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Sachi’s Reflection On The Rivera Maya

Q: What are 3-5 things you liked during the vacation. Explain why.
A: I liked the giant pool and water park!!!! I liked them because all the slides at the water park
were really fun and there was good food and drinks there. The pool was really fun because there
were a lot of different pools to go in and there were a lot of toys, we could use to play with like
floaties and balls. The second thing I really liked was the trip to Chichen Itza. I had a lot of fun
there because our tour guide, Walter, was really fun and he was really good at explaining things
about the history of the pyramids and about the Maya people. I also liked the fact that the hotel
was all inclusive. That was really great because you could just go up to the snack bar and order
whatever you like and you didn’t have to pay! It was also amazing because you didn’t have to
pay to go to the waterpark or go ziplining and you were allowed anywhere you wanted to go in
the whole hotel!! The fourth thing I liked was that the hotel was soooo big that you had to use
golf carts to get around!!! That means that the hotel was really big and that meant that there were
a lot of things to explore and a lot of fun activities to do, so that you wouldn’t have to be stuck in
your hotel room all day. The fifth thing I liked was that we had Rajeev and Roshan to play with.
This was fun because everything is more fun with friends and it meant it was harder to get bored.
The 6th thing was that Daddy told us that we could eat whatever we wanted and drink whatever
we wanted to we had a lot of fun drinking and eating whatever we wanted whenever we wanted!
The last thing I liked was that the hotel had lots of beaches and the weather was nice and hot. I
liked that because in Seattle the weather is cold and rainy usually and the weather in Mexico was
a nice change.

Q: What are 3 things you did not like? Explain why.

A: I didn’t enjoy the food (namely the desserts) because I couldn’t get myself to eat the whole
thing. The food looked good but it didn’t taste that great. Just because there were a lot of choices
and lots of variety doesn’t mean it will automatically taste good. Another thing is that the
weather, while still nice and sunny, was also hot and humid. I wasn’t really used to the weather
and it made my hair really damp, oily, and tangled all the time. The last thing I didn’t like was
that we only had three days of an overlap with Rajeev and Roshan, because even though I had a
lot of fun on Monday, I think I would have enjoyed it more if they had been there.

Q: What do you think we could have done differently on the trip?

A: I think we could have longer of a vacation instead of just five days. Other than that, I think the
trip was great, but here are some things I should have done differently on this trip. 1. I should
have packed pants because, really, you can’t always wear shorts. Also, I should not have eaten
like a pig. Just because you have the privilege, doesn’t mean you should overuse it. Also,
whenever I think of sprinkles now, I feel throw-upy.

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