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1. What is the title of your research?


2. Why are you interested in researching it? What is the importance?

>> Because Bandung has long been famous as a model city and tourist city. In Bandung ada
area that really has a beautiful and stunning scenery is the Lembang tourist area. Lembang
has a row of interesting attractions, one of the recreational places that are hits and carries
the instagramable concept of Rainbow Garden tourism. The cool air with its charming
natural charm is always interesting to explore. With its uniqueness that is difficult to find
elsewhere such as almost 80% of the plants are edible flowers. The calm, beautiful and cool
feel becomes one of the attractions. This tourist spot has a garden concept that is
overgrown by various types of colorful flowers that have been arranged in such a way that
the appearance is very indulgent to the eyes.

3. What is behind your research? What's the matter?

>> (the answer is the same as the second question)

4. Why research the object (or at that location)?

>> The main attraction of Rainbow Garden Bandung is that it is in a cliff area that has a slope contour
of the ground reaching 45 degrees, no wonder that most of the land is in the form of terracing. Being
there we can be complacent enjoying the beauty of the scenery of the green expanse of mountains
and colorful flower garden areas, there are also greenhouse spots. According to visitor reviews, the
beauty of Bandung tourism is no less cool than the charm of Rainbow park in Japan which is
dominated by Lavender flowers.

5. What is the definition of the concepts in the research title?

>> UNIQUENESS: specificity, privilege, other than others. AND CHARM: awesome, stunning.

6. What is the purpose of your research?

>> To find out the uniqueness and charm of Rainbow Garden.

Rainbow Garden can be used as an educational tool for MAN 1 Metro students.
So that Rainbow Garden can be preserved as a local tourist attraction that has an
attraction for tourists.

7. Where did this goal come from?

>> from the variable theory I use, namely the charm and attractiveness of rainbow garden, lembang

8. What are the theoretical benefits and practical benefits?

1. >> Theoretically
1. So that the author gets additional and enriches the science, especially in the field of
2. This observation is expected to be useful for scientific knowledge in the field of
community development, especially conceptual empowerment in terms of tourism.
3. Practically
1. This observation is expected to be a reference and reference for tourist visits for local
communities and migrants.
2. It is expected to provide knowledge insights and information donations for further

9. What theory do you use? Who is the inventor? What are the assumptions of this theory?

>> Qualitative research methods. Frederick LePlay. This theory is assumed because it cannot use
data2 from questionnaires and demographic data only. Which means this method is more
emphasized on research directly to the place / object of research.

10. What is the difference between your research and previous studies?

>> My research is different from previous research because no one has used variable theory in the
form of charm and attractiveness of rainbow garden, lembang and no one has done research at the

12. What methods are used? Why use this method?

>> (answer is the same as question no. 9)

13. What are the primary and secondary data of this study?
>> primary data in the form of direct observation of researchers to the research site. Secondary data
is a source from the internet.

15. What data collection techniques are performed? How did you do it?

>> collect information through sources on the internet

19. How is the research going? Is there a model produced?

>> Rainbow Garden is one of the mainstay destinations that must be visited. Its charming beauty is
one of the reasons for the large number of travelers who stop by this location. This hits flower
garden is still one area with Floating Market Lembang. This location is in the cliff area with the
contours of the ground that can be said to be tilted so that it is hill-shaped. Rainbow Garden is one
of the interesting destinations in Bandung for flower lovers. The calm, beautiful and cool feel
becomes one of the attractions. This tourist spot has a garden concept that is overgrown by various
types of colorful flowers that have been arranged in such a way that the appearance is very
indulgent to the eyes. We can also do various interesting activities here, namely walking in the
middle of the flower garden, taking contemporary selfies, and culinary tours.

20. What are the conclusions of your research?

>> Rainbow Garden is one of the interesting destinations in Bandung for flower lovers. The calm,
beautiful and cool feel becomes one of the attractions. Feel the sensation of being in the middle of
the garden with the beauty of colorful flower beds that spoil the eyes. This tourist spot has a garden
concept that is overgrown by various types of colorful flowers that have been arranged in such a way
that the appearance is very indulgent to the eyes.

The main attraction of Rainbow Garden Bandung is that it is located in a cliff area that has a slope
contour of the ground reaching 45 degrees, no wonder that most of the land is in the form of
terracing. Being there we can be complacent enjoying the beauty of the scenery of the green
expanse of mountains and colorful flower garden areas, there are also greenhouse spots. According
to visitor reviews, the beauty of Bandung tourism is no less cool than the charm of Rainbow park in
Japan which is dominated by Lavender flowers. The uniqueness that is difficult to find in other areas
is that almost 80% of the collection of flowers is edible.

21. Why do you give these suggestions? What results make you give this advice?

>> the result is that the preservation of tourist attractions is maintained.

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