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= Phonetics Dictation II =

1. I was born in Mexico, but I grew up in Texas.

2. I’m 27, but I look much younger…I hope.
3. Hey! Long time no see! How’ve you been?
4. This is my brother, George, he’s an architect.
5. One of the things I hate the most is waking up early.
6. I really don’t like waiting, because I’m kind of impatient.
7. I speak English, because I think it’s important nowadays.
8. I’ve been feeling very stressed out lately, I really need to chill.
9. Good morning, Sir, is there anything I can help you with?
10. These are my things, don’t touch them, or I’ll punch you in the face.
11. Sorry, I didn’t catch that, could you speak slower please?
12. I’m really tired right now, I think I’m gonna go to bed. Good night.
13. Do you enjoy singing? Or you just like listening to music?
14. My brother didn’t come home on Christmas because he was very busy.
15. There’s a problem. I think I need you to come here and help me solve it.
16. I’m really sorry but I’m not gonna be able to go tomorrow, but see you next week,
17. I had a vision once, like a kind of dream, or memory. Maybe it was a prediction of
the future.
18. Sometimes I don’t like certification exams, I think they don’t measure your abilities
19. I was very surprised when my friend came over yesterday, because she told me she
was getting married.
20. What would you do if you were walking on the street and you found a wallet?
Would you keep the money, or would you try to find the owner?

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