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Q1: I got to see my daughter receive her Ph.D. from this Palo Alto, California university?

The crrect Answer is: Stanford

Q2: John Carroll, the first Catholic bishop in the U.S., founded this Washington, D.C. school in

The crrect Answer is: Georgetown

Q3: It's the precious variety of corundum seen here?

The crrect Answer is: ruby

Q4: Left behind by the Kaiser's army, the 5 halls at Riga's Central Market were once hangars
for these airships?

The crrect Answer is: Zeppelins

Q5: This word also meaning "an equal" is the P in P2P file sharing?

The crrect Answer is: peer

Q6: John Chapman was the real name of this wandering fruit tree planter?

The crrect Answer is: Johnny Appleseed

Q7: In 1997 David Kalakaua became the first inductee into the Hall of Fame for this

The crrect Answer is: the ukulele

Q8: The red-green type of this vision disorder occurs in about 8% of Caucasian males?

The crrect Answer is: color blindness

Q9: In Nov. 1973 Rep. Yvonne Braithwaite of this "Golden State" became the first woman to
give birth while in Congress?

The crrect Answer is: California

Q10: The JS on the front stands for John Sinnock, who did this?

The crrect Answer is: Designed the coin

Q11: These important pieces of evidence might contain loops, arches & whorls?

The crrect Answer is: Fingerprints

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