviously, that the bond is the assignment to another proxy. At first this confused me because usually a UCC-3
is used to notice an assignment. However, one can also notice the assignment directly to the assignee which I
believe is what the BC Bond accomplishes. Any and all input is welcome and appreciated. - cantinista

#2618 re. below

Re: Classes available: summary

Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:24 pm

How can one perfect a security interest without an authenticated security agreement? In many cases both parties
didn't sign..

--- I've been stumped by the question ALL day lol Help pls!

Re: Classes available: summary re. #2610

eponymous_680 embury111@...
Thu, 10 Jan 2013 22:57:33 -0800 (PST)

How? I would look up 'entitlement holder' - that's how. - peacemaker -

#2637 re. #2614

Re: Classes available: summary

Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:44 pm

The UCC-3 goes with the UCC-1. The UCC-3 assigns to proxy #2, the settlor. The BC Bond, which is a Private
Offset Bond, is basically an order from the Settlor (VIA that Proxy #2) to Treasury how to obey the Settlor's
instructions with regard to setoff, pulling funding from the main PUBLIC estate. I'm not certain if this bond
itself is formally considered a Trust.

My understanding (seemed clear to me, but I may be wrong) is that the UCC-3 represent the assignment and the
BOND is the detailing of the assignee's orders to the Treasury. - Peter H.


Brent-Emory...Johnson on Trusts
Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:44 pm

Brent-Emory...Johnson, notes from The American Sovereign.

Here is a better synopsis of Brent's writings on trusts.

There are two types of trusts, statutory and common law. Statutory get their existence from the State.

Common law trusts – also called Pure Trust Organizations (PTO's), True Trusts, or Unincorporated Contractual
Organizations (UCC’s) – get their existence from fundamental law, British Ecclesiastical Law, the Magna
Carta, the Holy Bible, and you Natural Right to contract. Neither the federal nor the State gov't can regulate
common law trusts, nor can either in any way obstruct your right to contract.

" that the trust does not have the appearance of a corporation...the IRS and the State will tax it and the
federal gov't will regulate it as a corporation. If your trust possesses any three, it will be treated as a corporation.

The first attribute is centralized management, which does exist within any trust. Second, limited personal
liability of the principals, which is also true of trusts. Third is a continuity of life, because a corporation
continues into perpetuity; a trust, however, is a contract, and must therefore have a
termination date, which may be extended, but which extension must first be incorporated into the body of the
trust. Fourth is easy transferability of beneficial interest; corporate stock certificates are negotiable instruments,
transferable at any time to anyone. A properly written common law trust contract includes the issuance of
Certificates of Evidence of Right of Distribution to holders of beneficial interest in the trust. However, in order
to transfer these Certificates, the Holder must obtain the written approval of the fiduciary agents. This means
that transferability is not easy. So a properly written common law trust contract shares only two of the four
attributes of a corporation, and will therefore be treated as a trust.

How to set up a Pure Trust Organization

"In the beginning, you – the Exchanger – are the owner of real or personal private property. You enter into a
contract with a Creator, to create the trust; then you exchange into that trust certain assets which you currently
own. You receive back from the trust Certificates of Evidence of Rights of Distribution in the amount of 100
units, representing all the trust assets. You no longer own the real or personal private property; the trust now
owns it. However, only the Holders of these Certificate units can benefit from or use those assets. "...You divest
yourself of legal control [of a house, for example] while maintaining practical control.

"Once the trust is created, a fiduciary agent is appointed. This person cannot be a direct relative of the
Exchanger...The sole function of the agent is to manage the assets of the trust on behalf of the Holders of
beneficial interest, and to defend the trust from attacks against its property...You may assign optional titles of
General Manager, Assistant Mgr, and/or Secretary to any qualified person(s). may hire on as GM.
Anyone can hold these offices, except for the fiduciary agent or Protector. You may establish independent
contracts with the trust, to receive a stipend in exchange for performing the functions of any of these offices.

"As Exchanger, you are initially the only Holder of Certificates of evidence of Right of Distribution. You may
choose to assign to others all or part of your beneficial interest in the assets held by the trust. Such assignments
must be officially approved by the Board of fiduciary agents (i.e. Trustees, Fiduciary Owners, etc.).

"Should a Holder of beneficial interest die without having assigned successors in interest, that Holder's units
revert back to the trust corpus, to be redistributed by the fiduciaries, or retained by the trust. Units of beneficial
interest are specifically excluded from community property, even if you live in a community property state.
They are also excluded from estate property; they cannot be passed on to a child or spouse or parent through a
will or other statutory estate process. The only ways to transfer units are either through pre-established
assignment of successors, or by the direction of the fiduciaries. Neither they nor the Protector may hold any
beneficial interest in the trust.

"The fourth principal in a PTO is the Protector, whose only job is to ensure that the fiduciaries for the trust do
their jobs on behalf of the Holders. He has the authority to instruct the agents and, if they do not accede to his
instructions, to fire them and hire new fiduciaries. The importance of the Protector goes directly to the issue of
legal control. Without a Protector, it will be presumed that the Exchanger/Holder directly instructs the
fiduciaries, giving hi/her legal control and thereby invalidating the protections for which the trust was created in
the first place.

"A trust may make periodic distributions, comprising income (profit) and/or principal. These are made to
Holders, in proportion to the number of units held by each. The frequency of distributions depends on the type
of trust created. A complex trust, such as PTO's, may distribute funds at any time, as the fiduciaries may
determine. Other types of trusts, such as a simple trust, require one annual distribution. You must look to the
original trust contract to determine the trust's distribution requirements. A trust may pay its expenses before
making a distribution.

"If your trust ever encounters a lawful challenge, there is only one element that the courts will examine to
determine whether or not your trust is legitimate. That is whether or not the Exchanger has divested himself of
legal control of the trust assets...centers around whether you have the power to manipulate, distribute, transfer,
or otherwise control the assets. If you exchange a business into a trust, you may be hired as General Manager, to
run the business. To avoid compromising the protections of the trust by giving you legal control, while at the
same time protecting your interests, any banking or other financial accounts held by the trust should require two
signatures for any transaction. One signatory on a trust account must be the fiduciary agent.

Trust Conduits

"A conduit is a chain of trusts starting with a domestic and ending with an off-shore trust. This structure allows
you to move your assets out of the United States, avoiding any taxation whatsoever. A foreign grantor trust may
make distributions to US citizens who may bring that money into the country tax free. IRS Revenue Ruling 69-

"The conduit structure which I believe is most effective contains five trusts: two domestic and one foreign.
First, a Domestic Complex Trust, with the beneficial interest held by the 2nd, a Domestic Management Trust,
with the beneficial interest held by (3) a Foreign Conduit Trust with the interest held by (4) a Foreign
Accumulation trust, with the interest held by (5) a Foreign Passive Trust (Grantor Trust), with the interest held
by YOU.

You can establish any number of trusts on the first level, containing any amount of property. The second level
holds a domestic management trust, which is the Holder of the interest in each of the first level trusts.
Distributions from any of the first level trusts go to the second level.

The third, the Foreign Conduit trust, makes distributions to the Foreign Conduit trust, which is where the initial
transfer of property – from domestic to off-shore – occurs. This distribution requires that a K-1 Form be filed
with the IRS.

The fourth level, the Foreign Accumulations trust, can still be connected to the domestic management trust
through the K-1. In order to end any possible paper trail, a fifth level is recommended. This Foreign Passive
trust receives distributions from the fourth level, and you may be the Holder of beneficial interest in that level,
completing the structure.

Common law PTO’s are not required to file 940s, 941s, 1040s, or any other forms (except in the case of K-1s).
Pure trusts are not required to pay income taxes. The IRS considers this type of trust to be a "foreign estate" or
"foreign trust", because it is foreign to federal jurisdiction. 26 USC 7701 (a)(31). In General

As Exchanger, you no longer own the property held in trust. You are therefore free from liens, levies,
attachments, taxes, etc. Likewise, the property is free from them.

A common law trust may be considered a living, or inter vivos trust, since these terms apply to any trust
established during the lifetime of the Exchanger. A common law trust is irrevocable; once you set it up you
cannot arbitrarily change your mind. However, under certain circumstances, the fiduciary may terminate the
trust prior to its contracted termination date.

PTO’s are considered to be active, because the fiduciary has actual duties to perform in administering and
conserving the trust estate. A trust can be either complex (able to accumulate income and make distributions at
its discretion) or simple (income must be distributed at least annually).

(Volume 13 of American Jurisprudence provides information on the legal validity of these trust entities.)

Corporate Sole

A corporate sole is a statutorily recognized fictitious entity. It is not a corporation, and therefore is not under the
jurisdictional control of the federal government. It is a not-for-profit religious society. "I find the most effective
way to protect assets is to establish a PTO, then either set up a corporate sole as Holder, or otherwise have the
PTO make periodic donations to the corporate sole. The PTO holds the assets, and the corporate sole is used to
provide regulatory protection. Unlike a trust, a corp. sole allows you to maintain direct legal control over all the

Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:18 pm

I have been silent for a while. Just reading posts and general topics. Everyone seems to be all over the place.
Some people claim to know the score. THEY DON'T

Number one. The Birth Certificate certainly belongs to them. But what is it? ITS A CERTIFICATE OF

Is the BC valuable? Yes and no. In of itself it has NO intrinsic value (what does in the public anyway?)


What value? Our estate (evidence of the existence of the flesh and blood – Birth registration) that is why they
take a footprint (proof of life on the land).


IT ALL BOILS DOWN TO PROPERTY LAW (more specifically abandoned property law)

VERY FEW on this board quote any law (well any of significance at any rate. So I will

Cestui-que vie act of 1666 - last amended (language was modernized) in 1946 I believe.

how about these little nuggets

Definition of United States trust.

The proposed regulations define an individual as a United States person if she is a citizen or a resident alien
under the rules of §7701(b), but defining "United States" as provided in 31 CFR 103.11(nn) rather than as in 26
CFR 301.7701(b)-1(c)(2)(ii). The determination of whether an entity, including a trust, is a United States person
does not rely on the definitions provided in the Internal Revenue Code. Instead, an entity "created, organized or
formed" under the laws of the United States or any state, the District of Columbia, or any territory is treated as a
United States person

``Person''.—The due process clause provides that no States shall deprive any ``person'' of ``life, liberty or
property'' without due process of law. A historical controversy has been waged concerning whether the framers
of the Fourteenth Amendment intended the word ``person'' to mean only natural persons, or whether the word
was substituted for the word ``citizen'' with a view to protecting corporations from oppressive state legislation.
39 As early as the 1877 Granger Cases 40 the Supreme Court upheld various regulatory state laws without
raising any question as to whether a corporation could advance due process claims. Further, there is no doubt
that a corporation may not be deprived of its property without due process of law.

the 14th Amendment, Abandoned Property Act, Uniform Abandoned Property Act, USC 42, USC 40, Trust
Indenture Act and many more clearly reflect the Grantors legal rights to make property claims
Title 42 > Personal Property
Disposition of Unclaimed Property
The District of Columbia currently lacks statutory authority to act as custodian for substantial sums of
abandoned personal property within its jurisdiction. This chapter is intended to mandate the report and delivery
by holders and to authorize the receipt for safekeeping and fiscal growth by the District of Columbia of any and
all personal property which is abandoned, without regard either to the maximum length of time for which such
property was abandoned or to any statute limiting the right to sue to claim such property. §42-201

Unclaimed Property
In order to constitute "unclaimed property" within the meaning of most state laws, the following four elements
must be present:
o The property must be intangible. The only exception to this is tangible personal property held in a safe deposit
box or a different type of safekeeping depository.
o The apparent owner of the property cannot be located.
o The property must remain unclaimed by the owner for a period of time referred
to in the law as the "dormancy period".
o There must be a fixed and certain legal obligation of the holder to the owner.

Foreign simple and grantor trust. A trust is foreign unless it meets both of the following tests.
• A court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust.
• One or more U.S. persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust.

In most cases, a foreign simple trust is a foreign trust that is required to distribute all of its income annually. A
foreign grantor trust is a foreign trust that is treated as a grantor trust under sections 671 through 679 of the


So the grantor must make the claim - but the claim must reside in a trust as all public entities are trusts (ships)
the grantor needs a ship to navigate the waters of commerce. Do we use the ship they gave us (BC) owned by
them (debtor) or do we create our own?


Remember anything they can do - we can do as they get their GRANT of power from us (silent or otherwise)

Everything that has been done to you has been done by way of contract.


"It is no longer open to question that the general [federal] government [including its agents, the IRS], unlike the
states, Hammer v. Dagenhart, 247 U.S. 251, 275, 38 S. Ct. 529, 3 A.L.R. 649, Ann. Cas. 1918E 724, possesses
no inherent power in respect to the internal affairs of the states, and emphatically not with regard to legislation".
[Carter v. Carter Coal Co., 298 U.S. 238 (1936)]

Constitution: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17

"To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as
may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the
United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the
state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful

The IRS lacks territorial jurisdiction. The current system of enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code, Subtitle
A and C is repugnant to and violative of Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitution and its implementing
statute, 40 USC 255. 40 USCS § 255 says: "In view of 40 USCS § 255, no jurisdiction exists in United States to
enforce federal criminal laws, unless and until consent to accept jurisdiction over lands acquired by United
States has been filed in behalf of United States as provided in said section, and fact that state has authorized
government to take jurisdiction is immaterial. Adams v. United States (1943) 319 US 312, 87 L Ed 1421, 63 S
Ct 1122." (plaintiff's emphasis).

The IRS must establish jurisdiction or it will be sanctioning FRAUD: "Silence is a species of conduct, and
constitutes an implied representation of the existence of facts in question. When silence is of such character and
under such circumstances that it would become a fraud, it will operate as an Estoppel." Carmine v. Bowen, 64
U.S. 932


WAKE UP - CLAIM YOUR RIGHTS (like your right to your property) - THEN ENFORCE THEM - the law is

Start with UCC 8, then UCC 9 then UCC 2 then UCC 3

# 3066

Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:24 pm

The public trust known as "united States of America" and its disclosure is found its the last line of its

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we
mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

The functional operation of this public trust is found within the Lieber Code and now in Hague, Geneva, and
Vienna conventions.

First start with Geneva Art. 5. Inhabitants of the country who bring help to the wounded shall be respected and
shall remain free. Generals of the belligerent Powers shall make it their duty to notify the inhabitants of the
appeal made to their humanity, and of the neutrality which humane conduct will confer.

The presence of any wounded combatant receiving shelter and care in a house shall ensure its protection. An
inhabitant who has given shelter to the wounded shall be exempted from billeting and from a portion of such
war contributions as may be levied.

And As the Generals of the belligerent Powers shall make it their duty to notify the inhabitants of the appeal
made to their humanity, and of the neutrality which humane conduct will confer, then would the reverse

corollary also then be true; the inhabitants shall make it their duty to notify the Generals of the belligerent
Powers of the acceptance of their appeal?

Which leads us in the operation of a peace treaty under Article 2 of the Lieber Code thru Article 43 of the
Hague (restoration of public order and safety) of which the 1st essential task is to ensure the inhabitants can live
their day to day lives, 2nd essential task is to establish an agreement which maximizes the benefits of both
inhabitants and occupying army, and, in keeping with the provision of Article 2 of the Lieber Code that the
occupying army remain as a condition of the peace, the 3rd essential task is that government administrates the
agreement of which is laid out in Article 31 and 38 of the Lieber Code and Article 55 of the Hague, of which
the occupying army is administrator and usufructuary of all public buildings, real estate, agricultural estates, etc,
and must administrate them in accordance with the rules of usufruct. The ‘live birth certificate’ is an ‘indemnity
receipt’ issued to the ‘spoilated owner’.

And without any evidence NAME fails being self-evident fact the State is holder of and has seized, sequestered,
and appropriated title to property our parents intended we receive and not of our mind, body, and soul as these
are subject unto a higher authority, and as such, the State is now and always has been beneficial owner and
proprietor upon general deposit of the birth record by the hospital of birth with the county registrar, and as the
U.S. Supreme Court decided in 1951 in United States v Pewee Coal 341 U.S. 114 .... “Whatever might have
been Pewee's losses had it been left free to exercise its own business judgment, the crucial fact is that the
Government chose to intervene by taking possession and operating control. By doing so, it became the
proprietor and, in the absence of contrary arrangements, was entitled to the benefits and subject to the liabilities
which that status involves.”

Where is the contrary arrangement?

The functional governing philosophy behind the trust is simply JOB 32:21-22

Job 32:21 Let me not, I pray you, accept any mans person: neither let me give flattering titles unto man.
Job 32:22 For I know not to give flattering titles: in so doing my maker would soon take me away.

Greatest thing is Mike Rose showed you all even something more important ... Vienna Convention regarding
non-parties. If there is no evidence of a contrary arrangement, would it then mean the estate known as NAME
would then also serve as evidence of a "self-governing dominion under trusteeship" thus defined in their own
codes as a "foreign nation"?

22 USC § 254b - Privileges and immunities of mission of nonparty to Vienna Convention

With respect to a nonparty to the Vienna Convention, the mission, the members of the mission, their families,
and diplomatic couriers shall enjoy the privileges and immunities specified in the Vienna Convention.

Now if one is operating with 100% charity, the "self-governing dominion" is now a "mission" for the benefit of
the public and other charitable purposes.

You see ... the Declaration created an international public trust which serves as a "depository for title" and in
order to "fund the trust", that "title" so "deposited" is "appropriated" and "sequestered" for the "commercial
needs" of the "trust" and whatever we deposit into that trust, we will be governed by the same because we all
reap what we sow. The property is no put under lien or mortgage, LEGAL TITLE, or usufruct or "future
earnings" of the "property" is what serves as the collateral: securities. As "spoilated owner" that NAME one
uses becomes nothing but a "transmitting utility" ... "usufruct" into the trust ... "naked ownership" into you.

Now, what evidence do you have the Birth record and its certificate fails to be evidence of this pledge?
Who is the "beneficiary" of this pledge?

Why are you withholding sacred honor yet availing yourself to the protections that trust affords you?

Who said we hold any position in any trust other than by-product or third party beneficiary? A third party
beneficiary to a trust or contract has what duty? Could it be to see the contract or trust be enforced

So, where is the contrary arrangement?

#3070 re. #3066

Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:41 pm

This whole presentation relies on your presumption that you are part of that declaration. ONLY the signatories
of that declaration/pledge are parties to it.

What did YOU pledge? What did your family pledge? are you or any members of your family parties to that
compact? hmmmm


Re: Classes available: summary

Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:29 pm


Here it is in plain English

You setup a private irrevocable cestui-que trust

You register the trust's business in the public. What does that mean?

You get an EIN for the trust. You are not registering the trust into the public. Only its public transactions.

Think of it this way.

You sail a private (foreign) ship into the harbor in Washington D.C

You tell the harbor master you intend on doing some business in their jurisdiction and that you will adhere to
their laws concerning that business (26 USC 671-679)

The harbour master gives you an account number (EIN) to track those transactions


Private vessel bringing in evidence of commercial energy into the public (unloading cargo) through the trustee
ledgering into the public books. Then claiming back the evidence of commercial energy (loading the cargo)
through the trustee.


Grantor (fictional representation of the real man)

Beneficiary (fictional representation of the real man)
Trustee - SSN (legal fiction already created in the public)

Remember the SSN is the beneficiary of the BC


Look at your paycheck - SSN on the stub

IRS publication 6209 (I think) states W2 = tax return for gift

The SSN receives the gift of your labor and pays the tax on it.

The 1040 was meant to claim back the withholdings (gift)

1942 congressional record - read it - its quite enlightening.

So we make the SSN trustee (neutral in the public) and stop using it for anything else

Since we now have a public ledger for all public transactions of our private trust (EIN) we don't need to use
anything else in commerce

We can now show the source (private trust) and can claim back all principal to the source(private trust)


There are steps and procedures to undergo

WE are playing in their domain - so their rules

The only thing they deal with are the transactions. The trust remains private and out of their jurisdiction/control
- they are not a party to it!!




Re: Classes available: summary

Posted By: peterpapoulias
Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:41 pm


This is all I am willing to post on this public forum. This is the foundation for EVERYTHING commercial.

Be careful. This is powerful stuff - as in you will be operating on your FULL commercial liability. IF you do it
correctly - you will be rewarded

What is the reward - well for one thing reducing the public debt - for every dollar you take out about 10 dollars
of public debt gets setoff.

Secondly the rightful return of your commercial energy.

side note

STOP CALLING THE BC "The Strawman" - go look it up in black's law

A strawman is a corporate veil - the BC IS NOT A CORPORATE VEIL

It is a trust, the debtor, holder of the evidence of the estate (you)

Certificate of indebtedness (financial side) issued by the debtor

IT HAS NO VALUE - IT HOLDS VALUE (like a battery)

It borrows from the battery (you)

There is more but not here.


traffic ticket Court date more than a year later

Posted By:
Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:41 pm

OK here is the long story short

The SM DL is suspended due to a ticket from 2009 for a failure to appear.

I send the Court a pracipe by way of restricted appearance to challenge jurisdiction for the 2009 ticket and a
motion to dismiss. This was back in August of last year.

So today I get a notice of summary trial for two tickets from 2011 one for Suspend DL and No Registration.
Now this notice states that they entered my plead of not guilty. Back in 2011 I sent them a notice of mistake
and never heard a thing about these two tickets now all of a sudden these tricky lil buggers send me this notice
of hearing.

I am thinking about sending this back notice of mistake as I never said anything about these two tickets and
never pleaded to anything.

#3095 re. #3094

Re: traffic ticket Court date more than a year later

Posted By: peterpapoulias
Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:50 pm

Go to court as the authorized rep for the DL. Ask the Judge who entered the plea of not guilty? He will say he
did. Remember not guilty is not the same as innocent. Then state " I believe that I have fulfilled all my duties, I
have violated no law, and I have harmed no body. I claim the due process right to face my accuser and question
him/her in open court"

Then sit down and shut up.

The prosecution must now prove its case. In order to do so the corpus delicti rule applies

The legal principle that the prosecution cannot prove that a crime has been committed from the defendant's
confession alone, but that the prosecution must prove that corroborating evidence exists that the crime that the
defendant has confessed to did actually occur and that a party has been injured (victim/accuser).

#3096 re. #3096

Re: traffic ticket Court date more than a year later

Posted By: peterpapoulias
Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:55 pm

Remember their rules/statutes only apply to you if you agree. NEVER TESTIFY only ask questions.

So if they claim you broke their law ask them to show you the LAW that says you HAVE to have a DL or the
paperwork you signed expressly agreeing to get one.

Ask them to show you the paperwork you signed agreeing that their laws apply to you.

Ask them to show you the law or paperwork you signed agreeing to be the surety.

Ask them to show you the paperwork signed by the OWNER making them agent/beneficiary.

Their status is by operation of law only.

REMEMBER THEY ARE ONLY the safe keepers and cannot do anything without your consent (silence is

So question EVERYTHING they do in there.

If they try to ignore you - "Objection your honor, are you trying to deny me my right to due process of law?" or
"Objection your honor are you trying to rush me to judgment?"

If they still ignore you then at the end you simply state "I do not understand, I do not consent to anything stated
herein this court and I will not sign anything" PEace

#4388 re. not listed

Who am I?
Posted By: cantinista
Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:34

just someone with the unmitigated audacity to submit a post related to the topic of this forum.

To wit:

Secret Agent, Man

(and a double-agent at that!)

"They've given you a number, but they've taken away your name" - Johnny Rivers

For the purposes of our Treasury process we, the living, (hat tip to Ayn Rand) are, in fact, the agent/authorized
signor for the Secured Party. We attained that status when, lo those many years ago, we submitted a Form SS-5
with our unqualified signature. This made that Form SS-5 akin to the signature card that one signs when
opening a checking account. In both cases the accounts are in the NAME of the strawman while we, the living,
provide the authorized signature for those accounts.

When we acquire the enforceable Security Agreement that we need to support our Treasury process, the terms
of that Security Agreement make the Secured Party the authorized signor for the Debtor. However, the Secured
Party is merely the transmitting utility through which we, its secret agent, provide the indorsement on behalf of
the Debtor.

Official comment 3 of UCC 9-313 provides that the same person may be the agent for both the Debtor and the
Secured Party. However, it is cautioned against a circumstance in which the agent is so controlled by, or
connected to the Debtor that the Debtor retains control of the collateral. For our purposes the Secured Party
must control the collateral. Fortunately, we, the living, only represent the Debtor on the Secured Party's behalf.
Therefore, our agency is controlled by the Secured Party. Hence, you might say that while we, the living, are
acting as a double-agent, our allegiance is to the Secured Party.

That's enough for now. I have to answer my shoe! - cantinista


Re: SSN account errata

Oct 21 10:10 PM

Actually, you're kind of both right. We are opening a new account #RR123456789US (the Registered Mail
number of our Treasury package) into which the COLB is to be deposited. Of course, in banking that means that
the bank (U.S. Treasury) will take title to the deposited instrument. This is what we want as then they own the
Estate, but when it's all said and done we'll control it. The funds ($100 billion) are credited to that account and
simultaneously charged to the strawman account as the offsetting accounting entry. That charge to the strawman
account represents the debt owed to us by the U.S. for that deposit. The U.S. gets the $100 billion asset, but they
owe us the funds in return - one setoff at a time.
Again, I highly recommend visiting this wikipedia entry:

https :// /Deposit_account

and come to understand what transpires when such a deposit is made. Bill described this as the Uniform
Securitization Scam in The BC Scam. In this case we're using it to our advantage.

As far as rearranging things with the SSN account, that has to do with a clause in our Security Agreement that
requires that any proceeds from the disposition of the collateral must be held in trust for the Secured Party's
benefit. Thus, the SSN account, now holding the charge (proceeeds), becomes the trustee of our Grantor trust
and we become the beneficiary by operation of other law - the law of our Security Agreement.

- cantinista


Debits and Credits

In bookkeeping under General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), debit and credit refer to type of
account and entries to accounts.

Entries to the left side of the an account are debits (DR), and accounts with left sided balances (asset accounts
and expense accounts) are debit accounts. Entries to the right side of the an account are credits (CR), and
accounts with right sided balances (liability accounts, owners' equity accounts, and revenue and profit accounts)
are credit accounts. Understanding debit and credit is essential for bookkeeping and analysis of balance sheets.

 Debits either increase a debit account or decrease a credit account. For example, a debit entry may record an
increase in an asset, an expense, or a decrease in a liability.
 Credits either increase a credit account or decrease a debit account. For example, a credit entry may record
an decrease in an asset, an increase in a liability, or a revenue or profit.

 Debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains
 Debit all assets, credit all liabilities
 Debit the receiver, credit the giver

 Liabilities, which are credit accounts, include accounts payable (money owed to other businesses or
individuals), notes payable and long-term debt (money the company promises to pay on a future date), and
unearned fees (money received in advance).
 Asset accounts, which are debit accounts, include cash, accounts receivable (money owed by others for
goods sold on credit), inventory, prepaid expenses, plants and equipment, office supplies, and investments.

Internal Revenue Service


Without a valid Form 2848, Power of Attorney, or Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization, the IRS cannot
release the name control we assigned to the entity. The taxpayer (owner of the EIN) receives a CP575 (Notice
of EIN Assignment) that contains the name control assigned in the header section of page 2.
The IRS is currently analyzing the name control assignment process as it relates to e-File and EIN assignment.
We made changes to e-File to allow a broader search for a name control for this filing season and this has
proven to be successful.

When establishing an EIN for a trust, here are some general guidelines to help you determine what the assigned
name control will be:

1. Omit any names of trustees from the primary name.

2. Place the individual's name at the beginning of your trust name.
3. Do not enter the words "dated,” “under,” or “for the benefit of” at the beginning of the trust name.
4. Do not enter the alpha month - replace with corresponding numeric character.
5. Omit the word "the" from the beginning of your trust name.

Uniform Commercial Code


(a) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d), "negotiable instrument" means an unconditional promise or order to pay a fixed
amount of money, with or without interest or other charges described in the promise or order, if it:
(1) is payable to bearer or to order at the time it is issued or first comes into possession of a holder;
(2) is payable on demand or at a definite time; and
(3) does not state any other undertaking or instruction by the person promising or ordering payment to do any act in addition to
the payment of money, but the promise or order may contain (i) an undertaking or power to give, maintain, or protect collateral to
secure payment, (ii) an authorization or power to the holder to confess judgment or realize on or dispose of collateral, or (iii) a
waiver of the benefit of any law intended for the advantage or protection of an obligor.
(b) "Instrument" means a negotiable instrument.
(c) An order that meets all of the requirements of subsection (a), except paragraph (1), and otherwise falls within the definition of
"check" in subsection (f) is a negotiable instrument and a check.
(d) A promise or order other than a check is not an instrument if, at the time it is issued or first comes into possession of a holder, it
contains a conspicuous statement, however expressed, to the effect that the promise or order is not negotiable or is not an instrument
governed by this Article.
(e) An instrument is a "note" if it is a promise and is a "draft" if it is an order. If an instrument falls within the definition of both
"note" and "draft," a person entitled to enforce the instrument may treat it as either.
(f) "Check" means (i) a draft, other than a documentary draft, payable on demand and drawn on a bank or (ii) a cashier's check or
teller's check. An instrument may be a check even though it is described on its face by another term, such as "money order."
5 Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School (Mar. 2004 ed.)

(g) "Cashier's check" means a draft with respect to which the drawer and drawee are the same bank or branches of the same bank.
(h) "Teller's check" means a draft drawn by a bank (i) on another bank, or (ii) payable at or through a bank.
(i) "Traveler's check" means an instrument that (i) is payable on demand, (ii) is drawn on or payable at or through a bank, (iii) is
designated by the term "traveler's check" or by a substantially similar term, and (iv) requires, as a condition to payment, a
countersignature by a person whose specimen signature appears on the instrument.
(j) "Certificate of deposit" means an instrument containing an acknowledgment by a bank that a sum of money has been
received by the bank and a promise by the bank to repay the sum of money. A certificate of deposit is a note of the bank.


(a) "Issue" means the first delivery of an instrument by the maker or drawer, whether to a holder or nonholder, for the purpose of
giving rights on the instrument to any person.
(b) An unissued instrument, or an unissued incomplete instrument that is completed, is binding on the maker or drawer, but
nonissuance is a defense. An instrument that is conditionally issued or is issued for a special purpose is binding on the maker or
drawer, but failure of the condition or special purpose to be fulfilled is a defense.
(c) "Issuer" applies to issued and unissued instruments and means a maker or drawer of an instrument.


(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the right to enforce the obligation of a party to pay an instrument is subject to the
(1) a defense of the obligor based on (i) infancy of the obligor to the extent it is a defense to a simple contract, (ii) duress, lack of
legal capacity, or illegality of the transaction which, under other law, nullifies the obligation of the obligor, (iii) fraud that induced
the obligor to sign the instrument with neither knowledge nor reasonable opportunity to learn of its character or its essential
terms, or (iv) discharge of the obligor in insolvency proceedings;
(2) a defense of the obligor stated in another section of this Article or a defense of the obligor that would be available if the
person entitled to enforce the instrument were enforcing a right to payment under a simple contract; and
(3) a claim in recoupment of the obligor against the original payee of the instrument if the claim arose from the transaction that
gave rise to the instrument; but the claim of the obligor may be asserted against a transferee of the instrument only to reduce the
amount owing on the instrument at the time the action is brought.
(b) The right of a holder in due course to enforce the obligation of a party to pay the instrument is subject to defenses of the obligor
stated in subsection (a)(1), but is not subject to defenses of the obligor stated in subsection (a)(2) or claims in recoupment stated in
subsection (a)(3) against a person other than the holder.
(c) Except as stated in subsection (d), in an action to enforce the obligation of a party to pay the instrument, the obligor may not assert
against the person entitled to enforce the instrument a defense, claim in recoupment, or claim to the instrument (Section 3-306) of
another person, but the other person's claim to the instrument may be asserted by the obligor if the other person is joined in the action
and personally asserts the claim against the person entitled to enforce the instrument. An obligor is not obliged to pay the instrument if
the person seeking enforcement of the instrument does not have rights of a holder in due course and the obligor proves that the
instrument is a lost or stolen instrument.
(d) In an action to enforce the obligation of an accommodation party to pay an instrument, the accommodation party may assert
against the person entitled to enforce the instrument any defense or claim in recoupment under subsection (a) that the accommodated
party could assert against the person entitled to enforce the instrument, except the defenses of discharge in insolvency proceedings,
infancy, and lack of legal capacity.
(e) In a consumer transaction, if law other than this article requires that an instrument include a statement to the effect that the rights of
a holder or transferee are subject to a claim or defense that the issuer could assert against the original payee, and the instrument does
not include such a statement: (1) the instrument has the same effect as if the instrument included such a statement; (2) the issuer may
assert against the holder or transferee all claims and defenses that would have been available if the instrument included such a
statement; and (3) the extent to which claims may be asserted against the holder or transferee is determined as if the instrument
included such a statement.
(f) This section is subject to law other than this article that establishes a different rule for consumer transactions.
A person taking an instrument, other than a person having rights of a holder in due course, is subject to a claim of a property or
possessory right in the instrument or its proceeds, including a claim to rescind a negotiation and to recover the instrument or its
proceeds. A person having rights of a holder in due course takes free of the claim to the instrument.


(a) If a person against whom a claim is asserted proves that (i) that person in good faith tendered an
instrument to the claimant as full satisfaction of the claim, (ii) the amount of the claim was unliquidated or
subject to a bona fide dispute, and (iii) the claimant obtained payment of the instrument, the following
subsections apply.

(b) Unless subsection (c) applies, the claim is discharged if the person against whom the claim is asserted
proves that the instrument or an accompanying written communication contained a conspicuous
statement to the effect that the instrument was tendered as full satisfaction of the claim.

(c) Subject to subsection (d), a claim is not discharged under subsection (b) if either of the following

(1) The claimant, if an organization, proves that (i) within a reasonable time before the tender, the
claimant sent a conspicuous statement to the person against whom the claim is asserted that
communications concerning disputed debts, including an instrument tendered as full satisfaction of
a debt, are to be sent to a designated person, office, or place, and (ii) the instrument or
accompanying communication was not received by that designated person, office, or place.

(2) The claimant, whether or not an organization, proves that within 90 days after payment of the
instrument, the claimant tendered repayment of the amount of the instrument to the person
against whom the claim is asserted. This paragraph does not apply if the claimant is an
organization that that sent a statement complying with paragraph (1)(i).

(d) A claim is discharged if the person against whom the claim is asserted proves that within a reasonable
time before collection of the instrument was initiated, the claimant, or an agent of the claimant having
direct responsibility with respect to the disputed obligation, knew that the instrument was tendered in full
satisfaction of the claim.



(a) The law applicable to conversion of personal property applies to instruments. An instrument is also converted if it is taken by
transfer, other than a negotiation, from a person not entitled to enforce the instrument or a bank makes or obtains payment with respect
to the instrument for a person not entitled to enforce the instrument or receive payment. An action for conversion of an instrument
may not be brought by (i) the issuer or acceptor of the instrument or (ii)a payee or indorsee who did not receive delivery of the
instrument either directly or through delivery to an agent or a co-payee.
(b) In an action under subsection (a), the measure of liability is presumed to be the amount payable on the instrument, but recovery
may not exceed the amount of the plaintiff's interest in the instrument.
(c) A representative, other than a depositary bank, who has in good faith dealt with an instrument or its proceeds on behalf of one who
was not the person entitled to enforce the instrument is not liable in conversion to that person beyond the amount of any proceeds that
it has not paid out.


(a) "Presentment" means a demand made by or on behalf of a person entitled to enforce an instrument(i) to pay the instrument made
to the drawee or a party obliged to pay the instrument or, in the case of a note or accepted draft payable at a bank, to the bank, or (ii) to
accept a draft made to the drawee.
(b) The following rules are subject to Article 4, agreement of the parties, and clearing-house rules and the like:
(1) Presentment may be made at the place of payment of the instrument and must be made at the place of payment if the
instrument is payable at a bank in the United States; may be made by any commercially reasonable means, including an oral,
written, or electronic communication; is effective when the demand for payment or acceptance is received by the person to
whom presentment is made; and is effective if made to any one of two or more makers, acceptors, drawees, or other payors.
(2) Upon demand of the person to whom presentment is made, the person making presentment must (i) exhibit the
instrument, (ii) give reasonable identification and, if presentment is made on behalf of another person, reasonable evidence of
authority to do so, and(iii) sign a receipt on the instrument for any payment made or surrender the instrument if full payment
is made.
(3) Without dishonoring the instrument, the party to whom presentment is made may (i) return the instrument for lack of a
necessary indorsement, or (ii) refuse payment or acceptance for failure of the presentment to comply with the terms of the
instrument, an agreement of the parties, or other applicable law or rule.
(4) The party to whom presentment is made may treat presentment as occurring on the next business day after the day of
presentment if the party to whom presentment is made has established a cut-off hour not earlier than 2 p.m. for the receipt
and processing of instruments presented for payment or acceptance and presentment is made after the cut-off hour.


(a) If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument, the effect of
tender is governed by principles of law applicable to tender of payment under a simple contract.
(b) If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument and the tender is
refused, there is discharge, to the extent of the amount of the tender, of the obligation of an indorser or accommodation party having a
right of recourse with respect to the obligation to which the tender relates.
(c) If tender of payment of an amount due on an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument, the obligation of the
obligor to pay interest after the due date on the amount tendered is discharged. If presentment is required with respect to an instrument
and the obligor is able and ready to pay on the due date at every place of payment stated in the instrument, the obligor is deemed to
have made tender of payment on the due date to the person entitled to enforce the instrument.


(a) A person entitled to enforce an instrument, with or without consideration, may discharge the obligation of a party to pay the
instrument (i) by an intentional voluntary act, such as surrender of the instrument to the party, destruction, mutilation, or cancellation
of the instrument, cancellation or striking out of the party's signature, or the addition of words to the instrument indicating discharge,
or (ii) by agreeing not to sue or otherwise renouncing rights against the party by a signed record.
(b) Cancellation or striking out of an indorsement pursuant to subsection (a) does not affect the status and rights of a party derived
from the indorsement.
(c) As used in this section, "signed," with respect to a record that is not a writing, includes the attachment to or logical association with
the record of an electronic symbol, sound, or process to or with the record with the present intent to adopt or accept the record.



(a) To the extent that items within this Article are also within Articles 3 and 8, they are subject to those Articles. If there is conflict,
this Article governs Article 3, but Article 8 governs this Article.
(b) The liability of a bank for action or non-action with respect to an item handled by it for purposes of presentment,
payment, or collection is governed by the law of the place where the bank is located. In the case of action or non-action by
or at a branch or separate office of a bank, its liability is governed by the law of the place where the branch or separate
office is located.


(a) In this Article:
(15) "Security," except as otherwise provided in Section 8-103, means an obligation of an issuer or a share, participation, or other
interest in an issuer or in property or an enterprise of an issuer:
(i) which is represented by a security certificate in bearer or registered form, or the transfer of which may be registered upon
books maintained for that purpose by or on behalf of the issuer;
(ii) which is one of a class or series or by its terms is divisible into a class or series of shares, participations, interests, or
obligations; and
(iii) which:
(A) is, or is of a type, dealt in or traded on securities exchanges or securities markets; or
(B) is a medium for investment and by its terms expressly provides that it is a security governed by this Article.


(a) An indorsement may be in blank or special. An indorsement in blank includes an indorsement to bearer. A special indorsement
specifies to whom a security is to be transferred or who has power to transfer it. A holder may convert a blank indorsement to a special
(b) An indorsement purporting to be only of part of a security certificate representing units intended by the issuer to be separately
transferable is effective to the extent of the indorsement.
(c) An indorsement, whether special or in blank, does not constitute a transfer until delivery of the certificate on which it appears or, if
the indorsement is on a separate document, until delivery of both the document and the certificate.
(d) If a security certificate in registered form has been delivered to a purchaser without a necessary indorsement, the purchaser may
become a protected purchaser only when the indorsement is supplied. However, against a transferor, a transfer is complete upon
delivery and the purchaser has a specifically enforceable right to have any necessary indorsement supplied.
(e) An indorsement of a security certificate in bearer form may give notice of an adverse claim to the certificate, but it does not
otherwise affect a right to registration that the holder possesses.
(f) Unless otherwise agreed, a person making an indorsement assumes only the obligations provided in Section 8-108 and not an
obligation that the security will be honored by the issuer.


Part 3. Perfection and Priority

(a) [Security interest subject to other law.]
Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d), the filing of a financing statement is not necessary or effective to perfect a
security interest in property subject to:
(1) a statute, regulation, or treaty of the United States whose requirements for a security interest's obtaining priority over the
rights of a lien creditor with respect to the property preempt Section 9-310(a);
(2) [list any certificate-of-title statute covering automobiles, trailers, mobile homes, boats, farm tractors, or the like,
which provides for a security interest to be indicated on the certificate as a condition or result of perfection, and any
non-Uniform Commercial Code central filing statute]; or

(3) a certificate-of-title statute of another jurisdiction which provides for a security interest to be indicated on the certificate as
a condition or result of the security interest's obtaining priority over the rights of a lien creditor with respect to the property.
(b) [Compliance with other law.]
Compliance with the requirements of a statute, regulation, or treaty described in subsection (a) for obtaining priority over the
rights of a lien creditor is equivalent to the filing of a financing statement under this article. Except as otherwise provided in
subsection (d) and Sections 9-313 and 9-316(d) and (e) for goods covered by a certificate of title, a security interest in property
subject to a statute, regulation, or treaty described in subsection (a) may be perfected only by compliance with those requirements,
and a security interest so perfected remains perfected notwithstanding a change in the use or transfer of possession of the
(c) [Duration and renewal of perfection.]
Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d) and Section 9-316(d) and (e), duration and renewal of perfection of a security
interest perfected by compliance with the requirements prescribed by a statute, regulation, or treaty described in subsection (a) are
governed by the statute, regulation, or treaty. In other respects, the security interest is subject to this article.
(d) [Inapplicability to certain inventory.]
During any period in which collateral is inventory held for sale or lease by a person or leased by that person as
lessor and that person is in the business of selling or leasing goods of that kind, this section does not apply to a
security interest in that collateral created by that person as debtor.

United States Code


Part III - Loss of Nationality
§ 1481 - Loss of nationality by native-born or naturalized citizen; voluntary action;
burden of proof; presumptions
(a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily
performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality—
(1) obtaining naturalization in a foreign state upon his own application or upon an application filed by a duly authorized
agent, after having attained the age of eighteen years; or
(2) taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political
subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of eighteen years; or
(3) entering, or serving in, the armed forces of a foreign state if
(A) such armed forces are engaged in hostilities against the United States, or
(B) such persons serve as a commissioned or non-commissioned officer; or
(A) accepting, serving in, or performing the duties of any office, post, or employment under the government of a
foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after attaining the age of eighteen years if he has or acquires the
nationality of such foreign state; or
(B) accepting, serving in, or performing the duties of any office, post, or employment under the government of a
foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after attaining the age of eighteen years for which office, post, or
employment an oath, affirmation, or declaration of allegiance is required; or
(5) making a formal renunciation of nationality before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States in a foreign state,
in such form as may be prescribed by the Secretary of State; or
(6) making in the United States a formal written renunciation of nationality in such form as may be prescribed by, and before
such officer as may be designated by, the Attorney General, whenever the United States shall be in a state of war and the
Attorney General shall approve such renunciation as not contrary to the interests of national defense; or
(7) committing any act of treason against, or attempting by force to overthrow, or bearing arms against, the United States,
violating or conspiring to violate any of the provisions of section 2383 of title 18, or willfully performing any act in violation
of section 2385 of title 18, or violating section 2384 of title 18 by engaging in a conspiracy to overthrow, put down, or to
destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, if and when he is convicted thereof by a
court martial or by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(b) Whenever the loss of United States nationality is put in issue in any action or proceeding commenced on or after September 26,
1961 under, or by virtue of, the provisions of this chapter or any other Act, the burden shall be upon the person or party claiming that
such loss occurred, to establish such claim by a preponderance of the evidence. Any person who commits or performs, or who has
committed or performed, any act of expatriation under the provisions of this chapter or any other Act shall be presumed to have done
so voluntarily, but such presumption may be rebutted upon a showing, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the act or acts
committed or performed were not done voluntarily.


§ 1817 – Assessments
(a) Reports of condition; access to reports
(1) Each insured State nonmember bank and each foreign bank having an insured branch which is not a Federal branch shall
make to the Corporation reports of condition which shall be in such form and shall contain such information as the Board of
Directors may require. Such reports shall be made to the Corporation on the dates selected as provided in paragraph (3) of
this subsection and the deposit liabilities shall be reported therein in accordance with and pursuant to paragraphs (4) and (5)
of this subsection. The Board of Directors may call for additional reports of condition on dates to be fixed by it and may call
for such other reports as the Board may from time to time require. Any such bank which
(A) maintains procedures reasonably adapted to avoid any inadvertent error and, unintentionally and as a result of
such an error, fails to make or publish any report required under this paragraph, within the period of time specified
by the Corporation, or submits or publishes any false or misleading report or information, or
(B) inadvertently transmits or publishes any report which is minimally late, shall be subject to a penalty of not more
than $2,000 for each day during which such failure continues or such false or misleading information is not
corrected. Such bank shall have the burden of proving that an error was inadvertent and that a report was
inadvertently transmitted or published late. Any such bank which fails to make or publish any report required under
this paragraph, within the period of time specified by the Corporation, or submits or publishes any false or
misleading report or information, in a manner not described in the 2nd preceding sentence shall be subject to a
penalty of not more than $20,000 for each day during which such failure continues or such false or misleading
information is not corrected. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if any such bank knowingly or with reckless
disregard for the accuracy of any information or report described in such sentence submits or publishes any false or
misleading report or information, the Corporation may assess a penalty of not more than $1,000,000 or 1 percent of
total assets of such bank, whichever is less, per day for each day during which such failure continues or such false or
misleading information is not corrected. Any penalty imposed under any of the 4 preceding sentences shall be
assessed and collected by the Corporation in the manner provided in subparagraphs (E), (F), (G), and (I) of section
1818 (i)(2) of this title (for penalties imposed under such section) and any such assessment (including the
determination of the amount of the penalty) shall be subject to the provisions of such section. Any such bank against
which any penalty is assessed under this subsection shall be afforded an agency hearing if such bank submits a
request for such hearing within 20 days after the issuance of the notice of assessment. Section 1818 (h) of this title
shall apply to any proceeding under this paragraph.


§ 77ccc - Definitions
When used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise requires—
(1) Any term defined in section 2 of the Securities Act of 1933 [15 U.S.C. 77b], and not otherwise defined in this section shall have
the meaning assigned to such term in such section 2 [15 U.S.C. 77b].
(2) The terms “sale”, “sell”, “offer to sell”, “offer for sale”, and “offer” shall include all transactions included in such terms as
provided in paragraph (3) of section 2(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 [15 U.S.C. 77b (a)], except that an offer or sale of a certificate
of interest or participation shall be deemed an offer or sale of the security or securities in which such certificate evidences an interest
or participation if and only if such certificate gives the holder thereof the right to convert the same into such security or securities.
(3) The term “prospectus” shall have the meaning assigned to such term in paragraph (10) of section 2(a) of the Securities Act of 1933
[15 U.S.C. 77b (a)], except that in the case of securities which are not registered under the Securities Act of 1933 [15 U.S.C. 77a et
seq.], such term shall not include any communication
(A) if it is proved that prior to or at the same time with such communication a written statement if any required by section
77fff of this title was sent or given to the persons to whom the communication was made, or
(B) if such communication states from whom such statement may be obtained (if such statement is required by rules or
regulations under paragraphs (1) or (2) of subsection (b) of section 77fff of this title) and, in addition, does no more than
identify the security, state the price thereof, state by whom orders will be executed and contain such other information as the
Commission, by rules or regulations deemed necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors,
and subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed therein, may permit.
(4) The term “underwriter” means any person who has purchased from an issuer with a view to, or offers or sells for an issuer in
connection with, the distribution of any security, or participates or has a direct or indirect participation in any such undertaking, or
participates or has a participation in the direct or indirect underwriting of any such undertaking; but such term shall not include a
person whose interest is limited to a commission from an underwriter or dealer not in excess of the usual and customary distributors’
or sellers’ commission.
(5) The term “director” means any director of a corporation, or any individual performing similar functions with respect to any
organization whether incorporated or unincorporated.
(6) The term “executive officer” means the president, every vice president, every trust officer, the cashier, the secretary, and the
treasurer of a corporation, and any individual customarily performing similar functions with respect to any organization whether
incorporated or unincorporated, but shall not include the chairman of the board of directors.
(7) The term “indenture” means any mortgage, deed of trust, trust or other indenture, or similar instrument or agreement (including
any supplement or amendment to any of the foregoing), under which securities are outstanding or are to be issued, whether or not any
property, real or personal, is, or is to be, pledged, mortgaged, assigned, or conveyed thereunder.
(8) The term “application” or “application for qualification” means the application provided for in section 77eee of this title or section
77ggg of this title, and includes any amendment thereto and any report, document, or memorandum accompanying such application or
incorporated therein by reference.
(9) The term “indenture to be qualified” means
(A) the indenture under which there has been or is to be issued a security in respect of which a particular registration
statement has been filed, or
(B) the indenture in respect of which a particular application has been filed.

(10) The term “indenture trustee” means each trustee under the indenture to be qualified, and each successor trustee.
(11) The term “indenture security” means any security issued or issuable under the indenture to be qualified.
(12) The term “obligor”, when used with respect to any such indenture security, means every person (including a guarantor) who is
liable thereon, and, if such security is a certificate of interest or participation, such term means also every person (including a
guarantor) who is liable upon the security or securities in which such certificate evidences an interest or participation; but such term
shall not include the trustee under an indenture under which certificates of interest or participation, equipment trust certificates, or like
securities are outstanding.
(13) The term “paying agent”, when used with respect to any such indenture security, means any person authorized by an obligor
(A) to pay the principal of or interest on such security on behalf of such obligor, or
(B) if such security is a certificate of interest or participation, equipment trust certificate, or like security, to make such
payment on behalf of the trustee.
(14) The term “State” means any State of the United States.
(15) The term “Commission” means the Securities and Exchange Commission.
(16) The term “voting security” means any security presently entitling the owner or holder thereof to vote in the direction or
management of the affairs of a person, or any security issued under or pursuant to any trust, agreement, or arrangement whereby a
trustee or trustees or agent or agents for the owner or holder of such security are presently entitled to vote in the direction or
management of the affairs of a person; and a specified percentage of the voting securities of a person means such amount of the
outstanding voting securities of such person as entitles the holder or holders thereof to cast such specified percentage of the aggregate
votes which the holders of all the outstanding voting securities of such person are entitled to cast in the direction or management of the
affairs of such person.
(17) The terms “Securities Act of 1933” [15 U.S.C. 77a et seq.] and “Securities Exchange Act of 1934” [15 U.S.C. 78a et seq.] shall
be deemed to refer, respectively, to such Acts, as amended, whether amended prior to or after the enactment of this subchapter.
(18) The term “Bankruptcy Act” means the Bankruptcy Act or title 11.


§ 78c - Definitions and application
(a) Definitions
When used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires—

(10) The term “security” means any note, stock, treasury stock, security future, security-based swap, bond, debenture,
certificate of interest or participation in any profit-sharing agreement or in any oil, gas, or other mineral royalty or lease, any
collateral-trust certificate, preorganization certificate or subscription, transferable share, investment contract, voting-trust
certificate, certificate of deposit for a security, any put, call, straddle, option, or privilege on any security, certificate of
deposit, or group or index of securities (including any interest therein or based on the value thereof), or any put, call, straddle,
option, or privilege entered into on a national securities exchange relating to foreign currency, or in general, any instrument
commonly known as a “security”; or any certificate of interest or participation in, temporary or interim certificate for, receipt
for, or warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase, any of the foregoing; but shall not include currency or any note, draft, bill
of exchange, or banker’s acceptance which has a maturity at the time of issuance of not exceeding nine months, exclusive of
days of grace, or any renewal thereof the maturity of which is likewise limited.
(11) The term “equity security” means any stock or similar security; or any security future on any such security; or any
security convertible, with or without consideration, into such a security, or carrying any warrant or right to subscribe to or
purchase such a security; or any such warrant or right; or any other security which the Commission shall deem to be of
similar nature and consider necessary or appropriate, by such rules and regulations as it may prescribe in the public interest or
for the protection of investors, to treat as an equity security.
(A) The term “exempted security” or “exempted securities” includes—
(i) government securities, as defined in paragraph (42) of this subsection;

(ii) municipal securities, as defined in paragraph (29) of this subsection;
(iii) any interest or participation in any common trust fund or similar fund that is excluded from the
definition of the term “investment company” under section 3(c)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940
[15 U.S.C. 80a–3 (c)(3)];
(iv) any interest or participation in a single trust fund, or a collective trust fund maintained by a bank, or
any security arising out of a contract issued by an insurance company, which interest, participation, or
security is issued in connection with a qualified plan as defined in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph;
(v) any security issued by or any interest or participation in any pooled income fund, collective trust fund,
collective investment fund, or similar fund that is excluded from the definition of an investment company
under section 3(c)(10)(B) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 [15 U.S.C. 80a–3 (c)(10)(B)];
(vi) solely for purposes of sections 78l, 78m, 78n, and 78p of this title, any security issued by or any
interest or participation in any church plan, company, or account that is excluded from the definition of an
investment company under section 3(c)(14) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 [15 U.S.C. 80a–3 (c)
(14)]; and
(vii) such other securities (which may include, among others, unregistered securities, the market in which is
predominantly intrastate) as the Commission may, by such rules and regulations as it deems consistent with
the public interest and the protection of investors, either unconditionally or upon specified terms and
conditions or for stated periods, exempt from the operation of any one or more provisions of this chapter
which by their terms do not apply to an “exempted security” or to “exempted securities”.
(i) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A)(i) of this paragraph, government securities shall not be deemed to be
“exempted securities” for the purposes of section 78q–1 of this title.
(ii) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A)(ii) of this paragraph, municipal securities shall not be deemed to be
“exempted securities” for the purposes of sections 78o and 78q–1 of this title.
(C) For purposes of subparagraph (A)(iv) of this paragraph, the term “qualified plan” means
(i) a stock bonus, pension, or profit-sharing plan which meets the requirements for qualification under
section 401 of title 26,
(ii) an annuity plan which meets the requirements for the deduction of the employer’s contribution under
section 404 (a)(2) of title 26,
(iii) a governmental plan as defined in section 414 (d) of title 26 which has been established by an
employer for the exclusive benefit of its employees or their beneficiaries for the purpose of distributing to
such employees or their beneficiaries the corpus and income of the funds accumulated under such plan, if
under such plan it is impossible, prior to the satisfaction of all liabilities with respect to such employees and
their beneficiaries, for any part of the corpus or income to be used for, or diverted to, purposes other than
the exclusive benefit of such employees or their beneficiaries, or
(iv) a church plan, company, or account that is excluded from the definition of an investment company
under section 3(c)(14) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 [15 U.S.C. 80a–3 (c)(14)], other than any
plan described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) of this subparagraph which
(I) covers employees some or all of whom are employees within the meaning of section 401 (c) of
title 26, or
(II) is a plan funded by an annuity contract described in section 403 (b) of title 26.


§ 1506 - Theft or alteration of record or process; false bail

Whoever feloniously steals, takes away, alters, falsifies, or otherwise avoids any record, writ, process, or other proceeding, in any
court of the United States, whereby any judgment is reversed, made void, or does not take effect; or
Whoever acknowledges, or procures to be acknowledged in any such court, any recognizance, bail, or judgment, in the name of any
other person not privy or consenting to the same—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

§ 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant

(1) Whoever kills or attempts to kill another person, with intent to—
(A) prevent the attendance or testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
(B) prevent the production of a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
(C) prevent the communication by any person to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States of
information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of
probation, parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
shall be punished as provided in paragraph (3).
(2) Whoever uses physical force or the threat of physical force against any person, or attempts to do so, with intent to—
(A) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
(B) cause or induce any person to—
(i) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
(ii) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the integrity or availability of the
object for use in an official proceeding;
(iii) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document,
or other object, in an official proceeding; or
(iv) be absent from an official proceeding to which that person has been summoned by legal process; or
(C) hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States of
information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of
probation, supervised release, parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
shall be punished as provided in paragraph (3).
(3) The punishment for an offense under this subsection is—
(A) in the case of a killing, the punishment provided in sections 1111 and 1112;
(B) in the case of—
(i) an attempt to murder; or
(ii) the use or attempted use of physical force against any person;
imprisonment for not more than 30 years; and
(C) in the case of the threat of use of physical force against any person, imprisonment for not more than 20 years.
(b) Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in
misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—
(1) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
(2) cause or induce any person to—
(A) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
(B) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in
an official proceeding;
(C) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other
object, in an official proceeding; or

(D) be absent from an official proceeding to which such person has been summoned by legal process; or
(3) hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States of information
relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation [1]
supervised release,, [1] parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
(c) Whoever corruptly—
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair
the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
(d) Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
(1) attending or testifying in an official proceeding;
(2) reporting to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States the commission or possible commission of a Federal
offense or a violation of conditions of probation [1] supervised release,, [1] parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
(3) arresting or seeking the arrest of another person in connection with a Federal offense; or
(4) causing a criminal prosecution, or a parole or probation revocation proceeding, to be sought or instituted, or assisting in
such prosecution or proceeding;
or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both.
(e) In a prosecution for an offense under this section, it is an affirmative defense, as to which the defendant has the burden of proof by
a preponderance of the evidence, that the conduct consisted solely of lawful conduct and that the defendant’s sole intention was to
encourage, induce, or cause the other person to testify truthfully.
(f) For the purposes of this section—
(1) an official proceeding need not be pending or about to be instituted at the time of the offense; and
(2) the testimony, or the record, document, or other object need not be admissible in evidence or free of a claim of privilege.
(g) In a prosecution for an offense under this section, no state of mind need be proved with respect to the circumstance—
(1) that the official proceeding before a judge, court, magistrate judge, grand jury, or government agency is before a judge or
court of the United States, a United States magistrate judge, a bankruptcy judge, a Federal grand jury, or a Federal
Government agency; or
(2) that the judge is a judge of the United States or that the law enforcement officer is an officer or employee of the Federal
Government or a person authorized to act for or on behalf of the Federal Government or serving the Federal Government as
an adviser or consultant.
(h) There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section.
(i) A prosecution under this section or section 1503 may be brought in the district in which the official proceeding (whether or not
pending or about to be instituted) was intended to be affected or in the district in which the conduct constituting the alleged offense
(j) If the offense under this section occurs in connection with a trial of a criminal case, the maximum term of imprisonment which may
be imposed for the offense shall be the higher of that otherwise provided by law or the maximum term that could have been imposed
for any offense charged in such case.
(k) Whoever conspires to commit any offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the
offense the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy.

Chapter 79 - PERJURY
§ 1623 - False declarations before grand jury or court
(a) Whoever under oath (or in any declaration, certificate, verification, or statement under penalty of perjury as permitted under
section 1746 of title 28, United States Code) in any proceeding before or ancillary to any court or grand jury of the United States
knowingly makes any false material declaration or makes or uses any other information, including any book, paper, document, record,

recording, or other material, knowing the same to contain any false material declaration, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned
not more than five years, or both.
(b) This section is applicable whether the conduct occurred within or without the United States.
(c) An indictment or information for violation of this section alleging that, in any proceedings before or ancillary to any court or grand
jury of the United States, the defendant under oath has knowingly made two or more declarations, which are inconsistent to the degree
that one of them is necessarily false, need not specify which declaration is false if—
(1) each declaration was material to the point in question, and
(2) each declaration was made within the period of the statute of limitations for the offense charged under this section.
In any prosecution under this section, the falsity of a declaration set forth in the indictment or information shall be established
sufficient for conviction by proof that the defendant while under oath made irreconcilably contradictory declarations material
to the point in question in any proceeding before or ancillary to any court or grand jury. It shall be a defense to an indictment
or information made pursuant to the first sentence of this subsection that the defendant at the time he made each declaration
believed the declaration was true.
(d) Where, in the same continuous court or grand jury proceeding in which a declaration is made, the person making the declaration
admits such declaration to be false, such admission shall bar prosecution under this section if, at the time the admission is made, the
declaration has not substantially affected the proceeding, or it has not become manifest that such falsity has been or will be exposed.
(e) Proof beyond a reasonable doubt under this section is sufficient for conviction. It shall not be necessary that such proof be made by
any particular number of witnesses or by documentary or other type of evidence.

§ 1956 - Laundering of monetary instruments
(1) Whoever, knowing that the property involved in a financial transaction represents the proceeds of some form of unlawful
activity, conducts or attempts to conduct such a financial transaction which in fact involves the proceeds of specified
unlawful activity—
(i) with the intent to promote the carrying on of specified unlawful activity; or
(ii) with intent to engage in conduct constituting a violation of section 7201 or 7206 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986; or
(B) knowing that the transaction is designed in whole or in part—
(i) to conceal or disguise the nature, the location, the source, the ownership, or the control of the proceeds
of specified unlawful activity; or
(ii) to avoid a transaction reporting requirement under State or Federal law,
shall be sentenced to a fine of not more than $500,000 or twice the value of the property involved in the
transaction, whichever is greater, or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both. For purposes of
this paragraph, a financial transaction shall be considered to be one involving the proceeds of specified
unlawful activity if it is part of a set of parallel or dependent transactions, any one of which involves the
proceeds of specified unlawful activity, and all of which are part of a single plan or arrangement.
(2) Whoever transports, transmits, or transfers, or attempts to transport, transmit, or transfer a monetary instrument or funds
from a place in the United States to or through a place outside the United States or to a place in the United States from or
through a place outside the United States—
(A) with the intent to promote the carrying on of specified unlawful activity; or
(B) knowing that the monetary instrument or funds involved in the transportation, transmission, or transfer represent
the proceeds of some form of unlawful activity and knowing that such transportation, transmission, or transfer is
designed in whole or in part—
(i) to conceal or disguise the nature, the location, the source, the ownership, or the control of the proceeds
of specified unlawful activity; or
(ii) to avoid a transaction reporting requirement under State or Federal law,
shall be sentenced to a fine of not more than $500,000 or twice the value of the monetary instrument or
funds involved in the transportation, transmission, or transfer, whichever is greater, or imprisonment for not
more than twenty years, or both. For the purpose of the offense described in subparagraph (B), the
defendant’s knowledge may be established by proof that a law enforcement officer represented the matter
specified in subparagraph (B) as true, and the defendant’s subsequent statements or actions indicate that the
defendant believed such representations to be true.
(3) Whoever, with the intent—
(A) to promote the carrying on of specified unlawful activity;
(B) to conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, ownership, or control of property believed to be the proceeds
of specified unlawful activity; or
(C) to avoid a transaction reporting requirement under State or Federal law,
conducts or attempts to conduct a financial transaction involving property represented to be the proceeds of
specified unlawful activity, or property used to conduct or facilitate specified unlawful activity, shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned for not more than 20 years, or both. For purposes of this paragraph and paragraph (2), the
term “represented” means any representation made by a law enforcement officer or by another person at the
direction of, or with the approval of, a Federal official authorized to investigate or prosecute violations of this
(b) Penalties.—
(1) In general.— Whoever conducts or attempts to conduct a transaction described in subsection (a)(1) or (a)(3), orsection
1957, or a transportation, transmission, or transfer described in subsection (a)(2), is liable to the United States for a civil
penalty of not more than the greater of—
(A) the value of the property, funds, or monetary instruments involved in the transaction; or
(B) $10,000.
(2) Jurisdiction over foreign persons.— For purposes of adjudicating an action filed or enforcing a penalty ordered under this
section, the district courts shall have jurisdiction over any foreign person, including any financial institution authorized under
the laws of a foreign country, against whom the action is brought, if service of process upon the foreign person is made under
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or the laws of the country in which the foreign person is found, and—
(A) the foreign person commits an offense under subsection (a) involving a financial transaction that occurs in
whole or in part in the United States;
(B) the foreign person converts, to his or her own use, property in which the United States has an ownership interest
by virtue of the entry of an order of forfeiture by a court of the United States; or
(C) the foreign person is a financial institution that maintains a bank account at a financial institution in the United
(3) Court authority over assets.— A court may issue a pretrial restraining order or take any other action necessary to ensure
that any bank account or other property held by the defendant in the United States is available to satisfy a judgment under this
(4) Federal receiver.—
(A) In general.— A court may appoint a Federal Receiver, in accordance with subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, to
collect, marshal, and take custody, control, and possession of all assets of the defendant, wherever located, to satisfy
a civil judgment under this subsection, a forfeiture judgment under section 981 or 982, or a criminal sentence under
section 1957 orsubsection (a) of this section, including an order of restitution to any victim of a specified unlawful
(B) Appointment and authority.— A Federal Receiver described in subparagraph (A)—
(i) may be appointed upon application of a Federal prosecutor or a Federal or State regulator, by the court
having jurisdiction over the defendant in the case;
(ii) shall be an officer of the court, and the powers of the Federal Receiver shall include the powers set out
in section 754 of title 28, United States Code; and
(iii) shall have standing equivalent to that of a Federal prosecutor for the purpose of submitting requests to
obtain information regarding the assets of the defendant—
(I) from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the Department of the Treasury; or

(II) from a foreign country pursuant to a mutual legal assistance treaty, multilateral agreement, or
other arrangement for international law enforcement assistance, provided that such requests are in
accordance with the policies and procedures of the Attorney General.
(c) As used in this section—
(1) the term “knowing that the property involved in a financial transaction represents the proceeds of some form of unlawful
activity” means that the person knew the property involved in the transaction represented proceeds from some form, though
not necessarily which form, of activity that constitutes a felony under State, Federal, or foreign law, regardless of whether or
not such activity is specified in paragraph (7);
(2) the term “conducts” includes initiating, concluding, or participating in initiating, or concluding a transaction;
(3) the term “transaction” includes a purchase, sale, loan, pledge, gift, transfer, delivery, or other disposition, and with respect
to a financial institution includes a deposit, withdrawal, transfer between accounts, exchange of currency, loan, extension of
credit, purchase or sale of any stock, bond, certificate of deposit, or other monetary instrument, use of a safe deposit box, or
any other payment, transfer, or delivery by, through, or to a financial institution, by whatever means effected;
(4) the term “financial transaction” means
(A) a transaction which in any way or degree affects interstate or foreign commerce
(i) involving the movement of funds by wire or other means or
(ii) involving one or more monetary instruments, or
(iii) involving the transfer of title to any real property, vehicle, vessel, or aircraft, or
(B) a transaction involving the use of a financial institution which is engaged in, or the activities of which affect,
interstate or foreign commerce in any way or degree;
(5) the term “monetary instruments” means
(i) coin or currency of the United States or of any other country, travelers’ checks, personal checks, bank checks,
and money orders, or
(ii) investment securities or negotiable instruments, in bearer form or otherwise in such form that title thereto passes
upon delivery;
(6) the term “financial institution” includes—
(A) any financial institution, as defined in section 5312 (a)(2) of title 31, United States Code, or the regulations
promulgated thereunder; and
(B) any foreign bank, as defined in section 1 of the International Banking Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3101);
(7) the term “specified unlawful activity” means—
(A) any act or activity constituting an offense listed in section 1961 (1) of this title except an act which is indictable
under subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 31;
(B) with respect to a financial transaction occurring in whole or in part in the United States, an offense against a
foreign nation involving—
(i) the manufacture, importation, sale, or distribution of a controlled substance (as such term is defined for
the purposes of the Controlled Substances Act);
(ii) murder, kidnapping, robbery, extortion, destruction of property by means of explosive or fire, or a
crime of violence (as defined in section 16);
(iii) fraud, or any scheme or attempt to defraud, by or against a foreign bank (as defined in paragraph 7 of
section 1(b) of the International Banking Act of 1978)); [1]
(iv) bribery of a public official, or the misappropriation, theft, or embezzlement of public funds by or for
the benefit of a public official;
(v) smuggling or export control violations involving—
(I) an item controlled on the United States Munitions List established under section 38 of the
Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2778); or
(II) an item controlled under regulations under the Export Administration Regulations (15 C.F.R.
Parts 730–774);

(vi) an offense with respect to which the United States would be obligated by a multilateral treaty, either to
extradite the alleged offender or to submit the case for prosecution, if the offender were found within the
territory of the United States; or
(vii) trafficking in persons, selling or buying of children, sexual exploitation of children, or transporting,
recruiting or harboring a person, including a child, for commercial sex acts;
(C) any act or acts constituting a continuing criminal enterprise, as that term is defined in section 408 of the
Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 848);
(D) an offense under section 32 (relating to the destruction of aircraft), section 37 (relating to violence at
international airports), section 115 (relating to influencing, impeding, or retaliating against a Federal official by
threatening or injuring a family member), section 152 (relating to concealment of assets; false oaths and claims;
bribery), section 175c (relating to the variola virus), section 215 (relating to commissions or gifts for procuring
loans), section 351 (relating to congressional or Cabinet officer assassination), any of sections 500 through 503
(relating to certain counterfeiting offenses), section 513 (relating to securities of States and private entities), section
541 (relating to goods falsely classified), section 542 (relating to entry of goods by means of false statements),
section 545 (relating to smuggling goods into the United States), section 549 (relating to removing goods from
Customs custody), section 554 (relating to smuggling goods from the United States), section 555 (relating to border
tunnels), section 641 (relating to public money, property, or records), section 656 (relating to theft, embezzlement,
or misapplication by bank officer or employee), section 657 (relating to lending, credit, and insurance institutions),
section 658 (relating to property mortgaged or pledged to farm credit agencies), section 666 (relating to theft or
bribery concerning programs receiving Federal funds), section 793, 794, or 798 (relating to espionage), section 831
(relating to prohibited transactions involving nuclear materials), section 844 (f) or (i) (relating to destruction by
explosives or fire of Government property or property affecting interstate or foreign commerce), section 875
(relating to interstate communications), section 922 (l) (relating to the unlawful importation of firearms), section 924
(n) (relating to firearms trafficking), section 956 (relating to conspiracy to kill, kidnap, maim, or injure certain
property in a foreign country), section 1005 (relating to fraudulent bank entries), 1006 [2] (relating to fraudulent
Federal credit institution entries), 1007 [2] (relating to Federal Deposit Insurance transactions), 1014 [2] (relating
to fraudulent loan or credit applications), section 1030 (relating to computer fraud and abuse), 1032 [2] (relating to
concealment of assets from conservator, receiver, or liquidating agent of financial institution), section 1111 (relating
to murder), section 1114 (relating to murder of United States law enforcement officials), section 1116 (relating to
murder of foreign officials, official guests, or internationally protected persons), section 1201 (relating to
kidnaping), section 1203 (relating to hostage taking), section 1361 (relating to willful injury of Government
property), section 1363 (relating to destruction of property within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction),
section 1708 (theft from the mail), section 1751 (relating to Presidential assassination), section 2113 or 2114
(relating to bank and postal robbery and theft), section 2252A (relating to child pornography) where the child
pornography contains a visual depiction of an actual minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct, section 2260
(production of certain child pornography for importation into the United States), section 2280 (relating to violence
against maritime navigation), section 2281 (relating to violence against maritime fixed platforms), section 2319
(relating to copyright infringement), section 2320 (relating to trafficking in counterfeit goods and services), section
2332 (relating to terrorist acts abroad against United States nationals), section 2332a (relating to use of weapons of
mass destruction), section 2332b (relating to international terrorist acts transcending national boundaries), section
2332g (relating to missile systems designed to destroy aircraft), section 2332h (relating to radiological dispersal
devices), section 2339A or 2339B (relating to providing material support to terrorists), section 2339C (relating to
financing of terrorism), or section 2339D (relating to receiving military-type training from a foreign terrorist
organization) of this title, section 46502 of title 49, United States Code, a felony violation of the Chemical Diversion
and Trafficking Act of 1988 (relating to precursor and essential chemicals), section 590 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19
U.S.C. 1590) (relating to aviation smuggling), section 422 of the Controlled Substances Act (relating to
transportation of drug paraphernalia), section 38 (c) (relating to criminal violations) of the Arms Export Control Act,
section 11 (relating to violations) of the Export Administration Act of 1979, section 206 (relating to penalties) of the
International Emergency Economic Powers Act, section 16 (relating to offenses and punishment) of the Trading
with the Enemy Act, any felony violation of section 15 of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (relating to
supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits fraud) involving a quantity of benefits having a value of not less
than $5,000, any violation of section 543(a)(1) of the Housing Act of 1949 (relating to equity skimming), any felony
violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, any felony violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,
or section 92 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2122) (relating to prohibitions governing atomic
weapons) [3] environmental crimes
(E) a felony violation of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.), the Ocean Dumping Act
(33 U.S.C. 1401 et seq.), the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (33 U.S.C. 1901 et seq.), the Safe Drinking Water
Act (42 U.S.C. 300f et seq.), or the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.); or
(F) any act or activity constituting an offense involving a Federal health care offense;
(8) the term “State” includes a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, and any commonwealth, territory, or
possession of the United States; and
(9) the term “proceeds” means any property derived from or obtained or retained, directly or indirectly, through some form of
unlawful activity, including the gross receipts of such activity.
(d) Nothing in this section shall supersede any provision of Federal, State, or other law imposing criminal penalties or affording civil
remedies in addition to those provided for in this section.
(e) Violations of this section may be investigated by such components of the Department of Justice as the Attorney General may
direct, and by such components of the Department of the Treasury as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct, as appropriate, and,
with respect to offenses over which the Department of Homeland Security has jurisdiction, by such components of the Department of
Homeland Security as the Secretary of Homeland Security may direct, and, with respect to offenses over which the United States
Postal Service has jurisdiction, by the Postal Service. Such authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Homeland
Security, and the Postal Service shall be exercised in accordance with an agreement which shall be entered into by the Secretary of the
Treasury, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Postal Service, and the Attorney General. Violations of this section involving
offenses described in paragraph (c)(7)(E) may be investigated by such components of the Department of Justice as the Attorney
General may direct, and the National Enforcement Investigations Center of the Environmental Protection Agency.
(f) There is extraterritorial jurisdiction over the conduct prohibited by this section if—
(1) the conduct is by a United States citizen or, in the case of a non-United States citizen, the conduct occurs in part in the
United States; and
(2) the transaction or series of related transactions involves funds or monetary instruments of a value exceeding $10,000.
(g) Notice of Conviction of Financial Institutions.— If any financial institution or any officer, director, or employee of any financial
institution has been found guilty of an offense under this section, section 1957 or 1960 of this title, or section 5322 or 5324 of title 31,
the Attorney General shall provide written notice of such fact to the appropriate regulatory agency for the financial institution.
(h) Any person who conspires to commit any offense defined in this section or section 1957 shall be subject to the same penalties as
those prescribed for the offense the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy.
(i) Venue.—
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), a prosecution for an offense under this section or section 1957 may be brought in—
(A) any district in which the financial or monetary transaction is conducted; or
(B) any district where a prosecution for the underlying specified unlawful activity could be brought, if the defendant
participated in the transfer of the proceeds of the specified unlawful activity from that district to the district where
the financial or monetary transaction is conducted.
(2) A prosecution for an attempt or conspiracy offense under this section or section 1957 may be brought in the district where
venue would lie for the completed offense under paragraph (1), or in any other district where an act in furtherance of the
attempt or conspiracy took place.
(3) For purposes of this section, a transfer of funds from 1 place to another, by wire or any other means, shall constitute a
single, continuing transaction. Any person who conducts (as that term is defined in subsection (c)(2)) any portion of the
transaction may be charged in any district in which the transaction takes place.


§ 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do
so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or
officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be
fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully
conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this
subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United

§ 2073 - False entries and reports of moneys or securities
Whoever, being an officer, clerk, agent, or other employee of the United States or any of its agencies, charged with the duty of
keeping accounts or records of any kind, with intent to deceive, mislead, injure, or defraud, makes in any such account or record any
false or fictitious entry or record of any matter relating to or connected with his duties; or
Whoever, being an officer, clerk, agent, or other employee of the United States or any of its agencies, charged with the duty of
receiving, holding, or paying over moneys or securities to, for, or on behalf of the United States, or of receiving or holding in trust for
any person any moneys or securities, with like intent, makes a false report of such moneys or securities—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.


Subtitle B - Estate and Gift Taxes
Chapter 11 - ESTATE TAX
Subchapter C - Miscellaneous
§ 2203 - Definition of executor
The term “executor” wherever it is used in this title in connection with the estate tax imposed by this chapter means the executor or
administrator of the decedent, or, if there is no executor or administrator appointed, qualified, and acting within the United States, then
any person in actual or constructive possession of any property of the decedent.


Subchapter A - Tax Imposed
§ 2603 - Liability for tax
(a) Personal liability
(1) Taxable distributions
In the case of a taxable distribution, the tax imposed by section 2601 shall be paid by the transferee.
(2) Taxable termination
In the case of a taxable termination or a direct skip from a trust, the tax shall be paid by the trustee.
(3) Direct skip
In the case of a direct skip (other than a direct skip from a trust), the tax shall be paid by the transferor.
(b) Source of tax
Unless otherwise directed pursuant to the governing instrument by specific reference to the tax imposed by this chapter, the tax
imposed by this chapter on a generation-skipping transfer shall be charged to the property constituting such transfer.
(c) Cross reference
For provisions making estate and gift tax provisions with respect to transferee liability, liens, and related matters applicable to the tax
imposed by section 2601, see section 2661.

Subchapter B - Generation-Skipping Transfers

§ 2611 - Generation-skipping transfer defined
(a) In general
For purposes of this chapter, the term “generation-skipping transfer” means—
(1) a taxable distribution,
(2) a taxable termination, and
(3) a direct skip.
(b) Certain transfers excluded
The term “generation-skipping transfer” does not include—
(1) any transfer which, if made inter vivos by an individual, would not be treated as a taxable gift by reason of section 2503
(e) (relating to exclusion of certain transfers for educational or medical expenses), and
(2) any transfer to the extent—
(A) the property transferred was subject to a prior tax imposed under this chapter,
(B) the transferee in the prior transfer was assigned to the same generation as (or a lower generation than) the
generation assignment of the transferee in this transfer, and
(C) such transfers do not have the effect of avoiding tax under this chapter with respect to any transfer.

§ 2612 - Taxable termination; taxable distribution; direct skip

(a) Taxable termination
(1) General rule
For purposes of this chapter, the term “taxable termination” means the termination (by death, lapse of time, release of power,
or otherwise) of an interest in property held in a trust unless—
(A) immediately after such termination, a non-skip person has an interest in such property, or
(B) at no time after such termination may a distribution (including distributions on termination) be made from such
trust to a skip person.
(2) Certain partial terminations treated as taxable
If, upon the termination of an interest in property held in trust by reason of the death of a lineal descendant of the transferor, a
specified portion of the trust’s assets are distributed to 1 or more skip persons (or 1 or more trusts for the exclusive benefit of
such persons), such termination shall constitute a taxable termination with respect to such portion of the trust property.
(b) Taxable distribution
For purposes of this chapter, the term “taxable distribution” means any distribution from a trust to a skip person (other than a taxable
termination or a direct skip).
(c) Direct skip
For purposes of this chapter—
(1) In general
The term “direct skip” means a transfer subject to a tax imposed by chapter 11 or 12 of an interest in property to a skip
(2) Look-thru rules not to apply
Solely for purposes of determining whether any transfer to a trust is a direct skip, the rules of section 2651 (f)(2) shall not

§ 2613 - Skip person and non-skip person defined

(a) Skip person
For purposes of this chapter, the term “skip person” means—
(1) a natural person assigned to a generation which is 2 or more generations below the generation assignment of the
transferor, or

(2) a trust—
(A) if all interests in such trust are held by skip persons, or
(B) if—
(i) there is no person holding an interest in such trust, and
(ii) at no time after such transfer may a distribution (including distributions on termination) be made from
such trust to a nonskip person.
(b) Non-skip person
For purposes of this chapter, the term “non-skip person” means any person who is not a skip person.

Subtitle C - Employment Taxes

§ 3401 - Definitions
(a) Wages
For purposes of this chapter, the term “wages” means all remuneration (other than fees paid to a public official) for services performed
by an employee for his employer, including the cash value of all remuneration (including benefits) paid in any medium other than
cash; except that such term shall not include remuneration paid—
(1) for active service performed in a month for which such employee is entitled to the benefits of section 112 (relating to
certain combat zone compensation of members of the Armed Forces of the United States) to the extent remuneration for such
service is excludable from gross income under such section; or
(2) for agricultural labor (as defined in section 3121 (g)) unless the remuneration paid for such labor is wages (as defined in
section 3121 (a)); or
(3) for domestic service in a private home, local college club, or local chapter of a college fraternity or sorority; or
(4) for service not in the course of the employer’s trade or business performed in any calendar quarter by an employee, unless
the cash remuneration paid for such service is $50 or more and such service is performed by an individual who is regularly
employed by such employer to perform such service. For purposes of this paragraph, an individual shall be deemed to be
regularly employed by an employer during a calendar quarter only if—
(A) on each of some 24 days during such quarter such individual performs for such employer for some portion of the
day service not in the course of the employer’s trade or business; or
(B) such individual was regularly employed (as determined under subparagraph (A)) by such employer in the
performance of such service during the preceding calendar quarter; or
(5) for services by a citizen or resident of the United States for a foreign government or an international organization; or
(6) for such services, performed by a nonresident alien individual, as may be designated by regulations prescribed by the
Secretary; or
[(7) Repealed. Pub. L. 89–809, title I, § 103(k),Nov. 13, 1966, 80 Stat. 1554]
(A) for services for an employer (other than the United States or any agency thereof)—
(i) performed by a citizen of the United States if, at the time of the payment of such remuneration, it is
reasonable to believe that such remuneration will be excluded from gross income under section 911; or
(ii) performed in a foreign country or in a possession of the United States by such a citizen if, at the time of
the payment of such remuneration, the employer is required by the law of any foreign country or possession
of the United States to withhold income tax upon such remuneration; or
(B) for services for an employer (other than the United States or any agency thereof) performed by a citizen of the
United States within a possession of the United States (other than Puerto Rico), if it is reasonable to believe that at
least 80 percent of the remuneration to be paid to the employee by such employer during the calendar year will be
for such services; or

(C) for services for an employer (other than the United States or any agency thereof) performed by a citizen of the
United States within Puerto Rico, if it is reasonable to believe that during the entire calendar year the employee will
be a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico; or
(D) for services for the United States (or any agency thereof) performed by a citizen of the United States within a
possession of the United States to the extent the United States (or such agency) withholds taxes on such
remuneration pursuant to an agreement with such possession; or
(9) for services performed by a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a church in the exercise of his ministry
or by a member of a religious order in the exercise of duties required by such order; or
(A) for services performed by an individual under the age of 18 in the delivery or distribution of newspapers or
shopping news, not including delivery or distribution to any point for subsequent delivery or distribution; or
(B) for services performed by an individual in, and at the time of, the sale of newspapers or magazines to ultimate
consumers, under an arrangement under which the newspapers or magazines are to be sold by him at a fixed price,
his compensation being based on the retention of the excess of such price over the amount at which the newspapers
or magazines are charged to him, whether or not he is guaranteed a minimum amount of compensation for such
services, or is entitled to be credited with the unsold newspapers or magazines turned back; or
(11) for services not in the course of the employer’s trade or business, to the extent paid in any medium other than cash; or
(12) to, or on behalf of, an employee or his beneficiary—
(A) from or to a trust described in section 401 (a) which is exempt from tax under section 501 (a) at the time of such
payment unless such payment is made to an employee of the trust as remuneration for services rendered as such
employee and not as a beneficiary of the trust; or
(B) under or to an annuity plan which, at the time of such payment, is a plan described in section 403 (a); or
(C) for a payment described in section 402 (h)(1) and (2) if, at the time of such payment, it is reasonable to believe
that the employee will be entitled to an exclusion under such section for payment; or
(D) under an arrangement to which section 408 (p) applies; or
(E) under or to an eligible deferred compensation plan which, at the time of such payment, is a plan described in
section 457 (b) which is maintained by an eligible employer described in section 457 (e)(1)(A), [1] or
(13) pursuant to any provision of law other than section 5(c) or 6(1) of the Peace Corps Act, for service performed as a
volunteer or volunteer leader within the meaning of such Act; or
(14) in the form of group-term life insurance on the life of an employee; or
(15) to or on behalf of an employee if (and to the extent that) at the time of the payment of such remuneration it is reasonable
to believe that a corresponding deduction is allowable under section 217 (determined without regard to section 274 (n)); or
(A) as tips in any medium other than cash;
(B) as cash tips to an employee in any calendar month in the course of his employment by an employer unless the
amount of such cash tips is $20 or more; [2]
(17) for service described in section 3121 (b)(20); [2]
(18) for any payment made, or benefit furnished, to or for the benefit of an employee if at the time of such payment or such
furnishing it is reasonable to believe that the employee will be able to exclude such payment or benefit from income under
section 127, 129, 134 (b)(4), or 134 (b)(5); [2]
(19) for any benefit provided to or on behalf of an employee if at the time such benefit is provided it is reasonable to believe
that the employee will be able to exclude such benefit from income under section 74 (c), 108 (f)(4), 117, or 132; [2]
(20) for any medical care reimbursement made to or for the benefit of an employee under a self-insured medical
reimbursement plan (within the meaning of section 105 (h)(6)); [2]
(21) for any payment made to or for the benefit of an employee if at the time of such payment it is reasonable to believe that
the employee will be able to exclude such payment from income under section 106 (b); [2]
(22) any payment made to or for the benefit of an employee if at the time of such payment it is reasonable to believe that the
employee will be able to exclude such payment from income under section 106 (d); or
(23) for any benefit or payment which is excludable from the gross income of the employee under section 139B (b).
The term “wages” includes any amount includible in gross income of an employee under section 409A and payment of such
amount shall be treated as having been made in the taxable year in which the amount is so includible.
(b) Payroll period
For purposes of this chapter, the term “payroll period” means a period for which a payment of wages is ordinarily made to the
employee by his employer, and the term “miscellaneous payroll period” means a payroll period other than a daily, weekly, biweekly,
semimonthly, monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual payroll period.
(c) Employee
For purposes of this chapter, the term “employee” includes an officer, employee, or elected official of the United States, a State, or
any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing.
The term “employee” also includes an officer of a corporation.
(d) Employer
For purposes of this chapter, the term “employer” means the person for whom an individual performs or performed any service, of
whatever nature, as the employee of such person, except that—
(1) if the person for whom the individual performs or performed the services does not have control of the payment of the
wages for such services, the term “employer” (except for purposes of subsection (a)) means the person having control of the
payment of such wages, and
(2) in the case of a person paying wages on behalf of a nonresident alien individual, foreign partnership, or foreign
corporation, not engaged in trade or business within the United States, the term “employer” (except for purposes of
subsection (a)) means such person.
(e) Number of withholding exemptions claimed
For purposes of this chapter, the term “number of withholding exemptions claimed” means the number of withholding exemptions
claimed in a withholding exemption certificate in effect under section 3402 (f), or in effect under the corresponding section of prior
law, except that if no such certificate is in effect, the number of withholding exemptions claimed shall be considered to be zero.
(f) Tips
For purposes of subsection (a), the term “wages” includes tips received by an employee in the course of his employment. Such wages
shall be deemed to be paid at the time a written statement including such tips is furnished to the employer pursuant to section 6053 (a)
or (if no statement including such tips is so furnished) at the time received.
(g) Crew leader rules to apply
Rules similar to the rules of section 3121 (o) shall apply for purposes of this chapter.
(h) Differential wage payments to active duty members of the uniformed services
(1) In general
For purposes of subsection (a), any differential wage payment shall be treated as a payment of wages by the employer to the
(2) Differential wage payment
For purposes of paragraph (1), the term “differential wage payment” means any payment which—
(A) is made by an employer to an individual with respect to any period during which the individual is performing
service in the uniformed services (as defined in chapter 43 of title 38, United States Code) while on active duty for a
period of more than 30 days, and
(B) represents all or a portion of the wages the individual would have received from the employer if the individual
were performing service for the employer.

[1] So in original. The comma probably should be a semicolon.

[2] So in original. Probably should be followed by “or”.

Subtitle F - Procedure and Administration

§ 6903 - Notice of fiduciary relationship
(a) Rights and obligations of fiduciary
Upon notice to the Secretary that any person is acting for another person in a fiduciary capacity, such fiduciary shall assume the
powers, rights, duties, and privileges of such other person in respect of a tax imposed by this title (except as otherwise specifically
provided and except that the tax shall be collected from the estate of such other person), until notice is given that the fiduciary capacity
has terminated.
(b) Manner of notice
Notice under this section shall be given in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary.


§ 1739 - State and Territorial nonjudicial records; full faith and credit
All nonjudicial records or books kept in any public office of any State, Territory, or Possession of the United States, or copies thereof,
shall be proved or admitted in any court or office in any other State, Territory, or Possession by the attestation of the custodian of such
records or books, and the seal of his office annexed, if there be a seal, together with a certificate of a judge of a court of record of the
county, parish, or district in which such office may be kept, or of the Governor, or secretary of state, the chancellor or keeper of the
great seal, of the State, Territory, or Possession that the said attestation is in due form and by the proper officers.

If the certificate is given by a judge, it shall be further authenticated by the clerk or prothonotary of the court, who shall certify, under
his hand and the seal of his office, that such judge is duly commissioned and qualified; or, if given by such Governor, secretary,
chancellor, or keeper of the great seal, it shall be under the great seal of the State, Territory, or Possession in which it is made.

Such records or books, or copies thereof, so authenticated, shall have the same full faith and credit in every court and office within the
United States and its Territories and Possessions as they have by law or usage in the courts or offices of the State, Territory, or
Possession from which they are taken.


§ 3002 – Definitions
As used in this chapter:
(1) “Counsel for the United States” means—
(A) a United States attorney, an assistant United States attorney designated to act on behalf of the United States attorney, or
an attorney with the United States Department of Justice or with a Federal agency who has litigation authority; and
(B) any private attorney authorized by contract made in accordance with section 3718 of title 31 to conduct litigation for
collection of debts on behalf of the United States.
(2) “Court” means any court created by the Congress of the United States, excluding the United States Tax Court.
(3) “Debt” means—
(A) an amount that is owing to the United States on account of a direct loan, or loan insured or guaranteed, by the United
States; or

(B) an amount that is owing to the United States on account of a fee, duty, lease, rent, service, sale of real or personal
property, overpayment, fine, assessment, penalty, restitution, damages, interest, tax, bail bond forfeiture, reimbursement,
recovery of a cost incurred by the United States, or other source of indebtedness to the United States, but that is not owing
under the terms of a contract originally entered into by only persons other than the United States;
and includes any amount owing to the United States for the benefit of an Indian tribe or individual Indian, but excludes any
amount to which the United States is entitled under section 3011 (a).
(4) “Debtor” means a person who is liable for a debt or against whom there is a claim for a debt.
(5) “Disposable earnings” means that part of earnings remaining after all deductions required by law have been withheld.
(6) “Earnings” means compensation paid or payable for personal services, whether denominated as wages, salary, commission, bonus,
or otherwise, and includes periodic payments pursuant to a pension or retirement program.
(7) “Garnishee” means a person (other than the debtor) who has, or is reasonably thought to have, possession, custody, or control of
any property in which the debtor has a substantial nonexempt interest, including any obligation due the debtor or to become due the
debtor, and against whom a garnishment under section 3104 or 3205 is issued by a court.
(8) “Judgment” means a judgment, order, or decree entered in favor of the United States in a court and arising from a civil or criminal
proceeding regarding a debt.
(9) “Nonexempt disposable earnings” means 25 percent of disposable earnings, subject to section 303 of the Consumer Credit
Protection Act.
(10) “Person” includes a natural person (including an individual Indian), a corporation, a partnership, an unincorporated association, a
trust, or an estate, or any other public or private entity, including a State or local government or an Indian tribe.
(11) “Prejudgment remedy” means the remedy of attachment, receivership, garnishment, or sequestration authorized by this chapter to
be granted before judgment on the merits of a claim for a debt.
(12) “Property” includes any present or future interest, whether legal or equitable, in real, personal (including choses in action), or
mixed property, tangible or intangible, vested or contingent, wherever located and however held (including community property and
property held in trust (including spendthrift and pension trusts)), but excludes—
(A) property held in trust by the United States for the benefit of an Indian tribe or individual Indian; and
(B) Indian lands subject to restrictions against alienation imposed by the United States.
(13) “Security agreement” means an agreement that creates or provides for a lien.
(14) “State” means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the
Northern Marianas, or any territory or possession of the United States.
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
(16) “United States marshal” means a United States marshal, a deputy marshal, or an official of the United States Marshals Service
designated under section 564.

Code of Federal Regulations

Title 31—Money and Finance: Treasury

Subtitle B - Regulations Relating to Money and Finance
103.11 Meaning of terms.
When used in this part and in forms prescribed under this part, where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible
with the intent thereof, terms shall have the meanings ascribed in this section.
(a) Accept. A receiving financial institution, other than the recipient's financial institution, accepts a transmittal order by executing the
transmittal order. A recipient's financial institution accepts a transmittal order by paying the recipient, by notifying the recipient of the
receipt of the order or by otherwise becoming obligated to carry out the order.
(b) At one time. For purposes of § 103.23 of this part, a person who transports, mails, ships or receives; is about to or attempts to
transport, mail or ship; or causes the transportation, mailing, shipment or receipt of monetary instruments, is deemed to do so “at one
time” if:
(1) That person either alone, in conjunction with or on behalf of others;
(2) Transports, mails, ships or receives in any manner; is about to transport, mail or ship in any manner; or causes the
transportation, mailing, shipment or receipt in any manner of;
(3) Monetary instruments;
(4) Into the United States or out of the United States;
(5) Totaling more than $10,000;
(6) (i) On one calendar day or (ii) if for the purpose of evading the reporting requirements of § 103.23, on one or more days.
(c) Bank. Each agent, agency, branch or office within the United States of any person doing business in one or more of the capacities
listed below:
(1) A commercial bank or trust company organized under the laws of any State or of the United States;
(2) A private bank;
(3) A savings and loan association or a building and loan association organized under the laws of any State or of the United
(4) An insured institution as defined in section 401 of the National Housing Act;
(5) A savings bank, industrial bank or other thrift institution;
(6) A credit union organized under the law of any State or of the United States;
(7) Any other organization (except a money services business) chartered under the banking laws of any state and subject to
the supervision of the bank supervisory authorities of a State;
(8) A bank organized under foreign law;
(9) Any national banking association or corporation acting under the provisions of section 25(a) of the Act of Dec. 23, 1913,
as added by the Act of Dec. 24, 1919, ch. 18, 41 Stat. 378, as amended (12 U.S.C. 611-32 ).
(d) Beneficiary. The person to be paid by the beneficiary's bank.
(e) Beneficiary's bank. The bank or foreign bank identified in a payment order in which an account of the beneficiary is to be
credited pursuant to the order or which otherwise is to make payment to the beneficiary if the order does not provide for payment to an
(f) Broker or dealer in securities. A broker or dealer in securities, registered or required to be registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, except persons who register pursuant to section 15(b)(11) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
(g) Common carrier. Any person engaged in the business of transporting individuals or goods for a fee who holds himself out as
ready to engage in such transportation for hire and who undertakes to do so indiscriminately for all persons who are prepared to pay
the fee for the particular service offered.
(h) Currency. The coin and paper money of the United States or of any other country that is designated as legal tender and that
circulates and is customarily used and accepted as a medium of exchange in the country of issuance. Currency includes U.S. silver
certificates, U.S. notes and Federal Reserve notes. Currency also includes official foreign bank notes that are customarily used and
accepted as a medium of exchange in a foreign country.
(i) [Reserved]
(j) Deposit account. Deposit accounts include transaction accounts described in paragraph (hh) of this section, savings accounts, and
other time deposits.
(k) Domestic. When used herein, refers to the doing of business within the United States, and limits the applicability of the provision
where it appears to the performance by such institutions or agencies of functions within the United States.

(l) Established customer. A person with an account with the financial institution, including a loan account or deposit or other asset
account, or a person with respect to which the financial institution has obtained and maintains on file the person's name and address,
as well as taxpayer identification number (e.g., social security or employer identification number) or, if none, alien identification
number or passport number and country of issuance, and to which the financial institution provides financial services relying on that
(m) Execution date. The day on which the receiving financial institution may properly issue a transmittal order in execution of the
sender's order. The execution date may be determined by instruction of the sender but cannot be earlier than the day the order is
received, and, unless otherwise determined, is the day the order is received. If the sender's instruction states a payment date, the
execution date is the payment date or an earlier date on which execution is reasonably necessary to allow payment to the recipient on
the payment date.
(n) Financial institution. Each agent, agency, branch, or office within the United States of any person doing business, whether or not
on a regular basis or as an organized business concern, in one or more of the capacities listed below:
(1) A bank (except bank credit card systems);
(2) A broker or dealer in securities;
(3) A money services business as defined in paragraph (uu) of this section;
(4) A telegraph company;
(5) (i) Casino. A casino or gambling casino that: Is duly licensed or authorized to do
business as such in the United States, whether under the laws of a State or of a Territory or Insular Possession of the
United States, or under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act or other federal, state, or tribal law or arrangement
affecting Indian lands (including, without limitation, a casino operating on the assumption or under the view that no
such authorization is required for casino operation on Indian lands); and has gross annual gaming revenue in excess
of $1 million. The term includes the principal headquarters and every domestic branch or place of business of the
(ii) For purposes of this paragraph (n)(5), “gross annual gaming revenue” means the gross gaming revenue received
by a casino, during either the previous business year or the current business year of the casino. A casino or gambling
casino which is a casino for purposes of this part solely because its gross annual gaming revenue exceeds
$1,000,000 during its current business year, shall not be considered a casino for purposes of this part prior to the
time in its current business year that its gross annual gaming revenue exceeds $1,000,000.
(iii) Any reference in this part, other than in this paragraph (n)(5) and in paragraph (n)(6) of this section, to a casino
shall also include a reference to a card club, unless the provision in question contains specific language varying its
application to card clubs or excluding card clubs from its application;
(6) (i) Card club. A card club, gaming club, card room, gaming room, or similar gaming
establishment that is duly licensed or authorized to do business as such in the United States, whether under the laws
of a State, of a Territory or Insular Possession of the United States, or of a political subdivision of any of the
foregoing, or under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act or other federal, state, or tribal law or arrangement affecting
Indian lands (including, without limitation, an establishment operating on the assumption or under the view that no
such authorization is required for operation on Indian lands for an establishment of such type), and that has gross
annual gaming revenue in excess of $1,000,000. The term includes the principal headquarters and every domestic
branch or place of business of the establishment. The term “casino,” as used in this Part shall include a reference to
“card club” to the extent provided in paragraph (n)(5)(iii) of this section.
(ii) For purposes of this paragraph (n)(6), gross annual gaming revenue means the gross revenue derived from or
generated by customer gaming activity (whether in the form of per-game or per-table fees, however computed,
rentals, or otherwise) and received by an establishment, during either the establishment's previous business year or
its current business year. A card club that is a financial institution for purposes of this Part solely because its gross
annual revenue exceeds $1,000,000 during its current business year, shall not be considered a financial institution
for purposes of this Part prior to the time in its current business year when its gross annual revenue exceeds
(7) A person subject to supervision by any state or federal bank supervisory authority.
(8) A futures commission merchant;
(9) An introducing broker in commodities;
(10) A mutual fund.

(o) Foreign bank. A bank organized under foreign law, or an agency, branch or office located outside the United States of a bank.
The term does not include an agent, agency, branch or office within the United States of a bank organized under foreign law.
(p) Foreign financial agency. A person acting outside the United States for a person (except for a country, a monetary or financial
authority acting as a monetary or financial authority, or an international financial institution of which the United States Government is
a member) as a financial institution, bailee, depository trustee, or agent, or acting in a similar way related to money, credit, securities,
gold, or a transaction in money, credit, securities, or gold.
(q) Funds transfer. The series of transactions, beginning with the originator's payment order, made for the purpose of making
payment to the beneficiary of the order. The term includes any payment order issued by the originator's bank or an intermediary bank
intended to carry out the originator's payment order. A funds transfer is completed by acceptance by the beneficiary's bank of a
payment order for the benefit of the beneficiary of the originator's payment order. Funds transfers governed by the Electronic Fund
Transfer Act of 1978 (Title XX, Pub. L. 95-630, 92 Stat. 3728, 15 U.S.C. 1693, et seq. ), as well as any other funds transfers that are
made through an automated clearinghouse, an automated teller machine, or a point-of-sale system, are excluded from this definition.
(r) Intermediary bank. A receiving bank other than the originator's bank or the beneficiary's bank.
(s) Intermediary financial institution. A receiving financial institution, other than the transmittor's financial institution or the
recipient's financial institution. The term intermediary financial institution includes an intermediary bank.
(t) Investment security. An instrument which:
(1) Is issued in bearer or registered form;
(2) Is of a type commonly dealt in upon securities exchanges or markets or commonly recognized in any area in which it is
issued or dealt in as a medium for investment;
(3) Is either one of a class or series or by its terms is divisible into a class or series of instruments; and
(4) Evidences a share, participation or other interest in property or in an enterprise or evidences an obligation of the issuer.
(u) Monetary instruments.
(1) Monetary instruments include:
(i) Currency;
(ii) Traveler's checks in any form;
(iii) All negotiable instruments (including personal checks, business checks, official bank checks, cashier's checks,
third-party checks, promissory notes (as that term is defined in the Uniform Commercial Code), and money orders)
that are either in bearer form, endorsed without restriction, made out to a fictitious payee (for the purposes of §
103.23 ), or otherwise in such form that title thereto passes upon delivery;
(iv) Incomplete instruments (including personal checks, business checks, official bank checks, cashier's checks,
third-party checks, promissory notes (as that term is defined in the Uniform Commercial Code), and money orders)
signed but with the payee's name omitted; and
(v) Securities or stock in bearer form or otherwise in such form that title thereto passes upon delivery.
(2) Monetary instruments do not include warehouse receipts or bills of lading.
(v) Originator. The sender of the first payment order in a funds transfer.
(w) Originator's bank. The receiving bank to which the payment order of the originator is issued if the originator is not a bank or
foreign bank, or the originator if the originator is a bank or foreign bank.
(x) Payment date. The day on which the amount of the transmittal order is payable to the recipient by the recipient's financial
institution. The payment date may be determined by instruction of the sender, but cannot be earlier than the day the order is received
by the recipient's financial institution and, unless otherwise prescribed by instruction, is the date the order is received by the recipient's
financial institution.
(y) Payment order. An instruction of a sender to a receiving bank, transmitted orally, electronically, or in writing, to pay, or to cause
another bank or foreign bank to pay, a fixed or determinable amount of money to a beneficiary if:
(1) The instruction does not state a condition to payment to the beneficiary other than time of payment;
(2) The receiving bank is to be reimbursed by debiting an account of, or otherwise receiving payment from, the sender; and
(3) The instruction is transmitted by the sender directly to the receiving bank or to an agent, funds transfer system, or
communication system for transmittal to the receiving bank.

(z) Person. An individual, a corporation, a partnership, a trust or estate, a joint stock company, an association, a syndicate, joint
venture, or other unincorporated organization or group, an Indian Tribe (as that term is defined in the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act),
and all entities cognizable as legal personalities.
(aa) Receiving bank. The bank or foreign bank to which the sender's instruction is addressed.
(bb) Receiving financial institution. The financial institution or foreign financial agency to which the sender's instruction is
addressed. The term receiving financial institution includes a receiving bank.
(cc) Recipient. The person to be paid by the recipient's financial institution. The term recipient includes a beneficiary, except where
the recipient's financial institution is a financial institution other than a bank.
(dd) Recipient's financial institution. The financial institution or foreign financial agency identified in a transmittal order in which
an account of the recipient is to be credited pursuant to the transmittal order or which otherwise is to make payment to the recipient if
the order does not provide for payment to an account. The term recipient's financial institution includes a beneficiary's bank, except
where the beneficiary is a recipient's financial institution.
(ee) Secretary. The Secretary of the Treasury or any person duly authorized by the Secretary to perform the function mentioned.
(ff) Sender. The person giving the instruction to the receiving financial institution.
(gg) Structure (structuring). For purposes of section 103.53, a person structures a transaction if that person, acting alone, or in
conjunction with, or on behalf of, other persons, conducts or attempts to conduct one or more transactions in currency, in any amount,
at one or more financial institutions, on one or more days, in any manner, for the purpose of evading the reporting requirements under
section 103.22 of this part. “In any manner” includes, but is not limited to, the breaking down of a single sum of currency exceeding
$10,000 into smaller sums, including sums at or below $10,000, or the conduct of a transaction, or series of currency transactions,
including transactions at or below $10,000. The transaction or transactions need not exceed the $10,000 reporting threshold at any
single financial institution on any single day in order to constitute structuring within the meaning of this definition.
(hh) Transaction account. Transaction accounts include those accounts described in 12 U.S.C. 461(b)(1)(C), money market accounts
and similar accounts that take deposits and are subject to withdrawal by check or other negotiable order.
(ii) Transaction.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (ii)(2) of this section, transaction means a purchase, sale, loan, pledge, gift, transfer,
delivery, or other disposition, and with respect to a financial institution includes a deposit, withdrawal, transfer between
accounts, exchange of currency, loan, extension of credit, purchase or sale of any stock, bond, certificate of deposit, or other
monetary instrument, security, contract of sale of a commodity for future delivery, option on any contract of sale of a
commodity for future delivery, option on a commodity, purchase or redemption of any money order, payment or order for
any money remittance or transfer, purchase or redemption of casino chips or tokens, or other gaming instruments or any other
payment, transfer, or delivery by, through, or to a financial institution, by whatever means effected.
(2) For purposes of § 103.22, and other provisions of this part relating solely to the report required by that section, the term
“transaction in currency” shall mean a transaction involving the physical transfer of currency from one person to another. A
transaction which is a transfer of funds by means of bank check, bank draft, wire transfer, or other written order, and which
does not include the physical transfer of currency, is not a transaction in currency for this purpose.
(jj) Transmittal of funds. A series of transactions beginning with the transmittor's transmittal order, made for the purpose of making
payment to the recipient of the order. The term includes any transmittal order issued by the transmittor's financial institution or an
intermediary financial institution intended to carry out the transmittor's transmittal order. The term transmittal of funds includes a
funds transfer. A transmittal of funds is completed by acceptance by the recipient's financial institution of a transmittal order for the
benefit of the recipient of the transmittor's transmittal order. Funds transfers governed by the Electronic Fund Transfer Act of 1978
(Title XX, Pub. L. 95-630, 92 Stat. 3728, 15 U.S.C. 1693, et seq. ), as well as any other funds transfers that are made through an
automated clearinghouse, an automated teller machine, or a point-of-sale system, are excluded from this definition.
(kk) Transmittal order. The term transmittal order includes a payment order and is an instruction of a sender to a receiving financial
institution, transmitted orally, electronically, or in writing, to pay, or cause another financial institution or foreign financial agency to
pay, a fixed or determinable amount of money to a recipient if:
(1) The instruction does not state a condition to payment to the recipient other than time of payment;
(2) The receiving financial institution is to be reimbursed by debiting an account of, or otherwise receiving payment from, the sender;
(3) The instruction is transmitted by the sender directly to the receiving financial institution or to an agent or communication system
for transmittal to the receiving financial institution.
(ll) Transmittor. The sender of the first transmittal order in a transmittal of funds. The term transmittor includes an originator, except
where the transmittor's financial institution is a financial institution or foreign financial agency other than a bank or foreign bank.

(mm) Transmittor's financial institution. The receiving financial institution to which the transmittal order of the transmittor is
issued if the transmittor is not a financial institution or foreign financial agency, or the transmittor if the transmittor is a financial
institution or foreign financial agency. The term transmittor's financial institution includes an originator's bank, except where the
originator is a transmittor's financial institution other than a bank or foreign bank.
(nn) United States. The States of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Indian lands (as that term is defined in the Indian
Gaming Regulatory Act), and the Territories and Insular Possessions of the United States.
(oo) Business day. Business day, as used in this part with respect to banks, means that day, as normally communicated to its
depository customers, on which a bank routinely posts a particular transaction to its customer's account.
(pp) Postal Service. The United States Postal Service.
(qq) FinCEN. FinCEN means the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, an office within the Office of the Under Secretary
(Enforcement) of the Department of the Treasury.
(rr) Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988, codified at 25 U.S.C. 2701-272 1 and 18 U.S.C.
(ss) State. The States of the United States and, wherever necessary to carry out the provisions of this part, the District of Columbia.
(tt) Territories and Insular Possessions. The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and all other territories and possessions of the United States other than the Indian
lands and the District of Columbia.
(uu) Money services business. Each agent, agency, branch, or office within the United States of any person doing business, whether
or not on a regular basis or as an organized business concern, in one or more of the capacities listed in paragraphs (uu)(1) through (uu)
(6) of this section. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the term “money services business” shall not include a bank, nor shall it
include a person registered with, and regulated or examined by, the Securities and Exchange Commission or the Commodity Futures
Trading Commission.
(1) Currency dealer or exchanger. A currency dealer or exchanger (other than a person who does not exchange currency in
an amount greater than $1,000 in currency or monetary or other instruments for any person on any day in one or more
(2) Check casher. A person engaged in the business of a check casher (other than a person who does not cash checks in an
amount greater than $1,000 in currency or monetary or other instruments for any person on any day in one or more
(3) Issuer of traveler's checks, money orders, or stored value. An issuer of traveler's checks, money orders, or, stored
value (other than a person who does not issue such checks or money orders or stored value in an amount greater than $1,000
in currency or monetary or other instruments to any person on any day in one or more transactions).
(4) Seller or redeemer of traveler's checks, money orders, or stored value. A seller or redeemer of traveler's checks,
money orders, or stored value (other than a person who does not sell such checks or money orders or stored value in an
amount greater than $1,000 in currency or monetary or other instruments to or redeem such instruments for an amount greater
than $1,000 in currency or monetary or other instruments from, any person on any day in one or more transactions).
(5) Money transmitter—
(i) In general. Money transmitter:
(A) Any person, whether or not licensed or required to be licensed, who engages as a business in accepting
currency, or funds denominated in currency, and transmits the currency or funds, or the value of the
currency or funds, by any means through a financial agency or institution, a Federal Reserve Bank or other
facility of one or more Federal Reserve Banks, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, or
both, or an electronic funds transfer network; or
(B) Any other person engaged as a business in the transfer of funds.
(ii) Facts and circumstances; Limitation. Whether a person “engages as a business” in the activities described in
paragraph (uu)(5)(i) of this section is a matter of facts and circumstances. Generally, the acceptance and
transmission of funds as an integral part of the execution and settlement of a transaction other than the funds
transmission itself (for example, in connection with a bona fide sale of securities or other property), will not cause a
person to be a money transmitter within the meaning of paragraph (uu)(5)(i) of this section.
(6) United States Postal Service. The United States Postal Service, except with respect to the sale of postage or philatelic

(vv) Stored value. Funds or monetary value represented in digital electronics format (whether or not specially encrypted) and stored
or capable of storage on electronic media in such a way as to be retrievable and transferable electronically.
(ww) Security. Security means any instrument or interest described in section 3(a)(10) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15
U.S.C. 78c(a)(10).
(xx) Commodity. Any good, article, service, right, or interest described in section 1a(4) of the Commodity Exchange Act (“CEA”), 7
U.S.C. 1a(4).
(yy) Contract of sale. Any sale, agreement of sale, or agreement to sell as described in section 1a(7) of the CEA, 7 U.S.C. 1a(7).
(zz) Futures commission merchant. Any person registered or required to be registered as a futures commission merchant with the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) under the CEA, except persons who register pursuant to section 4f(a)(2) of the
CEA, 7 U.S.C. 6f(a)(2).
(aaa) Introducing broker-commodities. Any person registered or required to be registered as an introducing broker with the CFTC
under the CEA, except persons who register pursuant to section 4f(a)(2) of the CEA, 7 U.S.C. 6f(a)(2).
(bbb) Option on a commodity. Any agreement, contract, or transaction described in section 1a(26) of the CEA, 7 U.S.C. 1a(26).
(ccc) Mutual fund means an “investment company” (as the term is defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act (15 U.S.C.
80a-3 )) that is an “open-end company” (as that term is defined in section 5 of the Investment Company Act (15 U.S.C. 80a-5 ))
registered or required to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission under section 8 of the Investment Company Act (15
U.S.C. 80a-8 ).

Chapter II, Subchapter B -

Subpart A - General Information
§ 306.0 Applicability of regulations.
These regulations apply to all U.S. transferable and nontransferable securities, 1 other than U.S. Savings Bonds and U.S. Savings
Notes, to the extent specified in these regulations, the offering circulars or special regulations governing such securities.
§ 306.1 Official agencies.
The Bureau of the Public Debt of the Department of the Treasury is charged with matters relating to transactions in securities.
Correspondence concerning transactions in securities and requests for appropriate forms may be addressed to the Division of
Customer Service, Parkersburg, WV 26102.
§ 306.2 Definitions of words and terms as used in these regulations.
(a) Advance refunding offer is an offer to a holder of a security, usually a year or more in advance of its call or maturity date, to
exchange it for another security.
(b) A bearer security is payable on its face at maturity or call for redemption before maturity in accordance with its terms to bearer.
The ownership is not recorded. Title to such a security may pass by delivery without endorsement and without notice. A coupon
security is a bearer security with interest coupons attached.
(c) Bureau refers to the Bureau of the Public Debt, Division of Customer Service, Parkersburg, WV 26102.
(d) Call date or date of call is the date fixed in the official notice of call published in the Federal Register as the date on which the
obligor will make payment of the security before maturity in accordance with its terms.
(e) Court means one which has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter.
(f) Department refers to the Department of the Treasury.
(g) Depository institution means an entity described in section 19(b)(1)(A)(i) -(vi) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 461(b)(1)(A)
(i) —(vi)). Under section 19(b) of the Federal Reserve Act, the term depository institution includes:
(1) Any insured bank as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1813 or any bank which is eligible to make application to become an insured bank under
12 U.S.C. 1815 ;
(2) Any mutual savings bank as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1813 or any bank which is eligible to make application to become an insured
bank under 12 U.S.C. 1815 ;

(3) Any savings bank as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1813 or any bank which is eligible to make application to become an insured bank under
12 U.S.C. 1815 ;
(4) Any insured credit union as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1752 or any credit union which is eligible to make application to become an
insured credit union under 12 U.S.C. 1781 ;
(5) Any member as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1422; and
(6) Any savings association (as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1813) which is an insured depository institution, as defined in the Federal
Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. 1811 et seq., or is eligible to apply to become an insured depository institution under such Act.
(h) Face maturity date is the payment date specified in the text of a security.
(i) Incompetent refers to a person under any legal disability except minority.
(j) Joint owner and joint ownership refer to any permitted form of ownership by two or more persons.
(k) Nontransferable securities are those issued only in registered form which according to their terms are payable only to the
registered owners or recognized successors in title to the extent and in the manner provided in the offering circulars or special
applicable regulations.
(l) Payment and redemption, unless otherwise indicated by the context, are used interchangeably for payment at maturity or payment
before maturity pursuant to a call for redemption in accordance with the terms of the securities.
(m) Prerefunding offer is an offer to a holder of a security, usually within the year preceding its call or maturity date, to exchange it
for another security.
(n) Redemption-exchange is any authorized redemption of securities for the purpose of applying the proceeds in payment for other
securities offered in exchange.
(o) A registered security refers to a security the ownership of which is registered on the books of the Department. It is payable at
maturity or call for redemption before maturity in accordance with its terms to the person in whose name it is inscribed, or his
(p) Securities assigned in blank or securities so assigned as to become in effect payable to bearer refers to registered securities
which are assigned by the owner or his authorized representative without designating the assignee. Registered securities assigned
simply to The Secretary of the Treasury or in the case of Treasury Bonds, Investment Series B—1975-80, to The Secretary of the
Treasury for exchange for the current Series EA or EO Treasury notes are considered to be so assigned as to become in effect payable
to bearer.
(q) Signature guarantee program means a signature guarantee program established in response to Rule 17 Ad-15 ( 17 CFR
240.17Ad-15 ), issued under authority of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. For the purpose of the regulations, in this part, the
Securities Transfer Agents Medallion Program (STAMP), the Stock Exchanges Medallion Program (SEMP), and the New York Stock
Exchange, Inc. Medallion Signature Program (MSP) are recognized by Treasury as such signature guarantee programs.
(r) Taxpayer identifying number means the appropriate identifying number as required on tax returns and other documents submitted
to the Internal Revenue Service, i.e., an individual's social security account number or an employer identification number. A social
security account number is composed of nine digits separated by two hyphens, for example, 123-45-6789; an employer identification
number is composed of nine digits separated by one hyphen, for example, 12-3456789. The hyphens are an essential part of the
numbers and must be included.
(s) Transferable securities, which may be in either registered or bearer form, refers to securities which may be sold on the market and
transfer of title accomplished by assignment and delivery if in registered form, or by delivery only if in bearer form.
(t) Treasury securities, Treasury bonds, Treasury notes, Treasury certificates of indebtedness, and Treasury bills, or simply
securities, bonds, notes, certificates, and bills, unless otherwise indicated by the context, refer only to transferable securities.
(u) Voluntary representative means the person qualified by the Department of the Treasury to request payment or make an assignment
of a decedent's securities pursuant to § 306.65.
§ 306.3 Transportation charges and risks in the shipment of securities.
The following guidelines apply to the transportation of reissued securities or securities presented for authorized transactions:
(a) The securities may be presented in person by the owner or the owner's agent.
(b) If securities are not presented in person, shipment of the securities is at the owner's risk and expense.
(c) Reissued securities will be delivered by certified mail or by other means, at the risk of the registered owner and at the expense of
the Department.

Subpart A - General Information
§ 357.0 Book-entry systems.
(a) Treasury securities. Treasury securities are maintained in one of the following book-entry systems:
(1) Commercial book-entry system. The commercial book-entry system is the book-entry system in which Treasury securities are held
in a tiered system through securities intermediaries such as financial institutions or brokerage firms. A Treasury security is maintained
in the commercial book-entry system if it is credited by a Federal Reserve Bank to a Participant's Securities Account. The regulations
governing the commercial book-entry system are found at subpart B of this part, and are referred to as Treasury/Reserve Automated
Debt Entry System (TRADES).
(2) Legacy Treasury Direct ®. The Legacy Treasury Direct system is a non-Internet-based book-entry system maintained by Treasury
for purchasing and holding marketable Treasury securities as book-entry products. A Treasury security is maintained in Legacy
Treasury Direct if it is credited to a Legacy Treasury Direct account as described in § 357.20 of this part. Treasury securities are held
directly by the Department of the Treasury in accounts maintained in the investor's name. A Legacy Treasury Direct account may be
accessed through a designated Federal Reserve Bank or the Bureau of the Public Debt. See subpart C of this part for rules pertaining to
Legacy Treasury Direct.
(3) TreasuryDirect ®. TreasuryDirect is a book-entry, online system maintained by the Department of the Treasury for purchasing and
holding eligible marketable Treasury securities, United States Savings Bonds, and certificates of indebtedness in electronic form as a
computer record on the books of Treasury. The regulations governing TreasuryDirect are found at 31 CFR part 363.
(b) Transferability between Legacy Treasury Direct and other systems. A Treasury security maintained in Legacy Treasury Direct may
be transferred to an account in TRADES or to an account in TreasuryDirect in accordance with § 357.22(a). Securities may not be
transferred to Legacy Treasury Direct from other systems.
§ 357.1 Effective date.
Subpart B of this part, the definitions of Adverse Claim, Book-entry Security, Entitlement Holder, Federal Reserve Bank Operating
Circular, Funds Account, Issue, Participant, Participant's Securities Account, Person, Revised Article 8, Securities Intermediary,
Security Entitlement, State, and Transfer Message and revisions to the definitions of Security and TRADES, and §§ 357.42 and 357.44
and the revisions to § 357.41 are effective January 1, 1997. All other provisions in effect prior to January 1, 1997, remain in effect.
§ 357.2 Definitions.
In this part, unless the context indicates otherwise:
Adverse claim means a claim that a claimant has a property interest in a Security and that it is a violation of the rights of the claimant
for another Person to hold, transfer, or deal with the Security.
Bill means an obligation of the United States, with a term of not more than one year, issued at a discount, under chapter 31 of title 31
of the United States Code, in book-entry form.
Bond means an obligation of the United States, with a term of more than ten years, issued under chapter 31 of title 31 of the United
States Code, in book-entry form.
Book-entry security means a Treasury security maintained as a computer record in the commercial book-entry system, Legacy
Treasury Direct ®, or TreasuryDirect ®.
Business day means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or other day on which the Federal Reserve Banks are not open for
Department means the United States Department of the Treasury, and, where appropriate, the Federal Reserve Banks acting as fiscal
agents of the United States.
Depository institution means an entity described in section 19(b)(1)(A)(i) -(vi) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 461(b)(1)(A)(i)
-(vi). Under section 19(b) of the Federal Reserve Act, the term depository institution includes:
(1) Any insured bank as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1813 or any bank which is eligible to make application to become an insured bank under
12 U.S.C. 1815 ;
(2) Any mutual savings bank as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1813 or any bank which is eligible to make application to become an insured
bank under 12 U.S.C. 1815 ;

(3) Any savings bank as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1813 or any bank which is eligible to make application to become an insured bank under
12 U.S.C. 1815 ;
(4) Any insured credit union as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1752 or any credit union which is eligible to make application to become an
insured credit union under 12 U.S.C. 1781 ;
(5) Any member as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1422; and
(6) Any savings association (as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1813) which is an insured depository institution, as defined in the Federal
Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. 1811, et seq., or is eligible to apply to become an insured depository institution under such Act.
Entitlement holder means a Person to whose account an interest in a Book-entry Security is credited on the records of a Securities
Federal Reserve Bank or Reserve Bank means a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch.
Federal Reserve Bank Operating Circular means the publication issued by each Federal Reserve Bank that sets forth the terms and
conditions under which the Reserve Bank maintains Book-entry Securities accounts and transfers Book-entry Securities.
Financial institution means, for purposes of direct deposit, an institution which has agreed to receive credit payments under 31 CFR
part 210, as amended from time to time, and has not withdrawn its participation in a direct deposit program under part 210, or an
institution which is willing to agree to receive credit payments under 31 CFR part 210 and has enrolled with its Federal Reserve Bank.
Funds account means a reserve and/or clearing account at a Federal Reserve Bank to which debits or credits are posted for transfers
against payment, book-entry securities transaction fees, or principal and interest payments.
Incompetent means an individual who is legally, medically or mentally incapable of handling his or her business affairs, except that a
minor is not an incompetent solely because of age.
Issue means a group of securities, as defined in this section, that is identified by the same CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities
Identification Practices) number.
Legacy Treasury Direct is the Legacy Treasury Direct Book-Entry Securities System.
Maturity value is the amount that the Department is obligated to pay when a security matures.
Minor means an individual who is under the age of majority, as determined by applicable state law.
Note means an obligation of the United States, with a term of at least one year, but of not more than ten years, issued under chapter 31
of title 31 of the United States Code, in book-entry form.
Original issue means Treasury's offering of a marketable Treasury security to the public and its issuance in book-entry form.
Owner, as used in subpart C, means the individual(s) or entity in whose name a security is registered. If a security is registered in more
than one name, the term owner incudes all those whose names appear on the registration and are authorized by this part to make a
transaction request on a security held in Legacy Treasury Direct.
Participant means a Person that maintains a Participant's Securities Account with a Federal Reserve Bank.
Participant's Securities Account means an account in the name of a Participant at a Federal Reserve Bank to which Book-entry
Securities held for a Participant are or may be credited.
Person means and includes an individual, corporation, company, governmental entity, association, firm, partnership, trust, estate,
representative and any other similar organization, but does not mean or include the United States or a Federal Reserve Bank.
Redemption means payment of a security at maturity, or pursuant to a call for redumption in accordance with the terms of a security.
Representative includes an executor, administrator, legal guardian, committee, conservator, and any similar person or entity appointed
by a court to represent the estate of a decedent, minor, or incompetent, as well as a trustee, whether appointed by a court or otherwise.
Revised Article 8 means Uniform Commercial Code, Revised Article 8, Investment Securities (with Conforming and Miscellaneous
Amendments to Articles 1, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10) 1994 Official Text. The Director of the Federal Register approves the incorporation by
reference of Revised Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code in this part, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Revised
Article 8 was adopted by the American Law Institute and the National Conference of Commissioners On Uniform State Laws and
approved by the American Bar Association on February 14, 1995. Copies of Revised Article 8 are available from the Executive Office
of the American Law Institute, 4025 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, and the National Conference of Commissioners on
Uniform State Laws, 211 East Ontario Street, Suite 1300, Chicago, IL 60611. Copies are also available for public inspection at the
Department of the Treasury Library, Room 1428, Main Treasury Building, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20220
or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call
202-741-6030, or go to:

Revised Article 9 means Uniform Commercial Code, Revised Article 9, Secured Transactions (with conforming amendments to
Articles 1, 2, 2A, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8), 1999 official text. The Director of the Federal Register approves the incorporation by reference of
Revised Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code in this part, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Revised Article 9 was
approved by the American Law Institute and the National Conference of Commissioners On Uniform State Laws in 1998. Copies of
Revised Article 9 are available from the Executive Office of the American Law Institute, 4025 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
19104, and the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, 211 East Ontario Street, Suite 1300, Chicago, IL
60611. Copies are also available for public inspection at the Department of the Treasury Library, Room 1428, Main Treasury
Building, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20220,or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to:
Securities Intermediary means:
(1) A Person that is registered as a “clearing agency” under the federal securities laws; a Federal Reserve Bank; any other person that
provides clearance or settlement services with respect to a Book-entry Security that would require it to register as a clearing agency
under the federal securities laws but for an exclusion or exemption from the registration requirement, if its activities as a clearing
corporation, including promulgation of rules, are subject to regulation by a federal or state governmental authority; or
(2) A Person (other than an individual, unless such individual is registered as a broker or dealer under the federal securities laws)
including a bank or broker, that in the ordinary course of its business maintains securities accounts for others and is acting in that
Security means a bill, note, or bond, each as defined in this section. It also means any other obligation issued by the Department that,
by the terms of the applicable offering circular or announcement, is made subject to this part. Solely for purposes of this part, it also
(1) The interest and principal components of a security eligible for Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
(“STRIPS”), if such security has been divided into such components as authorized by the express terms of the offering circular under
which the security was issued and the components are maintained separately on the books of one or more Federal Reserve Banks; and
(2) The interest coupons that have been converted to book-entry form under the Treasury's Coupons Under Book-Entry Safekeeping
Program (“CUBES”), pursuant to agreement and the regulations in 31 CFR part 358.
Security Entitlement means the rights and property interest of an Entitlement Holder with respect to a Book-entry Security.
Signature guarantee program means a signature guarantee program established in response to Rule 17 Ad-15 ( 17 CFR 240.17Ad-
15 ), issued under authority of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. For the purpose of the regulations in this part, the Securities
Transfer Agents Medallion Program (STAMP), the Stock Exchanges Medallion Program (SEMP), and the New York Stock
Exchange, Inc. Medallion Signature Program (MSP) are recognized by Treasury as such signature guarantee programs.
State means any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or any other territory or
possession of the United States.
Taxpayer identifying number or TIN means a social security account number or an employer identification number, as appropriate.
TRADES is the Treasury/Reserve Automated Debt Entry System, also referred to as the commercial book-entry system.
Transaction request means a request to effect a change in an account master record or securities portfolio maintained in Legacy
Treasury Direct.
Transaction request form means a form or series of forms prescribed for use by the Department to request a transaction in Legacy
Treasury Direct. (This term includes a document that the Department has determined contains all of the elements required by the
transaction request form.)
Transfer Message means an instruction of a Participant to a Federal Reserve Bank to effect a transfer of a Book-entry Security
maintained in TRADES, as set forth in Federal Reserve Bank Operating Circulars.
Voluntary representative means the person qualified by the Department of the Treasury to accept payment or direct distribution of a
decedent's securities pursuant to § 357.28.


Subpart A - General
§ 363.0 What is the TreasuryDirect ® system?

The TreasuryDirect system (TreasuryDirect) is an online account system in which you may hold and conduct transactions in eligible
book-entry Treasury securities.
§ 363.1 What Treasury securities are covered by these regulations?
The regulations in this part apply to book-entry Treasury securities held in the TreasuryDirect ® system.
§ 363.2 What agency administers TreasuryDirect ®?
The Bureau of the Public Debt (Public Debt), Department of the Treasury (Treasury) is responsible for administering TreasuryDirect.
Public Debt may delegate authority to process certain transactions in TreasuryDirect to Federal Reserve Banks and Branches as fiscal
agents of the United States.
§ 363.4 How is TreasuryDirect® different from the Legacy Treasury Direct® system and the commercial book-entry system?
(a) TreasuryDirect. TreasuryDirect is a book-entry, online system maintained by Treasury for purchasing, holding and conducting
permitted transactions in eligible Treasury securities in electronic form as a computer record on the books of Treasury. TreasuryDirect
currently provides for the purchase and holding of eligible book-entry savings bonds, zero-percent certificates of indebtedness, and
eligible marketable Treasury securities.
(b) Legacy Treasury Direct. The Legacy Treasury Direct system is a non-Internet-based book-entry system maintained by Treasury for
holding and conducting permitted transactions in eligible marketable Treasury securities as book-entry products. The terms and
conditions for the Legacy Treasury Direct system are found at 31 CFR part 357, subpart C.
(c) Commercial book-entry system. The commercial book-entry system is the book-entry system in which Treasury securities are held
in a tiered system through securities intermediaries such as financial institutions or brokerage firms. The regulations governing the
commercial book-entry system are found at 31 CFR part 357, subpart B, and may be referred to in that part as Treasury/Reserve
Automated Debt Entry System (TRADES).
§ 363.5 How do I contact Public Debt?
(a) You may use the “Contact Us” feature within TreasuryDirect ® to communicate information to us over a secure Internet
(b) Emails may be sent to: We will reply by e-mail unless you request otherwise. We are not
responsible for the security of e-mail messages you may send to us, or replies we may send to you.
(c) Letters should be addressed to the address provided on our web site at
§ 363.6 What special terms do I need to know to understand this part?
Account means a TreasuryDirect ® account as described in § 363.10.
Authentication means confirming that the person accessing a TreasuryDirect account is the same person whose identity was initially
verified at account establishment.
Automated Clearing House (ACH) means a funds transfer system governed by the Rules of the National Automated Clearing House
Association (NACHA). NACHA provides for the interbank clearing of electronic entries for participating financial institutions.
Beneficiary refers to the second individual named in the registration of a definitive savings bond, a converted definitive savings bond,
or a book-entry security purchased through the TreasuryDirect system, registered, e.g., “John Doe SSN 123-45-6789 POD (payable on
death to) Joseph Doe SSN 987-65-4321.
Book-entry security means a Treasury security maintained by us in electronic or paperless form as a computer record.
Business day means any day that funds may be settled through ACH.
Closed book period means a period of four business days prior to the date a scheduled marketable security interest and/or maturity
payment is made, during which time certain transactions will be delayed until after the closed book period is completed. (See §
Commercial book-entry system refers to the book-entry system in which you hold your Treasury securities in a tiered system through
securities intermediaries such as financial institutions or brokerage firms. (See § 363.4.)
Court means a court of law with jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter.
Conversion account means a linked account in TreasuryDirect that contains only savings bonds that have been converted from
definitive bonds to book-entry bonds.
Converted savings bond means a savings bond originally issued as a definitive bond that has been surrendered to us and converted to
a book-entry savings bond to be maintained by Treasury solely as a computer record.
Converting coowner is the coowner who initiates and completes the transaction to convert a definitive savings bond to a book-entry
bond through his or her TreasuryDirect account.
Coowner means either of the persons named in the registration of a definitive or a converted definitive savings bond, registered, e.g.,
“John Doe SSN 123-45-6789 or Joseph Doe.”
Custodian of a minor account means a person who opens an account on behalf of the minor. (See § 363.27 for more information
about minor accounts.)
Custom account means an account that you establish for a specific purpose that is linked to your primary account. You use your
primary account as the portal to open and access your custom linked account. (See § 363.10 for more information about custom
Definitive security means a Treasury security held in paper form.
De-link means the online process by which all securities contained within the minor linked account are moved to the minor's primary
TreasuryDirect account and the linked account is deactivated.
Delivery means moving a minimum amount of $25 (consisting of principal and proportionate interest) of a security held as a gift from
the account of the purchaser to the account of the recipient.
Entity means any owner of a TreasuryDirect account that is not an individual. Entity is a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation,
limited liability company or professional limited liability company, trust, the estate of a decedent, or the estate of a living person such
as an incompetent or a minor.
Entity account manager is the individual who initially opens the TreasuryDirect account for an entity, or his or her replacement; who
is authorized by the entity to act alone on its behalf to open, access, and conduct transactions with respect to the account; and who
certifies that he or she is so authorized.
Federal Reserve Bank (Reserve Bank) means a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch.
Final maturity of a savings bond means the date beyond which an unredeemed savings bond no longer earns interest. 1
Financial institution, or depository financial institution, means an entity described in 12 U.S.C. 461 (b)(1)(A)(i)-(vi).
Gift means a Treasury security purchased for or transferred to an intended recipient, without consideration.
Incompetent individual or incompetent person means an individual who has been declared by a court to be legally incompetent,
incapacitated, or otherwise unable to manage his or her financial affairs.
Individual means a natural person.
Interest on a savings bond means the difference between the purchase price and the redemption value of the bond.
Legacy Treasury Direct® system is a non-Internet-based book-entry system maintained by Treasury since 1986 for holding and
conducting permitted transactions in marketable Treasury securities directly with Treasury as book-entry products. (See § 363.4.)
Legal guardian of a minor or incompetent person refers to the court-appointed or otherwise qualified person, regardless of title, who
is legally authorized to act for the minor or incompetent individual.
Legal representative refers to the court-appointed or otherwise qualified person, regardless of title, who is legally authorized to
manage and settle the estate of a decedent. The term includes an executor and an administrator.
Legally incompetent means a court has declared an individual to be incapable of handling his or her business affairs.
Linked account means an account that is a separate account from your primary account, but connected to your primary account. You
use your primary account as a portal to open and access the linked account. (See § 363.10 for more information about linked
Marketable Treasury security refers to a Treasury bill, note, or bond that is negotiable and transferable, that is, may be bought and
sold in the secondary market.
Minor means an individual under the age of 18 years. The term minor is also used to refer to an individual who has attained the age of
18 years but has not yet taken control of the securities contained in his or her minor account.
Minor account means an account that a custodian controls on behalf of a minor, that is linked to the custodian's primary account. (See
§§ 363.10 and 363.27 for more information about minor accounts.)
Non-converting coowner is the coowner who does not participate in the transaction to convert a definitive savings bond to a book-
entry bond.
Online means use of the Internet.
Owner when referring to an individual, is either the single individual named in the registration of a security held in the single owner
form of registration, the first individual named on a security held in the owner with beneficiary form of registration, the first individual
named on a security held in the primary owner with secondary owner form of registration, or either individual named on a converted

savings bond held in the coowner form of registration; when referring to a minor linked account, the owner is the minor; when
referring to an entity, the owner is the entity.
Payroll savings plan is a method for the purchase of savings bonds using periodic ACH credits from your employer or financial
institution to purchase a payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness until a sufficient amount of payroll zero-percent certificate of
indebtedness is accumulated to enable the purchase of a savings bond in an amount, series, and registration that you previously
selected using functionality in your TreasuryDirect account. (See also the definition of payroll zero-percent certificate of
Payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness is a restricted form of the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness that is held
separately from the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness and used only for purchases made through the payroll savings plan. (See
also the definition for zero-percent certificate of indebtedness.)
Person means an individual or an entity.
Primary account means the account that you establish when you first open your TreasuryDirect account; your primary account is the
portal used to open and access all your linked accounts. (See § 363.10 for more information about primary accounts.)
Primary owner means the first person named in the registration of a security held in TreasuryDirect registered, e.g., “John Doe SSN
123-45-6789 with Joseph Doe SSN 987-65-4321.” In this example, John Doe is the primary owner.
Principal amount means the amount of the original investment. Principal amount does not include any interest earned.
Recipient means the person to whom a gift is given.
Redemption of a savings bond refers to the payment of principal and interest at final maturity, or prior to final maturity at the option
of the owner. The owner may redeem all principal and interest or a portion of the principal and the proportionate amount of interest.
Redemption value means principal plus accrued interest of a bond, or a portion of the principal plus a proportionate amount of accrued
interest on the bond, as of the date of redemption.
Registration or Registered means that the name and taxpayer identification number(s) (TIN) of the person(s) named on the security
are maintained on our records.
Reinvestment means using the redemption proceeds of a maturing marketable security to purchase a new marketable security of the
same type and term, using the automatic reinvestment option available in TreasuryDirect.
Secondary owner means the second person named in the registration of a book-entry security held in TreasuryDirect registered, e.g.
“John Doe SSN 123-45-6789 with Joseph Doe SSN 987-65-4321.” In this example, Joseph Doe is the secondary owner.
Security, or Treasury security, as used in this part, means an obligation issued by Treasury that may be held in TreasuryDirect.
Series EE savings bond is an accrual-type savings bond, issued either in definitive (paper) form or in book-entry form, that accrues
interest on the principal based on rates determined by Treasury.
Series I savings bond is a savings bond, issued either in definitive (paper) form or in book-entry form, that accrues interest in
accordance with a formula that includes a fixed component and a component indexed to the rate of inflation.
Signature guarantee program means a signature guarantee program established under 17 CFR 240.17Ad-15, issued under authority
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. For the purpose of this part, we recognize the Securities Transfer Agents Medallion Program
(STAMP), the Stock Exchanges Medallion Program (SEMP), and the New York Stock Exchange, Inc., Medallion Signature Program
(MSP). These certifications are acceptable for transfers of securities, but are not acceptable for offline account establishment.
Single owner means the individual named in the registration of a book-entry Treasury security or a converted savings bond without a
beneficiary, secondary owner, or coowner.
Social security account number or social security number (SSN) means the identifying number required on tax returns and other
documents submitted to the Internal Revenue Service by an individual. A SSN is composed of nine digits separated by two hyphens,
for example, 123-45-6789.
Taxpayer identification number (TIN) means the identifying number required on tax returns and other documents submitted to the
Internal Revenue Service; that is, an individual's social security number (SSN) or an employer identification number (EIN). A SSN is
composed of nine digits separated by two hyphens, for example, 123-45-6789. An EIN is composed of nine digits separated by one
hyphen, for example, 12-3456789. The hyphens are an essential part of the numbers.
Tender means an offer, or bid, to purchase a marketable Treasury security.
Transaction is any action affecting Treasury securities or account information.
Transfer is a transaction to move a security, or a portion of a security, to or from a TreasuryDirect account. (See § 363.26.)

Verification means confirming the identity of an online applicant for a TreasuryDirect account at account establishment using an
online verification service or offline verification.
Verification service means a public or private service that confirms the identity of an online applicant for a TreasuryDirect account at
account establishment using information provided by the applicant.
Voluntary representative means the person qualified by the Department of the Treasury to accept payment or direct distribution of a
decedent's securities pursuant to § 363.44.
We, us, or our refers to the Bureau of the Public Debt. The term includes the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary's delegates at
the Treasury Department and Bureau of the Public Debt. The term also includes any fiscal or financial agent we designate to act on
behalf of the United States.
You or your refers to a TreasuryDirect primary account holder.
Zero-percent certificate of indebtedness is a one-day, non-interest-bearing security that automatically matures and is rolled over each
day until you request that it be redeemed.

Subpart B - General Provisions Governing Securities Held in TreasuryDirect

§ 363.9 What does this subpart cover?
This subpart provides general rules governing securities held within the TreasuryDirect ® system. Provisions in the subparts
governing specific securities that conflict with these general rules will supersede these general rules.
§ 363.10 What is a TreasuryDirect ® account?
A TreasuryDirect account is an online account maintained by us solely in your name in which you may hold and conduct transactions
in eligible book-entry Treasury securities.
(a) Primary account. The primary account is the account that you establish when initially opening your TreasuryDirect account. The
primary account may contain the following Treasury securities:
(1) Individual. A primary account for an individual may contain Treasury securities purchased initially as book-entry
securities that are your personal holdings registered in single owner, owner with beneficiary, and primary owner with
secondary owner forms of registration; gifts of savings bonds that have not yet been delivered; and converted savings bonds
that were transferred from the conversion linked account.
(2) Entities. A primary account for an entity may contain Treasury securities purchased initially as book-entry securities
registered in the name of the entity and converted savings bonds in the name of the entity that were transferred from the
conversion linked account.
(b) Linked account. A linked account is an account that is a separate account from your primary account, but that is connected to your
primary account. You use your primary account as a portal to open and access the linked account. Linked accounts include the
(1) Custom account. A custom account is an account that is linked to your primary account. You use your primary account as
the portal to open and access your custom account. You may informally designate a purpose for the custom account, for
example, “vacation fund”, or “Johnny's college fund”. However, the designation as to purpose has no legal effect; the
registration of the securities held in the custom account determines ownership (Annual purchase limitations include securities
held in custom accounts). You, as an individual owner, may use your custom account to buy, redeem, and transfer securities
that you own in single owner, owner with beneficiary, and primary owner with secondary owner forms of registration. An
individual owner may also buy and deliver gift savings bonds from the custom account. An entity account manager, acting on
behalf of an entity, may use the entity's custom account to buy, redeem, and transfer securities registered in the entity form of
(2) Minor account. A minor account is an account established by an individual custodian for an individual who has not yet
reached the age of 18 years. We do not permit an entity to open a minor account. A minor account is linked to the custodian's
primary account. The minor is the owner of the securities, but the custodian controls the account on behalf of the minor. (See
§ 363.27 for more information about minor accounts.)
(3) Conversion account means a linked account in TreasuryDirect that contains only savings bonds that have been converted
from definitive bonds to book-entry bonds.
(c) Closing an account. If a TreasuryDirect primary account and all associated linked accounts have had no holdings and no activity
for a period of two years, we reserve the right to close the account, along with all linked accounts.
§ 363.11 Who is eligible to open a TreasuryDirect® account?
Only an individual or an entity is eligible to open a TreasuryDirect account. In order to open a TreasuryDirect account, an individual
or entity account manager must have a valid social security number (SSN), be 18 years of age or over, and be legally competent. An
entity must have a valid SSN or employer identification number. The account owner must have a United States address of record and
have an account at a United States depository financial institution that will accept debits and credits using the Automated Clearing
House method of payment.
§ 363.12 Who may purchase and hold book-entry securities in TreasuryDirect ®?
(a) A TreasuryDirect account owner may purchase and hold securities through his or her account.
(b) We do not permit a legally incompetent person to open an account, purchase securities, or convert savings bonds once we have
been provided with an order from a court with appropriate jurisdiction determining incompetence to perform such activities.
(c) We do not permit a voluntary representative to purchase securities on behalf of the estate of a decedent.
(d) We may reject any application for the purchase of a security, in whole or in part. We may refuse to issue a security in any case or
class of cases, if we deem the action to be in the public interest. Our decision in any such respect is final.
§ 363.13 How can I open a TreasuryDirect® account?
(a) General. You must establish a TreasuryDirect account online before you purchase a Treasury security to be held in your account.
Instructions for online account establishment may be found at the official Public Debt website at, or
such other Internet address as Public Debt may from time to time announce by publication in the Federal Register. When you have
completed the application, you will create a password to access your account. We will verify your identity and send your account
number to you by e-mail when your account application is approved. In addition to your password, we may require you to use any
other form(s) of authentication that we consider necessary for the protection of your account.
(b) Entities. An individual, referred to as an entity account manager, must establish an account on behalf of an entity. We will verify
the identity of the entity account manager. We may verify the identity of the entity using any evidence we deem appropriate. The
entity account manager must certify that he or she is authorized to open and access an account for the entity and has the authority to
act alone on behalf of the entity with regard to the account.
§ 363.14 How will you verify my identity?
(a) Individual. When you establish an account, we may use a verification service to verify your identity using information you provide
about yourself on the online application. At our option, we may require offline verification.
(b) Entity. When an entity account manager establishes an online account on behalf of an entity, we may use a verification service to
verify the identity of the entity account manager using information that the entity account manager provides about himself or herself
on the online application. At our option, we may require offline verification of the entity account manager. At our option, we may
require any evidence we deem appropriate to verify the identity of the entity.
§ 363.15 What is the procedure for offline verification?
In the event we require offline verification, we will provide a printable verification form for the individual account owner or entity
account manager to sign. The signature on the form must be certified or guaranteed as provided at § 363.43, and the form must be
mailed to us at the address provided in § 363.5. We may require documentary verification of an entity as we deem appropriate.
§ 363.16 How do I access my account?
You may access your account online using your account number, password, and any other form(s) of authentication that we may
§ 363.17 Who is liable if someone else accesses my TreasuryDirect ® account using my password?
You are solely responsible for the confidentiality and use of your account number, password, and any other form(s) of authentication
we may require. We will treat any transactions conducted using your password as having been authorized by you. We are not liable for
any loss, liability, cost, or expense that you may incur as a result of transactions made using your password.
§ 363.18 Is Public Debt liable if the electronic transmission of my data is intercepted?
We are not liable for any interception of electronic data or communication.
§ 363.19 What should I do if I become aware that my password or other form of authentication has become compromised?
If you become aware that your password has become compromised, that any other form of authentication has been compromised, lost,
stolen, or misused, or that there have been any unauthorized transactions in your account, you may place a hold on your account so
that it cannot be accessed by anyone, and you should notify us immediately by e-mail or telephone. Contact information is available
on the TreasuryDirect Web site.
§ 363.20 What do I need to know about the forms of registration that are available for purchases of securities through my
TreasuryDirect ® account?
(a) General principles.
(1) Registration must express the actual ownership of, and interest in, the security. Registration conclusively establishes
ownership of a security.
(2) You must provide a last name and a first name for each individual included in the registration of the security.
(3) You must provide the valid taxpayer identification number for each person named in the registration of the security.
(b) Forms of registration for individuals. The forms of registration available for individuals for purchases of securities made through
your TreasuryDirect account are single owner, owner with beneficiary, and primary owner with secondary owner, unless the forms of
registration available for a security are specifically limited by the subpart governing that security.
(1) Single owner.
(i) A single owner is the individual named in the registration of a book-entry security or a converted savings bond
without a beneficiary, secondary owner, or coowner.
(ii) A single owner may add a beneficiary or secondary owner.
(iii) A single owner may conduct permitted online transactions on securities held in his or her account.
(iv) Upon the death of the single owner, his or her estate is entitled to the security. In determining entitlement, the
law of the decedent's domicile will be followed.
(v) Registration example: “John Doe, SSN 123-45-6789.”
(2) Owner with beneficiary.
(i) The purchaser must be named as the owner with another individual as beneficiary.
(ii) The owner may remove or change the beneficiary without the consent of the beneficiary.
(iii) The owner may conduct permitted online transactions on securities held in his or her account without the
consent of the beneficiary.
(iv) The beneficiary has no ownership rights to the security during the owner's lifetime. Upon the death of the
owner, the security becomes the property of the surviving beneficiary, despite any attempted testamentary
disposition or any applicable local law to the contrary.
(v) If the beneficiary does not survive the owner, the security belongs to the estate of the owner.
(vi) If both the owner and the beneficiary die under conditions where it cannot be established, either by presumption
of law or otherwise, who died first, the security is the property of the estate of the owner.
(vii) In order for the beneficiary to obtain the security or the redemption proceeds after the death of the owner, the
beneficiary must provide proof of death of the owner. If the beneficiary has a TreasuryDirect account, the security
will be transferred to that account. If the beneficiary does not have an account, he or she may establish an account.
Alternatively, a beneficiary named on a savings bond may request redemption. If the beneficiary requests
redemption, he or she must provide ACH instructions for the payment.
(viii) Registration example: “John Doe, SSN 123-45-6789 POD (payable on death to) Jane Doe, SSN 987-65-4321.”
(3) Primary owner with secondary owner.
(i) The purchaser must be named in the registration as the primary owner with another individual as secondary
(ii) The primary owner holds the securities in his or her account and may view or conduct permitted online
transactions in the securities.
(iii) The primary owner may remove the secondary owner without the consent of the secondary owner.
(iv) The secondary owner has no rights to view or conduct transactions in any security unless the primary owner
gives the secondary owner these rights.
(v) The primary owner may give the secondary owner the right to view any security or rights to view and conduct
transactions in any security online from the account of the secondary owner.
(vi) Once the right to conduct transactions in a security has been given to the secondary owner, the primary owner
may view and conduct transactions in the security from the primary owner's account, and the secondary owner may
view and conduct transactions in the security using the secondary owner's own account.
(vii) The primary owner may revoke any rights previously given to the secondary owner at any time.

(viii) Upon the death of either the primary or secondary owner, the security becomes the property of the survivor,
despite any attempted testamentary disposition or any applicable local law to the contrary.
(ix) If both the primary and the secondary owner die under conditions where it cannot be established, either by
presumption of law or otherwise, who died first, the security is the property of the estate of the primary owner.
(x) In order for the secondary owner to obtain the security or the security proceeds after the death of the primary
owner, the secondary owner must provide proof of death of the primary owner. If the secondary owner has a
TreasuryDirect account, the security will be transferred to that account. If the secondary owner does not have an
account, he or she may establish an account. Alternatively, a secondary owner named on a savings bond may request
redemption. If the secondary owner requests redemption, he or she must provide ACH instructions.
(xi) Registration example: “John Doe, SSN 123-45-6789 with Joseph Doe, SSN 987-65-4321.”
(c) Forms of registration for entities. The forms of registration available for entities are sole proprietorship; partnership; corporation;
limited liability company or professional limited liability company (LLC or PLLC); trust; decedent's estate; and estate of a living
person such as an incompetent or a minor.
(1) Sole proprietorship. A sole proprietorship form of registration is available for an individual who is doing business as a
sole proprietor. The entity account manager must be the owner of the business. Registration example: “John Doe DBA Doe
Plumbing Supplies, EIN 12-3456789, [or SSN 123-45-6789].”
(2) Partnership. A partnership form of registration is available for two or more individuals who are doing business as a
partnership, including a limited liability partnership. Unless the name of a partnership includes the word “partnership,” the
registration must include descriptive words indicating partnership status. The entity account manager must be a general
partner, and must certify that he or she has the authority to act alone on behalf of the partnership with regard to this account.
Registration example: “Smith and Jones Construction Company, a partnership, EIN 98-7654321, or SSN 987-65-4321.”
(3) Corporation. A corporate form of registration is available for an entity that has been incorporated pursuant to state law.
The registration must contain a reference to the corporate status. The entity account manager must be a corporate officer or
designated employee and must certify that he or she has the authority to act alone on behalf of the corporation with regard to
this account. Registration example: “ABC Corporation, EIN 23-4567891.”
(4) Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC). A LLC or PLLC form of
registration is available for an entity that has registered articles of organization pursuant to state law. The registration must
contain a reference to the company's status. The entity account manager must be a company official or designated employee
and must certify that he or she has the authority to act alone on behalf of the company with regard to this account.
Registration example: “Paine Dental Associates, PLLC, EIN 34-5678912” or “Summit Consulting Service, LLC, EIN 12-
(5) Trust. A trust form of registration is available. The trust form of registration is not available for trusts in which the trustee
is acting on behalf of a federal, state, or local government. The registration must identify the trust with specificity; at a
minimum, it must include the authority or document creating the trust, the date the document was executed (except in the
case of a probated will when the date is not necessary), the name of a trustee of the trust who is authorized to act alone on
behalf of the trust with regard to the account, and any information that is necessary to distinguish the trust from any other
trust. The registration may also include the names of additional trustees and the full name of the trust. If one or more of the
trustees are individuals, and the entity account manager is an individual trustee, the entity account manager must be named in
the registration. If an organization serving as a trustee of the trust will administer this account, the entity account manager
must be a duly authorized employee of that organization who has the authority to act alone on behalf of the organization in its
role as trustee of the trust with regard to the account, and the organization must be named in the registration. In either case,
the entity account manager must certify that he or she has the authority to act alone on behalf of the trust with regard to the
account. Registration examples: “John Doe, Trustee under Declaration of Trust dated January 1, 2001, SSN 123-45-6789;”
“First National Bank, Trustee under Declaration of Trust dated January 1, 2001, EIN 12-3456789;” “John Doe or Sarah
Jones, Trustees under Agreement with Jane Doe dated January 1, 2001, SSN 123-45-6789;” “Sarah Jones, Trustee under the
Will of Matthew Smith, deceased, SSN 123-45-6789;” “Jane Doe, Trustee of the Doe Family Trust dated January 1, 2001,
EIN 12-3456789.”
(6) The estate of a decedent. The decedent's estate form of registration is available for an individual or organization that has
been appointed by a court according to state law to act on behalf of the estate of a decedent. This form of registration is not
available where the legal representative is acting on behalf of a federal, state, or local government. The entity account
manager must be a court-appointed individual legal representative who has the authority to act alone with regard to the
account, or an employee of the court-appointed organizational legal representative who has the authority to act alone with
regard to the account on behalf of the organization in its role as legal representative of the estate. Registration example: “John
Doe, Legal Representative of the Estate of William Jones, a decedent, EIN 12-3456789, or SSN 123-45-6789.”

(7) The estate of a living person such as an incompetent or a minor. A form of registration is available for an individual or
organization that has been appointed according to state law to act on behalf of the estate of an incompetent person, a minor,
or other living person. This form of registration is not available where the legal guardian is acting on behalf of a federal,
state, or local government. The entity account manager must be a court-appointed legal guardian who has the authority to act
alone with regard to the account, or an employee of the court-appointed organizational legal guardian who has the authority
to act alone with regard to the account on behalf of the organization in its role as legal guardian. Registration example: “John
Doe, Legal Guardian of the estate of William Jones.” The SSN of the incompetent person or the minor will be used.
§ 363.21 When may you require offline authentication and documentary evidence?
We may require offline authentication and documentary evidence at our option.
§ 363.22 Who has the right to conduct online transactions in book-entry securities?
(a) Individual—
(1) Single owner form of registration. A single owner can conduct transactions in securities held in his or her
TreasuryDirect® account.
(2) Owner with beneficiary form of registration. The owner can conduct transactions in securities held in his or her
TreasuryDirect account. The beneficiary has no rights during the lifetime of the owner and therefore cannot conduct
transactions in the securities.
(3) Primary owner with secondary owner form of registration.
(i) The primary owner can conduct any permitted transaction in a security held in the primary owner's
TreasuryDirect account. (See § 363.20(e)).
(ii) If the primary owner has given the secondary owner the right to conduct transactions in a security, and has not
revoked that right, then the secondary owner can conduct transactions in the security. Transactions that may be
conducted by the secondary owner include transferring a marketable security, redeeming a savings bond, and
changing the destination of interest and redemption payments for marketable securities.
(b) Converted savings bonds. The rules for transactions governing converted savings bonds are contained in subpart E of this part.
(c) Entity. The entity account manager can conduct transactions in the securities held within the entity's account. Initially, the entity
account manager is the individual who opens the account. The entity account manager may be changed to a different individual using
procedures available on our Web site. The entity account manager must certify that he or she is authorized to act alone on behalf of the
entity in accessing and conducting transactions on behalf of the entity with regard to the entity's account.
§ 363.25 How do I conduct transactions in my account or in Treasury securities held in my account?
We will provide online instructions for conducting transactions through your account. If you are unable to conduct a transaction
online, you should contact us at the address provided in § 363.5. Offline transactions will require a certified or guaranteed signature.
See § 363.43 for instructions for obtaining a certified or guaranteed signature.
§ 363.26 What is a transfer?
(a) A transfer is a transaction to:
(1) Move a Treasury security, or a portion of a Treasury security, from one account to another within TreasuryDirect ® ;
(2) Move a marketable Treasury security to or from a TreasuryDirect account and an account in the commercial book-entry
(3) Move a marketable Treasury security to a TreasuryDirect account from a Legacy Treasury Direct® account.
(b) Transfers of a specific type of security may be limited by the subparts that refer to that security.
(c) Gift delivery is not a transfer. A transfer does not include delivery of a gift savings bond from the donor to the recipient. This is
referred to as a delivery.
§ 363.27 What do I need to know about accounts for minors who have not had a legal guardian appointed by a court?
(a) We do not permit a minor to purchase securities.
(b) Opening an account in the name of a minor.
(1) A parent or an individual who provides the chief financial support of a minor may open an account for a minor. The
person opening the account for a minor is referred to as the custodian of the minor's account.
(2) The custodian is a fiduciary for the minor as to the securities held in the minor's account.
(3) The custodian must have an existing primary TreasuryDirect ® account in order to open the minor's account.

(i) The minor's account is an account that is linked to the custodian's primary account.
(ii) The custodian must use his or her primary TreasuryDirect account as a portal to open and access the minor's
(4) Securities contained in the minor's account will be registered in the name and SSN of the minor, in either sole owner,
owner with beneficiary, or primary owner with secondary owner forms of registration.
(c) Procedure for opening an account for a minor.
(1) Online instructions will be provided for establishing an account for a minor.
(2) The custodian must certify that all transactions conducted through the account will be on the minor's behalf.
(d) Procedure for conducting transactions in the minor's account. The custodian must conduct all transactions in the minor's account
on behalf of the minor. Access to the minor's account is through the custodian's primary account.
(e) Transactions permitted in the minor's account.
(1) The custodian may purchase securities for and on behalf of the minor through the minor's account.
(2) The custodian may redeem savings bonds on behalf of the minor through the minor's account. We will report the interest
earned on the security to the name and SSN of the minor.
(3) The custodian may not purchase gift savings bonds from the minor's account.
(4) The custodian may transfer a security to another TreasuryDirect account, provided the account is a linked account bearing
the name and taxpayer identification number of the minor. The custodian can transfer a marketable Treasury security to an
account in the commercial book-entry system.
(5) Securities may be transferred to the minor's account.
(6) Gift savings bonds may be delivered to the minor's account.
(7) The custodian may grant rights to view and conduct transactions in the security as may be permitted by § 363.22.
(8) The custodian may purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness on behalf of the minor. The zero-percent certificate
of indebtedness is the property of the minor.
(f) When the minor reaches the age of 18 years.
(1) The only transactions that the custodian may make in the minor's account after the minor attains the age of 18 years are to
purchase new securities, and to transfer the securities contained in the minor's account to another account in the name and
SSN of the minor. The receiving account in the name and SSN of the minor may be a primary account established by the
minor, or it may be another minor linked account with the same or a different custodian. The custodian may transfer one or
more of the securities at a time, or the custodian may de-link the account and transfer all of the securities contained in the
account to the minor's previously established primary TreasuryDirect account. The minor must establish his or her own
primary TreasuryDirect account prior to transfer of his or her securities.
(2) In order to gain control of the securities held in the minor's account, the minor must first open his or her own primary
(3) The minor may gain control of the securities held in the minor's account by the custodian transferring the securities held
in the minor's account to the minor's primary account, or the minor may request that Public Debt transfer the securities to his
or her primary account.
(4) The minor may gain control of his or her zero-percent certificate of indebtedness by the custodian de-linking the account
and transferring the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness to the minor's primary account, or the minor may request that
Public Debt de-link the account and transfer the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness to his or her primary account.
(g) Liability. We rely on the certification of the custodian that he or she is acting on behalf of the minor. We are not liable to the
minor, or any other person or party acting on behalf of the minor, for the actions of the custodian, nor are we liable for the application
of any proceeds from the transfer or redemption of securities held in the minor's account. The custodian agrees to
indemnify and hold harmless the United States in the event that we suffer any loss on account of any claim relating to a
minor account.
§ 363.28 Does Public Debt reserve the right to require that any TreasuryDirect ® transaction be conducted in paper form?
We reserve the right to require any transaction to be conducted in paper form. Signatures on paper transactions must be certified or
guaranteed as provided in § 363.43.
§ 363.29 May Treasury close an account, suspend transactions in an account, or refuse to open an account?

We reserve the right to take any of the following actions if, in our sole discretion, we deem the action to be in the best interests of the
United States:
(a) Refuse to open an account for any person;
(b) Close any existing account, redeem, sell, or liquidate the securities held in the account, and pay the proceeds to the person entitled;
(c) Suspend transactions with respect to an account or any security held in an account; or
(d) Take any other action with regard to any account that we deem necessary, if not inconsistent with existing law and existing rights.
§ 363.30 What actions may Treasury take if funds used to purchase a security were credited or debited in error or through fraud?
(a) If Treasury sustains a loss because the funds used to purchase a security were debited from an account at a financial institution
from which the TreasuryDirect account owner did not have the right to authorize such ACH debit entry, we reserve the right to redeem
that security from the account and use the proceeds to reimburse Treasury for the loss. If such security has been transferred to another
TreasuryDirect account, we reserve the right to reverse the transfer, redeem the security, and use the proceeds to reimburse Treasury
for the loss. If such security has been redeemed or has matured and the proceeds paid to the account owner, we reserve the right to
take any action that we deem appropriate, including redeeming other securities remaining in the account and using the proceeds to
reimburse Treasury for the loss.
(b) If an employer or a third-party agent acting on behalf of one or more employers certifies, under penalty of perjury, that it has made
an erroneous ACH credit entry to purchase a TreasuryDirect certificate of indebtedness, we reserve the right to redeem securities from
the TreasuryDirect account to which the entry was made in the amount of the erroneous entry and return the funds. No action will be
taken if the certification is not received by Treasury within 45 days of the erroneous entry. We will only return funds if the erroneous
entry was made to an account that does not belong to the intended recipient, is a duplicate payment, is in an amount that is greater than
was authorized by the recipient, or was made in error because the employee was not in a pay status. We reserve the right to refuse to
return an entry. By requesting that Treasury correct an erroneous entry, the employer agrees to indemnify Treasury for any loss that
Treasury may incur as a result of the correction of the error and agrees to provide such information and assistance as Treasury may
(c) If a financial institution, except a financial institution acting on behalf of an employer, makes an erroneous ACH credit entry to a
TreasuryDirect® account and provides a certification as to the circumstances of the erroneous entry within 6 months of the entry date,
we will notify the account owner of the erroneous ACH credit entry and attempt to resolve the issue. We reserve the right to place a
hold on and to redeem securities from the TreasuryDirect® account to which the ACH credit entry was made in the amount of the
erroneous credit entry and return the funds to the financial institution. The financial institution agrees to indemnify Treasury for any
loss that Treasury may incur as a result of the correction of the error and agrees to provide information and assistance as Treasury may
§ 363.33 Can an attorney-in-fact conduct transactions in my TreasuryDirect ® account?
(a) An attorney-in-fact who provides a copy of a durable power of attorney granting him or her the authority to conduct
TreasuryDirect transactions on behalf of the owner may conduct transactions online.
(b) An attorney-in-fact who provides a copy of a limited power of attorney may only conduct transactions that he or she is permitted
by his or her power. Such transactions will be through an offline process.
(c) A written copy of the power of attorney must be sent to the address provided in § 363.5. We may require any additional evidence
that we consider necessary to support the power.
§ 363.33 Can an attorney-in-fact conduct transactions in my TreasuryDirect ® account?
(a) An attorney-in-fact who provides a copy of a durable power of attorney granting him or her the authority to conduct
TreasuryDirect transactions on behalf of the owner may conduct transactions online.
(b) An attorney-in-fact who provides a copy of a limited power of attorney may only conduct transactions that he or she is permitted
by his or her power. Such transactions will be through an offline process.
(c) A written copy of the power of attorney must be sent to the address provided in § 363.5. We may require any additional evidence
that we consider necessary to support the power.
§ 363.34 What happens if an owner becomes incompetent after opening a TreasuryDirect ® account?
If we receive notice that the owner of a TreasuryDirect account has become incompetent, we will suspend all transactions in the
account until we establish the authority of another person to act in his or her behalf.
§ 363.35 When is a transaction effective?
A transaction is effective when we post it to our records.
§ 363.36 What securities can I purchase and hold in my TreasuryDirect ® account?

You can purchase and hold eligible Treasury securities in your account. Eligible securities are Series EE and Series I savings bonds,
zero-percent certificates of indebtedness, and marketable Treasury securities that are available for purchase through the
TreasuryDirect Web site. In addition, you can hold converted savings bonds and eligible marketable Treasury securities that have been
transferred from the Legacy Treasury Direct system or the commercial book-entry system.
§ 363.37 How do I purchase and make payment for eligible Treasury securities through my TreasuryDirect ® account?
(a) Online purchase. Purchases of eligible Treasury securities through your TreasuryDirect account must be made online.
(b) Payment for savings bonds and marketable Treasury securities. You can pay for eligible savings bonds and marketable Treasury
securities by either a debit from your designated account at a United States financial institution using the ACH method, or by using the
redemption proceeds of your zero-percent certificate of indebtedness. You can pay for savings bonds automatically using the
redemption proceeds of your payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness through the payroll savings plan.
(c) Payment for zero-percent certificate of indebtedness. You can pay for a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness by:
(1) A credit from your financial institution or employer using the ACH method to your TreasuryDirect® account;
(2) A debit from your designated account at a financial institution using the ACH method, limited to $1000 or less per
transaction; or
(3) Using the proceeds of maturing securities held in your TreasuryDirect® account.
(d) Payment for a payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness. The only method available to purchase a payroll zero-percent
certificate of indebtedness is to arrange for your employer or financial institution to send a credit by the ACH method to purchase a
payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness in your TreasuryDirect® account.
§ 363.38 What happens if my financial institution returns an ACH debit?
If your designated financial institution returns an ACH debit, we reserve the right to reinitiate the debit at our option. We also reserve
the right to reverse the transaction, thereby removing the security from your TreasuryDirect ® account. If the ACH return occurs after
the security has been redeemed, transferred, or has matured and the proceeds paid, we reserve the right to reverse previously processed
security transactions. We are not responsible for any fees your financial institution may charge relating to returned ACH debits.
§ 363.39 Will I receive a confirmation of my request to purchase a Treasury security?
At the time that you submit a request to purchase a Treasury security through your TreasuryDirect ® account, we will make available
a printable online confirmation of your request. Final confirmation will occur when the security is issued into your account. You will
not receive a mailed confirmation.
§ 363.40 How are payments of principal and interest made?
(a) Payment of a savings bond that has reached final maturity. We will purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness in your
TreasuryDirect ® account using the proceeds of a matured savings bond.
(b) Payments of interest and principal (except a savings bond that has reached final maturity).
(1) We provide two methods of receiving payments of principal and interest:
(i) Payment to your account at a financial institution by the ACH method, or
(ii) Payment to your TreasuryDirect account to purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness.
(2) You may select different payment destinations for principal and interest for a marketable Treasury security. You may
change your payment destination at any time, unless the security is in the closed book period. (See § 363.210.)
(3) If we are unable to deliver a payment, we will use the payment to purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness in
your TreasuryDirect account.
§ 363.41 What happens if an ACH payment is returned to Public Debt?
We will notify you electronically of the returned payment. We will hold your payment until you provide us with instructions. Returned
payments will not earn interest. We reserve the right to redirect a returned payment to the bank account at a financial institution that
you have designated in your TreasuryDirect ® account as your primary bank account, if that account is different from the one that
returned the payment to us. We are not responsible for any fees your financial institution may charge relating to returned ACH
§ 363.42 How will my interest income be reported for tax purposes?
When you open your TreasuryDirect ® account, you consent to receive the appropriate tax reporting forms by electronic means. We
will notify you when your tax reporting forms are available. The form will be available in printable form through your TreasuryDirect
account. If you withdraw your consent to receive tax reporting forms by electronic means, we reserve the right to redeem any savings
bonds held in your account and close your account.
§ 363.43 What are the procedures for certifying my signature on an offline application for a TreasuryDirect ® account, or on an
offline transaction form?
(a) Certification within the United States. For certifications within the United States, the certifying individual
must be authorized to bind his or her institution by his or her acts, to guarantee signatures to assignments of
securities, or to certify assignments of securities. The following table provides a list of authorized certifying
individuals and the required evidence of authority. Members of Treasury-recognized signature guarantee
programs are for security transfers only.

Who can certify signatures in the U.S. Evidence of certifying individual's authority

(i) We require the institution's seal or signature guarantee stamp.(ii) If

(1) Officers and employees of depository institutions the institution is an authorized paying agent for U.S. Savings Bonds, we
require a legible imprint of the paying agent's stamp.

We require the imprint of the signature guarantee stamp, i.e., the

(2) Institutions that are members of Treasury—recognized STAMP, SEMP, or MSP stamp for members of the Securities Transfer
signature guarantee programs (for security transfers only) Agents Medallion Program, the Stock Exchanges Medallion Program,
or the New York Stock Exchange Inc. Medallion Signature Program.

(3) Officers and employees of corporate central credit

unions, Federal Land Banks, Federal Intermediate Credit
We require the entity's seal.
Banks and Banks for Cooperatives, the Central Bank for
Cooperatives, and Federal Home Loan Banks

(4) Commissioned or warrant officers of the United States

(i) We require a statement that the person executing the assignment is
Armed Forces, for signatures executed by Armed Forces
one whose signature the officer is authorized to certify under our
personnel, civilian field employees, and members of their
regulations. (ii) The certifying official's rank must be shown.

(5) A judge or clerk of the court We require the seal of the court.

(6) Other persons as designated by the Commissioner or

Evidence is determined by our procedures.
Deputy Commissioner of Public Debt

(b) Certification within foreign countries. The following table lists the authorized certifying individuals for
foreign countries and the required evidence of the individual's authority.

Who can certify signatures in foreign countries Evidence of certifying individual's authority

(i) We require the seal or stamp of the office.(ii) If there is no seal or stamp,
(1) United States diplomatic or consular officials then we require certification by some other authorized individual, under seal or

We require the seal of the depository institution, or the imprint of the signature
(2) Managers and officers of foreign branches of
guarantee stamp, i.e., the STAMP, SEMP, or MSP stamp for members of the
U.S. depository institutions and institutions that are
Securities Transfer Agents Medallion Program, the Stock Exchanges Medallion
members of Treasury-recognized signature guarantee
Program, or the New York Stock Exchange Incorporated Medallion Signature
programs (for security transfers only)

(3) Notaries Public and other officers authorized to (i) We require the official seal or stamp of the office.(ii) If there is no seal or
administer oaths, provided their authority is certified stamp, the position must be certified by some other authorized individual,

by a United States diplomatic or consular official under seal or stamp, or otherwise proved to our satisfaction.

(c) Duties and liabilities of certifying individuals.

(1) The certifying individual must first establish the identity of the signer.
(2) The form must be signed in the presence of the certifying individual.
(3) If the certifying individual is not an officer, the certifying individual must insert the words “Authorized Signature” in the
space provided for the title.
(4) If the certifying individual is negligent in making the certification, the certifying individual and his or her organization are
jointly and severally liable for any loss the United States may incur as a result of the negligence.
(d) Guaranteed signatures.
(1) A security or other form requiring certification need not be executed in the presence of a certifying individual if the
signature is unconditionally guaranteed by the certifying individual. To guarantee a signature, the certifying individual must
add a dated endorsement after the signature. For example:
Signature guaranteed, First National Bank of Smithville, Smithville, NH, by A. B. Doe, President, dated 1/1/2001.
(2) The certifying individual and his or her organization unconditionally guarantee to us that the signature is genuine and the
signer had the legal capacity to execute the assignment or related form.
(e) Guaranteed absence of a signature.
(1) A form requiring a certified signature need not be signed when a certifying individual associated with a depository
financial institution places the following endorsement on the security or the form:
Absence of signature by owner and validity of transaction guaranteed, Second State Bank of Jonesville, Jonesville, NC, by B.
R. Butler, Vice President, dated 11/1/2001.
(2) The endorsement must be dated and the seal of the institution must be added.
(3) This form of endorsement is an unconditional guarantee to us that the institution is acting for the signer under proper
(f) Persons who cannot act as certifying individuals. Any person having an interest in a security involved in the transaction cannot act
as a certifying individual. However, an authorized officer or employee of a depository financial institution that is a member of a
Treasury-recognized signature guarantee program can act as a certifying individual for transfer of a security to the institution or on
behalf of the institution.
§ 363.44 What happens when a TreasuryDirect ® account owner dies and the estate is entitled to securities held in the account?
(a) Estate is being administered. For an estate that is being administered, the legal representative of the estate must open a
TreasuryDirect account in the name of the estate in order to conduct transactions. The legal representative of the estate may then
conduct any transactions that are available to an individual account owner. We will require appropriate proof of appointment for the
legal representative of the estate. Letters of appointment must be dated not more than one year prior to the date of submission of the
letters of appointment.
(b) Estate has been settled previously. If the estate has been settled previously through judicial proceedings, the persons entitled may
request payment of securities, if the securities are eligible for redemption, or may transfer the securities to the TreasuryDirect accounts
of the persons entitled, if the securities are eligible for transfer. We will require a certified copy of the court-approved final accounting
for the estate, the court's decree of distribution, or other appropriate evidence. If payment is requested, we will require ACH
instructions to process the request.
(c) Special provisions under the law of the jurisdiction of the decedent's domicile. If there is no formal or regular administration and
no representative of the estate is to be appointed, the person appointed to receive or distribute the assets of a decedent's estate without
regular administration under summary or small estates procedures under applicable local law may request payment of securities, if the
securities are eligible for redemption, or may transfer the securities to or on behalf of the persons entitled by the law of the jurisdiction
in which the decedent was domiciled at the date of death, if the securities are eligible for transfer. We will require appropriate
evidence. If payment is requested, we will require ACH instructions to process the request.
(d) When administration is required. If the total redemption value of the Treasury securities and undelivered payments, if any, held
directly on our records that are the property of the decedent's estate is greater than $100,000, administration of the decedent's estate
will be required. The redemption value of savings bonds and the principal amount of marketable securities will be used to determine
the value of securities, and will be determined as of the date of death. Administration may also be required at the discretion of the
Department for any case.

(e) Voluntary representative for small estates that are not being otherwise administered—
(1) General. A voluntary representative is a person qualified according to paragraph (e)(3) of this section, to redeem or
transfer a decedent's securities. The voluntary representative procedures are for the convenience of the Department;
entitlement to the decedent's securities and held payments, if any, is determined by the law of the jurisdiction in which the
decedent was domiciled at the date of death. Voluntary representative procedures may be used only if:
(i) There has been no administration, no administration is contemplated, and no summary or small estate procedures
under applicable local law have been used;
(ii) The total redemption value of the Treasury securities and held payments, if any, held directly on our records that
are the property of the decedent's estate is $100,000 or less, as of the date of death, and
(iii) There is a person eligible to serve as the voluntary representative according to paragraph (e)(3) of this section.
(2) Authority of voluntary representative. A voluntary representative may:
(i) Redeem the decedent's savings bonds that are eligible for redemption. Payment may be made to the voluntary
representative on behalf of or directly to the persons entitled by the law of the jurisdiction in which the decedent was
domiciled at the date of death;
(ii) Transfer the decedent's securities to the persons entitled by the law of the jurisdiction in which the decedent was
domiciled at the date of death.
(3) Order of precedence for voluntary representative. An individual eighteen years of age or older may act as a voluntary
representative according to the following order of precedence: a surviving spouse; if there is no surviving spouse, then a child
of the decedent; if there are none of the above, then a descendant of a deceased child of the decedent; if there are none of the
above, then a parent of the decedent; if there are none of the above, then a brother or sister of the decedent; if there are none
of the above, then a descendant of a deceased brother or sister of the decedent; if there are none of the above, then a next of
kin of the decedent, as determined by the laws of the decedent's domicile at the date of death. As used in this order of
precedence, child means a natural or adopted child of the decedent.
(4) Liability. By serving, the voluntary representative warrants that the distribution of payments or securities are to or on
behalf of the persons entitled by the law of the jurisdiction in which the decedent was domiciled at the date of death. The
United States is not liable to any person for the improper distribution of payments or securities. Upon payment or transfer of
the securities to the voluntary representative, the United States is released to the same extent as if it had paid or delivered to a
representative of the estate appointed pursuant to the law of the jurisdiction in which the decedent was domiciled at the date
of death. The voluntary representative shall indemnify and hold harmless the United States and all creditors and persons
entitled to the estate of the decedent. The amount of the indemnification is limited to an amount no greater than the value
received by the voluntary representative.
(5) Creditor. If there has been no administration, no administration is contemplated, no summary or small estate procedures
under applicable local law have been used, and there is no person eligible to serve as a voluntary representative pursuant to
paragraph (e) of this section, then a creditor may make a claim for payment of the amount of the debt, providing the debt has
not been barred by applicable local law.
§ 363.45 What are the rules for judicial and administrative actions involving securities held in TreasuryDirect ®?
(a) Notice of adverse claim or pending judicial proceedings. We are not subject to and will not accept a notice of an adverse claim or
notice of pending judicial proceedings involving a security held in TreasuryDirect.
(b) Competing claims to a security. The Department of the Treasury, Public Debt, and the Federal Reserve Banks are not proper
defendants in a judicial proceeding involving competing claims to a security held in TreasuryDirect.
(c) Divorce decree. We will recognize a divorce decree that either disposes of a security held in TreasuryDirect or ratifies a property
settlement agreement disposing of a security that is the property of either of the parties. If the divorce decree does not set out the terms
of the property settlement agreement, we will require a certified copy of the agreement.
(d) Final court order. We will recognize a final order entered by a court that affects ownership rights in a security held in
TreasuryDirect only to the extent that the order is consistent with the provisions of this part. The owner of the security must be a party
to the proceedings.
(e) Levy to satisfy money judgment. We will honor a transaction request submitted by a person appointed by a court and having
authority under an order of a court to dispose of a security held in TreasuryDirect pursuant to a money judgment against the owner of
the security, as owner is defined in § 363.6 of this part. In the case of savings bonds, we will only make payment pursuant to the court
order to the extent of the money judgment. We will not transfer the savings bonds.
(f) Internal Revenue Service (IRS) levy. We will honor an IRS notice of levy under section 6331 of the Internal Revenue Code:

(1) Against the owner, as owner is defined in § 363.6 of this part, including a levy against the owner in the capacity of
nominee, transferee, or alter ego;
(2) Against a secondary owner, if the secondary owner has the right to conduct transactions in a security at the date and time
the notice of levy is delivered to Public Debt; or
(3) Against an owner's property to which a federal tax lien is attached.
(g) Trustee in bankruptcy, a receiver of an insolvent's estate, a receiver in equity, or a similar court officer. We will honor a transaction
request submitted by a trustee in bankruptcy, a receiver of an insolvent's estate, a receiver in equity, or a similar court officer, if the
original court order is against the owner, as owner is defined in § 363.6 of this part. In the case of savings bonds, we will only make
payment. We will not transfer the savings bonds.
(h) Court order that attempts to defeat or impair survivorship rights. We will not recognize a court order that attempts to defeat or
impair the survivorship rights of a beneficiary, secondary owner, coowner of a converted savings bond, or the registered owner of an
undelivered gift security held in TreasuryDirect.
§ 363.46 What evidence is required to establish the validity of judicial proceedings?
(a) We will require certified copies of the final judgment, decree, or court order, and any necessary supplementary proceedings.
(b) A transaction request by a trustee in bankruptcy or a receiver of an insolvent's estate must be supported by evidence of
appointment and qualification.
(c) A transaction request by a receiver in equity or a similar court officer (other than a receiver of an insolvent's estate) must be
supported by a copy of an order that authorizes the receiver or similar court officer to take possession and control of the security.
§ 363.47 Will Public Debt pay Treasury securities pursuant to a forfeiture proceeding?
(a) General. We will honor a judicial or administrative forfeiture order or declaration of forfeiture submitted by a federal agency. We
will rely exclusively upon the information provided by the Federal forfeiting agency and will not make any independent evaluation of
the validity of the forfeiture order, the request for payment, or the authority of the individual signing the transaction request. The
amount to be paid or transferred is limited to the value of the security as of the date of forfeiture.
(b) Definition of special terms relating to forfeitures.
Contact point means the individual designated by the Federal investigative agency, United States Attorney's Office, or forfeiting
agency, to receive referrals from Public Debt.
Forfeiting agency means the federal law enforcement agency responsible for the forfeiture.
Forfeiture means the process by which property may be forfeited by a federal agency. Administrative forfeiture is forfeiture by a
federal agency without judicial proceedings resulting in a declaration of forfeiture; judicial forfeiture is a forfeiture through either a
civil or criminal proceeding in a United States District Court resulting in a final judgment and order of forfeiture.
(c) Procedures for a forfeiting agency to request forfeiture of Treasury securities. A forfeiting agency must request forfeiture. An
individual authorized by the forfeiting agency must sign the transaction request. The request must be mailed to the Department of the
Treasury, Bureau of the Public Debt, Parkersburg, WV 26106-7015. (d) Public Debt procedures upon receipt of forfeiture request.
Upon receipt and review of the transaction request, we will make payment to the forfeiture fund specified, if the security is eligible for
payment, or we will transfer the security pursuant to the transaction request. We will record the forfeiture, the forfeiture fund into
which the proceeds were paid or the security transfer records, the contact point, and any related information.
(e) Inquiries from previous owner. All inquiries or claims from the previous owner will be referred to the contact point of the
forfeiting agency. We will tell the person who inquired that we referred his or her inquiry to the contact point. We will not investigate
the inquiry. We will defer to the forfeiting agency's determination of the appropriate course of action, including settlement where
appropriate. Any settlement will be paid from the forfeiture fund into which the proceeds were deposited.

Subpart C - Book-Entry Savings Bonds Purchased Through TreasuryDirect

— General

§ 363.50 What Treasury securities does this subpart govern?

This subpart governs:
(a) Series EE and Series I book-entry savings bonds that were originally issued as book-entry bonds through TreasuryDirect ®; and
(b) Converted savings bonds that are registered in:

(1) The single owner or entity form of registration of any series,
(2) The owner with beneficiary form of registration of Series EE and Series I savings bonds,
(3) The owner with beneficiary form of registration of Series E savings bonds in which the beneficiary has consented to a
change in the registration of the bond after conversion, and
(4) The coowner form of registration of any series in which the non-converting coowner has consented to a change in the
registration of the bond after conversion.
§ 363.52 What amount of book-entry Series EE and Series I savings bonds may I purchase in one year?
(a) Purchase limitation. The amount of book-entry savings bonds that you may purchase in any calendar year is limited to $5,000 for
Series EE savings bonds and $5,000 for Series I savings bonds.
(b) Computation of amount for gifts. Bonds purchased or transferred as gifts will be included in the computation of the purchase
limitation for the account of the recipient for the year in which the bonds are delivered to the recipient.
§ 363.53 What is the minimum amount of book-entry savings bonds that I may purchase in any transaction?
Each bond purchase must be in a minimum amount of $25, with additional one-cent increments above that amount, in any one
transaction. For example, a purchase may be $25.00, $25.01, $25.02, or $25.03, and so forth.
§ 363.54 What is the minimum amount of a book-entry savings bond that I must hold in my account?
Each bond held in your account must have a redemption value of at least $25. If you request a transaction that would reduce the
remaining redemption value of the bond to an amount less than $25, we will not permit the transaction to occur.
§ 363.55 May I transfer my book-entry savings bonds to another person?
(a) You may transfer a savings bond or a portion of a savings bond to the TreasuryDirect® account of another person in a minimum
amount of $25. The transfer may only be made as a gift or in response to a final judgment, court order, divorce decree, or property
settlement agreement. You must certify online that the transfer is a gift or a specified exception.
(b) We do not permit the transfer of savings bonds for consideration, unless it is an exception specified in paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) If the bond is being transferred to an individual, the bond will be transferred in the single owner form of registration. If the bond is
being transferred to an entity, the bond will be transferred in the entity form of registration.
(d) We reserve the right to limit the transferability of savings bonds at any time by amendment to these regulations.
§ 363.56 What is the minimum amount of book-entry savings bonds that I may transfer in any one transaction?
Each transfer must be in a minimum amount of $25 redemption value, with additional one-cent increments above that amount, in any
one transaction. For example, you may transfer $25.00, $25.01, $25.02, or $25.03, and so forth. Transfers will be comprised of
principal and proportionate interest.
§ 363.57 What is the minimum amount of book-entry savings bonds that I may redeem in any one transaction?
Each redemption must be in a minimum amount of $25 redemption value, with additional one-cent increments above that amount, in
any one transaction. For example, you may redeem $25.00, $25.01, $25.02, or $25.03, and so forth. Redemptions will be comprised of
principal and proportionate interest.
§ 363.58 May book-entry savings bonds be pledged or used as collateral?
Bonds may not be pledged or used as collateral for the performance of an obligation.
§ 363.59 What is a payroll savings plan?
A payroll savings plan is an automatic method of purchasing savings bonds. (See the definition in § 363.6.) You may open your
payroll savings plan by selecting an amount, series, and registration for your savings bond purchases using functionality in your
TreasuryDirect® account. Each bond purchase must be in a minimum amount of $25 with additional one-cent increments above that
amount, up to a maximum amount of $5000, in any one transaction. The series may be either a Series EE or Series I savings bond. The
registration may be any authorized form of registration for an electronic savings bond. You must also initiate a request to your
employer or your financial institution to send credits on a recurring basis to your payroll savings plan through the ACH method to
purchase a payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness. (See Subpart D for more information about a payroll zero-percent
certificate of indebtedness.) When you have accumulated a sufficient amount of payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness to
purchase a savings bond in the amount, series, and registration that you selected, the TreasuryDirect® system will automatically
redeem your payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness and purchase your selected savings bond.
§ 363.60 How do I discontinue my participation in my payroll savings plan?
You may discontinue your participation in your payroll savings plan by arranging with your employer or financial institution to
discontinue sending funds.
§ 363.83 May an account owner transfer a book-entry savings bond to a minor?
An account owner may transfer a bond to a minor as a gift or pursuant to one of the specified exceptions in § 363.55(a).

— Gifts

§ 363.95 How may I give, and who can receive, a book-entry savings bond as a gift?
You may give a book-entry savings bond as a gift in two ways:
(a) An individual may purchase a book-entry savings bond online as a gift and give it to an individual; or
(b) A person who owns a bond may transfer that bond to another person as a gift with immediate delivery.
§ 363.96 What do I need to know if I initially purchase a bond as a gift?
(a) An entity may not purchase a gift savings bond.
(b) The gift bond will be registered in the name of the recipient(s). The registration is irrevocable with regard to the owner named on
the gift bond.
(c) You must provide the SSN of the recipient.
(d) You may deliver the bond upon purchase, or you may hold the bond in your TreasuryDirect ® account until you are ready to
deliver the bond to the owner named on the gift bond.
(e) If the purchaser dies before delivering a gift bond to the recipient, the bond belongs to the owner named on the gift bond,
notwithstanding any testamentary attempts to the contrary by the purchaser, or any state law to the contrary. We will hold the bond
until we receive instructions from the owner named on the gift bond.
§ 363.97 What do I need to know if I transfer a book-entry savings bond to another person as a gift?
(a) You must certify online that the transfer is a gift.
(b) You must provide the SSN or EIN of the recipient.
(c) Once the transfer is made, the gift is irrevocable.
(d) The bond will be transferred in the single owner form of registration for individual account owners, and in the entity form of
registration for account owners that are entities.
§ 363.99 What is the minimum amount of a bond that I may transfer or deliver as a gift in any one transaction?
You may transfer or deliver gift bonds in any one-cent increment value equal to or greater than $25.00 redemption value. For example,
you may deliver a gift bond with a redemption value of $25.00, $25.01, $25.02, and so forth. If the bond was held in your account
prior to delivery to the recipient for a period of time and has accrued interest, the delivery will include principal and proportionate
§ 363.100 What are the rules for purchasing and delivering gift savings bonds to minors?
(a) A TreasuryDirect ® account owner can purchase a savings bond as a gift with a minor as the recipient.
(b) An account owner can deliver a bond purchased as a gift to a minor. The account owner must deliver the security to the minor's
linked account. Once delivered, the bond will be under the control of the custodian of the minor's account. (See § 363.27.)
§ 363.101 Can an account owner transfer a book-entry savings bond to a minor?
An account owner can transfer a book-entry savings bond held in TreasuryDirect ® to a minor as a gift or pursuant to one of the
specified exceptions in § 363.55(a).

— Payment

§ 363.125 How is payment made on a book-entry savings bond?

We will make payment by the ACH method to the designated account at a United States depository financial institution.
§ 363.126 Under what circumstances will payment be made?
We will make payment:
(a) Upon your request for redemption prior to maturity;
(b) When the bond reaches final maturity; and
(c) If a person who becomes entitled to the bond is unable, unwilling or ineligible to open a TreasuryDirect ® account.

Subpart D -
— General
§ 363.130 What does this subpart cover?
This subpart is the offering of the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness by the Secretary of the Treasury (Secretary), and will
continue until suspended or terminated by the Secretary. This subpart is also the governing regulations for the zero-percent certificate
of indebtedness.
§ 363.131 What is a TreasuryDirect ® zero-percent certificate of indebtedness?
A TreasuryDirect® zero-percent certificate of indebtedness is a non-interest-bearing security that is issued daily, with a one-day
maturity, which automatically rolls over at maturity until you request redemption. A zero-percent certificate of indebtedness has a
minimum purchase amount of one cent. The only purpose of a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness is to accumulate funds for the
purchase of another eligible security in the TreasuryDirect system. A zero-percent certificate of indebtedness within a minor's account
is the property of the minor alone. The payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness is a restricted form of the zero-percent
certificate of indebtedness that is held separately from the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness and used only for purchases made
through the payroll savings plan.
§ 363.132 Can the sale of the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness be suspended?
The Secretary may suspend and rescind the suspension of sales of the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness by announcement at any
§ 363.133 What happens to my zero-percent certificate of indebtedness if the offering is terminated by the Secretary?
Upon the termination of this offering by the Secretary, the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness ceases to roll over; the proceeds
will be paid by the ACH method to the bank account at a financial institution that you designated in your TreasuryDirect ® account as
your primary bank account.
§ 363.134 What regulations cover a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness?
The regulations in part 363 apply to a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness. We expressly disclaim representations or warranties
regarding a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness that in any way conflict with these regulations and other applicable law.
§ 363.135 In what form is a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness issued?
A zero-percent certificate of indebtedness is issued in electronic form only in the TreasuryDirect ® system.
§ 363.136 Do zero-percent certificates of indebtedness pay interest?
Zero-percent certificates of indebtedness do not pay any interest. However, the Secretary may prescribe a rate of interest, or change
the interest rate, for zero-percent certificates of indebtedness by announcement at any time. The new rate would apply to zero-percent
certificates of indebtedness issued thereafter, as provided in the announcement. The Secretary's determination of the rate will be final.
§ 363.137 What do I need to know about the registration of a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness?
A zero-percent certificate of indebtedness is automatically registered in the name of the TreasuryDirect® account owner.
§ 363.138 Is Treasury liable for the purchase of a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness that is made in error?
We are not liable for any deposits of funds for the purchase of a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness that are made in error by your
financial institution or employer.
§ 363.139 May I transfer or deliver my zero-percent certificate of indebtedness?
A zero-percent certificate of indebtedness is nontransferable. You may not deliver a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness to another
TreasuryDirect ® account as a gift.
§ 363.140 May a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness be pledged or used as collateral?
A zero-percent certificate of indebtedness may not be pledged or used as collateral for the performance of an obligation.
[69 FR 50309, Aug. 16, 2004. Redesignated at 70 FR 57437, Sept. 30, 2005, and further

— Zero-Percent Certificate of Indebtedness

§ 363.141 How do I purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness?
(a) Primary and linked accounts. You may purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness through one or more of the following
four methods:
(1) Payroll deduction, in which your employer sends funds through the ACH method to your TreasuryDirect® account;
(2) Deposit by your financial institution, in which your financial institution sends funds by the ACH method to your
TreasuryDirect® account on a recurring or one-time basis;
(3) Through the Buy Direct function of your TreasuryDirect® account, in which you direct us to debit funds from your
financial institution account to purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness. This method is limited to an amount no
greater than $1000 per transaction. When you use the Buy Direct function to debit funds to purchase all or a portion of a
zero-percent certificate of indebtedness, you will not be permitted to schedule a redemption to your financial institution from
the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness within five business days after the settlement date of the debit entry; and
(4) By using the proceeds from the redemption of a savings bond, the proceeds of a maturing security, or an interest payment
from a security to purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness.
(b) Payroll savings plan. You may purchase a payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness for your payroll savings plan through
payroll deduction, in which your employer sends funds through the ACH method to your TreasuryDirect® payroll savings plan, or
through a credit using the ACH method by your financial institution, in which your financial institution sends funds by the ACH
method to your TreasuryDirect® payroll savings plan.
§ 363.142 When is a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness issued?
A zero-percent certificate of indebtedness is issued the business day after the purchase transaction is made.
§ 363.143 How do I purchase a security using the redemption proceeds of my zero-percent certificate of indebtedness?
You may purchase an eligible security by redeeming all or a portion of your zero-percent certificate of indebtedness and applying the
proceeds toward the purchase of another eligible security. To do this, your zero-percent certificate of indebtedness must be of
sufficient value to cover the cost of the security. If you are paying for a security using the redemption proceeds of a zero-percent
certificate of indebtedness, you must pay the full amount of the purchase price of the security using the redemption proceeds.
§ 363.144 Can I redeem my zero-percent certificate of indebtedness?
You can redeem part or all of the value of your zero-percent certificate of indebtedness at any time, with one exception: if you
purchased all or a portion of your zero-percent certificate of indebtedness through a debit using the ACH method, you may not
schedule a redemption from your zero-percent certificate of indebtedness within five business days after the date of the debit entry.
§ 363.145 May I delete a pending transaction involving a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness?
(a) You may delete a pending purchase of a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness initiated from your TreasuryDirect ® account.
(b) You may delete a pending purchase of a security using a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness as payment.
(c) You may not delete a pending redemption of all or part of the value of a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness.

— Payroll Zero-Percent Certificate of Indebtedness

§ 363.146 Who may purchase a payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness?
Only an individual TreasuryDirect® account owner may purchase a payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness, only through his
or her primary account, and only through the payroll savings plan.
§ 363.147 How do I purchase a payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness?
You may purchase a payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness through your TreasuryDirect® account using your payroll savings
plan. (See §§ 363.59 and 363.60 for more information on opening a payroll savings plan.) The only method of purchase for a payroll
zero-percent certificate of indebtedness is a credit of funds from your employer or financial institution using the ACH method. You
cannot purchase a payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness by using a debit from your financial institution.
§ 363.148 Can I redeem all or a portion of my accumulated payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness?
You may redeem all or a portion of your accumulated payroll zero-percent certificate of indebtedness to any financial institution that
is of record in your TreasuryDirect® account.

Subpart E -

§ 363.160 What subparts govern the conversion of definitive savings bonds?
(a) This subpart governs:
(1) The process of converting definitive savings bonds of all eligible series and types of registration to book-entry bonds in
TreasuryDirect ® ;
(2) Converted savings bonds of all series registered in the coowner form of registration, unless the non-converting coowner
consents to a change in the registration of the bonds after conversion;
(3) Converted savings bonds of Series E registered in the owner with beneficiary form of registration, unless the beneficiary
consents to a change in the registration of the bonds after conversion; and
(4) Converted savings bonds of all series that are held as gift bonds by the person who converted the bonds.
(b) Subpart C governs:
(1) Converted savings bonds of any series registered in the single owner or entity form of registration;
(2) Converted Series EE and Series I savings bonds registered in the owner with beneficiary form of registration;
(3) Converted Series E savings bonds registered in the owner with beneficiary form of registration, where the beneficiary has
consented to a change in the registration of the bonds after conversion; and
(4) Converted savings bonds of all series registered in the coowner form of registration, where the non-converting coowner
has consented to a change in the registration of the bonds after conversion.
§ 363.161
What definitive savings bonds are eligible to be converted to book-entry bonds?
Series E, Series EE, and Series I savings bonds issued in denominations of $25 or greater are eligible for conversion to book-entry
bonds in TreasuryDirect®.
§ 363.162
Who may convert a definitive savings bond?
The owner of a TreasuryDirect® primary account may convert a definitive savings bond.
(a) Bond that is registered to the account owner. The following persons may convert a definitive savings bond of an eligible series to a
book-entry bond to be held in the person's TreasuryDirect account:
(1) The owner of a definitive savings bond registered in the single owner or entity form of registration;
(2) Either co-owner of a bond registered in the coowner form of registration; and
(3) The owner of a bond registered in the owner with beneficiary form of registration.
(b) Bond that is registered to someone other than the account owner. We will convert an eligible definitive savings bond submitted by
an individual account owner who is not the registered owner of the savings bond. See the special rules in § 363.166.
§ 363.163
How do I convert an eligible definitive savings bond?
We will provide online instructions for converting your definitive savings bond. You must surrender to us the definitive bond to be
converted at the time of conversion.
§ 363.164
Is a converted savings bond eligible to be converted back into a definitive bond?
Once a definitive savings bond has been converted to a book-entry bond, it may not be converted back into a definitive bond.
§ 363.165
What happens when I convert a savings bond that is registered in my name as a single owner, either coowner, an owner with a
beneficiary, or an entity?
(a) Unmatured savings bond. When the conversion is approved, an unmatured savings bond that is registered in the name of the
TreasuryDirect® account owner as a single owner, either coowner, an owner with beneficiary, or an entity, will be released to the
account owner's conversion linked account.
(b) Matured savings bond. A savings bond that has reached final maturity and is registered in the name of the TreasuryDirect account
owner as a single owner, either coowner, an owner with beneficiary, or an entity, will be converted to a book-entry savings bond and

automatically redeemed. The redemption proceeds will be used to purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness in the account
owner's name in the primary account.
§ 363.166
What happens when I convert a savings bond that is not registered in my name as owner, either coowner, or owner with beneficiary
(including a bond registered in the name of a minor)?
We will presume that a savings bond registered in the name of someone other than the TreasuryDirect® account owner (including a
bond registered in the name of a minor) was purchased by the account owner as a gift for the registered owner. We will not permit an
entity to convert a savings bond that is not registered in the name of the entity.
(a) Unmatured savings bond—
(1) General. An unmatured savings bond registered in the name of someone other than the account owner will be converted
to a book-entry bond, released as a gift bond to the account owner's conversion linked account, and held until delivered to the
TreasuryDirect account (or minor linked account, if the registered owner is a minor) of the registered owner.
(2) Delivery of unmatured gift bond to registered owner. The TreasuryDirect account owner may deliver the converted gift
bond to the TreasuryDirect account (or minor linked account, if the registered owner is a minor) of the registered owner, or, if
the bond is registered in the coowner form of registration, to the account of either coowner. A bond registered in coowner or
owner with beneficiary form of registration will retain the coowner or beneficiary form of registration upon delivery.
(b) Savings bond that has reached final maturity—
(1) General. A savings bond that has reached final maturity and is registered in the name of someone other than the account
owner will be converted to a book-entry bond, released as a gift bond into the account owner's conversion linked account, and
automatically redeemed. We will hold the redemption proceeds in the name of the registered owner of the definitive bond
until the proceeds are delivered to the TreasuryDirect account (or minor linked account, if the registered owner is a minor) of
the registered owner.
(2) Delivery of bond proceeds to registered owner. If the gift bond has reached final maturity and has been automatically
redeemed, then the Treasury Direct account owner may direct that the held redemption proceeds be delivered to the Treasury
Direct account of the registered owner (or minor linked account, if the registered owner is a minor), where we will use the
proceeds to purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness in the name of the registered owner. If the bond is registered
in the coowner form of registration, the account owner may direct that the held redemption proceeds be delivered to the
account of either coowner, where we will use the proceeds to purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness in the name
of the coowner to whose account the bond was delivered.
§ 363.167
How will a converted savings bond be registered?
The registration of the converted bond will be the same as on the definitive bond, provided that it was registered properly in an
authorized form of registration. We will change a definitive savings bond that was not registered in an authorized form of registration
to the closest authorized form of registration. For example, a definitive savings bond erroneously registered “John Doe and Jane Doe”
will be changed to “John Doe or Jane Doe.” We are not liable to any person for any such decision as to the closest form of authorized
§ 363.168
What rules regarding registration apply to a converted savings bond?
(a) Savings bond of any series registered in the single owner or entity form of registration. By converting a definitive bond of any
eligible series registered in the single owner or entity form of registration to book-entry in TreasuryDirect®, the owner has consented
to the bond being governed by the rules regarding registration contained in subpart C of this part.
(b) Savings bond of Series EE or Series I registered in the owner with beneficiary form of registration. By converting a definitive bond
of Series EE or Series I registered in an owner with beneficiary form of registration to a book-entry bond in TreasuryDirect, the owner
has consented to the bond being governed by the rules regarding registration contained in subpart C of this part.
(c) Savings bond of Series E registered in the owner with beneficiary form of registration. The registration of a converted savings
bond of Series E registered in the owner with beneficiary form of registration may be changed upon the request of the owner and the
consent of the beneficiary. The transaction will not be conducted through the registered owner's TreasuryDirect account.
(d) Savings bond of any series registered in the coowner form of registration. The registration of a converted savings bond of any
eligible series registered in the coowner form of registration may be changed upon the request of one coowner and the consent of the
other coowner. The transaction will not be conducted through the registered owner's TreasuryDirect account.
§ 363.169

What transactions can I conduct in a converted savings bond on which I am registered as the single owner, either coowner, the owner
with a beneficiary, or an entity?
(a) Savings bond of any series registered in the single owner or entity form of registration. By converting a definitive savings bond of
any series registered in the single owner or entity form of registration to a book-entry bond, you have consented to the bond being
treated as if it were originally issued as a book-entry bond in TreasuryDirect®. The bond will be subject to the provisions of subpart C
of this part. Any transaction available for a book-entry bond originally issued in the TreasuryDirect system is available for a converted
bond registered in single owner or entity form of registration.
(b) Savings bond of Series EE and Series I registered in the owner with beneficiary form of registration. By converting a definitive
savings bond registered in the owner with beneficiary form of registration to a book-entry bond, you have consented to the bond being
treated as if it were originally issued as a book-entry bond in TreasuryDirect. The bond will be subject to the provisions of subpart C
of this part. Any transaction available for a book-entry bond purchased in the TreasuryDirect system is available for a converted bond
of Series EE and Series I registered in the owner with beneficiary form of registration.
(c) Savings bond of Series E registered in the owner with beneficiary form of registration. The owner of a converted Series E bond
registered in the owner with beneficiary form of registration may make the following transactions:
(1) Provide view rights to the beneficiary. The owner may provide the beneficiary with the right to view the bond in the
beneficiary's TreasuryDirect account. Once the right to view the bond is provided to the beneficiary, the owner may not
revoke that right.
(2) Transfer without change in registration. The owner may transfer the bond without a change of registration to another
account in the name of the owner.
(3) Remove the beneficiary from the registration. The owner may remove the beneficiary's name from the registration with
the consent of the beneficiary. The transaction will not be conducted through the registered owner's TreasuryDirect account.
The bond will be changed to the single owner form of registration. Once the transaction is completed, the bond will be treated
as a bond originally issued as a book-entry bond in TreasuryDirect, and will be subject to subpart C of this part. The owner
may then perform any transaction available for book-entry bonds purchased in the TreasuryDirect system.
(4) Transfer to the beneficiary or a third party with a change in registration. The owner may remove his or her name from the
registration and transfer the bond to the account of the beneficiary or a third party, with the consent of the beneficiary. The
transaction will not be conducted through the registered owner's TreasuryDirect account. The bond will be transferred in the
single owner form of registration. Once the transfer is completed, the bond will be treated as a bond originally issued as a
book-entry bond in TreasuryDirect, and will be subject to subpart C of this part. The owner may then perform any transaction
available for book-entry bonds purchased in the TreasuryDirect system.
(d) Savings bond of any series registered in the coowner form of registration. The converting coowner of a converted bond registered
in the coowner form of registration may make the following transactions:
(1) Provide view or transact rights to non-converting coowner. The converting coowner may provide the non-converting
coowner with the rights to view the bond or to view and redeem the bond through the non-converting coowner's
TreasuryDirect account. Once either of these rights is provided to the non-converting coowner, the converting coowner may
not revoke the right.
(2) Transfer without change in registration. The converting coowner may transfer the bond without a change in registration to
another account in the name of the converting coowner. The bond may be transferred without the consent of the non-
converting coowner, and will retain the coowner registration.
(3) Remove a coowner from the registration. The converting coowner (or the non-converting coowner, if the bond has been
previously transferred to the account of the non-converting coowner) may remove the other coowner from the registration.
The consent of the other coowner is required. The bond must reside in the account of the coowner who is requesting the
transaction. The transaction will not be conducted through the registered owner's TreasuryDirect account. The bond's
registration will be changed to the single owner form of registration. Once this transaction is completed, the bond will be
treated as a bond originally issued as a book-entry bond in TreasuryDirect, and will be subject to subpart C of this part. The
owner may then perform any transaction available for book-entry bonds purchased in the TreasuryDirect system.
(4) Transfer to non-converting coowner or a third party with a change in registration. The converting coowner may remove
his or her name from the registration and transfer the bond to either the account of the non-converting coowner or to the
account of a third party. The consent of the non-converting coowner is required. The transaction will not be conducted
through the registered owner's TreasuryDirect account. The bond will be transferred in the single owner form of registration.
Once the transfer is completed, the bond will be treated as a bond originally issued as a book-entry bond in TreasuryDirect,
and will be subject to subpart C of this part. The owner may then perform any transaction available for book-entry bonds
purchased in the TreasuryDirect system.
§ 363.170
What transactions can I conduct in a savings bond that I converted on which I am not registered as the owner, either coowner, or
owner with beneficiary?
The only transaction that you may conduct on a savings bond that you converted on which you are not registered as the owner, either
coowner, or owner with beneficiary is to deliver the converted bond to the TreasuryDirect ® account of the registered owner.
§ 363.171
How do I redeem a converted savings bond?
(a) Before final maturity—
(1) Savings bond of any series registered in the single owner, owner with beneficiary, or entity form of registration. You may
redeem your converted savings bond of any series registered either in the single owner, owner with beneficiary, or entity
form of registration any time prior to final maturity after the minimum holding period through your TreasuryDirect®
(2) Savings bond of any series registered in the coowner form of registration. The converting coowner may redeem the
converted savings bond of any series registered in the coowner form of registration at any time prior to final maturity after
the minimum holding period through his or her TreasuryDirect account. The non-converting coowner may redeem the
converted savings bond at any time prior to final maturity after the minimum holding period provided that he or she has been
granted transaction rights in the converted bond by the converting coowner.
(b) Upon final maturity—
(1) Savings bond of any series registered in the single owner, owner with beneficiary, coowner, or entity forms of
registration. If you have not previously redeemed or transferred your converted savings bond of any series registered in the
single owner, owner with beneficiary, coowner, or entity forms of registration, it will be automatically redeemed for you at
final maturity.
(2) The redemption proceeds will be automatically used to purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness registered in
your name and held in your TreasuryDirect account.
§ 363.176
May a converted savings bond be pledged or used as collateral?
A converted savings bond may not be pledged or used as collateral for the performance of an obligation.
§ 363.179
Does Public Debt make any reservations as to the conversion of an eligible savings bond?
We may reject any application for conversion or refuse to convert a savings bond in any case or class of cases, if we deem the action
to be in the public interest. Our action in any such respect is final.

Subpart F -
§ 363.200
What Treasury securities does this subpart govern?
This subpart provides the rules for holding marketable Treasury bills, notes, and bonds in book-entry form in TreasuryDirect ®.
§ 363.201
What other regulations govern book-entry marketable book-entry Treasury bills, notes, and bonds?
(a) 31 CFR part 356 governs the sale and issue of marketable book-entry Treasury securities on or after March 1, 1993, whether held
in TreasuryDirect ®, Legacy Treasury Direct, or the commercial book-entry system.
(b) 31 CFR part 357 governs holding marketable book-entry Treasury bills, notes, and bonds in the Legacy Treasury Direct system
and in the commercial book-entry system.
§ 363.202
What marketable Treasury securities may I purchase and hold through my TreasuryDirect ® account?
(a) Purchase.
(1) Advance purchase. You may purchase any marketable Treasury security that is available for purchase through the
TreasuryDirect ® website. One day each week, marketable securities that are scheduled for auction within 8 weeks will be

made available on the TreasuryDirect website for scheduling an advance purchase, and are the only marketable securities that
you can schedule for advance purchase.
(2) Purchases scheduled prior to May 15, 2010, with an effective issue date on or after May 15, 2010.
(i) Any marketable security purchase scheduled prior to May 15, 2010, and with an effective issue date of May 15,
2010, through July 9, 2010, will be treated as a new purchase, even if the transaction would have been treated as a
reinvestment under the rules in effect prior to May 15, 2010.
(ii) Any marketable security purchase scheduled prior to May 15, 2010, with an effective issue date after July 9,
2010, will be canceled.
(b) Hold. You may transfer into the system and maintain in your TreasuryDirect account any eligible marketable book-entry Treasury
bill, note, or bond.
§ 363.203
After I purchase my marketable Treasury security in TreasuryDirect ®, is there a period of time during which I may not transfer the
Once you purchase a marketable Treasury security in TreasuryDirect, you may not transfer that security for a period of 45 calendar
days after the issue date of the security, or the term of the security, whichever is less.
§ 363.204
What registrations are available for my marketable Treasury securities held in TreasuryDirect ®?
You may register your marketable Treasury securities in any form of registration permitted by § 363.20 of this part.
§ 363.205
How do I reinvest the proceeds of a maturing security held in TreasuryDirect ®?
(a) Method for reinvesting a maturing security. The only method of reinvesting a maturing marketable security in TreasuryDirect ® is
through the automatic reinvestment option available in your TreasuryDirect account. Purchasing a security by directing that the
proceeds of a maturing security be used to purchase a zero-percent certificate of indebtedness, and then scheduling the purchase of a
new security using the redemption proceeds of the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness, is not a reinvestment.
(b) When a reinvestment can be scheduled, edited, or canceled. You can schedule your reinvestment either at the time of purchase or
after the security is issued into your TreasuryDirect account. You cannot schedule, edit, or cancel a reinvestment when the maturing
security goes into a closed book period, or when a noncompetitive bid for the replacement security is no longer accepted, whichever
comes first.
(c) What securities can be reinvested. Any marketable security can be reinvested.
(d) Limits on scheduling reinvestments. Reinvestments will be limited at any one time to 25 times for a 4-week bill, 7 times for a 13-
week bill, 3 times for a 26-week bill, and once for all other marketable security types.
(e) Canceling reinvestments. If there is no security available for reinvestment with an issue date that coincides with the maturity date
or call date, if invoked, of the maturing security, and with the same type and term, the scheduled reinvestment will be canceled and the
proceeds of the maturing security will be returned to the customer.
(f) Procedure if there are insufficient funds from the maturing security to pay the full purchase price of the replacement security. If
there are insufficient funds from the maturing security to pay the full purchase price of the replacement security, we will either debit
your primary account at a financial institution or pay the additional funds using the redemption proceeds of your zero-percent
certificate of indebtedness.
(1) Debit from primary account at financial institution. If the maturing security is purchased on or after May 15, 2010, we
will pay the additional funds by a debit from your primary account at a financial institution if the maturing security was
purchased within TreasuryDirect by a debit from a financial institution account or if the maturing security was received
through a transfer. If we are unable to obtain sufficient funds from your primary account at a financial institution, the
reinvestment will be canceled and we will refund the proceeds of the maturing security.
(2) Withdrawal of funds from zero-percent certificate of indebtedness. If the maturing security is purchased on or after May
15, 2010, we will pay the additional funds using the redemption proceeds of your zero-percent certificate of indebtedness if
the purchase of the maturing security was made using the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness. If the amount available
from a redemption of the zero-percent certificate of indebtedness is insufficient to pay the additional amount, the
reinvestment will be canceled and we will refund the proceeds of the maturing security.
(3) Special rules if the maturing security was purchased prior to May 15, 2010. If the maturing security was purchased within
TreasuryDirect or received through a transfer prior to May 15, 2010, we will debit your primary account at a financial

institution for the additional funds. If we are unable to obtain sufficient funds from your primary account at a financial
institution, the reinvestment will be canceled and we will refund the proceeds of the maturing security.
§ 363.206
How can I transfer my marketable Treasury security into my TreasuryDirect ® account from another book-entry system?
(a) Legacy Treasury Direct to TreasuryDirect. 31 CFR part 357, subpart C, governs the transfer of a marketable book-entry Treasury
security from your Legacy Treasury Direct account into TreasuryDirect.
(b) Commercial book-entry system to TreasuryDirect. You may transfer your marketable Treasury security from the commercial
book-entry system by contacting the financial institution or broker that handles your commercial book-entry account.
(1) Individuals. When a security is transferred into the TreasuryDirect account of an individual, it will be transferred in the
name of the individual account owner in the single owner form of registration, regardless of the form of registration prior to
the transfer. After the transfer is completed, you can change the registration to any form of registration permitted by these
(2) Entities. When a security is transferred into the TreasuryDirect account of an entity, the security will be transferred in the
name of the entity, regardless of the form of registration prior to the transfer.
(d) Amounts transferred. You can only transfer in increments of $1000.
§ 363.207
Can I transfer my marketable Treasury security from my TreasuryDirect ® account to another TreasuryDirect account?
After the initial 45-calendar day holding period for your marketable Treasury security (see § 363.203) you can transfer your security
to another TreasuryDirect account in increments of $1000.
§ 363.208
Can I transfer my marketable Treasury security from my TreasuryDirect ® account to an account in another book-entry system?
After the initial 45-calendar day holding period for your marketable Treasury security (see § 363.203) you can transfer your security
to an account in the commercial book-entry system in increments of $1000.
§ 363.210
Is there any period of time during which I will be unable to process certain transactions regarding my security?
A closed book period will be in effect for four business days prior to the date a marketable security interest and/or redemption
payment is made. During the closed book period, you cannot change the registration of the security, change the payment destination of
the proceeds, change the view or transaction rights, make transfers, or schedule, edit, or cancel a reinvestment. We will hold
transactions requiring submission of a form for processing until the closed book period ends.

Subpart H –
§ 363.250
May Public Debt waive these regulations?
We may waive or modify any provision of the regulations in this part. We may do so in any particular case or class of cases for the
convenience of the United States or in order to relieve any person or persons of unnecessary hardship:
(a) If the waiver would not be inconsistent with law or equity;
(b) If the waiver does not impair any material existing rights; and
(c) If we are satisfied that the waiver would not subject the United States to any substantial expense or liability.
§ 363.251
Can I be required to provide additional evidence to support a transaction?
We may require additional evidence and/or a bond of indemnity, with or without surety, in any case where we determine it necessary
to protect the interests of the United States.
§ 363.252
May Public Debt amend or supplement these regulations?

We may amend, revise, or supplement these regulations at any time.

Title 48—Federal Acquisition Regulations System

28.001 - Definitions.
As used in this part—
Attorney-in-fact means an agent, independent agent, underwriter, or any other company or individual holding a power of attorney
granted by a surety (see also power of attorney at 2.101).
Bid means any response to a solicitation, including a proposal under a negotiated acquisition. See the definition of “offer” at 2.101.
Bidder means any entity that is responding or has responded to a solicitation, including an offeror under a negotiated acquisition.
Bid guarantee means a form of security assuring that the bidder (1) will not withdraw a bid within the period specified for acceptance
and (2) will execute a written contract and furnish required bonds, including any necessary coinsurance or reinsurance agreements,
within the time specified in the bid, unless a longer time is allowed, after receipt of the specified forms.
Bond means a written instrument executed by a bidder or contractor (the “principal”), and a second party (“the surety” or “sureties”)
(except as provided in 28.204), to assure fulfillment of the principal's obligations to a third party (the “obligee” or “Government”),
identified in the bond. If the principal's obligations are not met, the bond assures payment, to the extent stipulated, of any loss
sustained by the obligee. The types of bonds and related documents are as follows:
(1) An advance payment bond secures fulfillment of the contractor's obligations under an advance payment provision.
(2) An annual bid bond is a single bond furnished by a bidder, in lieu of separate bid bonds, which secures all bids (on other
than construction contracts) requiring bonds submitted during a specific Government fiscal year.
(3) An annual performance bond is a single bond furnished by a contractor, in lieu of separate performance bonds, to secure
fulfillment of the contractor's obligations under contracts (other than construction contracts) requiring bonds entered into
during a specific Government fiscal year.
(4) A patent infringement bond secures fulfillment of the contractor's obligations under a patent provision.
(5) A payment bond assures payments as required by law to all persons supplying labor or material in the prosecution of the
work provided for in the contract.
(6) A performance bond secures performance and fulfillment of the contractor's obligations under the contract.
Consent of surety means an acknowledgment by a surety that its bond given in connection with a contract continues to apply to the
contract as modified.
Penal sum or penal amount means the amount of money specified in a bond (or a percentage of the bid price in a bid bond) as the
maximum payment for which the surety is obligated or the amount of security required to be pledged to the Government in lieu of a
corporate or individual surety for the bond.
Reinsurance means a transaction which provides that a surety, for a consideration, agrees to indemnify another surety against loss
which the latter may sustain under a bond which it has issued.


Part 53 - FORMS
53.000 Scope of part.
This part (a) prescribes standard forms (SF's) and references optional forms (OF's) and agency-prescribed forms for use in acquisition,
(b) contains requirements and information generally applicable to the forms, and (c) illustrates the forms.

53.001 Definitions.
Exception, as used in this part, means an approved departure from the established design, content, printing specifications, or
conditions for use of any standard form.

Subpart 53.1 – General

53.100 Scope of subpart.
This subpart contains requirements and information generally applicable to the forms prescribed in this regulation.

53.101 Requirements for use of forms.

The requirements for use of the forms prescribed or referenced in this part are contained in parts 1 through 52, where the subject
matter applicable to each form is addressed. The specific location of each requirement is identified in subpart .

53.102 Current editions.

The form prescriptions in subpart and the illustrations in subpart contain current edition dates. Contracting officers shall use the
current editions unless otherwise authorized under this regulation.

53.103 Exceptions.
Agencies shall not (a) alter a standard form prescribed by this regulation, or (b) use for the same purpose any form other than the
standard form prescribed by this regulation without receiving in advance an exception to the form.

53.104 Overprinting.
Standard and optional forms (obtained as required by 53.107) may be overprinted with names, addresses, and other uniform entries
that are consistent with the purpose of the form and that do not alter the form in any way. Exception approval for overprinting is not

53.105 Computer generation.

(a) Agencies may computer-generate the Standard and Optional Forms prescribed in the FAR without exception approval (see
53.103), provided—
(1) The form is in an electronic format that complies with Federal Information Processing Standard Number 161; or
(2) There is no change to the name, content, or sequence of the data elements, and the form carries the Standard or Optional
Form number and edition date.
(b) The forms prescribed by this part may be computer generated by the public. Unless prohibited by agency regulations, forms
prescribed by agency FAR supplements may also be computer generated by the public. Computer generated forms shall either comply
with Federal Information Processing Standard Number 161 or shall retain the name, content, or sequence of the data elements, and
shall carry the Standard or Optional Form or agency number and edition date (see 53.111).

53.106 Special construction and printing.

Contracting offices may request exceptions (see 53.103) to standard forms for special construction and printing. Examples of common
exceptions are as follows:

Standard Forms Special Construction and Printing

(a) SF 18— (1) With vertical lines omitted (for listing of supplies and services, unit, etc.);

(2) As reproducible masters; and/or

(3) In carbon interleaved pads or sets.

(b) SF's 26,30,33,1447

As die-cut stencils or reproducible masters.

(c) SF 44— (1) With serial numbers and contracting office name and address; and/or

(2) On special weight of paper and with the type of construction, number of sets per book, and number of
parts per set as specified by the contracting officer. (Executive agencies may supplement the administrative
instructions on the inside front cover of the book.)

(d) SF 1442— (1) As die-cut stencils or reproducible masters; and/or

(2) With additional wording as required by the executive agency. (However, the sequence and wording of
the items appearing on the prescribed form should not be altered.)

53.107 Obtaining forms.

(a) Executive agencies shall obtain standard and optional forms from the General Services Administration (GSA) by using GSA
Supply Catalog - Office Products (see 41 CFR 101-26.302 ). Standard forms adapted for computer preparation (see 53.105) or with
special construction and printing (see 53.106) that are not available from GSA may be ordered directly from the Government Printing
Office (GPO).
(b) Contractors and other parties may obtain standard and optional forms from the Superintendent of Documents, GPO, Washington,
DC 20402. Standard and optional forms not available from the Superintendent of Documents may be obtained from the prescribing
(c) Agency forms may be obtained from the prescribing agency.

53.108 Recommendations concerning forms.

Users of this regulation may recommend new forms or the revision, elimination, or consolidation of the forms prescribed or referenced
in this regulation. Recommendations from within an executive agency shall be submitted to the cognizant council in accordance with
agency procedures. Recommendations from other than executive agencies should be submitted directly to the FAR Secretariat.

53.109 Forms prescribed by other regulations.

Certain forms referred to in Subpart are prescribed in other regulations and are specified by the FAR for use in acquisition. For each of
these forms, the prescribing agency is identified by means of a parenthetical notation after the form number. For example, SF 1165,
which is prescribed by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), is identified as SF 1165(GAO).

53.110 Continuation sheets.

Except as may be otherwise indicated in the FAR, all standard forms prescribed by the FAR may be continued on (a) plain paper of
similar specification, or (b) specially constructed continuation sheets (e.g., OF 336). Continuation sheets shall be annotated in the
upper right-hand corner with the reference number of the document being continued and the serial page number.

53.111 Contract clause.

Contracting officers shall insert the clause at 52.253-1, Computer Generated Forms, in solicitations and contracts that require the
contractor to submit data on Standard or Optional Forms prescribed by this regulation; and, unless prohibited by agency regulations,
forms prescribed by agency supplements.

House Joint Resolution 192

JUNE 5, 1933

H.J.R. 192 73rd Congress 1st Session

Joint resolution to assure uniform value to the coins and currencies of the United States.

Whereas the holding of or dealing in gold affect the public interest, and therefore subject to proper
regulation and restriction; and

Whereas the existing emergency has disclosed that provisions of obligations which purport to give
the obligee a right to require payment in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency of the United
States, or in an amount of money of the United States measured thereby, obstruct the power of
the Congress to regulate the value of money of the United States, and are inconsistent with the
declared policy of the Congress to maintain at all times the equal power of every dollar, coined or
issued by the United States, in the markets and in payment of debts.

Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled.

That (a) every provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation which purports to give
the obligee a right to require payment in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency, or in an
amount of money of the United States measured thereby, is declared to be against public policy;
and no such provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation hereafter incurred.
Every obligation, heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether or not any such provisions is contained
therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment, dollar for dollar, in any
such coin or currency which at the time is legal tender for public and private debts. Any such
provision contained in any law authorizing obligations to be issued by or under authority of the
United States, is hereby repealed, but the repeal of any such provision shall not invalidate any
other provision or authority contained in such law.

(b) As used in the resolution, the term "obligation" means an obligation (including every obligation
of and to the United States, excepting currency) payable in money of the United States; and the
term "coin or currency" means coin or currency of the United States, including Federal Reserve
notes and circulating notes of Federal Reserve banks and national banking associations.

SEC. 2. The last sentence of paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of section 43 of the Act entitled "An
Act to relieve the existing national economic emergency by increasing agricultural purchasing
power, to raise revenue for extraordinary expenses incurred by reason of such emergency, to
provide emergency relief with respect to agricultural indebtedness, to provide for the orderly
liquidation of joint-stock land banks, and for other purposes", approved May 12, 1933, is amended
to read as follows:

"All coins and currencies of the United States (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes
of Federal Reserve banks and national banking associations)hereunto and hereafter coined or
issued, shall be legal tender for all debts, for public and private, public charges, taxes, duties, and
dues, except gold coins, when below the standard weight and limit of tolerance provided by law for

the single piece, shall be legal tender only at valuation in proportion to their actual weight."
Approved June 5,1933, 4:30 p.m.


(Last Revised or Amended in 2010)



A trust may be created by:

(1) transfer of property to another person as trustee during the settlor’s lifetime or by will or other disposition
taking effect upon the settlor’s death;
(2) declaration by the owner of property that the owner holds identifiable property as trustee; or
(3) exercise of a power of appointment in favor of a trustee.


(a) A trust is created only if:

(1) the settlor has capacity to create a trust;


Except as required by a statute other than this [Code], a trust need not be evidenced by a trust instrument, but
the creation of an oral trust and its terms may be established only by clear and convincing evidence.


To achieve the settlor’s tax objectives, the court may modify the terms of a trust in a manner that is not contrary
to the settlor’s probable intention. The court may provide that the modification has retroactive effect.



Rule 2. One Form of Action

There is one form of action—the civil action.


Rule 17. Plaintiff and Defendant; Capacity; Public Officers

(a) Real Party in Interest.

(1) Designation in General. An action must be prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest. The
following may sue in their own names without joining the person for whose benefit the action is

(A) an executor;

(B) an administrator;

(C) a guardian;

(D) a bailee;

(E) a trustee of an express trust;

(F) a party with whom or in whose name a contract has been made for another's benefit; and

(G) a party authorized by statute.

(2) Action in the Name of the United States for Another's Use or Benefit. When a federal statute so
provides, an action for another's use or benefit must be brought in the name of the United States.

(3) Joinder of the Real Party in Interest. The court may not dismiss an action for failure to prosecute in
the name of the real party in interest until, after an objection, a reasonable time has been allowed for the
real party in interest to ratify, join, or be substituted into the action. After ratification, joinder, or
substitution, the action proceeds as if it had been originally commenced by the real party in interest.

(b) Capacity to Sue or Be Sued. Capacity to sue or be sued is determined as follows:

(1) for an individual who is not acting in a representative capacity, by the law of the individual's

(2) for a corporation, by the law under which it was organized; and

(3) for all other parties, by the law of the state where the court is located, except that:

(A) a partnership or other unincorporated association with no such capacity under that state's law
may sue or be sued in its common name to enforce a substantive right existing under the United
States Constitution or laws; and

(B) 28 U.S.C. §§754 and 959(a) govern the capacity of a receiver appointed by a United States
court to sue or be sued in a United States court.

(c) Minor or Incompetent Person.

(1) With a Representative. The following representatives may sue or defend on behalf of a minor or an
incompetent person:

(A) a general guardian;

(B) a committee;

(C) a conservator; or

(D) a like fiduciary.

(2) Without a Representative. A minor or an incompetent person who does not have a duly appointed
representative may sue by a next friend or by a guardian ad litem. The court must appoint a guardian ad
litem—or issue another appropriate order—to protect a minor or incompetent person who is
unrepresented in an action.

(d) Public Officer's Title and Name. A public officer who sues or is sued in an official capacity may be
designated by official title rather than by name, but the court may order that the officer's name be added.

Rule 44. Proving an Official Record

(a) Means of Proving.

(1) Domestic Record. Each of the following evidences an official record—or an entry in it—that is
otherwise admissible and is kept within the United States, any state, district, or commonwealth, or any
territory subject to the administrative or judicial jurisdiction of the United States:

(A) an official publication of the record; or

(B) a copy attested by the officer with legal custody of the record—or by the officer's deputy—
and accompanied by a certificate that the officer has custody. The certificate must be made under

(i) by a judge of a court of record in the district or political subdivision where the record
is kept; or

(ii) by any public officer with a seal of office and with official duties in the district or
political subdivision where the record is kept.

(2) Foreign Record.

(A) In General. Each of the following evidences a foreign official record—or an entry in it—that
is otherwise admissible:

(i) an official publication of the record; or

(ii) the record—or a copy—that is attested by an authorized person and is accompanied

either by a final certification of genuineness or by a certification under a treaty or

convention to which the United States and the country where the record is located are

(B) Final Certification of Genuineness. A final certification must certify the genuineness of the
signature and official position of the attester or of any foreign official whose certificate of
genuineness relates to the attestation or is in a chain of certificates of genuineness relating to the
attestation. A final certification may be made by a secretary of a United States embassy or
legation; by a consul general, vice consul, or consular agent of the United States; or by a
diplomatic or consular official of the foreign country assigned or accredited to the United States.

(C) Other Means of Proof. If all parties have had a reasonable opportunity to investigate a
foreign record's authenticity and accuracy, the court may, for good cause, either:

(i) admit an attested copy without final certification; or

(ii) permit the record to be evidenced by an attested summary with or without a final

(b) Lack of a Record. A written statement that a diligent search of designated records revealed no record or
entry of a specified tenor is admissible as evidence that the records contain no such record or entry. For
domestic records, the statement must be authenticated under Rule 44(a)(1). For foreign records, the statement
must comply with (a)(2)(C)(ii).

(c) Other Proof. A party may prove an official record—or an entry or lack of an entry in it—by any other
method authorized by law.



Rule A. Scope of Rules

(1) These Supplemental Rules apply to:

(A) the procedure in admiralty and maritime claims within the meaning of Rule 9(h) with respect to the
following remedies:
(i) maritime attachment and garnishment,
(ii) actions in rem,
(iii) possessory, petitory, and partition actions, and
(iv) actions for exoneration from or limitation of liability;
(B) forfeiture actions in rem arising from a federal statute; and
(C) the procedure in statutory condemnation proceedings analogous to maritime actions in rem, whether
within the admiralty and maritime jurisdiction or not. Except as otherwise provided, references in these
Supplemental Rules to actions in rem include such analogous statutory condemnation proceedings.
(2) The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure also apply to the foregoing proceedings except to the extent that they
are inconsistent with these Supplemental Rules.

Rule B. In Personam Actions: Attachment and Garnishment


an in personam action:

(a) If a defendant is not found within the district when a verified complaint praying for attachment and
the affidavit required by Rule B(1)(b) are filed, a verified complaint may contain a prayer for process to
attach the defendant’s tangible or intangible personal property—up to the amount sued for— in the
hands of garnishees named in the process.
(b) The plaintiff or the plaintiff’s attorney must sign and file with the complaint an affidavit stating that,
to the affiant’s knowledge, or on information and belief, the defendant cannot be found within the
district. The court must review the complaint and affidavit and, if the conditions of this Rule B appear to
exist, enter an order so stating and authorizing process of attachment and garnishment. The clerk may
issue supplemental process enforcing the court’s order upon application without further court order.
(c) If the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s attorney certifies that exigent circumstances make court review
impracticable, the clerk must issue the summons and process of attachment and garnishment. The
plaintiff has the burden in any post-attachment hearing under Rule E(4)(f) to show that exigent
circumstances existed.
(i) If the property is a vessel or tangible property on board a vessel, the summons, process, and
any supplemental process must be delivered to the marshal for service.
(ii) If the property is other tangible or intangible property, the summons, process, and any
supplemental process must be delivered to a person or organization authorized to serve it, who
may be (A) a marshal; (B) someone under contract with the United States; (C) someone specially
appointed by the court for that purpose; or, (D) in an action brought by the United States, any
officer or employee of the United States.
(e) The plaintiff may invoke state-law remedies under Rule 64 for seizure of person or property for the
purpose of securing satisfaction of the judgment.
(2) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT. No default judgment may be entered except upon proof—which may be by
(a) the complaint, summons, and process of attachment or garnishment have been served on the
defendant in a manner authorized by Rule 4;
(b) the plaintiff or the garnishee has mailed to the defendant the complaint, summons, and process of
attachment or garnishment, using any form of mail requiring a return receipt; or
(c) the plaintiff or the garnishee has tried diligently to give notice of the action to the defendant but
could not do so.
(a) By Garnishee. The garnishee shall serve an answer, together with answers to any interrogatories
served with the complaint, within 21 days after service of process upon the garnishee. Interrogatories to
the garnishee may be served with the complaint without leave of court. If the garnishee refuses or
neglects to answer on oath as to the debts, credits, or effects of the defendant in the garnishee’s hands, or
any interrogatories concerning such debts, credits, and effects that may be propounded by the plaintiff,
the court may award compulsory process against the garnishee. If the garnishee admits any debts,
credits, or effects, they shall be held in the garnishee’s hands or paid into the registry of the court, and
shall be held in either case subject to the further order of the court.
(b) By Defendant. The defendant shall serve an answer within 30 days after process has been executed,
whether by attachment of property or service on the garnishee.

Rule C. In Rem Actions: Special Provisions

(1) WHEN AVAILABLE. An action in rem may be brought:

(a) To enforce any maritime lien;
(b) Whenever a statute of the United States provides for a maritime action in rem or a proceeding
analogous thereto.

Except as otherwise provided by law a party who may proceed in rem may also, or in the alternative,
proceed in personam against any person who may be liable.
Statutory provisions exempting vessels or other property owned or possessed by or operated by or for
the United States from arrest or seizure are not affected by this rule. When a statute so provides, an
action against the United States or an instrumentality thereof may proceed on in rem principles.
(2) COMPLAINT. In an action in rem the complaint must:
(a) be verified;
(b) describe with reasonable particularity the property that is the subject of the action; and
(c) state that the property is within the district or will be within the district while the action is pending.
(a) Arrest Warrant.
(i) The court must review the complaint and any supporting papers. If the conditions for an in
rem action appear to exist, the court must issue an order directing the clerk to issue a warrant for
the arrest of the vessel or other property that is the subject of the action.
(ii) If the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s attorney certifies that exigent circumstances make court
review impracticable, the clerk must promptly issue a summons and a warrant for the arrest of
the vessel or other property that is the subject of the action. The plaintiff has the burden in any
post-arrest hearing under Rule E(4)(f) to show that exigent circumstances existed.
(b) Service.
(i) If the property that is the subject of the action is a vessel or tangible property on board a
vessel, the warrant and any supplemental process must be delivered to the marshal for service.
(ii) If the property that is the subject of the action is other property, tangible or intangible, the
warrant and any supplemental process must be delivered to a person or organization authorized
to enforce it, who may be: (A) a marshal; (B) someone under contract with the United States; (C)
someone specially appointed by the court for that purpose; or, (D) in an action brought by the
United States, any officer or employee of the United States.
(c) Deposit in Court. If the property that is the subject of the action consists in whole or in part of
freight, the proceeds of property sold, or other intangible property, the clerk must issue—in addition to
the warrant—a summons directing any person controlling the property to show cause why it should not
be deposited in court to abide the judgment.
(d) Supplemental Process. The clerk may upon application issue supplemental process to enforce the
court’s order without further court order.
(4) NOTICE. No notice other than execution of process is required when the property that is the subject of the
action has been released under Rule E(5). If the property is not released within 14 days after execution, the
plaintiff must promptly—or within the time that the court allows—give public notice of the action and arrest in
a newspaper designated by court order and having general circulation in the district, but publication may be
terminated if the property is released before publication is completed. The notice must specify the time under
Rule C(6) to file a statement of interest in or right against the seized property and to answer.
This rule does not affect the notice requirements in an action to foreclose a preferred ship mortgage under 46
U.S.C. §§ 31301 et seq., as amended.
(5) ANCILLARY PROCESS. In any action in rem in which process has been served as provided by this rule, if
any part of the property that is the subject of the action has not been brought within the control of the court
because it has been removed or sold, or because it is intangible property in the hands of a person who has not
been served with process, the court may, on motion, order any person having possession or control of such
property or its proceeds to show cause why it should not be delivered into the custody of the marshal or other
person or organization having a warrant for the arrest of the property, or paid into court to abide the judgment;
and, after hearing, the court may enter such judgment as law and justice may require.
(a) Statement of Interest; Answer. In an action in rem:

(i) a person who asserts a right of possession or any ownership interest in the property that is the
subject of the action must file a verified statement of right or interest:
(A) within 14 days after the execution of process, or
(B) within the time that the court allows;
(ii) the statement of right or interest must describe the interest in the property that supports the
person’s demand for its restitution or right to defend the action;
(iii) an agent, bailee, or attorney must state the authority to file a statement of right or interest on
behalf of another; and
(iv) a person who asserts a right of possession or any ownership interest must serve an answer
within 21 days after filing the statement of interest or right.
(b) Interrogatories. Interrogatories may be served with the complaint in an in rem action without leave of
court. Answers to the interrogatories must be served with the answer to the complaint.

Rule D. Possessory, Petitory, and Partition Actions

In all actions for possession, partition, and to try title maintainable according to the course of the admiralty
practice with respect to a vessel, in all actions so maintainable with respect to the possession of cargo or other
maritime property, and in all actions by one or more part owners against the others to obtain security for the
return of the vessel from any voyage undertaken without their consent, or by one or more part owners against
the others to obtain possession of the vessel for any voyage on giving security for its safe return, the process
shall be by a warrant of arrest of the vessel, cargo, or other property, and by notice in the manner provided by
Rule B(2) to the adverse party or parties.

Rule E. Actions in Rem and Quasi in Rem: General Provisions

(1) APPLICABILITY. Except as otherwise provided, this rule applies to actions in personam with process of
maritime attachment and garnishment, actions in rem, and petitory, possessory, and partition actions,
supplementing Rules B, C, and D.
(a) Complaint. In actions to which this rule is applicable the complaint shall state the circumstances
from which the claim arises with such particularity that the defendant or claimant will be able, without
moving for a more definite statement, to commence an investigation of the facts and to frame a
responsive pleading.
(b) Security for Costs. Subject to the provisions of Rule 54(d) and of relevant statutes, the court may, on
the filing of the complaint or on the appearance of any defendant, claimant, or any other party, or at any
later time, require the plaintiff, defendant, claimant, or other party to give security, or additional
security, in such sum as the court shall direct to pay all costs and expenses that shall be awarded against
the party by any interlocutory order or by the final judgment, or on appeal by any appellate court.
(a) In admiralty and maritime proceedings process in rem or of maritime attachment and garnishment
may be served only within the district.
(b) Issuance and Delivery. Issuance and delivery of process in rem, or of maritime attachment and
garnishment, shall be held in abeyance if the plaintiff so requests.
(a) In General. Upon issuance and delivery of the process, or, in the case of summons with process of
attachment and garnishment, when it appears that the defendant cannot be found within the district, the
marshal or other person or organization having a warrant shall forthwith execute the process in
accordance with this subdivision (4), making due and prompt return.

(b) Tangible Property. If tangible property is to be attached or arrested, the marshal or other person or
organization having the warrant shall take it into the marshal’s possession for safe custody. If the
character or situation of the property is such that the taking of actual possession is impracticable, the
marshal or other person executing the process shall affix a copy thereof to the property in a conspicuous
place and leave a copy of the complaint and process with the person having possession or the person’s
agent. In furtherance of the marshal’s custody of any vessel the marshal is authorized to make a written
request to the collector of customs not to grant clearance to such vessel until notified by the marshal or
deputy marshal or by the clerk that the vessel has been released in accordance with these rules.
(c) Intangible Property. If intangible property is to be attached or arrested the marshal or other person or
organization having the warrant shall execute the process by leaving with the garnishee or other obligor
a copy of the complaint and process requiring the garnishee or other obligor to answer as provided in
Rules B(3)(a) and C(6); or the marshal may accept for payment into the registry of the court the amount
owed to the extent of the amount claimed by the plaintiff with interest and costs, in which event the
garnishee or other obligor shall not be required to answer unless alias process shall be served.
(d) Directions With Respect to Property in Custody. The marshal or other person or organization having
the warrant may at any time apply to the court for directions with respect to property that has been
attached or arrested, and shall give notice of such application to any or all of the parties as the court may
(e) Expenses of Seizing and Keeping Property; Deposit. These rules do not alter the provisions of Title
28, U.S.C., § 1921, as amended, relative to the expenses of seizing and keeping property attached or
arrested and to the requirement of deposits to cover such expenses.
(f) Procedure for Release From Arrest or Attachment. Whenever property is arrested or attached, any
person claiming an interest in it shall be entitled to a prompt hearing at which the plaintiff shall be
required to show why the arrest or attachment should not be vacated or other relief granted consistent
with these rules. This subdivision shall have no application to suits for seamen’s wages when process is
issued upon a certification of sufficient cause filed pursuant to Title 46, U.S.C. §§ 603 and 604 2 or to
actions by the United States for forfeitures for violation of any statute of the United States.
(a) Special Bond. Whenever process of maritime attachment and garnishment or process in rem is issued
the execution of such process shall be stayed, or the property released, on the giving of security, to be
approved by the court or clerk, or by stipulation of the parties, conditioned to answer the judgment of the
court or of any appellate court. The parties may stipulate the amount and nature of such security. In the
event of the inability or refusal of the parties so to stipulate the court shall fix the principal sum of the
bond or stipulation at an amount sufficient to cover the amount of the plaintiff’s claim fairly stated with
accrued interest and costs; but the principal sum shall in no event exceed (i) twice the amount of the
plaintiff’s claim or (ii) the value of the property on due appraisement, whichever is smaller. The bond or
stipulation shall be conditioned for the payment of the principal sum and interest thereon at 6 per cent
per annum.
(b) General Bond. The owner of any vessel may file a general bond or stipulation, with sufficient surety,
to be approved by the court, conditioned to answer the judgment of such court in all or any actions that
may be brought thereafter in such court in which the vessel is attached or arrested. Thereupon the
execution of all such process against such vessel shall be stayed so long as the amount secured by such
bond or stipulation is at least double the aggregate amount claimed by plaintiffs in all actions begun and
pending in which such vessel has been attached or arrested. Judgments and remedies may be had on
such bond or stipulation as if a special bond or stipulation had been filed in each of such actions. The
district court may make necessary orders to carry this rule into effect, particularly as to the giving of
proper notice of any action against or attachment of a vessel for which a general bond has been filed.
Such bond or stipulation shall be indorsed by the clerk with a minute of the actions wherein process is so
stayed. Further security may be required by the court at any time.

If a special bond or stipulation is given in a particular case, the liability on the general bond or
stipulation shall cease as to that case.
(c) Release by Consent or Stipulation; Order of Court or Clerk; Costs. Any vessel, cargo, or other
property in the custody of the marshal or other person or organization having the warrant may be
released forthwith upon the marshal’s acceptance and approval of a stipulation, bond, or other security,
signed by the party on whose behalf the property is detained or the party’s attorney and expressly
authorizing such release, if all costs and charges of the court and its officers shall have first been paid.
Otherwise no property in the custody of the marshal, other person or organization having the warrant, or
other officer of the court shall be released without an order of the court; but such order may be entered
as of course by the clerk, upon the giving of approved security as provided by law and these rules, or
upon the dismissal or discontinuance of the action; but the marshal or other person or organization
having the warrant shall not deliver any property so released until the costs and charges of the officers of
the court shall first have been paid.
(d) Possessory, Petitory, and Partition Actions. The foregoing provisions of this subdivision (5) do not
apply to petitory, possessory, and partition actions. In such cases the property arrested shall be released
only by order of the court, on such terms and conditions and on the giving of such security as the court
may require.
(6) REDUCTION OR IMPAIRMENT OF SECURITY. Whenever security is taken the court may, on motion
and hearing, for good cause shown, reduce the amount of security given; and if the surety shall be or become
insufficient, new or additional sureties may be required on motion and hearing.
(a) When a person who has given security for damages in the original action asserts a counterclaim that
arises from the transaction or occurrence that is the subject of the original action, a plaintiff for whose
benefit the security has been given must give security for damages demanded in the counterclaim unless
the court, for cause shown, directs otherwise.
Proceedings on the original claim must be stayed until this security is given, unless the court directs
(b) The plaintiff is required to give security under Rule E(7)(a) when the United States or its corporate
instrumentality counterclaims and would have been required to give security to respond in damages if a
private party but is relieved by law from giving security.
(8) RESTRICTED APPEARANCE. An appearance to defend against an admiralty and maritime claim with
respect to which there has issued process in rem, or process of attachment and garnishment, may be expressly
restricted to the defense of such claim, and in that event is not an appearance for the purposes of any other
claim with respect to which such process is not available or has not been served.
(a) Interlocutory Sales; Delivery.
(i) On application of a party, the marshal, or other person having custody of the property, the
court may order all or part of the property sold—with the sales proceeds, or as much of them as
will satisfy the judgment, paid into court to await further orders of the court—if:
(A) the attached or arrested property is perishable, or liable to deterioration, decay, or
injury by being detained
in custody pending the action;
(B) the expense of keeping the property is excessive or disproportionate; or
(C) there is an unreasonable delay in securing release of the property.
(ii) In the circumstances described in Rule E(9)(a)(i), the court, on motion by a defendant or a
person filing a statement of interest or right under Rule C(6), may order that the property, rather
than being sold, be delivered to the movant upon giving security under these rules.
(b) Sales, Proceeds. All sales of property shall be made by the marshal or a deputy marshal, or by other
person or organization having the warrant, or by any other person assigned by the court where the

marshal or other person or organization having the warrant is a party in interest; and the proceeds of sale
shall be forthwith paid into the registry of the court to be disposed of according to law.
(10) PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY. When the owner or another person remains in possession of property
attached or arrested under the provisions of Rule E(4)(b) that permit execution of process without taking actual
possession, the court, on a party’s motion or on its own, may enter any order necessary to preserve the property
and to prevent its removal.

Rule F. Limitation of Liability

(1) TIME FOR FILING COMPLAINT; SECURITY. Not later than six months after receipt of a claim in
writing, any vessel owner may file a complaint in the appropriate district court, as provided in subdivision (9) of
this rule, for limitation of liability pursuant to statute. The owner (a) shall deposit with the court, for the benefit
of claimants, a sum equal to the amount or value of the owner’s interest in the vessel and pending freight, or
approved security therefor, and in addition such sums, or approved security therefor, as the court may from time
to time fix as necessary to carry out the provisions of the statutes as amended; or (b) at the owner’s option shall
transfer to a trustee to be appointed by the court, for the benefit of claimants, the owner’s interest in the vessel
and pending freight, together with such sums, or approved security therefor, as the court may from time to time
fix as necessary to carry out the provisions of the statutes as amended. The plaintiff shall also give security for
costs and, if the plaintiff elects to give security, for interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of
the security.
(2) COMPLAINT. The complaint shall set forth the facts on the basis of which the right to limit liability is
asserted and all facts necessary to enable the court to determine the amount to which the owner’s liability shall
be limited. The complaint may demand exoneration from as well as limitation of liability. It shall state the
voyage if any, on which the demands sought to be limited arose, with the date and place of its termination; the
amount of all demands including all unsatisfied liens or claims of lien, in contract or in tort or otherwise, arising
on that voyage, so far as known to the plaintiff, and what actions and proceedings, if any, are pending thereon;
whether the vessel was damaged, lost, or abandoned, and, if so, when and where; the value of the vessel at the
close of the voyage or, in case of wreck, the value of her wreckage, strippings, or proceeds, if any, and where
and in whose possession they are; and the amount of any pending freight recovered or recoverable. If the
plaintiff elects to transfer the plaintiff’s interest in the vessel to a trustee, the complaint must further show any
prior paramount liens thereon, and what voyages or trips, if any, she has made since the voyage or trip on which
the claims sought to be limited arose, and any existing liens arising upon any such subsequent voyage or trip,
with the amounts and causes thereof, and the names and addresses of the lienors, so far as known; and whether
the vessel sustained any injury upon or by reason of such subsequent voyage or trip.
(3) CLAIMS AGAINST OWNER; INJUNCTION. Upon compliance by the owner with the requirements of
subdivision (1) of this rule all claims and proceedings against the owner or the owner’s property with respect to
the matter in question shall cease. On application of the plaintiff the court shall enjoin the further prosecution of
any action or proceeding against the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s property with respect to any claim subject to
limitation in the action.
(4) NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS. Upon the owner’s compliance with subdivision
(1) of this rule the court shall issue a notice to all persons asserting claims with respect to which the
complaint seeks limitation, admonishing them to file their respective claims with the clerk of the court
and to serve on the attorneys for the plaintiff a copy thereof on or before a date to be named in the
notice. The date so fixed shall not be less than 30 days after issuance of the notice. For cause shown, the
court may enlarge the time within which claims may be filed. The notice shall be published in such
newspaper or newspapers as the court may direct once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date
fixed for the filing of claims. The plaintiff not later than the day of second publication shall also mail a
copy of the notice to every person known to have made any claim against the vessel or the plaintiff
arising out of the voyage or trip on which the claims sought to be limited arose. In cases involving death

a copy of such notice shall be mailed to the decedent at the decedent’s last known address, and also to
any person who shall be known to have made any claim on account of such death.
(5) CLAIMS AND ANSWER. Claims shall be filed and served on or before the date specified in the notice
provided for in subdivision
(4) of this rule. Each claim shall specify the facts upon which the claimant relies in support of the claim, the
items thereof, and the dates on which the same accrued. If a claimant desires to contest either the right to
exoneration from or the right to limitation of liability the claimant shall file and serve an answer to the
complaint unless the claim has included an answer.
(6) INFORMATION TO BE GIVEN CLAIMANTS. Within 30 days after the date specified in the notice for
filing claims, or within such time as the court thereafter may allow, the plaintiff shall mail to the attorney for
each claimant (or if the claimant has no attorney to the claimant) a list setting forth (a) the name of each
claimant, (b) the name and address of the claimant’s attorney (if the claimant is known to have one), (c) the
nature of the claim, i.e., whether property loss, property damage, death, personal injury etc., and (d) the amount
(7) INSUFFICIENCY OF FUND OR SECURITY. Any claimant may by motion demand that the funds
deposited in court or the security given by the plaintiff be increased on the ground that they are less than the
value of the plaintiff’s interest in the vessel and pending freight. Thereupon the court shall cause due
appraisement to be made of the value of the plaintiff’s interest in the vessel and pending freight; and if the court
finds that the deposit or security is either insufficient or excessive it shall order its increase or reduction. In like
manner any claimant may demand that the deposit or security be increased on the ground that it is insufficient to
carry out the provisions of the statutes relating to claims in respect of loss of life or bodily injury; and, after
notice and hearing, the court may similarly order that the deposit or security be increased or reduced.
(8) OBJECTIONS TO CLAIMS: DISTRIBUTION OF FUND. Any interested party may question or controvert
any claim without filing an objection thereto. Upon determination of liability the fund deposited or secured, or
the proceeds of the vessel and pending freight, shall be divided pro rata, subject to all relevant provisions of
law, among the several claimants in proportion to the amounts of their respective claims, duly proved, saving,
however, to all parties any priority to which they may be legally entitled.
(9) VENUE; TRANSFER. The complaint shall be filed in any district in which the vessel has been attached or
arrested to answer for any claim with respect to which the plaintiff seeks to limit liability; or, if the vessel has
not been attached or arrested, then in any district in which the owner has been sued with respect to any such
claim. When the vessel has not been attached or arrested to answer the matters aforesaid, and suit has not been
commenced against the owner, the proceedings may be had in the district in which the vessel may be, but if the
vessel is not within any district and no suit has been commenced in any district, then the complaint may be filed
in any district. For the convenience of parties and witnesses, in the interest of justice, the court may transfer the
action to any district; if venue is wrongly laid the court shall dismiss or, if it be in the interest of justice, transfer
the action to any district in which it could have been brought. If the vessel shall have been sold, the proceeds
shall represent the vessel for the purposes of these rules.

Rule G. Forfeiture Actions In Rem

(1) SCOPE. This rule governs a forfeiture action in rem arising from a federal statute. To the extent that this
rule does not address an issue, Supplemental Rules C and E and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure also
(2) COMPLAINT. The complaint must:
(a) be verified;
(b) state the grounds for subject-matter jurisdiction, in rem jurisdiction over the defendant property, and
(c) describe the property with reasonable particularity;
(d) if the property is tangible, state its location when any seizure occurred and—if different—its location
when the action is filed;
(e) identify the statute under which the forfeiture action is brought; and
(f) state sufficiently detailed facts to support a reasonable belief that the government will be able to meet
its burden of proof at trial.
(a) Real Property. If the defendant is real property, the government must proceed under 18 U.S.C. § 985.
(b) Other Property; Arrest Warrant. If the defendant is not real property:
(i) the clerk must issue a warrant to arrest the property if it is in the government’s possession,
custody, or control;
(ii) the court—on finding probable cause—must issue a warrant to arrest the property if it is not
in the government’s possession, custody, or control and is not subject to a judicial restraining
order; and
(iii) a warrant is not necessary if the property is subject to a judicial restraining order.
(c) Execution of Process.
(i) The warrant and any supplemental process must be delivered to a person or organization
authorized to execute it, who may be: (A) a marshal or any other United States officer or
employee; (B) someone under contact with the United States; or (C) someone specially
appointed by the court for that purpose.
(ii) The authorized person or organization must execute the warrant and any supplemental
process on property in the United States as soon as practicable unless:
(A) the property is in the government’s possession, custody, or control; or
(B) the court orders a different time when the complaint is under seal, the action is stayed
before the warrant and supplemental process are executed, or the court finds other good
(iii) The warrant and any supplemental process may be executed within the district or, when
authorized by statute, outside the district.
(iv) If executing a warrant on property outside the United States is required, the warrant may be
transmitted to an appropriate authority for serving process where the property is located.
(a) Notice by Publication.
(i) When Publication Is Required. A judgment of forfeiture may be entered only if the
government has published notice of the action within a reasonable time after filing the complaint
or at a time the court orders. But notice need not be published if:
(A) the defendant property is worth less than $1,000 and direct notice is sent under Rule
G(4)(b) to every person the government can reasonably identify as a potential claimant;
(B) the court finds that the cost of publication exceeds the property’s value and that other
means of notice would satisfy due process.
(ii) Content of the Notice. Unless the court orders otherwise, the notice must:
(A) describe the property with reasonable particularity;
(B) state the times under Rule G(5) to file a claim and to answer; and
(C) name the government attorney to be served with the claim and answer.
(iii) Frequency of Publication. Published notice must appear:
(A) once a week for three consecutive weeks; or
(B) only once if, before the action was filed, notice of nonjudicial forfeiture of the same
property was published
on an official internet government forfeiture site for at least 30 consecutive days, or in a
newspaper of general circulation for three consecutive weeks in a district where
publication is authorized under Rule G(4)(a)(iv).
(iv) Means of Publication. The government should select from the following options a means of
publication reasonably calculated to notify potential claimants of the action:
(A) if the property is in the United States, publication in a newspaper generally circulated
in the district where the action is filed, where the property was seized, or where property
that was not seized is located;
(B) if the property is outside the United States, publication in a newspaper generally
circulated in a district where the action is filed, in a newspaper generally circulated in the
country where the property is located, or in legal notices published and generally
circulated in the country where the property is located; or
(C) instead of (A) or (B), posting a notice on an official internet government forfeiture
site for at least 30 consecutive days.
(b) Notice to Known Potential Claimants.
(i) Direct Notice Required. The government must send notice of the action and a copy of the
complaint to any person who reasonably appears to be a potential claimant on the facts known to
the government before the end of the time for filing a claim under Rule G(5)(a)(ii)(B).
(ii) Content of the Notice. The notice must state:
(A) the date when the notice is sent;
(B) a deadline for filing a claim, at least 35 days after the notice is sent;
(C) that an answer or a motion under Rule 12 must be filed no later than 21 days after
filing the claim; and
(D) the name of the government attorney to be served with the claim and answer.
(iii) Sending Notice.
(A) The notice must be sent by means reasonably calculated to reach the potential
(B) Notice may be sent to the potential claimant or to the attorney representing the
potential claimant with respect to the seizure of the property or in a related investigation,
administrative forfeiture proceeding, or criminal case.
(C) Notice sent to a potential claimant who is incarcerated must be sent to the place of
(D) Notice to a person arrested in connection with an offense giving rise to the forfeiture
who is not incarcerated when notice is sent may be sent to the address that person last
gave to the agency that arrested or released the person.
(E) Notice to a person from whom the property was seized who is not incarcerated when
notice is sent may be sent to the last address that person gave to the agency that seized the
(iv) When Notice Is Sent. Notice by the following means is sent on the date when it is placed in
the mail, delivered to a commercial carrier, or sent by electronic mail.
(v) Actual Notice. A potential claimant who had actual notice of a forfeiture action may not
oppose or seek relief from forfeiture because of the government’s failure to send the required
(a) Filing a Claim.
(i) A person who asserts an interest in the defendant property may contest the forfeiture by filing
a claim in the court where the action is pending. The claim must:
(A) identify the specific property claimed;
(B) identify the claimant and state the claimant’s interest in the property;
(C) be signed by the claimant under penalty of perjury; and
(D) be served on the government attorney designated under Rule G(4)(a)(ii)(C) or (b)(ii)
(ii) Unless the court for good cause sets a different time, the claim must be filed:
(A) by the time stated in a direct notice sent under Rule G(4)(b);

(B) if notice was published but direct notice was not sent to the claimant or the claimant’s
attorney, no later than 30 days after final publication of newspaper notice or legal notice
under Rule G(4)(a) or no later than 60 days after the first day of publication on an official
internet government forfeiture site; or
(C) if notice was not published and direct notice was not sent to the claimant or the
claimant’s attorney:
(1) if the property was in the government’s possession, custody, or control when
the complaint was filed, no later than 60 days after the filing, not counting any
time when the complaint was under seal or when the action was stayed before
execution of a warrant issued under Rule G(3)(b); or
(2) if the property was not in the government’s possession, custody, or control
when the complaint was filed, no later than 60 days after the government
complied with 18 U.S.C. § 985(c) as to real property, or 60 days after process was
executed on the property under Rule G(3).
(iii) A claim filed by a person asserting an interest as a bailee must identify the bailor, and if filed
on the bailor’s behalf must state the authority to do so.
(b) Answer. A claimant must serve and file an answer to the complaint or a motion under Rule 12 within
21 days after filing the claim. A claimant waives an objection to in rem jurisdiction or to venue if the
objection is not made by motion or stated in the answer.
(a) Time and Scope. The government may serve special interrogatories limited to the claimant’s identity
and relationship to the defendant property without the court’s leave at any time after the claim is filed
and before discovery is closed. But if the claimant serves a motion to dismiss the action, the government
must serve the interrogatories within 21 days after the motion is served.
(b) Answers or Objections. Answers or objections to these interrogatories must be served within 21 days
after the interrogatories are served.
(c) Government’s Response Deferred. The government need not respond to a claimant’s motion to
dismiss the action under Rule G(8)(b) until 21 days after the claimant has answered these
(a) Preserving and Preventing Criminal Use of Property. When the government does not have actual
possession of the defendant property the court, on motion or on its own, may enter any order necessary
to preserve the property, to prevent its removal or encumbrance, or to prevent its use in a criminal
(b) Interlocutory Sale or Delivery.
(i) Order to Sell. On motion by a party or a person having custody of the property, the court may
order all or part of the property sold if:
(A) the property is perishable or at risk of deterioration, decay, or injury by being
detained in custody pending the action;
(B) the expense of keeping the property is excessive or is disproportionate to its fair
market value;
(C) the property is subject to a mortgage or to taxes on which the owner is in default; or
(D) the court finds other good cause.
(ii) Who Makes the Sale. A sale must be made by a United States agency that has authority to
sell the property, by the agency’s contractor, or by any person the court designates.
(iii) Sale Procedures. The sale is governed by 28 U.S.C. §§ 2001, 2002, and 2004, unless all
parties, with the court’s approval, agree to the sale, aspects of the sale, or different procedures.
(iv) Sale Proceeds. Sale proceeds are a substitute res subject to forfeiture in place of the property
that was sold. The proceeds must be held in an interest-bearing account maintained by the United
States pending the conclusion of the forfeiture action.
(v) Delivery on a Claimant’s Motion. The court may order that the property be delivered to the
claimant pending the conclusion of the action if the claimant shows circumstances that would
permit sale under Rule G(7)(b)(i) and gives security under these rules.
(c) Disposing of Forfeited Property. Upon entry of a forfeiture judgment, the property or proceeds from
selling the property must be disposed of as provided by law.
(a) Motion To Suppress Use of the Property as Evidence. If the defendant property was seized, a party
with standing to contest the lawfulness of the seizure may move to suppress use of the property as
evidence. Suppression does not affect forfeiture of the property based on independently derived
(b) Motion To Dismiss the Action.
(i) A claimant who establishes standing to contest forfeiture may move to dismiss the action
under Rule 12(b).
(ii) In an action governed by 18 U.S.C. § 983(a)(3)(D) the complaint may not be dismissed on
the ground that the government did not have adequate evidence at the time the complaint was
filed to establish the forfeitability of the property. The sufficiency of the complaint is governed
by Rule G(2).
(c) Motion To Strike a Claim or Answer.
(i) At any time before trial, the government may move to strike a claim or answer:
(A) for failing to comply with Rule G(5) or (6), or
(B) because the claimant lacks standing.
(ii) The motion:
(A) must be decided before any motion by the claimant to dismiss the action; and
(B) may be presented as a motion for judgment on the pleadings or as a motion to
determine after a hearing or by summary judgment whether the claimant can carry the
burden of establishing standing by a preponderance of the evidence.
(d) Petition To Release Property.
(i) If a United States agency or an agency’s contractor holds property for judicial or nonjudicial
forfeiture under a statute governed by 18 U.S.C. § 983(f), a person who has filed a claim to the
property may petition for its release under § 983(f).
(ii) If a petition for release is filed before a judicial forfeiture action is filed against the property,
the petition may be filed either in the district where the property was seized or in the district
where a warrant to seize the property issued. If a judicial forfeiture action against the property is
later filed in another district—or if the government shows that the action will be filed in another
district—the petition may be transferred to that district under 28 U.S.C. § 1404.
(e) Excessive Fines. A claimant may seek to mitigate a forfeiture under the Excessive Fines Clause of
the Eighth Amendment by motion for summary judgment or by motion made after entry of a forfeiture
judgment if:
(i) the claimant has pleaded the defense under Rule 8; and
(ii) the parties have had the opportunity to conduct civil discovery on the defense.
(9) TRIAL. Trial is to the court unless any party demands trial by jury under Rule 38.

FASB Statement of Financial Accounting Standards

230-10-50 Disclosure [Standard 95]

General Note: The Disclosure Section provides guidance regarding the disclosure in the notes to financial
statements. In some cases, disclosure may relate to disclosure on the face of the financial statements.

> Cash Equivalents Policy

230-10-50-1 An entity shall disclose its policy for determining which items are treated as cash equivalents. Any
change to that policy is a change in accounting principle that shall be effected by restating financial statements
for earlier years presented for comparative purposes.

> Interest and Income Taxes Paid

230-10-50-2 If the indirect method is used, amounts of interest paid (net of amounts capitalized) and income
taxes paid during the period shall be disclosed.

> Noncash Investing and Financing Activities

230-10-50-3 Information about all investing and financing activities of an entity during a period that affect
recognized assets or liabilities but that do not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the period shall be
disclosed. Those disclosures may be either narrative or summarized in a schedule, and they shall clearly relate
the cash and noncash aspects of transactions involving similar items.
230-10-50-4 Examples of noncash investing and financing transactions are converting debt to equity; acquiring
assets by assuming directly related liabilities, such as purchasing a building by incurring a mortgage to the
seller; obtaining an asset by entering into a capital lease; obtaining a building or investment asset by receiving a
gift; and exchanging noncash assets or liabilities for other noncash assets or liabilities.
230-10-50-5 Some transactions are part cash and part noncash; only the cash portion shall be reported in the
statement of cash flows.
230-10-50-6 If there are only a few such noncash transactions, it may be convenient to include them on the
same page as the statement of cash flows. Otherwise, the transactions may be reported elsewhere in the
financial statements, clearly referenced to the statement of cash flows.

General Rules and Regulations promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933
Rule 424 -- Filing of Prospectuses, Number of Copies

a. Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, five copies of every form of prospectus sent or given
to any person prior to the effective date of the registration statement which varies from the form or
forms of prospectus included in the registration statement as filed pursuant to Rule 402(a) shall be filed
as a part of the registration statement not later than the date such form of prospectus is first sent or given
to any person: Provided, however, That only a form of prospectus that contains substantive changes
from or additions to a prospectus previously filed with the Commission as part of a registration
statement need be filed pursuant to this paragraph (a).

b. Ten copies of each form of prospectus purporting to comply with section 10 of the Act, except for
documents constituting a prospectus pursuant to Rule 428(a) or free writing prospectuses pursuant to
Rule 164 and Rule 433, shall be filed with the Commission in the form in which it is used after the
effectiveness of the registration statement and identified as required by paragraph (e) of this section;
provided, however, that only a form of prospectus that contains substantive changes from or additions to
a previously filed prospectus is required to be filed; Provided, further, that this paragraph (b) shall not
apply in respect of a form of prospectus contained in a registration statement and relating solely to
securities offered at competitive bidding, which prospectus is intended for use prior to the opening of
bids. Ten copies of the form of prospectus shall be filed or transmitted for filing as follows:
1. A form of prospectus that discloses information previously omitted from the prospectus filed as
part of an effective registration statement in reliance upon Rule 430A under the Securities Act
shall be filed with the commission no later than the second business day following the earlier of
the date of determination of the offering price or the date it is first used after effectiveness in
connection with a public offering or sales, or transmitted by a means reasonably calculated to
result in filing with the Commission by that date.
2. A form of prospectus that is used in connection with a primary offering of securities pursuant to
Rule 415(a)(1)(x) or a primary offering of securities registered for issuance on a delayed basis
pursuant to Rule 415(a)(1)(vii) or (viii) and that, in the case of Rule 415(a)(1)(viii) discloses the
public offering price, description of securities or similar matters, and in the case of Rule 415(a)
(1)(vii) and (x) discloses information previously omitted from the prospectus filed as part of an
effective registration statement in reliance on Rule 430B, shall be filed with the Commission no
later than the second business day following the earlier of the date of the determination of the
offering price or the date it is first used after effectiveness in connection with a public offering or
sales, or transmitted by a means reasonably calculated to result in filing with the Commission by
that date.
3. A form of prospectus that reflects facts or events other than those covered in paragraphs (b) (1),
(2) and (6) of this section that constitute a substantive change from or addition to the information
set forth in the last form of prospectus filed with the Commission under this section or as part of
a registration statement under the Securities Act shall be filed with the Commission no later than
the fifth business day after the date it is first used after effectiveness in connection with a public
offering or sales, or transmitted by a means reasonably calculated to result in filing with the
Commission by that date.
4. A form of prospectus that discloses information, facts or events covered in both paragraphs (b)
(1) and (3) shall be filed with the Commission no later than the second business day following
the earlier of the date of the determination of the offering price or the date it is first used after
effectiveness in connection with a public offering or sales, or transmitted by a means reasonably
calculated to result in filing with the Commission by that date.
5. A form of prospectus that discloses information, facts or events covered in both paragraphs (b)
(2) and (3) shall be filed with the Commission no later than the second business day following
the earlier of the date of the determination of the offering price or the date it is first used after
effectiveness in connection with a public offering or sales, or transmitted by a means reasonably
calculated to result in filing with the Commission by that date.
6. A form of prospectus used in connection with an offering of securities under Canada's National
Policy Statement No. 45 pursuant to rule 415 under the Securities Act that is not made in the
United States shall be filed with the Commission no later than the date it is first used in Canada,
or transmitted by a means reasonably calculated to result in filing with the Commission by that
7. A form of prospectus that identifies selling security holders and the amounts to be sold by them
that was previously omitted from the registration statement and the prospectus in reliance upon
Rule 430B (�230.430B) shall be filed with the Commission no later than the second business
day following the earlier of the date of sale or the date of first use or transmitted by a means
reasonably calculated to result in filing with the Commission by that date.
8. A form of prospectus otherwise required to be filed pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section that
is not filed within the time frames specified in paragraph (b) of this section must be filed
pursuant to this paragraph as soon as practicable after the discovery of such failure to file.

Note to paragraph (b)(8) of Rule 424
A form of prospectus required to be filed pursuant to another paragraph of Rule 424(b) that is filed
under Rule 424(b)(8) shall nonetheless be �required to be filed� under such other paragraph.

Instruction 1: Notwithstanding Rule 424 (b)(2) and (b)(5) above, a form of prospectus or prospectus
supplement relating to an offering of mortgage-related securities on a delayed basis under Rule 415(a)
(1)(vii) or asset-backed securities on a delayed basis under Rule 415(a)(1)(x) that is required to be filed
pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section shall be filed with the Commission no later than the second
business day following the date it is first used after effectiveness in connection with a public offering or
sales, or transmitted by a means reasonably calculated to result in filing with the Commission by that

Instruction 2: Notwithstanding paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(4) and (b)(5) of this section, a form of
prospectus sent or given in reliance on Rule 434(c) with respect to securities registered on Form S-3 or
Form F-3, other than an abbreviated term sheet filed pursuant to paragraph (b)(7) of this section, shall be
filed with the Commission on or prior to the date on which a confirmation is sent or given.

c. If a form of prospectus, other than one filed pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(4) of this Rule, consists
of a prospectus supplement attached to a form of prospectus that

1. previously has been filed or

2. was not required to be filed pursuant to paragraph (b) because it did no contain substantive
changes from a prospectus that previously was filed, only the prospectus supplement need be
filed under paragraph (b) of this rule, provided that the first page of each prospectus supplement
includes a cross reference to the date(s) of the related prospectus and any prospectus supplements
thereto that together constitute the prospectus required to be delivered by Section 5(b) of the
Securities Act with respect to the securities currently being offered or sold. The cross reference
may be set forth in longhand, provided it is legible.

Note: Any prospectus supplement being filed separately that is smaller than a prospectus page should be
attached to an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper.

d. Every prospectus consisting of a radio or television broadcast shall be reduced to writing. Five copies of
every such prospectus shall be filed with the Commission in accordance with the requirements of this

e. Each copy of a form of prospectus filed under this rule shall contain in the upper right corner of the
cover page the paragraph of this rule, including the subparagraph if applicable, under which the filing is
made, and the file number of the registration statement to which the prospectus relates. The information
required by this paragraph may be set forth in longhand, provided it is legible.
f. This rule shall not apply with respect to prospectuses of an investment company registered under the
Investment Company Act of 1940 or a business development company.
g. A form of prospectus filed pursuant to this section that operates to reflect the payment of filing fees for
an offering or offerings pursuant to Rule 456(b) must include on its cover page the calculation of
registration fee table reflecting the payment of such filing fees for the securities that are the subject of
the payment.


A debt instrument issued for a period of more than one year with the purpose of raising capital by borrowing.
[It’s a loan to the issuer!] The Federal government, states, cities, corporations, and many other types of
institutions sell bonds. Generally, a bond is a promise to repay the principal along with interest (coupons) on a
specified date (maturity). Some bonds do not pay interest, but all bonds require a repayment of principal. When
an investor buys a bond, he/she becomes a creditor of the issuer. However, the buyer does not gain any kind of
ownership rights to the issuer, unlike in the case of equities. On the hand, a bond holder has a greater claim on
an issuer's income than a shareholder in the case of financial distress (this is true for all creditors). Bonds are
often divided into different categories based on tax status, credit quality, issuer type, maturity and
secured/unsecured (and there are several other ways to classify bonds as well). U.S. Treasury bonds are
generally considered the safest unsecured bonds, since the possibility of the Treasury defaulting on payments is
almost zero. The yield from a bond is made up of three components: coupon interest, capital gains and interest
on interest (if a bond pays no coupon interest, the only yield will be capital gains). A bond might be sold at
above or below par (the amount paid out at maturity), but the market price will approach par value as the bond
approaches maturity. A riskier bond has to provide a higher payout to compensate for that additional risk. Some
bonds are tax-exempt, and these are typically issued by municipal, county or state governments, whose interest
payments are not subject to federal income tax, and sometimes also state or local income tax.

Bond of Indemnity
Generally Indemnity bonds refer to an obligation in writing where one party agrees to reimburse the other for
loss or injury that the party may suffer because of the occurrence of a specified event, or that one party will
protect the other from harm or loss. It can also refer to an insurance policy that indemnifies a corporation,
shareholder and/or transfer agent against any and all claims arising from the replacement of certificates or
securities lost or stolen by the transfer agent. Under maritime and shipping laws it refers to an agreement made
with a carrier that relieves them of any liability incurred under stated conditions

Cestui que trust

n. (properly pronounced ses-tee kay, but lawyers popularly pronounce it setty kay) from old French. 1) an old
fashioned expression for the beneficiary of a trust. 2) "the one who trusts" or the person who will benefit from
the trust and will receive payments or a future distribution from the trust's assets.


1. Bonds: (1) Bearer bond's detachable-stub (counterfoil) presented by a bondholder to the bond issuer for
receiving interest payment. If coupons are exhausted before the bond's maturity date, the bondholder may apply
for a new set. Also called a warrant. (2) Registered bond's interest rate the bond issuer promises to pay until
bond matures. For example, a '10 percent coupon' means a 10 percent annual interest rate. Also called coupon

Deemed Disposition
Under certain circumstances, taxation rules assume that a transfer of property has occurred, even though there
has not been an actual purchase or sale. This could happen upon death or transfer of ownership.

S omething derived. A security whose price is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets.
A contract between two or more parties.

A person, partnership, organization, or business that has a legal and separately identifiable existence.

In rem
In rem is a Latin term meaning "against or about a thing". An in rem proceeding refers to a lawsuit or other
legal action directed toward property, rather than toward a particular person. The action must be brought in the
court which has jurisdiction, as determined by the location of the property. Usually, the property must be
located in the same county as the court for it to have in rem jurisdiction. Any judgment must be enforced upon
the property and does not attach to a person. The judgment is binding on all persons who claim title to the

Examples of in rem actions include partitions, actions to quiet title, or foreclosure of a lien upon real estate.

1. Quality of being an instrument.
2. Agency or means by which an entity accomplishes its functions, fulfills its obligations, or realizes its
3. Government agency (such as a municipality) whose obligations (such as bonds) are backed by the 'full faith
and credit' guaranty of the national (federal) government.


Legal entity (such as a corporation, investment trust, government, or government agency) that is authorized to
issue (offer for sale) its own securities.


Authentication or certification by an appropriate public authority.

Ownership is the legal right to the possession of a thing. The object of ownership can be tangible such as
personal property and land or it can be intangible such as intellectual property rights over musical, literary or
scientific creations of the mind. Ownership also includes rights allowing a person to use and enjoy certain
property (physical or intellectual). It includes the right to convey it to others. It can also be the state or fact of
being an owner.

Special Deposit
"The Law Of Banks And Banking",, - You retain title to the d[eposit?] and the funds
are segregated. [Bill]

A special deposit consists in the placing of specific kinds of money or property in the possession of the bank,
with an obligation of the bank to return the identical thing deposited; the depositor retaining title. [Keyes v.
Paducah & I. R. Co., 61 F.2d 611 (6th Cir. Ky. 1932)].

In a special deposit, moneys (as bills in packages, or specie in boxes, for example), are entrusted to a bank, not
to be used, but to be kept safely, and specifically returned. Such a deposit of specie or other funds for
safekeeping and return creates the relationship between the depositor and the bank of bailor and bailee. Where
money is left with a bank with the understanding and agreement that it is to be devoted to some particular
purpose, such as to be paid over to some third person on presentation of certain papers, it constitutes a special
deposit, and is held by the bank as agent of the depositor. The distinctive feature of a special deposit is that the
identical money is to be kept apart from the general funds of the bank so that it can be returned to the depositor
or used for the specific purpose for which it was deposited. The intention of the parties controls, and in the
absence of facts from which it can be found that the parties intended that the fund was deposited for safekeeping
and return, or to be devoted to a specific purpose then agreed upon, it will be held to be a general deposit.
[Bassett v. City Bank & Trust Co., 115 Conn. 1 (Conn. 1932)].

Taxable Termination

Pursuant to 26 CFR 26.2612-1 (b) [Title 26 Internal Revenue; Chapter I Internal Revenue Service, Department
of the Treasury; Subchapter B Estate and Gift Taxes; Part 26 Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Regulations
under the Tax Reform Act of 1986], the term Taxable Termination

“(1) In general. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (b), a taxable termination is a termination
(occurring for any reason) of an interest in trust unless --

(i) A transfer subject to Federal estate or gift tax occurs with respect to the property held in the trust at the time
of the termination;

(ii) Immediately after the termination, a person who is not a skip person has an interest in the trust; or

(iii) At no time after the termination may a distribution, other than a distribution the probability of which
occurring is so remote as to be negligible (including a distribution at the termination of the trust) be made from
the trust to a skip person. For this purpose, the probability that a distribution will occur is so remote as to be
negligible only if it can be ascertained by actuarial standards that there is less than a 5 percent probability that
the distribution will occur.

(2) Partial termination. If a distribution of a portion of trust property is made to a skip person by reason of a
termination occurring on the death of a lineal descendant of the transferor, the termination is a taxable
termination with respect to the distributed property.
(3) Simultaneous terminations. A simultaneous termination of two or more interests creates only one taxable


From UCC 1-204:

Except as otherwise provided in Articles 3, 4, [and] 5, [and 6], a person gives value for rights if the person
acquires them:

(1) in return for a binding commitment to extend credit or for the extension of immediately available
credit, whether or not drawn upon and whether or not a charge-back is provided for in the event of
difficulties in collection;

(2) as security for, or in total or partial satisfaction of, a preexisting claim;

(3) by accepting delivery under a preexisting contract for purchase; or

(4) in return for any consideration sufficient to support a simple contract.


(a) An instrument is issued or transferred for value if:

(1) the instrument is issued or transferred for a promise of performance, to the extent the promise has
been performed;

(2) the transferee acquires a security interest or other lien in the instrument other than a lien obtained by
judicial proceeding;

(3) the instrument is issued or transferred as payment of, or as security for, an antecedent claim against
any person, whether or not the claim is due;

(4) the instrument is issued or transferred in exchange for a negotiable instrument; or

(5) the instrument is issued or transferred in exchange for the incurring of an irrevocable obligation to a
third party by the person taking the instrument.

(b) "Consideration" means any consideration sufficient to support a simple contract. The drawer or maker of an
instrument has a defense if the instrument is issued without consideration. If an instrument is issued for a
promise of performance, the issuer has a defense to the extent performance of the promise is due and the
promise has not been performed. If an instrument is issued for value as stated in subsection (a), the instrument is
also issued for consideration.


1. General: (1) Formal and explicit approval. (2) Document (instrument) that confers authority or justifies an act
that is otherwise neither permissible nor legal.
2. Law: Legal authorization (writ) issued by a court to (1) search a place and seize specified items if found there
(called search warrant), or (2) arrest or detain specified person or persons (called arrest warrant). Although no
hearing is required for issuing a warrant, and no prior notice need be given to the party against whom it

operates, the court must be provided with reasonable cause (usually through an affidavit) to justify the request
for its issuance.
3. Securities trading: (1) Long-term certificate issued by a firm giving the holder the right to purchase its
securities at a stipulated price (exercise price) in the future. Warrants are negotiable instruments that usually
serve to enhance the marketability of corporate bonds or preferred stock (preference shares). They are similar to
call-options but are issued by firms and not by futures exchanges, and have much longer time spans. Also called
subscription warrant. (2) Alternative term for coupon.


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