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Chapter 2: Calculating the Page Layout with typearea 40

Table 2.4.: Available symbolic BCOR arguments for \typearea[BCOR ]{DIV }

Recalculate type area with the currently valid BCOR value.

\typearea[BCOR ]{DIV }
If the DIV option or the BCOR option is set after loading the typearea package, the \typearea
command will be called internally. When setting the DIV option, the symbolic value current
is used internally for BCOR , which for reasons of completeness is also found in table 2.4. When
setting the BCOR option, the symbolic value last is used internally for DIV . If instead you want
the type area and margins to be recalculated using the symbolic value current for DIV , you can
use \typearea[current]{current} directly.
If you change both BCOR and DIV , you should use \typearea, since then the type area and
margins are recalculated only once. With \KOMAoptions{DIV=factor ,BCOR=correction }
the type area and margins are recalculated once for the change to DIV and again for the
change to BCOR.
The command \typearea is currently defined so as to make it possible to change the type area
in the middle of a document. However, several assumptions about the structure of the LATEX kernel
are made, and internal definitions and sizes of the kernel are changed. Since changes are only made
to the LATEX kernel to fix bugs, there is a high likelihood, though no guarantee, that this will still
work in future versions of LATEX 2ε . When used within the document, a page break will result.
Since \KOMAoption{DIV}{last}, \KOMAoptions{DIV=last}, or \typearea[current]
{last} is frequently needed to recalculate the type area and margins, there is a convenience
v3.00 command, \recalctypearea.

Example: If you find the notation

too cumbersome for recalculating text area and margins because of the many spe-
cial characters, you can simply use

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