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Name: Karen Joy S.

Tapiador Section: 10 – Phoenix

Teacher: Mrs. Julie Anne Apostol Date: December 5, 2023


The CryptoLocker Virus first surfaced on September 5, 2013 as a

cyberattack, using a trojan to target computers which ran Microsoft Windows,
and continued through May of 2014. It infected systems through infected email
attachments and a pre-existing Gameover ZeuS botnet. The malware would
encrypt varied files, then display a message saying it would decrypt them for a
ransom–bitcoin or pre-paid cash voucher–by a deadline date. If the deadline was
missed, the threat would grow worse and the ransom cost would rise.

The virus was easily removed, but the files themselves were virtually
impossible to decrypt. Some victims paid the ransom and recovered their files,
while others paid, yet their files remained encrypted. In May 2014, Operation
Tovar was launched, which defeated the Gameover ZeuS botnet used to spread
the malware. It’s estimated that the cybercriminals behind the CryptoLocker Virus
extorted $3 million from its victims.

Inventor of the CryptoLocker Virus:

Evgeniy Bogachev

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