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1. In the context of '1S', what does it mean to sort out necessary and non-essential items?

2. Name two factors that are commonly considered when deciding whether to keep or
discard an item

3. You are working at your desk when you realize your work area has become cluttered
with unnecessary documents, files, and equipment. What steps would you take as part of
the '1S' phase to clean up your workspace following the 5S Methodology?

4. What is red tag Tactics? Describe the procedure for Red tag Tactic.

5. Describe some factor for deciding the standards for Red tags.

6. Explain the core principle behind the "Set in Order" step in the 5S methodology.
7. Explain some check points for an organized workplace in the 5S methodology.

8. Describe checkpoints for painting strategy of “Floors” & “Door opening Lines”.

9. What is the three points & three keys for Organizing?

10. Draw a basic block chart by using “three keys” for Raw material storage.

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