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Reference Foundation/ Level 1 Revised May 2016 16 Once upon a time, about 4 trillion years ago, there was a place called the Golden Planet. The Golden Planet was called this because gold was the most plentiful substance there. Houses, trees, streets, everything shimmered with gold. The only rule on the Golden Planet was majority rules. That was the major over-riding, binding rule. How many of you have the point of view that majority rules? Did anybody buy into that anywhere along the way? Everything you have decided_and aligned and agreed with, or resisted _and_reacted_to, and everything you did to create the covenants, the pacts, the conditions, the contracts, and_commitments that _held_any_of majority rules in place in your life and the universe at large, will you now destroy and uncreate all that please? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds On the Golden Planet there was a group called the College of Judges. Instant creation was possible on the Golden Planet. You could think of the molecules, talk to the molecules, and poof! The thing would come into existence — whether it was creating a house, or a building, or transporting yourself from one place to another. Because instant creation and manifestation were possible, the supposed purpose of the College of Judges was to determine what could be created when and where so people didn’t build things on top of each other. The College of Judges was supposed to be the determining organization for where you could create so people didn’t try to create two different things in the same location at the same time. Eventually they became the ruling body of the planet and they decided what was right or wrong. Do any of you know you were part of the College of Judges? Those of you who know that: did you do it because you were interested in judging, or because you were interested in the rightness, fairness and justice of things? Will you give that up now? There is no such thing as fairness, justice, rightness. Each of those requires a judgment. Everything you did, created and were part of as part of the College of Judges, will you now destroy and _uncreate all of that please? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds On the Golden Planet there was the College of Expanded Awareness and Consciousness. The College of Expanded ‘egtered mee inne Led Sco, Can Topseh Union Al fights Recawed Reference Foundation/ Level 1 Revised May 2016 7 Awareness and Consciousness was devoted to the expansion of consciousness in the universe and the facilitation of consciousness in all things. Do any of you know you were part of the College of Expanded Awareness and Consciousness? Do any of you think that you weren't? Any judgment associated with whether you were or weren't? And any of you that think you weren't, is that something you created so you could hide from the College of Judges? Everything that is, and everything you aligned and agreed with and_resisted_and reacted to, and anything to do with the College of Expanded Awareness and Consciousness and all the decisions you made and anything you're still keeping hidden so you won't show up, will you now destroy and uncreate all that please? Everything that does not allow you to claim own and acknowledge the expanded consciousness you truly have? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds And now. . . along came a spider and sat down beside her. . OOPS. , .wrong story. . . we continue now with the Golden Planet story... Some technically advanced beings from another planet came to the Golden Planet. They had some very impressive technological toys that made what they had to offer attractive to many people on the Golden Planet. These “toys” included things like television, computers, games, and virtual reality systems. The “techies” proposed that the consciousness of the population of the Golden Planet was needed all over the universe and they would take us humanoids to all the places where unconsciousness could be changed. What they didn’t say was that the precious metal called gold (which was the most common element on the Golden Planet, and meant very little to those of us who were there) was the reason they wanted everyone to vacate the planet. They wanted everyone to vacate the planet so they could mine it out of existence. The College of Judges was swayed to the side of the techies with the promise of power and an election was called. What occurred is that the majority of the population (52%) voted for what the techies were offering. Those who were aware realized it was all a lie. They refused to be part of what was going on. (That ‘agered mara nn Une Sao, Ca Topseh Union Al fights Recawed Reference Foundation/ Level 1 Revised May 2016 78 was you guys.) Because you weren't willing to go along with the majority, you were sentenced to never know again in totality. The College of Judges came along and told you because you were part of this heretical insurgence called the College of Expanded Awareness and Consciousness, you had done grievous harm to the majority. You were sentenced to never know again because it was your faulty knowing that had created the problems for everyone you cared about, everyone you loved, everyone you ever connected to in any way. So you were sentenced to never know again in totality. What knowing without reason or justification are you absolutely, eternally, irrevocably, infinitely and_utterly refusing that_you really should be choosing, that if you would choose it, would change all realities and non-realities and manifest as the creation of indefinite life and the infinite ease of all reality? Everything that is, will you revoke, recant, rescind, reclaim, renounce, denounce, destroy and uncreate it all? Right and wrong, good and bad, POD, POC, all 9, shorts, boys, and beyonds The next thing that was done to you is that you were told that not only was your knowing faulty, but that your receiving was incorrect, and all the information you had received was wrong. As part of the College of Expanded Awareness and Consciousness, you were sentenced to never receive again in totality because it was you who had received the information and the awareness and the knowledge that supposedly had destroyed everyone and everything. You were single-handedly responsible, according to the College of Judges, for destroying everything you held dear. It was your inappropriate receiving that was responsible for the divisiveness on the Golden Planet. So you were sentenced to never ever, ever, ever, ever receive again for all eternity as long as you as a being existed. That includes money, that includes joy, that includes your knowing, that includes everything you could possibly receive. There would always be a limitation financially and in communion, and you would never be willing to receive with ease. What are you unwilling to perceive, know, be, and receive, etc. with the form, structure, and_significance_of everything that represents the edicts of the absolute aversion to the infinite ‘egtered mero nine Ud Sins, Ca ropash Union. A igh Reed Reference Foundation/ Level 1 Revised May 2016 79 intensity and expansiveness of the magnificent validation, power, and freedom of the infinite and_unlimited_omni-receiving and molecular communion you truly have and are into the methods, means, modalities, forms, structures, significances, protocols, factors, and_focal points of the creation of aversion therapies to molecular communion and total receiving you function with and as, in and as, the abdication of infinite abundance and your true choice in this reality, and everything that represents to and as you truly are is as the all encompassing dodas that if you were willing would destroy all _other__ realities _and__manifest_as__ total consciousness?__Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds Because you couldn’t know and you couldn’t receive, you decided on your own, with a little help from the College of Judges, that you could not be trusted to be as you, that you were at fault. It was your knowing and receiving and the beingness of you, free from judgment, that had created all of the difficulties and all of the problems. So you created machines to be for you—machines of beingness, billions and billions and billions of them, machines that would be you in every situation. What the machines would do is they would judge everything that came into your awareness to determine what was right or wrong with every choice you made. This way you could ensure you would never create the devastation you had supposedly created. I say supposedly because all those ideas that you had created all that devastation were lies and implanted points of view. What are you unwilling to_perceive, know, be, and receive, etc with the form, structure, and significance _of everything that represents the edicts of the absolute aversion to the infinite intensity and expansiveness of the magnificent validation, power, and freedom of the infinite and_unlimited beingness embodied and embodied beingness you truly have and are into the methods, means, modalities, forms, structures, significances, protocols, factors, and_focal points of the creation of aversion therapies to any form of being or embodiment and total awareness of and as self you function with and as, in and as, the absolute eradication of being in favor of doing as the only choice in this reality, and everything that represents to and as you truly are is as the all or ateap! a pera byappleabs law Ure vasomc, race “opeen Union. Al Rights Reserved Reference Foundation/ Level 1 Revised May 2016 80 encompassing dodas that if you were willing would destroy all other realities and_manifest_as total consciousness? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds Will _you_now claim, own and_ acknowledge the totality of beingness you truly have and are, even though you have no idea who you really are? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POG, shorts, boys and beyonds The next thing that was done is that you were told that your perception was so bad that you would have to do everything in the entirety of your perception from judgment. What are you unwilling to perceive, know, be, and receive, etc, with the form, structure, and significance of everything that represents the edicts of the absolute aversion to the infinite intensity and expansiveness of the magnificent validation, power, and freedom of the infinite and unlimited simultaneity of time, space, dimension and reality of perception you truly have and are into_the methods, means, modalities, forms, structures, and significances, protocols, factors, and_focal points of the creation of aversion therapies to infinite perception you function with and as, in_and as, the injection of judgment as the replacement for all perception in this reality, and everything that represents to and as ou truly are is as the all encompassing dodas that if you were willing would destroy all other realities and_manifest_as_total consciousness? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POG, shorts, boys and beyonds The reality is, perception is like the wind. It keeps moving and changing and it is never the same, one moment after the other. The wind doesn’t solidify and become a truth or a not-truth, it just is. When you have perception that you are trying to solidify into truth or not-truth, you are creating something that cannot truly exist. And _ will you now claim and own your ability to perceive in totality? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds Did you ever perceive the negativity in someone else's universe, or someplace someone was functioning from negativity or limitation, and decided you were judging, and judged yourself for judging, even though you were just having an awareness of where they or akcap! a peritadbyappleabslaw Ure vasomce, race “opeen Union. Al Rights Reseved ° Reference Foundation/ Level 1 Revised May 2016 81 were functioning from a limited point of view? Everything you've bought as judgment that was awareness, will you now destroy and uncreate everything that does not allow you to perceive, know, be, and receive when awareness is not judgment? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds And all the lies and implants that you bought that someone would come along and tell you the story of the Golden Planet, and you couldn't believe it, you couldn't achieve it, you couldn't receive it, you couldn’t get free from everything that had been done and put in, and everything that you had done and put in, to create the limitation of you, would you acknowledge that that’s a lie, will ‘ou now destroy and uncreate all of that please and claim and own you? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds What are you unwilling to perceive, know, be, and receive, etc. with the form, structure, and_ significance _of everything that represents the edicts of the absolute aversion to the infinite intensity and expansiveness of the magnificent validation, power, and freedom of the infinite and unlimited awareness of the Golden Planet__and__the College of _ Expanded __ Awareness _ and Consciousness you truly have and are into the methods, means, modalities, forms, structures, significances, protocols, factors, and focal points of the creation of the aversion therapies to the Golden Planet, Access, and_the College of Expanded Awareness and Consciousness you function with and as, in and as, the abdication of infinite perceiving, knowing, being, and receiving as the true ‘ou in this reality, and everything that represents to and as you truly are is, as the all encompassing dodas that if you were willing would destroy all other realities _and__manifest_as__ total consciousness? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POG, shorts, boys and beyonds Somewhere, somehow you knew that consciousness had to be hidden until the time was right. Are you the lock or the key? Is now the time? Everything you've hidden will you now put all the locks and the keys together, destroy and uncreate Everything that is unconscious and anti-consciousness and allow or akcap! a peritadbyappleabslaw Ure vasomck, race “opeen Union. Al Rights Reseved ° Reference Foundation/ Level 1 Revised May 2016 82 the consciousness we truly are to truly be? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds Techies had these electrostatic phasic systems. They were hooked up to your bodies and they ran off of polarity. The energy of your bodies was used to fuel their machines. All the electrostatic phasic systems that are still connected to your body, creating a demand for polarity in your life, and all the positive and negative ions and free radicals, can we destroy and uncreate all those? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds Infinity Gas When the 52% voted to go to other planets and other realities, we were told that in order to understand the places we were going, and to take our bodies there, we would have to be subject to the infinity gas. In order to travel through time and space to get to these other planets that we were supposedly going to help enlighten, we would have to have these 100,000-year increments of unconsciousness. The techies told us that it would be “stasis” for our bodies. You were put into a bell jar and you were made to inhale something called infinity gas. What the infinity gas did is it took the concept of infiniteness and turned it into infinity, and it also created the beginning of linear time. Which feels lighter and more expansive, infiniteness or infinity? See how infiniteness feels— how big and expansive is that? Now see how infinity feels. Does that feel big and expansive, or small and contractive and eternal? Infinity is this mobius strip —like the infinity sign. The infinity gas took everything that should have been infiniteness in your reality and made it eternal. Each time you go back over this loop, you create it with more solidity. Every time an embodiment occurred, you became more solid, because not only did you have all your fixed points of view from your past, but you bought all of your fixed points of view from your parents and that added more fixed points of view to your fixed points of view. The purpose of the infinity gas was to create ever-increasing density and solidity. ‘aged mara inne Une Sao, Ca Topseh Union Al fights Recawed

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