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a Usk, Reel, 3% Reading tr A iscuss. + What ia scam? Do you know of any scams circulating on the internet? + Have you ever been tricked? How would you feel i you unknowingly gave a thiet something valuable? scammer can trick even the most careful person. "| CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FELL FOR THAT" ‘The term “con man” was first used during the New York trial of Willian Thompson in 1849. He would chat with strangers and gain their confidence using his charm until his victims would give him their valuables. He was finally arrested when one of his victims tecognized him on the street. 8 That may have been the end of Thompson's career, but not the end of “confidence tricks. Often, people who have been tricked complain that they were distracted by con artists, who ith aecomplices to cause son's fometines work wh XomBless distractions in order to deceive someone. | ‘Those tricked may feel too ashamed to report \ the crime. They feel that they are to: blame for 7 being too trusting! wet ad * fo "GET RICH QUICK’ 402.\ Read the texts below about scams. Choose who the victim Is In each one ‘a. someone investing money ¢- consumers bb, any passerby on the street 4. naive visitors _ [VE BEEN TRICKED! We all know that what may seem too good to be true, probably is. ‘Unfortunately, an expert sma oT fE-an UNLIKELY SOUVENIR 20-year-old George C. Parker had great talere as a salesman! When he "sold" the Brook! Bridge to an unsuspecting tourist in 1883, was amazed at how easy it was. A few days later, he decided to do it again. In fact, found many customers interested in buying the Brookiyn Bridge. They gladly gave anyt from $50 to $50,000 without researching i: offer. ‘Some people even paid installments for mor before realizing that the bridge wasn't for s2 Others “bought” the Metropolitan Museum of i: and the Statue of Liberty. Following his arte Parker spent the rest of his life in Sing Si Prison, where he was treated with respect by other con artists boca }ecause of the original his crime. mcg originality 0 ‘Con artists are always looking for people interested in making a dream deal. Advance foe scams require people to give money in the hope of making a profi. ‘Afamous scam, the “Spanish prisoner” game, was popular in 1588. Con artists would tell their victims that an aristocrat who was in a prison in Spain Under a false name was seeking people to pay for his release. In return, he would give them back their money with interest. Pepe ne early 1920s. He promised them a 50-percent prewy on their investment in 45 days, The fist ivestont : fs 'y. However, the scheme lives on to describe pyrayne Pyrar vieim: Lament eT pee Eseaneado con CamScanner "700 GOOD TO RESIST" asa stranger ever approached you in thesreet with a bargain? The stranger ray daim that he works for a trucking fim or retailer, Those tempted to buy the “cheap” and save ‘money may take it home only to open the package and find rocks inside. lisa scam that dates back to the Middle ‘Ages, when people would buy meat at the markets only to go home and find that the seller had a quick hand and had exchanged the package they had seen with one containing something clse, usualy a cat. lt alk al 1 202) {Read the texts again and answer the questions. {carrt believe you fell for that 1. What led to Wiliam Thompson’ arest? 2. What does That inline 8 refer to? 3. What does the author mean by not the end of “confidence tricks"? 4. Why don't the victims report the incident to the police? An unlikely souvenir 5. What quality of his did George C. Parker rely on to succeed in his scams? 6. What surprised Parker when he “sold” the Brooklyn Bridge? 7. Why was Parker treated with respect by other con men? Get rich quick 8. What ambition do people who fall victim to advance fee scams or Ponzi schemes share? ~ 9. Did the investors in the Ponzi scheme get paid? How? 10. What was Charles Ponzi arrested for? Too good to resist 1, What do people who fall victim to this scam think they are getting? How do scammers succeed in deceiving their victims? 1. Look at the highlighted words in the texts and match them with their meanings. 1. charm e 4. instaliment [GJ 2. accomplice [C] 5. seek @ 3. unsuspecting [2] 6. merchandise [1] ‘a, a small amount of money pald regularly over a period of time until sth. has been paid for b. goods that are bought or sold ¢. someone who assists another to commit a crime 4. to try to find €. not aware of sth. that is about to happen f. the quality of being pleasant and friendly £ Discuss. + If you were tricked, would you report the incident to the police or would you be too embarrassed? + What advice would you give people so that they donot fall victim to scammers? Eseaneado con CamScanner Tuesday 1 Vocabulary A. Complete the table with the missing words. ord (VERB) steal eT |_r0b | bw burglarize or break ivinto Q Wdyag | Vela pin shoplit | shoplifting vandaize |yordah cing] hacking gut 1°, 207! te maten the verbs 1-6 with the phrases a form collocations, 1 break =) 4, comm [f] b. afine 3. take @ ¢. time in jail/prison 4.tind E 4. the law spy «sb guilty oF innocent 6. serve fd f acrime jorm of the words In the 1s with the correct f sach blank, preposition In bold after e: Sentence arrest. blame accuse charge essape 4. Two prisoners_25C0. 0 from prison last night. 2. He was_QUERBACC| for driving without a license 3. Dont___‘o (a th@ _me for your mistake. 4, Are you Sq me of stealing your wallet? How dare yout 5. The police arrested Mr. Lowes and send speck him with thet, 6. Because of the cruel nature of his crime, he was Si yt @ to 15 years in prison. { Complete the sentences box. Pay attention to the 8. Complete the sentences withthe correct form of the words inthe rob steal shoplift break into 1. Someone __$ 4o\2" my watch! 2. Thetecnager Slag a |LE4 a scart trom the store 3. He ¢L_ the bank on Main Street. 4. Someone Hor i ees my car and took my briefcase from cheat trick tie 5. Don't m to me. Tell me th Ee le truth, ——Auched — meinto giving him money. 7. Students who eat Chew on the test will be punished. 8. I dont trust sal don't trust salespeople. They are all vou ving to cy fa Fobber thief burglar OA t !99e While | was sleeping at the sto ‘e my luggage while | was sleepi 7 1o.The _\aiyea nto the house when the family wa! ; Mow broke into th the family Methevank debee Victim 4 Suspect witness was ‘wearing a mask to hide his face. Eseaneado con CamScannet ull Infinitive, bare Infinitive, -ing form ces and match jowing examples of full tinttives I. Read the following sets of sentences an ora aves (e.g. 90) and -Ing forms them with the statements a or b which are closer In sir otex ad complete the aes, meaning. ot trust remember to send the ematattertunen. [i] rer tet io sso fo report tecrin at re decided to do It agin er eno doing noting 2. Lremember sending the e-mail after lunch. First, }remember, then I do It. _ of used atte 40° {remember that Ihave done something earller. used attr 1 meagan could must shout may. te) vgeinthe active volce Ja saya ad Deter 3. She stopped taking pltures when she saw the FOR No photos" sian. tb) 4. sho stopped to take some pltures of the nice view. [2] sifu sed ater 2 trot wold ke Nope decide mange She took pictures after she stopped doing something else. retuse, seem, promise, etc.) A — 7 mr ejectve ts nice, was happyete) —\o" ‘She was taking pictures and then stopped doing it. ‘ipoand enough ; {gestion words Chow, wiat, when, where, etc) 5, Ted tried to unlock the door, but he couldn't. @ 6. Ted tied unlocking the door witha aiferentkey. [i] ried fOLY Is used after: rn verbs (avo, enjoy, love, hate, fish Imagine, He made an effort. ind risk suggest. consider, etc) statah expressions (how about, don't mind, cant sand ts use, I's no good, there's no point in, be taeda, ted ees «repestions for, about, without, etc.) vy very pat { complete the text below with the full infinitive, the bare infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in parentheses. _ ~ soma destainene sss. ens te Sen d =] ctional Land “Poyais” Frau “Tuo rece con men have existed for many years. Gregor» Scotland, Doctors, bankers and lawyers, along with their Y ne MacGregor, who was a Scottish adventurer families, took the long jourmey tothe faraway land in H and explorer, committed a big scam in 1822, hopes of 8 tw (get) high positions in the | something to see what effect it would have. when he made a great deal of money by country of Poyais. a (claim) he was the leader ofthe In September 1822, when the first people arrived at . itty Poyais, located near the Bay of Honduras. the point MacGregor had promised would be their new ~ Mle2__Spoodiney (spend) time in South country, they were in fora big surprise. “Poyais” was America, MacGregor returned to London and announced ta a patch of jungle with no sign of civilization. There : he King of Poyais had appointed him “cacique,” a " was no point in 9 _s@cr¥C\lbbyAd_ (search) for an = tee there, He described the country of Poyais explanation; they had been deceived, However, the funny han ned of British investors and part was that they couldn't 10_ACEME th Se could 3_‘\Maqin® (imagine) _ (blame) MacGregor. He had been so convincing that a idn’t really exist, He aly made a they refused 11 Voniehewe (believe) he was __ ik forthe new land, which described in detail the responsible for this, but that it was rather his advisors, tea ta the natural resources available there, Even and consultants who were to blame. (elit Seemed t0 good 4__4-0_be. Meanwhile, MacGregor was already” Ne, MacGregor had gained a great deal of respect. _in Francg“selling” more land. In- ~~ td : "body questioned whether the land actually existed, the end, when the whole scam Sing (lose) thei life was revealed, MacGregor's : j : lawyer cleverly put the blame | 46 gale! ett and to English and on everybody else and my People who were interested in 7 NN MacGregor was considered ” ew, promi a ‘ Eseaneado con CamScanner 51-9, complete the my, ‘ jo show. For questlor B Discuss. B. You will hear part of a radio show. For a information. Do youenjoy reading Inform: ciimestoresr 7A case of identity Why not? + Do you know of any famous than anything we coug 1. Holmes says that life Is much __ Tctlona electives? Who? ae Just before he was to get married, 7 ‘+ What different methods do the 2. Mr. Angel police use to solve crimes? 3. Mr. Angelis described as having a small iffculty im 4. He worked on Leadenhall Street in a(n) 5. Even the on Mr, Angel's letters is typewritten. 6. Holmes will write a letter to Mr. Windibank asking him to meet up at the following evening. only once. 7. Watson had seen Sherlock Holmes, ly 8. When Watson found Sherlock the next day, there were many around him. 9. The criminal cannot be touched by any _ Vocabulary , fl.Complete the sentences with _ 8, Read the sentences and match the phrasal verbs in bold with their thecorrect form ofthe words in meanings. the boxes. I ren ized he ha crime, she turned him Benne 1. When his wife realized he had committed the into the police, 2. The detective is determined to find out who stole the artwork. 3. We were lucky that the police officer fet us off with just a warning! OO 1. Ateam of experts is US 20 the cause of the accident, 4. The teacher helped us clear up the misunderstanding and we are all 2. The detective has a reputation tics again oO a 5. They held up the supermarket in broad difficult murder case: * They held up the supermarket in broad daylight. O na es 6, He broke out of jail by digging a tunnel t jorcinary: simple re 7. Eds lawyers did everything they could to get him released, but he 3. Today was ust atm) Was locked up until the tia rt foun fay ai Ofdinory day ana 8. Asi was walking home from the bank, someone grabbed my bag ola what | coal ao, and ran off with it O 4. Working this machine fs very 9. Thecriminals got away ina stolen car o Swap le. at'you 10. He was sentenced to t as sentenced to twenty years in a dois press a bitton, station. ‘esr in il fr blowing up a police BE SL eT i t clue’ evidence i q 5. Tedetectvefoundaay ®t sth. thou pemision something - stn Che Shae b. no punish sb who has done sth, wrong helped him solve the case. ©: to-explain sth, 6. The police think he stole the vase & to escape from Somewhere buthaveno__ Pvc @ © 10 put sb. in jai to prove this. f torob by using a gun a 9. t0 discov [ [Sonate autograph] Wh to escapes, Bis a Lt ae == ™ 10 escape from 10 2. My daughter asked the author 4. etch you “whois trying to forhis_dutoataph 44. tot L totell the pot * ice what s 8. Can you please put your whereshig "Shas done / ana tue ; GELUE atthe + fdestoy Sth by explosion bottom of this check? 7. ' M7 or Eseaneado con CamScanner Grammar moda verbs it (past reference + deduction) {Look at the sentences and choose which of the statements 2 or b Is closer in meaning. 7, That may have been the end of Thompson's career. a twas certainly the end of Trompeons carer. b. Perhaps twas the end of Thompson's career. [~] 2. Sue could have cooked dinner but she decided to rave sandwich instead it was possible for Su to cook inner but she didnt b. Perhaps Sue cooked dinner. 3. Karen might have eaten the apple pie. a, Its certain that Karen ate the apple pie. b. Its possible that Karen ate the apple pie. 4, [should have reported the theft to the police. a. I reported the theft to the police becauseit was good to do so. b. [didn't report the theft to the police, which wasn't a wise decision, O oO B. Read the examples above again and complete the rules. + Use and +have+ past participle to express possibilty n the past. + Use +have ¢ past participle to ‘express possiblity in the past which was not fulfilled. +Use. + have + past participle to express regret about sth, that didn't happen in the past or to criticize sb's behavior. [Read the text and circle the correct words. A Burglar Caught Laughing {Look at the sentences and choose which of the statements a or b Is closer in meaning. 7. Mark can’tibe responsible for the crime; he’s an honest man. a. Lam sure that Mark Isnt responsible for the crime. b. Mark isn't able to take responsibilty for the crime. 2. It must have taken you an hour to get downtown. fa It was necessary for you to take an hour to get downtown. b, Ibelieve it took you an hour to get downtown. H 1D. Now read the sentences below and compare them with the examples above. What is the difference between can't be and can’t have been? What about ‘must take and must have taken? 3. Mark can’t have been responsible for the crime, 4, Itmust take you an hour to get downtown. E Match the examples 1-4 above with the rules. + Use must + base form to express certainty that spmething is true «Use can't + base form to express belief that something is impossible oO + Use must + have + past participle to express certainty that something happened in the past. L) + Use eart/couldn’t+ have + past participle to express certainty that something didn't happen inthe past. [_] Qo Last Saturday, a rather strange and funny crime took place in Glendale County. A burglar broke into the Jefferson family’s house. Steve and Amber Jefferson had gone ‘out shopping and returned to their home late in the afternoon, When they entered, they went into the kitchen and Steve started tolling Amber a joke. When he finished, they heard loud laughter coming from upstairs. “Somebody 1 may have been / must be in the house,” said Amber. “Is it Dylan?" Steve asked her. “It can’t/ mustn’t be him! He's at Brian's house!” she replied. ‘They grabbed a cell phone, ran outside and called the police. It 3 must have been / should have been a few minutes later when the police arved and found the burglar trying to get away through the back door. Steve later told the police: “At first, | thought that it can't have been / might have been our son Dylan.” Amber added: “Then | realized that it 5 might not have been / couldn't have been him, because he had gone toa friend's house and wouldn't come back until late at right” ‘The burglar was quite embarrassed about ‘committing a crime as well as about how he had gotten caught. “I 6 must have been / could have been in thehouse for only 10 minutes when | heard the couple come in. | panicked, of course, but when | heard the joke, | couldn't help laughing! | am very ssorty for breaking into their home, though," the burglar told reporters after the police arrived. The Jeffersons were relieved that nothing was stolen from their house. ‘The burglar apologized to them Gotothe | before the policemen took him Speaking away, but if Steve hadn't Activities section. cracked a joke, things 7 must have turned /' might have turned out very differently! Eseaneado con CamScanner th th 1 f t a fi Dicuss nd thewords ont . in Read the del cessive to other people 7 se the Internet ple su 1 and in is cruel sb. who idate them der to intimi ira re in ort ee een eee discussions to upset other people sb. no bales E39 oer : follows a Soe bratty posts deliberat sb. who n the Internet je manner 0 ene an area et involved offen: joes = ho behaves i820 utd ‘ st nesses who wi t and compare the information with you Snswers nthe previous atv blanks 1-6 with inand complete the thesentencesag onthe next page. There sone extra the sent . ne ‘Sentence which you dont need us {o make their target feel afraid, ashamed and any; changes as bullies grow © only thing that Older is that heir bul J White adults sutte 3 becomes more Subtle, * from bullying tothem, a large n Hae MUCH a8 children dg wimber of adults who consequences of ‘ious, Th hen it happens airanetater ee led sen feel the University suggests that mere et the iene PA ty by and a SH89855 that mare then wt Oens reported gat BY Duke a rng ma shoved that tyre 9 Were by chilies at school, ecoming More aniusandinseens atu, 838 children pita up thats mare can be argu ‘hat viet and adutts, ‘ adult bullies woud pee ki Sin the se 20S o Chnology, otic ilestealing, BD mci" shioney ds tigg esereas hese days, CYberbulying me, Mest lag, USE or Wo th usta cone? that a would have meen nd Cellphone: tele yi : rained sassy Eg around Danity Ey Sin hss are re tig ne wh isinhibiton Etec the Onin! Eseaneado con CamScanner furthermore Internet trlts who think itis funny tose their own anonymity to upset people sometimes worsen an already painful situation for the bully victims. In this way, flamers and trolls post cruel comments online without even knowing the person they are criticizing, nce again, the effects of cyberbullying are more hidden in the workplace. Employees may receive threatening e-mail and text messages and this has ‘3 huge impact on their health and job satisfaction. Furthermore, witnesses to the bullying are less Likely to SyMpAthiZeWith the victim because of the remote nature of cyberspace. researching human behavior on tate that even “normal” people can wn they can’t see the person a. Pechlogis teemtesne Trim ties whe treo mteractng with rat bles prefer 0 B.A bl am and excision i Me with ans pe tron wth rte fe ea tring techniques to couee poste Temata reactions ing just as kel to occ Preteen timidate their victims 4. On the contrary, bul in the workplace, at home or in home as itis in high school. Bullying is more widespread among tow-income areas. f. That is why victim at any point in time. 4. However, bullies of all ages cou! victims only up to point. anyone can become a bully or bully Ld affect their 1B. Look at the highlighted words/phrases in the text and match them with their meanings. Ll Ss cor | 4.gang up on Il a | Peers a. toturnto Panty Pear eee Caretta ae Cee aia peer er) eee Pd Seed E Discuss. + Did the text affect the way you See bullying? How? Strangely enough, people keep finding new ways to bully each other as society and technology develop. They use bullying to establish their own position in the social hierarchy of their community. [J Studies have found that even primates, especially baboons, display bully-like behavior and sometimes gag Union other baboons to put them in their place Perhaps the reason why anti-bullying programs enjoy only short-term success is because they address bullying without Getting to the roots of its very nature, To truly stop bullying we need to understand it at a deeper level and see it as prifmitive behavior that causes us to act irresponsibly. Speoking Discuss. + How can bullying attect a person? + Have you ever encountered cyberbullying? 1 ts eyberbullying as serious as other forms of bullying? * what can be done to prevent bullying? + What would you dof you saw someone bullying someone else? « How do you think bullies shouldbe trestea? 1 Way do you think some chilren do not report bullying? Pea Acs Pee eco preter ee aa lowsell-esteem —_noleniency humiliate ashamed intimidate strict raise awareness of the issue stand up for Eseaneado con CamScanner the correct form of the A. complete with aepsin the ox. There are two extra verbs Which you donot need to use. ‘accuse intimidate release humiliate charge patrol ‘sentence treat report resort 4. He was found guity and was therefore. toten years in prison. a Hank na been arrested 2d with murder. the area Twenty police officers are > tel where the mayor is staying. outside the hot ‘a Thetwoteens were" shoplifting and witlhave to goto court, all people with respect. +5, You should __—— 6 Unfortunately, many people —__———'° violence to solve their differences. 7. Teachers should not, making fun oftheir mistakes. £8, He s just a big bully who likes to students by all the younger children. ere mse ‘The police trust Hans Froden, the man who 4 stalked / accomplices who. con meatste to give them their bank details. Th pone tnt rene at tes hundreds and sometimes eee ee 1g on national and local € compat te tox th thea Infinitive or the - se itt erie -atom reer pe fn vontheses i ie Internet is a place where ‘many crimes can “ — (a ee Tat ny pe ny (get) tricked, Unfortunat at Latina ery oy usin e pene ‘tno as cyber Somer sificut 3 in (recog Internet. Many criminals want a ME ¢aPGErS onthe (make) money by 5 ——_ (deceive) others, sotney try to — obtain th pers Information do 30. You may be wondering what aa 0? (orteed yours trom hee cag Generally, you should@ the caret when using the Internet. Avold 9 _ a ut personal Information on websites that seem” 10 (be) suspicious as you risk 1 (ald victim to many online scams and frauds. Many experts suggest 12 (use) only trustworthy sites when making a purchase online, for instance. Furthermore, having strong antivirus software on your computer helps 13 _ _ (protect) you from dangerous websites or e-mals. Also, you'd better not 14 (lick on inks in suspicious e-mails, because they could be viruses. I you follow these simple safety measures, you'll manage (avold) cybercrime. 5 BL Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Do not change the word given. You must use Between two and five words, including the word given. 1. Im sure it was George who hacked into your computer. must (— hacked into your computer. 2. im sure Patrick didn't finish hs assignment esterday, because he didn'thave any time, finished Patrick __—— _ his assignment yesterday, because he didnt have an time. 4, Instead of driving to work this morning, idecided to walk cou I a morning, but | decided to walk instead. ‘nr ‘4-It's possible the police caught the thieves The police — the thieves. = 5. It wasn'ta good idea eat You your trash on the beach. to leave your trash on the Self-ussessment Read the following and check t For the points you are unsure of relevant sections in the module. ne appropriate boxes refer back to the es ) discuss issues relating to rime and other Kind) of antisocial behavior punishment 2n4 use vocabulary relating to crime, legal procedures and phrasal verbs A ) express possibilty and make deductions a ) express regret and criticism ) discuss options and support my opinion bY [") siving examples ) write an essay o 70 O) Eseaneado con CamScannet Reoding Discuss. «Are there any diseases that could be avolded If people took better care of themselves? «Do you take care of yoursel!? What do you do to stay healthy? B. Read the article. Why was it written? a, to inform people about different diets b. to show how we can avoid bad health «. to criticize governments for not promoting healthy lifestyles To getthe fo untain of Stat by exer Of YOUtH lowing within ing or tax 0 of Spors Meciies gi 3hi"9 UP a sport, The tse YOu can CaN delay the aging eS that if you stay ph etSh Journal helps with weight rene see y Bhysicall Eseaneado con CamScanner styou are physically ft and happy, you wil enjoy @ healthier yor tew iinesses, much lke the people of Okinawa, en where people live longer than anywhere else in the sant okinawans thernselves stat that ther stress-ree lives ergetveiestyes are the reason. However, there might arrore to itthan that. Afterall, OKinawans also take care oF rar aie by consuming sweet potatoes and foods that re high in vitamin A and beta carotene, iryou slap piles of butter on your breadt, eat fatty foods and ita smoker, you will not enjoy good health regardless atthe amount of exercise or joy in your life. Back in the Seventies, Finns, especially in the region of Northern Karelia, Toemned this the hard way with their hearts and lungs paying ‘of bad eating habits. Their country held the world eco for heart disease until the Finnish Health Department Gecided it was time for people to change their unhealthy lifestyles. In Northern Karelia, the average 20-year-old had only consumed vegetables a handful of times in their life, The ‘authorities knew that if people made healthier food choices, they would see the death rate in their country decrease. If healthier food choices became easier to make, then the situation would change. Consequently, the only way to change the situation was to change society itself! That's why the government got everybody involved in its project: health centers, supermarkets, schools, office cafeterias, housewives and farmers. Towns competed against each ‘other in cholesterol-lowering competitions for prizes such as bike paths and new walkways. Healthy eating events became popular while TV reality shows focused on people's weight loss, The Finns realized that making the right choices was anything but boring. Soon farmers responded by returning to Finland's forgotten forest tradition of growing berries. Heart disease dropped by 80 percent and Finland was well on it way to becoming the healthy nation we know today. ‘There are many litle things we can do every day to ensure we have better health. Things like brushing our teoth, taking the time to wash our hands from germs before we eat, Getting adequate sleep, doing crossword puzzles to keep our minds sharp, choosing to live in a greener area and avoiding dangerous chemicals when we clean our house- AAlthat is needed is careful thinking and taking Each country and each person may have different health ‘isks to cope with as well as ways to deal with diseases: However, there is one thing that we all know is painfully "Ue: prevention is better than cure. . Read the text again and make notes on the polnts below. The first one has been done for you. 1. how exercise benefits a person * can delay aging process + weight loss «prevents high blood pressure + fights diseases and ailments + boosts our mood 2. why Okinawans long lives 3. why the people of Finland had the worst record for heart problems 4, what the Finnish government decided to do 5, what the Finns came to realize 6. what we can do for better health 1. Look at the highlighted words/phrases in the text and match them with their meanings. There are two extra meanings which you do not need to use. 1. what makes sbisth. tick 2.aitment L] 3. boost 4. pay the price|_] 5, precaution a. sth. done in advance to prevent arm b. toimprove . to make worse d. to suffer the consequences e. how sbJ/sth. functions or behaves f. illness g. to deal with a situation € Discuss. «What health issues are there in your country? th issues: the individual, « Who is responsible for heal i tional responsibility? the state, or is it an internal Eseaneado con CamScanner Vocabulary oat tela Fatman yu a ay tier word Intestines 1H. Road tho toxt and then complete the sent ences Correct highlighted words, ong, Jo stay healthy, we teed to have a eae inalty food groups: grains, full, vegetable Alalty products tae containing protein S andiagt Gas nh ood Kee, ea and past, We ge rome esr enerater oe eeARag contain nor etary Mbt Fer fs impotant or good ag 282, koops our heart healthy, too, On ann Flan vegetables als provi us wt ber a5 wel as neceyey, amines theyane ow natn cls to so heya Dairy roel ve ws BMH, wich makes our bone son prot ede any food tom the lk of anima ue yogurt. iting Poe cat be found in ea, seafood, beans ests nd sop, Isessenl toca proteln asi sa substance which tetas system and bullds our muscle mass, a ‘Fatt¥/10048, olls and sugary foods such as French fries, chi anid candy are tasty but they are a good source of to be heathy, we shoul eat too much from this group ‘swells cating rom al tve fod groups, we should be eae oa ood that has too many artical preservatives, chemicals that min, las longer, and chermaladlves, suchas food coloring or tavrny PS. lectin We 1. Wedor't use any _ {In our food. The cori mai, 2. I need to cut down on He put on too much weight. 3. You should drink milk more often to get enough. 4, The key toa healthy and Is to eat a varityet food in the right proportions. 5, Wholewheat bread contains more than white bread, 6. This meals ow in or pasta, There's no bread, potatos 7. There are no Inthis food, Therefore, you se consume it as soon as possible. 8. Good and regular exercise are essential o" along and healthy ie Read the sentences below and answer the questions that follow, 66 You misheard me;1 sald 1 was feeling hungry. not angry. 99 (66 He's never done anything bad to you so! don't understand why you disiike him so much. 99 + Does the pretix mis: mean not correctly oF not completely? * How does the pretix dis: change the meaning of a word? 2. Complete the table using the words In the box. Eseaneado con CamScanner

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