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Chemical energy

Hydrocarbon: any substance or material that contains hydrogen or carbon . ( Oil and gas )
Precipitate : solid particles which have settled down the chemical reaction .

Exothermic -transfers energy to surroundings , produces heat ( combustion) .

– process of burning something. scientific word for burning
– fuel + oxygen —> energy

Complete incomplete
hydrocarbon + oxygen —> carbon hydrocarbon + oxygen —> carbon
dioxide + water . monoxide + water .
enough oxygen available for all shortage of oxygen
carbon atoms to burn in fuel

Endothermic - takes in energy from surroundings, absorbs heat ( thermal decomposition)

– When a chemical substance breaks down (decomposes) due to heat into 2 chemical
– Oxidation: when oxygen is added to a chemical in a reaction.

ATP : ( Adenosine Triphosphate ) Suppoies energy for all processes that need it .

Aerobic Anaerobic Photosynthesis

process of cellular Breakdown of glucose Process that converts
respiration that takes in the absence of solar energy into
place in presence of oxygen . chemical energy used
oxygen to produce ( Fermentation) by bio systems .
energy from food .
takes place in Occurs in cytosol ( no takes place in
mitochondria of cell organelles ) thylakoid membrane
of chloroplasts
Glucose + Oxygen —- Lactic acid - in carbon dioxide+ water
> Carbon dioxide + anaerobic bacteria .
Lactic acid - in carbon dioxide+ water
> Carbon dioxide + anaerobic bacteria . + solar —-> glucose +
water + ATP Glucose -> 2Lactic oxygen
acid + small
energy .Ex.Milk goes
sour , silage
production .
Alcohol fermentation- Cellular respiration:
In bacteria and fungi . transfer energy from
ex: yeast a plants an organic compound
when deprived . into ATP
Glucose->2 ethanol + fermentation:
carbon dixiode + small breakdown of
energy . carbohydrates by
enzymes , bacteria ,
yeasts or mold in the
absence of oxygen

Breathing : Physical process which is Movement of air in and out of the lungs, exchange of gases
between air and blood .
Respiration : chemical reaction that can’t be controlled which is the breakdown of glucose to
produce energy . ( exothermic ) Happens in mitochondria of a cell.


– Monocotyledons- narrow leaved plants like grasses

– Dicotyledons- broad leaved plants
– Transpiration - Loss of water by evaporation through the stomata as water pours because
of temperature increase to avoid wilting . ( Transpiration pull - The force that draws water
from the soil through the plant. )
– Synthesis : building up of complex food molecules from simple substances.
– Trace elements : Needed in small qualities for healthy growth of plants .
– Limiting Factor - A limiting factor is something present in the environment in such short
supply that it restricts life processes. A temperature rise may cause photosynthesis to
speed up, but only to the point where the light intensity limits further increase.
– Gaseous exchange : Air contains the gases nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water
vapour. Plants and animals take in or give out these last three gases

Three factors affecting Transpiration:

1.) Humidity : Amount of water vapour in the air

2.) wind speed
3.) temperature

Photosynthesis- A process that converts solar energy into chemical energy used by biological
systems ( Endothermic reaction ) .
1.) Sunlight is converted into chemical energy
2.) waiter is split into oxygen
3.) carbon dioxide is fixed into sugars - glucose.

Stomata Tiny pores on the surface of the

leaf that control the rate of gas
exchange and
transpiration .Consists of a pair of
guard cells . control whether
stoma is open or closed . Water
vapour passes out during
transpiration. Carbon dioxide
diffuses in and oxygen diffuses
out during photosynthesis.
upper epidermis Single layer of cells on upper and
lower cells of leaves. These cells
are thin and transparent to allow
light to pass through. No
chloroplasts are present. They act
as a barrier to disease organisms.
Mesophyll Tissue between upper and lower
epidermis . Has 2 zones ( lower
spongy mesophyll and the upper
palisade mesophyll ). Found under
palisade cells .
Cuticle thin layer of wax, waterproofing
the leaf. It is secreted by cells of
the upper epidermis. Prevents
water loss
Chloroplasts found in palisade cells ,
surrounded by double membrane
and a third inner membrane
known as thylakoid membrane .
( forms long fold within
organelle ) . Chlorophyll - found in
chloroplasts and absorbs sunlight
and makes the energy available
for chemical reactions. Is located
within the thylakoid membrane .
Spongy mesophyll more spherical fit loosely
together , leaving many airspace’s
that allow gaseous exchange -
co2 to cells and oxygen from cells
during . Contain
chloroplasts lesser than palisade
cells .
Vascular bundles ( veins ) Main vein is known as midrib .
Other veins branch off and form a
network throughout the leaf .
Consist of 2 tissue . (xylem and
phloem )
Xylem Long thin tubes with no cell
contents . Have thick wall cells
made by a material named lignin .
Carries water , minerals and salt
to cells in leaves .
Phloem Sieve tubes , transports food
substances such as sugars and
amino acids away from the leaf to
other parts of the plant .
( translocation)
Palisade mesophyll Main region of photosynthesis.
Cells are columns packed w
chloroplasts to trap light energy .
Received c02 by diffusion in air
spaces by spongy mesophyll.
Lower epidermis This acts as a protective layer.
Stomata are present to regulate
the loss of water vapour (this is
called transpiration). It is the site
of gaseous exchange into and out
of the leaf.

Stroma Space between the thylakoid and

chloroplast membrane .
note : All the oxygen needed by respiration is provided by photosynthesis. Only when the rate of
photosynthesis is faster than the rate of respiration will carbon dioxide be taken in and the
excess oxygen given out .
Translocation- distribution of nutrients through the phloem.Xylem and phloem are both involved
to carry synthesized food materials .

Storage - Sugar that is not needed for respiration is turned into starch and stored. Some plants
store it as starch grains in the cells of their stems or roots. Other plants, such as the potato or
parsnip, have special storage organs (tubers) for holding the reserves of of starch . Sugar may
be stored in the fruits of some plants; grapes, for example, contain a large amount of glucose.

Synthesis of other substances - As well as sugars for energy and starch for storage, the plant
needs cellulose for its cell walls, lipids for its cell membranes, proteins for its cytoplasm and
pigments for its flower petals, etc. All these substances are built up (synthesised) from the sugar
molecules and other molecules produced in photosynthesis.

Insoluble : incapable of being dissolved

soluble : The mixture of solute and solvent is called a Solution. The solute dissolves in the
solvent. A solute that dissolves is called a Soluble substance

1. Magnetism : Seperates magnetic material from non magnetic materials.

2. Evaporation : separates soluble solid by boiling off liquid
3. Filtration: separates an insoluble solid from a liquid
4. Distillation : separates liquids with different boiling points
5. Chromatography: separates liquid of different colors .

Digestive system :
nutrients: food substances that provide raw materials for our body to use .

Carbohydrates, fats , proteins, vitamins and minerals

Teeth chew food and break into smaller

Tongue pushes food to the back of the
mouth so u can swallow it .
Esophagus / Gullet / Food pipe joins mouth and stomach
Stomach special chemicals( enzymes ) and
acid break down food even more .
Small intestine broken down food ‘s nutrients
absorbed by blood so body can
use .
large intestine leftover waste and water from the
digested food is stored here ,
leaves body through anus.

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