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This unit deals with Communication, particularly its nature, types and levels. It also
covers the various elements of communication. As you proceed with the lessons, you will
also be apprised of the so-called communication barriers. Along the way, you will get
information on what listening is and its kinds. Importantly, at the same time, you will be
made to understand communication as a process as well as the different principles and
ethical standards of communication.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the unit, I am able to:

1. Define and explain the nature of communication;
2. identify and discuss the different elements of communication;
3. identify the various communication barriers;
4. define what effective listening is;
5. differentiate hearing and listening;
6. discuss the different levels of listening;
7. cite some tips on how to become a good listener;
8. familiarize themselves with the communication process;
9. explain the steps involved in the communication process;
10. define ethics in relation to communication;
11. elucidate the various ethical standards of communication; and
12. cite specific examples as to how these ethical standards of communication can
be applied in real life situations.

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: _____________________________________

Imagine a world without communication? Do you think this is possible? What would
most likely happen if there is no communication among humans? You will most certainly
say this is not possible at all. The truth is, human beings are gifted with speech, making
them capable of speaking and expressing their thoughts and feelings.

Assuming that you were taken back in time during the past, what would you ask or
say to the following persons/personalities:

1. Jesus Christ-- during His time on earth with His disciples.

2. Dr. Jose Rizal – before he was executed at Bagumbayan on December 30, 1896.

Lesson Proper

The Nature of Communication

As we all know, human communication is vital for survival and it is one thing in life
that we cannot avoid doing.

Communication comes from two (2) Latin words:

1. ‘communis’, which means ‘common’, meaning “to come together” or “to
commune”; and
2. ‘communicare’, which means “to share something”.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the definitions of “communication”.

 Communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, feelings and
emotions from one person to another with the use of symbols which may be
verbal and/or non-verbal and aims for understanding.
 Communication involves imparting ideas, concepts, and data to a group of
 Leagans define communication as a process by which two or more people
exchange ideas, facts, feelings or impression in such ways that each gains a
common understanding of the meaning and use of messages.
 Communication is about two people talking such as with a sibling, a parent, a
teacher, or a face-to-face conversation in real life or even via the Internet.
 Communication is the sharing of ideas among a bunch of individuals. It is
imparting concepts to an audience. It is sharing of experiences publicly for the
common good.

The Types of Communication





The Levels of Communication

1. Intrapersonal Communication

2. Interpersonal Communication

3. Small Group Communication

4. One-to-group Communication

5. Mass Communication

6. Computer-Mediated Communication

This level of communication basically and principally makes use of computer

connected to the internet and various websites.

The Elements of Human Communication

1. Sender - is the one who initiates or starts the communication.
2. Receiver - the individual whom the message is directed. The receiver also
provides the sender with feedback which may prompt the sender to clarify the
3. Message – is the central idea of the communication process. It is made up of the
ideas and feelings that a sender-receiver wants to share with others. The
message is may be sent either through verbal symbols – expressed through
words or non-verbal symbols – expressed through gestures, inflection, tone, etc.
4. Channel - the means through which we transmit the message in either vocal or
non-vocal messages. Vocal messages are verbal and spoken. Non-vocal messages
could also be expressed in words or non-verbal symbols
5. Feedback - the response of the sender-receiver to each other.
6. Noise – any unwanted sound that interferes or bars the message from being
understood or interpreted. Noise is an impediment to clear communication.
Noise can be external or internal.
 External noise comes from the physical environment.
 Internal noise comes from the psychological and sociological nature of
individuals when thoughts and feelings are engrossed on something other
than the communication at hand.

7. Context - refers to the surrounding or environment that helps shape the
interaction between individuals.
 Physical context is the physical environment where the communication
takes place.
 Social context refers to the relationship the participants hold for each other.
 Psychological context has to do with the mood and emotions of the
communicators at the moment of communication.

Adler, Ronald B. and Rodman G. (2009) Understanding human communication, New
York:Oxford University Press

McCroskey and Wheeless, L.R. Introduction to Human Communication, Boston: Allyn &

Assessing Learning
Activity 1
Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. Explain briefly each of the definitions of communication as mentioned in the first

part of this Unit.

a. Definition No. 1

b. Definition No. 2

c. Definition No. 3

d. Definition No. 4

e. Definition No. 5

2. Cite at least 2 examples of each type of communication.


Activity 2

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Make your mind work by expressing your answer to the given questions below:

1. Which do you think is more effective: Verbal Communication or Non-Verbal

Communication? Defend your answer.

2. Argue: There are more advantages and only a few disadvantages of the computer-
mediated communication.

3. Agree or Disagree: With the technology we have now, personal or face-to-face

communication among members of the family is no longer as close, common, or as
intimate as it should be

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Have you heard about the Tower of Babel?

The Tower of Babel narrative in Genesis 11:1–9 is an origin myth meant to explain
why the world's peoples speak different languages. It is said that the Tower of
Babel represents the pride of mankind wanting to reach the heavens and be their own gods.
It represents the unification of all people in error. Because of their pride, which is a sin, the
same sin that caused Lucifer to rebel, God divided them by making them speak different
languages. Because of this, mankind could no longer understand each other, thus forcing
them to go separate ways according to the language they spoke. In effect, there was a
barrier – language barrier – that hindered them from understanding one another. This
explains why there are English, Russian, Chinese, Australian, Japanese, Filipino, etc. which
are distinct and unique languages spoken in the different parts of the world.

Given this background, answer the following questions:

1. If you were introduced to a foreigner whose language you don’t speak, what
would you do or say?

2. Assume that you’re a Filipina candidate in the Miss International beauty pageant
who was luckily included in the final 5. Just before you were asked to answer the
final question, you felt so nervous that you seem to be not ready for any
question. Would you ask an interpreter to translate Filipino to English? Or you
would still answer in pure English? Why?

Lesson Proper

What is Communication Barrier?

Simply put, a barrier is a hindrance. Thus, communication barriers are factors that
hinder clear and understandable communication between the sender and the receiver.

The following are the kinds of communication barriers:

1. Physical Barriers to Communication
They are the foremost obvious barriers to effective communication. It
include barriers like closed doors, vehicular noise, faulty equipment used for
communication, closed cabins, etc. Sometimes, during an outsized office, the
physical separation between various employees combined with faulty equipment
may end in severe barriers to effective communication.

2. Perceptual Barriers
Different people perceive the same things differently. This is a truth which
we must consider during the communication process. All the messages or
communique must be easy and clear. There shouldn’t be any room for a diverse
interpretational set.

3. Emotional Barriers
The emotional IQ of an individual determines the convenience and luxury
with which they will communicate. A person who is emotionally mature are ready to
communicate effectively. On the opposite hand, people that let their emotions take
over will face certain difficulties.
A perfect mixture of emotions and facts is important for effective
communication. Emotions like anger, frustration, humor, can blur the decision-
making capacities of an individual and thus limit the effectiveness of their

4. Cultural Barriers
As the world is getting more and more globalized, any large office may have
people from several parts of the planet. Different cultures have a special meaning for
several basic values of society. Dressing, Religions or lack of them, food, drinks, pets,
and therefore the general behavior will change drastically from one culture to a

Hence it's a requirement that we must take these different cultures under
consideration while communication. This is what we call being culturally
appropriate. In many multinational companies, special courses are offered at the
orientation stages that permit people realize other cultures and the way to be
courteous and tolerant of others.

5. Language Barriers
The barrier is one among the most barriers that limit effective
communication. Language is that the most ordinarily employed tool of
communication. The fact that every major region has its own language is one among
the barriers to effective communication.
As per some estimates, the dialects of every two regions change within a few
kilometers. Even within the same workplace, different employees will have different
linguistic skills. As a result, the communication channels that span across the
organization would be suffering from this.
Thus, keeping this barrier in mind, different considerations need to be made
for various employees. Some of them are very proficient in a certain language and
others will be okay with these languages.

6. Gender barriers to communication

These barriers can incite problems at home and in the workplace. Societal
stereotypes, assumed gender roles can contribute to a communication gap between
the sexes. Men and ladies have assigned roles in society that exacerbate to the
gender divide; it is vital to remember, however, that not all men and ladies fit into a
labeled category. Recognizing the common differences and similarities may be a
initiative toward creating understanding.

What is listening?

Listening is one of the macro-skills that every student must develop. Usually, people
seem to think that hearing and listening are basically the same thing. However, it should be
noted and understood that hearing and listening are NOT the same thing. How do these two
terms differ? Hearing is only a simple reception of sound. On the other hand, listening is
the process of making evaluation and judgment of the thought. Hearing is done with the
ears; listening is through the mind, more than just the ears. Hearing is passive; listening
is active.

What is Effective Listening?

The Importance of Listening Skill

 Improves relationships
 Improves our knowledge
 Improves our understanding
 Prevents problems escalating

 Saves time and energy
 Can save money
 Leads to better result

The Levels of Listening






In summary, there are five (5) levels of listening

How to be a good listener

1. Listen
Don’t interrupt
Let the speaker finish
Concentrate on what's being said and the way it's being said
Make notes, if this helps
Show the speaker that you are listening
2. Question
Check understanding
3. Summarize
Paraphrase what the speaker has just told you


Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. Differentiate
a. hearing and listening
b. attentive and emphatic listening. Give examples for each.
2. What is selective listening? Cite specific instances when you resort to this level of

Activity 2

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions: Perform the following task. Then answer the questions that follow:

Listen to the video (on YouTube) of the famous speech of Martin Luther King.

1. What were King’s dreams for America?


2. If you were to deliver your own speech on the same title (I Have a Dream), what
would your dream or dreams be for the Philippines?

Activity 3

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions: Express your answers to the following questions:

1. Discuss the different barriers to effective communication.

1.1. Physical barrier

1.2. Emotional barrier


1.3. Cultural barrier


1.4. Perceptual barrier


2. How can one overcome these barriers?


Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

If you were asked the question: “How did communication begin?” what would be
your answer?

How about answering this question: “Who do you think was the very first who
started to communicate? With whom and for whom?”

Even long before the first human (Adam) was created, God said, “Let there be light;
and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3) That was the start of communication. In that Biblical
verse, God spoke those very first words. In addition, God said, in Genesis 1:26, God said,
“Let us create man in our image, after our likeness.” Bible scholars agree that in said verse,
God the Father was referring to Jesus as the other one aside from Him who refer to the
pronoun “us”.

Lesson Proper

The Communication Process; Basic Principles of Communication

The Process of Communication

The communication process is comparatively simple and is split into three basic
components: a sender, a channel and a receiver. The sender will initiate the
communication process by developing a thought into a message. This is also known as
encoding. The sender will then convey the message through a channel or medium, or a
scheme of delivery, think of things like e-mail, telephone conversations, direct messages,
personal discussion, or even a text message. The message then interchanges through the
channel to the receiver, who finalizes the communication process by interpreting and
assigning meaning to the message, which is also known as decoding.

Since most communication exchanges involve a continued discourse between

senders and receivers, feedback is supplemented to the communication process. The
feedback is a critical component in the communication process because it ensures that the
message is properly established and interpreted by the other party concerned.

The Basic Principles of Communication

Communicating helps people from various cultures to feel better about themselves
and about their world. Even a simple greeting they receive from people around them gives
them immeasurable pleasure and makes them feel like they are part of the mobile and ever-
changing world. Communication stimulates social interconnection and closeness.
Communication is a two-way process of open handedly giving and receiving pieces of
information through a number of channels. Whether a person speaks offhandedly to
another person, conducting a lecture in a conference or meeting, writing an article or
preparing an official report, the following basic principles are deemed necessary to
1. Know your target audience;
2. Know the purpose of your engagement in communication;
3. Know your topic very well;
4. Anticipate objections from your listeners;
5. Present your viewpoints to your listeners well;
6. Achieve credibility with your audience;
7. Follow through on what you say;
8. Communicate a little at a time;
9. Present pieces of information in various ways;
10. Develop real and useful ways to get feedback from the receivers; and
11. Utilize varied or multiple communication techniques.

References process.html

McMahan, David T. (2009), The basics of communication. United Kingdom: SAGE

Publications, Inc.

Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Answer these questions:

1. Give and explain each of the five (5) steps involved in the process of communication.
Step 1: ______________________

Step 2: _______________________

Step 3 _______________________

Step 4: _______________________

Step 5: _______________________

2. Why is feedback a critical component in the communication process?


3. How can you achieve credibility with your audience?


4. “Communication stimulates social interconnection and closeness.” What do you
understand by this?

Activity 2

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Express freely your thoughts based on the given title of the essay:

1. Write an essay on “The COVID 19 PANDEMIC”. Take into consideration your

insights, your discoveries, realizations and learnings from this world event.

2. If you were to write a letter to God in the midst of this COVID 19 health issue, what
would you tell Him?

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Take a careful look at these images. What idea or message do they convey to you?

Write down your answer here:


Lesson Proper

Ethical Standards of Communication

You will now be introduced to the Ethical Standards of Communication. At this

point, it is necessary that you first have a grasp of what Ethics and Communication Ethics
mean. Read on.

There are also the so-called fundamentals and principles of ethical
communication as presented below:


Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Answer these questions:

1. Explain Communication ethics.


2. There are at least nine (9) Principles of Ethical Communication. Discuss each of
them and cite particular instances or situations where such principle is applied.

This unit deals with Communication and Globalization, particularly the impacts of
globalization on communication. It also covers the effects of globalization on global
communication. As you proceed with the lessons, you will also be apprised of the impacts of
globalization on global communication. Along the way, you will get information on what
globalization is.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, I am able to:

1. Explain how cultural and global issues affect communication; and
2. appreciate the impact of communication on society and therefore the world.

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Direction: Answer the following questions

1. What is Globalization?

2. What do you think are the impacts of globalization on communication?

 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson Proper


Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people,

companies, and governments of various nations. Globalization is not really new, though. The
globe has been globalized even before men coined the term globalization.
Globalization, roughly defined because the global integration of economies and
societies, affects many aspects of young peoples’ lives. Youth have an ambiguous
relationship with the globalizing world, both economically and culturally. On the one hand,
they're most flexible and maybe best ready to adapt to and make use of latest opportunities
offered. They are the simplest educated generation on new information technologies; they
benefit from economic growth; many travel round the world for work, studies, exchange
projects and vacation; telephone and the Internet enable them to remain in-tuned with
friends and relatives abroad.

Impacts of globalization on communication

1. Virtual Interaction

Globalization has introduced virtual communication and collaboration as a

major part of academic and workplace dynamic. We need to know the strengths and
limitations of various communications media, and the way to use each medium to
maximum effect. For example communicating via email to distant team members
requires a particular etiquette and nuance not necessarily required in face-to-face

2. Cultural Awareness in Speech

The need for cultural awareness is a serious impact of globalization,

resulting in the evaluation of communication skills development programs. In the
workplace and schools, for instance, we need the ability to catch subtle nuances of
people’s manner of speech when two people are speaking the same language,
cultural differences can affect vocabulary, expressions, and voice tone.

3. Cultural Awareness in Body Language

Awareness of cultural differences in visual communication are often even as

important because the nuances of speech. This is why in schools, students are taught
to understand acceptable speaking distances, conflict styles, eye contact and posture
in different cultures, accepting that the physical expressions of their own culture are
not universally accepted. Students are also taught how to address these differences
to prepare them for face-to-face meeting with foreign suppliers, customers or team
members when they become professionals.

4. Time Differences

The advent of worldwide collaboration introduces another new dynamic to

communication skills – the necessity to speak and share information with people
across several time zones. When people collaborate with others on the opposite side
of the world their counterparts are usually reception asleep while they themselves
are at work.

The Effects of Globalization on Global Communication

Connecting with people on the opposite side of the globe is now much easier than it
had been a couple of years ago. Satellites, fiber-optic cables and the internet make it
effortless to share information with those in different time zones and locations. Global
communication is directly suffering from the method of globalization, and helps to extend
business opportunities, remove cultural barriers and develop a global village. Both
globalization and global communication have changed the environmental, cultural, political
and economic elements of the globe.

Fewer Cultural Barriers

Many people perceive culture to be the basis of communication challenges. When

people from two different cultures attempt to exchange information, the way they speak,
their visual communication or their mannerisms are often interpreted differently by the
opposite person. The way people approach problems and the way they participate in
communities is all influenced by culture.

Globalization has made it possible, for example, for somebody in Japan to know how
someone within the U.S. goes about their day. With television and films, cultural barriers are
getting less prevalent. Being able to speak effectively and regularly with colleagues or
friends across the earth helps people understand each other’s cultures a touch better.

Creation of a Global Village

You’ve likely heard of the phrase "global village," coined by theorist McLuhan. The
global village is formed when distance and isolation not matter because people are
connected by technology. Wide-spread telephone and internet access are life-changing for
several people across the globe, especially those in developing countries. Many are now
enrolling in universities across the world without having to leave their desk chair. Virtual
jobs are becoming a commonplace, where employees from developing countries can work
with companies in other part of the globe, which can easily be conducted over the phone or
via the internet.

Globalization and global communication have made it easier to ascertain people on

the opposite side of the globe as a neighbor, rather than a stranger from a faraway land.
There is such a lot knowledge about other countries and cultures available online, that it’s
not an entire mystery.

Impacts of Globalization on global communication

1. Availability of Information
The availability of information could be a major effect of the process of
globalization. The World Health Organization, in its works focused on the cultural
dimensions of globalization, has expressed the view that with the spread of
companies delivering Internet, satellite television and mobile services, the cost of
such information technologies drop.

2. Business Conduct
Globalization has influenced global communication by devising new
techniques for business conduct. Long distance travels are not any longer necessary
for business people should they require a gathering with a partner overseas.
Internet technology makes it possible to exchange information and conduct video
conferences. Additionally, enhanced communication allows businesses to market
their products more efficiently within the international market.

3. Social Awareness
The availability of data, which could be a direct effect of the development of
worldwide communication systems, has led to increased social awareness of
individuals across the globe. Information technology and networks enable them to
share opinions, views, work on projects and research different areas. These are
among the most reasons why the method of globalization is creating a way of a
worldwide society. For example, through the use of communication, many students
from the developing countries enroll in university degree in the developed world.
Education is only a single sector of social awareness.

4. The Problem
Despite its quick spread and continuous development, global
communication has not reached the bulk of individuals on all continents. The World
Health Organization indicates that at least 70 percent of all people in Africa will
never make a single phone call or use of internet. This points out the need of a more
extensive application of communication technologies as part of the process of

Bernales, R., et al (2018) Purposive Communication: Mutya Publishing House, Inc.

Assessing Learning
Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Direction: Think about the concepts you have just learned about communication and
globalization. Summarize in your own words the thing you understood from this chapter.
Complete the dialogue box below.

I think globalization is…


In communication, it…

Both of them deal with…


Activity 2

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Direction: Now that you have better understanding about communication and globalization
write your ideas about its Advantages, Disadvantages, and Impacts.


Activity 3

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

As NEUST student, how will communication and globalization be applied to:

1. NEUST core values (Nationalism, Excellence, Unity, Spirituality, Transparency)

2. Family, friends, and to the society


Activity 4

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Direction: Complete the table below:

What I know about Globalization… What I learned about Globalization…

Activity 5

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Direction: Read the article Flight from Conversation
conversation.html. Then summarize the article, and write a reflection paper on how you are
able to relate with it.


This unit deals with Local and Global Communication. It also covers the world of
diversity, global community, cultural awareness and sensitivity, and political correctness.
Along the way, you will get information on what culture is and its connection to
communication. Importantly, at the same time, you will be made to understand the different
barriers in intercultural communication.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, I am able to:

1. explain the connection of culture and communication;
2. differentiate cross- cultural and intercultural communication;
3. contrast the dimensions of culture and
4. identify the barriers of intercultural communication.

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Direction: Complete the table below:

What I know about culture… What I want to know about culture…

Lesson Proper

In a global environment, the power to speak effectively are often a challenge. Even
when both parties speak the same language, there can still be misunderstanding due to
ethnic and cultural differences.

Always do remember…

“Cultural proficiency doesn’t mean memorizing every

cultural nuances of every market. It’s knowing when to
concentrate, when to invite help, and when- finally- to talk.”
-Genevieve Hilton-

Local and Global Communication is indeed a challenge to an individual with cultural

diversity, due to some context that may differ depending on the one's perception of word
meaning in relation to their culture. The culture shapes most of the way an individual
interacts with one another, then once you consider language barriers and vocabulary
utilized by different generations, it is easy to see where miscommunication can happen.


Our world is a world of diversity according to Parapak (1995). For many centuries,
the people of the world were separated by mountains and seas. They rarely saw each other;
their lives were practically unrelated, they developed and lived their own unique cultures.
People in a very particular locality developed their own particular way of life, their own
language, their religion and thus became referred to as a tribe, an ethnic group or a
particular group of individuals who established a nation of their own.

Refers to the people of the globe, considered as being closely connected by modern

✘ Major offices and a few homes linked with fiber systems

✘ Global multimedia service
✘ Satellite transmissions


What is cultural awareness?

Is knowing that there are multiple different cultures – supported religion, ethnicity,
nationality, and other factors- that have different attitudes and outlooks.
What is cultural sensitivity?

Involves accepting those differences without insisting your own culture is best, or
that everybody should do it your way (Sherman, 2018).
Cultural awareness & sensitivity guidelines:

1. Have a transparent sense of your own ethnic, cultural, and racial identity.
2. Bear in mind that in order to learn about others, you need to know and be prepared
to share your own culture.
3. Be aware of your own discomfort once you encounter differences in race, color,
religion, sexual orientation, language, and ethnicity.
4. Be aware of the assumptions that you hold about people of cultures different from
your own.
5. Remember of your stereotypes as they arise and develop personal strategies for
reducing the harm that they cause.
6. Remember of how your cultural perspective influences your judgments about what
appropriate normal or superior behaviors and values are.
7. Accept that in cross-cultural situations, there are often uncertainty, which
uncertainty can cause you to anxious. It can also mean that you do not respond
quickly and take the time needed to get more information.
8. Take any opportunity to put yourself in places where you'll be able to study
differences and build relationships; and
9. Understand that you will likely be perceived as a person with power and racial
privilege (or the opposite), and that you may not be seen as unbiased or as an ally.

What is gender sensitivity?

Refers to the aim of taking account and/or understanding the societal and cultural
factors involved in gender-based exclusion and discrimination.
What is gender-sensitive language?

It is the realization of gender equality in written and spoken language. It is attained

when women and men and people who don't conform to the binary gender system are
made visible and addressed in language as persons of equal value, dignity, integrity, and


What is political correctness?

It is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid or
disbenefit to members of particular groups in society.
Some words that may be used for political correctness are as follows:

1. Academic dishonesty (instead of cheating)

2. Aesthetically challenged (instead of ugly)
3. Black (instead of negra)
4. Comb-free (instead of bald)
5. Differently abled (instead of disabled)
6. Drug dependent (instead of drug addict)
7. Dysfunctional family (instead of broken home)
8. Economically marginalized (instead of poor)
9. Elderly, senior (instead of old)
10. Ethnically disoriented (instead of dishonest)
11. Hearing impaired (instead of deaf)
12. Informal settlers (instead of squatters)
13. Intellectual disability, intellectual development disorder (instead of mental
14. Intellectually impaired (instead of stupid)
15. Little people (instead of midget)
16. Morally challenged (instead of a crook)
17. Nondiscretionary fragrance (instead of body odor)
18. Outdoor urban (instead of homeless)
19. People of mass (instead of fat)
20. Rape survivor (instead of rape victim)
21. Sexually dysfunctional (instead of perverted)
22. Socially misaligned (instead of psychopath)
23. Technologically challenged (instead of computer illiterate)
24. Vertically challenged (instead of short)
25. Visually challenged (instead of blind)


It is a pattern of learned and shared behaviors and beliefs of a particular social,

ethnic or group. Culture is also the society’s way of creating social connectivity among


“Culture does not create different

communication, but different
communication creates culture”


• Believing that your culture is the benchmark of all other culture is called ethnocentric bias.
• Cross- cultural communication generally compares the communications styles and
patterns of people from different cultural/social structure, while intercultural
communication deals with how people from these cultural/social structures speak to one
another and what difficulties or differences they encounter, over and above the various
languages they speak.

Always do remember…

In communication, RESPECT
begets RESPECT.

1. Individualism versus Collectivism
This dimension of culture refers to how people define themselves and their
relationships with others. In individualism, the interest of the individual prevails
over the interest of the group while in collectivism, the interest of the group prevails
over the interest of the individual.(Hofstede, 1997).

2. Masculinity versus Femininity

Hofstede (1980) found that women’s social role varied less for culture to
culture than men’s. He labeled as masculine cultures those who strive for maximal
distinction between what women and men are expected to try and do. Those labeled
as feminine cultures are those that permit more overlapping social role for the

3. Power Distance
Power distance is defined as to which less powerful members of institution
within an area expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. In high power
distance cultures, children are expected to display respect for those of higher status.
Cultures with high power distance have power and influence concentrated in the
hands of a few than distributed throughout the population.

4. Uncertainty Avoidance
Uncertainty avoidance refers to the extent to which people in a culture feel
threatened by uncertain or unknown situations. Hofstede (1997) explains that this
sense is expressed through nervous stress and during a need for predictability or a
necessity for written or unwritten rules.

5. Task versus Social Orientation

Task- oriented societies are characterized by a focus on making the team
more competent through training and the use of up-to-date methods. In task-
oriented societies, members are highly concerned with individual success:
advancing to more responsible jobs, better training, and so on. By contrast, groups
in socially oriented societies focus more on collective concerns: cooperative
problem solving, a friendly atmosphere, and good physical working conditions.


1. Anxiety
The first barrier is high anxiety. When you're anxious due to not knowing
what you are expected to do, it's only natural to concentrate on that feeling and not
be totally present in the communication transaction.

2. Ethnocentrism
The next barrier to effective intercultural communication is ethnocentrism,
or negatively judging aspects of another culture by the standards of one’s own
culture. To be ethnocentric is to believe in the superiority of one’s culture.
Everything in a culture is consistent to the culture and makes sense if you
understand that culture.
Another name for ethnocentrism is the anthropological concept of cultural
relativism. It does mean that we try to understand other people’s behavior in the
context of their culture before we judge it.

3. Stereotype
The word stereotyping was first used by journalist Walter Lippman in 1992
to describe judgements made about others on the basis of their ethnic group
membership. Today, the term is more broadly used to confer with judgements made
on the premise of any group membership.

4. Prejudice
Prejudice refers to the irrational dislike, suspicion, or hatred of a specific
group, race, religion, or sexual orientation (Rothenerg, 1992). Persons within the
group are viewed not in terms of their individual merit but in line with the
superficial characteristics that make them a part of the group.


Bernales, R., et al (2018) Purposive Communication: Mutya Publishing House, Inc.

Yango, A., et al (2018) Purposive Communication: Panday-Lahi Publishing House, Inc.

Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Direction: Watch Pop Culture in Arab World on Ted Talks in Then
summarize the video, and write a reflection paper on how you are able to relate with it.


Activity 2

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

As NEUST student, how will local and global communication in multicultural setting be
applied to:

1. NEUST core values (Nationalism, Excellence, Unity, Spirituality, Transparency)


2. Family, friends, and to the society


Activity 3

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Direction: Using a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast intercultural communication and
cross-cultural communication.

Intercultural Cross- cultural

Communication Communication

Activity 4

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Modified True or False. Write T if the sentence is TRUE, Change the underlined word/s to
make the sentence true if it is otherwise.

_________1. High anxiety centers your focus on your feelings instead of the communication
_________2. Prejudice is commonly used to refer to negative or positive judgements made
about individuals based on any observable or believed group membership.
_________3. Culture is generally viewed as geographical in nature.
_________4. Communication creates culture
_________5. Stereotype refers to the irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race,
religion, or sexual orientation.
_________6. To be prejudiced is to believe that one’s culture is superior to another.
_________7. Relationship among individuals in a society are not important in creating a
_________8. The word ethnocentrism was first used by Walter Lippman in 1992.
_________9. Ethnocentric bias refers to how people see other cultures as less of a standard or
just a variant of a standard culture.
_________10. Another name for ethnocentrism is cultural relativism.

Activity 5

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Direction: Complete the statement

The thing/s that I have learned from today’s discussion is/are…


This unit gives you an idea of how communication technologies work, such as the
Internet, multimedia, email, telephone, and other means of communication-based on video
and sound.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, I am expected to:

1. understand the meaning of relational technology;
2. describe how technology has shaped the nature of communication in the
present time;
3. explain the role of technology in the seemingly different approaches in
communication used by different generations.

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Directions: Gather around 5 people in your home and ask them about their most recent
technology purchase and why they purchased that particular product. List down the
common reasons given by these people. How do their choices reflect the media generation
where they belong? Write down your findings below.

Name – (optional) Most Recent Technology Personal evaluation on what

Age - required Purchase/Reason those technology purchases
reflect their media

Lesson Proper

Technology and Communication

Technology and communication maintain technical communication systems
according to the needs of a particular business, industry, or market.
Technological devices play a vital role in the way people communicate nowadays.
Personal and relational and relational identities are created and maintained through the use
of these technologies. Duck and McMahan (2009) refer to cell phones, Ipods, and other

technological devices as relational technologies to emphasizes the relational functions and
implications of their use in society and within specific groups.

The meaning of Relational Technology

Using relational technologies develops unique significances for specific social
1. Some groups view the cell phone as less as a device to contact others and
more to display social status and membership.
2. The social means accompanying technologies, along with their
significance, vary according to the social system used.
3. Members of some organizations may prefer contracts through a cell
phone or face-to-face interactions.

The views governing the use of these technologies are developed mostly by how
technology is used and discussed by other members of these organizations. Technological
progress plays a significant role in the identification of generations' perceptions and

According to Gumpert and Cathcart (1985)

1. Media experience, the traditional notion of separating generations
according to time, can be replaced by segregating generations.
2. The chronological era in which they were born and the media and
technology that encompass their world are what separates generations.

Media generations are characterized by unique media grammar and media

awareness, based on the technological environment in which they are born (McMahan &
Duck, 2010).
Each technology influences

1. people's thinking,
2. sense of experience,
3. and perceptions of reality

People born in the era of print media perceive the world differently from those born
after the technology was introduced. Learning has taken bipolar opposites in favor of the
Internet and digital products as media generations born into a digital world now
undervalue printed books and traditional television. In the same way, differences image
with the use of relational technology also show considerably.

Technology and Social Networks

Social media is a computer-based technology that facilitates sharing ideas, thoughts,
and information through virtual networking and building community. Social media is
design-based on the Internet and provides quick, electronic communication of content to
users. The content includes personal data, photographs, documents, videos, etc. Users
interact via computers, tablets, or smartphones with social media (Dollarhide, 2019).

According to her, social media-originated as a way to interact with friends and
family that was later adopted by companiesthat wanted to take advantage of a popular new
communication method to reach out to clients.

The many Forms of Social Media

According to Guadagni (2019), the most popular social media websites as of January
2019 are as follows:

Facebook 2.27 billion Facebook Messenger (1.3B)

YouTube (1.9B) WhatsApp (1.5B)

Tik Tok (500M) Instagram (1B)

QQ (803M) QZone (531M)

WeChat (1.08B) Sino Weibo (446M)

Technological Products and Service Providers

Technological Products and Service Providers Technology services are professional
services designed to make technology easier for companies and end-users. Technology
services provide technology-oriented specialist solutions by combining processes and
functions in software, hardware, networks, telecommunications, and electronics
(Techopedia, 2020).

The IT-Services (ITS) are also known as technology services.

Technology services include:

 Software development, integration, and maintenance

 Hardware
 Networking integration, management, and maintenance
 Information security (IS)
 IT management consultants
 Mobile services
 Web applications


Walther, J. B., & Rabby, M. K. (2003). Maintaining Relationships Through Communication .

Washington, DC : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Aps. (2019, Febuary 11). psychologicalscience. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from
Dollarhide, M. E. (2019, May 2). Investopedia. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from
Johnson, T. (2016, November 12). medium. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from
Nibusinessinfo. (2020, May 29). Nibusinessinfo. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from
O'Keefe, P. (2011, January 20). Managingcommunities. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from
Techopedia. (2020, May 29). Techopedia. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from

Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.
1._____________________________________refer to cell phone, Ipods, and other technological devices
that are used to establish functional relations in a society or group.
2. In this era of advancement, personal and relational identities are created and maintained
through the use of, _____________________________________

3. _____________________________________are set apart by each generation's unique media

grammar and media consciousness.

4. Learning has become_____________________________________between media generations that

value printed materials and the digital products.

5. Media scholars Gary Gumpert and Robert Cathart have maintained that the traditional
notion of separating generations according to time can be replaced by separating
generations according to their_____________________________________

Activity 2

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:__________________

Directions: Answer the following questions comprehensively. Give examples to support your

1. How does technology distinctly define generations?


2. Explain the relationship between the use of technological devices and services and the
status of the users of these devices.


3. Does the use of technological devices help improve or destroy human relations? Justify
your answer.

4. Which do you think is more effective traditional printed materials or digital books? Why?


This unit gives you an idea of the proper ways to communicate using screen names,
email addresses, and online content in an online and offline setting.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, I am expected to:

1. differentiate online identities and offline identities;

2. identify various ways of communicating in an online environment;
3. describe ways to properly communicate in an online setting.

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Directions: The advent of social networks and online communication has increased
chances/opportunities to fool people in a cyber environment than when taking to the same
people face-to-face. In a group of five, discuss which is more pardonable deceitfulness
online or deceitfulness when talking with someone face-to-face? Present your argument in

Group members
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________

Lesson Proper

Online Activity and the Construction of Identities

Experts say the new, face-to-face communication is online communication.

Upper and lower cases of text messages and emojis have taken on nearly the same
meanings and intent as in face-to-face communication. Computer-mediated communication
has given man greater freedom and greater responsibility for surviving in an online
environment. While communication is accessible, security, trust, and privacy issues have
also been posted through the online environment. These three issues stem from the fact
that cyber communication has expanded opportunities for online users to hide under
different, fraudulent identities.

Several factors contribute to the construction of identities by communicators in an
online setting. They help shape communication styles that take place on the Internet
(McMahan & Duck, 2010).

Screen Names

Social media can be a useful tool for businesses, bringing benefits such as engaging
with your audience and boosting traffic on websites. However, disadvantages can also arise,
including the resources needed and negative feedback (Nibusinessinfo, 2020). Usernames
tend to be the convention of choice when it comes to identifying an online community,
giving people the option of identifying themselves as they choose (O'Keefe, 2011).
Examples of screen names

 shyguy21
 toughgrl17
People can choose a screen name on positive features as a natural extension of the
self. Nevertheless, in an anonymous and non-threatening environment, they may select
unrepresentative traits to develop untapped aspects of the person and test those

The construct of social networks enables us to create (at least in part) our identity
that is different from what happens in physical reality. In the material fact, we construct our
identity within a diverse environment and social constraints: the physical environment and
the social structure/status where we belong. Contrastingly, in the digital reality, social
networks, for instance, are platforms (as in the case of Facebook) that enable users to take
advantage of assuming identities apart from the real truth/reality.
E-mail addresses

Email addresses related to identity building have three main parts, all of which can
pass on personal information to others:
 username(sometimes a person’s screen name)
 the domain name, and
 the top-level domain

The username comes before the @ symbol, and immediately after the @ symbol
comes the domain name. And the top-level domain goes after the dot (.).

Screen and usernames may also create undesired impressions;

 2Sexy4U
 YourKindOfGuy

Potential employers may reject a job applicant whose contact details include an
email address such as LazyBug93. The domain name may reveal providers of services,
professions, or affiliations. Domain names often show an Internet provider for a person who
can be selected based on how people want to portray themselves to others (Yango, et al.,

The top-level material spearing at the end of the email addresses also reveals
personal information to others, according to Yango, Et al., (2018). Such codes, .gov,
.mil,.org may also indicate a link to or environment with education, government, military, or
organization to others. Email addresses from countries other than the U.S. come with a two-
digit country code such,. uk, which provides additional information about their

Online Content Creation and Identity

The Internet, especially for younger generations, has become both an instrument
and a self-expression site. Personal webpages, blogs, and posting of original pictures, videos,
mash-ups, and other individual creations enable people to share and display their self 's
thoughts, interests, and other traits. While internet users of all ages do these activities,
younger people use the Internet more than adults for self-expression. More than half of
teenagers online are thought to be creators of content. These internet users developed or
maintained an online website or blog, or shared creative work (Lenhart and Madden, 2005,
as mentioned in Duck & McMahan, 2010).

Personal Web Pages and Blog

Personal webpages and blogs in which the creator only discloses the information he
or she wishes allows selective self-expression and identity performance. These sites may be
dedicated to specific self-aspects such as activities involving people, relationships, and
interests, or they may display multiple self-aspects.

Social Networking Sites

A social networking site is an online platform that enables users to create a public
profile on the website and interact with other users. Usually, social networking sites have a
new user input a list of people they share a connection with and then allow them to confirm
or deny the connection. Once the links have established, the new user can search the
connection networks to make more connections. A social networking site is also known as
social networking or social networking website (Techopedia, 2020).


Walther, J. B., & Rabby, M. K. (2003). Maintaining Relationships Through Communication .

Washington, DC : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Aps. (2019, Febuary 11). psychologicalscience. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from
Dollarhide, M. E. (2019, May 2). Investopedia. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from
Johnson, T. (2016, November 12). medium. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from

Nibusinessinfo. (2020, May 29). Nibusinessinfo. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from
O'Keefe, P. (2011, January 20). Managingcommunities. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from

Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions: Answer the following questions correctly

1. What do your screen name and email addresses tell others about you?

2. How do Web pages and blogs and other social networking sites modify the way
people construct their identity and self-disclosure?

3. How does your off-line personality differ/compare with your online identity in
social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, IG or blogs?

4. In what environment offline or online do you feel there is:

a. better communication experience
b. freedom of expression

5. What precautions should be taken keep privacy in an online environment?


This unit gives you an idea to deepen your conversation in mediated communication
skills and their impact on personal relationships.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, I am expected to:

1. understand the challenges posted by mediated communication;

2. explain the significance of exhibiting competence in mediated
3. design a web page based on the etiquette of mediated communication.

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Directions: Get a screenshot of any ot your social media interface. Paste it here. Based on
your interface, answer the following questions about how you communicate in a mediated

1. What does the interface say about you and your personality?

2. How does the interface show your relationship with your friends or followers in the
social medium?

Lesson Proper

Mediated Communication and Its Impact on Personal Relationships

Technology affects people's lives in both foresee able and unpredictable ways.
Considering how computers influence the way people engage in relationships, it is essential
to understand that people are just beginning to assimilate into their daily lives. Computer-
mediated communication (CMC) has infiltrated various aspects of the lives of humans. For
many people, CMC has proven to be a valuable tool for initiating, developing, and
maintaining relationships with the move towards increased use. Although email did not
achieve the universality of the telephone, the signs point to a similar pattern of assimilation.
Computer-mediated communication represents the full spectrum of media using some form
of digital encoding and discussing CMC as a unifying concept is a misnomer in many ways.
Instant messaging services supplement the synchronous CMC media family (Walther &
Rabby, 2003).

Cell Phones and Personal Relationships

Smartphones and their constant access to text messaging and social media make it
easier for people within their social networks to disclose personal information and respond
to others than ever. And these networks are far broader and more substantial than our
ancestors (Aps, 2019).

Constant Connection and Availability

The dynamics of identity and social relations have changed with constant
connection and availability. With the ability to continuously create and recreate ourselves,
individuals are allowed to shape how they present themselves to the world (Johnson, 2016).

Shared Experience

Cell phones also allow individuals to engage in shared experiences, even when they
are physically separated. Direct voice, picture, sound, and video transmission gives people a
sense of experiencing an event or occasion. A person who is in disagreement with a
romantic partner maybe in simultaneous contact with a friend who offers guidance,
support, and then shares the experience. Cell phones make this shared experience happen
anywhere, and their multimedia capabilities make it more authentic (McMahan & Duck,

Characteristics of Online Communication

 Immediate delivery
 It is interactive
 Individuality
 It helps build communities
 Entertainment And Enjoyment

Personal Relationships and Social Networks

 Unfollow and/or remove your exes from social media.

 Be aware of your online presence.
 Carry out your new relationship(s) and not through social media.


Walther, J. B., & Rabby, M. K. (2003). Maintaining Relationships Through Communication .

Washington, DC : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Aps. (2019, Febuary 11). psychologicalscience. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from
Dollarhide, M. E. (2019, May 2). Investopedia. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from
Johnson, T. (2016, November 12). medium. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from
Nibusinessinfo. (2020, May 29). Nibusinessinfo. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from
O'Keefe, P. (2011, January 20). Managingcommunities. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from

Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: With the same screenshot of your social media interface, ask your classmate to
answer the same questions about you. Let your classmates write down their responses

1. What does the interface say about me and my personality?


2. How does the interface show the owner's relationship with the friends or followers
in the social medium?

3. What do the posts in this social media account say about the person?

Activity 2

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Compare your responses with the responses of your classmate.

1. How similar or different are your responses to the impressions your classmate had
about your social media interface? Write your answer on the space provided.

This unit can help you identify some of the most critical and relevant principles in
online activity and identity building, particularly in mediated communication and its impact
on personal relations.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, I am expected to:

1. differentiate between online identities and offline identities;
2. identify various ways of communicating in an online environment;
3. describe ways to properly communicate in online setting.

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Directions: If you could design a personal web page, what details would you include? What
kind of impression would you like your viewing audience to perceive about you in your web
page? Post a web page design here and briefly explain the details in your page.


Lesson Proper

Competence and Challenges in Mediated Communication

1. Attentiveness means showing appropriate concern and catering to the 'uniqueness'

of the individual you communicate within.
2. Interaction Management helps you understand how and when to open and close
CMC topics and what kind of medium to use.
3. Expressiveness concerns how articulate and pleasing you are within your CMC.
Those who can respond and engage rapidly and expressively generally consider to
be more competent online.
4. Your Composure is a measure of how skilled you are at expressing yourself online.
Learner Messages

In the age of information and communication, the conveniences and speed of

transactions and online social networks affect several aspects of life. Besides traditional
desktop computers, a variety of modern devices such as laptops, tablets, and mobile phones
can be used to access leading online social network sites. Online social networking sites,
such as Facebook, MySpace, and Google+, address communication needs. Consequently,
these sites are used for various purposes, including education. Also, learning network
building can be enhanced based on the fact that students are already using the online social
network, which could create academic discussions and criticism among tertiary students
using the sites' discussion tools.

In online communication, where we don'tsee, hear, or sometimes even know the
target of our remarks, the tendency to transmit in censored message scan be especially
1. In online communication, where we don't see, hear, or sometimes even know the
target of our remarks, the tendency to transmit uncensored messages can be
especially significant.
2. A growing body of research shows that, when using mediated channels,
communicators are often critically more direct than face to face contact.
3. Communicators sometimes take disinhibition to the extreme, and even vicious e-
mails, text messages, and website posts blast off angry. The common expression for
such outbursts is flaming.

On November 14, 2012, an ugly confrontation between a lady guard and a lady
passenger in LRT 2 Santolan station went viral on a different social media platform. The
irate train commuter is Paula Jamie Salvosa, also tagged "Amalayer" ('m a liar!) by the
netizen. She was repeatedly berating on the lady guard identified as Sharon Mae Casinas in
an altercation that led to cyberbullying by the netizen on Salvosa. She became the target of
memes and parody videos that make fun of her or demonize her. Another train commuter
uploaded Salvosa's video, and it uncontrollably spread like wildfire. Her situation has
shown the ugly side of social media and the disinhibition of social media or online
communication as a tool for bullying rather than healthy discussion (Yango, et al . , 2018).

Apart from common decency, their durability is the risk of hostile e-messages-or
any inappropriate mediated messages. Blurring out a private thought or lashing out in
person maybe bad enough, but your indiscretion is not permanently recorded. By contrast,
a regrettable text message, email, or web posting can be archived virtually forever. It can be
recovered and transmitted in ways that only in your worst dream scan be imagined. The
best advice is to take the same approach within-person mediated messages: think twice
before you say something you might regret later.


Walther, J. B., & Rabby, M. K. (2003). Maintaining Relationships Through Communication .

Washington, DC : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Aps. (2019, Febuary 11). psychologicalscience. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from
Dollarhide, M. E. (2019, May 2). Investopedia. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from
Johnson, T. (2016, November 12). medium. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from
Nibusinessinfo. (2020, May 29). Nibusinessinfo. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from
O'Keefe, P. (2011, January 20). Managingcommunities. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from
Techopedia. (2020, May 29). Techopedia. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from

Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Analyze your communication behavior. Find out how much you interact in a
mediated communication situation. Observe your activities for a day. Record every occasion
in which you are involved in a mediated communication (cell phone, telephone or
computer-school work, or social media function). Based on your findings, answer the
following questions.

1. What percentage of your waking day is spent in communication?


2. What percentage of time do you spend communicating in the following contexts?

a. School-related work
b. Family communication


C. Social media function


3. How would you evaluate your use of mediated communication in relation to its
usefulness? Do you spend more time on mediated communication than needed? Is the time
your spent on mediated communication proportionate to your other tasks for the day?


This unit gives you an idea of what principles to emphasize when choosing the
various platforms in optimum channels of communication.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, I am expected to:

1. identify various channels of communication;

2. explain the process of executing each channel;
3. apply the various communication channels to appropriate
communication situations.

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Directions: Analyze your communication behavior. Find out how much you interact in a
mediated communication situation. Observe your activities for a day. Record every occasion
in which you are involved in a mediated communication (cell phone, telephone or
computer-school work, or social media function). Based on your findings, answer the
following questions.

Channel Process Two Advantages Two Disadvantages



Telephone and voice



Lesson Proper

Choosing the Optimal Communication Channel

Deciding which channel of communication to use is no trivial matter. Sometimes a

written message succeeds when an oral message fails to speak to the recipient in person at
other times, failing the printed word (Adler & Elmhorst, 1999).

Face-to-face communication
Some of them are one-to-one meetings, scheduled, or spurred by the moment.
Others involve small groups of people, gathering together either spontaneously or
informally. In large groups, where one or more speakers make presentations to an audience,
another face-to-face communication takes place. Whatever the setting and the number of
people, all types of face-to-face communication possess the same qualities..


Face-to-face meetings may be desirable, but distance often makes the impractical.
Its promoters bill teleconferencing as the next best thing to meeting in person since it
allows participants in two or more locations to see and speak with each other.

Telephone and voice mail

Communication from face to face comes in many forms. A conversation by
telephone lacks the visual feedback that often reveals that your message is getting across.
But the phone still communicates vocal signals such as voice tone, pauses, interruptions,
pitch, and rate. Telephone conversations also make it more challenging to hold your
listener's attention. For example, remember all the fingernail cleaning and paper-clip
sculpting that you did while unsuspecting speakers rattled on.

 It often allows you to contact a recipient who would not be able to reach them in
 Telephones, as well as one-to-one contacts, can be a useful tool for group
 Audio conferencing allows a group of geographically separated people to speak via
You can use voice mail most effectively if you follow these tips:
 Know the schedule of the person you're trying to reach.
 Leave the name of the person for whom the message connected.
 Identify yourself.
 Leave your phone number, especially if you want to be called back quickly.
 Organize your message in advance.
 Keep the message as short as possible.
 Speak slowly and clearly.

Oral communication is no perfect medium despite its advantages. Possibly the most
considerable disadvantage of speech is its transience. All communication is fragile, but the
spoken word is especially prone to be forgotten or misunderstood. Listeners quickly forget
much of what they hear-halt of the message almost immediately and halt the remaining two
days later. Thus, a customer might forget three of the five product features you mentioned,
or your boss might forget precisely why you need more staff support and only remember
the amount of money you requested.
Even if they remember a verbal message, it will likely be distorted by listeners. With
each storytelling, specific details drop out, facts and figures change. Receivers may even
invent variations on the truth to make the story more exciting or to make it fit their idea of
what ought to have happened. The farther the message travels in space and time from its
original sender, the higher the distortion.

Written communication

Written communication comes in a host of different forms. Letters, memos, bulletins, and
reports are standard features in the careers of almost everyone.

1. unlike speech, written communication is permanently

2. written communication can be more accessible to understand than speech
The advantage of written communication is that

1. you can compose it in advance.

2. You can try out several versions to test readers to anticipate the reactions of your
real audience, and you can make changes until you finally get the desired response.
3. Written messages are less prone to errors.
Electronic mail (or email) is another unique channel of communication. It enables
communicators to send and respond to written messages from one another via a computer.
Like phones and faxes, email is virtually instantaneous: once you press the "send" key on
your computer, the message will wait for the addressee, usually within minutes (Yango, et
al., 2018).

E-mail Dos and Don'ts

Like any communication medium, electronic mail can use well or poorly. The
following guideline can help you take advantage of this medium and avoid unnecessary
1. Don't use email: For off-the-record correspondence. "Delete" may only mean that a
message disappears from your screen, and not from the server's archives.
Information you thought was erased may show up years later, creating legal or
personal problems.
2. For personal messages, at least not at work. A message misdirected can lead to
embarrassment and humiliation. Furthermore, a recipient can forward your private
thoughts to others without your permission or knowledge.
3. If there is any chance, your tone will be misunderstood to be critical, sarcastic, or
humorous. Email text lacks the richness of vocal, or even handwritten messages.
Your attempt at cleverness might be misinterpreted.

4. When you are angry or in a hurry, once you've sent a message, it usually can't be
retrieved. You may regret your careless or impulsive words later. To avoid personal
discussions, that would be better-handled face-to-face or in a phone call.
5. To pass along information you are not sure is accurate (e.g., canceled meetings,
changed deadlines, budget figures).

Do use e-mail:
1. To be part of networks that will give you essential information. It means sharing
information useful to others as well as seeking information from them.
2. To shrink hierarchy and expedite team projects. Email can help you reach essential
people and save time otherwise spent in meetings.
3. To solicit or send information quickly and easily to a large number of people. With a
few strokes, you can reach a high number of addresses virtually around the globe.
4. To create a professional image. Use correct spelling and grammar. Messages can be
informal, but they should never contain inaccuracies.

E-mail etiquette:
1. Always include the subject field with a concise, informative heading.
2. Don't ramble in emails relating to business. Keep your communications clear and as
brief as possible.
3. When you need to communicate about more than one issue, use separate messages.
It makes it easier for the recipient to keep track of and respond to each one.
4. Only send copies of your messages to people who are likely to care about it.
Bombarding receivers with what they regard as junk email may cause them to
disregard essential messages when you send them.

What is the best channel to use?

The question is not what communication channel is best to use, but when to use
each one effectively. Each channel of communication has both advantages and drawbacks.
Despite these pros and cons, some guidelines will help you decide how to deliver your
message effectively. Following these guidelines can produce dramatic results.

Oral communication is generally bets for messages which require a personal

dimension. Verbal channels are also best suited to ideas that require strong visual support-
demonstration, photos, or slides, etc. Spoken communication is especially useful when
immediate feedback is needed, such as question-and-answer sessions or a quick response to
your ideas.


Walther, J. B., & Rabby, M. K. (2003). Maintaining Relationships Through Communication .

Washington, DC : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Aps. (2019, Febuary 11). psychologicalscience. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from

Dollarhide, M. E. (2019, May 2). Investopedia. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from
Johnson, T. (2016, November 12). medium. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from

Nibusinessinfo. (2020, May 29). Nibusinessinfo. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from

O'Keefe, P. (2011, January 20). Managingcommunities. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from

Techopedia. (2020, May 29). Techopedia. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from

Assessing Learning

Activity 1
Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: What communication channel is best to use in the following situations? Explain
your choice.

1. Complaining to your boss about a difficult co-worker

2. Asking for a few days of leave from work to attend a special reunion.

3. Training a new employee to operate complicated computer program.


4. Notifying the manager of a local business that you still haven’t received the refund
you were promised.

5. Reminding your busy boss about a long overdue reimbursement for out-of-pocket

6. Apologizing to a customer for a mistake your company made.
7. Getting your boss’s reaction to the idea of giving you more responsibility.

This unit gives you an idea of what to include in multimodal advocacy that includes
analog and digital solutions that use all the communication means available to address any
existing needs or problems.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, I am expected to:

1. analyze advocacy campaigns presented through various media

2. develop multimodal advocacy materials with strong messaging

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________


1. Survey your community and identify a social cause that you would like to advocate
2. Determine the appropriate media that you will use in your community.
3. Develop a framework for your advocacy.
4. Create a short video focusing on any of the following:
a. Good governance
b. Responsible citizenship
c. Disaster preparedness
d. Environmental preservation
e. Poverty reduction, etc.

Lesson Proper

Multimodal Advocacy
Look at the picture and state what immediately comes to your mind.

From a practical point of view, this may look like an ordinary graphic representation of two
puppets, one of which was cut off from its strings. However, the image symbolizes a more
profound message intended to be analyzed by the audience who sees it. Notice that the
puppet on the left resembles a man who is about to beat the woman (represented by the
puppet on the right) with a stick. The hand with scissors above the two puppets represents
the effort to end the violence, which is about to transpire.
The image above is an example of an advocacy campaign. Advocacy is a strategic
series of actions aimed at influencing those holding governmental, political, economic, or
private power to implement public policies and practices that benefit those with less
political power and less economic resources-usually the group affected.

An advocacy campaign is a long-term set of activities that includes research,

planning, and acting, monitoring, and evaluating advocacy efforts. By practice, advocacy
campaigns are delivered through different platforms of media-television, print, and radio.
However, contemporary technology has enabled advocates to use digital media such as the
Internet, mobile devices, and Social Media as tools for pushing advocacy as well (Yango, et
al., 2018).

A successful advocacy campaign begins with asking questions. Before you start your
advocacy work, it is vital that you
a. inquire about what the real issues or problems are and that you explore the reasons.
b. These issues or problems exist at a more profound social level, not just in your
organization or the community you belong to.

Jumpstarting your advocacy:

Developing your message - Your message of advocacy is what you choose to say about
your problem and its solution and who you are. You'll need the information to back up your
arguments to develop a message. To do this, you should:
1. Know your audience
2. Know your political environment and moments (controversies, issues, fears, etc.)
3. Keep your message brief and straightforward
4. Use real-life stories and quotes
5. Use accurate, convincing language, and active verbs
6. Use crystal clear facts and numbers
7. Adapt the message according to the medium you will use
8. Let your audience reach their conclusions
9. Encourage viewers to take action
10. Present a possible solution
Delivering your message - The delivery of messages involves careful attention to how the
information is transmitted and to whom or what the message is to convey.
Choosing the right medium - Your choice of a medium for delivering the message depends
on who you're talking to, what you want to say, your purpose, and your ability to work with
that medium.
The use of media includes the use of formal and informal media channels to broaden your
message reach. For your message to be noticed,
1. your advocacy must be "newsworthy."
2. making your advocacy newsworthy depends on how the message is packaged and
who delivers it,
3. and whether you can persuade media that it is newsworthy. The aim is to extend
your message.
On the other hand, you can pursue your advocacy using traditional and digital media
provided that you have the resources to do so.
1. Press release - The press release is intended to attract journalists to cover a future
event or one that has just taken place.
2. Radio and television programs - Public education programs designed to change
attitudes and behaviors often depict a familiar human story and illustrate
alternative ways to see and solve typical problems.
3. Theater and songs - Street theater and songs can reach people from all walks of
life. They are especially helpful in situations where mass media only reaches a
fraction of the population.
4. Pamphlets, comic books, and photos - Simple brochures and other materials can
help push your advocacy forward. They can be cheap and will probably attract an
audience, depending on the literacy levels, where information is scarce. The
challenge is educating and entertaining content and design.
You can use the example framework below to organize your advocacy campaign:

Cause Target audience Message Medium

To promote City dwellers and The environment is Print poster and

environmental people living in quickly degrading, tarpaulins
awareness and engage suburban areas which causes severe
the audience in flooding in low-level
proactive "green" areas. Heat is rapidly
living. rising in cities,
especially those, which
are stripped-off of the
lush greeneries like


Walther, J. B., & Rabby, M. K. (2003). Maintaining Relationships Through Communication .

Washington, DC : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Aps. (2019, Febuary 11). psychologicalscience. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from

Dollarhide, M. E. (2019, May 2). Investopedia. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from

Johnson, T. (2016, November 12). medium. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from
Nibusinessinfo. (2020, May 29). Nibusinessinfo. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from
O'Keefe, P. (2011, January 20). Managingcommunities. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from

Techopedia. (2020, May 29). Techopedia. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from

Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Identify the words being referred to by the following statements:

1. An advocacy campaign is a long-term set of activities that includes research,

planning and acting, monitoring, and ___________________ advocacy efforts.
2. Your advocacy message is what you choose to say about your ___________________, its
solution and who you are.
3. Message delivery involves careful attention to how the information will be
___________________ and to whom or what the message will convey.
4. Your choice of ___________________ to deliver the message depends on who you are
speaking to, what you want to say, your purpose, and your ability to work with it.
5. The ___________________ aims to attract journalists to cover an upcoming event or one
that has just occurred.
6. ___________________ that aim to change attitudes and behavior often depict a familiar
human story and illustrate ways of seeing and resolving common problems.
7. Street theater and ___________________ can reach a wide range of people. They are
particularly useful in situations where mass media reaches only a fraction of the
8. ___________________ and other simple materials are cheap and, where information is
scarce, will likely attract an audience depending on literacy levels
9. A successful advocacy campaign begins with asking ___________________
10. ___________________________is central to effective advocacy.


Technology has greatly affected humanity in its everyday dealing. Nowadays, the
use of electronic devices and computers in learning is also maximized. More than ever,
technological elements like emails, telephones, handphones and computers are being
utilized both in communication and learning.

Learning Objectives

After this unit, I am able to:

 differentiate the various aids and strategies using tools of technology; and
 apply the strategies in making digital slides.

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Direction: Kindly enumerate three (3) useful functions of technology in your everyday

Share your thoughts using five (5) sentences.

1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson Proper

Communication Aid

A communication aid assists people to stay connected more effectively with people
they need to communicate with. Communication aids also known as AAC (Augmentative
and Alternative Communication) devices which pertain to techniques scaffolding and
replacing spoken communication. Signing, symbols, word boards, communication boards,
books, as well as voice outputs are some of the examples.

Unaided communication and aided communication are the two main types of
Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Unaided communication includes body
language, gesture, vocalization and signing while aided communication utilizes equipment
which usually used for electronic communication. Best examples are smart phones and
iPhone gadgets which increasingly being maximized to help people communicate.

Communication Strategies and Its Types

On the other hand, communication strategies are the channels or media used on
ideas can be sent and received. Examples are verbal, nonverbal, or visual.
Using Tools of Technology

Here are the tools of technology cited at https://g-

 Multimedia, defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary as a technique combining

sound, video, and text for expressing ideas in communication, entertainment, or art.
 A transparency, usually use on an overhead projector to display information
though nowadays it is now replaced by video projectors and interactive
 Video is an electronic medium in editing, broadcasting, and display of moving visual
 Sound recording and reproduction involving voices documentation, examples are
speaking and singing.
 Presentation media contains information using slides, video, recordings and digital

Communication Tools
1. Flipchart a large pad paper that a rest on easel allowing the speaker to record text or
drawings with markers during the speech.
2. White Board and Chalk board these materials can also help you achieve the same
outcome as a flipchart on an ease.
3. Document Camera captures and display images, including 3D visual materials.
4. Video showing a video clip can elicit an emotional response from the audience and
improve their recall of your speech.
5. Handouts are papers printed with relevant information.
6. Prototype a model represents the object in detail useful for describing and
explaining scientific topics.

7. Sound Recording sounds like visual images can stimulate mental images, triggering
the imagination and setting a mood.
8. Digital slides commonly known as PowerPoint which permits a presenter to display
information in multi-media slide shows.
9. Real Time Web Access involves the use of web technologies and practices.

Strategies using Tools of Technology

1. Keep it simple
2. Stress only key ideas
3. Display what you can say
4. Use larger icons
5. Minimize the presence of pictures
6. Combine diversity with consistency
7. Use big letters

PowerPoint Presentation Tips

1. Go for originality - create your own design
2. Experiment with colors
3. Use easy to read fonts
4. Lessen the text - use the *10-20-30 rule
5. Utilize images to catch people's attention
6. Use capitalized letters
7. Apply simple infographics
The *10- 20- 30 concept for PowerPoint presentation means 10 slides are maximum, 20
minutes and 30 font size while 1-6-6 means 1 main idea - 6 bullet points - 6 words per
bullet while 7-7 means 7 lines - 7 words.

Tips in using Multimedia

1. Distinguish the aim of the presentation

2. Rehearse with your media
3. Think about your room and audience
4. Research information
5. Apply variety of resources
6. Do not forget to mention resource
7. Unify information
8. Check technical issue
9. Be creative
10. Speak to your audience by maintain an eye contact during your speech


Assessing Learning

Activity 1
Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Direction: Kindly design a PowerPoint template using the concept of 1-6-6 means 1 main
idea - 6 bullet points - 6 words per bullet while 7-7 means 7 lines - 7 words.

Kindly paste here the screened capture of the PowerPoint template. Thank you!

Activity 2
Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Identify the words being referred to by the following statements.

1. _________________ the exchange of information between a sender and a receiver.

2. _________________ uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio, images,
animations, video and interactive content.

3. _________________ an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting,

and display of moving visual media.

4. _________________ a large pad paper that a rest on easel allowing the speaker to record text
or drawings with markers during the speech.

5. _________________ a presentation software commonly using PowerPoint which allows

computer users to display information in multi-media slide shows.
6. ___________________, 7. __________________, 8. _________________ Types of Communication strategies

.9. ____________________ two main types of AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)
system 10. ___________________

Activity 3
Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Utilizing the strategies in using the tools of technology and the tips in making
PowerPoint presentation, kindly record a 10-minute presentation about one of the topics
1. Education

2. Mass Media
3. Health

4. Economy
5. Sports



This lesson explains how to select the suitable purpose for a message: inform,
persuade or goodwill because it is important to plan about what message you want to
convey and how you want to express it.

Learning Objectives

After this unit, I am able to:

 present ideas clearly by using appropriate language;

 write a short speech or argument which deals on a given topic;
 discuss the functions of communication in a given context; and
 communicate in various forms and functions.

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Direction: Kindly craft a script which will illustrate the situation below.

Myleen is the manager of a fashion and apparel company. She needs to accomplish
three work-related assignments for the day. First, to orient Marvin, the newly hired master
cutter of the company about his job descriptions. Second, to convince Melai, the apparel
designer, to not transfer to other companies for a similar job with a much high salary rate.
Lastly, to offer a promotion to Gale by making him the new supervisor and also offer him

Lesson Proper

Purpose of Your Message

Informative Messages
The main purpose of informative message is to inform. At a workplace, exchanges of
vital information are always done among the employees because great number of business
communications are in fact “informative” messages. Business communication has a
professional tone and information is always unbiased, can be short or long, casual and it
promotes understanding and ideas.
Informative messages can utilize electronic medium of communication: IMs, chats,
emails, presentations, memos, blogs, podcasts, press releases, and reports.
Below are the guidelines:

1. Be direct in discussing the main idea.

2. Greet your audience.
3. Include reliable information
4. Check the grammatical errors.
5. Encourage your audience to take an action.

Social media is now flooded with informative messages. Information about the
news, products, and other related issues are all over social media and can be easily accessed
anytime. An example of a brief informative message is a tweet and the advantage of using it
is it can reach a large audience. It is now used in advertising and marketing of products but
for formal approach in communicating sending an email is still highly recommended and
more appropriate.
Persuasive Messages

A persuasive message is used by a person who wants to influence another person.

Best example of a persuasive message is when a sales lady tries to convince a person to
avail a discount by buying a sale product. A teacher who always remind the students to
study well or a friend who is negotiating to his parents for their consent are examples of
conversation where persuasive message is evident. This kind of message calls for action and
encourage decision making.
Goodwill Messages

Goodwill messages are meant to build good rapport. The purpose of these messages
is to build goodwill without any hidden business scheme. A goodwill message thanking a
customer for his/her business would NOT include an announcement about an upcoming
sale because a goodwill message extends appreciation and doesn’t aim to influence.
Goodwill messages are usually used at a workplace wherein it inspires harmonious
relationship among the employees. Thank-you, congratulatory, and sympathy notes add an
important, feel-good human. The goodwill message makes both sender and receiver feel
better about each other.

Price, D. (2005). How to communicate your sales message so buyers take action now!
Retrieved from

Winston, W., & Granat, J. (1997). Persuasive advertising for entrepreneurs and small
business owners: How to create more effective sales messages. New York, NY: Routledge.

Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Kindly search for the speech, “I Have a Dream” authored by Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. Take time to read the speech and answer the questions under Activity 2

Activity 2
Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

1. Do you think this speech was an informative message, a persuasive message, or a

goodwill message? Kindly cite the passages for informative, persuasive or goodwill.

2. Do you think the speech accomplished the purpose of the message? What
specifically was the purpose of the speech?



Activity 3

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Internalize a situation where you are invited as a guest of honor for a ceremony. Kindly pen
one among the three discussed genres of a message. It can be an informative message,
Persuasive message or Goodwill message. Kindly choose one only. Use 100 - 150 words to
express your thoughts.


To be employed is everyone’s goal and to be in a workplace where harmony and
growth are prevalent. Communication is a vital skill in the workplace for companies to work
efficiently and productively. Professionals can experience increased morale, productivity,
and commitment if they can communicate up and down a company’s communication chain.
Specifically, superiors who spend time and energy to create open communication lines will
quickly create trust among subordinates, resulting in productivity, performance, and overall

Learning Objectives

At the end of the lessons, the learners should be able to:

 employ the different importance of good communication at the workplace in

the context of the school as practice;
 distinguish the ways to improve communication in the workplace;
 formulate situations that will explain the different types of communication
happen in the
 make a realization on how they will be essential to them as learners; and
 prepare themselves for the possible barriers that may happen inside
communication processes in the workplace.

Setting Up

Name:_____________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Directions: Read the following quotes then explain by giving a scenario for each.

The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said. - Peter F.


Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after. -
Anne Morrow Lindbergh


Communicate in a respectful manner – don’t just tell your team members what you
want, but explain to them why. - Jeffrey Morales

Lesson Proper

Importance of Good Communication at the Workplace

At the same time, subordinates who communicate effectively with their colleagues,
managers, and customers continue to be valuable assets to a company or any type of
workplace for that matter. On the other hand, poor communication in the workplace will
inevitably lead to the non-motivated worker that can begin to question their confidence in
their skills and organizations.

The importance of strong and significant communications runs deep within the
workplace. In Corp Vision in Reality: (2020) enumerated five important reasons include:
1. Innovation

When employees have the chance to express their opinions and ideas without
hesitation, they are more likely to present their ideas without fear of ridicule or retaliation.
Being innovative relies on this, and a workplace that promotes communication promotes
2. Growth in Communication

Communication can be seen internally and externally. By committing yourself

internally and by building strong communication networks, you ensure the consistency of
the externally delivered message. Each growth project is based on solid communication and
the fact that all internal or external members of the workplace are on the same page.

3. Effective Communication

When executives are strong communicators, they can better manage their teams.
When you are a strong communicator, it is much simpler to delegate activities, manage
conflicts, motivate, and build relationships (all-important responsibilities of an

Effective communication not only talks to people but gives them the opportunity to
talk to each other. Strong communication channels are essential.

4. Team Building

Creating effective teams requires communication and mutual cooperation. One will
be successful in establishing effective teams by implementing effective strategies such as
those listed below to improve communication. This will build morale and employee
satisfaction and eventually performs well in the workplace.

5. Giving a Voice to All

As mentioned earlier, satisfaction can be very much dependent on having a voice

and being listened to, whether it is in regards to an idea have had or about a complaint need
to make. Consolidated communication lines should enable everyone to communicate freely
with colleagues, peers, and superiors at any level.

Different ways to improve communication in your workplace

Improve Communication in your Workplace

The following elaborate some key areas where organizations can build and improve
communication between their teams.

A. Include everyone
Do not close any communication lines. Search and actively promote progress
reports and project updates. This is especially important when it comes to personnel who
works in different places.
B. Listen and show empathy

Communication is a two-way process and if you do not listen and do not encourage
dialogue with the other party, no job or person can survive for a long time. Listening shows
respect and allows you to become familiar with the extraordinary problems that you may
have to solve as an employer.

C. Define Objectives and Expectations

A professional gives comprehensible and accessible goals for teams and individuals
that define exactly what is required for a particular project and that all the member of the
team is aware of the goals and objectives of the project, the department, and the workplace
as a whole.

D. Send your message clearly

Make sure your message is clear and accessible to the intended audience. To do this,
it is important that you speak clearly and politely – to convey your message clearly without
confusion or offense.

E. Choose your medium carefully

Once you have created your message, you need to make sure whether it is the best
possible format. While face-to-face communication is the best way to build trust with
workmates, it is not always an option. Give yourself a time to decide if the information
provided on a printed copy works better than an email or whether a general note can

One of the most common communication media in the workplace is the usage of
visuals like graphs, illustrations, images, and the like to become more effective. You will be
asked to present for a meeting and you are going to make your slides is one of the scenarios
in the workplace.

Asynchronous Task!
Directions: Go to YouTube and watch the given videos on the link which will help you to
prepare your slides in nailing a presentation. Enjoy!


Communication Types and How to Improve Each One

Spoken communication is mostly used everywhere, it is very important so to say,

however, there are also types of communication that occur in the workplace which are
equally important as spoken/verbal communication.
Learn more about Miller’s four different types of communication, and how using each
one effectively can improve performance, morale, teamwork, and success in the workplace.
1. Verbal (In-Person) Communication.

As much as possible use face-to-face communication in the workplace to eliminate

many of the misunderstandings that may occur, speaking directly to the person concerned
allows both of you to see and hear the bigger picture. As you or your team member speaks,
you can see each other’s facial expressions and body language. The emphasis on focusing on
one another and the conversation promotes a feeling of value and credibility.

2. Body Language & Facial Expressions.

As mentioned, your body language and facial expressions play an important role in
how effective or ineffective you are at communicating with team members. Eye contact
makes people feel acknowledged as they talk and listen. A relaxed posture and gestures
with your body parts encourage employees to feel comfortable in a meeting. Rehearse the
things you are going to say in front of a full-length mirror so you can see if what your body
language says matches up with your words if there is a need. Your workmates will receive
your words more positive facial expressions and body language do not put them on edge or
the defensive.

3. Phone Conversations.
Nowadays, the use of the phone is a common part of almost every working day.
Some people enjoy talking to team members by phone. Others dislike it so much that they
put it off until the last minute. If the staff you lead are located at different places, the phone
and the internet will be vital communication tools. Positively impact for effective
communication using the phone is achievable by doing three simple things. Smile while you
talk (in an appropriate conversation, of course); it sounds silly, but it gives your voice a
friendlier tone. Jot down all the details before the conversation and use them to ensure you
cover all points and no details will be forgotten. Lastly, speak clearly and slowly so your
words will be understood.
4. Written Communication.

Emails, memos, and notes, and the like are common forms of written
communication. Among the four communication styles, this is the one that can lead to the
most misunderstandings. Keep in mind that the receivers of the message read between the
lines or feel that there are implied messages or emotions in written forms of
communication. This should and can be avoided in the workplace situation. Before you send
an email or distribute a memo or post an important notice on the staff bulletin board, have
an objective pair of eyes read it first.
Communication between you and the team will always be a work in progress.


Direction: “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people
up.” –John Holmes

You were asked by your friend to make a recommendation letter for his or her OJT,
make him/her one.

Recommendation Letters
A recommendation letter is just one of many communication letters being prepared in
the workplace. It should contain the relationship between the applicant and the person
whose recommendation is given.

Five Biggest Barriers to Effective Communication

George Bernard Shaw once said, “The single biggest problem in communication is the
illusion that it has taken place.” Although nearly a century has passed since these words
were spoken, they still hold true today. Barriers to effective communication in the
workplace can lead to reduced productivity in the workplace. As a leader in your office, you

must convey necessary messages every day to many different people. Ready Training
Online: (2020) enumerated five barriers to be aware of.
1. Lack of Clarity

Clarity of communication is essential in the workplace. In order to deliver a clear

message, get to your point quickly, give the listener context, and check for understanding.
Do not be condescending, but make sure your listener understood your message.

2. Inconsistency
Be aware of how you communicate with individual team members in the course of a
day, week, or month. You may have several shifts, with part-time and full-time employees
who need the same level of communication.

Higher-ups need to do their part to close the communication gap with their
subordinates who have limited English proficiency. For instance, a leader can learn some
key phrases in Spanish, or invest in training to help their ESL employees communicate more
effectively in English.
4. Not Enough Listening

Communication is a two-way street. Listen as much as you can, if not more than you speak.
Encourage feedback, and practice active listening. Do not interrupt when others are
expressing their ideas, repeat key points, and ask for clarification when needed.

5. Non Verbal Cues

The paralanguage is just as important as your spoken words. Make sure your body
language and gestures are communicating a message of attentiveness, friendliness, and
acceptance. Maintaining eye contact is important when you are speaking and listening and
avoid gestures such as furrowing your brow or crossing your arms.
It takes training on how to become a more effective communicator in the work field. The
Components of Communication in the Workplace

At the start of your Purposive Communication subject, you learned about the different
elements of communication. In this lesson, you will learn about the different components of
communication in the work field.
Effective communication requires all components working together perfectly for
“shared meaning,” a favorite definition of communication. It is important when questions
are asked and answered.
Components of Communication

There are five components to any communication and a sixth that is the overall
environment of the workplace in which the back-and-forth takes place (Heathfield, 2020).

1. The Individual Sending the Message

The sender must present and deliver the message clearly and with enough detail so
that the receiver shares meaning with the sender during and following the communication.

Practice it here!
Directions: Illustrate below a scenario showing an individual sending a message in the
workplace. Explain it by giving a caption on the lines provided.


2. The Context for the Message

The context is important in how the message is delivered by the sender of the
message. Context involves nonverbal communication such as gestures, body language, facial
expressions, and elements such as the tone of voice. Most of the context for a message is
only available when the receiver can see and hear the message sender properly. Email and
IM emoticons/emojis, for example, are a poor substitution as the sender formulates them
without input from the receiver.
Another element to consider context is the emotions that are involved in the
communication circle. Is the sender angry? Is the receiver indifferent to the content of the
communication or contemptuous of the sender? Keep in mind that normal human emotions
affect whether a message is successfully shared.

Practice it here!

Directions: Illustrate below a scenario showing an individual sending a message in a specific

context in the workplace like a supervisor giving instructions. Explain it by giving a caption
on the lines provided.
3. The Person Receiving the Message

The receiver must listen carefully and intently, ask questions for clarity, and
paraphrase to ascertain that they share meaning with the sender. If the receiver trusts the
sender, the chances for effective communication increase. For instance, a listener might say,
"I think what you said is that you are feeling disrespected. Is this the message you were
giving me?"

Practice it here!

Directions: Illustrate below a scenario showing an individual receiving a message in the

workplace. Explain it by giving a caption on the lines provided.


4. The Delivery Method You Choose

The delivery method should be selected based on the medium that it is most
effective to convey the meaning of the message. Since communication methods are so
diverse and the dawn of computers and mobile devices, decisions about the delivery
method have become more intricate. The delivery method must satisfy the communication
needs of both the sender and the receiver for shared meaning to occur.

Communication methods include verbal communication, instant messages (IM),

email, letters, signs, posters, videos, screenshots, telephones, notes, forms, written
documents, Facebook messages, Face Time, or what have you. These methods will continue
to expand.

Practice it here!

Directions: Illustrate below a scenario showing an individual sending a message considering

the best channel to deliver a message in the workplace like a colleague sending a monthly
report. Explain it by giving a caption on the lines provided.


5. The Content of the Message

Always remember that the content of the message should be clear and presented
and described in enough detail to obtain an understanding from the receiver. Understand
that if the message content resonates and connects, on some level, with the already-held
beliefs of the receiver, it is most effective.

Practice it here!
Directions: Compose a body of an apology letter for your superior about the mishaps you
incurred during a presentation.

6. Environment and Communication

The above components of communication suggest shared meaning when they

operate together to deliver a message effectively. The work environment in which those
components take place also affects communication and whether the communication is
received. So do the questions you ask.

When you ask valid questions to your team, you build rapport and inspire
confidence. Questions form another portion of the foundation for workplace communication
that shares meaning between communicators.

In a work environment that stresses open communication, employee involvement,

and common goals, communication more frequent and more effective. But, the expectation
for significant communication sets the bar higher in these best workplaces. So, even in high
morale, employee-focused work environments, employees complain that they don’t know
what is going on.

Because of all of the components and the overall environment of an individual

workplace, communication remains challenging. The age-old questions about who needs to
know what and when do they need to know it is never fully answered to just about anyone’s

The problem of communication in the workplace is inseparable. But, with

commitment, thoughtfulness, and an understanding of the components of effective
communication and appropriate questioning, you can increase the effectiveness of both
your interpersonal and your workplace communication which will help you accomplish
your goals effectively.

Practice it here!
Directions: In conclusion, how are you going to increase the effectiveness of communication
in the workplace?



ACAP Library: (2020) Retrieved from

In. Corp Vision in Reality: (2020) Importance of Good Communication at the

WorkplaceRetrieved from
Oshima & Hogue: Writing Academic English

Miller: (2020) 4 Different Types of Workplace Communication and How to Improve in Each
Area, Sandler Training Retrieved from

Ready Training Online: (2020) Barriers to Effective Communication Retrieved from

Heathfield: (2020) The Balance Career. The Components of Communication in the

Workplace, Understanding the Components of Communication Enhances Interaction
Retrieve from

Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: In your previous lesson, you learned the five importance of good communication
in the work place, as soon to be employee/employer, how are you going to practice good
communication to achieve significant outcomes in the workplace? Explain and give a
scenario in each.

1. Innovation
2. Growth in Communication


3. Effective Communication


4. Team Building
5. Giving a Voice to All


Activity 2

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Your supervisor designated you as the annual retreat coordinator; one of its jobs
is to present to the company a proposal of the itinerary. Make a proposal to be presented to
the company of the places you proposed. Use a PowerPoint presentation. You may send
your slides to the email account of your supervisor (teacher).

Activity 3

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: You were assigned to become a team leader in your company, explain the
following tips discussed on how to make them work as the leader of your department.

A. Include everyone

B. Listen and show empathy

C. Define Objectives and Expectations

D. Send your message clearly


E. Choose your medium carefully


English though having many varieties, has become the major international language
for research and publication and medium of communication in the global field. Therefore,
university student need to have a good receptive command of English if they want to be
successful in their academic endeavors and professionals soon.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the lessons, the students should be able to:

 write and present an academic paper using appropriate tone, styles, conventions
and reference style;
 employ strategies on how to espouse awareness of audience and context in
imploring ideas; and
 identify the different opportunities in communication through research.

Setting Up

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________

Directions: Answer the following questions with all honesty and sincerity.

1. As ________________ student, the importance of my grasp with English language,


2. Academic writing for me is

3. The importance of communication in Academic purposes in my chosen career is


Lesson Proper

Though Academic writing is done in the scope of academic field, it suggests that
everyone is included in the scope of the said setting whether you are academician,
professional in various sectors, or be it if you are a student. For academician, it is their
guiding compass in writing researches, while for professionals in various fields, it helps
them prepare their script, dialogue, presentations before facing their colleagues for a
meetings. For students, it helps them to present their researches in a standard and orderly
Unlike the other types of writing, academic writing is formal in nature. It follows
certain standards, rules, styles, and conventions which give information among readers
which may lead them to persuasion and entertainment.

Academic writing will help a student a lot. It will allow him or her to develop
analytic thinking and it teaches him or her to clearly convey complicate ideas concisely and
in well-structured format.

Construction of Good Academic Write-ups

Paragraph Structure
A paragraph is a group of connected and related sentences that discuss one (and
usually only one) main idea. A paragraph can be one sentence to ten sentences. How long or
short a paragraph is unimportant; nevertheless, the paragraph should be long enough to
develop a main idea clearly.

A paragraph may stand by itself. Academic writing is about how to write a

paragraph to answer a test question such as the following: “Define management by
objective, and give one example of it from the reading you have done for this class.” A
paragraph may also be one part of a longer piece of writing such as an essay or a book.

Writing Technique Questions

11. What is the topic of the paragraph?
12. What two main points does the writer make about the topic?
13. In which two sentences does the writer say that there are two main
14. What examples does the writer use to support each other?
The Three Parts of Paragraph

All paragraphs have a topic sentence and supporting sentences, and some
paragraphs also have concluding sentences.

The topic sentence expresses the main idea of the paragraph. It not only provides
the topic of the paragraph, but it also limits the topic to one specific area that can be
discussed completely in the space of a single paragraph.

Always keep in mind that a topic sentence is a complete sentence and is neither too
general nor too specific.

Too specific
1. Love is self-seeking.

Too general
2. Love is interpreted by many in different ways.

Best Topic Sentence

3. People hold many definitions about love.

4. Is field with color red.

Writing Topic Sentences

In writing a topic sentence, remember these three points:

1. A topic sentence should be a complete sentence, with a subject and a verb.

2. A topic sentence should be neither too general nor too specific. If it is too
general, the reader cannot tell exactly what the paragraph is going to discuss.
3. A topic sentence should not have unrelated controlling ideas.

Supporting sentences develop the topic sentence. That is, they explain or prove the
topic sentence by giving information about it. One of the biggest problems in student in
writing is that student writers often fail to support their ideas adequately. They need to use
specific details: examples, statistics, and quotations.
Writing Technique Questions
1. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
2. What examples does the writer use to support this idea? Put brackets [ ] around
3. What words and phrases introduce the examples? Circle Them.
As the whole world is facing the Pandemic COIVD-19, where the conventional way of
teaching-learning process, students and teachers meet personally at the four corners of the
classroom has suspended due to the enhance community quarantine (ECQ), the action of
the government to prevent, control and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the educational
landscapes of both basic education and higher education institutions have been changed,
like the contact hour requirements for the completion of a subject or a degree program; the
learning delivery mode during the extended ECQ will depend on available resources of the
institutions and students; and the considerations in students’ learning assessments. These
challenges that the key players in the educative process are facing right now appear as the
demands of Education 4.0/Industrial Revolution 4.0 which have to be realized and met.

The concluding sentence gives a hint the end of the paragraph and leaves the reader
with important points to remember. It is customary for stand-alone paragraphs. However,
paragraphs that are parts of a longer piece of writing do not need concluding sentences. For
single paragraphs, especially long ones, a concluding sentence is very helpful.
A concluding sentence serves two purposes:

1. It signals the end of the paragraph.

2. It leaves the reader with the most important ideas to remember.
a. By summarizing the main points of the paragraph or
b. By repeating the topic sentence in different words.
A paragraph does not always need concluding sentences. For single paragraphs
especially long ones, a concluding sentence is helpful to the reader because it is a reminder
of the important points. Also put in mind that, a concluding sentence is not needed for every
paragraph in a multi-paragraph essay.

You may want to begin your concluding sentence with one of the signals in the list
below. You may also end a paragraph without a formal signal or perhaps by using an
expression like those in the column on the right.
End-of-Paragraph Signals Followed by a Comma

Finally, Lastly,
In brief, Therefore,
In conclusion, Thus,
In short, To sum up,
End-of-Paragraph Signals Not Followed by a Comma

The evidence suggests that…

There can be no doubt that…
These examples show that…
We can see that…

Unity and Coherence

An important aspect of Academic write-ups is that it can be understood a message
by the readers with easiness and smoothness; this may be achieved by unity and coherence
in a paragraph. Unity is a concept of grouping different ideas into a harmonic whole write-

Another element of a good paragraph is coherence. The Latin verb cohere means
“hold together.” For coherence in writing, the sentences must hold together; that is, the
movement from one sentence to the next must be logical and smooth. There must be no
sudden jumps. Each sentence should flow smoothly into the next one.

Oshima & Hogue enumerated the four ways to achieve coherence:

1. Repeat key nouns

2. Use consistent pronouns
3. Use transition signals to link ideas

4. Arrange your ideas in logical manner

The easiest way to achieve coherence is to repeat key nouns frequently in your
paragraph. Read the model paragraph about apple to see how it uses this technique to
smooth the flow of sentences. The key noun in this paragraph is apple. Circle the word apple
and the pronouns refer to it.

Apples are a popular fruit it contains antioxidants, vitamins, dietary fiber, and a
range of other nutrients. Because apples have varied nutrient content, they may help
prevent several conditions. Apples come in a variety of shapes, colors, and flavors and
provide a range of nutrients that can benefit many different aspects of a person’s health. For
example, they may help reduce the risk of cancer, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and
several other conditions. Moreover, Apples are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, all of
which benefit health. They also provide an array of antioxidants.
Transition signals are expressions such as first, finally, and however, or phrases
such as in conclusion, on the other hand, and as a result. Other kinds of words such as
subordinators (when, although), coordinators (and, but), adjectives (another, additional),
and prepositional (because of, in spite of) can serve as transition signals.

Transition signals are like traffic signs; they tell your reader when you are giving
similar idea (similarly, and, in addition), an opposite idea (on the other hand, but, in
contrast), an example (for example), as a result (therefore, as a result), or a conclusion (in

Transition signals give paragraph coherence because they guide your reader from
one idea the next.

Transition Words

What are transitions and how to use them?

Transitions are phrases or words used to connect one idea to the next; used by the
author to help the reader progress from one significant idea to the next. It also shows the
relationship within a paragraph (or within a sentence) between the main idea and the
support the author gives for those ideas different transitions do different things.

Transitions may be "Additive," "Adversative," "Causal," or "Sequential."

Additive Transitions

• Addition
• Introduction
• Reference
• Similarity
• Identification

Adversative Transitions
• Conflict
• Emphasis
• Concession
• Dismissal
Replacement Causal (not casual) Transitions
• Cause/Reason
• Effect/Result
• Purpose
Consequence Sequential Transitions
• Numerical
• Continuation
• Conclusion
• Digression
• Resumption
• Summation

Additive Transitions: These show addition, introduction, and similarity to other ideas

Indeed Also And Or Too
Nor further Moreover furthermore In fact
alternatively What is more In addition actually Much less
On the other Either (neither) As a matter of besides Additionally
hand fact
Not to mention Not only but

Practice it!

Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences

1. Indeed
2. Alternatively
3. Additionally
4. Besides
5. Moreover
6. As a matter of fact
7. Not only but also
8. Moreover
9. Furthermore
10. On the other hand

Such as For example As, particularly Including As an
Like In particular For one thing To illustrate For instance
Specially Notably By way of

Practice it!

Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences

1. Such as
2. Like
3. For example
4. In particular
5. Notably
6. For one thing
7. By way of example
8. To illustrate
9. Including
10. As an illustration

Speaking about Concerning Regarding The fact that
As for On the subject of Considering With regard to

Practice it!
Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences

1. Speaking about
2. As for
3. Concerning
4. regarding
5. considering
6. the fact that
7. with regard to

Similarly In the same way By the same In a like manner Equally,
token likewise

Practice it!

Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. Similarly
2. In the same way
3. By the same token
4. In a like manner
5. Equally

That is Namely Specifically Thus

Practice it!
Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences

1. That is
2. Namely
3. Specifically
4. Thus

Adversative Transitions
These transitions are used to signal conflict, contradiction concession, dismissal

But however In contrast By way of While
Yet When in fact Whereas Conversely Though, Still

Practice it!
Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. But
2. Yet
3. However
4. When in fact
5. in contrast
6. whereas
7. by way of contrast
8. conversely
9. while
10. though

Even more Above all Indeed More Besides

Practice it!
Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. even more
2. above all
3. indeed
4. more importantly
5. besides

But even so However Nevertheless Nonetheless
Despite this On the other Admittedly Even though

Practice it!
Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. but even so
2. despite this
3. however
4. on the other hand
5. nevertheless
6. admittedly
7. nonetheless
8. even though

At least Rather Instead

Practice it!

Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. at least
2. rather
3. instead

Causal Transitions

These transitions signal cause/effect and reason/result

For the reason Being that For In view of
Because Seeing as As Owing to
Due to the fact In that For as much as

Practice it!
Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. for the reason

2. because
3. being that
4. seeing as
5. in that
6. for as much as
7. in view of
8. owing to

On the condition Granted that If Provided that
In case In the event that Providing that As/so long as
Unless Given that Only if Unless

Practice it!

Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. on the condition that
2. in case
3. unless
4. granted that
5. in the event that
6. given that
7. providing that
8. provided that
9. as long as
10. unless

As a result Consequently Hence For this reason
Thus Because of this In consequence So that
Accordingly So much so that So Therefore

Practice it!
Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. As a result
2. thus
3. accordingly
4. consequently
5. because of this
6. hence
7. in consequence
8. for this reason
9. so that
10. therefore

For the purpose With this With this in In the hope that
of intention mind
To the end that In order that For fear that So as to
Unless Given that In order to So that

Practice it!

Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. for the purpose of
2. to the end that
3. unless
4. with this intention
5. in order that
6. given that
7. for fear that
8. in order to
9. in the hope that
10. so that

Consequence- something that happens as a result of a particular action or
set of conditions.
Under those then In that case If not
That being the If so Otherwise

Practice it!

Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. under those circumstances
2. that being the case
3. then
4. if so
5. in that case
6. otherwise
7. if not

Sequential Transitions

These transitions are used to signal a chronological or logical sequence.

Numerical- of or relating to numbers or a system of numbers.

In the (first, initially To start with First of all
second, etc.
To begin with At first For a start Secondly

Practice it!
Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. In the first
2. To begin with
3. Initially
4. At first
5. To start with
6. For a start
7. First of all
8. Secondly

Continuation- something that starts where something else ends and adds
to or continues the first part.
Subsequently Afterwards Eventually Next
Before this Previously After (this) Then

Practice it!
Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. subsequently
2. before this
3. afterwards
4. previously
5. eventually
6. after this
7. next
8. then

Conclusion – suggests the act of concluding or finishing something or

state if being finished
To conclude In the end At last Lastly
As a final point Eventually Finally

Practice it!

Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. To include
2. as a final point
3. in the end
4. Eventually
5. At last
6. Finally
7. Lastly

Digression –the act or an instance of leaving the main subject in an

extended written or verbal expression of thought
To change the Incidentally By the way

Practice it!

Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. To change the topic
2. Incidentally
3. by the way

Resumption – an act of starting something again after it has stopped.
To get back to Anyhow Anyway First of all
the point
To return to the To resume At any rate At any rate

Practice it!
Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. to get back to the point

2. to return to the subject
3. anyhow
4. to resume
5. anyway
6. at any rate
7. first of all
8. at any rate

Summation-suggests brief description of the most important information about

As was previously stated So In summary All in all
Briefly Consequently To sum up Overall
Thus As I have said Given these points In all
On the whole Therefore As has been noted Hence
In conclusion Hence In a word To put it briefly

Practice it!

Directions: Use the following transitional words into meaningful sentences.

1. as was previously stated

2. briefly
3. thus
4. on the whole
5. in conlusion
6. so
7. consequently
8. hence
9. as has been noted
10. to put it briefly

Logical Orders

In addition, using transition signals and repeating key nouns and pronouns, a fourth
way to achieve coherence is to place your sentences in some kind of logical order.
An essay should have unity and coherence, just as a paragraph does. Keep in mind
that Transition signals and the repetition of key nouns link paragraphs into a cohesive
whole. Your choice of one kind of logical order over another will usually depend on your
topic and your purpose. Put unison two or more different logical orders in the same
Always keep in mind to arrange your ideas in some kind of order that is logical to a
reader accustomed to the English way of writing,
The following are examples of logical order in English are chronological order,
logical division of ideas, and comparison/contrast.
• Chronological order is ordered by time—a sequence of events or steps in a process.
• In the logical division of ideas, a topic is divided into parts, each part is discussed
• In a comparison/contrast paragraph, the commonness and/ or differences between two or
more items are discussed.
Now that you learned how to make a substantial paragraph, it is now the time to put them
into a meaningful and effective Essay.
An essay is a piece of writing and should have several paragraphs. It is inspired by
various purposes like entertainment, informative, and persuasive to name a few. It is about
one topic, just as a paragraph is. However, because the topic of an essay is too complex and
intricate to discuss in one paragraph, you need to divide it into several paragraphs, one for
each major point. Then you need to tailor the paragraphs together and formulate an
introduction and a conclusion. An essay should have three main parts: an introduction
(introductory paragraph), a body (at least one, but usually two or more paragraphs), and a
conclusion (concluding paragraph).
Parts of a paragraph which correspond to the parts of an essay
Restatement or summary of the main points; final comment or information An
essay introduction should consist of two parts: a few general statements to attract your
reader’s attention and a thesis statement to the state to the main idea of the essay.
Keep in mind that a thesis statement for an essay is like a topic sentence for a
paragraph: It names the specific topic and gives the reader a general. The body should
consist of one or more paragraphs. Each paragraph creates a level of the topic, so the
number of paragraphs in the body will vary with the number of subdivisions or subtopics.
The conclusion, just the process in making a concluding sentence in a paragraph, is a
summary or review of the main points discussed in the body. An essay should have unity
and coherence, just as a paragraph does. Keep in mind that Transition signals and the
repetition of key nouns link paragraphs into a cohesive whole.


Directions: By applying what you have learned, choose two from the given following topics
and make an essay from each.

1. Language learning in the distance learning set-up.

2. My communication skills
3. COVID-19
4. My admissions in life
5. Individuality versus Conformity


ACAP Library: (2020) Retrieved from

In. Corp Vision in Reality: (2020) Importance of Good Communication at the

WorkplaceRetrieved from

Oshima & Hogue: Writing Academic English

Miller: (2020) 4 Different Types of Workplace Communication and How to Improve in Each
Area, Sandler Training Retrieved from

Ready Training Online: (2020) Barriers to Effective Communication Retrieved from
Heathfield: (2020) The Balance Career. The Components of Communication in the
Workplace, Understanding the Components of Communication Enhances Interaction
Retrieve from

Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Identify whether the following is A. Too specific, B. Too general, C. Best topic
sentence, or D. Incomplete.

_____1 As the whole world is facing the Pandemic COIVD-19

_____2 Where the conventional way of teaching-learning process, students and teachers
meet personally at the four corners of the classroom has suspended due to the enhance
community quarantine (ECQ)

_____3 The action of the government to prevent, control and mitigate the spread of COVID-
_____4 The educational landscapes of both basic education and higher education
institutions have been changed, like the contact hour requirements for the completion of a
subject or a degree program.

_____5 The learning delivery mode during the extended ECQ will depend on available
resources of the institutions and students; and the considerations in students’ learning

_____6 These challenges that the key players in the educative process are facing right now
appear as the demands of Education 4.0/Industrial Revolution 4.0

_____7 Which have to be realized and met.

_____8 This historic event that the world is facing right has to be handled with proper
attitude and diligence by everyone most specially our teachers and administrators.

_____9 The history of astronomy is interesting.

_____10 Ice age people recorded the appearance of new moons by making scratches in
animal bones.

Activity 2

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Write two or three topic sentences for each of the following topics. In other
words, give three controlling idea for the same topic.

Topic: Cell phones

Topic sentences: 1. Cell phones bring humanity easy access to communication.

2 Cell phones come in different models, units, and specs.

3. Using cell phones inside the class room is discouraged.






Social Distancing



Activity 3

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Make a paragraph ending with concluding sentences. Use each of the following
signals below.


In brief,____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________

In conclusion,_________________________________________________________________________________________


The evidence suggests that… _______________________________________________________________________

There can be no doubt that… _______________________________________________________________________

Activity 4

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Make a paragraph by following the given type of logical orders:

1. Chronological Order: How to cook Adobo


2. Logical Division of Ideas: Realizations you have during the pandemic, COVID-19

3. Comparison/Contrast Paragraph: “Online Distance E-Learning and Face-to-Face Teaching

and Learning”


Activity 5

Name:______________________________________________________ Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions: Make a synthesis paper about the development of the vaccine for COVID-19.
Include at least 10 In-Text Citation, and these citations must appear in the Reference list.


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