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Email to a friend

Intro & Ending Answering questions

Dear Kevin,
Thanks for your recent email. Well, in your email you ask me some
Thanks for your message. Hello Kevin, / Hello, questions.
Thanks for writing to me. Kevin,
Great to hear from you.
I was very glad to hear from you Hi Kevin, / Hi, Kevin,
I’m always glad to get messages from
you. Hi,/Hi!
Thanks for your message. I was very
glad to hear from you. Hello again!
Thanks for writing to me. Great to hear
from you. Hi there! Asking questions
Write back soon. By the way, I also want to ask you
Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes,
some questions. …
Please, write to me soon.
Drop me a line. All the best,
I’m looking forward to your email / to
With love,
hearing from you. Looking forward to
your email / to hearing from you. Yours,
(красная строка) Dear Yoda, (обращение)

(красная строка) Thank you for your recent letter. I hope you’re ok. (благодарность за письмо)

(красная строка) In your letter you write that … (тут мы реагируем на вести от друга, в нашем примере у него как
раз начались летние каникулы, поэтому здесь подойдет “In your letter you write that you’re going to have a long
holiday. That’s amazing!”) Далее – ответы на 3 вопроса.

(красная строка) As for your news, I have some questions about … (Плавно переходим к вопросам другу)

(красная строка) Now it’s time to finish my letter. Write back soon. (вежливое завершение письма+упоминание о
дальнейших контактах)

(красная строка) All the best, (завершающая фраза)

(красная строка) Luke (подпись)

42 слова.
Intro Stating facts Comparing data
It is well known that (topic) the main features of this in comparison/ in contrast, …
table/graph/pie chart …
Nowadays more and more people (action on the other hand …/ However, … / Likewise,

connected with the topic) one can see from the poll that …
not as … as
Over the last few decades there has been the most popular … the least popular
a significant increase in the number of … more popular … than
people who (do something connected with
the topic). if we look at the graph/table/pie chart, while/ whereas / although / but
we can see …
(Topic) plays an important role in our life
looking at the main features …
, which is not surprising as …
Undoubtedly, all people (action connected
with the topic) what stands out from the table/graph/ This can be explained by the fact that …
pie chart …
Nowadays it is impossible to imagine … The main reason for that might be the fact
without … another striking feature is … that …
Outlining & Conclusion & opinion
solving a problem
To conclude/ sum up/ summarise

the main problem with … is … Overall …

the main problem faced by … is … In conclusion …

the foremost problem here is …

I believe that … because …
general solutions centre around …
I am convinced that … as …

one effective solution to deal with … is … I strongly believe that …

a solution that can prove successful is … Personally, I think that …

In my opnion, …

In my view, …
Sample essay
In recent years, the field of Information Technology has become increasingly popular among young people. I have found a table with the results of
opinion polls on why teenagers in Zetland choose career in IT. I will analyse this data and give my opinion about this topic.

As we can see from the table, most teenagers choose a job in this area because it is financially rewarding (33%) and there are plenty of vacancies
which young people can choose from (25%). The least popular reason for choosing a job in IT is constant development, noted only by 8% of the

Looking at the figures in the table, we can see that working from home (noted by 20% of the respondents) is the reason for choosing IT careers, which
is by 6% more popular than the opportunities for creativity (14%) these jobs offer. I find it not surprising as young people do not want to waste their
time commuting to work.

The issue is that many IT jobs require long hours sitting in front of a computer screen. This sedentary lifestyle can lead to health problems such as
back pain and eye strain. I believe that the best solution to this problem would be taking breaks and stretching regularly. They can help relieve
physical discomfort from sitting for extended periods and help your eyes relax.

Overall, in today’s world, IT plays a vital role in our daily lives. It has become an essential part of our personal and professional lives, making tasks
easier, faster, and more efficient. I believe that the importance of IT cannot be overstated, as it has revolutionized the way we live, work, and

(247 слов)

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