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Designing a full module on career counselling requires a more detailed plan.

Here's a
comprehensive career counselling module with multiple weeks of content, activities,
assessments, and resources:

Module Title: Comprehensive Career Counselling

Module Duration: 10-12 weeks (adjustable)

Module Objectives:
 To help participants gain a deep understanding of their interests, skills, values, and
personality traits in relation to career choices.
 To provide in-depth exploration of various career options and industries.
 To assist participants in setting clear, actionable, and meaningful career goals.
 To equip participants with effective job search strategies, resume-building skills, and
interview preparation techniques.
 To guide participants in making well-informed career decisions and planning for long-
term success.

Module Content:

Week 1-2: Self-Exploration

 Understanding personality types and how they affect career choices.
 Identifying and evaluating personal interests, values, skills, and strengths.
 Self-assessment tools, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Holland

Week 3-4: Career Assessment

 In-depth career assessments, such as Strong Interest Inventory or Clifton Strengths.
 Analysing assessment results and their implications for career choices.
 Identifying potential career paths based on assessment outcomes.
Week 5-6: Career Exploration
 Researching specific career fields, industries, and job roles.
 Guest speakers from various professions.
 Field trips or job shadowing opportunities.

Week 7-8: Goal Setting and Career Planning Setting long-term career goals and
breaking them down into achievable steps.
 Creating a personalized career development plan.
 Time management, prioritization, and overcoming obstacles.

Week 9-10: Job Search Strategies

 Effective resume writing and cover letter customization.
 Networking strategies, using social media for job searching.
 Online job search platforms, job application tips, and creating a LinkedIn profile.

Week 11-12: Interview Skills and Decision-Making

 Mock interviews, including behavioral and situational questions.
 Interview etiquette and body language.
 Evaluating job offers, salary negotiations, and making informed career decisions.
 Long-term career planning, professional development, and self-assessment for ongoing

Assessment and Activities:

Weekly self-assessment quizzes and exercises.
Group discussions and peer evaluations.
Career interest and personality assessments.
Mock interviews with feedback.
Presentation of individual career development plans.
A final project or presentation on a chosen career path.
Additional Resources:
 Handouts, worksheets, and reference materials.
 Career development books and articles.
 Access to career assessment tools and online resources.
 Alumni or industry professionals as mentors or networking contacts.
 Online job search resources, including job boards and industry-specific websites.

Optional Enhancements:
One-on-one counselling or coaching sessions for personalized guidance.
Job placement assistance, internship opportunities, or job search workshops.
Access to online career planning software.
Participation in career fairs, workshops, or industry-specific events.
Regular check-ins or follow-up sessions after the module ends.
This comprehensive career counselling module can be adapted to different formats,
including workshops, online courses, or a combination of both. It should be delivered
by experienced career counsellors or advisors who can provide personalized
guidance to participants.

Who should do career counselling course

 Teachers
 Counsellors
 Human resource Professionals
 Educationists
 Entrepreneurs
 Psychology students
 Social Science
 Doctorates
 Study abroad professionals
 working professionals with 3 years’ experience in any industry

 CCA Training & Certification

 20000-/ +gst
 Certified Career Analyst Training
 (Modules 1-6)
 (Skype/Classroom/Workshops + Career Videos + Self Paced Content)
 20+ Hours Of Intensive And Practical Training For Gaining Professional Expertise
 Conceptual and Practical Understanding through Real Case Studies, Counselling
Procedures and Counselling Delivery.
 Assignments and Hand-Holding Sessions.
 Hassle Free Online and Live Training Sessions.
 Course Completion Certificate after Training Completion.
 CCA Professional Certification after the Online Exam.
 Lifetime Access to New and Updated Learning Materials Online For Upskilling.
 Telephonic Support for Solving Your Queries.

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