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Evolve Digital Level 4

Unit 3 Audio script

Lesson 1....................................................................................................................... 2

Lesson 2....................................................................................................................... 8

Time to watch: Documentary......................................................................................16

Lesson 3..................................................................................................................... 18

Lesson 4..................................................................................................................... 24

Unit Review.................................................................................................................25

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Lesson 1

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Lesson introduction; Screens 2, 3

I think I have a good lifestyle now. It's not just because I live in the country – that's just
one factor. It's really because I don't work so much now. I have plenty of free time.
Before, when I lived in the city, it was terrible. I wasted a lot of time just going from one
place to another, and I didn't have any time to relax. It's different now. I work from
home, and I get everything delivered. The only thing I have to do now is walk my dog!

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 2,
position 1

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 2,
position 2
Having a good work-life balance is important to me. I spend time with my family in the
morning before I go to work, and I come home on time. I try not to think about work
when I'm not working.

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 3,
position 1
be worth it

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 3,
position 2
The hike was really long and difficult, but it was worth it. The view was so beautiful, and
we felt great when we finished.

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Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 4,
position 1

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 4,
position 2
My coworkers celebrated the good work I did. It really boosted my confidence. I feel so

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 5,
position 1
can't afford

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 5,
position 2
I don't have much money with me. I'll just have a small coffee. I can't afford a large one.

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 6,
position 1
cost of living

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 6,
position 2
We would like to buy a house, but the cost of living around here is too high. Housing and
other basic things are expensive. We’re going to rent an apartment in a nearby town for
a while and try to save some money.

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 7,
position 1

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Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 7
position 2
I prefer the city lifestyle. I like that there's good public transportation, and I love having
lots of cafés and restaurants within walking distance.

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 2,
position 1
quality of life

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 2,
position 2
My parents left the city and moved out to the country. Their quality of life is much better.
It's peaceful and relaxing, and the cost of living is low.

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 3,
position 1
standard of living

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 3,
position 2
My aunt and uncle sold their house in the suburbs and bought a nice house on the lake.
They have a high standard of living. They have enough money, and they live very

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 4,
position 1
take a salary cut

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 4,
position 2
I left my job in finance and took a job teaching music instead. I had to take a salary cut,
but it was a good decision for me. I'm much happier.

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Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 5,
position 1
time well spent
Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 5,
position 2
Getting together with my extended family is always time well spent. We eat great food
and tell stories and laugh a lot. I always feel happy and energized after I spend time
with them.

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 6,
position 1

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 6,
position 2
At the thrift store, you can bring in your used clothes and trade them for something in the

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 7,
position 1

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 7,
position 2
I value having some time to myself. Sometimes I choose not to go out with my friends so
I can just be alone for a while. They understand that it's important to me.

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 1: Talking about time and money; Screen 4
We'd like to move to a new apartment, but we can't afford to. Rents are really expensive
in this city.

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Unit 3; Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 2: Talking about time and money; Screen 4
If you want to have a good work life balance, try to get a job that doesn't require you to
work a lot of overtime.
Unit 3; Lesson 1; Grammar presentation: "too" and "enough"; Screen 10, position 1
It was warm enough to wear sandals and shorts.

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Grammar presentation: "too" and "enough"; Screen 10, position 2
There weren't enough restaurants near the hotel.

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Grammar practice 1: "too" and "enough"; Screen 7

My lifestyle is too busy. I wish I had more free time.

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Grammar practice 2: "too" and "enough"; Screens 7, 8

The house was nice enough, and it wasn't too expensive when we bought it, but the
living room was just too dark.

Unit 3; Lesson 1; Lesson review: Prepare to write; Screens 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 slide-in screen

Man: Time and money. Two things most people don't have enough of. With the cost of
living going up and long commutes, is it possible to find a good balance? Sue Mendez
hated the hour-long commute to work. Last fall, she took a new job in her neighborhood,
but she also took a salary cut.
Sue: I was spending too much time on a bus. I'm glad I traded my old job for my new
lifestyle. I had to move to a smaller apartment, but it was worth it. I make enough money
to get by, and I really value all my free time.
Man: Dirk Monroe, on the other hand, can’t afford a salary cut. He has a family and
needs the money. He spends his hour-long commute listening to music.
Dirk: I don't mind it. Its time well spent. It's just long enough to help me relax after work
and I'm not too tired to play with the kids when I get home.
Man: What about you? Which do you value more: money, to boost your standard of
living, or time, to improve your quality of life?

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Unit 3; Lesson 1; Lesson review: Prepare to write; Screens 8, 9, 10, 11 slide-in screen
Roslyn: After my son was born, I went back to work quickly because we needed the
money. Soon, I was spending long hours at the office again and I was missing too many
important moments in my sons' life. My husband and I decided things had to change. It
was just too stressful to live that way. He's a pilot, so he can't work from home, of
course, but I could. So, now I work part time, from home, and we even moved to the
country and had a second child! My husband wasn't too excited about trading our city
lifestyle for the country at first. He thought it wouldn't be interesting enough, that it would
be too boring out here, but now he loves it. The cost of living is lower, and the quality of
life is higher. The most important thing for me is spending time with the people I love.
Now we can invite friends and family over and really relax and enjoy our time together.
We can't afford a very high standard of living, but we have everything we need. Most
important, we have enough time, and energy, for our kids.

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Lesson 2

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Lesson introduction; Screens 3, 4, 5

Woman: Hey, do you want a coffee?
Man: Yes, sure, why not. Oh! Let's go here. It's a great coffee shop.
Woman: [unsure] It looks a little expensive to me, and formal.
Man: But the coffee is fantastic. Really, it's the best coffee in town. [excited] And I have
a special discount card.
Woman: You do? How come?
Man: Well, the owner's a friend of my brother's. They went to high school together.
They were like best friends.
Woman: [doubtful] Really? You know the owner?
Man: Yeah, but the coffee really is very, very good. Come on. I'm serious!
Woman: Ok, but only if I get the discount, too.
Man: No problem. I'll buy both our coffees with my card, and you can pay me back.
Woman: Let's go, then. I want to try this amazing coffee.
Man: Great! You won't regret it. I promise!

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 2,
position 1
charge for

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 2,
position 2
A: How much do you charge for an extra shot of espresso?
B: That's an additional $2.00.
A: OK, I'll have a latte with extra espresso. Thanks.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 3,
position 1
come up with

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Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 3,
position 2
A: I came up with an idea for an app. Let me know what you think.
B: Sure, what’s the idea?

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 4,
position 1
depend on

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 4,
position 2
A: Should we go eat lunch in the park?
B: Hmm, that depends on the weather. If it seems like it might rain, I’d rather stay

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 6
How much do you charge for extra cheese on a hamburger?

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 7,
position 1
have an effect on

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 7,
position 2
The weather really has an effect on my mood. When it’s sunny, I feel happy and

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 8,
position 1
invest in

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Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 8,
position 2
I’m going to invest in some new running shoes. They’ll protect my feet and motivate me
to exercise more.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 9,
position 1
make the most of

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 9,
position 2
I’ll be in Budapest for three days, and I’d like to make the most of my time there. What
are the most important things to see?

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen

Woman: What are you reading?
Man: Oh, it's some information about a new kind of window. It says they help keep your
house cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
Woman: It would be really expensive to replace all the windows in our house.
Man: Yeah, but, if we invest in new windows now, we'll save a lot of money on
electricity and gas. And new windows would increase the value of the house if we
decide to sell it someday.
Woman: True. Hm. Let me read that when you're done.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 12
If we invest in new windows now, we'll save a lot of money on electricity and gas.

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Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 2,
position 1
pay a fair price for

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 2,
position 2
I bought a used bicycle from the store. I think I paid a fair price for it. I didn’t spend too
much money.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 3,
position 1
play an important role in

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 3,
position 2
Music has always played an important role in my life. I started playing violin when I was
a child, and today I play professionally in an orchestra.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 4,
position 1
rely on

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 4,
position 2
I like taking the train to work because I can rely on it. It always arrives at the same time.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 6
Arts and culture play an important role in children's education.

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Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 7,
position 1
suggest a price for

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 7,
position 2
Some museums in New York City suggest a price for entry, but you can actually choose
to pay what you want.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 8,
position 1
take advantage of

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 8,
position 2
This hotel is great. While we’re here, we should take advantage of the pool and gym.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 9,
position 1
treat yourself to

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 9,
position 2
While walking around Rome, I took a break and treated myself to some delicious gelato.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 11
After the meeting, I took a walk and treated myself to a cappuccino.

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Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 14
Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 14
slide-in screen
treat yourself to
come up with
charge for
depend on
make the most of
take advantage of
have an effect on
suggest a price for
rely on
pay a fair price for
play an important role in
invest in

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 1: Talking about prices and value; Screen 7
We should take advantage of this great weather and go to the beach.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 1: Talking about prices and value; Screens 14,
[Woman speaking like an advertisement. Soft relaxing music plays in the background]

This weekend, why not treat yourself to a day at the spa? Here at Peaceful Rocks Day
Spa, we have come up with full-day and half-day specials that you can't afford to
miss! This weekend only, you and two friends can take advantage of all our special spa
treatments at half price! Relaxation plays an important role in good health, so invest in a
little rest. Make the most of your weekend. You're worth it!

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 2: Talking about prices and value; Screen 5
I'm not sure what to charge for this, can you suggest a price?

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Unit 3; Lesson 2; Grammar presentation: Modifying comparisons; Screen 6, position 1
The mountains are way closer than the beach.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Grammar presentation: Modifying comparisons; Screen 6, position 2

Driving is nowhere near as expensive as flying.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Grammar presentation: Modifying comparisons; Screen 6, position 3

It's by far the best option.

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Grammar practice 1: Modifying comparisons; Screens 8, 9 slide-in

screen, 10 slide-in screen
Daughter: Wow, so this is the new restaurant!
Dad: This is it! What do you think?
Daughter: It's amazing, Dad! It's so colorful. It's a whole lot more colorful than the old
Dad: [laughs] Yeah, I know. I wanted to make this location a bit more relaxed, you
know, a little friendlier.
Daughter: Is it smaller? It feels a bit smaller.
Dad: Yes, it's way smaller, actually, but you don't really notice because of all the
windows and the light.
Daughter: You're right. These big windows really make a huge difference. The old
place was nowhere near as bright and open. This is so much nicer. I love it, Dad.
Dad: Thank you, honey. That means a lot to me. [excited] Oh! Let me show you the

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Grammar practice 2: Modifying comparisons; Screens 8, 9

[Man sounds upbeat and like an advertisement]

Man: Come to Howie's Hamburger House and try our bigger, better Howie burger! Our
new secret recipe means the Howie Burger is a whole lot tastier and way healthier than

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other fast food burgers. Buy five and get a special price! This deal means dinner is
nowhere near as expensive as meals anywhere else! Come on down and get your new
Howie Burger today!

Unit 3; Lesson 2; Lesson review: Prepare to speak; Screens 9, 10, 11 slide-in screen,
12 slide-in screen
Riko: In my opinion, the best coffee shop by far is a place not far from my office. I go
there almost every day. There are a lot of trendy coffee shops on the main street, but
this one is on a little side street. The coffee is way better than in all the other coffee
shops, and you can rely on the best quality every time! If I have some extra time in the
morning, I treat myself to one of their delicious muffins and take advantage of the free
Wi-Fi to do some work while I have my breakfast. I really like the atmosphere. It's quiet
and relaxed – there are nowhere near as many people there as in the other places on
the main street. And they don't charge as much as those other places either.

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Time to watch: Documentary

Unit 3; Time to watch: Documentary; Before you watch; Screens 3, 5, 6, 7 slide-in

[sounds of traffic]

Man: [sigh] Why do you think there are so many traffic jams these days?
Woman: I don't know. People just love taking their cars when they don't really need to. I
guess people prefer to sit in a traffic jam than to get stuck for hours in a subway tunnel.
It's probably less stressful.
Man: Yeah, mass transit is bad, but driving isn't much better. Roads, highways, bridges,
tunnels, and don't forget railways – all that aging infrastructure needs to be updated,
like, yesterday! No wonder we have problems getting from point A to point B.
Woman: You're right, but even if they start tomorrow, they can't update everything at
one time. I mean, it's not just transportation. The sewer system is terrible, too. Every
time it rains, the streets flood, electrical lines come down, and the power supply is cut
off. People have no power or water for days sometimes.
Man: Well, the electrical grid is a problem in dry weather, too. Every summer, when
people run their air conditioners non-stop, there are power cuts all over the city.
Woman: Water pipes, gas pipes, electrical lines… all the power supplies that make
modern life possible, but we take for granted – they all need updating or replacement.
Man: I wouldn't want to be in charge of deciding what gets fixed first! Everything's
urgent! The only thing that gets better is the communications network. I mean, the 5G
broadband coverage we have now is great!
Woman: I know! Reliable internet service is everything!

Unit 3; Documentary: Time to watch; Lesson review: Prepare to write; Screens 2, 3

slide-in screen
Natalie: I understand this idea very well because I'm often slow to make the right
investments, and then when I do, it's too late. For example, I know I should trade my old
car for a new one. The payments for a new car are probably nowhere near as

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expensive as the repairs to my old one. They cost more than the car is worth! It's the
same thing with my fridge. It doesn't keep my food cold enough. I can't afford a new
fridge, but they charge so much for repairs that I probably should invest in a new
one. These days, repairing things is too expensive. You don't save enough money and
it's too much trouble. It's always better to buy something new. If you're lucky, you can
take advantage of a big sale and treat yourself to something a whole lot nicer than you
have now.

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Lesson 3

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; Screens 3, 4, 9 slide-in screen

Justin: I'm really sorry, but I just did the dumbest thing.
Kathy: What? What did you do?
Justin: Well, you let me borrow your bike, remember?
Kathy: Yeah, I remember.
Justin: Well, I left it outside a store, but only for, like, five minutes!
Kathy: Oh no, don't tell me somebody stole it!
Justin: Well, not the whole bike, just the front wheel.
Kathy: You mean you didn't lock the front wheel?
Justin: I know, Kathy, I know, I can't believe I didn't lock it. I can't tell you how sorry I
am! I'll go out today and get you another one. I am so, so sorry.
Kathy: It's OK, Justin. It's not the end of the world. A new front wheel shouldn't cost too
much. How about I order one and let you know how much it is?
Justin: Yes, yes, whatever you want. I'll pick it up from the bike store, too.
Kathy: OK, deal!

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Real-world strategy presentation; Screens 1, 2, 3

A: Oh man! You are not going to believe this. I forgot to bring you that cable you
wanted. I'm so sorry.
B: It's really no big deal. I don't need it until next week.
A: That's a relief!

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Real-world strategy presentation; Screens 4, 5

A: I'm really sorry, but I just did the dumbest thing. You know that white shirt with the
pearl buttons?
B: [nervous] Yeah?
A: Well, I just did laundry and
B: Oh no! Don't tell me you washed it with your new red sweater?
A: Yes. I didn't see it in there. I'm so sorry.

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B: [reassuring] Oh, it's ok. It's not the end of the world. It's just a shirt.
A: But you really love that shirt and it's all pink now.
B: Well, pink's a nice color, too!

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Real-world strategy presentation; Screens 7, 8 slide-in screen

Narrator: One
A: Oh man! You are not going to believe this. I forgot to bring you that cable you
wanted. I'm so sorry.
B: It's really no big deal. I don't need it until next week.
A: That's a relief!
Narrator: Two
A: I'm really sorry, but I just did the dumbest thing. You know that white shirt with the
pearl buttons?
B: [nervous] Yeah?
A: Well, I just did laundry and
B: Oh no! Don't tell me you washed it with your new red sweater?
A: Yes. I didn't see it in there. I'm so sorry.
B: [reassuring] Oh, it's ok. It's not the end of the world. It's just a shirt.
A: But you really love that shirt and it's all pink now.
B: Well, pink's a nice color, too!

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Pronunciation: Saying the /s/ sound at the beginning of a word;
Screens 1, 2
"I'm so sorry that someone stole your sports bag!"

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Pronunciation: Saying the /s/ sound at the beginning of a word;
Screen 3
Narrator: one
Speaker A: sorry
Speaker B: [pronounced incorrectly] sorry
Narrator: two

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Speaker A: [pronounced incorrectly] somebody
Speaker B: somebody
Narrator: three
Speaker A: [pronounced incorrectly] so
Speaker B: so
Narrator: four
Speaker A: spilled
Speaker B: [pronounced incorrectly] spilled
Narrator: five
Speaker A: [pronounced incorrectly] stole
Speaker B: stole
Narrator: six
Speaker A: store
Speaker B: [pronounced incorrectly] store

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Pronunciation: Saying the /s/ sound at the beginning of a word;
Screen 4

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Pronunciation: Saying the /s/ sound at the beginning of a word;
Screen 5, Screen 6, position 1
She sells seashells by the seashore.

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Pronunciation: Saying the /s/ sound at the beginning of a word;
Screen 6, position 2
Simon sang a song to six sisters.

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Unit 3; Lesson 3; Lesson review: Prepare for the role-play; Screens 2, 3 slide-in screen
Allie: Bao! I'm so glad to see you! Bao, I'm so sorry! I totally forgot about the study
group last night.
Bao: Yeah, we tried to call you. We were worried.
Allie: I did the dumbest thing. I wrote it down on my calendar for today! I can't believe I
did that! And I'm the only one with notes from the workshop. You needed those!
Bao: Don't beat yourself up. It's no big deal. Just remember to bring them tomorrow,
Allie: I won't forget again. I promise!

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Lesson review: Prepare for the role-play; Screen 4

Allie: I did the dumbest thing. I wrote it down on my calendar for today!

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Lesson review: Prepare for the role-play; Screens 6, 7, 8 slide-in
Jee-hyo: Holly, I have to tell you something. I don't even know how to say it.
Holly: Is everything OK? You're making me nervous!
Jee-hyo: I did the dumbest thing. I can't tell you how sorry I am.
Holly: Oh, no, what happened?
Jee-hyo: Do you remember that gold watch you lent me, for my job interview on
Holly: [a bit upset] Don't tell me you lost it!
Jee-hyo: No! I still have it, but, well, I was running to catch the bus and I dropped my
bag. I picked it up and checked inside. Then I saw your watch, it's broken.
Holly: What’s wrong with it?
Jee-hyo: There's a big crack in the glass. I can't believe I did that. I'm really sorry.
Holly: [relieved] Oh, it's not the end of the world. I can replace the glass. That shouldn't
be too expensive. It's really no big deal.
Jee-hyo: Really? I'm so happy you're not angry. I'll pay for the repairs.
Holly: Really, it’s fine.

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Unit 3; Lesson 3; Role-play; Screen 1, position 1
Holly, I have to tell you something. I don't even know how to say it.

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Role-play; Screen 1, position 2

Is everything OK? You're making me nervous!

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Role-play; Screen 1, position 3

I did the dumbest thing. I can't tell you how sorry I am.

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Role-play; Screen 1, position 4

Oh, no, what happened?

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Role-play; Screen 1, position 5

Do you remember that gold watch you lent me, for my job interview on Friday.

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Role-play; Screen 1, position 6

[a bit upset] Don't tell me you lost it!

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Role-play; Screen 1, position 7

No! I still have it, but, well, I was running to catch the bus and I dropped my bag. I
picked it up and checked inside. Then I saw your watch, it's broken.

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Role-play; Screen 1, position 8

What’s wrong with it?

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Role-play; Screen 1, position 9

There's a big crack in the glass. I can't believe I did that. I'm really sorry.

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Role-play; Screen 1, position 10

[relieved] Oh, it's not the end of the world. I can replace the glass. That shouldn't be too
expensive. It's really no big deal.

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Unit 3; Lesson 3; Role-play; Screen 1, position 11
Really? I'm so happy you're not angry. I'll pay for the repairs.

Unit 3; Lesson 3; Role-play; Screen 1, position 12

Really, it’s fine.

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Lesson 4

Unit 3; Lesson 4; Lesson introduction and listening; Screens 3, 4, 5, 6 slide-in screen

[brief intro music]

Hi, welcome to "The Consumer", a podcast for shoppers. Today, we're looking at
potential problems with shopping online and how to avoid them.
I'm sure we've all experienced this: You're really excited about something you bought
online, but then when you open the box, the product really isn't what you expected. It's
disappointing, but no surprise when you realize that more than 30 percent of all
products bought online are returned. That's a lot of disappointment!
So, what can we do about it? Well, first of all, be careful which online shopping site you
use. Check out user reviews on consumer forums about user experience. This is easy,
just type the name of the site and "review" in a search engine. If there are a lot of
complaints or negative reviews, consider using a different shopping site.
Secondly, check out photos of the product. The more photos there are, the better. If
you're buying clothes, look for photos of the clothes on a model, and be sure to check
the size guide. If there's no size guide and no photos of the clothes on an actual person,
Another important thing to do is to read the customer reviews for each product. If there
are no reviews on the site, that could be a warning sign. If all the reviews are super
positive, that might also be a danger sign. It could mean that the site is paying people to
write positive reviews or offering discounts or free products in return for positive
And if, after all this, you decide to go ahead and buy the product, check the returns
policy, just in case!
So, those are our top tips for making good choices when shopping online. We hope
they've been useful. If you have any stories of online shopping experiences – good or
bad, we'd love to hear them! Send us an email or leave a comment on our website.
We'll read some of the best stories in our next episode!

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Unit Review

Unit 3; Unit review; Vocabulary review; Screens 11, 12

It's really important to try and keep a good work-life balance. Remember that you need
to treat yourself to some free time every now and then. Make the most of this free time
to boost your mood and energy levels. Take advantage of small breaks to go outside in
the fresh air. It's really worth it.

Unit 3; Unit review; Grammar review; Screens 8, 9 slide-in screen

We went to a great new Italian restaurant last night. It was nowhere near as expensive
as I thought it would be, and the food was amazing, by far the best pasta I've had in a
long time. And the portions were enormous! One portion was big enough for two people
at least! You really should try it! It's not too far from your house, so you could walk

Unit 3; Unit review; Functional language review; Screens 2, 3, 4, 5 slide-in screen, 6

slide-in screen, 7 slide-in screen
Martin: I'm really sorry, but you'll never guess what happened.
Althea: [worried] Oh no, don't tell me something happened to my car. Did someone
steal it?
Martin: No, no, the car's outside, but [pause] I just did the dumbest thing.
Althea: [worried about what she might hear] What did you do, Martin?
Martin: I had a small accident.
Althea: [Althea makes a worried noise]
Martin: I was parking the car just now and hit that big tree next to your driveway. It was
dark, and the turn was sharp, and I forgot it was there, and [pause] oh, Althea, I can't tell
you how sorry I am.
Althea: [shocked] That tree is huge! How could you not see it?
Martin: I don't know! I can't believe I didn't see it. I feel horrible about this. I am really
sorry. I'll pay for the damage. You know I will.

Cambridge University Press & Assessment © 2022 25

Althea: I know, I know. OK, I'll talk to my insurance company and see how much they'll
pay. [sad but reassuring] But don't worry about it. These things happen. It's not the end
of the world.

Unit 3; Unit review; Prepare to speak; Screens 11, 12, 13 slide-in screen, 14 slide-in
screen, 15 slide-in screen, 16 slide-in screen
Sofia: Well, today's been a really good day, all in all. I mean, for a start it was a holiday,
so I didn't have to go to work! It was really warm and sunny in the morning, so a few of
us decided to take a drive out into the countryside and make the most of it. We packed
a picnic and our swimsuits, and we headed to a lake in the middle of a forest that isn't
too far away. There was a lot of traffic at first, but it was worth it. It was way more
beautiful than I ever imagined. The only bad thing was that there was a little rainstorm
around noon. It came up suddenly, so our picnic got a little wet, but it was no big deal.
The water was warm enough to swim in, so we spent the whole afternoon in the lake.
Then, we came back to the city, and now we're going for pizza. It's been really great

Cambridge University Press & Assessment © 2022 26

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