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How to Talk to Anyone, Anywhere and Anytime?

How to overcome hesitation and shyness?


It’s natural to have certain areas of our lives where we are really comfortable and
other areas where we are extremely shy.

Ask extremely socially skilled people “were you always this good?” They will tell
you, “No!”. They continued to practice and show up, until years later, they were

Make it a game: Try the 60 Seconds Game, the Compliment Game to melt away

Fake it till you make it: Find low-stakes situations to be the person you want to be
perceived as. Behavior changes attitude.

The 3X Rejection Rule: Don’t just avoid failure, seek it out and don’t allow any
negative self-talk until you have been rejected 3 times.

Action steps

Pick one of the techniques above to try out this week: Make it a game, Fake it or
the Rejection rule.

Incorporate this into your calendar! If it’s not in your calendar, it doesn’t exist.
Here’s what your calendar might look like:

What: Play the 1 Minute Game at networking event

Details: The moment I walk into the room, I have 60 seconds to greet and
introduce myself to one stranger. If I do this, I win.

To performers know that stakes encourage compliance. Set a consequence for

completing your task. For example, buy yourself something if you complete the

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