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 Do the laundry (lavar la ropa)

 Hang the clothes (colgar la ropa)

 Iron the clothes (planchar la ropa)
 Make the bed (hacer la cama)
 Go to bed (ir a dormir)
 Wake up (levantarse)
 Brush my teeth (cepillar los dientes)
 Drive to work (ir al trabajo)
 Get home (llegar a casa)
 Take a bath/Take a shower (ducharse) (took a bath)
 Brush my hair
 Surf the net (navegar en internet)
 Play with my Friends (jugar con mis amigos)
 Go to the university (Ir a la Universidad)
 Go shopping (ir de compras)
 Exercise (hacer ejercicio) / Go to the gym (ir al
gimnasio)/ train crossfit (entrenar crossfit)
 Wash the car (lavar el carro)
 Get dressed (got dressed)
 Go out with a friend (sallir con un amigo)
 Take pictures (tomar fotos)
 Play the guitar (tocar guitarra) I touch the guitar X I
play the piano
 Water the plants (regar las plantas)
 Go for a walk (salir a caminar)
 Work (trabajar)
 Have breakfast
 Have lunch
 Have dinner
 Make dinner /lunch /breakfast (preparar …)
 Fold the laundry (doblar la ropa)
 Feed my dog (alimentar al perro)
 Take a taxi (tomar un taxi)
 Wait for the bus (esperar el autobus)
 Paint a picture (pintar un cuadro)
 Walk my dog (pasear el perro) WOK
 Take out the rubbish (sacar la basura)
 Sweep the floor (barrer el piso)
 Read the news (leer las noticias)
 Clean the window (limpiar la ventana )
 Cut the Grass (podar el cesped)

Write 15 sentences about your daily routine (I)


Wake up- Brush my teeth- have breakfast- Surf the net-
Take a shower- Iron the clothes- Have lunch -

Subject – Verb – Complement (hora – lugar – compañía)

1)I get up at 8:00 in the morning

2)I brush my teeth
3)I have breakfast with my girlfriend and my
4)I surf the internet watching videos
5)I take a shower
6)I iron the clothes
7)I have lunch at 10:30 in the morning

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