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1. What is binary code?

- A type of code using only two digits, 0 and 1, to represent numbers (or decimals) and those
decimals translate into special characters, spaces, letters, etc.
2. What base-number system do we use in our number system?
- Base 10
3. What base-number system is used in binary?
- Base 2
4. What is ASCII?
- It is the standard character encoding format for data/lines of code.
5. What does ASCII stand for?
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
6. What is 74 in binary?
- 01001010
7. What is the decimal equivalent of 01100111?
- 103
8. What does HTML stand for?
- Hyper Text Markup Language
9. What does the "s" in "https" stand for and what does it do?
- It stands for Secure and makes it required that there is some form of secure connection
between two endpoints.
10. List one HTML tag we have used so far and what it means/does.
- <b>(insert)</b> and it bolds the text within it

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