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Rogelio A.

Castronuevo III Subject: K0001 -

Learning Skills
DIT -11 Lecturer: Mr. Leo Espallardo



Working while in college gives a different perspective in terms of experience. Ranging from friends to
classes to jobs, not all could understand how difficult it can get. Throughout college, I get to know all the
ways on how to finance my education. Some, work numerous jobs on top of going to school full-time.
Some have a part-time job, others do miscellaneous work from time to time, and there are those who
don't work and/or have never worked a day in their life. And like me as a working student have a time-
management dilemma.


1. Issues with regards to spontaneity in a person’s activities.

2. Lack of sleep
3. Stress
4. Problem on setting priorities


1. Spontaneity

Having a work every day doesn't leave much room for spontaneous trips, or even random hangouts with
friends who don't have that commitment. Even friends who share the same problem, who have
committed schedules for work, find difficulty in finding time to share along with other friends because of
conflicting work schedules. The only way you ever really have free time to spend with friends is when
you take a weekend off of work in order to take a break and relax with the friends you hardly get to see.

2. Sleep

Sleep is nonexistent for working students. I can't remember a night I went to bed early, nights are long
and mornings are dreaded. The only time I ever get any kind of rest is on the weekends and even then,
it’s possible that I might have an early morning shift. When I get out to work I still have to went to school
then after school when I get home, I need to do some homework. The question then would be, would I
rather catch up on much needed sleep or have some time for fun and relaxation.

3. Stress

Unfortunately, having to balance a social life, work, school, and family time is extremely stressful. It’s
not hard to get overwhelmed. There’s always something going on and I constantly feel being pulled in
every direction just waiting to see how long I can last. This probably isn’t a very healthy lifestyle, but
what can I do? Work is necessary to afford that college education costs.
4. Priorities

Typically, when I have a load of homework, that’s due by the end of the week, or sometimes by the next
day. I try my best to study and finish everything so that I don’t have to stay up extremely late during the
week. This isn’t always realistic. Working while studying are too hard, but sometimes we need those
extra hours for our extra works. On weekends, it’s likely that I’ll be way too exhausted to do my
homework. Time management revolves around our minimal sleep schedules. Trying to muster the
maximum amount of sleep when your schedule doesn’t allow for more than 5 hours almost every night
can impact your studies, and energy level, in a negative way. There’re not enough hours in the day to
allow us to do everything we need, as well as want, to do. We have to prioritize the most important
things against the not-so-important things.


 Make a Schedule

Making schedule is always near the top of the list when it comes to time management tips and there is a
good reason…it works. When I am totally planning my day inside my head without making any concrete
plans, it is all too easy to forget things, prioritize poorly or feel overwhelmed and just do nothing.

Creating order is the first step in successfully managing your time, and making a schedule definitely
helps create order. By writing out daily activities this will help give you a clearer picture of what you
have to work with in terms of setting up times to study and tend to the other responsibilities in your life.

 Learn to Sacrifice

I know to myself that I really work hard and I really deserve some time to unwind and relax, whether
that involves zoning out and watching my favorite TV shows. I should allow myself that time, it is an
important part of succeeding since I want to avoid burnout. But, with that being said, I have to accept
that sometimes I may need to forego this do-nothing time or cut it short. I feel stressed and overworked
and I tell to myself that I deserve a break after working hard all day; I feel justified in watching 4 hours of
television instead of starting that research paper outline I have been putting off the last week. We are all
entitled to pleasure ourselves in our life, but if you are trying to achieve a larger goal of advancing your
career or making a better life for you and your children, this requires discipline.

 Work on Reducing Procrastination

We often procrastinate doing the things that really need to get done sooner than later; usually, the tasks
are less than thrilling. I think of all that I have to do to get from start to finish and I feel a bit
overwhelmed; instead of taking on the task in smaller chunks, sometimes I just do nothing. Then
the anxiety builds as I think about how I still have to do it and again, instead of starting, I put it off again.

Procrastination and effective time management do not go well together for most people. I tend to
procrastinate as well and here are a few things that have helped me do it less. First, it always helps to
think of all the negative things that will result from a person putting off schoolwork until the last possible
minute. It will almost certainly be worse than actually doing what it is you are supposed to be doing, no
matter how difficult or boring it may seem. I also find setting aside a certain amount of time to work and
mixing up tasks within that time helps. It keeps my mind fresh and taking on the paper, reading in
smaller chunks may reduce that sense of anxiety that I feel when thinking about doing the whole
assignment at once. My mind stays a bit fresher and I will feel good knowing I have made a dent in the
various tasks I need to finish for school.


It it is really important to make a schedule or a plan so that I can manage my task or works for the whole
day or even in a week or a moth. In terms of sacrificing something just to do or to accomplish a specific
task, I think we should be careful on making our decision on what to sacrifice, we should assess all things
base on its priority. And when it comes to procrastination, maybe its better if we totally avoid it instead
and must maximize all the possible time I can have.


Among the available alternatives, having a schedule or a plan is the best alternatives that we can have.
Because it will tell you all the means on how you will use each and every second of your time. You can
see how many free times do you still have and how much time you should allot for a specific job or task.

Making a schedule or a plan will also make your self be prepared since a target was set, items should be
prioritized and an effective timetable should be drawn.


 Making a reminder on my phone.

 Putting notes on a cork board.
 Setting time table in each task to be done.
 Work smarter


 Since having this solutions and alternative I’m able to allot some time for hangouts with friends and
having a quality time with family.

 I can get more time to sleep since I can now finish my homework earlier than what is planned.

 Stress was avoided since I doesn’t tend to procrastinate and maximize all the time available to finish
everything I need to do.

 Setting up priority get easy because of making schedules and plans.

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