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05 (UNIT-V)
Course Outcome-5, Session 2023-24
SUB: Data Base Management Systems (KCS-501)

Q.1. Explain about the Advantages and disadvantages of Time Stamp Ordering Protocol
with suitable example.

Q.2 What are various techniques of recovery with concurrent transactions? Explain in

Q.3 Consider the following two transactions:

T31: read(A);
if A=0 then B:=B+1;
T32: read(B);
if B=0 then A:=A+1;
Add lock and unlock instructions to transactions T31 and T32 , so that they
observe the two-phase locking protocol. Can the execution of these transactions result
in a deadlock.

Q.4 What is vertical and what is horizontal fragmentation in distributed databases?

Q.5 Explain about the implicit and explicit cursor and how both are different from each
Q. 6 Write down the PL/SQL code to show the Employee details whose salary is greater
than1000. Take 1000 as user input.
Hint: Assume the table Employee (Eid, Ename, Address, Salary)
Q.7 Explain the disadvantage of strict 2PL with suitable example.

Q.8 Explain the Multiple Granularity Locking with suitable example.

Q.9 Explain about the Advantages and disadvantages of Time Stamp Ordering Protocol
with suitable example.

Q.10 How queries are processed in Distributed Databases?

Q.11 Write down the PL/SQL code which takes 2 numbers as user input and return the
swapped number.

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